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HD Star Trek: The Animated Series

Star Trek: The Animated Series


Star Trek: The Animated Series

IMDb: 6.8

A huge cosmic cloud is reported moving into the outer fringe of the galaxy. Starfleet Command sends the Enterprise to investigate. Sensors indicate it is a strange combination of Matter and Energy. It seems to engulf and feed on the energy of planets. It makes a deliberate course change to head towards the populated planet of Mantilles indicating that it could be intelligent. Kirk sees it as a threat to every planet in the galaxy and if they can't communicate with it and make it stop it will have to be destroyed. Written by tomtrekp

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HD Star Trek: The Animated Series

Star Trek: The Animated Series


Star Trek: The Animated Series

IMDb: 8.2

Upon his return from a journey through the Guardian of Forever Kirk realizes that history has been altered and no one remembers Spock. An Andorian is now his First Officer and it appears that Spock met an untimely death during a childhood ritual on Vulcan. Spock must use the Guardian again and return to the Vulcan of his youth and restore his time line. Written by tomtrekp

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HD Star Trek: The Animated Series

Star Trek: The Animated Series


Star Trek: The Animated Series

IMDb: 6.8

The Enterprise is in a remote section of the galaxy on a mission of star charting when they pick up mysterious radio emissions. While investigating they find themselves picking up speed. As they gain momentum they are being drawn towards a strange, dead star. They achieve orbit and discover an alien starship is also in orbit around the star. While investigating they discover that the ship has been badly damaged and is over 300 million years old. When they beam back they unknowingly bring back a malevolent energy source which attempts to take over Enterprise. Written by tomtrekp

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 6.9
51 min

In answering a medical emergency at an archaeological expedition, Kirk confronts the deep hatred of an old love, Janice Lester, who supposedly lies severely ill from celebium radiation. In payment for jilting her back at Starfleet Academy, Dr. Lester arranges for an alien machine to swap her consciousness with that of the captain and takes command of the Enterprise. Once aboard, Kirk (in Lester's body) tries to convince Spock that he is trapped in her body. As a result, Janice (in Kirk's body) conducts a court-marshal with the intent of executing Spock and Kirk (in Janice's body), and later McCoy and Scott, to keep her secret. The crew realize something is seriously wrong with their captain and, not wishing to incur an illegal death-penalty themselves, begin a passive resistance. Written by JW Kearse

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 8.3
50 min

When the planet Sarpeidon is about to be destroyed by its star Beta Niobe becoming a supernova, Kirk, Spock and McCoy beam down and find it evacuated except for its librarian, Mr. Atoz, tending with his replicas a collection of unusual discs, which play the planet's history and (to their surprise) allow their users to travel into the past trough the atavachron, a time machine, into the periods each was studying on disc, but they travel unprepared. McCoy and Spock find themselves locked in a frozen ice age 5,000 years ago, where Spock reverts to the barbaric age of the Vulcans, hence touchy and intensely attracted to the political prisoner Zarabeth, who enjoys getting company but tells them return is impossible. Kirk arrives in a Cromwellian period, where he's arrested and suspected of witchcraft, but realizes the magistrate must be a time traveler like him, and learns not being prepared at molecular level he can return through the time portal, and in fact must do so and contact Spock ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 6.8
51 min

The Enterprise's sensor readings indicate a planet unsuitable for any carbon-based life at the level of a developed civilization. Suddenly they get an apparition in space from someone who looks like and claims to be Abraham Lincoln. He insists on them checking him out and coming over to a small part on the planet surface (which has suddenly developed a perfect atmosphere for humans). He is received with full presidential honors and Kirk and Spock agree to beam down with him, but as they do, phasers and tricorders fail to dematerialize with them, and communicators won't work. There they meet Surak, the greatest Vulcan of all time, equally convincing. The quartet is greeted by a creature consisting of molten rock who presents them to notorious historical villains Ghengis Khan, Colonel Green, Zora and the Klingon Kahless the Unforgettable. They're told the teams represent good versus evil and must battle to the death against each other to teach the creature their concept. When Kirk ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 7.0
51 min

In order to save an inhabited planet from being destroyed by a botanical plague, the Enterprise goes to pick up zenite, the mineral cure, on the only known planet where it is mined. When Kirk and Spock beam down, they are attacked by 'troglites' (troglodyte miners) but not captured. High council adviser Plasus intervenes and brings them to Stratos, a luxurious metropolis which literally floats in the sky. However, it is under attack from 'disruptors', troglite revolutionaries who want equal life conditions for their peers. They do all the hard work, mainly toiling miserably in mines and dwell in caves on the barren surface below. Dr. McCoy ascertains that the alleged intellectual inferiority of the troglites is not genetic but the reversible effect of exposure to an invisible gas emitted by the zenite. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 5.4
51 min

The Enterprise is ordered to pursue a group of anti-establishment idealists who have stolen a space cruiser and made off for the mythical planet Eden. When the group pushes their stolen ship beyond its limits, the Enterprise is forced to rescue them by transporting them aboard. This merry band of space-hippies includes an insane leader (Dr. Sevrin), an academy drop-out and former love interest of Chekov (Irina), and the son of a Catullan ambassador (Tongo Rad). With the Federation undergoing fragile treaty negotiations with the Catullans, Kirk is ordered by Starfleet to treat the dissidents with extreme tolerance. Kirk finds the group and its leader too difficult to deal with while Spock maintains a deep curiosity about their ideals. Kirk appoints Spock as liaison for the group during their stay on the Enterprise. Dr. Sevrin demands to be taken to Eden, but Kirk refuses on the grounds that his orders from Starfleet dictate that the group be taken to the nearest star base. While ... Written by Anonymous

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 7.6
51 min

When Kirk, Spock and McCoy beam down to a supposed uninhabited planet to gather the mineral ryetalyn to fight a plague of Rigelian fever on-board the Enterprise, they find a fellow Earth-man called Flint and his extremely intelligent female ward Rayna with whom Kirk begins to fall in love. Flint then proceeds to trap them and the Enterprise on his planet. Written by laird-3

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 6.1
51 min

The Enterprise is on course to install new equipment on Memory Alpha, the central library storage facility for the Federation. Chief Engineer Scott has been working closely on the project with Lieutenant Mira Romaine with whom he has been forming a romantic attachment. The Enterprise encounters a space storm that kills the staff at Memory Alpha and possesses Lieutenant Mira Romaine. Written by laird-3

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 6.5
51 min

As Kirk, McCoy, Sulu and geologist D'Amato beam over to a geologically unique planet, an attractive woman suddenly appears in the transporter room and, with but a touch, kills Transporter Chief Wyatt. They're not quite sure who or what she is. They also find themselves unable to contact the Enterprise, which has been flung nearly a thousand light years across the galaxy. The woman soon re-appears, both on the Enterprise and on the planet, touching/killing D'Amato and Engineer Watson. While the landing party faces extermination from this mysterious woman, the Enterprise, endeavoring to return, faces possible destruction from a subtle malfunction administered to their warp engines. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 6.5
51 min

While beaming down to the planet Gideon, Captain Kirk finds himself still in the transporter room. He can find no one on the ship, now apparently abandoned by the entire crew. He does find one other occupant on the Enterprise, a beautiful young woman, Odona, who does not know how she got there. Back on the real Enterprise, Spock tries to deal with Gideon's representatives who claim that Kirk never arrived and claim no knowledge of his whereabouts. Soon, Odona falls deathly ill, which is exactly what the leaders of Gideon were hoping for. Spock soon realizes that there is problem with the beam down coordinates they were provided. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 7.2
51 min

While on a mission of mercy, the Enterprise comes across a shuttle craft stolen from Starbase 4. Its occupant is Lokai, a humanoid who is exactly half black and half white. Soon his pursuer, Commissioner Bele, arrives on board demanding that Lokai be turned over to him for transport to their home planet where Lokai has been convicted as a terrorist. Both men have extraordinary powers and it turns out that the pursuit has lasted 50,000 years. Their hatred of one another is racially based and, despite attempts by Kirk and others, they are not prepared to reconcile. The pursuit ends on their home planet where they learn the fate of their races. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 7.0
51 min

The Enterprise travels to the planet Elba II, home of the last asylum for the criminally insane, to deliver a serum that should cure all of its remaining inmates. Kirk and Spock beam down to the planet's surface where all seems in order, but they soon find the inmates now run the asylum, led by Garth (at one time a starship Captain, whose exploits were required reading at the Academy). Garth, who's learned how to shape-shift, can take on the appearance of anyone, including Kirk or Spock. In the process of learning this ability, he lost his sanity. Garth plans to pose as the Captain, beam up to the Enterprise and take over the ship, but Kirk has a roadblock set up to overcome. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 7.2
51 min

The Enterprise transports Elaan, a member of the ruling dynasty of the warrior Elasians, to the planet of their enemy, the Troyians, so that her arranged marriage will halt their interplanetary war. Kirk must teach the arrogant, vicious princess the ways of polite society but falls victim to the legendary weapon of Elasian women: their tears serve as a love potion. Spock tracks what may be another ship shadowing the Enterprise and Kirk, distracted by Elaan, must fight against other parties interested in preventing the Federation's peace efforts. Written by Tom D.

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 6.6
51 min

Kirk, Spock and McCoy suddenly find themselves in an underground laboratory where they meet an attractive young woman who is not only mute but also an empath who can absorb someone else's pain. When their captors make themselves known, they refuse to explain why the three men have been taken prisoner or why they and the young woman, whom McCoy has named Gem, are there. Inexplicably, they set about torturing them for no apparent reason. Fortunately, Gem's empathic powers allow her to take away their pain, but only at great sacrifice to herself. When their captors tell Kirk that he must choose which of his men to die, their selflessness comes to the fore, leaving Dr. McCoy volunteering himself. They all soon learn that the object of the experiment is Gem herself. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 7.4
51 min

The Enterprise responds to a distress call from the planet Scalos, but when Kirk and a landing party beam down to the planet they find no living beings. It turns out that the Scalosians live at a much higher rate of acceleration, rendering them invisible to the human eye. One of the Scalosians, the beautiful and seductive Deela, accelerates Kirk so they can interact, where she tells him he cannot return to his normal life. For the crew, Kirk has virtually disappeared before their eyes. The Scalosians want to turn the Enterprise into a cryogenic storage facility for the crew. Kirk learns that at his current state of acceleration, they are subject to cellular degeneration and rapid aging should they suffer the slightest cut. He leaves a message for the crew but it is left to Mr. Spock to find a way to decipher it. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 6.6
51 min

On an urgent medical emergency, Kirk, Spock and McCoy encounter an alien society that had once flourished on earth during the time of Plato. Since reaching their current planet, they've developed psychokinetic powers while also losing their bodies' ability to combat even the simplest infection, making the need for a physician newly apparent. When Dr. McCoy declines their invitation to stay, they begin to make sport with Kirk, Spock, Nurse Chapel and Lieutenant Uhura using their psychokinetic powers. Written by laird-3

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 8.1
51 min

Kirk and the derelict starship Defiant vanish into a spatial interphase between universes. To rescue him, Spock must maintain position despite a growing, violent hysteria aboard the Enterprise, like that which destroyed the Defiant's crew, as well as a force field being laid around the Enterprise by Tholian patrol ships. Written by Tom D.

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 7.2
51 min

The Enterprise in attacked by a missile, launched from an asteroid on an independent collision course with highly populated planet, Darren 5, in 396 days, which has simple atomic power and an internal atmosphere, but no inhabitants. McCoy has found he's the only unhealthy crew member: only one year of life left. Kirk, Spock, and McCoy beam down to the asteroid surface but are suddenly overpowered by sword-bearing men, commanded by high-priestess Natira who makes them kneel before a worshiped oracle, which smites them down electrically. They are given a medicine by an old servant who suffers pain twitches while telling them things are not as they teach us, and that he once climbed the mountain and touched the sky. He then dies. The earthly visitors are now offered hospitality. The high-priestess asks McCoy to stay as her mate and explains the people is on its way to a new, green world, 'soon' according to the oracle. Kirk and Spock discover the oracle was build by the alien Fabrini ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 8.0
51 min

Having found a Federation colony of 100 people completely destroyed, Kirk and the Enterprise have to deal with a nearby Klingon vessel which they believe must be responsible for the colony's destruction. When the Klingon ship is disabled, they, in turn, assume they were attacked by the Enterprise. There is obvious tension between the Enterprise crew and its Klingon enemies. Unbeknown to Kirk and his Klingon counterpart, Kang, this is the work of an alien being that gets its energy from the friction and emotions between sentient beings. The natural animosities between the two parties feed its appetites. When the creature is beamed aboard the Enterprise, it purposely creates tension among the crew, to its benefit. The situation eventually forces Kirk and Kang to work together to defeat it. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 7.4
51 min

When the Enterprise trespasses into uncharted territory, Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Scott and Chekov are transported to a location that has all the trappings of the American Old West. It's October 26, 1881, and Kirk soon realizes they are in Tombstone, Arizona, on the day of the famed gunfight at the OK Corral between the Clanton gang and the Earps - with Kirk and company representing the ill-fated Clantons. If history is to be repeated, they will fairly all be killed so must use whatever resources availed to them to defeat the threat and survive. The solution, however - and the only way of escape - lies within them. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 7.0
51 min

The Enterprise transports the Medusan Ambassador Kollos; his telepathic interpreter, Dr Miranda Jones; and Engineer Laurence Marvick. Only Vulcans and those trained in Vulcan self-control can handle the horrible sight of a Medusan (and then only with eye protection). Attempting to kill Kollos, Marvick (jealous of Miranda's interest in Kollos) goes insane at the sight of the Mudasan ambassador. Before dying Marvick, one of the designers of the Enterprise, takes the ship outside the galaxy where it is hopelessly lost. Once it is discovered that Miranda is blind (she had fooled them with a complicated neural sensor in her dress) and cannot guide the Enterprise, Spock mind-melds with the navigationally proficient ambassador who quickly gets the Enterprise back in known galactic space. However, while severing the mind-meld, he forgets the visor, sees Kollos, and goes insane. Because of her jealousy of Spock's relationship with Kollos, Miranda hesitates to give help, but with Kirk's urging ... Written by JW Kearse

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 5.2
51 min

The Enterprise responds to a distress call from the scientific colony on Triacus and arrives to find that all of the adults are dead. Oddly, the children seem unaffected by the deaths and continue to play as if nothing had happened. When questioned, they show no remorse whatsoever and express a dislike for parental authority. Expedition logs reveal that the expedition had discovered an ancient civilization and that there might be one survivor. In fact, the Gorgon thrives on the innocence of the children and the adults' self-doubt. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 6.8
51 min

Kirk, Spock and McCoy beam down to a planet that is in the path on an oncoming meteor. They find an idyllic place that is very similar to Earth and whose population is virtually identical to North American Indians. Their visit is meant to be a short one since their mission is to deflect the meteor, still several months away. Before they can return to the ship, Kirk disappears and loses his memory in an accident, forcing Spock to take command of the Enterprise and to leave him behind. On the planet, Kirk is treated like a god when they see him emerge from an obelisk that is actually a deflector beam (which no one remembers how to use, however). When the Enterprise fails to deflect the meteor, they return to the planet only hours before the annihilating meteor's arrival. Written by garykmcd

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 8.6
51 min

The Enterprise deliberately crosses the Neutral Zone, on Kirk's orders, into Romulan space and is promptly surrounded by Romulan warships, each equipped with a cloaking device that renders it undetectable. Spock betrays the apparently irrational and paranoid Kirk to the Romulan commander, a woman who is obviously attracted to Spock. A deadly game between Kirk, Spock and the Romulans risks not only the Enterprise but the tenuous cease-fire between the Romulans and the Federation. Written by Tom D.

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 5.5
51 min

The Enterpise is approached by an ion-propelled craft (much to Eng. Scott's liking); from it enters a female who renders everyone unconscious. When the crew wakes up, McCoy finds Spock alive in sick bay but with his brain surgically removed. McCoy urges its quick restoration if he's to survive at all. Desperately Kirk follows an ion-trail to a system where he gambles on an icy planet populated by a simple-minded all-male race of large cavemen who attack them. The landing party captures one, who says Kirk and crew are small like 'The Others' - bringers of pain and delight - whom they fear. McCoy brings down Spock's body, mobilized with a mechanical brain-substitute installed. They enter the acclimatized, underground dwelling of 'The Others' - a similarly simple-minded all-female race of enslavers - and overpower female Luma by surprise. Kirk makes communicator contact with Spock, who knows not where he is but is aware of autonomic functions. As they finally find Kara, the female ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 7.7
50 min

When the Enterprise is assigned to observe Earth's history in 1968, suddenly it intercepts a transporter beam which originates at least a thousand light-years from Earth, bringing aboard a humanoid alien 'agent Gary Seven' holding a black cat called Isis, who warns them to step back and let him go to accomplish his mission to save Earth; initially phaser-struck down, he manages to beam himself away, actually on a mission to prevent a nuclear rocket being launched at McKinley base because earth is socio-politically not ready for its technological progress. He assumes a classified identity to override a powerful computer, and mistakes the wrong girl, Miss Lincoln, for another agent; the computer reports both other agents he seeks are deceased in an accident. Meanwhile Kirk and Spock beam down to investigate if the alien isn't hostile, realizing the risk of changing their own past. When they get on his trail, the girl sees Spock's ears, calls the police and Seven gets away; they must ... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 7.2
50 min

While searching for the crew of a destroyed spaceship, the Enterprise discovers a planet whose oppressive government is a 20th-century version of Earth's Roman Empire. Kirk, Spock and McCoy meet the rebels, seemingly sun worshipers, but are soon thereafter apprehended by the regime. The missing Captain Merik is revealed as the First Citizen and a pawn of the regime, but he and the rebels ultimately help Kirk and company to escape. Back on the Enterprise, Uhura observes that the crew's understanding of the rebels as sun worshipers was not completely accurate. Written by MGR

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 8.0
50 min

Captain Kirk replies to an urgent (yet brief) message from Commodore Enright, which only tells him to report to the nearest space station. Once there, most of the crew is removed - held in a security area, leaving only a minimal skeleton crew on-board. Commodore Bob Wesley arrives, and informs the captain he's the unwitting 'fox in the hunt;' of simulated war games to be played. The purpose? To put the so far only-rumoured-to-exist M-5 Multitronic unit - through its paces. The M-5 computer is the latest invention of the brilliant Dr. Richard Daystrom, creator of the Duotronic computer systems, which power Enterprise, and many other high-end systems. Daystrom is confidant his unit can not only take control of the starship, but do a better job than humans can. At first, the Enterprise under M-5's control easily defeats two other starships, but, quickly begins to act independently of its human masters, Daystrom has little interest in disconnecting the M-5 and treats it more like an ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 7.7
50 min

Kirk, Spock, McCoy and a couple of red shirts beam down to the surface of a planet in answer to a fake distress call. There they are overpowered by a small group of human-looking aliens from the Andromeda galaxy, led by Rojan. Their galaxy will be uninhabitable within a few thousand years, so they intend to conquer ours, to give themselves a new home. The aliens' spacecraft had been damaged by the energy barrier around the galaxy, and they need the Enterprise to return home, enhancing its engines so that the journey will only take 300 years. They take over the Enterprise using their two main weapons - a paralyzing beam, and a ray that can reduce a person to a gray block of material - revival only being possible if the block is not damaged. After successfully negotiating the energy barrier, the aliens reduce all the crew into the gray blocks, with the exception of Kirk, Spock, McCoy and Scott, who must somehow overcome the aliens, revive the crew and return home. Written by Dave Brown

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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 7.6
50 min

The Enterprise searches the reportedly primitive and warlike planet Ekos for the missing Federation cultural observer Professor John Gill. When Kirk and Spock beam down, they find the Ekosians have turned into a Nazi society, with Gill as their Fuhrer, and are at war with the peaceful people of neighboring planet Zeon. They steal uniforms to enter the headquarters; but when Spock is forced to remove his helmet, his ears betray them and they are led straight to the torture chamber. After a flogging as Zeon spies, they manage to escape with a Zeon prisoner, who takes them to the Zeon resistance. The resistance tests them, and plots with an Ekosian defector just to reach Gill, posing as a Nazi propaganda film crew. Once they enter inside, they discover things are not quite as they appear. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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