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HD WTF 101

WTF 101


WTF 101

IMDb: 8.2

Feeling like a stupid failure, Brad teleports to the 1940s and discovers he's in good company.

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HD The Jonathan Ross Show

The Jonathan Ross Show


The Jonathan Ross Show

IMDb: 0

Jonathan Ross hosts this entertaining celebrity Christmas chat show, filled with interviews, international guests, comedy, and music.

Genre: Talk-Show,
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HD Squidbillies




IMDb: 7.6
12 min

Sheriff's dad, the Sheriff, breaks the law to break down social barriers.

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD White Gold

White Gold


White Gold

IMDb: 0

Ronnie is still missing and Ronnie Jr is in turmoil. Meanwhile, Vincent has to decide who to take to Spain with him - Sam and the kids or arch-rival Jo Scott.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD White Gold

White Gold


White Gold

IMDb: 0

Vincent takes his family to Malta under the guise of a summer holiday, where he receives a lucrative job offer in time shares.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD White Gold

White Gold


White Gold

IMDb: 0

With Jo now co-managing Cachet Windows, she uses her power to expose Lavender and Sam's past, gaining the upper hand over Vincent.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD White Gold

White Gold


White Gold

IMDb: 0

Vincent infiltrates the local Freemason brotherhood and uses the opportunity to drum up new business, leading to unexpected consequences.

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Last Leg

The Last Leg


The Last Leg

IMDb: 0

Alex loses the beard which shocks everyone. John Bishop and Joe Thomas join the boys as they discuss Boris Johnson's controversial comment about burkas, iTunes banning conspiracist Alex Jones and the U.S. Embassy's toilet paper auction.

Genre: Comedy, News, Talk-Show,
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HD Threesome




IMDb: 7.5
23 min

Back To School: Mitch decides it's time to get a career but first must re-sit his school exams. Can his 'parents' Alice and Richie and his naively optimistic teacher (Joe Thomas) keep him in-line? (1/7)

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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.7
40 min

Vod stands against Oregon for Union president with ridiculous promises like cheap chips. However Oregon makes her see that her motives are not altruistic and caused by spite, whereupon Vod helps Oregon win by sabotaging her own campaign. Oregon is elected but finds that outgoing president Alison tricked her into candidacy out of revenge for sabotaging her Tunisian campaign and the Union is in financial difficulty. However this allies Oregon and Vod as they issue a statement to the students warning of tough times ahead. Howard and Candice finally get it together whilst Josie and Kingsley decide on an open relationship but find they cannot go through with sex with other partners and reunite. J.P., however, having got high on drugs, ends up bemoaning his own lack of sex. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 8.1
37 min

Despite Howard wanting to keep his birthday secret Candice throws a lavish fancy dress party for him which Oregon, running for student president, also uses to enhance her campaign. Things soon start to fall apart as both Heather and Sam turn up and throw a spanner into the works regarding Josie and Kingsley. Nor do the presences of the ultra-tidy boys next door whom Josie has befriended help and J.P. still refuses to believe that Sam loathes him. After Oregon discovers that Vod has been plotting behind her back the two fall out but worse is to come as J.P. orders everybody out whilst he and Kingsley slog it out, destroying the kitchen in the process. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.3
39 min

Oregon organizes a sit-in to prevent the deportation of Tunisian student Hasan but sabotages it by having sex with him which requires his hospital admission. Kingsley writes a protest song which attracts Sam, who asks him to a concert with her whilst Josie is prevented from attending the sit-in by a manic Sabine who gets drunk whilst obsessing over her thesis. Vod sees therapist Nadine to get over her mother's neglect and ends up listening to Nadine's problems whilst J.P.'s efforts to prove that he is a legend predictably land him in trouble. Written by don @ minifie-1

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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.9
41 min

Josie and Kingsley declare a relationship amnesty whereby they will list the qualities that they dislike in the other to prevent further sniping but Kingsley's discovery that Josie fakes her orgasms only makes him worry the more whilst Oregon discovers that 'Trudy Miller' the one person who gave her play a good review is actually Tony Shale. Candice becomes a feminist after reading a book and persuades Howard to join her, leading to their being arrested for staging an anti-sexist protest. Chris, Vod's liberated mother, comes to stay and makes a play for J.P., who is still pining for Sam. However she tends to get drunk very easily and declares that she never wanted Vod as well as despising all the house-mates so her visit comes to an abrupt end. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.5
39 min

Hoping to get back in with Sam J.P. signs up for a medical drugs trial which she is also attending but ruins his chances by telling anecdotes about his gap year which do not go down well. Kingsley also signs up, hoping to use the opportunity to tell Josie about his fling with Heather but his hypochondria prompts her to look up his course file - and everybody else's - bringing the trial to an end. Howard meanwhile bests a rival student whom he is fighting for a rare book and Oregon writes a play, clearly based on her house-mates. Vod disapproves but steps in when the leading lady drops out. The play brings to the fore indiscretions by both Josie and Kingsley but, whilst hers was a meaningless one nighter, she is very angry that he conducted an affair with Heather as well as dating her. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.7
39 min

As the year ends J.P. announces that he has bought the house and wants the others to stay on at reduced rents. However Kingsley is planning to move into a tiny bed-sit with Heather,Dylan has asked Oregon to go back-packing in South America and Howard,hearing - wrongly in the event - that Sabine is pregnant,wants to marry her. At a party to launch Jean Shales' magazine Dylan finds out about Oregon 's affair with his father and dumps her and Kinglsey has wild sex with Josie,for whom he plans to leave Heather. Josie leaves for Cardiff before he can tell her and Sabine,returning for her belongings,turns down Howard's proposal. Only Vod,dining out on her relationship with John Frobisher,seems to have much to celebrate. Maybe the house-mates will return next year after all. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.6
40 min

Heather persuades Kingsley to perform his dirge 'The Implodium Implodes' at a student gig but he is a flop and brings Oregon in to form a double act. However she is so good he leaves the stage in disgust as she goes down a storm. Dylan finally introduces her to his father - who suggests they go away together when his son's back is turned. Josie's secret is finally revealed and Vod gate-crashes a poetry reading,hitting it off with the poet but innocently contributing to his demise. Sabine returns to Amsterdam,to the relief of everybody except the love-struck Howard who becomes grumpy as a result. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.7
39 min

Angry that useless geology lecturer Dan has given an internship to Howard and not him,Kingsley makes a formal complaint against him. On a field trip to the Pennines J.P. gets stuck climbing up a rock face and Kingsley refuses to help him until J.P. admits that Heather saw him in the shower,after which J.P. falls on Kingsley,whom Dan,irate to learn of the complaint,leaves behind.Josie keeps her bad news secret from everybody except Heather,who helps her try and raise a petition for her reinstatement and,when this fails, Josie asks Heather to also botch a dental operation so that the equipment will be blamed but Heather,noting that Josie and Kingsley are getting close again,refuses. Howard fails to get any more sex with Sabine,Vod uses other people's urine samples as she needs to pass a drugs test for her funding to continue and Oregon has a lovely day with Dylan - until she learns that Tony Shales is his father. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.7
40 min

Whilst everybody else is at the pub Josie and Heather go clubbing but Josie leaves her keys in the door. When the others return they find the house has been burgled. Vod falls for Al,the hunky handyman sent to fix the door but Howard is convinced he is the burglar and Vod willingly dates him to find out whilst Oregon falls for librarian Dylan. Ultimately Howard exposes Josie as the burglar,who stole items to cover for her leaving the door open. Furthermore she is summoned to a disciplinary hearing after injuring a patient at her dentistry school practical. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 8.0
40 min

As the Easter holiday starts J.P. invites Vod,Oregon,Josie and Kingsley to his family's country house - only to find no food or amenities. They discover why when J.P's mother arrives to say that the house will be sold the next week. An outraged J.P. barricades them all in whilst they deplete the family's wine reserve but has to admit defeat. Oregon gets hate mail after closing Derek's - gay-orientated - magazine and flirts with Lesbianism,aided by Josie,though this turns out to be a ruse to get J.P. to kiss Kingsley. Back in the house Howard is keeping tabs on Heather for Kingsley to prove her fidelity but ends up having sex with Sabine when her boyfriend fails to visit. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.5
40 min

Oregon sees that she is no more than a dog's body to Jean's odious editor Derek and decides to set up a rival literary magazine with money Tony has secured from the Jewish Society - hence its title,'Chutzpah'. Tony successfully gets Derek's magazine closed down but is frustrated that Oregon no longer wants sex with him. At a geology careers fair Howard and J.P. vie for an internship with B.P. but it goes to the more photogenic Kingsley. However he is disillusioned with big business and gives his invite for the launch party to Howard,who takes Vod as his escort. Unfortunately Vod turns the event into a demonstration against capitalism,getting herself,Howard and gate crasher J.P. thrown out. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.7
39 min

Vod gets a cleaning job to pay her debts whilst J.P. takes to his bed with mumps,storing his sperm in the ice cube tray in the freezer lest he become infertile. Howard is the latest victim of a bunch of muggers on campus and the house-mates take precautions,installing CCTV cameras,getting rape alarms - J.P. using his to summon Vod to wait on him - and learning self-defence from Sabine. When Josie breaks Heather's arm during one demonstration she is reviled as doing it on purpose out of jealousy though Heather acknowledges it was an accident. Sabine ends up with a bruised face after another session and seeks out the ice in the ice cube tray - which has a very funny taste. Tony meanwhile gets mugged twice over. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.6
42 min

The housemates return for a new term. Howard is moon-lighting in an abattoir and bringing home cuts of loose meat which the others do not welcome. Oregon is starting as an assistant to Jean Shales in launching a new literary press,which lays her open to the sarcastic comments of Tony in tutorials since both women have dumped him. Vod is broke and borrowing money left ,right and centre. With the invisible Paul Lamb gone the students need a new house-mate. J.P. puts forward his old school-friend Giles,even though he has just discovered Giles is gay. Kingsley is all for Heather,with whom he has slept. However the room goes to the dour,humourless Dutch PhD student Sabine,since Vod told her the rents are paid directly to her and nobody has the power to stand up to Sabine when she insists on moving in. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.6
40 min

As the term draws to a close Kingsley goes back to his geology course whilst Vod discovers that she is likely to be thrown out for failing her exam. Josie,frustrated at being single again,persuades her to have a drunken girls' night out with her,after which she brings home a puzzled boy to make Kingsley jealous.Equally disastrous is a dinner party thrown by Oregon and Shales,in his new flat, where the students fail to mix with Shales's friends from Croatia and it descends into a slanging match between Josie and Kingsley. J.P. is asked by his old Stowe contemporaries to help organize an end of term party,though all they want is his money to finance it. Learning that it is on the same day as his father's funeral the housemates help him out by driving him to the funeral and back in time for the party where Vod makes him realise the shallowness of his so-called friends and he at last stands up to them. Howard's task,to look after 'invisible' housemate Paul, also leads to a stand-off ... Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.9
39 min

Dave moves into the house,to the annoyance of everybody - until he proves himself useful by mending the broken dish-washer. However Brian lets it slip that Josie slept with Kingsley,who in turn reveals her indiscretion with J.P. so that Dave soon moves out,declaring the engagement over. Oregon once again tries to end it with Shale - whose wife realises he is having an affair,but assumes it is with Vod,whose mark Oregon has persuaded Shale to upgrade,a fact which Vod does not appreciate. J.P. is seeing Nadine, a therapist,following his father's demise and hopes the death will excuse him from taking his exam. However when Dan gives him the answers he does sit it,only to find that Dan has tricked him for insulting him. Brian's increasingly desperate efforts to get back in Howard's good books take a bizarre turn when he sends Howard a message in the middle of his exam to say - wrongly - that Howard's mother has been arrested. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.4
40 min

Oregon and JP both hear bad news - her horse is dying and his father has serious health issues. After Vod has accidentally over-dosed she and Oregon and JP plan to drop acid but only JP does so before hearing his father is likely to die. Setting out to visit him they first stop off at Oregon's,where Vod is shocked to learn she is a rich kid whose real name is Melissa but the stoned JP pours his heart out about his father to the dying horse - only to learn that his father has also passed away. Josie meanwhile accepts Dave's marriage proposal but is put out that Kingsley's story about Vod's over-dose has kept her article out of the student magazine and a jealous Brian sabotages Howard's efforts to chat up a girl on their course,thus ending their friendship. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.3
36 min

The gang travels to London to take part in a students' protest march. There, Vod discovers the scandalous affair of Oregon with Professor Shales. And Josie and Ruth are baffled, when Kingsley admits he's been seeing both of them.

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HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.5
39 min

Whilst Oregon continues her affair with Shales at the local Travelodge Josie discovers that Kingsley is a virgin and offers to help him lose his cherry. However,somewhat unexpectedly he ends up being seduced by Ruth,making his actual experience with Josie something of an anti-climax. JP makes a rash promise to his old Stowe class-mates that he will supply them with drugs but finds himself increasingly reliant on nerdy Howard to actually deliver the goods and Vod,rather than copy Oregon's essay, for a change reads an entire book and is very impressed - though she still fails to convert her enthusiasm into a proper critique. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
Watch Episode
HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.2
39 min

After an encounter with the seductive Ruth Kingsley swaps Geology,upsetting Dan in the process,for the Drama course,using his frustration at not being able to get near to Josie as his audition presentation. Josie meanwhile enrols everybody in a charity dating scheme but when her date does not turn up,because he fell downstairs and died,she finds his friend taking an interest in her. J.P. tries to drug his date but falls asleep on the job and wonders if he raped her whilst Oregon is asked by married Professor Shales to clean his oven but ends doing more whilst his wife is out. Vod shatters Howard's dreams of their being a couple after an all-you-can-eat venture goes wrong. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
Watch Episode
HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.4
39 min

After catching J.P. putting his weights in the empty room supposedly occupied by unseen student Paul,Josie lets him know she does not relish their night in the sack. J.P. meets two old Stowe school-mates and to impress them goes along with the girls' idea to win friends by throwing a party. It is not,however,a success. J.P. gets stoned and finds Paul apparently throwing his weights out of the window whilst Kingsley's hopes of getting to know Josie better are dashed when Dave,her boyfriend of two and a half years,turns up to surprise her. Vod gets Howard to pose as her boyfriend to get rid of Mark,a drummer she accidentally snogged in the pub,only to lose the boy she really wanted to Oregon. And to cap it all geology lecturer Dan throws up into the pan of Josie's party food. Written by don @ minifie-1

Genre: ,
Watch Episode
HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.1

Five new students arrive at Manchester University to share a house. The girls are the sweet-natured Josie,aggressive Vod and Oregon,who is anxious to appear ultra-cool. The boys are J.P.,an ex-public school type who failed to get into a 'proper' university and tends to look down on people and kind-hearted Kingsley,off the leash at last after years of caring for a sick mother. Already in residence is Howard,a Scotsman of indeterminate age who seems to have lived at the house longer than a second year student should. At the pub Kingsley thinks he's scored,only to realise that he was talking to a girl recruiting for a Christian group. In fact Josie fancies him but somehow ends up in the sack with J.P. Once the term has started Oregon loses no time in arguing with her English tutor though somehow Vod seems to have claimed ownership of her essay. Howard is happy to think he has some friends and is no longer a social outcast. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: ,
Watch Episode
HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.4
38 min

Josie and Kingsley spend the weekend on a camping holiday where, even though Josie fears she may be pregnant, they declare their love for each other. Vod, on the other hand, tries to ditch Javier at a shopping mall in Rochdale though he finds his way home and all the other housemates want him to stay. However he resolves the situation by moving into another house with a fellow Spanish-speaker. Howard sets out to humiliate J.P. when Sam sets a charity quiz and the house-mates enter, Howard appointing J.P. as captain in the hopes that he will come unstuck in the ...

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
Watch Episode
HD Fresh Meat

Fresh Meat


Fresh Meat

IMDb: 7.4
36 min

Oregon is shocked when Vod tells her that, since she is getting fed up with Javier's possessiveness, she is going to marry him and then dump him so that, with British citizenship, he can stay in the country - though not with her. Josie wins over Sabine in her decision to change courses and return to Manchester to study pharmacology. Kingsley panics since he is still dating Heather but receives a get out clause when Heather, returning to Hong Kong for a funeral, finishes with him first. Howard sees Sam again but his indecision allows him to say yes when she asks if she...

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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