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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.7
76 min

Whilst imagining that he still sees Rachel everywhere that he goes Adam shows little exterior sign of grieving and returns to work almost immediately,which worries his friends who feel unable to get through to him. Finally it is the sight of his son crawling on the floor that brings him back to reality. Jenny returns for the funeral as Rachel's ashes are scattered at Port Meirion. Jo 's fling with Lee becomes public and Jo returns to Australia with a divorce pending whilst Pete and Jenny accept that they always get back together whatever happens. Jenny is pregnant but will allow Pete to pass himself off as the father.Lee has asked Ramona to marry him but,in the light of events,she goes to Spain with Karen instead whilst David and Robyn make a couple. Adam,meanwhile,after phoning his father to say he is coming home,leaves Manchester with little Matthew. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.7
76 min

Pete and Jo drift further apart as Jo has a one night stand with Lee, who has just asked Ramona to live with him, and - feeling guilty - confesses it to Karen. David's relationship with Robyn Duff appears to be moving from the purely professional to the social and he decides to introduce her to his friends. Rachel and Adam face homelessness when their rented accommodation is put up for auction. Adam's estranged father Bill turns up and though Adam is initially hostile,listens when Bill explains that Adam's mother deliberately cut the contact between them after Bill had a gay affair. Bill offers to put up the difference so that Adam can buy his accommodation and they are successful at the auction. Adam then rings Rachel to tell her the good news but she has been involved in a fatal traffic accident and dies in hospital. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

Immigration officials,suspicious that Jo only married Pete to stay in England,visit. Although Pete is defensive he later has cause for doubt when he sees an email in which Jo admits to doing anything to remain in the country and this sours the relationship. Rachel returns to work,leaving Adam a less than enthusiastic house husband when he is made redundant but,after a less than enthusiastic showing at a parent and child group,he gets a new job. Things are going well for Ramona and Lee but not for Karen as Robyn pushes David more and more to seek custody and Mark Cubitt,who has come back into her life,leaves again saying that he loves her but does not want the burden of her children. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.5
53 min

The Giffords have been back in England for three months and find themselves landed with Pete's mother Audrey,whose arthritis keeps her - and them awake at night. Jo has the solution - marijuana,which she obtains from a dealer before Audrey moves into new accommodation. Karen and David start their divorce proceedings with David's solicitor Robyn Duff suggesting that David use Karen's past alcoholism as a lever to get custody of the children. Adam feels side-lined by baby Matthew as Rachel is obsessively clinging to him and he walks out of Matthew's naming ceremony. However Rachel explains that she is being especially maternal to her son since she once dropped him. Ramona goes to a health club and falls for Lee,a handsome swimming instructor. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 7.8
48 min

Rachel returns from New York,ready for sex but afraid that Adam will find her bump unattractive. With pre-natal nerves they begin to argue over different things,such as the baby's name. Karen joins Mark at a hotel for an afternoon of sex,which leaves her feeling guilty and she confesses what happened to Rachel,who believes she should end things with Mark. At the launch of her book Geraldine tells Karen that she is not the first woman with whom Mark has been unfaithful but Mark is persistent,despite Karen's protests,offering to leave Geraldine for her. Natalie makes David submit a list of staff who should be made redundant, a task which he hates,so he adds his own name to the list. The head of the company is impressed by his altruism and fires Natalie,giving David her job. Pete and Jo are an item but her visa expires so she returns to Australia. He follows and proposes to her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 7.4
47 min

With Rachel visiting Jenny in New York Adam takes Ramona to a casino but she develops a gambling addiction and David has to lend her the money to repay her losses. Pete buys an MG sports car which Adam borrows without asking,impressing the glamorous Deborah,with whom he stays the night. Pete sees the car is missing but reclaims it,leading Adam to call the police and Pete to be arrested. Mark gives Karen a necklace and asks her to work for him permanently but,despite a sexual fantasy about him,she refuses. David buys a race-horse Lady Perfect,which does not live up to her name,losing her first race at Chester,where Deborah bumps into Adam and he has to pretend he is not the person she thought. Pete,however,gets ever closer to Jo,who has finished with Suggs. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 7.6
47 min

Jo quits her job in protest at losing the promotion and moves in with Pete as she cannot now afford her higher rent. She begins an aerobics class and Pete drums up custom for her - despite throwing up at his first class. He is starting to fall for her and is upset when she dates colleague Suggs. Adam and Rachel show Laura the room they have prepared for her but when Ruth from the adoption agency hears of Rachel's pregnancy the adoption is withdrawn from them on the grounds that Laura would feel excluded by the baby. They consult a solicitor but have to concede defeat. Karen gets a job with publisher Mark Cubitt,editing a book by his wife Geraldine,with whom Karen soon clashes. Karen is about to quit but Mark takes her to lunch and persuades her to stay. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.2
47 min

Rachel refuses to speak to Adam until David reminds her that,whilst nothing occurred between Jane and Adam,she slept with Kris whilst officially dating Adam and there is reconciliation as the couple go for adoption,meeting the adorable Laura. Pete's mother comes to stay,as obsessive as ever with housework but when Pete and David return from work they find she has set fire to the kitchen and admits that she is not safe to be left on her own. Pete therefore gets her into sheltered accommodation - with a dog for company. Jo assumes she will promoted at work as she is dating Doug,the boss,but he gives the promotion to her colleague Justin to avoid accusations of favouritism. Josh's school work is suffering and the Marsdens consider sending him to a public school but are unhappy when they visit one so Karen agrees for David to return home. Rachel,to her surprise,finds out that,against the odds,she is pregnant. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.0
48 min

David becomes Pete's lodger after Karen has thrown him out. Karen starts to enjoy her single status rather too much,going clubbing with a virtual stranger and getting drunk at a girls' night out with Rachel,Ramona and Jo,where she insults her old friend Bella. Later,after a concert at Josh's school,she crashes her car and a concerned David suggests that she go to see a therapist with him. Rachel innocently invites Jane to stay the night and almost catches her groping Adam the next morning. They just about get away with it but then Adam reveals to Rachel what happened at his stag party and she is not pleased. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.1
47 min

Karen and David cannot stop arguing and Ramona decides to quit,following an offer to work in a strip club. Karen and Jo baby-sit little Adam but when Karen has to leave and Jo is left on her own,Jenny is angry to find a stranger in charge of her son and announces that she will be going to New Youk,with him,after all. Adam and Rachel attend an adoption evening where Adam makes a fool of himself. Later they see Jane,whom Rachel innocently invites to dinner,unaware that Jane has deliberately followed Adam to Manchester as she still has feelings for him. David talks Ramona out of working at the strip club and returning to be nanny to Josh and the twins but Karen asks him to leave. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 7.7
47 min

Adam gets jealous when Rachel becomes a leading light in the local amateur dramatics group and,after he has thrown a tantrum,is given a small part in her play. He also coaches Josh's football team after David's managerial stint has proved disastrous. David decides to become more sophisticated to impress Karen,with an agenda that involves watching Spanish films,though only Ramona notices. Pete and Jenny seem to back on track,especially as she is pregnant again. However,after miscarrying she seriously considers moving to New York,as personal assistant to Owen,the owner of a hotel chain for whom she has been working. Rachel introduces Karen to Jo,an Australian work colleague. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.5
48 min

Pete tries to get the others to record a congratulatory video for the happy couple but their cynicism intrudes. On the morning of the wedding Pete has cold feet about the divorce and so he and Jenny decide that they will give their marriage yet another chance. As Robert moves out to live with Sarah,the woman he took to the restaurant,he tells Jenny that he saw David with Jessica and Jenny tells Rachel but they are nervous about letting Karen know. The wedding goes ahead - no thanks to Pete,who forgets to order the car for Adam and whose reference to Kris in his best man's speech shocks Rachel's parents,who knew nothing about him. At the reception at the Marsdens David realizes that everybody knows about him and Jessica except Karen,so he breaks it to her,offering to leave. However she asks him to stay for their children's sake. Some time later everybody is watching the video Pete made of the wedding. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.3
48 min

David decides to break up with Jessica and takes her to a restaurant,where things go badly and she storms out. They are seen by Robert,also with another woman,and he suggests to David they keep each other's secrets. Karen is almost arrested for assault after punching a would-be car thief and David takes her out but she is suspicious of his attentiveness whilst Pete tells Jenny that he is getting on so well now he is back with Emma that he wants a divorce. Adam is shocked by the exorbitant cost of a wedding at a country house that Jenny has planned and Rachel so hates the ugly engagement ring chosen by Adam - with help from David and Pete - she conveniently loses it. All in all the couple decide they want a quiet affair and get married at a registry office. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.0
47 min

Though they wonder if they are doing it for the wrong reasons Rachel and Adam's friends congratulate them on their engagement but,sensing the others' unease,the couple decide to put things on hold. David meets up with Jessica to have sex in a hotel room for an afternoon whilst Karen,having accepted that she and Miles Brodie no longer have anything in common,is put out when he asks Jenny to organize his exhibition. Pete starts to communicate with a woman he meets on a chat-line,only to find he has been hoaxed by two 12 year old girls,though it does lead to a date with their teacher,Emma. Karen buys one of Brodie's works as an engagement present,prompting Rachel to propose to Adam,who accepts. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 7.9
47 min

Pete agrees to play for Matthew's gay football team but is thrown out as ineligible when Ramona comes to support him and he kisses her. He stays the night with her but has an embarrassing encounter next day with David - who is fantasizing about Jessica. Karen goes to meet an old college friend Miles Brodie,now a successful photographer. Rachel learns that her inability to conceive is due to her suffering from partial Asherman's Syndrome and she suggests splitting from Adam as she can never give him children. Adam however proposes but Ramona dumps Pete as he is obviously not over Jenny and keeps talking about her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.4
47 min

Anxious to start a family Rachel and Adam explore the idea of IVF treatment. Pete finds himself minding his son Adam whilst Jenny goes out with Robert. Whilst taking him to the park he meets Ramona with the twins and - eventually - asks her out for a date. He is put out to learn that David is having a fortieth birthday party to which he had not been invited but he turns up and has a row with Robert. Jenny then has words with Ramona. David gets very drunk and ends up in the garden,kissing Jessica. Next day he wakes up with a hang-over and finds that everybody has clubbed together to buy him a motor-bike. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.2
47 min

Nine months have passed and Jenny and Pete have separated finally,Pete living with Rachel and Adam. However he is so dirty and untidy they ask him to leave and he returns to Jenny as a platonic lodger. Karen has twin girls Ellie and Olivia and already her son Josh is jealous. Her mother Heather arrives from Spain to help out but her love of the bottle makes her more of a hindrance and,at a business dinner party given by David,she flirts outrageously with his client Felix. Jenny is also invited and hits it off with Internet millionaire Robert.On their wedding anniversary Pete hopes to reconcile with Jenny but is dismayed to see that Robert has sent her flowers. Meanwhile Rachel tells Adam she thinks she may be pregnant. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD My Family

My Family


My Family

IMDb: 7.2

To Ben's annoyance Susan decides that they should broaden their cultural horizons, to which end she has them join a wine-tasting class and sigh up for Latin dancing, though Ben turns out to be surprisingly good. Roger is apparently an excellent dancer so Susan asks him to coach them for a contest. However he is also quite good at acting and may not be telling the truth. Michael, meanwhile, decides to knuckle down to his studies after poor school grades. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.6
48 min

To see in the new millennium David invites the other couples to join his family and Ramona at a castle on Lindisfarne island,where his obsessive organization annoys the whole party. Pete and Adam decide to row to the mainland to buy pizza but the boat gets stuck so they fire off rockets as flares but only manage to set the boat on fire. When they jump overboard they discover that the water is only knee deep. Ramona takes the batteries from Pete's millennium clock for her Walkman but Pete blames David and they row,after which they make up and David announces that Karen is pregnant again. Then they all go down to the beach to see in the new century. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.6
48 min

Having caught Pete leaving Amy's Jenny throws him out and orders him to take his things. Adam is shocked to discover that he has testicular cancer but when he tells Jenny and Pete it makes them see how well off they are and they decide to give their marriage another try. Adam has a successful operation for his cancer,after which he gets back with a sympathetic Rachel,whilst David's handsome younger brother Nick comes to stay at the Marsdens' house. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.1
48 min

Pete tells Adam that he had sex with Amy during the outward bound weekend but swears him to secrecy. Karen decides to rebel against her middle-class life style,giving her clothes to a charity shop,rolling a joint and persuading Rachel that they should both get a tattoo. Rachel breaks up with Danny as neither can relate to the others' friends and Rachel agrees to be Adam's date at his school reunion. However her tattoo turns septic so Karen accompanies him instead. Unwisely he tells her about Pete and Amy,and she tells Jenny. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.3
48 min

After Adam dumps Amy Pete consoles her and,on an outward bound training weekend for their work,supposedly to be spent under canvas,they contrive to book into a hotel room. Rachel II finds a new boyfriend in a body-building barman and their noisy love-making keeps Adam awake whilst David and Karen plan separate surprise parties to celebrate their wedding anniversary but the lack of communication means they end up in different cities. Rachel starts work at an advertising agency and starts dating the much younger Danny,who originally took her out for a bet but has genuine feelings for her. Encouraged by Jenny Adam places a Lonely Hearts ad but when he turns up at the venue to meet his date encounters Rachel and Danny. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.0
48 min

Suspicious that Jenny has found somebody else Pete asks Adam to help set a trap but when Jenny confesses she has fallen for Adam himself Adam tries to silence her by pressing his mouth to hers. She construes it as a kiss and writes about it in her diary,which Pete reads. As a result he hits Adam though they are reconciled. David loves being a house husband and considers getting rid of Ramona but Karen is only too glad when Natalie makes him an offer he cannot refuse. Adam is trying to get rid of the clinging Amy and acquires a lodger,Rachel II,but when they return to the flat for sex,they find Amy in Adam's bed wearing a nightie. Unfortunately Rachel I shows up to apologize to Adam and discovers three scantily clad people. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.2
48 min

Six months have passed. After Josh has a near miss with a car,David,who has lost his job,decides to stay at home and be a house-husband. Pete and Jenny organize a blind date for Adam with a woman called Amy who,despite her demure appearance,is up for sex with him and becomes slightly obsessed. Rachel returns from London and stays with Karen but asks her not to tell Adam. However Pete sees Rachel pushing a pram - containing a friend's baby - and tells Adam,who assumes the child is his. As a result Karen sets up a date for Rachel to have dinner at Adam's flat. Having got rid of Amy Adam welcomes Rachel and proudly shows her that he has turned the spare room into a nursery. He is therefore shocked when Rachel tells him that she had an abortion whilst in London. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.2
50 min

Returning to work at the publishing house Karen is asked to edit the new novel by prize-winning author Alex Welch. She is initially uncertain until he arrives at the house and immediately charms her. When Alex invites her to a book signing in Liverpool with an over-night stay she entertains thoughts of their spending the night together. When David realises this he plans to have sex with Ramona to get back at his wife. Meeting Alex inspires Adam to show Rachel the manuscript of a book he once wrote but when she laughs at it he decides to write another one. Pete and Jenny are irritated by a visit from his parents. His father treats him like a child and his mother is so obsessed with tidiness it drives Jenny to drastic action. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.0
49 min

Whilst playing squash David confides in Adam that his sex life is zero and asks for advice Adam then asks Pete,claiming that he is enquiring on a friend's behalf but Pete assumes it is for Adam himself and Rachel is informed. This prompts Rachel to tell Adam that her fantasy is to have sex in a shop window and so they gain access to a charity shop after it has closed but are caught in the act when ram-raiders crash into the premises and the police are called. Karen refuses to accept David's view that a new baby would spice up their relationship so he visits a prostitute whilst Jenny and Pete resume their sex life with a fantasy role play of a Victorian squire and serving wench. However Pete cannot stop thinking about the bar-maid in the pub,whose image intrudes. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 8.0
49 min

Adam has moved in with Rachel but is staggered to learn that she is married and omitted to tell him. He goes to stay with Jenny and Pete but only gets in the way as the new baby is giving them sleepless nights. Adam meets Kris,Rachel's husband,whom she has invited to Manchester to arrange their divorce but Adam is angered when Rachel and Kris seem to be getting close and gives him five hundred pounds to go away,which Kris accepts. Afterwards Adam discovers that Rachel did the same. David invests a deal of money in a South African golf course and annoys Karen when the project flops and the money is lost. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 7.6
49 min

Jenny's time to give birth is almost at hand but she is exasperated by Pete's over-enthusiastic reaction,trying to make himself an expert on childcare and buying a mobile phone as a 'child birth hotline'. Rachel and Adam contemplate moving in with each other but cannot decide who should sell their flat whilst Karen engages Hispanic nanny Ramona to look after her son Josh. David is unimpressed by Ramona's lack of English. Adam and Rachel put their differences aside when Jenny's water breaks whilst Pete is playing golf with David and the mobile phone cannot be found. In the event Adam delivers the baby for Jenny,who names him Adam in gratitude. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Cold Feet

Cold Feet


Cold Feet

IMDb: 0

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Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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