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HD Las Vegas

Las Vegas


Las Vegas

IMDb: 7.6

Valuable jewels worth 5 million dollars have been stolen from a suite in the Montecito. The police call in the help of Mike since they're short on investigators. After careful looking Mike doesn't have a clue either. The only one who had access, was bellman Archie Drazinski, but it doesn't look like he was involved. It seems a perfect crime, Mike doesn't give up however. Meanwhile Mary, Sam, Nessa and Delinda try to break up the announced marriage of Cole with Liza. Cole is a regular in the Montecito and his assistant Christina always brings very tasty cookies. But Liza hates gambling and announces it's their last time in Vegas. The four ladies think of a way to convince Cole to choose for Christina instead. While everybody is busy a psychologist send by Montecito owner Brunson walks the casino floors to analyze the team and interview everybody. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.8

Carrie moves to Manhattan, but Doug refuses to leave the house in Queens. But ultimately, they find the one thing that will keep them together--or so it seems.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.9

Carrie wants a promotion at her work, but her boss says the committee won't hire her because of the way she talks. An upset Carrie decides to get diction lessons from Spence, to learn how to speak more lady like. Doug's mother comes up to visit and sits in on a guys gambling game. Doug begins to notice that she can really play so he invites her in on more games to cash in on more money. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.0

Danny is babysitting the baby of his ex-girlfriend and doesn't want Doug to hold her. Doug tells Carrie he wants a baby to show off to Danny and Carrie tells him she doesn't want a child with him because he's irresponsible. Doug borrows Danny's baby to prove he can be responsible. Meanwhile Arthur's trying to become Customer of the Month of the coffee shop he frequents every day. Written by Marco van Hoof

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.8

It's the Christmas season and Doug and Carrie run into their Reverend who ropes Doug into doing guard duty for the Christmas decorations at the church and he also gets Carrie into making a cake for the church. When Doug sees a fellow guarder's wife bring him hot soup to help warm him from the outside cold, Doug begins to feel that Carrie doesn't do enough wife stuff. Arthur and Spence decide to try and write a Christmas song.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.4

Spence wants to go to a Fantasy Fest with Lou Ferrigno but dumps him after Adam West agrees to go to the Fest with Spence. Meanwhile Doug frequently visits a very pretty hairdresser.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.8

Doug's parents come to visit, when Doug's dad goes to enter a model train competition, Arthur keeps Doug's mom busy.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.9

Doug wants to go to Vegas with the guys. However, Carrie has to agree. Doug figures she can't refuse him anything if he takes her to a spa for a weekend. The spa is a living hell to Doug, but the thought of a trip to Vegas keeps him going. Arthur is told by Spence they're planning to go to Vegas and Arthur teaches Spence to count cards so he can win lots of money in Vegas. Written by Marco van Hoof

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.7

Doug and Carrie go on spring break holiday to Doug's parents. Carrie hates sleeping at their house with all the rules and wants to sleep in a hotel. Doug however doesn't know how to break this news to his mother. When it turns out Deacon and Kelly have also planned to go on vacation that week, Carrie and Doug lure them into going along with them so there's no choice than to stay at a hotel. Doug's mother doesn't like them staying at the hotel and, after the first evening at the hotel, neither do Doug and Carrie. Written by Marco van Hoof

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.6

During a romantic dinner, Doug is inspired to proclaim his love to Carrie. Carrie is taken by his gesture and suggests that they renew their vows. The two find that planning the wedding is much more troublesome than expected. The ceremony is on again, off again as Doug and Carrie are faced with endless complications, including finding a chimp to serve as Doug's best man. In the midst of the wedding planning Arthur is praying that his wedding present, aged Port wine, will go unused when he discovers the value of the fine wine on E-bay. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Doug and Carrie visit his parents in Florida. Carrie finds out his parents never told him his dog died; they simply bought a new one, several times. Carrie tells Doug and he asks his parents why they lied and if there's more he doesn't know. He ends up finding out more about himself than he bargained for. Meanwhile, Spence wants Arthur's help in making the encounter between his mother and Denise a smooth one. Written by Marco van Hoof

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

It's almost Christmas and there is a lot of confusion about who's getting who a gift and what the gift may be.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

When Carrie wins four tickets for a month to Knicks games, Doug and her struggle to find another couple with whom they'd both be happy. They eventually devise a scheme to break up two couples in order to create the perfect couple. Meanwhile Arthur visits an old friend at the DMV to take care of a ticket for Deacon. His friend is no longer working there but Arthur cannot bring himself to tell Deacon and the rest of the crew as they continue to hand him parking tickets to take care of. Written by Stalker-

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Out of boredom Doug makes a very waggish picture of himself at a wedding and he let's Danny take the blame.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

When Doug and Carrie go out to lunch they run into Doug's ex-girlfriend from high school. Doug's mom is coming to town and Doug finds out that she has been keeping in touch with his ex after all these years. Carrie feels that she isn't as close to Doug's mom as Margie is. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.2

Carrie goes on a business trip to Chicago when Doug's parents decide to come for a week trip. When Doug is at work his boss tells him and his fellow IPS drivers that they are going to have to take a test on the job. Doug is worried about the test and not knowing how to take care of his parents. But Doug's mother makes it easier by taking care of the household and Doug. Doug begins to feel young like a teenager again. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

It's Christmas and Carrie get another negative pregnancy test. So Doug and her go to a fertility doctor and they find out the reason they are having trouble is because Carrie only has one Ovary working. The doctor also tells them that they have a few fertile days coming so they should get going. The only problem is Doug's parents are coming to visit for the holiday. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.6

This episode is set before Doug and Carrie's marriage. Carrie is very nervous to be married to Doug. She can not stop vomiting. When the two meet with the priest, he remembers that Doug and Carrie met at camp as kids. When Doug tells his family, his cousin Danny says that it wasn't Doug that Carrie fell on, but it was him. Doug was at fat camp that year. In the meantime, Arthur can not pay for the wedding and lets Doug's parents pay. He spends way too much money. Doug can not get the courage to tell Carrie the truth about the story. This story is the only thing that makes her feel comfortable. Can Doug work up the gall to tell his wife the truth? Written by laffalott1

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.8

Danny's father Stu asks Doug to arrange a job interview for Danny at IPS. Doug however doesn't want Danny to work with him.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 7.5

Doug's parents are coming in town so Doug and Carrie decide to go and pick them up at the airport and they bring upsetting news to Doug. They have him sign papers about their wills and what would happen if they were to go into a vegetated state or what not. Arthur roams the airport acting like a passenger to get discounts on items in the airport store. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.0

When Carrie spends a night out with some of her colleagues, she finds out that they are more successful then she is. Carrie never went to college. Now, she is trying very hard to get back to school and get a good education to become more successful. But will she be able to balance work, school, and family at the same time? Written by laffalott1

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The King of Queens

The King of Queens


The King of Queens

IMDb: 8.1

Doug, Carrie, Arthur, Deacon and Kelly are going to the wedding of Todd, an old friend of Carrie and Kelly. Just before going to the wedding, Doug finds out Carrie once had sex with Todd.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 8.3

Two petty officers engage in a fistfight aboard an aircraft carrier at sea, and one of them dies; Bud prosecutes, and Vic and Harm defend; soon friction develops between Harm and Vic; later they work together; however, Bud discovers the explanation for the death. A seaman apprentice has released two dolphins from their pen, and the dolphins returned, but the seaman now faces a pretrial hearing; Sturgis prosecutes, and Mac defends; mitigating factors come up, and justice prevails. Meanwhile Mattie regains consciousness and starts to converse. Finally the general announces not only a reorganization but also transfer orders for both Harm and Mac and a promotion for Harm. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.6

A Navy physician in Iraq has administered to a local child a drug which was in short supply in a field hospital; she now faces a pretrial hearing for having disobeyed an order and having endangered US military members; Harm prosecutes, and Mac and Bud defend; Bud presents evidence that the shortage had resulted from a mistake by the senior surgeon. The general's brother, William, served as a SEAL in SE Asia; a helo pilot died, but he saved William and his team. Unidentified remains have recently become discovered near the site in question; William strongly suspects that the body is that of the pilot; Vic and Catherine set out to find a relative and to get a sample of DNA; after a zigzag journey they find his brother in Memphis. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.7

A civilian boat violates an exclusion zone while directly approaching an Iraqi offshore oil terminal; it disobeys an order to stop; a US helo fires across the bow, then it disables the rudder; the Iraqi government protests; Harm investigates. While in the Persian Gulf, Harm also does his carrier quals in the F-18 Hornet; while doing so he intercepts a small civilian aircraft on a collision course with an oil rig, and he destroys the bird; unpleasant consequences follow, but it all works out. A Marine gunnery sergeant has commandeered an Iraqi civilian SUV at gunpoint; the owner of the SUV is the son of an Iraqi official who is a friend of the general; that too works out. A new JAG officer joins the gang, Mac quickly forms a dislike toward him, and the dislike increases. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.4

The US Navy seizes a Pakistani cargo ship hauling, in part, 195 kilos of heroin, but one kilo disappears; Harm, already in the Arabian Sea on another assignment, becomes involved; the admiral sends Mac to lend a hand. Also involved is a member of MI-6, the British Secret Intelligence Service. Harm finds the missing kilo, and a SEAL is implicated; Mac prosecutes, and Harm defends; eventually, though, they find the real culprit. Bud helps an enlisted Marine who got a recording contract, but who now is at risk of becoming indebted to the record company for a breach of contract due to the deployment of his outfit. Bud and Mike start making up with each other. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.4

A battery explodes in Harm's face and deafens him; during his recovery he spends more time with Mattie. Secondarily to the Maravalis case, Mac and Bud become concerned with a disappearance of synthetic diamonds and the tortured death of a CIA agent; they later find some of the stones. Mac again becomes involved with Sadik (a terrorist who trades in weapons, and with whom she, along with Harm and Webb, dealt in Paraguay); after he starts stalking her, she eventually goes to a night club, meets him, goes with him to his pad, enables the Metro Police Department to avert an explosion at the night club, then, as a Marine, engages Sadik in hand-to-hand combat and shoots and kills him. Bud continues to try to talk with Mike. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8

A lieutenant in the US Navy approaches a pair of diamond merchants in Antwerp, Belgium, and offers to sell them not only a perfect two-carat stone but also as many others as they want. Meanwhile the gem in Meredith's engagement ring attracts attention and arouses curiosity. The admiral traces its history, then he finds the same lieutenant (at the Naval Research Lab) and arrests him for conduct unbecoming and discrediting the service. Mac prosecutes, and Harm and Bud defend. The evidence presents a lurid story. Further, Harm takes custody of Mattie, and he places two birds in the same nest. Harm and Mac continue to talk, and the admiral makes a shattering discovery. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9

A Marine lance corporal claims to have shot an Iraqi PoW in the back of his head; Mac and Bud investigate; Bud prosecutes, and Mac defends. The victim was an informant whom the CIA had planted. Harm and the admiral attend a conference and a Navy-Marine all-star baseball game in Los Angeles; during the game a pitcher hits a batter in his head, causing a concussion. The manager of the injured man's team, who is also his father, charges the pitcher with an assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm; Harm prosecutes, and the admiral defends. Harm stays in touch with Mattie. Mac says that, in response to one particular question, she never tells the truth. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.1

One member of a Marine team became separated and lost during a sandstorm in Iraq, leaving behind a classified piece of radio gear; he hiked alone 200 miles into Syria. He now faces a charge of dereliction of duty; in a preliminary hearing Sturgis prosecutes, and Mac defends; in court some difficult questions come up. Harm flies again for the CIA; he and a co-pilot make a training hop aboard an advanced spy aircraft over the Pacific Ocean; en route, however, they become diverted to a real tactical mission over North Korea, and their flight becomes complicated and interesting. Sturgis continues to show much displeasure, especially against Bud. The last words consist of a high-power zinger by Mac against Sturgis. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.0

The 16-year-old daughter of a Marine general dies during surgery. The general demands an explanation, and he does so with zeal and forcefulness. Harm and Mac investigate the circumstances. During a hearing it becomes known that the behavior of the general has improperly influenced the testimony of a witness. That in turn requires the general to face a charge of unlawful command influence. Harm prosecutes, and Mac defends. However, Mac finds the real cause of the death, and justice prevails. Bud becomes frustrated with his duties back in the office until he encounters a challenging and interesting claim for disability. Loren changes her mind, Harm confronts her, and Renee sends an announcement. Bud receives a welcome letter. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.2

While a team of Marines aboard a helicopter gunship has a task to protect a relief convoy during a UN peacekeeping program, the Marine captain in charge exceeds the written rules of engagement by directing the pilot to land and his team to seek to capture the leader of a group of rebel combatants. Six of the Marines then die in an ambush. Sturgis prosecutes the captain for dereliction of duty and negligent homicide. Harm and Bud defend him, who says that he has followed an oral suggestion from his colonel. Harm ruffles the feathers of Bobbi by issuing a subpoena for her and by calling her to the stand. Meanwhile Mac investigates a case of an unlikely high-tech peeping tom. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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