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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.6
51 min

It's early 1915 and everyone in the household is pleased when James Bellamy returns home on leave for the first time. James is tired and under stress and at dinner that evening, tells his father, Sir Geoffrey Dillon and General Nesfield the true conditions at the front and the incompetence of the War Office, particularly in the provision of munitions. Dillon sees an opportunity to criticize the government and arranges for an anonymous account of the situation to be printed in the newspaper. Combined with the fiasco at Galipoli, the news is having its effect and the Conservative party sees its chances of forming a government improving. The news account doesn't sit well with James' Regimental Colonel who takes him to task for getting involved in politics, something James had no intention to do. To his dread, James finds himself assigned to the General Staff and feels he is abandoning his brother officers at the front. Edward and Daisy decide to get married but Hudson doesn't take the ... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.2
50 min

It's October 1914 and the war is not going well. The Germans are smashing through Belgium and the allies are in retreat. Hazel Bellamy is on a committee with Lady Prudence Fairfax to find temporary homes for the 5000 or more Belgian refugees that have come to Britain. Feeling an obligation to set an example, Hazel agrees to take in a family and expecting an aristocratic family of 3, receives an extended family of 5 peasant farmers who speak no English. They take residence in the servants' quarters but with the language barrier, it all proves to be a bit much for both sides. The servants find the refugees odd in their tastes and their refusal to take a bath in particular offends them. Rescue of a sort comes from Georgina who returns from a weekend away and having been schooled in Switzerland, is a fluent French speaker. The refugees tell her their horrific tale of death and terror at the hands of the invading Germans creating a greater understanding and a degree of empathy from the ... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.5
52 min

Hazel and James marriage seems to have come to and end. She tells Richard that should James' expected appointment to his company's holdings in India come through, she will not accompany him. Richard is understanding and agrees with her that it's the best course of action. The political situation in Europe is unraveling and Richard is concerned that they could soon be at war. His own views seem at odds with the general population where war fever has taken hold. Richard is convinced that the war will last a long time - the general view is that it'll all be over by Christmas - and cost many lives. Below stairs, Hudson is all for a war against what he sees as the evil Hun. Mrs. Bridges is occupied by other things, particularly Albert Lyons who supplies them with game and fish. It's quite obvious he has his eye on her and she fully anticipates a proposal is forthcoming. On a trip to the seaside however, she sees a different side of him. War is soon declared and James is called up by his ... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.4
51 min

It's a particularly difficult time for Hazel who has just had a miscarriage. She and James had not been particularly close of late and the miscarriage has driven them even further apart. When she is most in need of love and understanding, James is at his most aloof acting as if Hazel was staying in her bed with a minor ailment. James is in a funk, not happy about anything in his life. He doesn't like his work and is searching for something new to interest him. He seems to be taken with his step-cousin, Georgina Worsley, taking her to a Regimental ball. Richard thinks James is treating Hazel very badly and they have an angry exchange, leading James to ask his father to move out of the house. The ill-feeling upstairs has it's effect on the servants as Rose and Hudson take sides leading Daisy to break down in tears. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.1
52 min

Rose is swept off her feet by a man she meet on a tram. He is Gregory Wilmot, an Australian sheep farmer who has returned to the UK to visit friends and see the sights. He and Rose spend a good deal of time together, eating out and even dancing one evening. When the others below stairs hear of him, there are mixed reactions with Hudson in particular quite dubious about the whole proposition. Gregory takes Rose to visit his friends and it becomes quite obvious that one of them thinks he's marrying below himself. When the big day arrives, Rose leaves 165 Eaton Place presumably forever. Only she returns a short time later, in tears, having learned something about Gregory just before their departure. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.2
51 min

It's Chritsmas 1913 and 165 Eaton Place has a new resident in the form of Miss Georgina Worsley, Richard's niece. Lady Southwold is also visiting for the holiday. Georgina is 18 and has been at school in Switzerland. She is an orphan and there is a likelihood that she will stay on with the Bellamys as Richard's ward. Also new is Daisy, the under-house parlor maid. Also 18, Daisy is relatively new to service but she and Georgina hit it off, though their backgrounds could not be more different. When Georgina hears that Daisy has not been to see her parents in London's East End for some three years, she suggests they take food out of the larder and visit them. What they see is an eye-opener for Georgina. When they fail to return early on Christmas Eve, everyone is concerned for their well-being, forcing Richard to call the police. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.6
51 min

Richard's financial difficulties may come to an end when a chance meeting at his club gives him a tip on a stock that should increase considerably in value. He's told that Cartwright Engineering will soon received a large contract and is a sure bet. The tipster receives Richard's assurance that the source of this information will remain confidential. The stock tip proves to be a good one and Richard makes a pretty penny. His troubles begin when a Parliamentary opponent, Henry Pritchett, begins to suggest that Richard used inside information from his days at the Admiralty and the Government initiates an inquiry. Richard is true to his word and refuses to divulge the source of his stock tip leading to trouble with the Conservative Party. The resolution to the situation is not entirely to Richard's liking however. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 6.6
51 min

James and Hazel have returned to 165 Eaton Place and Hazel in particular now has to settle in. The servants are somewhat dismayed at the little amount of entertaining the young couple have planned for the fall and all in all, life has become dull for everyone. Hazel receives a call from the Lili de Ternay, claiming to have met Richard years ago and simply calling to renew their acquaintance. Hazel naturally invites her and her brother Kurt to dinner not realizing that they are penniless fortune hunters who mistakenly believe that Richard is a rich man, given his connection to the Southwolds. Below stairs, there is a new under-house parlor maid, a young Welsh girl named Gwyneth whose imagination proves to be far more than anyone can handle. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.7
52 min

Rose is shocked when Alfred, their former footman, turns up at 165 Eaton Place. From all appearance he's been sleeping rough and clearly hasn't eaten for several days. Without telling anyone, she let's him stay in the servants' hall and feeds him. He tells her his story since he ran off with the German Baron and spins a yarn about how his attraction to his latest employer's pretty young daughter got him sacked. Rose has a soft spot for Alfred but not surprisingly, he hasn't been truthful with her. When Hudson reports Alfred's presence to Richard Bellamy, a visiting Sir Geoffrey Dillon makes inquiries only to learn that Alfred's most recent employer was found murdered. The police are soon on the scene but one of the servants is put in danger when Alfred takes a prisoner. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.2
51 min

Unbeknownst to Richard Bellamy his son James has been secretly seeing Hazel Forrest in her free hours and has asked her to marry him. She doesn't accept him right away but does resign her position as Richard's secretary. When Richard hears of it, he lashes out at James questioning his judgment but the younger Bellamy stands his ground. Hazel turns him down but it's clear that she has a secret which she will not reveal to James. James assumes his father has interfered in his life and it is left to Hazel's kindly father, Arthur Forrest, to tell James of the perceived impediment preventing Hazel from marrying. As for Richard, he is clearly being pursued by his old family friend, Lady Prudence Fairfax, who thinks he should remarry. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.5
50 min

James Bellamy has started his new job in the City but he is feeling out of sorts and is completely bored. He's also broken off his engagement with Phyllis. Lady Marjorie is planning a trip that a trip to New York to see Elizabeth and then on to Canada. Richard Bellamy is busy writing a biography of his father-in-law Lord Southwold and has engaged a pretty young typist, Miss Forrest, prepare his manuscript. When Miss Forrest comes to work on a Saturday, James orders lunch for both of them in the dining room that leads to a major confrontation with Hudson over whether wine should be served. James is trying to impress the young woman by playing master of the house - his parents are away for the weekend - while Hudson feels it is his role to ensure the rules of the house are followed when the master is away. A humiliated Hudson feels he has been put in an impossible situation and given the lack of proper standards, feels he must resign. Darker clouds lie ahead for everyone, however. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.2
51 min

Sarah's voracious appetite and weight gain convinces Mrs. Hudson that the girl is once again pregnant. She admits to it but makes up a story about a chance encounter with a stranger rather than expose Thomas Watkins as the father. Watkins seems uninterested in her situation and is far more concerned about himself, something at which he has been most adept in the past. He would love to buy a garage he knows is on the market but is nowhere near having the £500 purchase price. He approaches Richard Bellamy offering to marry the girl if it will help out the family but in no way admits paternity. Richard is impressed by his offer and accepts to set them up in the mews with a generous financial incentive. When Lady Marjorie returns to 165 Eaton Place she will hear nothing of it - son James will soon be returning from India and it simply isn't allowed to have married servants - and gives both Sarah and Tom 30 days notice. Watkins lets it be known that even though he is being sacked, he will ... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.9
50 min

With most everyone away, Elizabeth hosts a meeting of her fellow suffragettes in the servants hall at 165 Eaton Place. They are planning an all-out demonstration against their plight. Their specific target is an MP but Rose overhears what they are up to and she follows them intent on protecting Elizabeth as much as possible. When they are arrested Rose, who did not participate in the protest, is taken with them. Elizabeth catches the eye of a wealthy stranger, Julius Karekin, who arranges for her to only pay a small fine and then be released. Everyone else, Rose included, is sentenced to two months imprisonment. Conditions in the prison are harsh and her cell mates force Rose to join them in a hunger strike. In the past, the women have been released after a few days of refusing food but this time, the warders have something quite odious planned for them. Elizabeth pleads with her new friend Karekin to get Rose freed. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.9
50 min

Lady Marjorie's father Lord Southwold has died and her mother, Lady Southwold, comes to stay at 165 Eaton Place with her companion Miss Hodges. Something of a crisis erupts when Lady Southwold's butterfly brooch is nowhere to be found. Hodges reports that she had seen Miss Roberts just outside Lady Southwold's room and Richard Bellamy orders Hudson to question all of the servants before calling in the police. It's a disagreeable task and Miss Roberts is horrified at the mere suggestion that she is under suspicion. Hudson for his part is suspicious of Watkins when he learns that he recently had a visitor to his quarters in the mews. When Watkins refuses to tell him the identity of the visitor or explain why he was there, he reports it to Mr. Bellamy. When the mystery of the missing brooch turns out to be nothing more than a misunderstanding, ill-feeling lingers. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.8
50 min

Both Richard Bellamy and Mr. Hudson have to deal with visits from their respective brothers. Richard's elder brother Arthur visits for a weekend for a meeting of the Royal Society. Lady Marjorie is away along with several members of the staff and the house is full of workmen installing a new system of electrical call bells used to summon the servants. Arthur Bellamy, a medical doctor, is a dour man who is prone to complaining about anything around him. He even accuses the somewhat abstemious Hudson of having liquor in his breath. Hudson meanwhile welcomes his brother Donald who is passing through London with his wife Maudie and daughter Alice. They are close despite not having seen each other for nearly 10 years. Donald is a relatively famous engineer having constructed two major bridges over the Zambezi river. Hudson however has never really admitted that he is in service but rather that he simply works for an MP. He rents a fine suit of clothes for the weekend and pays for a suite ... Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.7
48 min (DVD)

Preparations are under way for a very special dinner at 165 Eaton Place. His Majesty King Edward VII is to be the guest of honor at a dinner and evening of card playing. The staff are as excited at the prospect as the Bellamys are honored by the King's presence. For Mrs. Bridges in particular, the event will no doubt be the pinnacle of her culinary career. Great care is taken with the guest list, the seating arrangements and the after dinner activities. One event that no one has counted on is the sudden appearance of a very pregnant Sarah who is supposed to be at Southwold. She's also gone into labor and while the royal guest is occupied by his hosts, the staff managed to secrete her into an upstairs room and call for the doctor. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.2
50 min

The Bellamys are concerned when they receive a bill from a jeweler requesting a substantial sum to settle their son James' account. Richard thinks he is in the clutches of a greedy and demanding woman. They meet with James' commanding officer, Col. Winters, who tells them that James is drinking too much and is in considerable financial difficulty. They haven't seen James for several weeks and he has been spending time with Sarah, the Bellamys former house maid. Below stairs, the servants welcome Rose who has come for tea and where a letter from Sarah is awaiting her. Sarah has invited her to visit and tells her what has happened. When James finally meets his parents he reveals not only the extent of his debts but that Sarah is pregnant. The family's solicitor, Sir Geoffrey Dillon, is called in to sort it all out resulting in both Sarah and James being banished in their own way. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.7
50 min (DVD)

Elizabeth and Lawrence Kirbridge return from their honeymoon and stop at 165 Eaton Place en route to their new home in Greenwich. She's pleased to learn that her mother has decided to lend her Rose for a few months and has also hired a cook for her. Lawrence seems somewhat aloof going off to see his publisher rather than accompany her to their new home. His disinterest continues even after they've moved in and it becomes apparent that they have little in common. He even leaves it to Elizabeth to hire his manservant, a Welshman named Thomas Watkins. The situation is not much better below stairs where Rose finds the cook, Mrs. Fellowes, has only limited abilities in the kitchen and a penchant to do no more than is absolutely required. As for Watkins, he proves to be reliable and perhaps a bit overly ambitious. He also flirts with Rose which has a exaggerated impact on Elizabeth. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 8.0
49 min (DVD)

The Bellamys are in a panic over Elizabeth's disappearance. She hasn't been in touch since she's left but Hudson manages to track her down, courtesy of Rose who has known all along where she's been. Richard tries to convince her to return but without much success. He also checks into Lawrence Kirbridge and learns that he is from a good family and is a writer of some promise. They invite him for tea and decide they approve. To Elizabeth's shock and dismay, Lawrence proposes that they should marry, despite their supposed radical views against societal norms and conventions. James meanwhile also has a new friend, a chanteuse who has made quite a name for herself in the music halls of London. She turns out to be none other than Sarah, the Bellamys former maid. James' secret is soon out when she appears at the church on Elizabeth's wedding day. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.4
51 min (DVD)

Elizabeth has turned 21 and is beginning to seek her independence. She's made new friends, Bohemian types who debate their radical politics and spout poetry. Her main interest is the writer and poet Lawrence Kirbridge, a talented young man who also has a way with the ladies. She informs her parents that she will not be accompanying them on a weekend visit and subsequently invites her new set to tea at 165 Eaton Place. What was supposed to be a quiet occasion soon turns to a rather lively party with one of the guests dancing on a table. Unfortunately, Richard and Lady Marjorie return at that moment and brusquely ask everyone to leave. Mortified, Elizabeth accuses her parents of being rude to her guests. She decides the time has come to strike out on her own and moves in with her friend, Henrietta. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Upstairs, Downstairs

Upstairs, Downstairs


Upstairs, Downstairs

IMDb: 7.7
51 min (DVD)

Elizabeth Bellamy has been working with the poor in the East End and encourages James to accompany her to see what life is really like for many Londoners. He is genuinely shocked at the conditions he finds but is sent for a loop when he sees their former maid Sarah among the poor and the destitute. Sarah also recognizes him and soon finds herself back at 165 Eaton Place among her old friends. She's also up to her old games, this time telling everyone that in the few years she's been away, she learned that she had a gift and can now commune with the dead. The staff are soon holding séances but with Hudson and Mrs. Bridges away with the Bellamys on a outing to Scotland, Rose has been left in charge of the household staff. Hudson returns unexpectedly, however. Written by garykmcd

Country: UK
Genre: Drama,
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HD Famously Afraid

Famously Afraid


Famously Afraid

IMDb: 0

Comic Chris Kattan discovers a portal to another realm in his basement; actor Willie Aames confronts a beast lurking outside his home; reality star Brandi Glanville avoids disaster with the help of a guardian angel.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Famously Afraid

Famously Afraid


Famously Afraid

IMDb: 0

TV talk show host Montel Williams explores a haunted cruise ship with psychic Sylvia Browne; actress Kate Flannery finds a special connection to the spiritual world; artist Richie Ramone checks into a hotel with a sinister reputation.

Genre: Drama,
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HD The F.B.I. Files

The F.B.I. Files


The F.B.I. Files

IMDb: 7.3
51 min

Through re-enactments of high profile cases involving the FBI, the show reveals how agents solve these crimes behind the scene. The show producers work with FBI special agents and examiners in high tech crime labs to portrait each case accurately. You will learn how the FBI protects the lives of Americans and brings the most notorious criminals to justice. Written by Anonymous

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HD The F.B.I. Files

The F.B.I. Files


The F.B.I. Files

IMDb: 7.2
50 min

In January 1984, a U.S. Customs officer disappeared from his post near the Del Rio, Texas border crossing, prompting local police to search for four Latin American suspects. The following day, the official was found dead. Local police and the FBI continued searching for the suspects, prepared for a confrontation with desperate criminals.

Country: USA
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HD The F.B.I. Files

The F.B.I. Files


The F.B.I. Files

IMDb: 7.6
50 min

Follow the investigation of a New York gas station mogul that uncovered a mob operation of brutality, kidnapping and retaliation killings, leading FBI agents to infiltrate the crime ring. Intervention came too late for one cooperating witness. Written by

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HD The F.B.I. Files

The F.B.I. Files


The F.B.I. Files

IMDb: 7.2
50 min

New Jersey millionaire Frank Black flew to West Palm Beach, Florida to close a major business deal but never returned home. When the FBI was called in, agents learned of a mystery woman whom Black met while on his trip. Eventually they untangled a web of deceit that had led to a vengeful killing.

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HD Forbrydelsen




IMDb: 8.7

It's election day and the Prime Minister has everything to gain but Emilie's fate remains uncertain.

Country: Denmark
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HD Forbrydelsen




IMDb: 8.3

Sarah Lund is held back in her attempts to make headway with the investigation.

Country: Denmark
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HD Seconds from Disaster

Seconds from Disaster


Seconds from Disaster

IMDb: 8.1

For the forty-five schoolchildren who boarded the Bashkirian Airlines flight from Moscow to Barcelona it was going to be the trip of a lifetime - a reward for their academic success. But two and a half hours into the flight their Tupolev 154 collided with a Boeing 757 cargo plane over the small German lakeside town of Überlingen, sending all aboard to a horrifying death. With both aircraft equipped with collision avoidance systems and being monitored by Zurich's state of the art flight control centre, how was it possible for such an accident to occur? Seconds from Disaster counts down to the moment of impact and investigates the perfect storm of failures that led to a tragedy that echoed around the world - and even continued to claim lives years later. Written by Darlow Smithson Productions

Genre: Documentary,
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HD Seconds from Disaster

Seconds from Disaster


Seconds from Disaster

IMDb: 8.1
51 min

An investigation inti the cause of the sinking of Titanic. The ultimate cause was the use of post-war rivets that showed flaws in the metal and were unable to withstand the massive strain of the collision with the iceberg.

Genre: Documentary,
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HD Seconds from Disaster

Seconds from Disaster


Seconds from Disaster

IMDb: 6.9
47 min

In 1998 Al Qaeda exploded a bomb truck at the rear of the American embassy in Nairobi bringing down a neighboring office building and killing 213 people and wounding a around 4000 others.

Genre: Documentary,
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