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HD Without a Trace

Without a Trace


Without a Trace

IMDb: 6.9
43 min

Bank employee Erin MacNeil, who hated being assigned to the mortgage foreclosures, is reported missing. The team soon suspects it's no expropriated client, nor a coincidence that $100,000 was siphoned from her branch and works out how she managed that. Remarkably she didn't intend to keep it and run, but never got over her unwanted pregnancy and destined the money for a young father whose gratitude soared as his partner objected and he learned she stole it, but returning the money proved even more perilous. Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 7.9
23 min

Everyone's in a panic. While trying to avoid discovery by Principal Perry's metal detectors and x-ray machine, Adam blurts out that he, Bree and Chase are bionic, putting the kids in fear of being turned over to the authorities. Meanwhile, Donald learns that someone has hacked into all his systems and taken over both Davenport Industries and all his financial assets. As the Dooley-Davenports face eviction, Principal Parry pays a call to press her advantage, and Chase takes the lead in a life-changing decision. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
Genre: ,
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HD Friends with Benefits

Friends with Benefits


Friends with Benefits

IMDb: 7.1
22 min

Aaron, Ben and Fitz argue about the pecking order among the three of them, while Sara tries to prove that she can keep up with Riley's lifestyle.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.1
22 min

Douglas' announcement that there's a fourth bionic offspring in the family - one he gave over to an adoptive family that gave him a normal, non-bionic life - triggers bickering among the Davenports over lies and family secrets, prompting them to gleefully air many hurtful disclosures at one another. Daniel hydroloops to the island academy to meet his dad, his uncle and his cousins (since Douglas fears immediately disclosing Adam, Bree and Chase as his siblings). Before Douglas reveals to Daniel that he has unactivated bionic capabilities, proximity to Bree's capsule awakens them, bestowing him with the capacity to match the abilities of any bionic being he touches. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.3

Guilty of unintentionally blinding a teammate, Leo moves back to Mission Creek, eschewing the mantle of leadership or of being a bionic superhero. Donald, Douglas, Chase, Bree and Adam, en route to their Presidential service award, end up trapped inside Donald's self-driving, indestructible car as a catastrophe befalls the bridge they're crossing, putting their lives in mortal peril. Without thinking twice about it, Leo ends his self-exile to come to their aid, hoping his efforts will be enough. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.4

When the President overlooks Leo for an upcoming commemorative citation to the bionic team, Leo reacts by forming his own bionic team, comprising himself as leader with Taylor (f.k.a. S-1) and Logan (for whom Leo is his personal hero). Dismissing Chase's dictate to go no farther with a new superpower, Leo aims to prove his merit as both a bionic hero and a team leader by demonstrating the full electro-magnetic pulse capability that emerged while training with Taylor. The demo goes terribly awry, putting Taylor in critical condition. She survives (just) but must now live with a permanent injury, for which Leo decides he must leave the island. Meanwhile, Douglas and Adam take a demolition-happy hand in Donald's development of an indestructible limousine for the President. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.3
23 min

Despite Douglas' warning to stay away, Perry, Bree, Chase and Leo visit a nearby island where Perry finds a metal skull. She brings it back to the academy with intent to sell it on the Internet, but Leo, influenced by a recently seen horror movie marathon, thinks it's cursed. When Chase tries to return the skull to the island, bad things start happening, confirming Leo's suspicions. Bob, unfamiliar with Halloween and seeing Chase set up life-threatening pranks, thinks it's all a part of Halloween fun. The group eventually restrains the now maniacal Chase as Bree zips off to return the allegedly cursed skull to the island. Belatedly aware of the situation, Douglas confesses the skull was his, which he buried when it became infected with a virus (created during his evil days) that turns whoever touches it into a psychotic killer. Nanobots might provide a remedy for the bionic teens, but can anyone get past Bree's super-speed or Chase's telekinesis? Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

Douglas builds a device capable up upgrading all the bionic students (sans Adam, Bree and Leo) to Chase's intelligence level. Suddenly bereft of peers, Adam attempts to reduce everyone back to normal but goes too far, reducing them to the intelligence of bleating goats (with appetites to match). Meanwhile Perry, discovering Donald never had his island properly chartered, signs the paperwork to set herself up as its dictator, renaming the island Perryland. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.6
23 min

S-1 returns, but this time she needs help. Suffering flashbacks of Krane, they discover she harbors a virus, but she's soon not the only one. The entire bionic student body (except for Leo, but including Adam, Bree, and Chase) contracts the virus through their triton apps, and if they don't get rid of it, they will die. Meanwhile, Adam and Bree try to have a great day before the end. Written by Joshua Shin / edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Having won an initial battle against Giselle and Troy, the bionic team scrambles to find the abducted Chase before Giselle has time to cut him open for his bionic chip. To derail the team's search efforts, Giselle sends a newer model android to cause mayhem at the bionic academy. Chase, meanwhile, restrained upon Giselle's lab table, engages his other app abilities to derail Giselle's efforts in ending his life. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

When Douglas gets a call from Giselle (an old flame) about making a bionic heroes movie, they're told that her film centers about one bionic hero (Troy) who has all of Adam, Bree and Chase's bionic abilities, but when the team visits the set, they discover there is no movie and have to protect themselves from Giselle's secret army of killer androids.

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 7.9
23 min

When Douglas decides to inventory the hidden abilities of all the ex-soldiers, he discovers that Chase isn't the only bionic teenager with a Commando app. Kate's got it. Despite warnings, Chase triggers the app to see and study what it's like; however, the glitchy app won't shut off, and timid Kate becomes the overly aggressive and destructive Spikette. Spike (in Chase) is deliberately triggered to subdue her, but when that plan backfires (Spike siding with Spikette), Douglas installs Bree with a Commando app for her to fight the pair as Spikerella. Meanwhile, Adam creates an obedient drone that accidentally brings to the island a civilian kid who insists on staying. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.7
23 min

Donald has taken the student body out on its first official field trip, leaving Douglas, the bionic mentors, and Leo (who skipped the trip) with the island to themselves for a rare day off. For fun, Douglas and Chase bring a long-extinct prehistoric sea-spider back to life. Trouble comes in not knowing the spider is lethally toxic, in forgetting that trouble often follows Leo, and in Douglas helping the spider with a genetic improvement. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.8
21 min

Chaffing at life under the obscuring shadows of Adam, Bree and Chase, Leo distributes personal business cards with a corresponding ad campaign to get himself noticed as a professional superhero. His un-sanctioned efforts bring in a flood of direct phone calls over the school's emergency lines, where none can distinguish real emergency calls from non. With attentions spread thin, Spin and Bob man the inundated phone lines as Leo, finding a real emergency, has trouble getting through for backup. Meanwhile, Douglas has unwanted help in trying to come up with a new invention that won't bring harm to the students. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.0
23 min

Adam returns to the island with a dog, which turns out to be Douglas' long-lost dog Otis. Otis has bionics, as demonstrated by kicking Chase across the room with super strength, but what no one knows is that Krane implanted an additional ability along with a final directive: kill Douglas. Meanwhile, Leo and Bree go at odds with each other over a seductive smartphone app they can switch between two addictive personalities, Shelly and Liam, which Leo and Bree can't live without. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.9
22 min

Doting Perry brings her nasty niece Kerry to the island school. Soon after, the school comes under attack by a stealthy assailant. Coincidence? Kerry falls under immediate suspicion, but evidence points to someone with bionics. Believing it to be a calculated effort at sabotage, Chase suspects that one of Sebastian's rebels, someone no one else knew about, may be at large and prepared to sink the floating school. Meanwhile, with Douglas also on hand, Perry's ready for romance, much to Douglas' disgust. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.9
30 min

Donald asks Adam, Bree and Chase to band together one last time to combat Victor Krane, who, with a number of bionically enhanced thugs, construct a satellite dish in a quest to put mankind under his complete and utter domination. These thugs turn out to be mind-controlled teens and more than just a few, under whose onslaught one among the Davenport team will suffer a mortal blow. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.6
30 min

Thinking Donald will be hiring a new vice-president for Davenport Industries, Leo and Douglas compete against each other for the position. Since Adam embarrassed Bree in front Jake (the only boy willing to overlook her being bionic), Bree wants revenge. Chase accommodates her by upgrading Donald's cyber masks so that Bree will look and sound like Principal Perry (out sick with a cold). A subsequent glitch makes it impossible for Bree to attend a school dance with Jake, so she volunteers a reluctant stand-in - Chase. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 9.1
23 min

For the umpteenth time, Chase becomes Adam's multi-purpose exercise apparatus (punching bag, free weight, shot put - whatever comes to Adam's mind). In sympathy, Douglas answers Chase' plea for help by deliberately awakening another latent bionic ability to compensate. Now Chase can best Adam for a change. Donald berates Douglas for disrupting the balance of power as it will off-balance the team on missions. Douglas restores it by awakening a new ability in Adam to best Chase, thereby raising the level of disharmony in the house. Meanwhile, Leo becomes one of many crazed shoppers going on a spree at Tech Town to be the one millionth customer and win a grand prize. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.8
23 min

Agent Graham's handling of the bionic teens is entirely self-serving as he spirits them away on press tours for reflected glory, reducing Donald from team leader to a grunt serving under Leo. Meanwhile, Leo (whose bionic abilities are, as yet, not made public) discovers that Douglas inserted an off switch in his bionic arm, making it impossible for him to try and impress Janelle who is caught entirely under the spell of Adam's fame. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.2
21 min

Douglas, Leo and Principal Perry survive the attack by Victor Krane and S-1, but it leaves Leo with a crushed arm. Tasha arrives at the hospital to see about Leo, but he - under Principal Perry's watchful eye - has disappeared. Leo awakens to find himself on an operating table in one of Victor Krane's many secret labs, but it's Douglas who's taken him there. In order to fix Leo's arm, Douglas has made him bionic - able to toss fireballs - which might come in handy against Victor and S-1, if only Leo's aim wasn't so terrible. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

It seems at first that Chase erred in scanning the area clear of witnesses during their latest secret mission. A girl, recording their enhanced abilities, turns their actions into a viral video. Now the world knows their secret, forcing the Davenports to head toward hiding. Shortly after Chase proves he did not err, a government goon squad lead by Agent Graham arrests them all. Only Leo and Douglas escape, hiding out at the high school under Principal Perry's watchful (and in Douglas' case - lustful) eye. The guys soon discover that the filmed emergency was faked just for the sake of outing their bionic secret and deduce that Victor Krane is behind it. Victor appears along with S-1, a genetically engineered super soldier, and they electrocute Principal Perry and Douglas while dropping a support beam on Leo. Meanwhile, Agent Graham reveals his plan to make a name for himself by confiscating, separating and incarcerating the bionic teens. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.1
22 min

Donald's attempt to replicate Bree's destroyed chip restores her bionics but with no control, so Leo seeks out Douglas to help her. Adam and Chase explore ways to overcome Bree's absence from the team, Adam with a substitute female, Chase with a modified motorcycle. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 9.1
23 min

Douglas returns, warning Donald of the bionically enhanced Victor Krane, but Donald thinks it's a ploy just to take focus off Douglas. How wrong. While Douglas may want the bionic teens for personal gain, Victor, knowing they're his biggest threat, wants them dead. With Leo and Tasha captured and ostensibly trapped inside a man-size microwave oven, Donald seals the bionic teens within a security barrier for their protection before heading out to rescue his wife and step-son on his own. Unfortunately, Krane knows Donald is ego-centric enough to do this and lies in wait for him. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 9.2

Adam, Bree and Chase find themselves recaptured by Douglas, where Douglas reveals his new partner, Victor Krane, a multi-millionaire who's had Douglas install him with bionics. The teens escape and, having received a message from Donald, return home, but Douglas has re-instigated the Triton App, which he activates to control the bionic teens and turn them against Donald, Tasha and Leo. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.1
46 min

Adam, Bree and Chase are stowaways aboard a cargo freighter. An emergency with a nearby sub puts them in a quandary between doing nothing (thereby keeping themselves safe from Douglas Davenport and F.B.I. agents) or saving the sub at the cost of their personal freedom. Principal Perry allows now penniless Donald, Tasha and Leo to crash at the Mission Creek High gymnasium, hoping to collect a silence fee from them someday. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 6.6
23 min

Donald needs cytanium to fuel his new cryo-blaster (a freeze gun), but the only source comes from Antarctica, which is about to get hit by a mega-storm. Though Chase believes they can succeed in time, Donald calls off the mission for their safety. Already chafing at being the least-considered of the bionic teens, Chase heads off on his own and becomes buried in an avalanche. To his surprise, rescue comes from his biological father, the evil Douglas Davenport. Spelling out slights they have in common, Douglas invites Chase to join him, in exchange for abilities matching those of Bree and Adam. Meanwhile, Leo, in trying to show off for Janette (who's come over for a study session), freezes her with Donald's new cryo-blaster and hopes desperately to thaw her out before Tasha and the others find out. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.6
23 min

With all the Davenports captured and stripped of bionic powers, Leo is left with only Eddy to support efforts to rescue them. As Douglas prepares to activate his triton app to gain complete mind and body control over Adam, Bree and Chase, he leaves Marcus the special treat of eliminating Leo. Written by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

Adam, Bree and Chase chafe at Donald's persistent criticism of, and lack of praise for, their successful mission efforts - but a more serious problem arises when Douglas (Donald's long-thought-dead younger brother) returns with a vengeance. Kidnapping Donald with Marcus' aid, they force the bionic teens to come to them. Leo, finally vindicated for having said Marcus was evil the whole time, can now also reveal that Marcus has bionics to match Adam, Bree and Chase. Nonetheless, the bionic teens infiltrate the Douglas and Marcus home where they face an unnerving discovery - Donald wasn't upfront about their past. Written by statmanjeff

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HD Lab Rats

Lab Rats


Lab Rats

IMDb: 7.5
23 min

While spying on Marcus, Leo discovers and infiltrates his family's secret lair where plans are posted for the capture of the bionic teens. Discovering Leo and knowing he's seen too much, Marcus unleashes his home security on him - a relentless killer robot. No one is aware of Leo's predicament, or even that Leo is missing, as a potential disaster befalls the Davenports. While accidentally activating Donald's new teleporter, the bionic teens broadcast Tasha away to unknown whereabouts. While the teleporter can send successfully, it's return mechanism can only bring things back in far less than ideal conditions. While the teens scramble to figure out how to get Tasha safely back before Donald finds out, Eddy sees this only as a win-win situation. Meanwhile, Leo is left with one last recourse - brains over brawn. Written by statmanjeff

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HD Drake & Josh

Drake & Josh


Drake & Josh

IMDb: 8.6

Drake wins an autographed guitar signed by Devin Malone, lead singer/guitarist for Drake's favorite band, Zero Gravity. However, Josh accidentally blows it up with an faulty amplifier, so he buys another guitar that looks exactly like Drake's. After finding out Zero Gravity is playing in San Diego, Josh tracks down Malone at the concert arena and asks him to sign it, which he does. When Josh accidentally breaks Malone's hand by slamming it shut on the guitar case, the other band members begs Drake, who tracks down Josh at the arena, to fill in for Malone. After a successful concert, Drake receives $1500 from Zero Gravity's manager, but decides to give it to Josh, who eventually uses it to buy a tanning bed. Written by Jmac1988

Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Lab Rats: Elite Force

Lab Rats: Elite Force


Lab Rats: Elite Force

IMDb: 8.9
21 min

Roman and Riker's black swarm returns, so the Elite Force hops into action to protect Centium City. There's more than meets the eye with Chase's new girlfriend Reese.

Genre: Adventure, Sci-Fi,
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