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Kkotboda namja


Kkotboda namja

IMDb: 8.5

Per instructions, Joon Pyo appears alone for kidnapped Jan Di's sake, but the other members of F4 arrive in time to spare him being beaten to death. Loan sharks take away Jan Di's father, forcing Gong Joo to supplicate and demean herself before Hee Soo to end the attack on their family. Even so, Jan Di returns the bribe with reasons of her own. F4, Jan Di and Ga Eul visit a mountain lodge for some skiing, where Joon Pyo presents Jan Di with a personally designed pendant. The Mean Girls Trio, thinking Jan Di undeserving of such a gift, steal it away, leaving Joon Pyo to think Jan Di lost it and feeling that she regards him lightly. As Hee Soo's latest goon squad hauls Joon Pyo away, the Mean Girls Trio further tricks Jan Di out into a life-threatening blizzard to look for the missing pendant. Written by statmanjeff

Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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Kkotboda namja


Kkotboda namja

IMDb: 8.4

Needing work to support her family (thanks to Hee Soo's machinations), Jan Di unwittingly falls within grasp of exploitative pornographers. Fortunately, an unnamed rescuer appears just in time. Back at school, new student Jae Ha introduces himself to Jan Di as her fan and supplies her with part-time work at a proper modeling studio. There she learns that student Jae Ha and the mysterious supermodel Haje (her earlier rescuer) are one and the same. Concealing her need for employment from Joon Pyo causes her to lie to him, frustrating Joon Pyo and leading to their breakup. While both Jae Ha and Ji Hoo stand ready to become her boyfriend, Jan Di gets an F4 red card. It's the first time a student ever got selected twice to be hazed, but the new attacks become life threatening. It turns out there's a serpent at work behind most of these recent doings, and both Jan Di and Joon Pyo are at risk. Written by statmanjeff

Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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Kkotboda namja


Kkotboda namja

IMDb: 8.5

It's Valentine's Day, when girls give boys chocolates, but all does not go well for Jan Di or Ga Eul. For Ga Eul, Yi Jung fortifies his position that his public declarations of love were just play acting for her to save face before the ungentlemanly Gong Soo Pyo. For Jan Di, Kang Hee Soo hauls Joon Pyo home after finding the pair together in a silly contest to win a free cell phone. She offers Jan Di's family a bribe to keep the couple permanently separated. When that doesn't work, she initiates means to send Jan Di's struggling working-class family into poverty. Written by statmanjeff

Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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Kkotboda namja


Kkotboda namja

IMDb: 8.7

With the competition at an end, and neither Ji Hoo nor Jan Di suffering any actions from Joon Pyo, Ji Hoo asks Jan Di for a date. Becasue of Seo Hyun's past influence on them, the two find they can each let go of their first loves (for Ji Hoo, Seo Hyun; for Jan Di, Ji Hoo). Noticing that Joon Pyo is stalking them presents Ji Hoo with a further task for the night - goading Joon Pyo into admitting his regard for Jan Di. That mission's success brings about two actions: Joon Pyo takes Jan Di out for dinner and a movie, then later asks Jan Di's family if he can spend the night (leaving Jan Di aghast). Written by statmanjeff

Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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Kkotboda namja


Kkotboda namja

IMDb: 8.4

Since a true friend is rare for the rich, Joon Pyo's older sister, Joon Hee - hearing of Jan Di and the rift between Joon Pyo and Ji Hoo - takes matters in hand to bring her smarting brother to his senses. She instigates a series of three contests drawn randomly for Joon Pyo and Ji Hoo to compete against each other. Hellbent on victory, Joon Pyo can't fathom how much he stands to lose by winning. Written by statmanjeff

Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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Kkotboda namja


Kkotboda namja

IMDb: 8.2

Doing whatever he wants in all things continues to spook Jan Di into thinking Joon Pyo might force himself upon her. (Reminding her how much he's paying for her comfort doesn't help.) She recalls the words of the fortuneteller in her dream: She'll lose something as a woman, and that she is currently with both her soulmate and her future husband - but what will she lose, and who is which? Tensions mount when Joon Pyo suspects infidelity behind the loss of a personal gift, and coming upon an intimate scene brings Joon Pyo to make a new announcement at school. Written by statmanjeff

Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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Kkotboda namja


Kkotboda namja

IMDb: 8.2

After administering to Jan Di's injuries from the student body attack, Joon Pye allows Min Ji's to explain her betrayal, after which, unable to put everything right, she leaves Shin Hwa High for good. As his staff strives to restore everything ruined in Jan Di's attack, Joon Pye visits her family, bestowing expensive gifts before taking Jan Di, her co-worker/friend Ga Eul, and the F4 gang (including Ji Hoo, back from Europe) on vacation to his private island, where his despotic manner (though meant kindly) makes Jan Di feel a little shanghaied. Written by statmanjeff

Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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Kkotboda namja


Kkotboda namja

IMDb: 8.2

With Seo Hyun leaving Korea for good, Ji Hoo decides to follow her. Joon Pye's outing with Jan Di turns more serious than expected when, after standing hours in the snow waiting for her, they get locked outside on an observation tower in winter's cold where he develops a high fever, forcing Jan Di to watch over him through the night. Word gets out of their night together, and the school student body, believing Jan Di is now Jon Pye's official girlfriend, becomes remarkably kind and attentive towards her - all but the Mean Girls Trio and, surprisingly, school chum Min Ji, who harbors a secret crush on Joon Pye and plots Jan Di's downfall. Written by statmanjeff

Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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Kkotboda namja


Kkotboda namja

IMDb: 8.0

Jealous of seeing Ji Hoo with Jan Di, Joon Pyo absents himself from Seo Hyun's party to the swimming pool area where his fear of insects lands him in the drink. Jan Di, being a swimmer, rescues him, but to her further disgust Joon Pyo looks upon her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation as having taken her first kiss. Happy now, he continues to pursue her. Meanwhile, Seo Hyun's party is a set-up to announce her permanent departure from South Korea, leaving Ji Hoo depressed. Also, Hee Soo (Joon Pyo's domineering mother) returns to host an auction and casts a disapproving eye on Jan Di. Written by statmanjeff

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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Kkotboda namja


Kkotboda namja

IMDb: 8.0

An Internet story breaks about a Shin Hwa student, known only as 'K', getting pregnant. It's hard for the elite to believe it would be one of their own class, therefore it becomes an easy assumption that it's commoner Jan Di. The story (later naming Jan Di directly) seems to have originated wholly from Joon Pyo, who waits smugly in the senior lounge for her to come crawling in apology. Jan Di confronts him, but Joon Pyo, believing girl actions run opposite of their true inner feelings, takes Jan Di's protestations of hatred as a declaration of deep affection for him. Self-assured, he has her roughly abducted, cleaned and redressed for a private presentation to him - totally at a loss over her later vehement reaction. By contrast, her interest in Ji Hoo increases as she learns more about him through Seo Hyun, a famous model whom Ji Hoo's treats as a surrogate mother/lover. Seo Hyun also sheds light on the reason behind Joon Pyo's over all cruelty. Written by statmanjeff

Country: South Korea
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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Kkotboda namja


Kkotboda namja

IMDb: 8.6

While on a dry cleaning delivery run to prestigious Shin-Hwa High, Jan Di saves Min Ha (her client) from suicide, his act of desperation brought on by severe bullying due to targeted ostracism from F4, four bored cream-of-the-crop student boys. The act sparks a public fire storm and boycot against the company that built the school, so Jan Di - a sudden media darling - soon finds herself accepted into the restricted school to quell the public outcries. She balks against enrolling, but her thrilled family pushes her into it, unaware they're shoving their plucky daughter into the disdainfully cruel hands of Flower Four (F4), the school's four über-elite boys who rule the roost. Written by statmanjeff

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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