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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

On the last day of Smallville High before graduation, the emotionally disturbed and frustrated photographer of the Torch, Brendan Nash, feels rejected by the Universities and decides to abduct some schoolmates to stay with him forever in a replica of the school. He uses his power of 'Medusa Touch' of turning people into stone by mere touch, and brings Lana, Chloe, and other successful schoolmates to the place. While Clark teams up with the nosy Lois to find the other students, he also talks with Jonathan and Martha over his college choices after graduation. Meanwhile, Genevieve and Jason Teague kidnap Lionel and Lex Luthor and hold them hostage in a remote mountain cabin and torture both of them to try to retrieve the second mystical stone that Lionel took from them. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 7.7
43 min

In the middle of the night on the road, a young pregnant woman is going into labor while her husband drives on the road when she suddenly glows and implodes, while the husband stops the car and runs for his life. Lana and Clark are driving a truck along the same road and find a baby in the crater created by the explosion. They take the baby to the hospital, and the Kent family temporarily guards him, who is connected to Clark. Lana and Clark give the name of Evan, and on the next day, he becomes a teenager, precociously aging. The scientists of Lex study the case and conclude that the boy needs a transfusion of the bone marrow of his unknown father, if he can be found, and even then... Clark tries to save Evan. Meanwhile, Genevieve Teague has a meeting with Lionel Luthor and threatens to hurt Lex, in case the missing stone from China is not delivered to her. But Lionel soon turns the tables on Genevieve by poisoning her (the same way he unsuccessfully tried to poison Lex in the ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.1
43 min

As if Lois Lane didn't make enough of a nuisance of herself now living at the Kent farm, she brings in Einstein, a golden retriever, who is the latest victim to be hit by her car, and she meanly calls him 'Clarky', while Clark, kind as ever, hopes to keep him as a pet if the owner isn't found, which his parents hope. Clark soon finds out it's a surviving dog of an experiment to give canines superpowers with daily injections of steroids mixed with meteorite fragments (kryptonite) produced at LuthorCorp, which Lex insists to Clark that the project was abandoned after animal activist protests, thinking they were all put down. Only later Clark finds out, the hard way, the dog and a Rothweiler are abused by evil Josh Greenfield and his kid brother Zack, who run the Smalville animal shelter and abuse dog whistles to control the super-dogs as weapons for robberies. Meanwhile, Jason and his secretive and manipulative mother, Genevieve, are revealed to know more about Lex and his apparently ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 9.1
41 min

When Lana is attacked in her apartment and Jason in his car by an invisible being, everyone believes that Alicia Baker was responsible, except Clark. However after a series of circumstances, Clark begins to doubt Alicia's innocence to the mysterious attacks. Alicia tells Clark that she'll offer to prove her innocence if Clark reveals his own superpowers, but Clark refuses. So, Alicia secretly shows Chloe the abilities of Clark, expecting people to leave them both alone. But elsewhere, Lois discovers that the real culprit of the attacks is the deranged Tim Westcott who's jealous of Alicia's abilities which leads to him murdering her, and then goes after Clark. Meanwhile, Genevieve Teague arrives back in Smallville and approaches Lex Luthor to get his help to separate her son Jason from Lana. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 7.6
41 min

At Smallville High School, a swimmer mysteriously ages and dies after meeting his girlfriend Chrissy Parker. The new principal Reynolds arrives and comes into conflict with Clark Kent because he is a friend of Lex Luthor's. Clark asks Chloe and Pete to investigate Principal Reynolds' history, as well as Chrissy whom they suspect is a life-draining freak who needs three youths to stay eternally young every 12 years. Meanwhile, the Kents are having financial problems and Martha contacts her estranged father, whom she hasn't seen for twenty years, to borrow some money, much to Jonathan's disapproval. Lana Lang also finds an old picture of her mother with an apparent boyfriend. After not getting any help from Aunt Nelle, Lana then asks Lex to help her investigate. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.4
42 min

When Dr. Steven Hamilton, physically sick from repeated exposure to meteor rock radiation, causing constant Parkinson-like twitches, becomes a liability to Lex Luthor, he terminates their contract. Dr. Hamilton leaves the mansion and drives down the road like a lunatic and causes a serious accident with a truck driven by Ray Wallace. The truck overturns in a cornfield near Clark Kent's spacecraft and, while trying to rescue Ray, Pete Ross sees the UFO. The next morning, Pete asks Clark to help him to bring the object to his workshop. When Dr. Hamilton steals the spacecraft, Pete believes Clark has taken it, so Clark discloses his secret to his friend. Meanwhile, the now blind Lionel Luthor moves into Lex's mansion forcing Lex to care for him. Also, to Lana's dismay, her aunt Nell Potter is in love with a new boyfriend named Dean. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 7.8
43 min

After losing his college scholarship, a depressed Whitney falls in with a group of three former jocks from Smallville High who have tattoos made from kryptonite-laced paint that give them the power to walk through walls and commit various robberies around town. While Clark tries to track down the robbers, without getting physically close to them because of their tattoos, Chloe is seriously injured during a robbery of Lex's mansion when she is thrown out a window. Lex has his own plans to find the robbery trio when they steal an incriminating computer disk from his mansion. Also, Lana learns that Lex is the one who bought out the old movie theater and Nell's flower shop. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Clark and a classmate, named Eric Summer, are both struck by lightning when Eric is holding a piece of meteor rock. The electrical surge takes Clark's powers away and transfers them to Eric. As Eric gets used to his new powers, Clark has to deal with being a normal person for the first time, with all the advantages and disadvantages. But Eric's abusive and domineering father wants to have him examined in Metropolis for his strange powers and in response, the mentally unbalanced Eric goes on a rampage. Meanwhile, Sir Harry Hardwick, Victoria's father, and rival of Lionel Luthor, try to recruit Lex for their business in Metropolis and almost succeed in buying out Luthor Corp. But Lex turns the tables against them. Reporter Roger Nixon continues to investigate Lex's car accident and begins to close in on Clark's secret. Also, Lana becomes more distant when Aunt Nell announces her plans to sell her florist shop. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Lex and his girlfriend, Victoria, are attacked by an invisible entity. Suspicion falls upon the Palmer family, who are caretakers at Lex's mansion. Chloe believes that daughter Anna Palmer is responsible because of her jealousy of Victoria. Written by thesemann

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 7.5
43 min

Overweight teenager Jodi Melville is obsessed to lose weight. She feels rejected by her schoolmates except Pete, who defends her. Planning to attend Lana Lang's birthday party, Jodi submits herself to a radical diet: only vegetables planted in her father's greenhouse... but with soil full of kryptonite. Jodi immediately achieves a wonderful shape, but has a huge and uncontrollable starvation and needs human body fat as the side effect, threatening whoever is closest- her next potential victim is date Pete. Clark again is forced to break his date with Lana to try to save Pete and somehow stop Jodi. Whitney tries to get back together with Lana by informing her about being accepted to Kansas State University. Meanwhile, Lex views Chloe's 'Wall of Weird' at Smallville High's school-paper The Torch, to study meteor rock mutants, and he later approaches meteor rock expert Dr. Steven Hamilton to investigate the meteor shower to determine if 'something else' came down that day. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Tina Greer is a meteor-rock mutant teenage girl who has the power to transform into the shape and face of whoever she wants. She robs Smallville Bank pretending to be Lex Luthor, and accidentally kills her mother Rose. She becomes obsessed with Lana Lang's family, and decides to assume her identity. Meanwhile, Clark Kent finds that he has X-ray vision, and has trouble to control his new-found power, with the support of his parents, as well as trying to hide it from Pete, Chloe, and Lana. Lex Luthor is blackmailed by a dirty journalist, named Roger Nixon, who found some dirt on Lex's hidden obscure past. But Lex reverts the situation in the end by blackmailing the journalist to investigate Clark Kent. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 7.7
44 min

The coach of the Smallville High School's football team The Crows, the bossy and arrogant Walt Arnold (Dan Lauria) is close to his victory number 200 along twenty-five years of a successful career. He is exposed to burning kryptonite ore in the sauna, and achieves the power of burning whatever he wants. Principal James Kwan (Hiro Kanagawa) finds that seven athletes cheated in a mathematics test, and decides to punish the group by not permitting them to participate in the final game. Coach Walt retaliates by burning his car, and Mr. Kwan goes to the hospital. Meanwhile, Clark Kent is invited by Coach Arnold and decides to join the football team, against the will of his father Jonathan. When Arnold loses control of his power, Clark has to fight with him to save Jonathan and his friend Chloe Sullivan, the student reporter covering the team. Lana's relationship with Whitney continues to grow strained over his football practice taking up their time, leading her to quit cheer leading. ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.8
50 min

Clark Kent is no ordinary kid and he knows it. All he has ever wanted was to be normal. He can't go near the girl he has had a crush on for years. Then one day Lex Luthor hits something in the road and hits Clark. Clark saves him and soon finds out that he isn't just superhuman, he finds out he is actually an alien. Then things really get weird. This kid finally wakes up from a coma but has a grudge on all former football players. Then he decides to get revenge and stop it from happening again by killing the football players now. Can Clark save the football players? Written by Black Wolf

Country: USA
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HD Grimm




IMDb: 9.0
43 min

Nick and Hank are called to investigate a double homicide, and quickly learn the victims were from a special section of the Verrat tasked with finding rare objects pertaining to the Wesen world. Trubel gets involved with a mysterious father-and-son tandem that crossed the country in a desperate attempt to deliver invaluable cargo to the Portland Grimm. Meanwhile, Captain Renard begins to grow suspicious of Adalind's recent behavior and quietly decides to put extra eyes on her. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Grimm




IMDb: 8.2
44 min | 60 min

Reverend Calvin, a feral wolf, reports a fortune stolen from church funds and the parishioner who did the accounts, a feral sheep like most of his flock, missing. The man is later found cut-up in the grinder of his employer's factory, but has no motive or suspicious record. Undercover as a 'homeless' seeking church shelter, Monroe discovers reverend Calvin, whose previous Southern parish was similarly robbed presumably by a parishioner, has an affair with his sheep church secretary, who transferred with him, but is up for a rude surprise too. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.4
22 min

After his break-up with Quinn, Barney is getting right back on his old horse with what is he calling Bangtoberfest. But he wants Bangtoberfest to be different than his old pick-ups, which may be a little more difficult than he first imagines. Meanwhile, Mickey has come to live with Lily and Marshall unexpectedly after he burns down his house. His arrival may be perfect timing for Lily and Marshall as Lily is about to go back to work, and they haven't been able to find a nanny that they can afford. However, Lily doesn't trust Mickey to be their nanny if her own upbringing is any indication of how he would look after Marvin. When they do find who they consider the perfect nanny and she them, a certain quest by one of their friends may prove to place a slight obstacle in the proceedings. And Ted and Robin end up competing about which of their current relationships is at a better place. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Lily thinks that a guy she knows named George is perfect for Robin, but he's a single father (his son, Doug, is in Lily's class), which is usually a deal breaker for kid hating Robin. Robin decides to give George a try and she does fall for him, even strong enough in her feelings and confident enough to tell him that she has a problem with kids. But when Robin inadvertently meets Doug in a morning after situation, Robin ends up having a slightly different reaction to Doug, which brings up a situation Robin has never faced. Meanwhile, Ted and Barney make a bet on who can sleep with the next beautiful woman they see at MacLaren's, that woman whose name is Stacey. As Ted's luck would have it, Stacey ends up being an old conquest of Barney's who she hates. Ted seems to have the bet in the bag, until his conscience gets the better of him. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.2
23 min

Lily is still trying to find her passion in life after returning from San Francisco. In order to do that, she will have to work somewhere - anywhere - to finance it. After a failed waitressing job, Ted offers her a job as an office assistant with his company. When she arrives at the office, she meets the head architect, Hammond Druthers, who she considers an inconsiderate blowhard who treats Ted like a child, and who is not a very good architect to boot. Lily uses a technique from her kindergarten class to try and make Druthers a nicer person to work with. Meanwhile, Marshall is having a difficult time with one of his professors. She, he's guessing in her forties or fifties, just got divorced over the summer and is taking it out on the students. After learning that she is attractive, Barney makes it his mission to trap a cougar so that the cougar won't attack her students anymore. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Americans

The Americans


The Americans

IMDb: 8.4
57 min

Phillip and Elizabeth race against the clock as a life hangs in the balance, while Stan faces an uncertain future.

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HD The Americans

The Americans


The Americans

IMDb: 7.8
46 min

Philip and Elizabeth have qualms about a new assignment, while a specter from Philip's past creates unforeseen dangers. At the FBI, Stan makes a shocking play that could throw his career into turmoil.

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HD The Americans

The Americans


The Americans

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Elizabeth completes the last steps of a very personal operation... but at what cost?

Country: USA
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HD The Americans

The Americans


The Americans

IMDb: 8.4
45 min

When Paige's long-ago indiscretion threatens to resurface and destroy the family, Philip and Elizabeth find themselves scrambling - and Paige finds herself reevaluating who her parents really are.

Country: USA
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HD Constantine




IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Anne Marie, a member of the Newcastle crew, asks John and Chas for help in Mexico City -- bringing them close to the heart of the rising darkness; Zed is haunted by her past.

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HD Blue Bloods

Blue Bloods


Blue Bloods

IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Danny and Maria investigate the murder of a respected college professor who was involved with a questionable scholarship program. Meanwhile, Danny discovers that his father didn't tell him that the District Attorney is investigating Danny for ethical and procedural violations. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Alec agrees to kill three Manticore escapees when White plants a small bomb at the back of his head. He must bring their barcode back as proof. When time begins to run out, he contemplates attacking Joshua and Max to save his life. Logan agrees to pay a huge sum to the man who engineered the virus designed to kill him to find an antibody for Max. Written by Ploy P.

Country: USA
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

The government sends Ames White to clean up the mess that was Manticore. His mission is to eliminate all evidence of the program's existence. Max feels guilty about this, as she was the one that let the X-series out, and goes back near the facility to help a group of escapees evade death. Lydecker contacts Logan to warn Max to stay away from Manticore when he gets her full DNA analysis. Written by Ploy P.

Country: USA
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 6.9
87 min

12 genetically enhanced childern escape from a military base that created them. 10 years later, after The Pulse, a magnetic bomb that destroyed every computer in USA, has struck, Max Guevara, one of the 12 escapees, is a bike messenger in (what's left of) Seattle and with cyberjournalist, Logan Cale, she tries to rid the world of crime and corruption, avoid her creators and uncover her past. Written by Lisa Zhong

Country: USA
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HD House M.D.

House M.D.


House M.D.

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

House doesn't want Foreman and Thirteen to be together while they work in the same team and gives them a split or quit ultimatum. Until this issue has been settled, House doesn't want a real case. Flipping through some files in the ER, he decides to treat a priest who's lost his faith but nevertheless saw Jesus. Pretty soon however, it turns out to be a real case instead of the no-brainer House thought it would be. Cuddy's throwing her baby a Jewish naming ceremony. She asks House to be there, but it's not clear she actually wants him to come. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD House M.D.

House M.D.


House M.D.

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

House's preoccupation with Wilson leaves his team without direction and endangers the patient, a female whose exhaustive work schedule and demanding boss may have caused her condition.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD House M.D.

House M.D.


House M.D.

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

House and the team treat a woman who suffers from a sudden paralysis of the hands that causes an injury to her daughter while she's spotting her at an indoor rock-climbing wall. As House probes the woman and her injured daughter for any leads as to what might be causing her condition, House is convinced that the woman is withholding information. When the woman's daughter reveals some very descriptive details about her mother's personal life, House isn't so sure the woman hides anything about herself from the people around her, especially her daughter. As the team runs tests to find out what caused her paralysis, the woman loses her eyesight and her system begins to shut down, and House and the team are baffled as to whether it is the woman herself, or her own physiology that is lying to them. Meanwhile, House lets his team participate in a Secret Santa gift exchange, but he puts his own twist on the holiday tradition. Written by Blue, taken from the FOX website.

Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD House M.D.

House M.D.


House M.D.

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

After elimination to two plausible diagnosis it seems the only obvious treatment for Lupe, who fainted in the street and developed life-threatening symptoms at an alarming rate, is suppressing her immune system. Once that's done, she is found to have an infection, which is now untreatable. Foreman, who systematically avoids his family, especially his mother, convinced House to make her sign consent over. House digs into the case of Wilson's second ex-wife Bonnie, who wants him to take their dog. He learns from her, posing as a real estate client, what it takes to prevent a 'serial husband' to repeat-offend. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Mystery,
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HD Bones




IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Jeff Dover's corpse is found, grossly and thoroughly mangled in an industrial shredder. He was a high-stakes gambler, so Booth decides to join his secret poker band to test the other players. James Aubrey can't talk him out of it, but his worries for the ex-addict colleague makes Bones doubt too. Hodgins meanwhile works on a rubber product to earn money from another patent. Written by KGF Vissers

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