Parent Show




IMDb: 7.3

After Florida is chosen to advertise Vita Brite, a new health tonic, the family soon starts thinking about the money they'll earn. However, when they decide to try the product after Michael drinks a whole bottle, they read the ingredients and it contains 18% Alcohol. Florida immediately says no to making a commercial after Michael gets drunk and James puts him to bed to sleep it off. Written by

Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 7.9

Florida tries to clean the apartment in order to win first prize for the nicest apartment in the ghetto. Unfortunately, Michael picks the wrong time to show how good a Christian he is by bringing home Ned the Wino. Now, they not only have to clean the apartment, but clean, and disinfect, Ned before the judging committee arrives. Written by Brian Washington

Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 7.6

Michael writes a letter to the paper complaining about the conditions in their building. However, Florida and James aren't too happy due to the fact that it might get them kicked out of their apartment. To make matters worse, a representative from the housing authority is sent over to discuss the matter and things get really interesting when the man's cab driver runs off to avoid being caught in the middle of a rumble. Now he gets a first hand view of life in the ghetto by having dinner with the Evans family. Written by Brian Washington

Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Its report card day and as expected Thelma and Michael both get good grades. However JJ, who was expected to get straight F's except in art, winds up getting not only an A in art, but all C's ensuring promotion to the 12th grade. When Florda and James see that his test papers were all failing they visit the principal to find out what is going on. It is later explained that the principal promoted JJ in order to ensure that the school would get funding for the next term. This doesn't sit well with Flo and James who demand that JJ stay back a year until he get's his academic act together. Will JJ do what his parents expect or will he continue to skate through school? Written by Brian Washington

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 7.0

J.J. begins coming home with new art supplies to the point that Florida accuses him of finding things. However, he soon reveals that he has a patron who was impressed by his work. However, when J.J. mentions that the man's name is LeRoy Jackson, James Sr. throws a fit because a man with the same name, who was James' best friend, lost all the money they were saving to buy a gas station on a horse. When Jackson arrives at the Evans' apartment, it proves to be the same man and James promptly throws him out. Unfortunately, this doesn't sit well with J.J., who runs away and moves in with Jackson. Now Florida must find a way to bring her son back and reconcile Junior and Senior. Written by Brian Washington

Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 7.9

While cleaning the apartment, Florida finds a notebook titled Sexual Behavior in the Ghetto and thinks that its a sex manual. She then accuses JJ of bringing it in the apartment and yells at him for doing so. JJ denies it and when she shows it to James he has a totally different reaction and laughs it off thinking that it is JJ's way of learning about the birds and the bees. However, when James finds out that the book belongs to Thelma, he blows a gasket. Complicating things even more is the fact that she is dating a 21 year old college student. Written by Brian Washington

Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Michael is suspended from school for calling George Washington a racist due to the fact he owned slaves. This doesn't sit well with James, who is about to give Michael a spanking for his insolence. However, when it is revealed that the teacher is very inadequate and the fact that they teach nothing about black history despite the fact they live in a primarily black neighborhood prompts a discussion about poor teaching standards and the fact that he schools are behind the times. Written by Brian Washington

Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 7.4

Reverend Sam, a flashy televangelist who instead of living the word who uses religion as a hustle, pays a call on his old army buddy James and offers him a job with his entourage that will pay him $700 a week(Sam told James $100 a day, 7 days a week). However, Florida, who sees right through Sam's act, is less than thrilled that her husband would want to work with him. James then has a clash of conscience when he sees how Sam's hustle really works and when JJ thinks about following in that path. Written by triplehache2003

Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 7.7
30 min

A shortage of funds for the rent and an eviction notice causes James to take drastic action to get cash.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Martin




IMDb: 6.9
23 min

Tommy's ex-Marine dad visits, and Martin makes a bad business decision when he invests in Nipsey's as a silent partner.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.8
26 min

Gordy Howard, MJM's old weatherman who is back in Minneapolis for a visit, has made it big in New York City with a six figure network job hosting a morning news show. When Ted reads about Gordy's success, he is green with envy and takes whatever opportunity to berate Gordy to others, until he learns that Gordy is looking for a co-host. Ted does whatever he can to ingratiate himself into Gordy's favor so that Gordy will recommend him to the network. When Gordy tactfully but bluntly turns Ted down, Ted takes it upon himself to prove to Gordy that his life is as good if not better than his. This competition ends up affecting Mary more than anyone else. Meanwhile, Gordy's old friends in the newsroom want to throw him a welcome back party. Mary talks Lou into hosting it, meaning that she won't have to take the responsibility of being host as she usually is. Or will Lou turn the tables back on her? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.2
26 min

Lou receives what look like greeting cards in the mail at the office. Mary suspects and does confirm that it's his birthday. She also figures that he may be feeling a little depressed on this day since it will be his first birthday since he and Edie separated. As such, she decides to throw him a last minute surprise party at her place. The plan is to invite him over for a quick drink that evening, with all the guests to show up after his arrival. A few snags occur in pulling off the party. First, Sue Ann hijacks the party planning and implementation, with nobody's input meeting her exacting standards. Second, Lou arrives a little earlier than expected, which means that Mary has to keep him there a little longer than expected. And third, Lou drops a bit of news before everyone's arrival which may make Mary want to hide all the guests when they arrive. Regardless of everything happening around him, Lou ends up handling the evening in his own way. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.9
26 min

Phyllis, Chair of the Concerned Democrats of Minneapolis, is in charge of choosing a prominent citizen to endorse for the city council primary. Her choice?: Ted. Despite Mary being blunt about Ted not being the brightest light, Phyllis feels she can be the brains behind the man, who has a good chance of winning solely because of his high profile. Despite being a Republican, Ted agrees, which means, according to Lou and FCC regulations, Ted has to resign as anchor, which he does. Lou, however, leaves his job open for him if and when he loses. By election day, it looks like Ted may have a chance of winning since many voters believe his bumbling answers are actually Ted being witty. Will Ted and Phyllis' optimism sweep them into victory? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.5
26 min

A blizzard is sweeping through Minneapolis, which means that Lou can't take his trip to sunny, warm Las Vegas. As it was supposed to be a boys' gambling weekend away, Lou is talked instead into a gathering of boys at the station to play poker. Murray initially doesn't want to play, but decides at the last minute to join when he learns that one of the players is novice Ted, whose money is too enticing to pass up. Mary later finds out from Marie that Murray is a compulsive gambler who can't stop once he starts. So Mary has to go down to the station to stop Murray from playing without divulging the reason why to any of the other players. Murray's reemerging gambling compulsion and the money involved by association becomes just as big an issue for Mary. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Mary voices her displeasure to Lou when she finds out that the previous associate producer made $50/week more than she does solely because he was a man, married and had a family to support, despite Mary doing a better job than he ever did. So when Mary disagrees with Lou at a station manager's meeting - Mary agreeing with general manager Jack Stoneham's idea that the news would benefit by a new, more casual and relaxed format - Lou thinks Mary is just saying it to prove she has a mind of her own and is worth $50/week more. Mary takes over running the new format, which includes a new set, new blazers but more importantly co-anchors. Mary sells Lou on the idea that Gordy would make a perfect second anchor, as he is warm, funny and bright, everything that Ted is not. In rehearsals, it becomes evident that Ted is the thankless straight man to Gordy's funny guy, evident to everyone except Ted. When Ted learns what his role is in the pairing, Ted does whatever he can to prove that he too ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

An electrical fire in Rhoda's apartment results in all Rhoda's possessions being destroyed and her being homeless until Phyllis can makes the necessary repairs and renovations. Mary offers to put Rhoda up in her place until Rhoda's apartment is ready and lets Rhoda borrow any of her clothes. Rhoda reluctantly agrees as she is aware that being roommates can ruin good friendships. Mary and Rhoda, despite being best friends, end up having two totally different living styles which affects Mary's life in general. Mary quietly fumes about having to put up with what she sees as Rhoda's living quirks, which is made all the more worse as Phyllis doesn't seem to be moving too quickly on fixing Rhoda's apartment. Will Mary say anything to her best friend, especially in Rhoda's time of need? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.9
26 min

It looks as if the newswriter's union may go on strike, which worries all those in the newsroom on both sides of the management/union divide. Those in the union, despite wanting what they consider fair, are afraid of the temporary loss in pay. And management will have to take over the newswriting duties while the strike is happening. Lou reminds Mary that she is on management's side and will have to cross the picket line if a strike does occur. Their fears are realized when the union does go out on strike, the union members who include Murray and Gordy the weatherman, who writes his own copy. But things get even worse for the management side when other unions - including Ted's union - refuse to cross the picket line in support of their union brothers and sisters. That leaves Lou and Mary as the WJM news team, they who even have to do extra duty on other WJM shows, such as Chuckle the Clown's. Although feeling ill prepared to do so, Mary is given the task of writing the copy. But even ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.4

It's nearing the end of November in wintery Minneapolis. A new management directive at the station means that Mary has to take her annual vacation within the next three weeks or forfeit the vacation time altogether. Based on her own recent vacation, Jackie, the newsroom's dark room girl, convinces Mary that she can take a nice and inexpensive beach vacation in Puerto Lorenzo, Mexico. Mary, in turn, talks Rhoda into accompanying her on this vacation. Their plans go awry when the inexpensively priced resort where Jackie stayed is fully booked. Overhearing their problems, Gustavo, the owner/waiter/chef at the newly opened local Mexican restaurant, informs them that he can make arrangements for them at a better and equally inexpensive place in his hometown of San Leon, which is just down the coast from Puerto Lorenzo. Mary is skeptical since they don't know Gustavo, but they decide to trust Gustavo to come through for them. They begin to regret it when, as a favor in return, Gustavo asks ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.9
26 min

Mary produces a non-controversial documentary on the controversial titled subject, the Sexual IQ. The documentary not only has the newsroom flooded with telephone calls, but it brings about a conundrum with Phyllis. She believes it's time to talk to Bess, who is now in the eighth grade, about sex, but she doesn't herself want to do it. Since Mary produced a documentary on the subject, Phyllis asks Mary if she'll tell Bess about the birds and the bees. Although she feels Phyllis is shirking her parental responsibility, Mary agrees. Mary initially thinks the talk should be relatively straightforward and painless for her, but she gets more and more anxious the bigger and bigger a deal Phyllis makes of it. When Mary finally has her scheduled appointment to talk to Bess, Bess may surprise her with her own question. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 6.9
30 min

No one but Ted seems concerned that Mr. Phelps, the station's new manager, seems to be on a firing spree based on show's ratings. But when Ted, Mary, Murray and Gordy are called into Mr. Phelps' office, they know that someone from their team is going to be fired and that person is the one person not invited to the meeting: Lou. The four have troubles even looking Lou in the eyes until he receives the news, which ultimately comes from Mary. However Lou is relieved that it is him as he figures it is easiest for him out of everyone in the newsroom to get another news job since he's had so many offers in the past. But those offers seem now to have dried up. After Mary, Murray, Ted and Gordy have a brainstorming session, they decide that Mary should speak to the station's owner, Wild Jack Monroe, on Lou's behalf since he was the one who originally hired Lou after a joint drunken spree. Mary is a little apprehensive about speaking to Monroe, an ex-movie cowboy and still real life cowboy, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Following the wedding of his third and last daughter, Lou basks in the aftermath and the fact that he and his wife, Edie, will be alone in the house for the first time in decades. Also now that the rush in his life is over, Mary decides to invite the Grants to her place for dinner for the first time. Mary soon realizes that after the second invitation and the second we can't make it that Lou is making excuses not to have dinner with her. Mary becomes more dejected when she learns that the Grants have had dinner before at the Slaughters and at Ted's place. Edie, who had a slightly different reaction to their last child leaving the house than Lou, tells Mary why they can't make it for dinner. This news ultimately leads to a guys' night out bonding session with Mary just one of the guys, but one who feels the need to provide the much underrepresented women's perspective. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Bob Freelander with a rival Minneapolis television station offers Mary a job producing her own talk show. The job comes with her own office, more responsibility as producer, and more money, which is most important to Mary since she always seems to be strapped for cash on her WJM salary. It is an offer almost impossible to pass up, except that Mary loves her job and the people at WJM,... just if it wasn't for the money. Mary is dreading telling Lou, and when she does, he makes it as difficult for her to leave as possible, although he tried but was unable to provide Mary with any sort of raise to match her new salary. The office going away party Lou organizes for her makes it even more difficult for Mary to go, and more difficult for Lou and the gang to see Mary go. But unless something changes, will Mary have second thoughts and decide to stay? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Mary Tyler Moore

Mary Tyler Moore


Mary Tyler Moore

IMDb: 7.7
26 min

Mary, overworked, is regardless three weeks behind in her work. So Lou's news that there is a new news format which means more money but also more work doesn't exactly please her. Feeling frustrated, Mary speaks to Lou about the situation. Using the money that was supposed to go to existing staff, Lou allows Mary to hire an assistant. When Mary mentions the job in passing, Phyllis volunteers for the job. A reluctant Mary can't say no to her friend despite Mary knowing that Phyllis isn't right for the job. Intellectual and self-professed easy going Phyllis doesn't like being constrained in a 9 to 5 type job, and balks at the clerical work that Mary gives her. Instead, she goes for what she sees as the more glamorous position as Ted's pseudo adviser. A combination of Phyllis' advice to Ted and Mary still being swamped as she is also doing Phyllis' job makes Lou come to a quick conclusion about what needs to be done. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD 30 Rock

30 Rock


30 Rock

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Jack must appear before Congress to discuss NBC's merger with KableTown. He hopes that he will charm celebrity members, but one Congresswoman, Regina Bookman, demands more diversity in its programming lineup. Jack quickly enlists Tracy to come up with some new development ideas. Meanwhile, Liz is fed up with the flack her writing staff gives her, and Jenna helps Kenneth reapply to the extremely competitive Page Program. Written by NBC Publicity

Genre: Comedy,
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HD Sanford and Son

Sanford and Son


Sanford and Son

IMDb: 8.0

Fast-thinking Fred fools Lena Horne into visiting the Sanford home after he spins her a sob story about little lame Lamont who looks upon Lena as a second mother.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD My Name Is Earl

My Name Is Earl


My Name Is Earl

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Earl and Randy make amends for a depressed elderly man whose RV they stole years earlier. Their efforts fire him up enough that the man now wants to take revenge on another man who left him on the front line during the Korean War.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

IMDb: 7.4
23 min

Will gets cold feet about the wedding.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

IMDb: 7.5
23 min

Feeling that their opinions and feelings are being ignored, Will and Lisa run off to Las Vegas to get married.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

IMDb: 7.6
23 min

Hilary bought a house. Will and Carlton are on their annual weekend ski trip and things don't exactly go as planned.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

IMDb: 7.7
23 min

Will is going to meet the father of Lisa and wants to make a good first impression.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD King of the Hill

King of the Hill


King of the Hill

IMDb: 7.4
23 min

Hank, accompanied by Bobby, has to attend defensive driving classes taught by comedic instructor Boudda Sac (Chris Rock). Bobby, inspired by Sac's racially charged humor, decides to do his own White Pride routine.

Country: USA
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HD The West Wing

The West Wing


The West Wing

IMDb: 8.4

A fact finding codel to the Middle East is torn apart by an explosion. Key members of the administration and their loved ones are caught in the mess. The President is forced to consider retaliatory military action the unstable area, with possible repercussions that could last decades. Written by h_berry

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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