Parent Show
HD The Block

The Block


The Block

IMDb: 0

The winner of the house decider challenge is announced, and the contestants get started on their first room this series.

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HD Cheyenne




IMDb: 8.6
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne comes upon a campfire in the basin. He meets a young man, Bill Paxton, who jumps him suspicious he could be a rustler. When he takes Bill's gun and rides off he is surprised to hear screams from where he just left Bill and goes back only to find he has been crushed to death by something that also doesn't seem to like campfires. When he takes the body into town, Cheyenne discovers there is a twin brother who is now looking for revenge for his death! Cheyenne takes a job with rancher Jim Harwick. The other ranchers complain that Harwick has not sent someone to help look for the rustlers as he has not been hit so far so Harwick decides to give the job to Cheyenne as the last man hired. Cheyenne agrees to take the job scouting the basin for the killer and rustlers. In the basin he runs into Dr. Raven and his daughter Sherry who is engaged to Bill's twin brother Pierce. That night he rescues Sherry who was knocked from her horse. Later, he is ambushed by Pierce. Cheyenne believes ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Cheyenne




IMDb: 8.7
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne rides to town and runs into two of the Laverson brothers. After defending himself, he kills one and sends the other packing. Heading to the job that brought him here, he sees Amarillo Ames who wants to hire him to drive his cattle to Dodge City, with the promise of lots of money for the one who gets there first. Cheyenne has trail drive experience but the men don't. Ames' ranch is in debt and he needs every dollar to pay it off. Ames wants Cheyenne to take over if something happens to Ames who took a bullet in the lung but doesn't want to tell his men or daughter. He gives Cheyenne a letter stating his wishes. After Ames dies on the trail by drowning, Cheyenne must prove himself to the men who don't believe that Cheyenne was put in charge before they left if anything were to happen to their boss. The letter was washed out when Cheyenne went into the water after Ames. It all comes to a boil when they reach Dodge City, ahead of schedule, and Cheyenne must deal with the ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Cheyenne




IMDb: 7.8
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne rides the stagecoach into town. He works for the cattleman's protective association and was sent from Denver to investigate a report of cattle rustling from the local rancher Harvey Sinclair. Upon arriving he finds Sheriff Stone who tells him they have solved the case. A man was caught with a running iron and a large amount of cash. However, when told the man caught was Wes Stocker, Cheyenne decides to further investigate the recent killing of the suspected cattle rustler who was a gambler and road agent but not a rustler. He meets an old friend Matt Ellis who taught him quite a bit about life and the law when he worked for him as a deputy at Tombstone. Matt has hung up his gun to be a stock broker, raise his son Buddy and hopes to marry Julie Montaine. Things don't make sense when the more he investigates the more he is convinced his old friend may be mixed up not only in the rustling but also in the murders that have been done to try to cover that up. Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Cheyenne




IMDb: 8.4
60 min | 49 min (DVD)

Cheyenne and old Hoot Hollister have met during a fur trapping trip and decided to work together. They have returned to sell their furs and gear as Hoot plans to return to St. Louis to marry his girlfriend Hildi. As they receive %9300 a man overhears the conversation with the fur trader. After leaving the store three men stop and try to rob them in an alley. Cheyenne and the elder Hoot are losing the battle until Cheyenne's friend Price Edwards walks by and helps even the odds. The join together to prepare for the trip back east including a bath and new clothes. At the store they meet the attractive Caroline 'Kerry' Parker who says she is a school teacher headed to St. Louis to teach 28 first graders. The four meet again on the steamboat where Cheyenne takes a shine to Kerry while Hoot can't stay away from the poker tables. Cheyenne notices the familiar looking Lou Santell and realizes he saw him kill a man in a crooked card game on a riverboat a couple years earlier. Realizing he is ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Cheyenne




IMDb: 8.0
60 min | 41 min (DVD)

The day after a bank robbery, Cheyenne runs into Samantha Crawford. She offers Cheyenne $300 if he meets her later. After finding her, she tells him two men want to kill her and she needs him to hold them for the sheriff arriving on the stage in the morning. He does but there is no sheriff and the men have a different story about her conning them. Cheyenne tracks her to a cattle drive to collect the $300. Seeing her situation, Cheyenne offers to be trail boss for one dollar per head ($1700) but her partners refuse so he joins as a hand at $30 per month but it will cost them if they find they need his skill. Along the way, they are also joined by a padre who says his goal is to resurrect missions as well as the souls of men. Meanwhile, Lew thinks he has a romantic stake with Sam but she thinks otherwise. When a fight breaks out between Lew and Jamie Dawson, it is broken up and all decide to retire for the night. The next day, Jamie is found stabbed with everyone to suspect but no one ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Cheyenne




IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Cheyenne is preparing to start a job as trail boss for Tom Lovelace. He runs into Johnny Bravo in an incident in which Johnny thinks Cheyenne knocked him over. They both have a laugh when they discover the truth with Johnny asking Cheyenne to join him for a drink. At the saloon Ben Taggart and his men try to stop them from having a drink. In the ensuing fight Cheyenne takes them out impressing Matt Crowley and others. He asks Cheyenne about taking the job of foreman at his ranch but Cheyenne declines as he has a job. Matt pays Lovelace $200 to fire Cheyenne with a made up excuse. Now being unemployed Cheyenne agrees to take the foreman job. Matt Crowley's daughter Molly is beautiful and still single. He's itching for a grandson in the worst way. He has convinced Cheyenne to come work for him hoping he'll be the next suitor for Molly. At the same time he is in a fight with Taggart for part of his range based on a forged land grant Taggart produced. Meanwhie Cheyenne finds out why Matt ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Cheyenne




IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Ed McKeever learns from Jeb that his two daughters have been spotted in a Kiowa camp. McKeever goes to the Army for assistance to rescue his kidnapped daughters who were taken 5 years ago by the Kiowa Indians when he was left for dead. Col. Kilrain at the Army post asks Cheyenne to volunteer to lead twenty men in the rescue but Cheyenne believes the mission is pointless as the girls could have left if they wanted. Nevertheless, Col. Kilrain orders Cheyenne to lead the group but due to limited manpower, Cheyenne must make due with volunteers from the guardhouse prisoners. When McKeever offers $300 per man, eleven men volunteer along with Sgt. Baker and McKeever. The group calls themselves the Army guardhouse brigade. Cheyenne has the men dressed as civilians to appear as a hunting party instead of soldiers. Leading the men, Cheyenne is to rescue both daughters not knowing if they both have become part of their captors lives. The mission starts successfully with the capture of the two ... Written by DrDOS

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Cosby




IMDb: 6.8
22 min

Griffin and Erica work out a financial deal to move into Griffin's house on a landlord-tenant basis, thus giving Hilton and Ruth back their privacy. That is...until Griffin's house accidentally burns to the ground.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best


Father Knows Best

IMDb: 6.3
22 min

A flashback episode about a time when Bud wanted to move out on his own because he was grown up already.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best


Father Knows Best

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

A former college classmate of Jim and Margaret's shows up at the Anderson house - as a salesman. Henry had been voted Man Most Likely to Succeed in college, and had plans to be a doctor. He is not a doctor, and he is not a good salesman.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best


Father Knows Best

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Jim meets Aldus Lydum while visiting his friend, and thinks this might lead to a new insurance client. He invites Jim and Betty to visit he and his wife that night. Mr Lydum acts as if everyone is a long-standing friend.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best


Father Knows Best

IMDb: 6.0
30 min

Robert Young plays the role of Tate Ibsen, one of six passengers riding a stagecoach through Arizona in the year 1860. One passenger has been convicted of murder and is handcuffed to a deputy. Tate Ibsen's plan to spring him loose before they reach the Yuma Penitentiary runs into complications when the stage is attacked by Indians. Written by jimmie d

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best


Father Knows Best

IMDb: 7.1
30 min

Jim watches a family sitcom on television and thinks the father is displayed as an idiot who needs his wife to always save the day. The next day, Jim suspects his own family is trying to show Jim how much Margaret has to save the day.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best


Father Knows Best

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

A newspaper reporter takes pictures and writes an article for the paper on the school's tennis team. The picture is Betty, the rawest member of the team, and it looks like she is the champion player. The team captain is not happy.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best


Father Knows Best

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

Kathy trades her skates for a friend's magic set, and then believes she can make anything disappear or change appearance as long as she waves the magic want. When she does magic while Bud tries smoking a cigar, she thinks she made Bud sick. Written by Bernie

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best


Father Knows Best

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Virge, an old friend of Jim's visits Jim at work and announces he and his wife have moved to Springfield. Jim and Margaret invite the couple to dinner. While Virge is well liked and enjoyed, his wife is not so pleasant.

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Father Knows Best

Father Knows Best


Father Knows Best

IMDb: 7.5
25 min

Tired of being told what to do by his parents, Bud announces he is moving out. Bud finds a place to stay and enjoys his independence -until he realizes how much work there is to being independent. Bud tries to find a way to move home again. Written by Bernie

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Car 54, Where Are You?

Car 54, Where Are You?


Car 54, Where Are You?

IMDb: 7.3
26 min

A car thieving ring is using an auto body shop to paint stolen cars and resell them. The 53rd is down to only two patrol cars, so the boys are desperate to keep their beloved car 54. When it's damaged by a pulled-over driver, they take it to the same repair shop. Written by Bill B.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Operation Buffalo

Operation Buffalo


Operation Buffalo

IMDb: 7.9
54 min

The arrival of a new woman at the camp has Leo immediately suspicious, as Cranky questions his purpose following an encounter with an Aboriginal family.

Country: Australia
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HD Operation Buffalo

Operation Buffalo


Operation Buffalo

IMDb: 6.5
52 min

In 1956, highly decorated military engineer Major Leo Carmichael is tasked with supervising construction of the British atomic test towers at Maralinga, in the South Australian desert.

Country: Australia
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.2
75 min

An anthrax outbreak is killing Shiloh cattle and threatening the neighboring ranches. The neighbors are wanting to destroy the Shiloh cattle and burn the land to kill the outbreak. Grainger ordered a new vaccine for anthrax that is to arrive the next day. Walker, a bounty hunter, and his female prisoner Ruby show up at Shiloh looking for horses. They are chasing the Johnny Colton gang which held up a stage which turns out to be the one with the vaccine on it. David Sutton and The Virginian go with them to retrieve the vaccine. They find that the gang took the stage and contents with them. They locate the stage but the contents were moved to a spring wagon with the trail headed toward the outlaw town Misadventure. The rules of Misadventure are to mind your own business which The Virginian violates. He makes friends with the saloon singer Claire who tells him where the gang is staying. During the adventure The Virginian and Ruby develop a relationship unappreciated by Walker. In the end... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.2
73 min

Trampas goes to Medicine Bow to have a plow repaired by the blacksmith Joe and pick up items for Shiloh. After dropping the plow at the blacksmith, he goes to Walter Verig's harness shop where he breaks up a fight between Walter and Doc Baldwin. Walter had promised to sell a house for a hospital but has changed his mind. Attorney Arthur Blanton and his daughter Nancy are at Doc Baldwin's office where Doc's assistant Carol Fisk takes Nancy's leg brace for repairs to the blacksmith who is talking with Trampas. After leaving she encounters Walter who wants her to go out with him again. When Walter gets rough with Carol, Trampas hits him. That night Trampas cuts his hand severely on the plow repositioning it on the wagon. He goes to Doc' empty office where he gets a towel for his hand. He heads toward Carol's place when he sees Doc leave in a buggy. Trampas finds Walter dead from a knife wound behind a barrel. Ryker first suspects Trampas due to his cut hand. When evidence shows Trampas ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.3
75 min

George Foster is a bank clerk who lives a very gentrified lifestyle and not very manly by western standards. He has courted widow Laura Messinger with son Tim for one year, eight months, and two weeks but she still takes him for granted. George receives a letter addressed to Sheriff George Foster which Sheriff Ryker and The Virginian deliver thinking there was a mistake. George tells them there is no mistake as he told his ex-lawman father he was the Sheriff of Medicine Bow to make him proud of George. The letter says his father will be stopping by for a two hour visit while on a train trip to San Francisco. George's father Tom was a renown sheriff in Iowa. Sheriff Ryker decides the town can put on a masquerade for two hours that George is sheriff. However, when the train is delayed in Medicine Bow for 2-3 days due to a derailment, Ryker's plan requires significant enhancement. George is forced to be sheriff by day and bank clerk by night as his father meets the town and especially ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.5
75 min

Carl Crandall dies leaving his entire estate including a ranch next to Shiloh to Lorna Marie Marshall. Lorna receives a telegram from Judge Craig notifying her of the inheritance. Lorna and her friend Belle Stephens sell their saloon in Wichita and leave for Medicine Bow. They had discussed selling the ranch and taking the money to move to San Francisco. Once reaching Medicine Bow and meeting the Judge and other residents Lorna decides to try the life of a lady rancher as she enjoys being treated as a respectable lady. In a codicil Crandall has asked Lorna to donate money including $200 to Trampas for his help. When her foreman quits, she asks Trampas to take over until she can find a replacement. John Grainger and Trampas agree to the request plus Trampas is quite attracted to Lorna. They transition into the new life including going to church and joining the Ladies Aid Society. The two ladies come to enjoy their new life until Roy Kane a petty criminal arrives threatening their new ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.1
75 min

While returning from Mexico on business for Shiloh, The Virginian is shot by a rustler while crossing a large Texas ranch. He is rescued by rancher Al Keets and his wife May. Being so remote they host The Virginian while he recovers. The rescue of The Virginian interrupted May's attempt to leave with their son Jimmy to go back to the civilized east. May loves Al but Al won't recognize it believing that she married him for his money to help her father. The problem carries over to how both want to treat their son Jimmy. After sizing up The Virginian, Keets wants The Virginian as his foreman or as a partner. Especially after he sees the way Keets' men shoot up the rustler who shot The Virginian respectfully declines the offer. When The Virginian leaves, May asks him to take Jimmy on a short outing while she prepares for his birthday as she plans another escape. However, the event goes wildly askew when Al sends him men after Jimmy and two hands decide to kidnap Jimmy making it look like ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.8
75 min

The Graingers visit Medicine Bow where Elizabeth picks up one of many new breeds of chickens she ordered and John visits the bank. Meanwhile, at the saloon Dell Stetler waits at the bar as the other four members of his gang arrive. One is late due to a hurt horse delaying their planned robbery of the bank. As two of the men enter the bank, one member Bob Archer feels something is wrong. As he walks into the street Ryker yells at him from his seat telling him to look up. The buildings are lined with the Sheriff and deputies. Archer is wounded but captured, one man is killed, and the other three escape. Stetler and Cullen Tindall are unharmed but Roy Tindall is severely wounded. Because the hands are all gone on a trail drive for two weeks, the two men take Roy to Shiloh where they take the Graingers who are alone hostage forcing them to tend to Roy and John Grainger to get Dr. Hinton to help. This results in a matching of wits between John Grainger and Stetler while the law searches ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.3
75 min

Trampas, returning to Shiloh, stops at a remote store to warm himself. A Mexican gentleman being gouged on price as he buys a horse and milk is killed when a group of gunmen enter. They force the dying man to give the location of two children. The men leave as does Trampas who stops later at a farm house. In it he comes across a young boy and his baby sister, on the run from their wealthy hidalgo grandfather in Mexico, determined to reach their mother in Laramie. Realizing their guardian is dead, Trampas becomes their de facto guardian, defender and babysitter. He has to evade the gunmen sent after the children and later a war party of Oglala Sioux. Along the way, he meets a hungry lady faro dealer Melinda who decides to team with Trampas and the children in their quest to reach Laramie. They come upon a dying man attacked by the Sioux. They take his wagon which provides them with better transportation. The experience draws Trampas and Melinda closer especially as Melinda feels for a ... Written by heathentart

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.8
75 min

Shiloh ranch is having problems breaking a group of mustangs resulting in injured wranglers. Sam Willock, a well known old time horse wrangler, shows up at the ranch looking to be hired to break the mustangs. The Virginian, who saw Sam work when he was much younger, hires him to break the horses except for a black stallion which has proved to be dangerous. Sam asks for a helper with no experience and selects Randy. Randy eventually lets Sam know he has a dream of his own horse ranch in the future wanting Sam to join him. They bond as they work with the horses and Sam eventually tries to break the black stallion which Randy succeeds with when the horse is too rough for Sam. Unknown to Randy and others Sam is working with two other men to steal the Shiloh payroll resulting in conflicts for Randy. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.2
75 min

A new attractive school teacher, Martha Perry, is asked by a man, Rafe Simmons, who many in the town consider a fool to teach him how to read so he can read his mother's diary. Many of the local men including Trampas, the Virginian, and the deputy are interested in dating her. Unknown to everyone she is married to a man, Bert Kramer, she met while working in a saloon. Bert has been released from prison and is in town wanting her back. She wants a divorce and some of the men trick Bert into thinking Rafe is interested in her romantically leading to problems for Rafe. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Revenge Prank with DJ Pauly D & Vinny

Revenge Prank with DJ Pauly D & Vinny


Revenge Prank with DJ Pauly D & Vinny

IMDb: 0

Vinny helps Soko get revenge on his brother Sonny for putting a massive snake in his bed by tricking him into believing his precious sports car is being stolen.

Genre: ,
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HD Brave New World

Brave New World


Brave New World

IMDb: 7.9

Danger awaits Bernard and Lenina in the Savage Lands, where the world is flipped on its head; John grapples with staying true to himself as paths entwine.

Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi,
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