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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

After Lucas McCain finds a wounded man on the side of the road, he naturally delivers him to Doc Burrage for treatment. The man is near death and has no identification on him but Marshal Micah Torrance knows exactly who he is and wishes him dead. Micah says he's John Stoddard, someone he knew long ago. Micah uncharacteristically takes to the bottle and refuses to come out of his office, even when a vigilante committee from a town 100 miles away come to collect Stoddard to hang him for crimes he committed while there. It's left to Lucas to sort it all out and also to find out why Micah hates the man to the point of wanting him dead. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Because of a drought, many local cowhands are forced to take construction jobs building a railroad. However, when an old man claims that he has found a way to make rain, the railroad company--afraid that their workers will leave the job and go back to their ranches if they believe the old man--are determined to stop him. Written by

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Because of a drought, many local cowhands are forced to take construction jobs building a railroad. However, when an old man claims that he has found a way to make rain, the railroad company--afraid that their workers will leave the job and go back to their ranches if they believe the old man--are determined to stop him. Written by

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.6
30 min

Lucas McCain is none too pleased to see that Tom King is in town. King is a former lawman who always took 'dead or alive' to mean dead and acted accordingly. This time around, he's in town as a contract killer however having been hired to kill Oat Jackford, a bully of a man who many in town would love to see dead. King has a reputation that sends chills down most men's spines but Jackford's approach to dealing with if nothing if not unorthodox. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.6
30 min

Lucas McCain is none too pleased to see that Tom King is in town. King is a former lawman who always took 'dead or alive' to mean dead and acted accordingly. This time around, he's in town as a contract killer however having been hired to kill Oat Jackford, a bully of a man who many in town would love to see dead. King has a reputation that sends chills down most men's spines but Jackford's approach to dealing with if nothing if not unorthodox. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Lucas is more than a little puzzled when he learns that the town's well-liked school teacher, Adele Adams, is suddenly leaving town. He goes into North Fork and realizes that Old Man Healey, his son Garth and the rest of the Healey clan are responsible for forcing her out. Miss Adams was starting a suffragette movement in the town, much to the annoyance of many of the menfolk, but Lucas learns that she is protecting someone. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Lucas is more than a little puzzled when he learns that the town's well-liked school teacher, Adele Adams, is suddenly leaving town. He goes into North Fork and realizes that Old Man Healey, his son Garth and the rest of the Healey clan are responsible for forcing her out. Miss Adams was starting a suffragette movement in the town, much to the annoyance of many of the menfolk, but Lucas learns that she is protecting someone. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

Lucas and Mark McCain have a new neighbor in the form of Abel MacDonald and his son Carey. The elder MacDonald is not very friendly ordering them off of his land which he has just acquired as a homesteader. Mark and Carey become friendly however and he learns the MacDonalds lost everything due to his late mother's excessive doctors bills. When Carey has a serious accident, Abel refuses to let Doc Burrage anywhere near the boy. It's left to Lucas to act or the boy will die. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

Lucas and Mark McCain have a new neighbor in the form of Abel MacDonald and his son Carey. The elder MacDonald is not very friendly ordering them off of his land which he has just acquired as a homesteader. Mark and Carey become friendly however and he learns the MacDonalds lost everything due to his late mother's excessive doctors bills. When Carey has a serious accident, Abel refuses to let Doc Burrage anywhere near the boy. It's left to Lucas to act or the boy will die. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Troublemaker Johnny Clover, a student at the North Fork school, wrecks the classroom one day. Lucas, a member of the town's school board, goes to Johnny's uncle to get him to pay for the damage, which turns out to be a task easier said than done. Written by

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Troublemaker Johnny Clover, a student at the North Fork school, wrecks the classroom one day. Lucas, a member of the town's school board, goes to Johnny's uncle to get him to pay for the damage, which turns out to be a task easier said than done. Written by

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

While out in the woods on his own, Mark McCain meets Walt Hake who is living off the land having lost his horse and all of his gear. Mark naturally invites Walt home for supper and Walt offers to work on the ranch. Lucas is happy to have the help and Walt seems like a good sort. Soon after however Eli Flack, a prison Sheriff who tracks down prison escapees, arrives in North Fork looking for someone who sounds like Walt. Mark meanwhile has nursed back to health a hawk he found in a trap in the woods. Now he has to decide if he can let him go free. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

While out in the woods on his own, Mark McCain meets Walt Hake who is living off the land having lost his horse and all of his gear. Mark naturally invites Walt home for supper and Walt offers to work on the ranch. Lucas is happy to have the help and Walt seems like a good sort. Soon after however Eli Flack, a prison Sheriff who tracks down prison escapees, arrives in North Fork looking for someone who sounds like Walt. Mark meanwhile has nursed back to health a hawk he found in a trap in the woods. Now he has to decide if he can let him go free. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Lucas McCain and the other good folks in North Fork are unsure what to do when Marshall Micah Torrance and Hattie Denton are taken prisoner in Hattie's store by a gang on the run. They say they're there to get supplies and will leave without causing trouble but it's clear that their leader is a dangerous man who wonders if his time in prison has made him weak. With something to prove, it's clear he's going to cause trouble and it will be up to Lucas McCain to face him down. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Lucas McCain and the other good folks in North Fork are unsure what to do when Marshall Micah Torrance and Hattie Denton are taken prisoner in Hattie's store by a gang on the run. They say they're there to get supplies and will leave without causing trouble but it's clear that their leader is a dangerous man who wonders if his time in prison has made him weak. With something to prove, it's clear he's going to cause trouble and it will be up to Lucas McCain to face him down. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

A corrupt marshal from outside North Fork goes after an outlaw with a price on his head. However, he sees an opportunity to make some extra money, so he murders an innocent man to pass off as the outlaw so he can collect the bounty, and then proceeds to blackmail the real outlaw. Written by

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

A corrupt marshal from outside North Fork goes after an outlaw with a price on his head. However, he sees an opportunity to make some extra money, so he murders an innocent man to pass off as the outlaw so he can collect the bounty, and then proceeds to blackmail the real outlaw. Written by

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Lucas McCain arrives in North Fork to find the streets deserted and Marshal Micah Torrance standing a lone vigil across the street from the saloon. Inside is Dan Maury, an ex-convict who has been released from prison after serving five years and he's out to get Micah, the man who put him there. Lucas takes the bull by the horns and forces him out of town but Maury wounds him at the ranch and soon Micah is completely on his own to defend himself. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Lucas McCain arrives in North Fork to find the streets deserted and Marshal Micah Torrance standing a lone vigil across the street from the saloon. Inside is Dan Maury, an ex-convict who has been released from prison after serving five years and he's out to get Micah, the man who put him there. Lucas takes the bull by the horns and forces him out of town but Maury wounds him at the ranch and soon Micah is completely on his own to defend himself. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

Lucas McCain's childhood friend, the closest thing to a brother he ever had, drops into to see him at the ranch. Tom Birch is now a known bank robber but his visit with Lucas and Mark is entirely friendly. Mark knows all about the Birch gang and Lucas has to try to explain to him what it means to be a friend but still be honest. Tom tells Lucas he headed to Colorado but when he heads off in the direction of North Fork, it's pretty obvious that he's going to rob the bank and Lucas is forced to choose between his friendship and his community. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

Lucas McCain's childhood friend, the closest thing to a brother he ever had, drops into to see him at the ranch. Tom Birch is now a known bank robber but his visit with Lucas and Mark is entirely friendly. Mark knows all about the Birch gang and Lucas has to try to explain to him what it means to be a friend but still be honest. Tom tells Lucas he headed to Colorado but when he heads off in the direction of North Fork, it's pretty obvious that he's going to rob the bank and Lucas is forced to choose between his friendship and his community. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Lucas McCain is surprised when someone he once worked with, Sam Morley, shows up at the ranch. Lucas thought Morley had died but it turns out he's a wanted man and wants Lucas to do him a favor: turn him in for the $500 reward money that's available. Morley desperately needs the money so his girlfriend, Beth Landis, can get treatment for a serious disease. Lucas thinks he's on the level and decides to go along. Unfortunately another cowpoke who once worked with them, Hamp Ferris, rides into town and is looking to collect the bounty on Morley himself. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Lucas McCain is surprised when someone he once worked with, Sam Morley, shows up at the ranch. Lucas thought Morley had died but it turns out he's a wanted man and wants Lucas to do him a favor: turn him in for the $500 reward money that's available. Morley desperately needs the money so his girlfriend, Beth Landis, can get treatment for a serious disease. Lucas thinks he's on the level and decides to go along. Unfortunately another cowpoke who once worked with them, Hamp Ferris, rides into town and is looking to collect the bounty on Morley himself. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Lucas McCain puts his life on the line when he agrees to testify at the trial of an outlaw in a nearby town. The original witness in the case was shot while being escorted by two deputies. He was shot from a great distance by someone using a special rifle and a scope. News that Lucas will be testifying quickly spreads through North Fork with most folks thinking that he'll never survive the journey. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Lucas McCain puts his life on the line when he agrees to testify at the trial of an outlaw in a nearby town. The original witness in the case was shot while being escorted by two deputies. He was shot from a great distance by someone using a special rifle and a scope. News that Lucas will be testifying quickly spreads through North Fork with most folks thinking that he'll never survive the journey. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Julia Andueza has recently resettled in North Fork and has made quite an impression with her new boarding house and her great cooking. Lucas recognizes her however as a card cheat who 12 years before swindled a good friend of his out of his life savings. He confronts her and she claims to have turned over a new leaf and left her old life long ago. Lucas isn't sure he's prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt but when her old 'friends' show up in North Fork aiming to turn it into a gambling town, Julia shows her resolve and gains Lucas' support. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Julia Andueza has recently resettled in North Fork and has made quite an impression with her new boarding house and her great cooking. Lucas recognizes her however as a card cheat who 12 years before swindled a good friend of his out of his life savings. He confronts her and she claims to have turned over a new leaf and left her old life long ago. Lucas isn't sure he's prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt but when her old 'friends' show up in North Fork aiming to turn it into a gambling town, Julia shows her resolve and gains Lucas' support. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Lucas McCain and his son Mark come across U.S. Deputy Marshal Sam Buckhart who is escorting an Indian prisoner. To Lucas' surprise he finds that Buckhart himself is an Indian, educated at Harvard College. In North Fork, Buckhart goes about his business until some of the townsfolk realize he is an Indian and decide to take matters into their own hands. It's left to Lucas to show them the error of their ways. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Lucas McCain and his son Mark come across U.S. Deputy Marshal Sam Buckhart who is escorting an Indian prisoner. To Lucas' surprise he finds that Buckhart himself is an Indian, educated at Harvard College. In North Fork, Buckhart goes about his business until some of the townsfolk realize he is an Indian and decide to take matters into their own hands. It's left to Lucas to show them the error of their ways. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Lucas and Mark McCain take in a 16 year-old Easterner, from New York no less, who having more that his fair share of trouble. Donnel O'Mahoney regales Mark with tall tales of the big city and soon heads off for North Fork, hitching a ride with Jackson, the local freight forwarder. After Jackson kills his partner Cramer, he tell the Marshal that Donnel is responsible and even puts out a bounty on the boy. Lucas joins the posse while Mark heps Donnel cover his tracks at least until Lucas can make sense of what is going on. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Lucas and Mark McCain take in a 16 year-old Easterner, from New York no less, who having more that his fair share of trouble. Donnel O'Mahoney regales Mark with tall tales of the big city and soon heads off for North Fork, hitching a ride with Jackson, the local freight forwarder. After Jackson kills his partner Cramer, he tell the Marshal that Donnel is responsible and even puts out a bounty on the boy. Lucas joins the posse while Mark heps Donnel cover his tracks at least until Lucas can make sense of what is going on. Written by garykmcd

Genre: Family, Western,
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HD The Rifleman

The Rifleman


The Rifleman

IMDb: 7.8

Lucas McCain becomes involved in the matter of a young couple who are forced to get married by wagon master Aaron Pelser. The young couple were on their way to Yuma to marry there but now married and homeless in North Fork, Lucas offers them a home until they can get on their feet. Several of the hands on the wagon train want to have a shivaree, a party where they keep the newlyweds up all night. Lucas and Marshall Micah Torrance sense trouble and when Chet Packard kidnaps the girl, their fears prove to be well-founded. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Family, Western,
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