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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Beaver goes outside to play in his good Sunday suit, which is against the rules. Trouble brews when Larry Mondello talks Beaver into playing in a construction area, then snowballs when Eddie Haskell shows up to cause trouble. The end result has Beaver tearing the pants to his suit. When Beaver comes home and his parents see the torn suit, they ask for an explanation. Beaver tells a wild story about getting into a conflict with a dog and that the dog attacked him; actually, Beaver got his pants caught on a loose nail, and Eddie had encouraged him to make up the lie. Ward is not fooled and lectures his son about telling the truth. The next day, Beaver is wearing another good suit to school when, lo and behold Eddie shows up again. This time, Wally tries to defend Beaver, and in the ensuing chaos, a dog attacks Beaver and chews up his pants. When Wally and Beaver try to explain that a dog really did cause the tear, Ward blows his stack and sends his sons upstairs to punish them. Before ... Written by Brian Rathjen

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Memories of companionship and comfort prevent Beaver from letting go of his well-worn teddy bear, Billy, and prompt the little boy to rescue his furry friend from the garbage truck even though Ward and Wally tease that he's too old to play with dolls. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Wally hedges after making a deal with his dad to paint the trashcans for fifty cents each, convinced by Eddie Haskell to hold out for more money. But when Beaver takes the job at the original price, causing hard feelings between the brothers, Ward looks for a compromise to satisfy everyone and finds, in the end, that boys will be boys and moms are full of surprises. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Memories of companionship and comfort prevent Beaver from letting go of his well-worn teddy bear, Billy, and prompt the little boy to rescue his furry friend from the garbage truck even though Ward and Wally tease that he's too old to play with dolls. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

Wally has a bit of a sore throat and fever, so is to stay home from school against his wishes as it means he'll miss a baseball game. But after the doctor examines him, the doctor says that he'll be well enough tomorrow to go back to school. In the meantime, June gets him a model airplane to play with, and Ward, in addition to picking him up some bicycle tape and some chocolate chip ice cream from the store, offers to move the TV into the boys room so that Wally can watch it from bed. And Wally's class buys him a present of a magic set. Seeing all the neat stuff Wally gets for being sick, Beaver decides he too will pretend to be sick the next day. But Beaver's sick day is totally different than Wally's sick day. In addition, he learns that their regular doctor is away, and the replacement doctor, Dr. Bradley is coming in his place. Beaver is scared that Dr. Bradley is not a pill doctor like their regular doctor, but rather a doctor that makes you roll over. Dr. Bradley is able to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

Wally has a bit of a sore throat and fever, so is to stay home from school against his wishes as it means he'll miss a baseball game. But after the doctor examines him, the doctor says that he'll be well enough tomorrow to go back to school. In the meantime, June gets him a model airplane to play with, and Ward, in addition to picking him up some bicycle tape and some chocolate chip ice cream from the store, offers to move the TV into the boys room so that Wally can watch it from bed. And Wally's class buys him a present of a magic set. Seeing all the neat stuff Wally gets for being sick, Beaver decides he too will pretend to be sick the next day. But Beaver's sick day is totally different than Wally's sick day. In addition, he learns that their regular doctor is away, and the replacement doctor, Dr. Bradley is coming in his place. Beaver is scared that Dr. Bradley is not a pill doctor like their regular doctor, but rather a doctor that makes you roll over. Dr. Bradley is able to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Cut during the first day of tryouts, Beaver tells his parents that he made it into the school band and carries his clarinet to school for weeks, thinking that he has plenty of time to tell them the truth; but time runs out when June finds a concert announcement in Beaver's pocket and the whole family plans to go. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Cut during the first day of tryouts, Beaver tells his parents that he made it into the school band and carries his clarinet to school for weeks, thinking that he has plenty of time to tell them the truth; but time runs out when June finds a concert announcement in Beaver's pocket and the whole family plans to go. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Concerned that Wally and Beaver are spending too much time at the movies on the week-ends, Ward plans a camping trip and the excited boys tell all their friends. But when Eddie Haskell's dire prediction that Ward never really intended to go camping seems to come true after unexpected office work forces the busy dad to cancel the trip, the disappointed Cleaver boys pitch a tent and spend a rainy night in their back yard to avoid giving Eddie the satisfaction of thinking he was right. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Concerned that Wally and Beaver are spending too much time at the movies on the week-ends, Ward plans a camping trip and the excited boys tell all their friends. But when Eddie Haskell's dire prediction that Ward never really intended to go camping seems to come true after unexpected office work forces the busy dad to cancel the trip, the disappointed Cleaver boys pitch a tent and spend a rainy night in their back yard to avoid giving Eddie the satisfaction of thinking he was right. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

To impress the older boys, Beaver makes up a story about a real, live Indian fight that occurred across the street from the Cleaver house a hundred years ago and bets Eddie Haskell a dollar fifty that it really happened. But Beaver knows he's in trouble when Eddie and the boys show up with shovels to prove him wrong ... until they find what they think are valuable gems. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

To impress the older boys, Beaver makes up a story about a real, live Indian fight that occurred across the street from the Cleaver house a hundred years ago and bets Eddie Haskell a dollar fifty that it really happened. But Beaver knows he's in trouble when Eddie and the boys show up with shovels to prove him wrong ... until they find what they think are valuable gems. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Wally's class is having a dance. Wally is going, but like most of the other boys in the class, he isn't going to ask a girl to go with him. Instead, he plans on hanging out with Eddie Haskell and some of the other boys. On the other hand, the girls in the class lament that none of the boys are asking any of them to go. Mary Ellen Rogers believes she's figured out a way for Wally to take her to the dance. Her plan includes using the Beaver without his knowledge and befriending him with the use of her father's electric train set. As Mary Ellen progresses with her plan, it becomes the battle of the sexes, even in the Cleaver household, with June understanding why Mary Ellen would need to resort to such underhanded measures. In the end, Beaver may be the one who gets hurt. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Wally's class is having a dance. Wally is going, but like most of the other boys in the class, he isn't going to ask a girl to go with him. Instead, he plans on hanging out with Eddie Haskell and some of the other boys. On the other hand, the girls in the class lament that none of the boys are asking any of them to go. Mary Ellen Rogers believes she's figured out a way for Wally to take her to the dance. Her plan includes using the Beaver without his knowledge and befriending him with the use of her father's electric train set. As Mary Ellen progresses with her plan, it becomes the battle of the sexes, even in the Cleaver household, with June understanding why Mary Ellen would need to resort to such underhanded measures. In the end, Beaver may be the one who gets hurt. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Wally and Beaver have spent four days visiting Aunt Martha in Riverside. Aunt Martha calls Ward and June from the train station telling them which train she is putting them on. Wanting to appear grown up, the boys plead with Aunt Martha to let them buy their own train tickets and to board the train themselves without her. Aunt Martha obliges their request. But after Aunt Martha leaves the train station, the boys learn the train is delayed by 45 minutes, which gives them plenty of time in the station to spend some of their money, leaving them short when it comes time to buy their train tickets. Not trusting the pay phones to call Aunt Martha or their parents and thus potentially losing what little money they have left, the boys have to find a way to make it back to Mayfield without the help of Aunt Martha or their parents. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Wally and Beaver have spent four days visiting Aunt Martha in Riverside. Aunt Martha calls Ward and June from the train station telling them which train she is putting them on. Wanting to appear grown up, the boys plead with Aunt Martha to let them buy their own train tickets and to board the train themselves without her. Aunt Martha obliges their request. But after Aunt Martha leaves the train station, the boys learn the train is delayed by 45 minutes, which gives them plenty of time in the station to spend some of their money, leaving them short when it comes time to buy their train tickets. Not trusting the pay phones to call Aunt Martha or their parents and thus potentially losing what little money they have left, the boys have to find a way to make it back to Mayfield without the help of Aunt Martha or their parents. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Although June thinks the boys are too young, Ward encourages and eventually gives the boys a helping hand when they show interest in building a small motorized car, the motor from an old lawn mower. Ward does lay down some strict ground rules for the car's use. Egged on by Larry, Beaver quickly breaks many of those rules, the most important in the eyes of the law being taking the car out onto the street. Caught by a policeman, Beaver is given a citation to appear in court for operating a motor vehicle without a license. Beaver is scared about the entire situation, including telling his parents. Believing that Ward will take the car away from them if he finds out what Beaver has done, Beaver convinces Wally to act as his guardian in court. Being in court and seeing what wrongs others have committed, Beaver gets a good lesson in what is considered right and wrong, and how he needs to make amends for the wrongs he has committed. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Wally, Beaver and their friends break a window at the Cleaver's house when they play baseball on the street. Ward and June aren't overly upset, but tell the boys to use their common sense in the future and never to play baseball so close to the house again. The next day, while Ward and June are gone for the morning, Wally and Beaver wait for Eddie Haskell to head over to Metzger's Field to play baseball, when Wally obliges Beaver's request to pitch him one. Wally figures it should be all right since Beaver always strikes out. This time Beaver does manage to connect to the ball, which ends up cracking a window of their parent's car. Not wanting to get into trouble especially after what their parents told them not to do, Wally and Beaver decide to get the window repaired before their parents get home, which will require them to raise $16. If they can't get raise that much money so soon, they will instead try to hide the fact of the broken window until they can get it fixed. They learn ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Although June thinks the boys are too young, Ward encourages and eventually gives the boys a helping hand when they show interest in building a small motorized car, the motor from an old lawn mower. Ward does lay down some strict ground rules for the car's use. Egged on by Larry, Beaver quickly breaks many of those rules, the most important in the eyes of the law being taking the car out onto the street. Caught by a policeman, Beaver is given a citation to appear in court for operating a motor vehicle without a license. Beaver is scared about the entire situation, including telling his parents. Believing that Ward will take the car away from them if he finds out what Beaver has done, Beaver convinces Wally to act as his guardian in court. Being in court and seeing what wrongs others have committed, Beaver gets a good lesson in what is considered right and wrong, and how he needs to make amends for the wrongs he has committed. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Beaver brings home a chihuahua that Whitey found rummaging through his garbage can. By looking at the well kept manner of the dog, Ward and June can tell that it isn't a stray and that they'll help Beaver place a classified ad in the newspaper to find its real owner. Although Beaver abides by his parents directive, he deep down hopes that the owner does not come forward so that he can keep the dog. A Mrs. Bennett telephones, perfectly describing the dog as her Poncho. Learning this news, Beaver decides to take Poncho to school instead of letting Mrs. Bennett take the dog back. The dog at school gets Beaver into trouble. When Ward and June ultimately find out what Beaver has done, he gets into even more trouble. But Beaver's explanation to Mrs. Bennett offers a little more insight for Ward and June on how they should deal with the punishment for Beaver. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Beaver brings home a chihuahua that Whitey found rummaging through his garbage can. By looking at the well kept manner of the dog, Ward and June can tell that it isn't a stray and that they'll help Beaver place a classified ad in the newspaper to find its real owner. Although Beaver abides by his parents directive, he deep down hopes that the owner does not come forward so that he can keep the dog. A Mrs. Bennett telephones, perfectly describing the dog as her Poncho. Learning this news, Beaver decides to take Poncho to school instead of letting Mrs. Bennett take the dog back. The dog at school gets Beaver into trouble. When Ward and June ultimately find out what Beaver has done, he gets into even more trouble. But Beaver's explanation to Mrs. Bennett offers a little more insight for Ward and June on how they should deal with the punishment for Beaver. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Busy Ward thinks his boys spend all their time over at the Dennisons' because they can play basketball there with their friends. But when Wally and Beaver still prefer the Dennison driveway, even after Ward puts up his own backboard, it takes a frank conversation with neighbor Chuck Dennison to reveal the secret that will bring the Cleaver boys back home. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Busy Ward thinks his boys spend all their time over at the Dennisons' because they can play basketball there with their friends. But when Wally and Beaver still prefer the Dennison driveway, even after Ward puts up his own backboard, it takes a frank conversation with neighbor Chuck Dennison to reveal the secret that will bring the Cleaver boys back home. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

Wally is at the age where he wants to be clean and neat in appearance, whereas Beaver is still at the age where he sees nothing wrong with being covered in dirt. Beaver fights at every turn from having to clean himself up, let alone those few times when he is to take a bath. Ward and June would like to see Beaver emulate his brother's behavior and decide to use a little psychology to get Beaver to clean up, not only himself but his and Wally's bedroom as well. Their actions do lead to Beaver cleaning up at least in his sensibilities, but it also has the unintended effect of Wally and Beaver having a disagreement, with Beaver wanting his own bedroom. Continuing their psychology, Ward and June decide to give Beaver his wish, which they believe he will soon come to realize isn't exactly what he wants. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

Wally is at the age where he wants to be clean and neat in appearance, whereas Beaver is still at the age where he sees nothing wrong with being covered in dirt. Beaver fights at every turn from having to clean himself up, let alone those few times when he is to take a bath. Ward and June would like to see Beaver emulate his brother's behavior and decide to use a little psychology to get Beaver to clean up, not only himself but his and Wally's bedroom as well. Their actions do lead to Beaver cleaning up at least in his sensibilities, but it also has the unintended effect of Wally and Beaver having a disagreement, with Beaver wanting his own bedroom. Continuing their psychology, Ward and June decide to give Beaver his wish, which they believe he will soon come to realize isn't exactly what he wants. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

Beaver has always enjoyed hanging out with Wally and Wally's big kid friends, and in turn Wally has always enjoyed having Beaver around. But Beaver's social life changes when Wally, Eddie and Tooey join the boy scouts, but at age 7¾, Beaver does not yet meet the minimum 11 year-old age requirement to join. When Wally and his scout-mates go on a weekend long camping trip, Beaver has to come up with his own fun, especially as his only real of age friend Larry is sick. As Beaver's not used to hanging out with his classmates, they may not know that he is available to play. And Wally's friends not in the scouts, like Chester, may not want Beaver around unless Wally's there. So what will Beaver do? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

Beaver has always enjoyed hanging out with Wally and Wally's big kid friends, and in turn Wally has always enjoyed having Beaver around. But Beaver's social life changes when Wally, Eddie and Tooey join the boy scouts, but at age 7¾, Beaver does not yet meet the minimum 11 year-old age requirement to join. When Wally and his scout-mates go on a weekend long camping trip, Beaver has to come up with his own fun, especially as his only real of age friend Larry is sick. As Beaver's not used to hanging out with his classmates, they may not know that he is available to play. And Wally's friends not in the scouts, like Chester, may not want Beaver around unless Wally's there. So what will Beaver do? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.6
30 min

A package delivered to the Cleaver house from a high-end sports store seems to confirm Ward's suspicions that Wally and Beaver skipped school to buy expensive baseball mitts with piggy bank money they promised to deposit into their school bank account. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 8.6
30 min

A package delivered to the Cleaver house from a high-end sports store seems to confirm Ward's suspicions that Wally and Beaver skipped school to buy expensive baseball mitts with piggy bank money they promised to deposit into their school bank account. Written by shepherd1138

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

While Ward and June attend a wedding on Saturday, Wally and Beaver are planning on hanging out at the fire-hall with their friend, Old Pete, to polish the fire truck. The boys' plans are changed for them when Herb and Janet Wilson, friends who are driving Ward and June to the wedding, bring along their four year old daughter Helen - nicknamed Puddin - since their babysitter canceled on them at the last minute, meaning that Wally and Beaver are stuck babysitting Puddin. June is worried since neither Wally or Beaver have babysat before, but the only other option is to bring Puddin to the wedding. Although June checks in periodically with the boys by telephone, the boys get into a bit of trouble when Puddin locks herself in the bathroom, and refuses to unlock the door. Wanting to be responsible, instead of telephoning their parents, they try to figure out how to get her out while she wreaks havoc in the bathroom. Their plan requires the assistance of their five year old neighbor, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

While Ward and June attend a wedding on Saturday, Wally and Beaver are planning on hanging out at the fire-hall with their friend, Old Pete, to polish the fire truck. The boys' plans are changed for them when Herb and Janet Wilson, friends who are driving Ward and June to the wedding, bring along their four year old daughter Helen - nicknamed Puddin - since their babysitter canceled on them at the last minute, meaning that Wally and Beaver are stuck babysitting Puddin. June is worried since neither Wally or Beaver have babysat before, but the only other option is to bring Puddin to the wedding. Although June checks in periodically with the boys by telephone, the boys get into a bit of trouble when Puddin locks herself in the bathroom, and refuses to unlock the door. Wanting to be responsible, instead of telephoning their parents, they try to figure out how to get her out while she wreaks havoc in the bathroom. Their plan requires the assistance of their five year old neighbor, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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HD Leave It to Beaver

Leave It to Beaver


Leave It to Beaver

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Ward refuses to give Wally and Beaver the close to $50 they need to buy a new bike, telling them a story about how people work for their money. Ward doesn't think they're going to do anything about it, but the boys get a paper route to raise the money. Their boss is Mr. Merkel - who they call Old Man Merkel - a taskmaster who will not hesitate to fire them if they goof up. Ward and June want the boys to learn some responsibility and understand that a lot of people are counting on them to deliver the newspaper on time. But Ward and June can't help but assist the boys when it looks like they may not be able to fulfill their job responsibilities. When Ward and June do something on the sly to help the boys, they inadvertently end up causing the boys problems instead of helping them out. Even this experience doesn't stop Ward from further meddling in trying to fix what he sees as his wrong. In the end, what the boys learn is that their parents love them. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Family,
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