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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.1
44 min

Reese is dismayed to learn that the next number that the machine dispenses is someone that he respects and admires: Detective Carter. In the process, he and Finch learn more about her, including that she is a single mother and a war veteran. They are however unaware of how her military life has affected her police work. As a principled and clean cop, Carter has many enemies, both inside and outside the force. Reese and Finch believe that the attempt on her life that the machine sees will come from one of three sources. The first is the current primary case on which she is working, where one of her snitches, a young black man named Ronny Middleton, is gunned down in a drive-by, with the suspected killer being a gun runner by the name of Hector Alvarez. The second is the chronic domestic abuse case of Mr. and Mrs. Kovach, the latter who, at the last minute, always comes to her husband's defense. Carter is worried that Mrs. Kovach won't be able to defend him the next time he beats her ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.5
44 min

The next number that the machine spews out is that of Wallace Negel, an ex-German national who emigrated to the United States in 1980. However, they learn that Negel has not made any electronic transactions since 1987, which to both Reese and Finch can only mean one thing: that Negel is an alias and that he is a spy, probably working for the East Germans in the Cold War battle. On further investigation, they do learn his real name is Ulrich Kohl, and that he is an ex-Stasi operative who worked in a four-man team killing East German defectors worldwide. On tracking Kohl, Reese finds his first victim, who was one of the people on his four-man Stasi team. On further investigation, they believe Kohl's current mission is to kill his entire team, who have relocated to New York, and that the reason has something to do with his deceased wife Anja. Reese finds that he is not alone in trying to find Kohl, and that information from that competing force may add another name to Kohl's current hit ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.0
44 min

Carter, her team (including Fusco) and the organized crime unit are investigating what they know is an execution murder of a mob leader named Benny D'Agostino in a bodega in the Russian mob ruled area of Brighton Beach. The murder was the retaliation hit by the Russian mob on a rival mob infiltrating Brighton Beach, that rival mob led by an unknown man named Elias. D'Agostino was one of Elias' underlings. On the surveillance recording, Carter notices that there was a witness in the bodega who vanished after the shooting. Reese, who gets a call from Fusco about Reese possibly helping to identify and find this missing witness, is one step ahead of Fusco in that he knows that his and Finch's latest case is that witness, a dedicated local schoolteacher named Charlie Burton. As Reese approaches Burton, he knows that the Russian mob are after Burton for being a witness. Reese convinces Burton to go on the run with him to try and get out of the neighborhood. While the Russian mob are in ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.0
44 min

Reese is able to track his and Finch's next case, a woman named Zoe Morgan, when she uses his vehicle for hire service. In watching her as he drops her off from place to place, Reese learns that she is a high priced fixer, which often places her in potentially dangerous and precarious situations. As such, Reese figures she is the target of someone associated with one of her current or past clients. When the situation arises, it becomes apparent that she is being targeted by Mark Lawson, one of her clients, the CFO and heir apparent to Virtanen Pharmaceuticals. Lawson hired her to retrieve an audio recording supposedly implicating him of an affair, news of which would not sit well with his father-in-law, Virtanen's President, Robert Keller. To find out exactly why Lawson is willing to kill for something seemingly so minor, Reese, Finch and Morgan, who somewhat begins to trust Reese (as trustful as she can be as a person in her line of work), have to find out what's on the recording. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

The next case for Reese and Finch is that of Judge Samuel Gates, a recent widower with a son, Sam Gates Jr. whose nanny, Christina, has been a valued member of the family since Judge Gates' wife took ill just before her death. As Reese starts to trail the judge, he believes that the machine could be wrong in that the intended target is not the judge but rather Sam Jr. Although Finch states that the machine is never wrong, Sam Jr. is indeed kidnapped, which is all part of the larger picture of what will happen to the judge. Reese takes the unusual step of making himself and his goal of finding Sam Jr. known to the judge, who isn't sure what to believe about this mysterious man. Reese and Finch are able to ID one of the kidnappers, who is a member of an Eastern European gang. The kidnappers do contact Judge Gates, they who are not after money, but rather the acquittal of a defendant in one of the judge's case, that of Angela Markham, who is obviously guilty of the relatively minor DWI ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.7
44 min

Using the pretense of needing a prescription refilled while his own doctor is away, Finch is able to initiate the electronic surveillance on his and Reese's next case, that of emergency room physician Dr. Megan Tillman. In following Dr. Tillman, Reese learns that she is leading a double life. While she spends tireless sixteen hour days at the hospital, her precious time away from the hospital is not spent sleeping, but rather trolling the singles bars at night. Reese is certain the other party involved in whatever will happen to her is investment banker Andrew Benton, who not only frequents the same bars but who Tillman ran into earlier that day. And Reese discovers that Benton has the date rape drug on his person. As Reese learns more about Benton, which includes past criminal offenses expunged, he figures out that not is all it appears on the surface. He and Finch will have to not only try to prevent the murder as planned, but save Dr. Tillman's soul in the process. Meanwhile, Fusco... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Joey Durban, a just returned veteran of Afghanistan conflict, is the next case for Reese and Finch. On the surface, Joey seems to be just another vet trying to adjust to civilian life, which includes reuniting with his long time girlfriend Pia Moresco and trying to eke out a living working as a doorman at an upscale residential complex. As Reese begins to follow him, Joey seems to have a secret life, which includes a relationship with a single mother. But the larger issue is that Joey works within a band of robbers, who rob a bank while on Reese's watch. Finch is initially confused as the machine only identifies violent crimes, and the robberies Joey has committed has had no violence associated. Reese, however, believes that Joey is the father of the young child and is committing the robberies to support the child and mother. He also believes that one of Joey's associates is the one who is planning on killing Joey. The only way Reese can find out for sure is to infiltrate the gang as ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

The latest social security number the machine spews out is that of teenager Theresa Whitaker. The problem is that Theresa was supposedly killed two years earlier in what was deemed a murder/suicide of her entire family on a boat, the killer being her father, Grant Whitaker. However, Theresa's body was never recovered, presumed drowned and swept away by the current. Reese quickly discovers that it wasn't a suicide, but rather a contract hit. They have to figure out who contracted the hit and why, and why they didn't kill then fifteen year old Theresa. They also have to figure out if the hit had any connection to Grant's now supposedly grieving brother Derek and/or Derek's ex-wife, Elizabeth. But first, they have to find Theresa, who probably has trust issues having been underground for two years. Because of her situation, Finch has a certain empathy for this case. Meanwhile, Finch recalls telling a disbelieving associate of the back door into the system. And Carter hits a stumbling ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 8.5
44 min | 56 min (extended)

After a scrape with a few hot-heads on the subway, homeless man and former government agent John Reese is offered a job by the somewhat secretive Mr. Finch. After 9/11, Finch developed a computer program that would sift enormous amounts of information, looking for patterns of behavior or activity that would predict another attack. It also provided information about individuals who could be in danger. Finch wants to do something about those people. The first on his list is Diane Hanson, an Assistant District Attorney currently working on a major prosecution. Reese agrees to help out and begins by watching her. It all leads to an unexpected conclusion. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.0
42 min

Billie is determined to kill a particular demon but can't when confronted by memories of when her sister was kidnapped on Halloween. A reporter is constantly harassing the sisters and Paige attempts to throw him off by impersonating the ghost of a girl he knew. Piper and Leo are having problems. Written by RJDL

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.0
42 min

Zankou sends his underworld henchmen after the Charmed Ones so he can gain access to the power of the Nexus trapped under the Manor. To protect his parents Wyatt shrinks them and imprisons them in a doll house in the attic that is an exact replica of the Manor. Written by laird-3

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 6.9
42 min

Darryl asks the sisters to help his friend Mike whom he believes is possessed. Phoebe is sent back to the later 1800's along with Drake to try and help him. They find that the Cabaret Fantome is on a timeloop set up by the owner Count Roget and Sargon, a demon the sisters vanquished 5 years before. Piper and Leo set out on vacation and are asked to return because Pheobe and Drake will not wake up. Paige is forced to impersonate Phoebe in an interview by using glamour so that Pheobe and Drake can return to Cabaret Fantome to try to stop Count Roget and Sargon make the deal. However, when they go back Count Roget steals Drake's body and the sisters find him near where the old tobacco shop used to be and separate Count Roget from Drake's Body and in doing so the demons come for Count Roget and Drake gets his body back. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.8
42 min

The sisters and Chris unknowingly take part in a demonic reality TV show entitled Witch Wars where they are the targets and their powers are the prize.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 6.9
42 min

Jason offers columnist of the year Phoebe a luxury suite for the night; they kiss. The demon brothers Tull and Xavier try to force the wood nymphs to show them the Eternal Spring of new life -drinking of it renders immortal- by killing their protecting satyrs, so they flee to a Frisco city fountain, where they become a TV subject. The Charmed sisters take the two who escaped the first demon attack -wounding one demon- there in for protection, but nymphs need to mix with nature or both will wilt. Paige was taking the lead already, to Piper's initial dismay, then a kiss makes her turn into a nymph, suppressing her witch-nature. The nympho trio rushes off, looking for satyrs, so the demon's can lure them by playing the satyr's pan-flute. Phoebe and Piper come to the rescue ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.7
42 min

Prue and Phoebe fight against a demon on the street, while a greedy mortal wants his box. When the human is hit by a bus and die and the demon vanishes, the sisters bring the mysterious box home and discloses that it belongs to the demon Lukas and inside is locked the seven deadly sins: pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed and sloth. Lukas recovers his Pandora box and uses the sins against The Charmed Ones and Leo: pride against Prue; gluttony for Piper; lust for Phoebe; and sloth for Leo. After the exposure, Lukas expects them to self-destruct themselves for him to get their souls. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Dr. Curtis Williamson, who treated Piper's infectious fever, unsuccessfully tries to recruit her for follow-up exams in the hospital. He is researching the blood of the Halliwell sisters. When he is accidentally pricked with a blended mixture of their bloods, he gains their powers and eventually starts taking kidneys from criminals to save his sister. Meanwhile, Prue is assigned to photograph Phoebe's idol, the actor Evan Stone, and a paparazzi shots pictures of them, bringing the spotlight on Prue. Piper tries to establish rules for Leo while staying in her house. Written by Claudio Carvalho

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 8.0
42 min

Phoebe has a premonition that Collectors, a demon type which can suck a brain empty (which kills), are after a patient in the hospital where she helps out, and his cute son, Eric, who just finished deciphering the clue to the Akashic records, which contain ultimate knowledge. As they don't know yet warlocks don't bleed till Phoebe tells them, Prue and Piper cast a spell to read peoples minds, and thus find out that Dan is pure of heart, but Jack has nasty, violent ideas, while in fact... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.5
42 min

When the father of the Halliwell sisters, returns, Prue doesn't trust him whilst Piper and Phoebe, on the other hand, adore him, they invite him to have dinner with them. Meanwhile, neighbours of the Halliwell's are mutants who try to steal the book of shadows.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Wayward Pines

Wayward Pines


Wayward Pines

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Theo is forced to make a decision that could seal humanity's fate.

Country: USA
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HD Wayward Pines

Wayward Pines


Wayward Pines

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Pilcher recalls finding his Chosen One; Jason makes a fatal judgment call; Theo and Xander must put aside their differences to stop him before the human race is lost.

Country: USA
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HD Wayward Pines

Wayward Pines


Wayward Pines

IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Theo enlists the help of Hassler to capture Margaret; Xander has a confrontation with Rebecca about her condition.

Country: USA
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HD Wayward Pines

Wayward Pines


Wayward Pines

IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Theo and Megan take opposite views of the Abbies' intelligence as Theo tries to communicate with their leader. And later, an underestimation proves extremely costly. Elsewhere, a reflective CJ ponders the great responsibilities he has had over the centuries.

Country: USA
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HD Wayward Pines

Wayward Pines


Wayward Pines

IMDb: 7.9
43 min

The Abbies attack CJ and the harvesters, leaving Teresa in grave danger and the town dangerously low on food supplies. Then, Theo constructs a makeshift triage unit, but he may not be able to repair his marriage to Rebecca. Also, Xander still has some fight left in him as Jason questions his abilities to lead.

Country: USA
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HD Wayward Pines

Wayward Pines


Wayward Pines

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

The creation of Wayward Pines is revealed; Megan experiments on the first female Abby; Frank deals with personal struggles.

Country: USA
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HD Wayward Pines

Wayward Pines


Wayward Pines

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

Trapped out of the fence in the end of the 1st episode, Xander comes back with a special someone who can tell them more about the Abbies. Rebecca puts herself at odds with Meghan to help a girl trying to escape a wayward pines tradition. CJ leads a journey beyond the fence. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Wayward Pines

Wayward Pines


Wayward Pines

IMDb: 7.0
44 min

Nurse Pam resurfaces as a lethal threat to the town; Jason's past becomes known.

Country: USA
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HD Wayward Pines

Wayward Pines


Wayward Pines

IMDb: 7.2
44 min

Theo learns the truth and his purpose for being in Wayward Pines; CJ spearheads a vital and potentially deadly project outside the fence.

Country: USA
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HD Wayward Pines

Wayward Pines


Wayward Pines

IMDb: 7.1
43 min

The 10-episode psychological thriller picks up after the shocking events of the Season One finale, with the residents of Wayward Pines battling against the iron-fisted rule of the First Generation. Dr. Theo Yedlin - a new resident of Wayward Pines - awakens from suspended animation and finds himself in the middle of this rebellion, as he tries to understand what Wayward Pines really is and help preserve the endangered human race. CJ Mitchum, an original resident of Wayward Pines and a historian for the town with extensive knowledge of its complex origins, is the one person who can provide a unique bridge between the current world of Wayward Pines and the previous world that humans inhabited. Megan Fisher, is in charge of the scientific research being conducted on the Abbies, and remains deeply involved in the development of the hearts and minds of the future of humanity-Wayward Pines' First Generation.The series also features Jason Higgins, a member of the First Generation and town ...

Country: USA
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HD Under the Dome

Under the Dome


Under the Dome

IMDb: 7.2
43 min

Norrie is grieving over her mom's death and Julia can't help but wonder at the seeming coincidence of the new birth and the death. Norrie blames Joe for taking her to the center of the dome which she believes is what killed her mom. Joe shows Julia the egg and it has a message for her when she touches it. Big Jim has it out with Junior over the shooting of Cliff Dundee. Sheriff Linda Esquivel also tells him off, saying that if they weren't so short-handed she would have fired him. Junior learns that his mother committed suicide. Food shortages are now of concern and Ollie Dinsmore makes it plain to Big Jim that the shortages, including access to his well, will continue until he is thrown out of office. Big Jim's attempt to take control of his land fails when Ollie shows up with a half-dozen men. Junior joins Ollie's army. Big Jim is ready to go to war but Barbie has a better idea. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Between




IMDb: 8.3

Adam seeks an outside expert to get the leverage necessary to force the government's hand. Renee makes a move to reclaim her command of the commune.

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HD Between




IMDb: 8.3

Franny reviews security footage for answers. Recent events take a psychological toll on Chuck. To test the cure, Liam hunts for someone turning 22.

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HD Between




IMDb: 7.9

Ronnie discovers a commune of survivalists. Wiley is forced to make a heartbreaking choice about her son. Adam investigates Liam's background.

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