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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.0

Toby is concerned when President Bartlett forgoes an opportunity to speak out in favor of affirmative action during the Iowa caucuses and confronts the President on the real reasons underlying his Dr. Jekyl and Uncle Fluffy personality shifts. Meanwhile Josh makes plans for a vacation with Amy and then must cancel them. Written by Havan Ironoak

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.1

On the night of the State of the Union, Sam has to explain the process of writing the speech and grading reaction to it to a magazine reporter (Traylor Howard) throughout the evening; C.J. arranged the coverage aware that the reporter, Lisa Sherbourn, is Sam's ex-fiancée; flashing back to the speechwriting process, we see the president dining with several of Abbey's medical colleagues, and they ponder the future of cancer research, motivating Bartlet to ask that a section be added to the SOTU in which he calls for U.S. scientists to find a cancer cure by 2012; the staff, convinced that the Congressional censure is weighing heavily on the president, tries to talk him out of this bold but risky proposal. Written by meebly

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.1

In a private, late-night, Cliff Calley informs Leo and Jordon he has negotiated a settlement in the Congressional witch hunt over Bartlet's MS: Bartlet can accept a joint congressional censure (House Concurrent Resolution 172, or H.Con. 172); Leo initially refuses to bring it to the president, insisting it will devastate the president and affect him for the rest of his life, but he does mull it over, and consults with Josh and repeatedly with Jordon about it; Josh begins his romantic pursuit of women's issues advocate Amy Gardner, but flubs it a couple of times while she continues dating other men. Written by meebly

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 9.1
44 min (DVD)

In an episode dotted with flashbacks, Leo and his attorney Jordon Kendall (Joanna Gleason) face a Congressional inquiry into whether the president lied to the American people regarding his MS, but this particular day of hearings concerns itself more with Abby and her secretly medicating Jed, and later with Leo's having fallen off the wagon during the campaign (a politically motivated Republican rep on the committee witnessed Leo drunk in his room three days before the nomination); we see the meeting in which Leo talked N.H. Governor Bartlet into running for president, introducing his idea, Bartlet for America, on a cocktail napkin, which the president later frames and returns to Leo as a gift in thanks for all he's done for the president over the years; Cliff Calley, Donna's boyfriend and special counsel to the judicial oversight committee, asks the committee chair to halt the inquiry before the rep can compel Leo to admit his personal transgression; Leo asks Jordon to Xmas Eve ... Written by meebly

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.0
43 min (DVD)

CJ cannot control her outrage when the US agrees to an arms sale to Qumar, a country that brutally abuses women. Josh meets with Amy Gardner, a leading women's group lobbyist. The content of a Smithsonian exhibit draws protest from a veteran's group. Leo and the President discuss options when the possibility of a Mad Cow infection strikes the US beef industry. Written by Taigan

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.3
43 min (DVD)

On the day before Thanksgiving, CJ has to deal with two Stockbridge-Munsee Indians who won't leave the lobby until they get an answer on an application their tribe submitted 15 years ago. Josh tries to arrange the extradition of an underage boy whose parents sent him to Italy after he killed his teacher. The President learns why Abby wants to have Thanksgiving at Camp David this year, and places an anonymous call to the Butterball Hotline. Written by Taigan

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.0
42 min (DVD)

When the military loses contact with a submarine in hostile waters, the President must choose between risking the lives of the crew and provoking North Korea. CJ relishes the Majority Leader's flubbing of an interview. Babbish informs Abby that she is the weak link in the President's legal defense. Written by Taigan

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.0
44 min (DVD)

After a fatal shooting in Texas, the president asks Hoynes to go down there and speak out for gun control, in spite of his history opposing it. Donna makes a gaffe in front of the Congressional committee. Leo argues with an old friend about the creation of an international war crimes tribunal. Written by Taigan

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.0
44 min (DVD)

While the w.h. is hosting a gala dinner for Nobel Prize winners, Leo and the president learn of a suicide bomb in an Israeli cafe that took the lives of two American students in Tel Aviv for a soccer match, and the staff attempts to manage the president's first veto, of a House bill eliminating the estate tax, and the threat of an override the same night. Sam and Toby first try to sway a contentious Dem. From Tennessee who wants a whole list of farming and ranching concessions in exchange for his vote and three proxies; after a pep talk from Leo, they devise a substitute plan that may prove even more effective, if it works. Josh takes the governor of Indiana into a private meeting to determine if the man plans to challenge Bartlet in Democratic primary. C.J. takes heat from a smarmy Dallas entertainment reporter who is in town for the Nobel dinner but winds up having to cover the veto and override vote, but after the reporter embarrasses her during a live stand-up, C.J. one ups the ... Written by meebly

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.9

Special prosecutor Clem Rollins announces the grand jury subpoenas in the case of president's failure to disclose his MS to the public, and the list includes pretty much every West Wing staffer and Bartlet family member; Sam and Connie meet with an important Latino activist from Calif. who is considering supporting a primary challenger to Bartlet; C.J. convinces everyone that the special prosecutor is too reasonable, and that the W.H. needs a better enemy in the investigation, prompting the staff to provoke a Congressional inquiry. Written by meebly

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

With the staff all bickering with one another in Manchester, especially adversarial speech writers Toby and Doug, who angrily disagree about whether Bartlet should make a public apology for lying about his MS, and with the president sniping at everyone, the second-term announcement speech is locked. Abby ultimately forgives the president for deciding to run again without discussing it with her, and he ultimately apologizes to the staff in private for keeping his condition from them, which they expect will soon lead to a whole slew of grand jury subpoenas. Written by meebly

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.3
44 min (DVD)

The staff is hunkered down in the Bartlets' hometown of Manchester, N.H., where they work with political consultants Bruno, Doug and Connie on the president's official announcement that he'll be seeking a second term; meanwhile, they all lament various W.H. events of the previous four weeks, including a huge strategic mistake by Josh, a pivotal FDA announcement scheduled for the same day as the president's speech, an ongoing battle between then president and first lady, and a major press room gaffe by C.J. Written by meebly

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.3
41 min (DVD)

The West Wing goes under lock down as a suspected terrorist is found to be working at the White House. Stuck with a group of high school students who were visiting the White House, the staffers, President Bartlet, and the First Lady all debate the issues regarding terrorism. Meanwhile, Leo sits in on the questioning of the terrorist suspect and learns a lesson about our perceptions of terrorists. Written by timdalton007

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 9.7

As the Haitian army continues their seizure of the American embassy there, Bartlet and the staff prepare for the announcement that Bartlet has M.S. and the President must decide whether or he will seek re-election. As the funeral for Mrs. Landingham takes place and the announcement draws nearer, Bartlet thinks back to his past in search of the answer to the question everyone is asking: Will he seek re-election? Written by timdalton007

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 9.0
60 min

With hypothetical polling numbers showing them its political suicide, staffers prepare to announce the President's condition. As they do, a military crisis flares up in Haiti and Josh faces off against two senators who are against the Government's tobacco-industry suit. But as bad as the day seems to be going, a tragedy will come from a car wreck at 18th and Potomac that will effect everything. Written by timdalton007

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.5
44 min (DVD)

White House Counsel Oliver Babbish interviews CJ once she learns of the President's condition. The First Lady learns she may be legally vulnerable. Donna frets over news of a falling satellite.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.7
43 min (DVD)

President Bartlett talks to the White House Counsel about the concealment of his MS. An enraged Toby has CJ grill the West Wing staff to find a leaker. Josh and Donna spar over a financial bailout of Mexico.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.9
60 min

Following the Vice-President's remarks to him, Toby realizes the truth behind the President's illness: multiple sclerosis. Toby, Leo, and Bartlet discuss the possible political implications of this if it goes public including possible jail time for the 17 people who now know about the illness. Meanwhile Sam, Josh, Donna and the rest of the staff, unaware of the illness, struggle with a speech the President is to give at the White House Correspondents Dinner. Written by timdalton007

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.9
43 min (DVD)

Josh finalizes a six billion-dollar health care that has strong support from both parties in both houses and appears to be a slam dunk for passage, but 78-year-old Senator Howard Stackhouse pulls a last-minute surprise: he wants money added for autism research or he'll filibuster. Thinking it's just a bluff, Josh blows off the senator, who then filibusters for more than eight hours while the w.w. staff waits desperately to begin their weekend, with the episode unfolding as staffers write e-mails to family members describing the evening's action. Elsewhere, Sam tries to eliminate various costly government documents, for which he's taken to task by a very young intern. Written by meebly

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

On this year's Big Block of Cheese Day, a college friend of Donna's asks Sam to help her get her late grandfather, accused of being a Communist spy inside the U.S. government, a presidential pardon; dealing with the recent revelation that his father had been having an affair for the past 27 years, Sam faces off with an F.B.I. agent, and later with Nancy McNally, over the pardon. Elsewhere, a group of cartographers completely re-educates C.J. on her perception of the globe, and one-time protester Toby, with the help of a straight-talking female security guard, speaks for the w.h. at a rally to protest against U.S. participation in the WTO and various free trade agreements. Written by meebly

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.2

The surgeon general makes some controversial comments about marijuana, leading to an attack by family values groups and an unsolicited comment by Bartlet's middle daughter, Ellie, to Danny Concannon that her father wouldn't fire the s.g. The president summons Ellie from med school in Baltimore to the W.H., and we learn that she, unlike her parents and sisters, is shy and reticent, and has always felt like the family outcast in Jed's eyes. Elsewhere, Sam gives a visiting movie producer a verbal lynching for publicly calling the president a coward after Charlie turns down a W.H. screening of his salacious new film. Written by meebly

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.4

President Bartlet is fighting a war on two fronts as he tries to rescue hostages in Colombia and deal with explaining to his wife why he's breaking his word to her by running for a 2nd term.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.3

While a live TV show is broadcast from the West Wing following the State of the Union, the staff must covertly deal with a hostage situation in Colombia. CJ learns that a special guest at the state of the union has a black mark on his record that could taint the administration. Ainsley Hayes is afraid to meet the President in person. Written by Taigan

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.9

Sam meticulously prepares a speech for the President to give to the environmental lobby, but Toby wants to sneak in some criticism of their failure to condemn environmental terrorism. Leo tries to convince the President to support his pet project - a missile defense shield - despite its continued failure to produce results, and the fact that it likely contravenes an anti-ballistic missile treaty. Several countries including Great Britain have sent new ambassadors to Washington to be recognized by the White House. C.J. travels to New York on a delicate mission to ask for a political favor from a comedian. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

A bipartisan breakfast is being carefully staged to avoid any chance of conflict, so Toby strikes a deal with the majority leader's new Chief of Staff to get a discussion of real issues on the agenda. Sam thinks working conditions can be improved moving the press room across the street, but C.J. thinks it's a bad idea. Leo asks Josh to apologize to an important columnist on his behalf after making an embarrassing comment. Maneuvers by political opponents prompt Toby and Leo to begin thinking about reelection sooner than they expected. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 9.4

Leo orders Josh to speak to a trauma psychiatrist, who asks him to review the events of the last three weeks: Toby insisted on having live music in the foyer for Christmas, an Air Force pilot separated from his flight team without explanation, Yo-Yo Ma performed at the White House, and Josh managed to cut his hand quite badly. Also, C.J. looks into a report of a woman freaking out during a tour of the White House. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.3

The Gallileo V probe is scheduled to land on Mars, and NASA has set up live TV coverage featuring the President. Satellite photographs show a suspicious-looking fire at what the Russians implausibly call an oil refinery. Leo asks Toby and Josh to decide who should be featured on the next stamp. Sam and C.J. accompany the President to a concert at the Kennedy Center which will also be attended by people they are hoping to avoid for personal reasons. Toby and C.J. disagree over whether a report of the President disliking green beans will turn into a major issue or not. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.5

A container ship is caught attempting to smuggle nearly a hundred people from China into California. Toby urges the President to appoint Leo's outspoken sister to a position in the Department of Education as a way of starting a battle over school prayer. C.J. discovers that she is expected to arrange White House Thanksgiving ceremonies which include the traditional Presidential turkey pardoning. The President sends Charlie on a seemingly endless mission to find the ultimate carving knife. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

The President insists that C.J. join him on the red-eye flight to Portland after she makes one comment too many about his alma mater, Notre Dame. Josh tries to defeat a popular anti-gay marriage bill to avoid forcing the President into a veto decision. Sam wants to do a last minute rewrite of an education speech to be more uplifting, but Toby suspects he want to change policy. Leo deals with an oil tanker in the Persian Gulf that appears to be blatantly smuggling Iraqi oil in violation of UN sanctions. Josh's critique of Donna's dating record suggests he has more than a casual interest in the subject. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 7.8

The administration is concerned that the newly elected Congress will be less likely to pass the nuclear test ban treaty, and so considers recalling the outgoing Congress to push it through. A Ukranian reformist politician breaches diplomatic protocol by arriving at the White House and demanding to meet with the President. Sam continues to underestimate Ainsley when he asks her to summarize a position paper on small business hiring practices. C.J.'s personal and professional relationship with Danny becomes more complex as she needs him to leak a story but also wants to punish his newspaper for their unflattering recent coverage. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.4

Josh discovers that his insurance company is refusing to pay for his life-saving emergency surgery after being shot; newly-hired Republican strategist Ainsley Hayes is justifiably nervous about meeting her boss, the White House Chief Counsel with a reputation for volatility and partisanship; President Bartlett's attempts to record his weekly radio address are complicated by exciting news from Abby about his health; C.J. goes on the offensive after learning a retiring three-star general intends to publicly criticize the President. Written by Murray Chapman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

After a Republican commentator trounces Sam on television, President Bartlett decides to hire her over the objections of the staff. Josh and Toby mediate a conference between U.S. drug companies and an African President whose country is dying of AIDS. Written by Taigan

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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