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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.0
43 min

At the last sets of weigh-ins, Jackie is eliminated at Comeback Canyon sending her home, while Rondalee joins Damien at Comeback Canyon. Regardless of the competitive aspect of the weigh-in at Comeback Canyon, Bob feels he has to help Rondalee achieve a milestone this week in her weight loss journey. At the ranch, the contestants learn that if they lose at least a combined 50 pounds at this week's weigh-in, no one will be sent home this week. Associated, they also learn that they can reduce that 50 pounds down to a potential 40 pounds if they as a collective win the week's challenge which will require them all to work as a team. That challenge, with a one hour time limit, is to knock placards representing 50 to 40 pounds - the 40 pound placard which is the highest at fourteen feet above ground - by moving piles of sand upon which team members can stand to reach the placards. On an individual basis, the trainers focus on Rob and Damien in dealing with emotional issues, Damien's which ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.9
43 min

At the last sets of weigh-ins, Blake is eliminated at Comeback Canyon sending her home, while Damien joins Jackie at Comeback Canyon. Bob likes the metaphor of a two time Super Bowl champion going against the first person to have survived two weeks at Comeback Canyon. Only the weigh-in will determine who will emerge as a three time winner. The contestants at the ranch have hit the half way mark of the competition. With nine left, Alison announces that there will be a line up change with three competitors per team, those new teams which will be chosen solely by chance. While some embrace the change as a positive thing possibly to learn from another trainer, one person in particular dreads the possibility of losing the trainer that has led to a high weight loss thus far. The trainers will have to address these concerns by any of their new team members. The new teams go into a reward challenge: they will prepare a meal for Rocco DiSpirito who will judge which team prepared the best meal ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.8
43 min

At the last sets of weigh-ins, Gina is eliminated at Comeback Canyon sending her home, while Blake joins Jackie at Comeback Canyon. Bob believes that they are neck and neck in terms of staying or leaving this week based on both losing the same amount of weight last week, but Jackie admits she is fighting against a younger metabolism. At the ranch, three guests come for the week: NFL'ers Michael Irvin, Donald Driver, and Willie McGinest, who will be mentoring the red, white and blue team respectively. Scott feels somewhat embarrassed to be on the contestant side of the coin with his fellow NFL'ers, but he ultimately may get the most this week from their presence. The reward challenge is a football themed one, with the trainers involved. The winning team receives video chats with loved ones. Despite Scott's embarrassment, he and Damien realize that they have an advantage with this challenge based on their professional football history. And at the last chance workout, everyone can feel ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.0
43 min

At the last sets of weigh-ins, Matt is eliminated at Comeback Canyon sending him home, while Jackie joins Gina at Comeback Canyon. Beyond the issue of losing weight, Bob wants to instill in Gina and Jackie, who are both mothers, that a large part of their process is putting their own needs if not ahead then equal to that of the rest of their family. At the ranch, the contestants learn that their reward challenge is more putting their competing teams in the penalty box, the team winning the challenge who can assign the preset penalties, one team who will have to do cleaning chores at the ranch before they can do their workouts, while the other team will be sent away to Las Vegas without access to their trainer for the week. The challenge has one person per team running on a treadmill, the speed on which is increased every five minutes. The last person standing wins the challenge for their team. Jen and Dolvett are most concerned about Damien and Blake's well being this week. The weigh ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.9
43 min

At the last sets of weigh-ins, Mike is eliminated at Comeback Canyon sending him home, while Gina joins Matt at Comeback Canyon. Bob designs the workout to deal with both Matt and Gina's issues, Matt's being working in a team to achieve goals and Gina's to deal with committing to fear inducing tasks. At the ranch, Jessie takes Lori back in history to get her to a better place emotionally. The contestants and their trainers head to the pool for the team challenge, which entails three contestants per team holding onto to 15% of their body weight to prevent their trainer from falling into the pool. The first team to drop their trainer will not have access to their trainer at all for the week. The second team to drop their trainer will only have their trainer for the last chance workout. In the aftermath of the challenge, one person from the losing team goes back to their athlete days to take control of their training for the week. The team with only their trainer for the last chance ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.5
43 min

At the last sets of weigh-ins, Chandra is eliminated at Comeback Canyon sending her home, while Matt, as the first casualty of the White Team, joins Mike at Comeback Canyon. Bob is looking forward to this battle as he sees both Mike and Matt as potentially going all the way to the finale. Bob receives a gift which he believes he will be able to use for others. The ranch contestants head off the ranch for a tailgate party at Los Angeles Coliseum, and their first temptation challenge. Each contestant is given three minutes alone in a tent full of every kind of unhealthy stadium type food available. The contestant who eats the most calories wins the challenge, and what on the surface is the most lucrative reward, namely immunity at the next weigh-in. However, that silver lining does have a cloud as their weight will still count toward their team's weight, with this week having a red line. Each of those who ate speak to their respective trainer about their thought process. Separate from ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.4
43 min

At the last sets of weigh-ins, Emmy is eliminated at Comeback Canyon sending her home, while Mike joins Chandra at Comeback Canyon. His arrival makes it a battle between youth and age, and between the biggest loser thus far against one of the people who has lost the least amount. Back at the ranch, the contestants learn of their challenge which is a four man relay pulling one's own weight across a 600 foot long rope suspended 10 stories over a canyon. The reward is more a penalty against another team, as the winning team has the choice to sideline one person from any of the opposing two teams from this week's weigh-in. Woody fears he may be a liability to his white team, who have yet to lose a challenge or a weigh-in, as he is deathly afraid of heights. However, it is another contestant who ultimately feels like the weakest link. At the weigh-in, the two teams that did not win the reward challenge feel the pressure as Alison tells them that this week will mark the first time this ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.5
43 min

At the last sets of weigh-ins, Andrea is eliminated at Comeback Canyon sending her home, while Chandra joins Emmy at Comeback Canyon. By what Bob can see during the week and based on weight loss history at the ranch, he believes this may be the first week that the longer time resident of Comeback Canyon will stay for a third week. At the ranch, Alison tells the contestants that there will be a lottery this week, the last person's name who comes up being the winner of the lottery. The prize: a trip home for the week. The catch: theirs will be the only weight that will count for their team for the week's weigh-in. Their trainer will also accompany them, leaving the remaining team members to fend for themselves for the week. The person who ultimately wins the lottery states that the trip home will be treated like a business trip. That person's trainer, who does admit to feeling some pressure, hopes that a sense of place will provide some motivation, most specifically for the last ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.6
86 min

At the last sets of weigh-ins, Vanessa is eliminated at Comeback Canyon sending her home, while Emmy joins Andrea at Comeback Canyon. Bob learns that many of the reasons for Emmy's family's weight issues are external to her own home. At the ranch, the trainers provide what they hope will be longer term motivation for the entire contingent of contestants. Akin to baseball, Alison announces that this week will have a double header style of team challenges. The first challenge is a combination nutrition knowledge/food temptation one, the latter issue with a bit a of a twist that affects one specific team member. The winning team of the first challenge wins a two pound advantage at the weigh-in. The second challenge in the double header is a team cycling challenge, with the winning team the first collectively to get to the Olympic triathlon standard of 40km. Staying on the double header theme, the winning team of that second challenge wins a four pound advantage at the weigh-in. The first... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.7
86 min

The first elimination weigh-in finds Zina leaving Comeback Canyon, and Andrea, as the voted eliminated contestant from the ranch, joining Vanessa at Comeback Canyon with Bob. Andrea is intimidated to be against a former professional athlete in Vanessa, but believes she is up to the challenge, which will only be proved at the end of the week weigh-in. The trainers at the ranch believe they have to share their own stories with their respective teams to get them to feel safe sharing their own stories, which are a large part of why they have gained weight from their previous athlete selves. Jessie in particular feels he needs to do so as the freshman trainer on the ranch who has already lost a team member and who feels the need to prove himself by ensuring that the Blue Team does not lose the next weigh-in. Each of the ranch trainers does have those problem team members who have yet to have that mental breakthrough. The team reward challenge is an obstacle course, but also entails both ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.7
85 min

At the Los Angeles Coliseum, Alison introduces the twenty contestants for the season, they who are all former athletes, including some former professional athletes and former Olympians. She also introduces the three trainers for the season, who include now Biggest Loser training veteran Dolvett, and two newbies to the Biggest Loser family, Jessie and Jen. For their first workout at the Biggest Loser Ranch, the twenty contestants are under the tutelage of all three trainers, who get a feel for who are among the group. In general, Dolvett can see the former athletes come out as what he considers the best first workout he has ever been a part of on the show. The contestants are then thrown into their first individual challenge, which combines aspects of beach volleyball and an obstacle course. The prizes are the choice of trainer for the season, where there are six open spots per trainer. With only eighteen spots, the last two to complete the challenge are automatically eliminated. After... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.8
43 min

The stakes are higher than ever when the five final players compete in a Biggest Loser first - a sprint triathlon, requiring them to swim 1/2 a mile, bike 12 miles and run three miles. The triathlon winner will secure a coveted spot as a finalist, as well as a brand new Ford Fusion. Then it's an emotional trip down memory lane as the contestants watch footage of their journeys with their trainers, and see firsthand how far they've come since arriving on the ranch. Later, it's time for the last weigh-in before the finale, where two players will fall below the red line and go home, and two more will become finalists, joining the triathlon winner to compete for $250,000 and the title of The Biggest Loser at the season 15 finale. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 6.1
86 min

There are seven contestants remaining after the elimination of Jay, who is seen at home on the continuation of his weight loss journey. Those seven go into makeover week. Fashion stylist Tim Gunn and hair stylist Ken Paves lead the makeover team. Tim's goal is not to treat the seven as his dress up dolls, but rather collaborate with each to provide them with a look with which they will feel comfortable. Most give Ken free reign over their hair. While David knows and is excited to see his facial hair go, it which he kept more as a symbol of his journey, Marie is a little less excited to see her hair go as it has been the one thing she felt she could control as her weight increased. All seven get to share the experience with their family and friends, who are flown to Los Angeles. After the makeover, it is back to work as the contestants still know that losing weight in their primary goal. Bob in particular is aware that makeover week has always been a distraction away from that goal. At... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 5.5
43 min

The remaining contestants learn that Holley, who lost the latest weigh-in, is not the only person going home this week, as one other will be spending the week at home. That person will bring along his/her trainer, and his/her weight will be the only one counting for his/her team at the next weigh-in. The person chosen to head home is determined by luck, based on the spin of a wheel. That trainer believes this situation is bad for all on their team as it takes away from the workout of the team members still on the ranch, and that the time at home for the chosen one will be too much of a distraction. After all is said and done, that trainer has a change of heart as to the initial belief that the cons would outweigh the pros of that person being sent home. One trainer ends up taking over the reigns for that missing trainer's team members still on the ranch. The week's workouts on the ranch bring two contestants back to activities that they participated in in high school, that return to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Elena of Avalor

Elena of Avalor


Elena of Avalor

IMDb: 0
22 min

Elena takes a trip to the Kingdom of Norberg to help two fellow rulers work out their differences.

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HD Star Wars Resistance

Star Wars Resistance


Star Wars Resistance

IMDb: 7.4

With the Colossus in need of hyperfuel, Kaz suggests they take it from a downed First Order ship; the salvage mission is quickly compromised when the First Order shows up.

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HD Bob's Burgers

Bob's Burgers


Bob's Burgers

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Tina, Louise, and Gene get a taste of business when they join the school's Tweentrepeneurs club. Back at the restaurant, Bob and Linda find themselves outsmarted by a dine-and-dasher.

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 4.6
85 min

With Jessica voted off the ranch after the latest weigh-in, the remaining seven contestants learn they are going into makeover week, which excites them not only because of the makeovers themselves, but because the week represents a milestone in the game. They also learn that their made over selves will be featured in People Magazine, and they will be walking the catwalk in support of Ford Warriors in Pink in fight of breast cancer. Their most exciting moment may be revealing their new selves to their family and friends. Ada continues to deal with the issue of lack of support from her family. Back to the game, the contestants' reward challenge for the week is to ascend the 300 foot long Angel's Flight funicular either by the train, which is worth one point, or by foot, which is worth five points. The first contestant to 100 points wins the challenge and a new car. The challenge has a surprise ending, and one contestant feels let down by not completing the race. Bob offers that ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD The Biggest Loser

The Biggest Loser


The Biggest Loser

IMDb: 0

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HD The Affair

The Affair


The Affair

IMDb: 0

Allegations against Noah surface and he seeks guidance on how to handle the situation. Helen celebrates a birthday and protects Sierra during an extremely trying time.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Lodge 49

Lodge 49


Lodge 49

IMDb: 0
46 min

After the events of Mexico, the Lynx regroup at a revived Lodge and prepare for an important coronation. Liz goes for a swim. Connie has a secret.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Strictly It Takes Two

Strictly It Takes Two


Strictly It Takes Two

IMDb: 0
59 min

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HD Supernatural




IMDb: 9.5

Picking up where we left off last season, Sam, Dean and Castiel are left to defend the world after all the souls in hell have been released and are back on Earth and free to kill again.

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HD Legacies




IMDb: 9.2

After discovering that there may be a way out of Malivore, Hope becomes more determined than ever to find her way back to Mystic Falls. Alaric, who is still reeling after being voted out as headmaster by the honor council, continues looking into the mysterious night Malivore was destroyed. Elsewhere, as the students leave for summer vacation, Landon stays behind to keep an eye on Rafael, while MG heads to Atlanta to spend time with Kaleb's family. Finally, while Lizzie spends the summer in Europe with Caroline, Josie searches for answers about the mysterious ascendant that Alaric was keeping from them. Written by CW press release

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HD Jimmy Kimmel Live!

Jimmy Kimmel Live!


Jimmy Kimmel Live!

IMDb: 4.7

Actor Henry Winkler (Barry (2018) and Arrested Development (2003)); actress Jenny Slate (Venom (2018)); Lindsey Buckingham performs;

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HD The Bachelorette (AU

The Bachelorette (AU


The Bachelorette (AU

IMDb: 4.7

Having won the nation's heart in The Bachelor Australia 2014, Sam Frost will be looking for love again as Australia's first ever Bachelorette. Will she have more luck in love the second time around?

Country: Australia
Genre: Reality-TV,
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HD Tangled: The Series

Tangled: The Series


Tangled: The Series

IMDb: 8.8
22 min

Rapunzel and Eugene's friends Angry and Red return to Corona permanently; their return quickly becomes a nightmare when the kingdom is stalked by a werewolf.

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HD Tangled: The Series

Tangled: The Series


Tangled: The Series

IMDb: 8.9

King Edmund arrives in Corona to give his son, Eugene, a family heirloom; when the heirloom is stolen, Eugene reluctantly joins his father on a journey to retrieve it.

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HD Basketball Wives

Basketball Wives


Basketball Wives

IMDb: 4.2
21 min

On Basketball Wives, we'll follow the extraordinary lives of 6 women who are best friends as they juggle the success and stresses of building businesses, battling groupies, and searching for stability in the unstable arena of being the significant other to a basketball superstar. Written by Jeffrey Nix

Country: USA
Genre: Reality-TV,
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HD The Masked Singer

The Masked Singer


The Masked Singer

IMDb: 6.5
60 min

The Masked Singer is a singing competition guessing game based on the Korean format King of Mask Singer. The performers are celebrities wearing elaborate head to toe costumes to conceal their identities from the host, panelists, audience, and other contestants. 12 celebrities appear on the show with one singer eliminated each week and unmasked. Small hints are given to help viewer play and guess along. The who-sung-it is hosted by Nick Cannon and features a star-studded detective playing panel: Ken Jeong, Jenny McCarthy, Nicole Scherzinger and Robin Thicke. For season 1, the competitors are all household names and have a combined 65 Grammy nominations, 16 multi-Platinum albums, 16 Emmy nominations, 9 Broadway shows, 4 Super Bowl titles, and 4 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Country: USA
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HD Disenchantment




IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Princess Tiabeanie, 'Bean', is about to be married to Prince Merkimer. It is an arranged marriage and Bean isn't too happy about it. She is fun loving and free spirited and marriage is the last thing she wants to preoccupy herself with. Then she meets Luci, a demon, and Elfo, an elf, and things get rather exciting, and dangerous. Written by grantss

Country: USA
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HD Disenchantment




IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Princess Tiabeanie, 'Bean', is about to be married to Prince Merkimer. It is an arranged marriage and Bean isn't too happy about it. She is fun loving and free spirited and marriage is the last thing she wants to preoccupy herself with. Then she meets Luci, a demon, and Elfo, an elf, and things get rather exciting, and dangerous. Written by grantss

Country: USA
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