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Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Trying to impress his friends after classmate Judy Hensler brags that her father flew his own airplane in WWII, Beaver makes up a story about Ward the war-hero and finds himself in a real predicament when substitute teacher, Mr. Willit, asks Beaver to bring his dad to school to talk about his experiences. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Trying to impress his friends after classmate Judy Hensler brags that her father flew his own airplane in WWII, Beaver makes up a story about Ward the war-hero and finds himself in a real predicament when substitute teacher, Mr. Willit, asks Beaver to bring his dad to school to talk about his experiences. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Looking for an electric spanking machine and reaching for a four-leaf clover teach Beaver the meaning of being conspicuous when he has to be rescued from Principal Rayburn's locked office and extracted from a park fence, both in one eventful week-end. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.4
30 min

Looking for an electric spanking machine and reaching for a four-leaf clover teach Beaver the meaning of being conspicuous when he has to be rescued from Principal Rayburn's locked office and extracted from a park fence, both in one eventful week-end. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Grant Avenue School is holding a performing arts festival, with each grade assigned a specific production. Beaver gets cast as the lead in the third grade production of Flowers and Feathers. Beaver is to play a canary. Beaver is excited about his part and about the production. After the first rehearsal, Miss Wakeland, the director, doesn't think Beaver has what it takes to be a convincing canary, which he overhears. Although he doesn't tell his son so, Ward is also slightly embarrassed by Beaver's part, wishing his role had a bit more meat on it, or wishing the type of bird was a bit more majestic. June asks Ward to be a little more encouraging to the Beaver about the play and his role. Ward's words of encouragement the night of the play, in addition to Miss Wakeland's comments, have the effect of Beaver getting stage fright. Beaver refuses to go on. As Ward, June and Wally sit in the audience, they're sure that Beaver's stage fright will pass and that he'll be the best canary ever.... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

A letter from Beaver's godmother, June's Aunt Martha, brings the young man an heirloom ring once belonging to Beaver's namesake, his great-uncle Theodore. But his parents forbid him to wear it to school because losing it would terribly upset his great-aunt and Beaver's troubles begin after his clever plan to show the ring to his school pals without actually wearing it there is derailed by creepy Judy Hensler. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

A letter from Beaver's godmother, June's Aunt Martha, brings the young man an heirloom ring once belonging to Beaver's namesake, his great-uncle Theodore. But his parents forbid him to wear it to school because losing it would terribly upset his great-aunt and Beaver's troubles begin after his clever plan to show the ring to his school pals without actually wearing it there is derailed by creepy Judy Hensler. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Beaver is bothered by the fact that Linda Dennison, a girl in his class, is always staring at him. What he is unaware of is that Linda likes him. But Linda ingratiates herself into his good books by thinking somewhat like a boy. Larry and Whitey see Beaver and Linda together, information which they pass along to the rest of their classmates. They start to tease Beaver that he is Linda's boyfriend. The only way they will believe that he's not is for Beaver to call her a nasty name. Beaver doesn't want to hurt Linda's feelings but he also doesn't want anyone to think that he's any girl's boyfriend. Beaver has to decide if the teasing or hurting Linda is worse. Miss Landers may be able to provide an answer. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Beaver is bothered by the fact that Linda Dennison, a girl in his class, is always staring at him. What he is unaware of is that Linda likes him. But Linda ingratiates herself into his good books by thinking somewhat like a boy. Larry and Whitey see Beaver and Linda together, information which they pass along to the rest of their classmates. They start to tease Beaver that he is Linda's boyfriend. The only way they will believe that he's not is for Beaver to call her a nasty name. Beaver doesn't want to hurt Linda's feelings but he also doesn't want anyone to think that he's any girl's boyfriend. Beaver has to decide if the teasing or hurting Linda is worse. Miss Landers may be able to provide an answer. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Ward is facing a predicament. He has promised to take Wally fishing this Saturday, a trip which Ward has already postponed three times. But he later learns that Beaver's third grade class, headed by Beaver's new teacher Miss Landers, is having a father-student picnic that same day. Ward doesn't want to disappoint Wally again, but June convinces him that a school event is more important as he and Wally can go fishing anytime. Ward doesn't have the heart to tell Wally right away. So when the next morning arrives with Ward already gone to work, Wally still believes that his father is taking him fishing. Although Ward told Beaver that he would go to the picnic, Ward failed to sign the permission slip, making Beaver believe that Ward will instead spend the day with Wally. So Beaver, trying to save face, tells Miss Landers that he and his father won't be going since his father has an out of town business trip. So when Ward comes home after work, he has to clear up the misunderstanding with ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Ward is facing a predicament. He has promised to take Wally fishing this Saturday, a trip which Ward has already postponed three times. But he later learns that Beaver's third grade class, headed by Beaver's new teacher Miss Landers, is having a father-student picnic that same day. Ward doesn't want to disappoint Wally again, but June convinces him that a school event is more important as he and Wally can go fishing anytime. Ward doesn't have the heart to tell Wally right away. So when the next morning arrives with Ward already gone to work, Wally still believes that his father is taking him fishing. Although Ward told Beaver that he would go to the picnic, Ward failed to sign the permission slip, making Beaver believe that Ward will instead spend the day with Wally. So Beaver, trying to save face, tells Miss Landers that he and his father won't be going since his father has an out of town business trip. So when Ward comes home after work, he has to clear up the misunderstanding with ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

Wally has a bit of a sore throat and fever, so is to stay home from school against his wishes as it means he'll miss a baseball game. But after the doctor examines him, the doctor says that he'll be well enough tomorrow to go back to school. In the meantime, June gets him a model airplane to play with, and Ward, in addition to picking him up some bicycle tape and some chocolate chip ice cream from the store, offers to move the TV into the boys room so that Wally can watch it from bed. And Wally's class buys him a present of a magic set. Seeing all the neat stuff Wally gets for being sick, Beaver decides he too will pretend to be sick the next day. But Beaver's sick day is totally different than Wally's sick day. In addition, he learns that their regular doctor is away, and the replacement doctor, Dr. Bradley is coming in his place. Beaver is scared that Dr. Bradley is not a pill doctor like their regular doctor, but rather a doctor that makes you roll over. Dr. Bradley is able to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

Wally has a bit of a sore throat and fever, so is to stay home from school against his wishes as it means he'll miss a baseball game. But after the doctor examines him, the doctor says that he'll be well enough tomorrow to go back to school. In the meantime, June gets him a model airplane to play with, and Ward, in addition to picking him up some bicycle tape and some chocolate chip ice cream from the store, offers to move the TV into the boys room so that Wally can watch it from bed. And Wally's class buys him a present of a magic set. Seeing all the neat stuff Wally gets for being sick, Beaver decides he too will pretend to be sick the next day. But Beaver's sick day is totally different than Wally's sick day. In addition, he learns that their regular doctor is away, and the replacement doctor, Dr. Bradley is coming in his place. Beaver is scared that Dr. Bradley is not a pill doctor like their regular doctor, but rather a doctor that makes you roll over. Dr. Bradley is able to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Cut during the first day of tryouts, Beaver tells his parents that he made it into the school band and carries his clarinet to school for weeks, thinking that he has plenty of time to tell them the truth; but time runs out when June finds a concert announcement in Beaver's pocket and the whole family plans to go. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Cut during the first day of tryouts, Beaver tells his parents that he made it into the school band and carries his clarinet to school for weeks, thinking that he has plenty of time to tell them the truth; but time runs out when June finds a concert announcement in Beaver's pocket and the whole family plans to go. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Beaver brings home a chihuahua that Whitey found rummaging through his garbage can. By looking at the well kept manner of the dog, Ward and June can tell that it isn't a stray and that they'll help Beaver place a classified ad in the newspaper to find its real owner. Although Beaver abides by his parents directive, he deep down hopes that the owner does not come forward so that he can keep the dog. A Mrs. Bennett telephones, perfectly describing the dog as her Poncho. Learning this news, Beaver decides to take Poncho to school instead of letting Mrs. Bennett take the dog back. The dog at school gets Beaver into trouble. When Ward and June ultimately find out what Beaver has done, he gets into even more trouble. But Beaver's explanation to Mrs. Bennett offers a little more insight for Ward and June on how they should deal with the punishment for Beaver. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Beaver brings home a chihuahua that Whitey found rummaging through his garbage can. By looking at the well kept manner of the dog, Ward and June can tell that it isn't a stray and that they'll help Beaver place a classified ad in the newspaper to find its real owner. Although Beaver abides by his parents directive, he deep down hopes that the owner does not come forward so that he can keep the dog. A Mrs. Bennett telephones, perfectly describing the dog as her Poncho. Learning this news, Beaver decides to take Poncho to school instead of letting Mrs. Bennett take the dog back. The dog at school gets Beaver into trouble. When Ward and June ultimately find out what Beaver has done, he gets into even more trouble. But Beaver's explanation to Mrs. Bennett offers a little more insight for Ward and June on how they should deal with the punishment for Beaver. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Beaver receives an invitation to Linda Dennison's party. He thinks it not out of the ordinary until the other kids, teasing him that he's Linda's boyfriend, believe he's the only boy invited. As Beaver asks all the other boys in their class, it does seem like that is the case. After Wally and the Beaver get punished by their parents for pretending to be Ward on the telephone to Linda telling her that Beaver can't go to the party, Ward and June know Beaver doesn't want to go to the party, but make him go anyway despite his protests, even while he is about to walk in the door of the Dennison house. It isn't until Beaver is actually at the party that Ward and June find out why Beaver didn't want to go, a reason with which they can empathize. Unbeknown to Ward and June, there is someone else at the Dennison house who can also empathize with Beaver's plight. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Beaver receives an invitation to Linda Dennison's party. He thinks it not out of the ordinary until the other kids, teasing him that he's Linda's boyfriend, believe he's the only boy invited. As Beaver asks all the other boys in their class, it does seem like that is the case. After Wally and the Beaver get punished by their parents for pretending to be Ward on the telephone to Linda telling her that Beaver can't go to the party, Ward and June know Beaver doesn't want to go to the party, but make him go anyway despite his protests, even while he is about to walk in the door of the Dennison house. It isn't until Beaver is actually at the party that Ward and June find out why Beaver didn't want to go, a reason with which they can empathize. Unbeknown to Ward and June, there is someone else at the Dennison house who can also empathize with Beaver's plight. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.8
30 min | 30 min

After having to listen to colleague Corny Cornelius brag about his children's academic excellence, Ward is thrilled to return the favor when principal Mrs. Rayburn calls to say that Beaver's score on an intelligence test is the highest in the school; but one of Beaver's classmates has a secret and Ward may have to eat his words. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.8
30 min | 30 min

After having to listen to colleague Corny Cornelius brag about his children's academic excellence, Ward is thrilled to return the favor when principal Mrs. Rayburn calls to say that Beaver's score on an intelligence test is the highest in the school; but one of Beaver's classmates has a secret and Ward may have to eat his words. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

While June is away helping her sister Peggy with her new baby, June's Aunt Martha comes to stay with the three Cleaver males, much to Ward's chagrin as Aunt Martha even makes him feel like he's doing something wrong all the time. Ward and June both believe Aunt Martha's ways old-fashioned, but June doesn't want Ward undermining her authority during her stay. The boys even vow to their mom that they won't make any trouble for Aunt Martha. Upon seeing him, Aunt Martha believes Beaver - or Theodore she she calls him - doesn't dress like a little boy should, and thus takes him shopping for what she considers proper clothing: a suit with short pants, long stockings, bow tie and formal cap. Beaver feels embarrassed wearing his new clothes, and Wally feels embarrassed for him. Beaver isn't looking forward to school on Monday, when Aunt Martha wants him to wear his new clothes. At school, Beaver does whatever he can to prevent the other kids from seeing his new ensemble, especially the most ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

While June is away helping her sister Peggy with her new baby, June's Aunt Martha comes to stay with the three Cleaver males, much to Ward's chagrin as Aunt Martha even makes him feel like he's doing something wrong all the time. Ward and June both believe Aunt Martha's ways old-fashioned, but June doesn't want Ward undermining her authority during her stay. The boys even vow to their mom that they won't make any trouble for Aunt Martha. Upon seeing him, Aunt Martha believes Beaver - or Theodore she she calls him - doesn't dress like a little boy should, and thus takes him shopping for what she considers proper clothing: a suit with short pants, long stockings, bow tie and formal cap. Beaver feels embarrassed wearing his new clothes, and Wally feels embarrassed for him. Beaver isn't looking forward to school on Monday, when Aunt Martha wants him to wear his new clothes. At school, Beaver does whatever he can to prevent the other kids from seeing his new ensemble, especially the most ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Beaver has developed his first crush on a girl: Miss Canfield, his home room teacher. He has even been staying after school for the past two weeks to help her with whatever classroom chores. But the other kids notice his behavior and tease him about being the teacher's pet. To stop the kidding and prove he isn't, he takes them up on a dare: to place a springing toy snake in her desk drawer. But after he's done it, he wishes he hadn't and does whatever he can to get the snake from out of her desk drawer with Wally's help. Some of their ideas include breaking into the school in the middle of the night, or trying to get it out when Miss Canfield isn't in the room all the while preventing her from opening the desk drawer. But through it all, Beaver feels worst of all for doing anything to hurt or scare Miss Canfield, or to make her think badly of him. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Beaver has developed his first crush on a girl: Miss Canfield, his home room teacher. He has even been staying after school for the past two weeks to help her with whatever classroom chores. But the other kids notice his behavior and tease him about being the teacher's pet. To stop the kidding and prove he isn't, he takes them up on a dare: to place a springing toy snake in her desk drawer. But after he's done it, he wishes he hadn't and does whatever he can to get the snake from out of her desk drawer with Wally's help. Some of their ideas include breaking into the school in the middle of the night, or trying to get it out when Miss Canfield isn't in the room all the while preventing her from opening the desk drawer. But through it all, Beaver feels worst of all for doing anything to hurt or scare Miss Canfield, or to make her think badly of him. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.1

After going head to head with co-worker Fred Rutherford over a business deal, Ward comes home at the end of the day to find Beaver with a black eye. Concerned when Beaver says he ran away from the kid who hit him, Ward gives him tips on self defense and tells Beaver to go confront the boy; but Ward doesn't know that the boy who punched Beaver was Fred's daughter, Violet Rutherford! Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.1

After going head to head with co-worker Fred Rutherford over a business deal, Ward comes home at the end of the day to find Beaver with a black eye. Concerned when Beaver says he ran away from the kid who hit him, Ward gives him tips on self defense and tells Beaver to go confront the boy; but Ward doesn't know that the boy who punched Beaver was Fred's daughter, Violet Rutherford! Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Beaver, now in the second grade, receives a note from his new teacher, Miss Canfield, who is new to teaching the second grade, to take home to his parents. His friends convince him that a note from a teacher can only mean something bad, and further convince him that that something bad is that he is going to be expelled. He is further convinced after talking to his brother, eighth grade Wally. Scared, Beaver does whatever he can to lose the note, but still convince Miss Canfield that there is good reason why he hasn't given the note to his parents. Wally tries to help Beaver deal with the matter. Beaver's made up story to Miss Canfield plus Wally's action lead to a series of misunderstandings, which in turn leads to Beaver taking what he believes is the last gasp measure not to be punished for being expelled. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Beaver, now in the second grade, receives a note from his new teacher, Miss Canfield, who is new to teaching the second grade, to take home to his parents. His friends convince him that a note from a teacher can only mean something bad, and further convince him that that something bad is that he is going to be expelled. He is further convinced after talking to his brother, eighth grade Wally. Scared, Beaver does whatever he can to lose the note, but still convince Miss Canfield that there is good reason why he hasn't given the note to his parents. Wally tries to help Beaver deal with the matter. Beaver's made up story to Miss Canfield plus Wally's action lead to a series of misunderstandings, which in turn leads to Beaver taking what he believes is the last gasp measure not to be punished for being expelled. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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