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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 8.4
46 min

It's four months after the failed coup, and Barry is still behind bars awaiting his fate. While some believe executing him will eliminate him as a problem forever, others believe executing him will only make him a martyr and strengthen the insurgency, those who are demanding his release. The insurgency is also due to Jamal's regime being as repressive as ever. Some in the insurgency are not sure that theirs is a battle that can be won, with Fauzi and Samira on different sides of how best to achieve the Abuddin of which they dream. While the rest of the family is back in the States, Molly remains at the US embassy working on diplomatic options to get Barry released. Through it all, Jamal wants to show the world Abuddin is open for business, he fostering greater ties with the Chinese. He also wants to groom Ahmed to follow in his footsteps, Ahmed who may have thoughts of his own for what he wants his and Nusrat's life to be. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 8.5
50 min

It's one day away from the coup. Tariq is in jail, seems to know that Barry and Ziad are among those behind his imprisonment, but hasn't mentioned anything to Jamal. Barry and Jamal are scheduled to go out on a deep sea fishing trip, during which time Molly and the rest of the family, including Jenna, are supposed to fly back to the States. Upon Barry and Jamal's return from the fishing trip back to the palace, Ziad is to place Jamal, Leila, Ahmed, Nusrat and Amira under house arrest, at which time Barry will make the announcement of his presidency to the Abuddin populace over national television. Slowly, the plan seems to start to unravel in front of Barry's eyes, but initially is not totally unsalvageable. He has to decide whether to carry on or not, he ultimately taking some inspiration from Fauzi. Molly too has to make a tough decision in light of some items on her end starting to fall apart. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 8.4
50 min

Barry still expects the coup to be bloodless, Jamal and Leila who will still live in luxury in exile after all is said and done. The first step still remains to remove Tariq from his position, which Tucker tells Barry he has three days to accomplish by making Jamal believe Tariq is the mastermind behind the coup. Tucker also arms Barry with a tool to accomplish this task. With all the possible problems in this mission, the biggest obstacles may be Leila, who is generally more astute and questioning than Jamal, and Molly, who may not be able to look Jamal and Leila in the face knowing what she now knows. What troubles Molly the most is how easy this all seems to Barry. Both Barry and Molly also come to the realization what it all means for their lives, Barry who takes steps to ensure that not only is his family safe, but that Sammy and Emma, who will eventually learn what their father has done, will view his actions with pride and not disgust. In addition, Molly is uncertain if she can... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Now that he has made the decision that Jamal leading Abuddin will never lead to peace while killing Sheik Rashid for Jamal in the process, Barry approaches Tucker for US support on the matter. Tucker's official line is that the US is not in the business of regime change, but unofficially does provide that support in the form of coup planner Lea Exley, who informs Barry that a coup needs to happen quickly before the secrets get out. Barry learns how easily those secrets do escape. He also finds that the most difficult obstacles in the plan are those that are closest to home. The first public step in the plan is to neutralize who may be the biggest problem, namely Tariq. Meanwhile, Ahmed confides in his father about his and Nusrat's marital problems, Jamal who takes what he believes is decisive action in rectifying the wedding night issue. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 8.4
47 min

Just prior to the official proceedings of Jamal signing the declaration to amend the constitution to allow open and free elections, Sheik Rashid is found in the hotel men's room unconscious, he who seemingly fell and hit his head, with no one knowing that Jamal, in a fit of anger, attacked him making it look like a fall. Jamal, who postpones the official signing ceremony in respect to the Sheik, is horrified to learn that the Sheik is clinging to life - due to the quick work of Barry and Molly - Jamal who believed he had indeed murdered him. Jamal has to find a way to make sure that the Sheik does not wake up from his medically induced coma without tying the initial attack or this subsequent murder back on him. If he can't, he contemplates running off to a new and anonymous life to a place of fond childhood memories. Through this mêlée, Barry learns the truth behind both the military site bombing and the resulting gassing at Ma'an twenty years ago, these two events which, officially, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 8.5
54 min

Despite being angry with Barry about not being totally truthful about not meeting with Ihab but secretly meeting with the Sheik, Jamal does agree to the full delegate meeting with the Sheik, also despite the Sheik stating in front of the crowd at the plaza that he demands the meeting. While Jamal and Barry ultimately want the Sheik to use his moral suasion to disperse the crowd of approximately 2,000 protesters in the plaza, the Sheik blindsides them with a request of his own, that request which was not within the scope of what they were to discuss. Thinking about the request, Barry ends up having a contrary reaction to it than Jamal, who ultimately has the power to decide what to do. As Jamal takes what he considers the appropriate action taking into consideration Barry's advice, and as the public reaction over time doesn't seem to be what Jamal had envisioned, Jamal may end up taking more decisive action in the face of that public reaction and because of a comment that the Sheik ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 7.9
42 min

Fauzi has arranged a meeting between Barry and Ihab in light of the uprising at the plaza, but it is a meeting Barry has no intention of keeping. He needed an excuse to give to Jamal in holding off taking any action at the plaza against the protesters - although Jamal watching old videos of Muammar Gadaffi's violent end may in and of itself stop him - while trying to take Ihab down a notch, who he knows does not want to negotiate but bring down the Al-Fayeeds not for what Jamal has done but solely what Khaled did. Samira is also coming to the same conclusion about Ihab. Who Barry believes they need to negotiate with is not Ihab, but rather Ihab's exiled father, Sheik Rashid, who almost came to a negotiated settlement with Khaled twenty years ago just before the bombing at Ma'an. Enlisting the help of John Tucker, Barry tries to arrange that meeting with the Sheik at his own risk, the Sheik or his men who may kill him on sight. But he's hoping that the Sheik will at least speak to him ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Tensions boil as the 20th anniversary of the chemical attack ordered by Barry's father, President Khaled Al-Fayeed looms. Barry's plan to defuse the situation runs into heavy resistance. Meanwhile, Jamal struggles to regain confidence in the bedroom. Written by FX Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 8.1
41 min

On the eve of Jamal's presidency, Barry has decided to stay in Abuddin, at least in the short term, and negotiates with Molly about what the rest of their family will do. Leila returns to Jamal, although he questions her true motives. As Jamal enters into his presidency, he makes a proclamation that makes Barry's stay in Abuddin even more uncertain than it was the day before. Beyond that proclamation, Jamal's first order of business, with the help of those in his regime, is to discover who was behind the plot to kill him. They are certain that the man they want is Walid Rashid's nephew, Ihab Rashid, and they do whatever required to locate him and exact their form of justice. Barry comes into some information on the matter that goes against the official investigation, and has to decide what to do with that information, his decision based partly on what he believes is right and partly on if he feels he can do anything about it since it is not the way things are generally done in ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 8.1
45 min

Barry and his family are still in Abuddin following the news that Jamal is in the hospital with life threatening injuries following a failed assassination attempt. The family is necessarily staying at the palace this time due to security concerns. The prognosis is that the surgery should save Jamal and that he should recover fully. With this situation, Jamal, in his new role as President, has to look the part while attending his father's funeral the following day, especially as he is in charge of presenting the eulogy. Leila, who is keeping vigil at the hospital, wants Barry to address his constant running away, while confronting their past relationship in the process. Concurrently, Nusrat has been kidnapped and is being held hostage by what looks to be three youths, whose brother is imprisoned by the Al-Fayeed regime. Tariq's unstated goal is to use Nusrat's kidnapping as a rationale for martial law, taking down the three captors with Nusrat a necessary casualty. With these ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 8.5
55 min

Barry Al-Fayeed is a California pediatrician who also happens to be the second son of a Middle Eastern dictator. Barry reluctantly agrees to return home with his American family for his nephew's wedding. Events thrust him into the complex and turbulent growing pains of a nation straining to break free from dictatorial rule. Written by FX Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Boss




IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Election Day. The race is close, and while the candidates campaign, Kane and Stone must do their part to turn the gears of the political machine. Emma's world is turned upside-down while Meredith must go to great lengths to prove her allegiance to Kane. Written by Jessica Chou

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Boss




IMDb: 8.0
53 min

After long-buried information resurfaces, Kane and his camp find themselves battling the media for control of public perception. With the primary just around the corner, they'll have to pull out all the stops to contain the situation and keep the upper hand. Written by Jessica Chou

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Boss




IMDb: 7.6
57 min

Kane finds himself starting to lose control, both politically and personally, as his supporters begin to question their confidence in him. Zajac ventures into uncharted territory while campaigning as Miller continues to dig for answers.

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Boss




IMDb: 7.3
57 min

As Zajac's campaign gains momentum, Kane has problems adjusting to his new medical reality. An embarrassing media storm catches Governor Cullen off guard while Miller stumbles upon a story that seeps much deeper than he imagined.

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Boss




IMDb: 7.7
55 min

A new political force enters the race with only a few weeks until the primary. When the City Council stands in Kane's way, Kane and his crew will have to flex their political muscles to stay on top. Meanwhile, Meredith gets some unsettling news that adds to her growing suspicions that her husband's keeping something from her. Written by Jessica Chou

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Entourage




IMDb: 8.1
29 min

Ari clashes with Amanda Daniels over the Lizzie Grant situation. Vince's erratic behavior intensifies. Billy Walsh makes a peace offering to E and Drama.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Entourage




IMDb: 9.1
26 min

Ari wants Vince to work on his image, but is seduced to follow the boys to Vegas, where 'infallible card player' Vince promises to win a fortune. Drama books his favorite masseur, former football star Ken, for 24 hours. Constant praise brings the stud to an unusual, alas wasted intimate move. Turtle manages to land the position of delegating the strippers contest judging, or in his mind 'the perks'. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Entourage




IMDb: 8.3
25 min

The boys begin their day at Ari's office. They pair off: Drama prepares to meet his potential new agent and drags Turtle with him while Eric and Vince attend a special meeting. The meeting is basically an ego-booster for Vince where a roomful of agents try to entice him with potential projects. Drama discovers that his situation is an entirely different story when he finds his new agent answering his own phone in a cubicle. When he explains that it's going to be hard to find new jobs, an angered Drama storms out with some, ummm, dramatic parting words. Later, the boys attend Gary Busey's art opening where they bump into aspiring agent Josh Weinstein and a dejected Drama meets another old actor friend who is a waiter for a catering company. They leave the opening with an invitation to a hot beach party and go out with a bang, thanks to Turtle. Emily lets Ari know that he should be a little nervous about the whole situation. Turtle confronts Gary Busey with some interesting results. ... Written by nickelking

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.4
44 min

Finch, Shaw and Arthur Claypool are able to escape from the clutches of Control, after which Arthur demonstrates that he has more lucid moments than he initially lets on. He informs Finch and Shaw more about Samaritan, and what from that project still exists, which is what Control was after. As the threesome try to protect Samaritan, they are tracked both by Control's team, led by Hersh, and Vigilance, led by Collier. Control has other issues on her mind, namely dealing with Root, who tries fruitlessly to explain to Control her relationship with the Machine, which Control believes rightly belongs to her. Meanwhile, Reese and Fusco are still in Colorado. In their current situation, they are able to have an uninterrupted philosophical discussion/argument about the nature of their work with Finch and with the Machine. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.0
43 min

While Finch still keeps Root hostage, he who can't understand why the Machine is in contact with her, he is the first to make contact with their latest number, that of hypnotherapist Hayden Price. The fact that his credentials seem made up, and that the therapy session in which Finch has with him seems more like a fishing exercise to obtain answers to secret website questions, lead Finch to quickly come to the conclusion that Price is a con man, out to bilk his patients. However, he still believes that Price is the intended target. In following Price's world, Reese, Shaw and Finch unexpectedly intersect with Carter, who, with Laskey by her side, is still trying to find out the head of HR to bring them down. One of Price's clients is antiques dealer Sven Vanger, who they learn has been laundering money for HR in a somewhat creative manner. They have to find why Price's life may be in danger because of his connection to Sven and indirectly to HR. But Price's true profession begs the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The next number the machine dispenses is for Vanessa Watkins, a hard-nosed prosecuting attorney who, when Finch and Reese first meet her, has just reported her husband, Jeremy Watkins, missing from their yacht. While Vanessa has put away many a criminal over her storied career, Jeremy has let many go as a flashy and high-priced defense attorney. As her number came in after the report of him missing, they know Jeremy's presumed death is not the reason for the number, yet they don't know if Vanessa is the target or the perpetrator. They learn that the lead investigator on the case of Jeremy's death, Detective Cameron, is looking at her for her husband's murder as all evidence found thus far implicates her. Cameron's main problem?: he doesn't have a body, and thus needs Vanessa to confess to make a conviction stick, which she may or may not know. They will also learn that Cameron has a personal vendetta against her, which places a major obstacle in tracking her as she tries to elude ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

Reese and Finch head to Atlantic City for their next number, that belonging to Lou Mitchell, an irascible, widowed and retired watch repairman, who, like many of his age, has a small electronic footprint, meaning that Reese and Finch will have to use other means than electronic to follow him. In viewing Lou's activities, Reese sees a man living on a fixed income but who is constantly at the casino and constantly losing, over the past few months in the order of several hundred thousand. But Reese also sees some visual signs that he may have been involved with the mob in his younger days. But in following Lou's movements, Reese and Finch see that Lou is not alone in his goings-on although he does not acknowledge those others, who are all seniors like himself, and they don't acknowledge Lou or any of the others. When Reese and Finch learn what Lou is up to and why his number came up, they want to intervene through the casino to prevent the incident involving Lou from happening, but ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.1
44 min

Reese is dismayed to learn that the next number that the machine dispenses is someone that he respects and admires: Detective Carter. In the process, he and Finch learn more about her, including that she is a single mother and a war veteran. They are however unaware of how her military life has affected her police work. As a principled and clean cop, Carter has many enemies, both inside and outside the force. Reese and Finch believe that the attempt on her life that the machine sees will come from one of three sources. The first is the current primary case on which she is working, where one of her snitches, a young black man named Ronny Middleton, is gunned down in a drive-by, with the suspected killer being a gun runner by the name of Hector Alvarez. The second is the chronic domestic abuse case of Mr. and Mrs. Kovach, the latter who, at the last minute, always comes to her husband's defense. Carter is worried that Mrs. Kovach won't be able to defend him the next time he beats her ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 9.3
42 min

Despite Leo's return, Piper can't accept her sisters' death and borrows Coop's ring to travel back in time to prevent the fight. She lands when mother Patty was still alive, but takes her advise to cheat at constituting the power of three with a third generation, grandma Penny. Dumain meanwhile gets Billie to do her own time traveling to save Christie and the Triad. After the battle is undone, adult Christopher and Wyatt arrive to demand the charmed ones' help to save their future with even more confusing time travel. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 6.9
42 min

Searching through Homeland Security's cold case files, Billie discovers a belt that gives her superpowers. Paige meets Henry Mitchell, a handsome parole officer who becomes very important in her life.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.8
42 min

When Piper goes for a job interview with a corporate recruiter, she's shocked to learn that the background check of her assumed identity was that of a woman wanted for murder. Meanwhile, Phoebe has a premonition of Dex being in an earthquake. Written by Arturo Domínguez

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.0
42 min

After their fake funeral, hosted by father Victor, the sisters magically assume permanent new appearances, hoping for normal, carefree lives, but the ploy also discontinues Phoebe and Piper's careers and relationships. Paige has neither, but her white lighter half can't be turned off, so she must respond to danger incurred by an overconfident witch, none other than Billie Jenkins. Agent Keyes suspects the sisters aren't dead and pretends to have abandoned their case, in fact leaving agent Murphy to observe the house discreetly. Hell has been decapitated, but demon Paul Hass poses as a real estate agent to attend the funeral, wanting the house as a magical power base, and assembles a group of followers, hoping Victor won't be a match while Wyatt is asleep. Written by Leo Rogers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.9
42 min

When summoned for Chris' Wiccaning, Grams puts a spell on her grandchildren to stop their sibling rivalry and inadvertently reverts the sisters back to bickering teenagers.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.3
42 min

A mysterious demon is using the Charmed Ones' spells and potions to vanquish demons. Meanwhile, Paige is using magic for her own personal gain so that she can relax whilst taking over as Head Wiccan. Could the two be connected? Or is it just a Wrong Day's Journey into Right...?

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Paige finds herself transported back in time by a pair of Grams boots to an era of free-love and freely practiced magic where Paige really fits in. When Piper and Phoebe go back to the 1960's to rescue her they inadvertently save their grandfather whose death made Grams the warlock killing demon fighting witch they knew. In the present Leo and Chris are fighting a green gooey demon that is surrounding Halliwell Manor with out help of the Charmed Ones. Written by laird-3

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.9
42 min

When three evil sisters magically steal the Charmed Ones' identities and powers, Piper, Phoebe and Paige must convince Chris that they are the real Charmed Ones in order to get their lives back. Meanwhile, Piper realizes that Wyatt needs time with Leo, who continues on his quest to find out who put him on the Island of Valhalla. Written by Arturo Domínguez

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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