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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 9.1
57 min

At Madame Kali's house, it's left to Vanessa to fight her and her master. Sir Malcolm and Victor Frankenstein are immobilized by hallucinations where those they have wronged torment them. Ethan for his part is still under the effect of the full moon. Elsewhere, John Clare learns the new rules now that he has been imprisoned in the cellar at Putney's wax museum. Dorian and Lily are prepared to take on the world. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 9.0
56 min

Ethan and Vanessa's stay at the cottage is interrupted when Ethan's pursuer, Warren Roper, catches up with him. They soon make short shrift of him but Victor Frankenstein arrives and they return to London to rescue him from Mrs. Poole. Inspector Rusk is waiting for Ethan, but doesn't arrest him. Sir Malcolm's friends and colleagues agree that they cannot go to Mrs. Poole's house in the night when the witches' powers are strongest and will instead go in the morning. Vanessa seemingly agrees but leaves the house on her own intent on saving him. The others follow, but it's a full moon and Ethan loses control. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.8
56 min

It's now morning and John Clare confronts Victor over permitting Lily to go out with another man. Victor has no idea where she is and he realizes he has little control over her in any event. Clare visits her when she is at home alone but isn't prepared for what she reveals. Inspector Rusk calls on Sir Malcolm to learn why he visited Scotland Yard the previous September but Malcolm refuses to divulge any details. Lyle has completed translating the diary which explains the evil they are facing and the nature of their most potent weapon against it. Sir Malcolm breaks the spell Mrs. Poole placed on him and goes to her home to confront her. Meanwhile, Angelique finds Dorian's secret room which contains a very special painting. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.5
50 min

With the light of day, Ethan returns to his normal self. After Vanessa's experience at the ball, she and Ethan set out for the cut-wife's cottage hoping to find a better weapon to defend themselves. The moon is still full however and he teaches her how to shoot a gun. They enjoy their time together but a chance encounter with Sir Geoffrey Hawkes leads Vanessa to the dark side. In London, Victor and Ferdinand Lyle continue to decipher the devil's story. Lily has a date with Dorian Gray and they end up at Putney's waxworks where Clare sees them together. Gray sends her home in a cab but she stops at a pub. She accompanies a stranger to his home where she shows a different side of herself. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.6
55 min

After spending the night with Madame Kali, Sir Malcolm returns home to learn that his wife has taken her own life. His reaction however is not what you would expect. Everyone agrees that he is acting strangely and clearly not himself. Ethan gets a visits from the sole survivor of the attack at the Mariner's Inn who makes it clear that he will not not give up and will continue to pursue him. Dorian Grey throws a ball, a coming out party for Angelique, and invites Vanessa and Victor Frankenstein. Lily attends as well and is the belle of the ball drawing a good deal of attention from Dorian which upsets both Angelique and Victor. Vanessa attends alone but has an encounter - real or imagined - with Mrs. Poole's daughters. Meanwhile Ethan, who declined attending the ball with Vanessa, turns to Sembene to help him with what will happen that evening. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.1
57 min

Sir Malcolm and the others prepare for an attack from Madame Kali and her children. Insp. Rush questions Ethan as to why he has recently been buying a large amount of ammunition. Madame Kali seduces Sir Malcolm and uses a voodoo doll to inflict great pain on someone who is standing in her way. The Creature challenges Victor Frankenstein and insists on seeing Lily but when he does so, it's clear that she does not love him. Lily, Victor and Vanessa have and it's clear to Vanessa that he is very much in love with her. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.4
51 min

Having recounted her tale of the cut-wife, Lyle tells them what he found in the artifacts from the British Museum. Insp. Rusk continues his investigation into the killings at the Mariner's Inn but finds the sole survivor has no recollection of what happened. He also investigates the murder of a young couple whose baby has apparently been stolen. He notes some similarities with the earlier killings. At Putney's waxworks, John Clare spends time with the blind Lavinia. A chance encounter is nothing of the sort for Ethan when he meets Hecate Poole. Victor Frankenstein asks Vanessa to help him buy clothes for Lily, who he passes off as his distant cousin. Dorian Grey introduces his new friend to the latest fad sweeping London. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 9.2
59 min

Vanessa recounts events from several years before when she went in search of answers to who she was. She sought out a witch, known as the Cut-wife of Ballentree Moor, to learn more about her visions. She also wants to help her friend Mina who appeared to her in need of help. Even at that time however, Madame Kali wanted Vanessa though the cut-wife refused to release her. Slowly and patiently, Vanessa learns her craft but Madame Kali spins her own web, intent on getting what she wants. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.4
53 min

Vanessa survives a nighttime visit from the three witches and Sir Malcolm promises to do his best to protect her. He shows her a soup kitchen and medical clinic of sorts where he donates some of his time and money. There, Vanessa meets the Creature. Sir Malcolm meets Mrs. Poole in a department store where she mesmerizes him. Ethan, Vanessa, Dr. Frankenstein and Sir Malcolm invite Ferdinand Lyle to translate the verbis diablo for them. He tells them that in the 11th century, a monk named Father Gregory claimed he was possessed by a demon who spoke to him in the verbis diablo. He wrote down what he was told and those artifacts are now in the British Museum. Dr. Frankenstein meanwhile has successfully reanimated Lily but he struggles with his own feelings for her. She quickly learns to speak - and has lost her accent - but has no memory of her past life. Dorian Gray meets Angelique, who works in a brothel. Finally, Insp. Rusk visits Warren Roper, one of the men who was severely injured ... Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.5
55 min

At the Mariner's Inn, Ethan Chandler awakes from another of his blackouts to find those that those who threatened him are all dead. He joins Vanessa for a carriage ride to tell her about the blackouts - he has no idea what happens to him - and what he normally finds when he awakens. He's decided to leave London but before he can even finish his story, the carriage is attacked by three female creatures. Vanessa is clearly their target but she and Ethan survive with only minor injuries. Sir Malcolm Murray returns and she tells him the creatures spoke the Verbis Diabo, a dead language known as the word of the devil which according to legend is the language Adam spoke in Eden after the devil tempted him. Vanessa says the women were Nightcomers, witches. Meanwhile, Dr. Victor Frankenstein is now ready to reanimate Brona Croft and needs only for the weather to cooperate. The Creature finds a job at Putney's Family Waxworks where the owner, Oscar Putney, is working on his latest tableau, the... Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.6
56 min

When Vanessa recovers from her ordeal, she believes she knows where Mina is to be found: the Grand Guignol theater where she saw the play. Sir Malcolm prepares for their visit to the theater that night by arming himself with a newly designed weapon. They come face to face with the evil they have been searching for all of this time. Brona is on her deathbed and Frankenstein offers to take care of the body. Vanessa tells Dorian Gray there can be nothing between them despite the obvious attraction they have toward one another. Calibas is fired from the theater and returns to Frankenstein's laboratory. Ethan's past catches up to him. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 9.0
59 min

Vanessa starts having unnatural fits and mentions that she is trying to fight the thing inside me. Malcolm tells Ethan that she might be possessed by the devil or a devil and wants to keep her alive. Vanessa talks to the entity possessing her which reveals that it wants her to be the mother of evil. Victor asks Ethan to teach him how to shoot. A glimpse at Sambene's past and Malcolm's true intentions is shown. Written by Piyush Shandilya

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.2
50 min

Sir Malcolm, Ethan and Sembene follow their vampire lead to a quarantined ship to find Mina only to see her taken away again. Vanessa has a violent sexual escapade with Dorian, where she is met with the voice again and storms out. Van Helsing tells Victor about the true nature of the creatures they are hunting. Caliban grows impatient with Victor and plots to harm those close to him. Brona apologizes to Ethan for her behavior previously. Written by Piyush Shandilya

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.8
54 min

Vanessa recalls her close friendship with Mina Harker. She remembers when Sir Malcolm returned from one of his many trips to Africa and regaled them with tales of cannibals and the like. One night after dinner while playing in the maze Vanessa saw her mother and Sir Malcolm making love. It was a changing point in her life. On the night before Mina's marriage to Captain Branson, she seduces him leading to a canceled wedding and the end of their friendship when Mina catches them in the act. Vanessa undergoes a lengthy period of madness and a horrific period in an insane asylum. An encounter with her enemy leads to the death of her mother and a visit from Mina - who desperately needs her help. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 7.8
59 min

Frankenstein consults a hematologist, Professor Abraham Van Helsing, who finds the blood contains an unique property that prevents complete coagulation. He believes it assists in the eating of blood. Frankenstein begins experimenting on Fenton, the vampire they caught and are keeping in chains. Frankenstein is also having to deal with his creature who wants him to create a female companion for him. Chandler takes Brona to the Grand Guignol theater. Gray is there, as is Vanessa, but it's Chandler he is interested in. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.1
47 min

A flashback reveals Victor Frankenstein's motivation for delving into the questions of life and death. Flashbacks also show the history of Victor's first-born. The Creature was born in a state of unending agony and Victor fled, rejecting his creation. It eventually came into contact with actor Vincent Brand who gives him a job working with the stage equipment and rigging at a theater. He has a very particular request for his maker - a female companion. After her experience at the séance, Vanessa continues to have a spiritual link with Mina who is desperate to be saved from the creatures around her. It leads them - Chandler, in need of money, joins them - to the London Zoo where they have an encounter with wolves, among other creatures. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.5
55 min

Vanessa and Sir Malcolm attend the party at Ferdinand Lyle's home in the hopes of learning more about the the Egyptian hieroglyphs found on the dead creature. Vanessa meets the ever young Dorian Gray. Vanessa also participates in a séance where she proves to the spirit world's conduit. Meanwhile, Ethan Chandler makes the acquaintance of a prostitute, Brona Croft. She in turn has a session with young Gray. Elsewhere, Victor Frankenstein is amazed at how quickly his creation, who he has named Proteus, can learn. It all comes to a surprising end however. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful


Penny Dreadful

IMDb: 8.2
52 min

London 1891. As the police investigate a series of gruesome murders, renowned explorer Sir Malcolm Murray and the strangely beautiful Vanessa Ives know there's something darker at play. In search of someone close to them who has been lost, they recruit American sharp-shooter Ethan Chandler and Dr. Victor Frankenstein to help them on their journey. Written by G

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror,
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HD Entourage




IMDb: 8.6
24 min

Vince is finally on-board but Ari tells E that the studio has not sent over the paperwork for Aquaman and he can't find out why. They hold off on telling Vince. Vince hires an expensive decorator, Carrie Carlson, for his mansion. And Drama wants money to have his calves augmented. Queen's Blvd gets into Sundance. Josh Weinstein, who brought them the script, tells them that James Cameron is directing Aquaman. E interrupts Ari's couples therapy and Ari manages to get a hold of Dana Gordon who reassures him. Ari and E tell Vince all is well at a celebration for getting into Sundance. Then the two hear Leo has left to meet with Cameron about a fish movie. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Phoebe has a strange sensation about Cole, and she casts a spell to know whether she should marry him or not, bringing unexpectedly an innocent Phoebe from her childhood and a bitter Phoebe from the future to help in her decision. Meanwhile, The Source is getting stronger and possessing Cole, who seems to be unable to resist much longer. The greedy demon Kurzon that wishes to assume the position of The Source is advised by the evil The Seer to kill the harmless young Phoebe and destroy The Power of Three. Paige has a personal gain with Carolyn case being promoted in her job, and she wants to fix the situation. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Prue is led by Belthazor to a building that will be demolished, and she contacts the shut-in Vince, an empathic man that feels the emotions of the whole world. Prue casts a spell to release the power from Vincent and she actually absorbs his empathy ability. Later the Halliwell sisters and Leo disclose that Vince is actually the evil demon Vinceres that was trapped with the empathic power by Father Thomas to protect the world. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Piper and Leo have vanished for one month, and Phoebe and Prue are wondering if they will ever come back. When the sisters save Darryl from the killer Emilio Smith, the prosecutor Cole Turner builds a case with the testimony of Phoebe. However, Judge William Hamilton uses the pretext of the missing weapon to release the criminal. Piper returns with Leo, and he proposes her. When Emilio attacks Cole, Prue and Phoebe save him, and in the court the Halliwell sisters find that Guardians are protecting the bad guys. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD The Mentalist

The Mentalist


The Mentalist

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

Hollis Percy, hereditary sole owner of the former gold rush town Percy, was murdered at home. Under his conservative management, the town headed for bankruptcy, which would cost many jobs, notably in Francisco Navarro's wild west show. Sheriff Emmett Cook claims to be more preoccupied with meth lab fires, but actually staged those, being aware of a mall project which will multiply real estate prices. Hollis also had private troubles with his wife Joanna and recently released prodigal son Ian. Meanwhile Homeland Security agent Kirkland's men intrude Patrick's home to copy his clipboard on Red John. Wayne hopes to win Grace back but is presented to her new beau, Duncan. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 8.4
43 min

With T'Pol and Trip hostage, John Frederick Paxton demands that all aliens leave the solar system or else he will destroy Starfleet Headquarters. With that warning and the clock counting, Starfleet orders Archer and the Enterprise to Mars to take out the weapon threatening Earth. Meanwhile, the cloned baby of T'Pol and Trip is getting sicker and time is running out for her as well. Imprisoned, Gannet Brooks reveals to Travis that she is a secret member of Starfleet Intelligence. She has been assigned to find a Terra Prime operative working undercover on the Enterprise. With the clock ticking, the future of the planned Federation lies in the balance. Written by timdalton007

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HD Enterprise




IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Enterprise is back on Earth where the crew visits a conference led by minister Nathan Samuels. Humans, Vulcans, Andorians, Tellarites, Denobulans, Rigelians and Coridanites are discussing the formation of an alliance. Suddenly a woman bumps into T'Pol, telling her to prevent the death of somebody. She hands her a vial with a hair before dying of a phase pistol wounds. Dr. Phlox finds out the hair belongs to a child of Trip and T'Pol, but T'Pol claims never to have been pregnant. Archer asks Samuels about the investigation, but senses he is withholding something. He orders Reed to contact Harris. Harris tells him the woman, Susan Khouri, was a member of the xenophobic organization Terra Prime. Meanwhile Travis meets an old friend, reporter Gannet Brooks. She wants to restart the relationship they had. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.9

When Danny catches chip thief Justin Frank, he claims to have heard a man intends to blow up the Montecito next Thursday, even if that tip doesn't get him a deal. FBI Agent Kent considers old-timer Ed's call pointless. Danny, Justin and undercover Mike trace the Egyptian bomber suspect, Farouk Naeem. New Montecito spa masseur Travis is a heavenly hunk, but allegedly also gives hot chicks highly appreciated 'intimate' services beyond appropriate, so Sam feels insulted as he handles her by the book. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.8

Tired about the bickering between his security and service teams, Ed uses a technique his boss once successfully employed: he makes them switch jobs for a while. While Ed takes Mike along to disprove at any cost the validity of a $271 red light ticket, with a comical twist at the end, Delinda 'takes his place' at a city meeting, which she turns from boring to death into nightclub style. Danny initially hesitates how to handle his former Las Vegas schoolfriend Kevin 'Jinx' Jergeson PR-wise, who used to have incredible bad luck but now keeps winning at roulette, then returns to the boys' security team to discover whether he's somehow cheating brilliantly. While Mary and Sam prove security really is a man's job and fall for sexy temptation worse then they reproached the boys, Nessa takes charge of Mystique, where her 'democratic' British pub night experiment against Gunther's grain soon wins over even the grumpy German chef. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.8

Construction CEO Monica Wells is thrown out by Ed for extreme rudeness to the Montecito staff. She files a 'sexual' complaint against Danny, whom she in fact failed to seduce while he was off duty but brought her, more drunk the him, to her suit at Delinda's insistence. It turns out legal help won't suffice, this problem is in Ed's league. Meanwhile Mystique's cash-flow results in a lunch experiment which proves hard to sell to chef Gunther or the guests. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 8.0

Today is the first day the pools of the Montecito are open again, but the surveillance team have a very quiet day. All the crooks seem to be on vacation and only a drunk tried to change the red dice at the craps table for blue ones. Mary and Sam are busy arranging a private concert of Everlast for the rich kids. Delinda tries to convince chef Gunther to take over a cooking demonstration. Nessa gets approached by a man named Jerry Spires. He is looking for his favorite dealer Natalie Lapoint, who has not arrived yet. Jerry wants to be dealt in on the empty blackjack table he is sitting at. Nessa refuses and threatens to call the security. Then Jerry tells her he has a bomb on his chest. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 5.6

Danny finds a note of a certain Fred Puterbaugh, who announces he will commit suicide in the Montecito. He goes looking for the man and is barely able to grab him after he throws himself of the roof. While Danny seeks out the help a psychologist, Ed advises to give the man 200 dollars to gamble with. A bad decision. Ed is also busy with Kenny, a clumsy employee. He's assigned to singer Paul Anka, but Anka really wants someone else. Kenny can't seem to do good anywhere else either. Meanwhile Sam gets romantically involved with a customer. It's a relationship she'll regret. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.7

Danny and Ed catch Rowan Davies, a cheater who tries to mark the cards with magnesium silicate, but fails miserably. Ed wants too know who the boss of Rowan is and asks Danny to follow him. In a bar, a rather familiar face walks up to Rowan. Meanwhile Mary is getting acquainted with Anton, who has a psychic show in the Montecito. He seems to know an awful lot about her and has a rather scary premonition: someone will die at his show. Mary puts extra medics on alert. Ed asks a favor of restaurant owner Gunther. He gives permission for Delinda to work in the restaurant. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.0

A year ago Bosnian Serbian terrorists in Italy kidnapped a CIA agent, Tim Fawkes, who is a significant person in the histories of both Clayton Webb and the admiral; Webb, having learned that Tim is still alive, has begun efforts to rescue him, and he asks for help from the admiral, who obliges. Webb and the admiral go to Rome, where they participate in local fun and games; they run into interference from a source on our side, but they develop a plan and put it into play, during which they take part in some important talk about baseball. Meanwhile, Harm's Corvette disappears one night, then he, Mac, and Bud and Harriet all show up with new wheels. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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