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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Leo returns to the White House to help bolster the administration, which is suffering from the loss of Josh, Donna, Will, and the Vice President to the next election campaign. Leo's first day back follows President Bartlet's last State of the Union address, and unlike in previous years there appears to be little momentum on bold, large-scale initiatives. Amidst numerous distractions that dilute the focus of the staff (kidnappings in Colombia, the First Lady's appearance at a NASCAR race, and petulant Congressmen), he challenges the administration on their agenda for their remaining year in office. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Josh and Santos visit New Hampshire to launch the presidential campaign. Josh has experience running national campaigns and has a clear idea about what candidates should and shouldn't do to get elected, but Santos's approach differs dramatically: he believes in talking about big ideas rather than saying whatever he needs to do in order to win votes. This difference in opinion combined with conventional wisdom that says Santos has no chance of winning threaten to sink the campaign before it has begun. Will and Donna are also in New Hampshire, running Vice President Bob Russell's campaign - which puts their interests at odds with those of the Santos campaign. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

On the same day that an anti-gay-marriage amendment is attached to the federal budget, an Internet rumor surfaces that C.J. is a lesbian. Josh and Toby attempt to kill the amendment without forcing the President to publicly take a position on this unwinnable issue. Congressman Santos considers Josh's proposition that he run for President despite having told his wife that he's done with politics. Donna begins her new job while Josh struggles to cope with her difficult replacement. Abby and C.J. meet with the President's doctors to decide how to adapt his schedule to the increasingly debilitating effect of multiple sclerosis. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

President Bartet's attack of multiple sclerosis requires hasty reorganization of the summit in China. Unable to endure the long meetings, he becomes frustrated when the Chinese take advantage of his absence to drag their feet over North Korea. Back at the White House, Josh is told by NASA that a large asteroid is on a collision course with earth; staffers are unsure whether to prepare for the end of the world or not. Donna becomes frustrated when Josh continually postpones what she says is an important conversation. With the New Hampshire primary looming and Vinick looking like a formidable opponent, Josh and Leo try to find a Democratic presidential candidate they can believe in. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Magicians Penn and Teller give a controversial performance at Zoey's birthday party in the White House that threatens to drown out the news of the impending China trip. President Bartlet goes to New Orleans on his way to China after unexpectedly requesting briefings be postponed until they are in the air. Josh tries to decide which Democratic presidential candidate he wants to support, and is alarmed that Bartlet wants to appoint California Republican Senator Arnold Vinick to be Ambassador to the United Nations. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

After spending months negotiating a difficult summit with China, Josh is dismayed to learn that the President accepted a flag symbolizing Taiwanese independence. Vice President Hoynes appears on television to promote his book and indicates a desire to return to politics. With the Iowa caucuses only a few months away, Vice President Russell and others begin positioning themselves to win the Democratic presidential nomination. President Bartlet finds tying his bow tie unexpectedly difficult. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

The glow of the Middle East peace deal begins to fade once the hard reality of implementing change begins. Josh becomes involved in the Patient's Bill of Rights, which is becoming a political football as the Vice President and Congressman Santos both try to out-maneuver each other and the Republicans. C.J. continues to be unimpressed with Toby's performance as press secretary when he gets into a difficult position during a briefing. While working to recover from his heart attack, Leo receives a job offer from the corporate world. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Josh visits a car dealership and is seduced by both a hybrid and a monster SUV, despite knowing that Congress is unlikely to raise fuel efficiency standards. For political cover as well as genuine concern, he meets with representatives of the alternative energy industries. Charlie has graduated from college and is reluctant to keep his promise to the President of finding a real job. Following press complaints about Toby he agrees to take deportment lessons from Annabeth. C.J. visits Leo at his hotel and finds out why he's so insistent that the President play chess each week. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.4

C.J.'s first day as Chief of Staff gives her a new appreciation for Leo's skill in the role. While struggling to keep up with her hectic schedule, she must handle the sudden appearance of abandoned Soviet nuclear material, counter political maneuvering within the Cabinet, and assert her authority with the staff and the President. Toby conducts a press briefing after which C.J. orders him to quickly find someone to fill the role permanently. The Democratic Party enlists Josh's help to talk Congressman Matt Santos out of taking an early retirement. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.0

Leo is found in the woods at Camp David and rushed to Bethesda Naval Hospital; President Bartlet's feelings of loyalty and guilt cause him to neglect his duties in favor of maintaining a bedside vigil. With their Chief of Staff out of action and the President unwilling to discuss a replacement, Josh and Toby step on each others toes trying to strike political deals to keep the Middle East peace deal alive. C.J. faces questions from a journalist about who is running the country with both Leo and the President out of the White House. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.4

The Israelis and Palestinians have agreed to meet at Camp David, but an agreement appears unlikely due to a long history of failure and mistrust. With his reputation and political future on the line, Bartlet desperately tries to get keep both sides from leaving, let along talking. Josh returns from visiting Donna in Germany and notices a difference in Leo, who appears to have reached a critical level of disagreement with the President over the administration's handling of the latest Middle East crisis. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.1

Josh maintains a vigil beside Donna's bed in hospital, and needles Colin over his background and relationship with Donna. President Bartlet is determined to reject the unanimous demands of Congress, the American public, and his entire staff to retaliate for the roadside bombing. Leo tries to find a way to talk the President around while Kate tries various long-shot attempts at getting the Israelis and Palestinians to negotiate at Camp David. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.3

The President finds himself at odds with Leo, and the entire country, on his position regarding retaliation for the bombing in Gaza.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.4

A fact finding codel to the Middle East is torn apart by an explosion. Key members of the administration and their loved ones are caught in the mess. The President is forced to consider retaliatory military action the unstable area, with possible repercussions that could last decades. Written by h_berry

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.0

When a bio-hazard alarm goes off in the White House, the staff are locked down where they are - forcing them to have conversations they would have otherwise avoided.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.7
42 min

The president and staff are about to head for Brussels to sign an international free trade deal that Josh has just spent a lot of time and effort negotiating, to nearly everyone's satisfaction; at the 11th hour, the CEO of an IBM-like company tells Josh that the first effect of the new agreement, of which his company is a huge beneficiary, will be the immediate transfer of 17,000 programming jobs to India; the head of the communications workers' union, which is representing the affected programmers, brings one of the programmers to Josh's office, and they refuse to leave, leading Josh to question the underlying adverse effects of the trade deal. Throughout the episode, Ryan tries to make Josh care that he's completing his internship that day, while Donna pesters Josh to bring her on the Brussels trip in an effort to make her a more active player in west wing activities, eventually leading to a trade-off that will mean even bigger things for Donna in the long run. Written by meebly

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.0

White House press secretary C.J. Cregg has granted television news magazine Access permission to film her on a typical day in the office. On this particular day however, news of a standoff involving a terrorist and the FBI breaks, forcing C.J and the White House to operate in full crisis mode. This episode is presented as the end product of the Access documentary, with interviews, stock footage, narration, and unscripted/live events captured on camera as they unfold. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 9.1

Josh's efforts to break the deadlock over judicial nominees is brought to a head by the death of a Supreme Court Justice. With the Republicans controlling Congress, the administration's chances of getting a replacement they want appear to be slim. Despite this, Josh and Toby begin back-channel negotiations over a radical scheme which could be exactly what the overly-moderate judicial system needs. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.7

A Republican Congresswoman targets Ellie and her scientific research as an example of government waste and cronyism in an attempt to discredit the President and the Administration. To help rehabilitate her image, C.J. urges Abby to appear on the Muppets as a doctor. Josh pushes the Republicans hard on judicial nominees after learning that a friend of his has grown tired of waiting for confirmation and is going to take a university position. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.7

Press leaks lead to the revelation that former VP John Hoynes is about to release a tell-all book about the administration.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.7

A Navy Hawkeye AWACS crew is missing in North Korea, a Broadcaster has called CJ a chicken and a proposed tax break for stay at home moms causes Josh stress. Amidst the usual West Wing mêlée, Leo finds himself hearing things about the man who saved his life in Vietnam, that he doesn't believe. Written by h_berry

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.1

Toby awakens at 3 a.m. with an idea of how to save the social security program for future generations, leading him to meet in secret with the president and volunteer to touch the third rail of American politics. Toby meets with influential Republican senator Gaines about putting aside partisanship in the interest of preserving the critical safety net, and he gets a favorable response, but someone who saw them together leaks the meeting to the press. Toby also gets Dem. senator Brainerd on board with assurances that both sides need to compromise and that the Republican agreed. Elsewhere, Josh tries to help boost the new v.p.'s profile and bland image by having him comically attack the same senator for his weak fundraising efforts. By day's end, both Gaines and Brainerd have publicly withdrawn from Toby's previously secret plan and publicly refused to consider the compromises they'd initially offered. The president angrily orders Toby to fix what he's broken, in response to which Toby... Written by meebly

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.7

In inexplicably finishing the speech early Toby is left with nothing to do. However, the State of the Union speech needs testing, so Toby flies out to meet Joey Lucas to perform mall tests.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.6

Bartlet travels with former presidents Newman and Walken aboard Air Force One to the funeral of another former president. Meanwhile, Leo sits in the situation room dealing with demonstrations that are wracking Saudi Arabia and threatening to topple the royal family and CJ tries to deal with rumors of military mind control experiments. On board the plane, Toby tries to write Bartlet's eulogy as the crisis in Saudi Arabia grows worse. Written by timdalton007

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.7

The entire Bartlet family tries to gather for an early Christmas dinner at the White House, but inevitable delays occur as the president must deal with an overseas crisis. Ellie is held up at her lab, and five-year-old grandson Gus is having tantrums. In addition, Doug Westin (Jed and Abby's son-in-law) approaches Josh about running for an open congressional seat in his home district. Josh, Leo and the New Hampshire Democratic Party have already chosen a viable local candidate, but Doug persists. Jed, who likes and respects Doug, still thinks it's should be Liz who should run for the open seat. Written by meebly

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.7

President Bartlet refuses to let Speaker of the House Haffley hold him hostage on the budget and allows the government to be shut down.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.0

Deputy counsel Joe Quincy is quietly enlisted by Toby to approach the ailing Chief Justice about possible retirement. With Josh still incapable of lobbying effectively, Leo brings in help to hammer out the budget, but success looks a long way off with a hostile Speaker making negotiations tricky. Written by h_berry

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.7

Leo is left manning the fort when the President goes AWOL whilst visiting tornado victims. Josh is not in the position to lend a hand as he deals with the fallout from a gross miscalculation and lack of judgment.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.7

While Will gets an enticing offer from the new Vice President, Josh finds himself responsible for a crucial mistake that could sorely embarrass the Administration. He isn't the only one on the wrong side of the tracks as Amy finds out first hand why she shouldn't handle the First Family. Written by h_berry

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.8

A North Korean pianist announces his intention to defect in the Oval Office. While the staff passionately debate his request they also fight to get the President's choice of Vice President nominated by a new and hostile Speaker of the House. Written by h_berry

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.5

With Bartlet back in the Oval Office, and back in his wife's bad books, the hunt for a Vice President begins.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.2

Zoey Barlet has been held for over a day. An international crisis looms that could have serious repercussions for the administration, let alone the hostage.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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