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IMDb: 6.4

Claude Greengrass is playing host to a group of Norwegian history students. At the same time several burglaries are investigated, and Les Gulliver is a suspect as is Andy Ryan, a new guest at the Aidensfield Arms who takes Gina's breath away. The chief constable had asked Oscar Blaketon to form and chair a crime prevention committee in Aidensfield, and Oscar sees the robbery at the brewery as an excellent opportunity for his new committee to prove its worth. Not all committee members agree with him on how to do it.. Claude's Norwegians are especially interested in historic Viking sites. Only there are not many of those around, and Claude has to find a way... Written by Carsten Pedersen, Movester

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 6.4

Claude Greengrass is playing host to a group of Norwegian history students. At the same time several burglaries are investigated, and Les Gulliver is a suspect as is Andy Ryan, a new guest at the Aidensfield Arms who takes Gina's breath away. The chief constable had asked Oscar Blaketon to form and chair a crime prevention committee in Aidensfield, and Oscar sees the robbery at the brewery as an excellent opportunity for his new committee to prove its worth. Not all committee members agree with him on how to do it.. Claude's Norwegians are especially interested in historic Viking sites. Only there are not many of those around, and Claude has to find a way... Written by Carsten Pedersen, Movester

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

Two armed robbers hold up a train just outside Aidensfield while a third robber threatens Quinn, the man at the signal box, into stopping the train so that his accomplices can make off with £200,000. Quinn tries to stop his attacker causing both him and the robber to be injured by a gun shot. A mysterious woman turns up at the Aidensfield Arms and asks for Claude Greengrass and David is very surprised to learn that she is his sister Bella, whom he has not seen for 22 years which is still much too soon for him. Mike and Jackie have set the date for their wedding. They want to keep it a secret, but soon the news is out all over Aidensfield. Yet Mike nearly does not make it in time because he stumbles over the injured train robber. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

Two armed robbers hold up a train just outside Aidensfield while a third robber threatens Quinn, the man at the signal box, into stopping the train so that his accomplices can make off with £200,000. Quinn tries to stop his attacker causing both him and the robber to be injured by a gun shot. A mysterious woman turns up at the Aidensfield Arms and asks for Claude Greengrass and David is very surprised to learn that she is his sister Bella, whom he has not seen for 22 years which is still much too soon for him. Mike and Jackie have set the date for their wedding. They want to keep it a secret, but soon the news is out all over Aidensfield. Yet Mike nearly does not make it in time because he stumbles over the injured train robber. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 0

A group of young offenders has got permission to do some labouring work on PC Bradley's patch with only one guard, Blenkiron. Two of the boys, Varley and Sloper, wander off during a lunch break and break into a car. Varley returns as nothing has happened, while Sloper continues and befriends the famous writer Honor Gale, who has rented a cottage in Aidensfield to start a new book. Mrs. Gale also has a very soft spot for PC Bradley and uses every opportunity to call him. The election for the Ashfordly rural district council is getting nearer, and Claude Greengrass is helping Tom Drabble with his campaign with the reluctant aide of Bernie Scripps because he needs a planning permission for his latest scheme. Another reason is that Drabble's rival candidate is Oscar Blaketon. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 0

A group of young offenders has got permission to do some labouring work on PC Bradley's patch with only one guard, Blenkiron. Two of the boys, Varley and Sloper, wander off during a lunch break and break into a car. Varley returns as nothing has happened, while Sloper continues and befriends the famous writer Honor Gale, who has rented a cottage in Aidensfield to start a new book. Mrs. Gale also has a very soft spot for PC Bradley and uses every opportunity to call him. The election for the Ashfordly rural district council is getting nearer, and Claude Greengrass is helping Tom Drabble with his campaign with the reluctant aide of Bernie Scripps because he needs a planning permission for his latest scheme. Another reason is that Drabble's rival candidate is Oscar Blaketon. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.9

PC Bradley and PC Ventress are forced off the road by a blue lorry. They locate the lorry at the house of Tom Lowson, his new bride Mandy and teenage daughter Sandra. PC Ventress, who is acting sergeant in Craddock's absence, is convinced that Lowson is up to something, because he was the biggest black marketer in the North Riding area during the war. To prove it he orders his colleagues to inspect Lowson's lorries whenever they get the chance. Meanwhile Sandra is having a bad influence on her friend Alison Hartley, who is certain that she is pregnant. Sandra arranges for Alison to have an abortion, but the girls are late for the appointment and steal nurse Bolton's Land Rover. Faith Trueman is ill and ask her friend Greengrass to sell a valuable Georgian clock and other stuff for her so that can stay at the same hotel, where she and her late husband spent their honeymoon, once more before she dies. Only the stuff is not nearly as valuable as expected. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.9

PC Bradley and PC Ventress are forced off the road by a blue lorry. They locate the lorry at the house of Tom Lowson, his new bride Mandy and teenage daughter Sandra. PC Ventress, who is acting sergeant in Craddock's absence, is convinced that Lowson is up to something, because he was the biggest black marketer in the North Riding area during the war. To prove it he orders his colleagues to inspect Lowson's lorries whenever they get the chance. Meanwhile Sandra is having a bad influence on her friend Alison Hartley, who is certain that she is pregnant. Sandra arranges for Alison to have an abortion, but the girls are late for the appointment and steal nurse Bolton's Land Rover. Faith Trueman is ill and ask her friend Greengrass to sell a valuable Georgian clock and other stuff for her so that can stay at the same hotel, where she and her late husband spent their honeymoon, once more before she dies. Only the stuff is not nearly as valuable as expected. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.6

Celia Gilmour is calling at her sister Eileen Bayne when she scares off two burglars, Jimmy and Danny. PC Ventress inspects the place, but finds neither her nor her husband Tommy at home and nothing unusual. When Tommy Bayne returns PC Bradley and PC Bellamy check the house again and find Eileen Bayne dead in a locked room on the 1st floor. Meanwhile Greengrass is on to another scheme of Jimmy and Danny's. They clog up people's drainpipes and then offer to clean them again for £15 and Greengrass wants to clean up before they do. Aunt Mary gets a visit from Bill, an old friend who offers her a position as manager of his hotel in Sidmouth. Sergeant Craddock is going on a short leave to teach new police cadets at the training centre and wants a completely clean slate before he goes. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.6

Celia Gilmour is calling at her sister Eileen Bayne when she scares off two burglars, Jimmy and Danny. PC Ventress inspects the place, but finds neither her nor her husband Tommy at home and nothing unusual. When Tommy Bayne returns PC Bradley and PC Bellamy check the house again and find Eileen Bayne dead in a locked room on the 1st floor. Meanwhile Greengrass is on to another scheme of Jimmy and Danny's. They clog up people's drainpipes and then offer to clean them again for £15 and Greengrass wants to clean up before they do. Aunt Mary gets a visit from Bill, an old friend who offers her a position as manager of his hotel in Sidmouth. Sergeant Craddock is going on a short leave to teach new police cadets at the training centre and wants a completely clean slate before he goes. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

There has been a series of break-ins at the homes of recently deceased persons and the clues lead to Cyril Fuller an old friend of Claude Greengrass. Greengrass is convinced that his friend is innocent and is persuaded to do something he would have thought he would never do - help the police! Blaketon has bought the Aidensfield Arms from Lord Ashfordly, and soon he drives both Gina and Aunt Mary crazy with all his demands. Maggie Bolton is enjoying motherhood so much she decides to quit her nursing job. But a serious outbreak of the flu may make her reconsider. Blaketon and Greengrass are both sure they will not catch the illness because they have ways to avoid it. Yeah and pigs might... Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

There has been a series of break-ins at the homes of recently deceased persons and the clues lead to Cyril Fuller an old friend of Claude Greengrass. Greengrass is convinced that his friend is innocent and is persuaded to do something he would have thought he would never do - help the police! Blaketon has bought the Aidensfield Arms from Lord Ashfordly, and soon he drives both Gina and Aunt Mary crazy with all his demands. Maggie Bolton is enjoying motherhood so much she decides to quit her nursing job. But a serious outbreak of the flu may make her reconsider. Blaketon and Greengrass are both sure they will not catch the illness because they have ways to avoid it. Yeah and pigs might... Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 0

On his way home from the Aidensfield Arms one night Col. Clifford hits a boy on a bicycle. At his trial he gets a fine and is required to take a driving test. During the test it is discovered that he is night blind and he is only allowed to drive at daytime. Gina's old friend Terry Noble has gone AWOL after a fight with another soldier. She hides him although sergeant Craddock has asked his constables to be on the lookout for him. It turns into a murder hunt when the soldier he attacked dies, and Noble takes Col. Clifford hostage until he can get away during the night. Oscar Blaketon inherits a lot of money and has a business proposition for Lord Ashfordly, which Greengrass probably will not be too happy about. And speaking of Greengrass he is planning a French gourmet evening at the Aidensfield Arms. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 0

On his way home from the Aidensfield Arms one night Col. Clifford hits a boy on a bicycle. At his trial he gets a fine and is required to take a driving test. During the test it is discovered that he is night blind and he is only allowed to drive at daytime. Gina's old friend Terry Noble has gone AWOL after a fight with another soldier. She hides him although sergeant Craddock has asked his constables to be on the lookout for him. It turns into a murder hunt when the soldier he attacked dies, and Noble takes Col. Clifford hostage until he can get away during the night. Oscar Blaketon inherits a lot of money and has a business proposition for Lord Ashfordly, which Greengrass probably will not be too happy about. And speaking of Greengrass he is planning a French gourmet evening at the Aidensfield Arms. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

Jackie's uncle and boss Henry Tomkinson has been in Aidensfield to take care of the testament of a client. On his way home he runs down a boy on a bicycle in the pouring rain, but instead of helping him he chooses to drive off and denies any knowledge of the accident and even makes his wife lie for him. David Stockwell saw the accident, but caught only part of the registration, and Tomkinson brings discredit to David and his testimony because he is somewhat backward. PC Bradley gets help with his investigations by an old friend from the Met, Rodney Marshall. Greengrass is commissioned with sorting out the ground for a new graveyard. He finds some lead pipe and decides to make an extra quid or two by selling it. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.8

Jackie's uncle and boss Henry Tomkinson has been in Aidensfield to take care of the testament of a client. On his way home he runs down a boy on a bicycle in the pouring rain, but instead of helping him he chooses to drive off and denies any knowledge of the accident and even makes his wife lie for him. David Stockwell saw the accident, but caught only part of the registration, and Tomkinson brings discredit to David and his testimony because he is somewhat backward. PC Bradley gets help with his investigations by an old friend from the Met, Rodney Marshall. Greengrass is commissioned with sorting out the ground for a new graveyard. He finds some lead pipe and decides to make an extra quid or two by selling it. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

Diane and Cecil Palmer have just moved back to England with their son Peter after living several years in Rhodesia. Peter longs for his African nanny Molly and writes her every day even though he gets no answer. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer both behave like they belong to some kind of master race and they accuse their maid Annie of stealing. Furthermore Mrs. Palmer has difficulty coping with her dominant husband and has developed a drinking problem. One night she disappears on her way home from the Aidensfield Arms. Her car was last spotted by David Stockwell, who does not see anybody behind the wheel and he is sure the vehicle was driven by a ghost. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

Diane and Cecil Palmer have just moved back to England with their son Peter after living several years in Rhodesia. Peter longs for his African nanny Molly and writes her every day even though he gets no answer. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer both behave like they belong to some kind of master race and they accuse their maid Annie of stealing. Furthermore Mrs. Palmer has difficulty coping with her dominant husband and has developed a drinking problem. One night she disappears on her way home from the Aidensfield Arms. Her car was last spotted by David Stockwell, who does not see anybody behind the wheel and he is sure the vehicle was driven by a ghost. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

Alan and Dennis open a new restaurant in Ashfordly, but they are victims of vandalism and somebody also hands out false free-meal coupons on their behalf. The primary suspect is Sid Wainwright, who was interested in buying the place too. Gina gets a visit by her old friend Debbie, but Aunt Mary believes that Debbie will only get Gina into trouble, but instead it is Debbie who lands in trouble. Professor Booth is searching for the burial site of Wulfstan the Wealthy, a mighty Anglo-Saxon chieftain and Greengrass is convinced that the burial site is on the lands of Terence Young, whom he has already relieved of some surplus rainbow trout, and tries to find it first and sell his finds to the professor. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

Alan and Dennis open a new restaurant in Ashfordly, but they are victims of vandalism and somebody also hands out false free-meal coupons on their behalf. The primary suspect is Sid Wainwright, who was interested in buying the place too. Gina gets a visit by her old friend Debbie, but Aunt Mary believes that Debbie will only get Gina into trouble, but instead it is Debbie who lands in trouble. Professor Booth is searching for the burial site of Wulfstan the Wealthy, a mighty Anglo-Saxon chieftain and Greengrass is convinced that the burial site is on the lands of Terence Young, whom he has already relieved of some surplus rainbow trout, and tries to find it first and sell his finds to the professor. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

The police in Whitby raid a nightclub where Gina has a gig and find drugs in her purse. Convinced that somebody else has slipped it into the purse PC Bradley contacts the Whitby police without luck. The same night he, Gina and Gina's manager Terry stake out the club and make a startling discovery. PC Ventress is on night watch and uses the opportunity to take a nap. One night his usual hideout is locked so he finds a seat in a passenger carriage instead and the next morning he wakes up halfway to Crewe and asks PC Bellamy to cover for him. David has been cheated into buying second-rate clothes and Greengrass decides to help him get his money back - with the help of Oscar Blaketon believe it or not. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

The police in Whitby raid a nightclub where Gina has a gig and find drugs in her purse. Convinced that somebody else has slipped it into the purse PC Bradley contacts the Whitby police without luck. The same night he, Gina and Gina's manager Terry stake out the club and make a startling discovery. PC Ventress is on night watch and uses the opportunity to take a nap. One night his usual hideout is locked so he finds a seat in a passenger carriage instead and the next morning he wakes up halfway to Crewe and asks PC Bellamy to cover for him. David has been cheated into buying second-rate clothes and Greengrass decides to help him get his money back - with the help of Oscar Blaketon believe it or not. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.5

A false PC Ventress is making the roads of North Riding unsafe, abusing traffic offenders and behaving like a real Nazi. The real PC Ventress and his colleagues decide the only way to stop him is to set a trap for him. Mrs. Challis is convinced that her neighbour opposite, Mr. Arlott, is keeping his pregnant daughter Julie against her will. The girl is freed and gives premature birth to a little girl with breathing problems. Maggie has a hard time coping with her husband's death, but the little girl's struggle to live and recovery help her deal with the situation. Oscar Blaketon is not happy to see that George Seago is back in Aidensfield and far less happy, although not surprised, to learn that Seago has business with Claude Greengrass. Seago has a ferret he wants to race, but he knows that the organizer Boy Bryden will never let him enter and asks Greengrass to do it for him. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.5

A false PC Ventress is making the roads of North Riding unsafe, abusing traffic offenders and behaving like a real Nazi. The real PC Ventress and his colleagues decide the only way to stop him is to set a trap for him. Mrs. Challis is convinced that her neighbour opposite, Mr. Arlott, is keeping his pregnant daughter Julie against her will. The girl is freed and gives premature birth to a little girl with breathing problems. Maggie has a hard time coping with her husband's death, but the little girl's struggle to live and recovery help her deal with the situation. Oscar Blaketon is not happy to see that George Seago is back in Aidensfield and far less happy, although not surprised, to learn that Seago has business with Claude Greengrass. Seago has a ferret he wants to race, but he knows that the organizer Boy Bryden will never let him enter and asks Greengrass to do it for him. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.7

Maggie Bolton has discovered that she and her husband are having a baby, and that scares her because they have lost a baby before to cot death. To think things over she goes on a weekend trip with Gina. There has been a series of small fires in Aidensfield. Mostly in garbage cans and haystacks and things like that, but one night a cottage is burning, and Neil Bolton rushes in to save a baby trapped inside the house, when the roof collapses. Greengrass has bought an old railway carriage to use as a holiday cottage for paying guests. His first customers are on their way already, but he does not have the proper licenses. Nor does he need any - or so he thinks. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.7

Maggie Bolton has discovered that she and her husband are having a baby, and that scares her because they have lost a baby before to cot death. To think things over she goes on a weekend trip with Gina. There has been a series of small fires in Aidensfield. Mostly in garbage cans and haystacks and things like that, but one night a cottage is burning, and Neil Bolton rushes in to save a baby trapped inside the house, when the roof collapses. Greengrass has bought an old railway carriage to use as a holiday cottage for paying guests. His first customers are on their way already, but he does not have the proper licenses. Nor does he need any - or so he thinks. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

Barry Dixon returns to Aidensfield to start a new life when he is released from prisoner. But he has company. By detective Ed Baxter employed by the insurance company who had to pay up for the bank robbery that Dixon committed. Baxter starts to follow Dixon everywhere he goes hoping he will lead him to money. Ron and Doreen Tidy are on a hiking trip when they are stopped by Lord Ashfordly's keepers, who say that they are trespassing although the path is marked as public right of way on all maps. Together with the Boltons they stage a public demonstration to get Lord Ashfordly to open the path again. When the old chimney sweep Jim Fiedler dies Greengrass decides to take over his business. Especially the lucrative part of blessing newlyweds. Speaking of newlyweds things are heating up romantically between Mike Bradley and Jackie Lambert. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.2

Barry Dixon returns to Aidensfield to start a new life when he is released from prisoner. But he has company. By detective Ed Baxter employed by the insurance company who had to pay up for the bank robbery that Dixon committed. Baxter starts to follow Dixon everywhere he goes hoping he will lead him to money. Ron and Doreen Tidy are on a hiking trip when they are stopped by Lord Ashfordly's keepers, who say that they are trespassing although the path is marked as public right of way on all maps. Together with the Boltons they stage a public demonstration to get Lord Ashfordly to open the path again. When the old chimney sweep Jim Fiedler dies Greengrass decides to take over his business. Especially the lucrative part of blessing newlyweds. Speaking of newlyweds things are heating up romantically between Mike Bradley and Jackie Lambert. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.1

Shortly before her sudden death Mildred Crosby promises Maggie Bolton a painting, which Maggie likes very much and in her will she leaves Maggie quite a bit more. Her son-in-law Roy Thornton has counted on inheriting the money and accuses Maggie of gross medical negligence and abusing her position as district nurse to influence the old lady. And all of a sudden the painting is missing. Has it been stolen by the same person or persons who have staged a series of burglaries in the area? Claude Greengrass and Bernie Scripps find a tramp, Seamus O'Toole, sleeping in Greengrass' barn. They discover that he can pick horse race winners when he is dreaming. This is too good an opportunity for Greengrass to pass by. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 8.1

Shortly before her sudden death Mildred Crosby promises Maggie Bolton a painting, which Maggie likes very much and in her will she leaves Maggie quite a bit more. Her son-in-law Roy Thornton has counted on inheriting the money and accuses Maggie of gross medical negligence and abusing her position as district nurse to influence the old lady. And all of a sudden the painting is missing. Has it been stolen by the same person or persons who have staged a series of burglaries in the area? Claude Greengrass and Bernie Scripps find a tramp, Seamus O'Toole, sleeping in Greengrass' barn. They discover that he can pick horse race winners when he is dreaming. This is too good an opportunity for Greengrass to pass by. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.9

When Jane Hayes returns to her home one night she hears an intruder upstairs, but PCs Bradley and Bellamy find only her cat when the come to investigate. But Miss Barker, who worked for the previous owner of the house, can tell a story of a servant girl, who is said to haunt the manor listening for the cries of her baby. Jane Hayes is pregnant and due any day and the next night she hears a baby crying and sees a cradle rocking in the nursery. Penny Craddock is organizing the Christmas dance and persuades Jane's husband Graham to emcee the event. They will stage a dancing competition and Greengrass promises to provide them with a trophy for a small charge of course - besides taking bets on the outcome. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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IMDb: 7.9

When Jane Hayes returns to her home one night she hears an intruder upstairs, but PCs Bradley and Bellamy find only her cat when the come to investigate. But Miss Barker, who worked for the previous owner of the house, can tell a story of a servant girl, who is said to haunt the manor listening for the cries of her baby. Jane Hayes is pregnant and due any day and the next night she hears a baby crying and sees a cradle rocking in the nursery. Penny Craddock is organizing the Christmas dance and persuades Jane's husband Graham to emcee the event. They will stage a dancing competition and Greengrass promises to provide them with a trophy for a small charge of course - besides taking bets on the outcome. Written by Carsten Pedersen

Country: UK
Genre: Drama, Comedy, Crime,
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