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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.9

Santos and his staff prepare for the inauguration as Bartlet and his team look back on their years in the White House. Series Finale.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.6

Two weeks before the inauguration, CJ and the rest of the Bartlett administration consider what they will do next. CJ examines her relationship with Danny and considers whether or not to suggest to the President pardoning Toby.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.3

BEING PRESIDENT CAN BE HARD ON THE FAMILY - While Santos is wrapped up in choosing his new Vice President, Helen is overwhelmed by the issues facing the new First Family. Meanwhile, Vinick must find a new road now that the election is over.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.5

THE PRESIDENT AND PRESIDENT-ELECT SEE FOREIGN POLICY DIFFERENTLY - Eyebrows are raised when the President-elect places a call to the president of China and offers a different position than that of Bartlet. Meanwhile, Josh picks his deputy chief of staff.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.9

President Bartlet and his current and former staffers come together for Leo's funeral.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 9.0

The polls are closing across the country at different times, and the sudden switch to doing nothing makes life difficult for both campaigns. From early on, it's clear that the election will be too close to call, and will likely come down to the candidates's home states of Texas and California. Meanwhile, friends and colleagues react with shock and bewilderment at the news of Leo's sudden trip to hospital. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.6

After eleven months of hard campaigning, election day finally arrives. Josh attempts to make sense of some strange exit-poll numbers while exploring his new relationship with Donna. Meanwhile, back at the White House, Charlie insists that C.J. start thinking about her career after politics. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.8

With barely a week until the election, the federal prosecutor threatens Toby with another indictment and promises to subpoena members of the Bartlet administration, unless he reveals his source. The Santos campaign hits three states in one day as they try to grab last-minute votes and make the most of their last few chances to impress the public. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.0

With only two weeks left until the election, both campaigns face important decisions about which states to campaign in. The nuclear issue has prompted some in the Vinick campaign to recommend focusing on family values, but Vinick himself wants to address the nuclear questions head-on. With both candidates hitting the same swing states they frequently encounter each other; Bruno finds Santos's briefcase in a meeting room. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.3

The nuclear accident in California spells bad news for the Vinick campaign, following the revelation of Vinick's prior lobbying for the plant involved in the accident and his support of nuclear power in general. With Vinick having lost his lead in many states, the Republican party recommends a change in staff and message. Meanwhile, amidst a celebratory mood in the Santos campaign Donna and Josh have a moment alone. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

Following news of an accident at a nuclear power plant in California, the White House springs into action to try and contain the leak and address public concerns. The Santos and Vinick campaigns weigh the responsibility of helping to fix the situation against the opportunity to take advantage of the situation politically. The situation in Kazakhstan deteriorates, with China and Russia both mobilizing their armies over disputed elections. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.0

During his dinner date with C.J., Danny reveals some startling news about the President's son-in-law. A combination of events prompts C.J. to realize that the time she has remaining in her powerful position is dwindling; she begins a complicated game of diplomacy with France, Germany, and China to affect real change in Darfur, where thousands of people are being killed each week. Josh is in town to coordinate the Santos campaign with the Bartlet administration, and seems to know more than he should about government decisions. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.2

With the Vice Presidential debate only days away, Josh and his team are in a near-panic over Leo's dreadful performance. Matt Santos makes his final trip home to Houston before the election and learns of the stress and impact of the campaign on his family and friends. Will continues to press Kate for information on the Kazakhstan situation, while trying to interest her in a date. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.9

President Bartlet's plan to attend his daughter Ellie's White House wedding is jeopardized when Russia and China mobilize troops over growing chaos in Kazakhstan. The Santos campaign has gained ground on Vinick over the last few weeks, but with less than two months until the election it's not clear that the gap can be closed. As Josh obsesses over the electoral math, tracking polls, and decisions on where to spend advertising money, some Democrats are nervous that the election is slipping away, and urge Santos to fire Josh as campaign manager. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.1

Santos's efforts to overcome a history of racial tensions between minorities aren't helped when a Latino officer shoots a black child in Los Angeles. C.J. is coordinating Ellie's wedding at the White House when Kate approaches her for help with the rapidly-escalating problems in Kazakhstan -- leaving a reluctant Will in charge of planning the ceremony. Josh visits the White House to ask a favor of the president, before dropping in on Toby at his home. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.8
51 min

In an episode originally broadcast live (there are two versions, one for the Eastern and Central time zones; one for the Pacific time zone), Santos and Vinnick square off in a debate with TV newsman Forrest Sawyer (as himself) moderating. Halfway through the debate, Santos departs from the script and begins delivering statements while pacing the stage; Vinnick joins in. Other cast members appear briefly in backstage film segments, and Ellen DeGeneres hosts (also on film) from an adjacent sound stage. Alan Alda (Vinnick), an accomplished stage actor, seems much more comfortable with the live format than Jimmy Smits (Santos) who blows several lines during the East Coast hour. Written by Peter Harris

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.0

A pro-life special interest group launches an ad attacking Santos for his abortion stance, but Vinick also sees it as trouble since he's also pro-choice and doesn't want to draw attention to the issue. With Vinick ahead in the polls, he has no incentive to debate Santos and thus continues to drag his feet over negotiations. Back at the White House, C.J. orders new Communications Director Will Bailey to not answer questions from the press about the leak investigation. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.4

Toby's confession to leaking classified information about the military Space Shuttle sends shock waves through the administration, resulting in lawyers and colleagues scrambling to minimize damage while not giving the appearance of a cover-up. Kate takes Special Agent Frost's theory about the assassination in Kazakhstan to the military command. Josh becomes concerned with the fact that opinion polls consistently place Santos 9 points behind Vinick in the presidential campaign. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.9

The Santos campaign faces questions on intelligent design and evolution during a campaign stop focusing on education in Pennsylvania. Margaret testifies before the committee investigating the leak, which has also served most current and former members of the Bartlet administration with subpoenas. A suicide bombing in the Middle East throws the region into chaos and threatens to postpone all campaigning. An intelligence analyst assigned to brief the Vinick campaign demands to speak with CJ. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.9

With Santos gaining momentum, the Vinick campaign devises a strategy to catch them off-guard by focusing on immigration issues: by taking a pro-immigration stance, they force Santos to spend time courting the Latino vote. A powerful Christian group is nervous about supporting a Republican presidential candidate who is pro-choice, and demands a guarantee that Vinick only appoint pro-life judges. Vinick hopes that the strong religious credentials of his running mate Sullivan will be enough to satisfy the Christian base, but inevitably finds himself in a difficult situation. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.9
42 min

Despite vigorous campaigning, the Santos campaign still struggles to articulate its message and keep the focus on domestic issues rather than gossip and trivia. Although Santos served decades in the military and remains in the reserves, Vinick still appears the stronger candidate on national security issues due to stereotypes about Republicans and Democrats. The White House's decision to halt their own investigation into the leak is a savvy legal move, however it could prove to be costly politically: while Vinick can slam the President for this decision, it's not so easy for Santos to do so. Josh reluctantly recruits help with running the campaign when it becomes obvious that he's trying to do too much himself. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.0

Four days after the Democratic convention, Josh begins to staff up the Santos campaign. With Santos and Leo effectively strangers - and Leo not an experienced campaigner - adjustments of roles and responsibilities are required in order to deliver a strong and consistent message. The White House prepares to launch the military Space Shuttle on its rescue mission to the Space Station amidst growing suspicion that proof of its existence was deliberately leaked by someone in the Administration. The Republicans offer Bartlet a concession on an education bill in an attempt to drive a wedge between him and the Santos campaign. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.8
43 min

WHO WILL BE THE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE? - It's the Democratic National Convention and the race to become the Democratic Presidential candidate has narrowed to three candidates: Russell, Baker and Santos. Also, Bartlet must wrestle with the decision to launch the super-secret defense shuttle to rescue the astronauts trapped at the space station and risk national security or let them die. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

While Vinick and the Republicans deliver a flawless albeit predictable convention, the Democratic convention looks to be more like a pie fight as there is no clear favorite. Russell tries to preempt the floor vote by hinting offers of the vice presidential nomination to both Santos and Governor Baker of Pennsylvania. Charlie and Zoey's relationship is becoming more serious, resulting in different reactions from the President and the First Lady. An air leak on the International Space Station will kill all three astronauts unless a rescue mission can be launched. NASA advises that their shuttles are unfit for flight, but then hints at another solution. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Senator Arnold Vinick easily wins the Republican nomination on the night of the New Jersey primary, but has difficulty picking a running mate. Choosing Reverend Don Butler would virtually guarantee him the presidency, but their differing views on abortion and religion would make it a political union rather than one based on shared ideology. The Democratic nomination is a toss-up between Santos and Russell; Hoynes is running a distant third. With no clear nominee going into the convention, the Democratic party risks appearing unsure about both Santos and Russell - a position that President Bartlet does not want the Republicans to be able to exploit. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.3
60 min

Rumors circulate in Washington yet again about the state of Fidel Castro's health. As C.J. begins to look into the issue she uncovers some dark secrets regarding the United States' relationship with Cuba which appear to involve Leo, the President, and Kate Harper. Despite how closely guarded and potentially explosive this information is, a startlingly large number of government agencies and officials appear to know bits and pieces of the story. This results in undercover political maneuvering to avoid what is expected to be an enormous political disaster. Meanwhile, Charlie calls in different professionals to deal with a suspected termite problem in the White House. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Hoynes and Russell are campaigning in New York, confident of their prospects in the California primary. Santos needs to do unexpectedly well in California in order to stay financially afloat; another third place finish will see his donors shift their money elsewhere, finishing his campaign. Santos's message of education and health care is overshadowed when California passes a law prohibiting drivers licenses for illegal immigrants. Despite the bill being widely supported by most voters, Matt cannot publicly endorse it as he's counting on the support of Latino voters, who expect him to denounce it. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

The Speaker of the House deliberately calls a vote on stem cell research when he knows that Democrats will be away from Washington; Donna, Cliff, Matt, and Josh must put aside their differences to foil the plan. Kate is shocked when a minor hunting mishap on the Canadian border threatens to become a major international incident. A Japanese economist who has been President Bartlet's arch-rival since college is attending a formal dinner at the White House, creating a potentially explosive situation. Toby tries to avoid meeting with a group of middle school children who want a constitutional amendment lowering the voting age. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Back in Washington briefly, Josh visits the White House and is surprised to discover that as a campaign manager he is no longer part of the inner circle in an administration that wants to remain neutral in the Democratic primary. Toby is the focus of some concern after being more withdrawn than usual and also because he is nursing a cut on his face that he doesn't want to talk about. Charlie tells Kate that a guy at his gym has been asking about her, but she's unsure if she's ready to date again. A multi-state water rights fight pitches C.J. against lobbyist Cliff Calley, who proves to be both infuriating and intriguing. Josh and Donna are both suspicious when far-left Senator Rafferty joins the race, obviously as a spoiler candidate. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Five days before the New Hampshire Democratic primary, the Santos campaign risks extinction as Matt has not been invited to the last debate. Josh proposes a number of strategies to get Santos into the debate, including deal-making, legal challenges, attack ads, and publicity stunts - but the Congressman is reluctant to play along. With Josh scrambling to keep the campaign alive, Santos calls in help from Washington to tune his message. Hoynes and Russell launch attack ads on each other's records, and Josh realizes that a desperate long-shot is needed to keep Santos in the race. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

A rapidly-escalating international crisis involving Iran and the UK requires C.J. to wake the President, triggering a confrontation with Abbey about allowing him enough rest to properly manage his MS. British Ambassador Lord John Marbury is summoned, and proceeds to wander the halls looking for Gerald while threatening to bomb Iran. Toby and Professor Lawrence Lessig meet with a delegation from Belarus to discuss a new constitution, and disagree on whether to base it on a parliamentary or presidential system. The latest Miss World makes a traditional visit to the White House to discuss a cause. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

A day in the lives of presidential candidates Bob Russell, Matt Santos, and Arnold Vinick, who are in Iowa trying to gain support for their campaigns. Iowa is the first state in the nation to hold their presidential caucuses, and issues affecting farmers and rural areas are the focus. The most important issue on the table is the large federal subsidies for ethanol fuel given to corn growers, which is supported by Iowa residents but seen as naked pandering by the rest of the country. Josh continues to clash with Santos over winning votes instead of proposing radical policy. Donna and Josh continue to avoid speaking about the state of their relationship. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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