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Dawson's Creek


Dawson's Creek

IMDb: 7.2
43 min

After spending their first romantic night together, Dawson and Joey decide not to discuss it, because every time something happened between them they always ruined it by over discussing it. Dawson even shows Joey the set that he's working on which resembles his own house in Capeside. Meanwhile, Pacey starts on his new job as a stock broker which was set up by Audrey's father and during Pacey's first day he deals with his ambitious, but oily and pig-headed boss Rich Rinaldi. At the same time, Jack finally gets himself and Pacey the dream apartment Pacey was chasing so hard to get, with a little deviousness against Emma. During a heated argument with Grams, Jen accidentally meets a very cute guy, named C.J., a fan of Jen's defunct radio show who invites her to a counseling center that he works at. Also, Joey is hired as a waitress as the local bar, Hell's Kitchen, to get some extra cash for herself. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 9.3
53 min

When Lana (possessed by Isobel) kills Genevieve Teague by stabbing her with one of the Kryptonian Knowledge Crystals after she attempts to steal it, it triggers a cosmic event that not only severs Lana's link to the spirit Isobel but also sends meteorites from deep space toward Earth and Smallville. At the graduation ceremony for Smallville High, the military arrives to evacuate the town after news that another meteor shower is imminent. Fearing he has a link to the meteorites, Clark goes to talk to the spirit of Jor-El, who informs him that his only hope is to unite the knowledge crystals in the cave. With time running out, Clark sets about locating the final two crystals as meteorites reign down upon Smallville. Lana gives Clark the third stone they recovered from China, which was in her possession all this time, while the second stone is on Lionel's person, which activates. Lex offers to protect Lana and have her flown to New York City, but she gets caught in the meteor shower ... Written by Shiro

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

On the last day of Smallville High before graduation, the emotionally disturbed and frustrated photographer of the Torch, Brendan Nash, feels rejected by the Universities and decides to abduct some schoolmates to stay with him forever in a replica of the school. He uses his power of 'Medusa Touch' of turning people into stone by mere touch, and brings Lana, Chloe, and other successful schoolmates to the place. While Clark teams up with the nosy Lois to find the other students, he also talks with Jonathan and Martha over his college choices after graduation. Meanwhile, Genevieve and Jason Teague kidnap Lionel and Lex Luthor and hold them hostage in a remote mountain cabin and torture both of them to try to retrieve the second mystical stone that Lionel took from them. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 7.7
43 min

In the middle of the night on the road, a young pregnant woman is going into labor while her husband drives on the road when she suddenly glows and implodes, while the husband stops the car and runs for his life. Lana and Clark are driving a truck along the same road and find a baby in the crater created by the explosion. They take the baby to the hospital, and the Kent family temporarily guards him, who is connected to Clark. Lana and Clark give the name of Evan, and on the next day, he becomes a teenager, precociously aging. The scientists of Lex study the case and conclude that the boy needs a transfusion of the bone marrow of his unknown father, if he can be found, and even then... Clark tries to save Evan. Meanwhile, Genevieve Teague has a meeting with Lionel Luthor and threatens to hurt Lex, in case the missing stone from China is not delivered to her. But Lionel soon turns the tables on Genevieve by poisoning her (the same way he unsuccessfully tried to poison Lex in the ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Kevin Grady commits thefts and uses his superpower to delete the incident from witnesses' minds. When he does so with Clark who stopped him after robbing The Talon, much more memory gets wiped, so Chloe must take super-boy home to the Kent farm and help him remember who he is, including discovering together the amazing extent of his superpowers and his feelings for Lana Lang. Meanwhile Lana tells Jason she's neither sure she still wants to go to college nor to stay his girlfriend, claiming it's not Clark but their complicated past, he walks off angry, warning she doesn't realize how much he has been protecting her. Clark and Chloe trace a motor-park pass Kevin dropped to his home, or rather to his father Lawrence Grady, and gradually discover Kevin is in memory manipulation therapy with him in Summerholt neurological institute, where Lex once was a patient, for a hunting accident killing his brother Dillon but escaped. Clark helps Kevin... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.4
43 min

When her boyfriend, jock Billy Durden, dumps gossip queen Dawn Stiles, a day before the Smallville High prom, the bitch which everybody expects to become Prom Queen, regardless of Chloe being entered (behind her back) as 'alternative', decides to go with Clark (who intended to stay home) instead. But while driving on the road, she crashes her car near the mother-load of meteoric green kryptonite, which causes her spirit to leave her dying body and enter someone else's body by a mere touch, starting with Martha Kent driving on the road, then Lana, and so on. Clark and Chloe try to figure out what's happening. Meanwhile, the corpse of Bridgette Crosby, of whom no official record exists, is found in Lex Luthor's garden. Lex keeps Jason at arm's length, who for once knows more about her mysterious death... and recovers the second Kryptonian stone in her possession. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 7.9
42 min

When Jason arrives at Lana's apartment at The Talon, they see that is was broken into and wrecked. They discover that the magical stone they took from the Chinese temple is gone. Lana implores Jason to leave it, and concentrate on their romantic relationship instead. But the two meet at Lionel's office, who strongly denies any knowledge of the theft and accuses his son Lex, who makes another innocence-claimant. Meanwhile, the Kent farm gets an uninvited guest's guest: Lois Lane's younger sister Lucy, a violinist who left her fancy Swiss boarding school. The Lane girls start hanging out at Clark's place and at The Talon, where Clark catches Lucy stealing from the till; she says to be in debt with Swiss loan shark Marcus Becker to afford the lifestyle of the spoiled brats in her class. Lex knows Becker as member of a major crime syndicate he has business problems with, and offers to help. Becker isn't content to take Lex' money, he kidnaps the sisters to extort more, Clark decides ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

The Kryoptonian metallic disc is returned to Clark following the death of Virgil Swann. Placing the disc in the cave reveals a message from the spirit of Jor-El instructing Clark to find the three Kryptonian knowledge crystals and unite them before others find them and use them to self-interest. The message goes on to tell Clark that allowing a human to assemble the crystals could lead to the destruction of Earth. The first stone, retrieved by Lex in Egypt in the season opener, is in Clark's possession in the cave. The second is apparently in possession of the late Swann's associates. And the third is located somewhere in China. Clark joins forces with Lana where they venture to China to search for the stone where Lex and Jason are also on the hunt for the stone. But they end up captured by the Chinese authorities and tortured for information to the stone's location, and it leads to the spirit of Isobel once again commandeering Lana's body to fight everyone to take the stone for ... Written by Shiro

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.1
43 min

As if Lois Lane didn't make enough of a nuisance of herself now living at the Kent farm, she brings in Einstein, a golden retriever, who is the latest victim to be hit by her car, and she meanly calls him 'Clarky', while Clark, kind as ever, hopes to keep him as a pet if the owner isn't found, which his parents hope. Clark soon finds out it's a surviving dog of an experiment to give canines superpowers with daily injections of steroids mixed with meteorite fragments (kryptonite) produced at LuthorCorp, which Lex insists to Clark that the project was abandoned after animal activist protests, thinking they were all put down. Only later Clark finds out, the hard way, the dog and a Rothweiler are abused by evil Josh Greenfield and his kid brother Zack, who run the Smalville animal shelter and abuse dog whistles to control the super-dogs as weapons for robberies. Meanwhile, Jason and his secretive and manipulative mother, Genevieve, are revealed to know more about Lex and his apparently ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.0
42 min

Clark is wooed by the offer of a Football scholarship from Metropolis University but faces a dilemma over whether he should accept, knowing he has such an advantage on the field because of his superpowers. Meanwhile, Lois is implicated in the death of a member of the Metropolis University Football team which leads Clark to investigate to clear Lois in which they suspect that the team's idol, named Geoff Johns, may hold a clue. Elsewhere, Lex tries to persuade Lana that Jason's mother had ordered him to try to break her and Jason up for mysterious reasons. Written by Shiro

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 9.1
41 min

When Lana is attacked in her apartment and Jason in his car by an invisible being, everyone believes that Alicia Baker was responsible, except Clark. However after a series of circumstances, Clark begins to doubt Alicia's innocence to the mysterious attacks. Alicia tells Clark that she'll offer to prove her innocence if Clark reveals his own superpowers, but Clark refuses. So, Alicia secretly shows Chloe the abilities of Clark, expecting people to leave them both alone. But elsewhere, Lois discovers that the real culprit of the attacks is the deranged Tim Westcott who's jealous of Alicia's abilities which leads to him murdering her, and then goes after Clark. Meanwhile, Genevieve Teague arrives back in Smallville and approaches Lex Luthor to get his help to separate her son Jason from Lana. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Teleportation freak Alicia Baker is considered cured and released from Belle Reve institution. She meets Clark and they confess to each other that they are virgins. Still a little obsessive, she gives a red kryptonite necklace to Clark and under 'Dark Clark', they go to Las Vegas to get married to each other. Meanwhile, Lana confess to Chloe that she is virgin, but Chloe tells her that sex isn't all it's cracked up to be for Chloe was sexually involved with a guy, called Jimmy Olsen, during her working period in the Daily Planet. Lana decides to have sex with Jason to keep their relationship. Also, Lex and Lionel give a break in their fight and have a closer contact. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.5
41 min

Jason has the most atrocious nightmare of his life, about Lana leaving him for Clark, catching and separating them in the Kent barn and being stabbed by her. But he doesn't just wake up, but in hospital with symptoms of a continuing nightmare. Soon, many others in Smallville have similar experiences, even Clark, whose superpowers fortunately save him so he can find out the source of the epidemic is a failed experiment on Luthor Corp's fertilizer plant site, where an explosion released a hallucinogen bacteria being developed under a military contract, so he can help Lex deal with it. Meanwhile, Lionel, who had settled in prison, finds himself mysteriously scheduled to be released, which all his means could not achieve when he still desperately wanted to get out. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.1
42 min

In 1604, in southern France, Lana Lang's distant ancestor Countess Margaret Isabel Thoreau and two other evil witches are condemned to be burned at the stake by Magistrate Wilkins, but Isabel manages to spit her blood on a symbol on a page of their mighty book of spells. In the present day, Lana buys the book on eBay, and by touching the blood-spotted symbol, resurrects the evil countess who possesses her body. Isabel/Lana uses a spell to let the other two witches posses Chloe and Lois. The powerful trio vows to pursue its quest for the three (actually Kryptonian) magical stones which can bring them unseen power. The trio enters a 'surprise' birthday party for Chloe in the barn of the Kent Farm and Isabel throws a spell to make the spectacle really hot, so Clark is one of many boys dancing and drinking in boxer-shorts when his appointment arrives, a representative from Princeton University, who is impressed in a way which can't amuse Clark's parents. The vicious witches cast spells ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Mikhail Mxyzptlk, a mere C-student from an unnamed Balkan country, has an exchange scholarship from Luthorcorp and Lex wonders why. He has a sinister supernatural talent to manipulate people by telekinetic willpower, and abuses this gift on athletes to trick games while playing bookmaker. Chloe's paper piece on betting gets her involved, and a first mind-wave which makes Clark trip and badly injure an opposing football player make Jonathan feel it's time for Clark to stop playing football before someone gets hurt even worse. Meanwhile, Jason puts his coaching job on the line to hold off suspicion that Clark may be on drugs, then gets fired after his romance with Lana is discovered, and he mistakenly thinks Clark betrayed him. But the culprit is the crafty Lex. Clark teams up with Chloe where they finds out that Mikhail's gift can be countered. But Mikahil finds out that Clark is onto him, he resorts to even fouler play, with grim consequences for several people... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 9.1
43 min

Coach Jason Teague stops by at Kent Farm to tell him a scout may get him a football scholarship on Friday, but Clark super-hears a painful noise which calls him to Kansas State Penitentiary, where his supervision sees that Lionel Luthor has one of the stones with the Kryptonian markings in which he is attempting to use the magical stone to attack the visiting Lex. So, Clark jumps between them and is hit instead. Next moment, Clark is trapped in Lionel's body and dragged to his cell, where innocently fraud-framed cell-mate Edgar is surprised it's not Luthor but explains it's all due to the stone from a Mayan idol, and worse still, Clark (trapped in Lionel's body) learns that he's dying from a rare liver disease. Meanwhile, Lionel enjoys his freedom, even more as he discovers Clark's super-powers and willingly wrecks just about everybody's lives, yet is fully frustrated to find Lex left nothing from the fortune on his Swiss bank account. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.8
42 min

While in Metropolis with Clark, Jonathan Kent is saved from an uncontrolled truck by a very fast teenager, Bart Allen (who will later become the superhero, 'The Flash'), who also pickpockets his wallet. When they arrive back in Kent Farm, Bart is there waiting for Clark where he confides in Bart the Flash about his powers. Bart and Clark become fast friends while Clark tries to persuade Bart to give up his quick and easy life of crime before it gets him in real trouble. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor buys a worthy manuscript with inscriptions in kryptonian, and he shows the unique document to Clark. But when Bart the Flash finds out, he decides to steal it to sell to a powerful mobster willing to pay a huge sum for the artifact. Also, Lana discloses the secret of her tattoo to her boyfriend Jason. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

The Smallville High cheerleaders create a love potion using Kryptonite that makes their football player boyfriends completely infatuated with them. This spells trouble for Clark when Chloe drinks the potion and completely devotes herself to him, and Jason also drinks it and then attempts to kill Clark over his feelings for Lana. Meanwhile, Lex is doing his best to win back Clark's friendship. Written by Shiro

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Without the approval of his father, Clark kicks off senior year by trying out for the Smallville High Football Team, who are now coached by Lana's new boyfriend, Jason Teague. Former acne-ridden nerd Abigail Fine returns from the summer looking beautiful after some Kryptonite powered plastic surgery that spells trouble for Lana and a former tormentor when Abigail discovers that the side affect makes people insane and delusional to anyone she physically kisses. When Lois investigates Abigail's history, her ruthless, plastic surgeon mother, Dr. Fine, decides to silence the curious but klutzy Lois by enforcing the surgery on Lois. Meanwhile, Martha accepts a job managing The Talon while Lois starts working for the school paper the Torch, and gets just a little closer to Clark. Written by Shiro

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 8.7
41 min

The mystery surrounding Chloe's death deepens as Clark and Lois investigate, discovering that Lex Luthor and Lois' abrasive and militarist father, U.S. Army General Sam Lane, are somehow involved. Meanwhile, Lana returns to Smallville after finding out that the symbol that appeared on her back in Paris is also on the cave wall. In prison, Lionel Luthor prepares for his murder trial and sends out a liquid-metal assassin to keep Clark and Lois from investigating Chloe's 'death'. Written by Shiro

Country: USA
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HD Smallville




IMDb: 9.1
43 min

Three months later. Lois Lane, the second cousin of Chloe Sullivan, arrives in Smallville trying to find the missing Clark Kent to help her to find Chloe's murderer. After being struck by a mysterious ray, she loses control of her car, and finds Clark naked with amnesia in a cornfield. She brings him to Smallville Medical Center, where Martha is with Jonathan Kent, who has been in an irreversible coma. Martha brings Clark back to the farm, expecting him to retrieve his memory. However, Clark is completely dehumanized, having been taken over by his alter-ego Kal-El, whose mission is to find three Kryptonian crystals to assemble into one. Meanwhile in Paris, Lana Lang has an American boyfriend, a young man named Jason Teague, and is having a good time with him, until things take a turn when she gets hit with a mysterious spiritual force containing the spirit of a long-dead witch. Elsewhere, Lex is struggling to recover from being poisoned as he travels to bring an ancient object ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 8.6
64 min

Tensions escalate into a showdown between White, the breeding cult and a group of Transgenics, and the employees of Jam Pony get caught in the middle.

Country: USA
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Ancient writings appear on Max's skin, while White's brother escapes from the cult and the transgenics gather in Terminal City.

Country: USA
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Max's escape from Seattle is derailed after White sends in her clone to capture the elusive X5-452. Logan's Eyes Only compound is attacked.

Country: USA
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

Max must break her vow to avoid Logan after Joshua becomes a target of transgenic manhunt in the sewers. Ames White leaks news of the human-looking X-5's to the media.

Country: USA
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

After nearly infecting Logan, Max decides to end their affair for good; Alec's haunted by the sins of his Manticore twin; also Aimes White triggers a witch hunt by leaking information about the Manticore transgenics.

Country: USA
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

Logan and Max track Aimes' kidnapped son to a small town where the breeding cult is readying Manticore's youngest creations for a mysterious ceremony.

Country: USA
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 7.9
45 min

A transgenic with the ability to control people messes with Max's mind to keep her from coercing a meek mob bookie into selling out his boss to Eyes Only. But once the mutant sets her sights on Alec, the stakes are raised, leading him back into the boxing ring to make some money for some not-so-good fellas. Written by Stacy Briscoe

Country: USA
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 7.2
45 min

Max discovers a crime spree is being launched by a group of human children brought together into a cult by a vampire-like transgenic.

Country: USA
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

Max is rushed to the emergency room after she gets shot trying to protect a little boy. While there, blood and DNA tests expose the virus inside of her. The CDC is contacted, Ames White catches wind of it, and it's a race against the clock for Logan to help Max escape. Written by K.E.L.

Country: USA
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 7.4
45 min

Max and Logan finally find a cure for the genetically engineered virus created by Manticore which only endangers Logan when he has any form of physical contact with Max. However the cure is temporary and lasts only ten hours and fifteen minutes . Meanwhile Seattle is being besieged by a Manticore creation which is preying on humans and it is left to Max to try to save the day. Written by Plutus1947

Country: USA
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HD Dark Angel

Dark Angel


Dark Angel

IMDb: 8.2
45 min

The past catches up with Alec who is sent on a package delivery run to a residence with Max. Before he escaped Manticore, he was being groomed as an assassin. On just such a mission, he brought immense sorrow to the owner of this residence--The Berrifords. Having no idea what inner turmoil is driving her erstwhile Manticore nemesis/friend, Max nonetheless is able to help him face his demons and resolve the sins of his past--the wrongs that he could never quite escape, the haunted feelings that were never very far away. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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