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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

The pressure on the drivers builds and hot tempers flare as the temperatures plunge to 55 below. Jack gets into it with a southbound driver who raises hell after a near head-on collision with Jack's oversized load on a curve. And Hugh gets an earful from an American driver who wants Hugh off the Alaskan roads and back in Canada. Meanwhile, Alex takes a big risk by picking up a hitchhiker. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Jack Jesse rushes to save an Alaskan town with an emergency fuel delivery, but a blinding storm stops him cold on the thin ice of the frozen river road to Nuiqsut. Lisa Kelly gets her big chance to step up when she's given her first oversize load, but as she battles the elements and the law, Lisa wonders if her trucking skills are up to the test. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

A monster phase-3 storm is hammering Atigun Pass, and if they want to survive, the Ice Road Truckers will have to think fast. Alex is southbound from Prudhoe when he meets the massive blow, and whiteout conditions erase the road from his view. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

The brutal Alaskan winter hits Prudhoe Bay with a vengeance, unleashing a ruthless windstorm. It takes nerves of steel to drive in these conditions but Jack, Hugh and Alex hit the haul road ready for battle, with near misses and disastrous engine trouble threatening to take them down. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Failing trailer brakes and trash talk over the CB threaten to derail Lisa's comeback. Newcomer Greg races to reignite his rivalry with Jack, before a devastating wreck slams the brakes on Greg's need for speed. In the meantime, with a damaged fuel tank to deliver, Jack isn't giving up the load-count crown without a fight. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

The ice road season opens and quickly claims its first victim with a road-closing wreck. Meanwhile, another trucker breaks through the ice enroute to the isolated town of Bettles. Jack returns to defend his title as King of the Haul Road, but cocky second-year driver Greg is out to take him down and has something to prove. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.1
45 min

As the final 72 hours of the Ice Road season tick away, legendary driver George Spears calls it a career, Lisa Kelly makes a harrowing 300-mile run with no brakes, the rivalry between Alex Debogorski and Hugh The Polar Bear Rowland comes down to the final load, and polar bears--real ones--shut down the Ice Road in front of Jack Jessee, as the Dash for the Cash comes down to the wire. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

The truckers and their rigs are running ragged as they race to pull in the last loads. Lisa can't get out of the Carlile yard in Fairbanks--the trailer they've assigned her has a massive air leak. To stay in the running she accepts a new load: a van full of high explosives. The harsh icy conditions southbound on Atigun Pass cause Jack to spin out for the first time this season. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

With only two weeks left of the winter season, the race is on to deliver the remaining loads before the ice roads melt away. But this late in the game, truckers are besieged by mechanical breakdowns and a volcanic eruption in Southern Alaska has put unexpected pressure on this remote road. The volcanic eruption has also shutdown Alaska's fuel refineries, leaving Deadhorse extremely short on fuel. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

There's only two weeks left to pull in the big bucks and get all the loads to the oil fields. Hugh's impatience with his trainer driver Phil's slow pace nearly causes him to spin out on one of the steep slopes of the Atigun Pass--a place where the slightest misstep can send a truck over the cliff. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

With just three weeks to go, everyone is pushing it to the limit to get the freight to Deadhorse before the season ends. Lisa rushes to Carlile to pick up her next load. She's convoying north with Jack Jesse. On the road, he shows her how to avoid spinning out by shifting gears. Hugh and Phil have been doing short turns all week to get storm-delayed freight from Coldfoot to Deadhorse. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

A deadly combination of unpredictable weather on the North Slope has made Atigun Pass more dangerous than ever. Record snowfall mixed with now warmer temperatures has turned this wicked pass into a devil's slide--slippery than ever and at all time high for avalanche risk. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

The race is on to make it to Prudhoe before a wicked storm turns fierce. After riding out the previous night's storm in Coldfoot, Tim and George decide to push on, despite the dire forecast. Twenty-five miles from Deadhorse, they run straight into the storm and are forced to slam through huge snowdrifts to make it to safety. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.8
45 min

Lisa Kelly auditions to be the first woman to break into the elite Heavy Haul division by commanding a convoy of pilot cars while hauling 80-foot sections of wide-gauge pipe. Having spun out before with a much shorter load, she faces a daunting task involving a 600 mile run through the Brooks Range mountains, over the wind-blasted North Slope, and across the ice road of the Arctic Ocean itself. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

Another winter storm drops nearly a foot of fresh, new snow, obscuring the road south. Veteran driver Jack and the less experienced Lisa are determined to not lose any more time or money this season. They set out for Fairbanks before the snowplows even arrive. Further north on the haul road, that same blizzard causes a major collision near the icy hill called Slope Mountain. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

A massive storm blows in and all traffic on the ice road comes to a standstill. And if wheels aren't turning, no one's earning. George, Tim and Lisa take shelter at Coldfoot, the only truck stop on the road. But this season's heavy haul ace, Jack Jesse, tries to outrun the storm. Hugh and Alex start out on their second runs. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.7
45 min

It's three weeks into the winter season in Northern Alaska, and Carlile Transportation has only moved 500 of the 2,000 loads it needs to transport to the Prudhoe Bay oil fields. The clock is ticking and an arctic storm is brewing. Hugh and Alex are joined by safety instructors as they embark on their frisky first trip to Prudhoe Bay. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

On Alaska's North Slope, a new ice road season has just begun. Carlile Transportation has less than three months to haul 2,000 loads from Fairbanks to Deadhorse--the gateway to the Prudhoe Bay oil fields. Here, temperatures drop to 70 below, the terrain is some of the most unforgiving in the world, and the race to bring home the big bucks is heating up. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.9
40 min

Day 1 of the new Ice Road season begins. There are 6,000 loads of freight to move in just 12 weeks to the oil camps of Alaska's North Slope. The 400 plus miles stretch from Fairbanks to the remote outpost of Deadhorse, and is fraught with harrowing danger from steep mountain ice, to frozen tundra and the treacherous ice roads of the Arctic Ocean. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

A recap of season two for the ice road truckers--the drivers of the tundra who carry vital equipment to remote outposts located hundreds of miles north of the Arctic Circle during two months of every year before the road disappears. It is a race against the elements, against time, and against each other. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

Warming temperatures are causing overflows all over the ice road, and with water rushing through cracks in the ice, hauling loads just got a lot more dangerous. Jody and Brett take on the challenge of removing the 66-ton derrick from the Langley site. The massive rig will have to be two-trucked; one truck will make the entire journey traveling backwards. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.6
45 min

Rising temperatures are melting away the ice road, making it a dash to the finish line for the crew breaking down the Langely site. Every last piece of equipment must be transported down the ice to Inuvik before the Arctic waters reclaim the road. Hugh is hauling an unsteady load of heavy gauge cable, making his rig so back-heavy that he struggles to get traction on the slippery surface. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

With the sun beating down on the ice, the road is melting at an accelerating rate. This means that it's all hands on deck for the demobilization of the drilling sites at Langley and Mallik, which must be broken down and hauled away before they're swallowed up by Arctic waters. Northwind owner Kurt leaves his office behind and jumps into a truck to contribute to the effort. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

It's a race against time to dismantle the Mallik Research site before the ice road melts, but while scientists are on the verge of an historic breakthrough, the truckers are starting to haul away equipment piece-by-piece. Hugh is given the challenging task of training a new driver, Isaac Lenny, whose driving test is just days away. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

After being Med-Evaced to Yellowknife hospital, Alex receives a grim diagnosis that could mean the end of his Ice Road season. Rick is also complaining of health issues, and again threatens to quit if his boss won't let him take time off to see a doctor. With nearly all of the rookies out for the count, the Arctic veterans take on the challenge of hauling the final loads of the rig move. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

Bear and Eric must haul a boiler and a flare stack--two critical pieces of equipment--to Langley at the same time that a polar bear is spotted in the area. In this region of the Arctic, polar bears have been known to kill humans, so the truckers must now be on guard against this new danger. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

The truckers have delivered the fragile 135-foot derrick to the new MGM exploration site, but before it can be erected, they must also transport the 80-ton substructure that will form its base. At 160,000 pounds, the base must be broken into separate loads, the combined weight of which makes them the heaviest--and most dangerous--loads the ice will face all season. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

After the storm clears, most of the truckers are ready to roll--all except Rick, who is on the verge of quitting and looks to Hugh for advice. For a second time, Jerry attempts the MGM camp move, including the transport of an expensive 50-ton derrick. He's assigned two of his best truckers to the task, which includes a risky practice called Two Trucking. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

It's week two on the frozen tundra and the name of the game is Rig Move. MGM is breaking down camp and moving every last piece of equipment to a new base at Langley to continue exploring for natural gas. While Alex and Hugh continue to prove themselves, Rick's only drive is into the repair shop where he spends two days doing nothing but sitting around. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Just five days into the Arctic adventure, Mother Nature is about to strike and wreak havoc on the ice roads. Making matters worse is a report of a trucker who has run off the road and is stranded on the weakest part. The storm will make the ice roads impassable and dangerous. Since safety of the drivers is of the utmost concern, the roads must be shutdown. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

It's a new season and a new set of challenges for the ice road truckers--the drivers of the tundra who carry vital equipment to remote outposts located hundreds of miles north of the Arctic Circle during two months of every year before the road disappears. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ice Road Truckers

Ice Road Truckers


Ice Road Truckers

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

It is a job only a few would dare. This year, four ice road truckers, Hugh, Alex, Rick and Drew, return from last season to join Arctic veterans as they venture 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle to drive the most isolated and dangerous ice roads in North America. In the first episode, Hugh and Drew are introduced to their new boss, while Alex waits on his first load of the season. Written by Anonymous

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