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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.4
75 min

Trampas is sent to Carrsburg to check stock so he asks for a couple of days to go to nearby Springdale to visit Betty Martin who he met while she visited her friend in Medicine Bow. While on the trip Trampas runs into a dog, Ulysses, who leads him to the ailing Joe Keller alone in his cabin. Joe gives Trampas a gold nugget as payment to locate his lost niece and deliver a letter to her who is in Springdale as well. However, Joe does not remember the name or a description of his niece other than the strawberry mark she has on one knee. Joe sends his dog Ulysses along to help find her. In Carrsburg he asks a couple of men where to find a doctor. After telling him, one of them plays with Ulysses finding he has gold dust in his fur. They overhear Trampas send Doc Naylor to check on Joe while he checks the stock and then goes on to Springdale. At Springdale complications due to the task of finding the niece severely interrupt Trampas's attempts to see his friend especially when he is ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.6
75 min

A meeting at Shiloh of the local ranchers erupts into a shouting and pushing match as they argue about how to handle their traditional route to market being blocked by the homesteaders. The detour adds 50 miles hurting the cattle and taking more time. Tom Tallman and his foreman Abe Yeager are the most vocal about fighting while Clay wants to avoid a range war saying the homesteaders have a right to be there. Tallman allows Yeager to hire Jed Matthews for his gun to come to Medicine Bow to fight homesteaders blocking the pass. Jed arrives in Medicine Bow and sees Trampas an old friend from ten years earlier. Trampas introduces Jed to the attractive Abby Keefer who is a sister of the homesteader Ken Keefer. Tallman has Jed go to work at Shiloh to spy on their plans as the ranchers have differing views on how to handle the problem. Abby falls for Jed as the two continue to meet forcing him to choose sides in the dispute. Keefer's barn is burned by ranchers but Clay and other ranchers ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.0

A trio of soldiers are transporting a prisoner across Shiloh property due to a lack of water when they learn after a run in with Trampas it appears the prisoner has scarlet fever. A private runs off with the horses leaving two feuding troopers a foot. Elizabeth and Holly Grainger find the prisoner and troopers stranded inadvertently helping the prisoner escape when Elizabeth runs up to see who is in the wagon. The four walk to Shiloh with the troopers in irons. The Graingers are concerned especially with Elizabeth contracting scarlet fever while Trampas helps the two soldiers who have their own internal feud try to recapture the prisoner. However, Trampas is plagued with flashbacks of his own history with scarlet fever killing his mother and brother. The soldiers are more concerned with killing the prisoner to cover up their mistakes while Trampas wants to safely recapture the prisoner who will do anything to prove his meddle. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.3

The Viginian takes a herd of cattle to Larksville, Montana near the Canadian border for the ranchers in Medicine Bow. At the bank he receives the $100,000 for the herd converting it to a bank draft on the spot. However, the bank is robbed as soon as he leaves the bank making the bank draft worthless. Being on the border the local law is unable to help as the thieves head into Canada. Realizing he can't go home without the money, The Virginian alone tracks the robbers into Canada where he learns the real thief is the buyer of the cattle Winthrop who controls the area and people around him in his own empire. He quickly realizes he has few options while he scouts Winthrop's operation for any weaknesses as Winthrop enjoys the cat and mouse game with The Virginian. Winthrop has a live in girl friend Gloria who is loved by Winthrop's financial manager Cletes while The Man silently trails The Virginian. The Virginian devises a sting to recover the funds but not without consequences for ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.9
75 min

Ezra Hollis's son Frank is released from prison and returns home to find his dad was injured saving Trampas and is forced to take a stable job at Shiloh. Frank has a chip on his shoulder due to people's attitude about him and that Grainger has not done more for his father. Ezra wants Frank and him to work for Grainger for three years to pay for the property where Ezra's wife is buried and he wants to raise horses. Due to an upcoming mortgage payment, Grainger is forced to make a spring cattle deal when prices are low. After the cattle buyer tries to cheat Grainger with a lower price, Grainger calls off the sale. At the bank he is offered a deal on lumber but turns it down when the buyer wants to put a road through the property Grainger promised Ezra. Young Frank hears about the lumber deal and the road but not the Grainger refusal. When a couple of Shiloh hands approach him about coming in on a cattle rustling operation they have planned, he decides to join them as he thinks Grainger ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.9
75 min

Trampas is convicted of murder and sentenced to hang in Rock Falls County when he is found over the dead body of a man he had been seen arguing with about right of way for Shiloh cattle. The Graingers and The Virginian have six days to prove him innocent before his date with the hangman. While trying to obtain a right of way from other ranchers, Stacey learns a few key facts about the dead man, his wife, and the father who owned the ranch. At the same time The Virginian goes undercover to work at the ranch to see if he can find new evidence. He soon learns the foreman has an interest in the beautiful widow. Clay Grainger and the attorney are turned down for an appeal so they turn to the Governor who has a busy schedule. A dearth of witnesses and potential motives related to the wife of the slain man become more complicated when Trampas escapes prison with three prisoners and they take a guard hostage who is shot by another prisoner. Trampas plans to go to Canada with his cell mate who... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.3
73 min

The Jackson brothers have driven a herd of cattle from Texas to Shiloh that Clay Grainger hopes to purchase. Clay and his wife Holly also from Texas have taken over from John who is away on business. However, Trampas believes the cattle may be infected with Blackleg fever which he noticed when he and Clay visit Kyle Jackson at the herd. At the same time Hattie McLain and her son Johnny leave their remote ranch and her husband Sam a retired but renown Texas marshal to deliver a string of horses to Shiloh and pickup supplies at Medicine Bow. The two younger Jackson brothers go to Medicine Bow to celebrate and while drunk they have a shooting contest. The younger brother Willy accidentally kills Hattie when a ricochet hits her. Ryker arrests the two brothers just as Kyle learns the herd may be sick and must be quarantined. It soon becomes apparent to Kyle that even if some of the herd survives, he will loose the herd due to feed costs. At the same time Sam McLain wants revenge for the ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.9
75 min

The Virginian encounters a stranger, Garrison, on a trip when both are victims of separate robberies by the same trio of outlaws. Garrison is very standoffish with everyone. Several of the Shiloh hands go to town to celebrate the engagement of Sam Marish to Sue Willis, the daughter of neighboring rancher Arthur Willis. A drunk Sam asks Garrison to drink with him but Garrison declines and eventually punches the aggressive Sam. Garrison tries to find a job in Medicine Bow but is rejected due to his personality. However, The Virginian finds him a reliable person and hires him at Shiloh. When Sam Marish is murdered and Willis is shot and robbed, Garrison is thought by the community to be guilty based on his actions and the fact he was at Willis' home alone delivering a bill of sale to Willis from Grainger. The local newspaper reporter Laura doesn't help when she writes a column all but declaring Garrison guilty to the dismay of The Virginian. However, The Virginian is not so sure but the ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.4

Luke Nichols hitching a ride with the Widow McCloud arrives at Shiloh searching for Trampas. He and Trampas were cell mates in prison when Trampas was sentenced to hang for a murder. They escaped prison together with plans to go to Canada. Trampas turned himself in and was cleared of the murder while Luke went to Canada where he waited for Trampas to join him. Spotted in Canada Luke has been tracked by Bracken, a bounty hunter, tracing him to Trampas. Luke soon realizes Trampas is content with his life at Shiloh so he decides to leave. Trampas tracks Luke down but realizes he can't stay at Shiloh. He decides to hide Luke with the cold natured Widow McCloud who lives alone. Bracken finds him and blackmails Trampas for Luke's freedom asking for $1000. The Virginian tells Trampas it won't work but Trampas tries to raise the money by selling his rifle and saddle and using the proceeds to play poker. In the end he decides instead to hire a lawyer but will Luke go along. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 8.3
75 min

Claire Garson and her manager Nathaniel E. 'Doc' Watson are entertainers in San Francisco who receive an offer to have Claire assume the identity of the lost niece of Charles Grainger, Clay's dead brother. They travel to Medicine Bow where they perform in the saloon for tips. Claire enters the general store while Elizabeth is there. She accidentally knocks over a lamp chimney and cuts her finger. While Elizabeth helps her, Claire mentions she is an orphan whose dad was killed in a mine accident in California twenty years earlier. Charles was killed in a mine disaster in California and Clay has no knowledge of him other than his death after Charles left Texas. Elizabeth upon returning to Shiloh looks for pictures of Charles and discusses the meeting with Clay. Because Claire's initials match those of Charles, Elizabeth wonders if she is Charles' daughter. Clay talks to Claire and notices she has a metal charm identical to the one he and his brothers had. Claire's entertainment ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

A white renegade rides into the wagon train camp with an Indian girl tied to a rope and forced to walk without food or water. He says that he is bringing her back to the tribe where she will be tortured and killed for killing the chief's son. Hawks, in charge of a smaller group until Hale and Coop meet them with the rest of the train, decides to forcibly take the girl from her sadistic captor and keep her with his group, even knowing that this may lead to an attack from the chief's tribe. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

A white renegade rides into the wagon train camp with an Indian girl tied to a rope and forced to walk without food or water. He says that he is bringing her back to the tribe where she will be tortured and killed for killing the chief's son. Hawks, in charge of a smaller group until Hale and Coop meet them with the rest of the train, decides to forcibly take the girl from her sadistic captor and keep her with his group, even knowing that this may lead to an attack from the chief's tribe. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

Charlie Wooster and Barnaby West have the task of escorting Dr. Katy Piper and her daughters to join up with the Chris Hale wagon train. Barnaby is forced to shoot a masked bandit who has hijacked the Piper wagon and ends up killing the bandit. The bandit turns out to be a teenage boy, and though Barnaby is cleared of any wrong doing, he carries the guilt of the killing and the judge tasks him with telling the boy's mother of the death. His guilt is manifested in the stigma of a constantly bleeding gun hand, though there is no physical wound. Barnaby ultimately quits the train when it's time to visit the dead boys mother. The news has already reached her and she, along with the rest of the town, are ready to kill Barnaby for what he's done. Katy Piper and Cooper Smith arrive in time to prevent Barnaby from being killed but not before the dead boy's twin is shot. With the young man weakened by blood loss Barnaby volunteers to be the donor in a radical procedure called blood transfusion... Written by DarSpi

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

Charlie Wooster and Barnaby West have the task of escorting Dr. Katy Piper and her daughters to join up with the Chris Hale wagon train. Barnaby is forced to shoot a masked bandit who has hijacked the Piper wagon and ends up killing the bandit. The bandit turns out to be a teenage boy, and though Barnaby is cleared of any wrong doing, he carries the guilt of the killing and the judge tasks him with telling the boy's mother of the death. His guilt is manifested in the stigma of a constantly bleeding gun hand, though there is no physical wound. Barnaby ultimately quits the train when it's time to visit the dead boys mother. The news has already reached her and she, along with the rest of the town, are ready to kill Barnaby for what he's done. Katy Piper and Cooper Smith arrive in time to prevent Barnaby from being killed but not before the dead boy's twin is shot. With the young man weakened by blood loss Barnaby volunteers to be the donor in a radical procedure called blood transfusion... Written by DarSpi

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.0
60 min

The wagon train is near a town where Coop had stopped the previous year and met Eloise Blee and her twin sister Betsy who was engaged. The twins are nearly impossible to tell apart as well as being very beautiful. Coop asks Chris and the others who will have to do his work if it is okay to visit her for a day or two as he promised he would if he was in the area. Chris allows it but Coop finds Eloise ran off with a peddler a week after Coop left. The married Betsy's husband C. S. Brown is missing with her about to have a baby. Betsy upon recognizing Coop's initials are C. S. asks Coop to pose as her missing husband which he reluctantly does. When the wagon train crew visits after hearing about his situation from Barnaby, Coop is unable to explain it and his new baby daughter. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.0
60 min

The wagon train is near a town where Coop had stopped the previous year and met Eloise Blee and her twin sister Betsy who was engaged. The twins are nearly impossible to tell apart as well as being very beautiful. Coop asks Chris and the others who will have to do his work if it is okay to visit her for a day or two as he promised he would if he was in the area. Chris allows it but Coop finds Eloise ran off with a peddler a week after Coop left. The married Betsy's husband C. S. Brown is missing with her about to have a baby. Betsy upon recognizing Coop's initials are C. S. asks Coop to pose as her missing husband which he reluctantly does. When the wagon train crew visits after hearing about his situation from Barnaby, Coop is unable to explain it and his new baby daughter. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

Tough and headstrong female ferryboat captain Samantha Stewart is asked by her son Johnny and his bride to accompany them on the wagon train to California, where they will board a ship for a Pacific voyage. But actually, Johnny is not telling his proud mother that her doctor has told him that she must stay with a dry climate on land or she will die. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

Tough and headstrong female ferryboat captain Samantha Stewart is asked by her son Johnny and his bride to accompany them on the wagon train to California, where they will board a ship for a Pacific voyage. But actually, Johnny is not telling his proud mother that her doctor has told him that she must stay with a dry climate on land or she will die. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Chris Hale is visiting at a nearby fort where they were celebrating catching the Indian Man Who Steals Horses. During the evening while dark and the guard is changing, photographer Daniel Delaney is taking the Indian's picture using the new flash photography. The flash causes confusion letting the Indian escape stealing Hale's horse and the items he had on it for the crew at the wagon train. Chris returns to the train on a borrowed horse finding a lone wagon with a female driver, Mary Lee McIntosh, separated from the rest of the train. She tells him that Chris Hale charges excessive fees to join his train which she refuses to pay. At camp the crew tells him that they had no luck with her either. She is a school teacher with a load of books planning to open a school out west. She is trying to complete her father's long-term goal who she has tended to her whole life until he died. When her wagon is destroyed in an accident, Chris takes her to a nearby fort where there are no spare ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Chris Hale is visiting at a nearby fort where they were celebrating catching the Indian Man Who Steals Horses. During the evening while dark and the guard is changing, photographer Daniel Delaney is taking the Indian's picture using the new flash photography. The flash causes confusion letting the Indian escape stealing Hale's horse and the items he had on it for the crew at the wagon train. Chris returns to the train on a borrowed horse finding a lone wagon with a female driver, Mary Lee McIntosh, separated from the rest of the train. She tells him that Chris Hale charges excessive fees to join his train which she refuses to pay. At camp the crew tells him that they had no luck with her either. She is a school teacher with a load of books planning to open a school out west. She is trying to complete her father's long-term goal who she has tended to her whole life until he died. When her wagon is destroyed in an accident, Chris takes her to a nearby fort where there are no spare ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

During a stopover in a small town Don and Bonnie Brooke stop at the doctor's office so she can be examined. Don is a school teacher who has a job offer out west. The doctor confirms the very beautiful Bonnie is pregnant but tells Don that she will need enhanced care back east to successfully have the baby due to complications. The Brookes are broke having borrowed money from others including Coop to get by but Don now needs a lot of money for her care. Don decides to go to the bank for a loan but they don't know him nor does he have any collateral. While talking to the banker, fellow wagon train member Jack Evans enters who is quite taken with Bonnie. The banker has Don go to the front to fill out a loan application while he talks to Jack who he knows. Jacks has several pieces of jewelry that he has collected that he wants to fence with the banker. After he leaves, the banker refuses the loan request for $1,000. An angry Don knocks out the banker and takes the money from the safe. The... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

During a stopover in a small town Don and Bonnie Brooke stop at the doctor's office so she can be examined. Don is a school teacher who has a job offer out west. The doctor confirms the very beautiful Bonnie is pregnant but tells Don that she will need enhanced care back east to successfully have the baby due to complications. The Brookes are broke having borrowed money from others including Coop to get by but Don now needs a lot of money for her care. Don decides to go to the bank for a loan but they don't know him nor does he have any collateral. While talking to the banker, fellow wagon train member Jack Evans enters who is quite taken with Bonnie. The banker has Don go to the front to fill out a loan application while he talks to Jack who he knows. Jacks has several pieces of jewelry that he has collected that he wants to fence with the banker. After he leaves, the banker refuses the loan request for $1,000. An angry Don knocks out the banker and takes the money from the safe. The... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 9.1
60 min

The wagon train comes across old Jamison Hershey and Herman, his 3000 pound Belgian horse. The old man has made it safely through hostile Indian territory because the tribes are so in awe of his horse. Hershey and Herman are invited to ride with the train, though it becomes apparent that Herman is not able to travel very fast and may hold back the entire group. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 9.1
60 min

The wagon train comes across old Jamison Hershey and Herman, his 3000 pound Belgian horse. The old man has made it safely through hostile Indian territory because the tribes are so in awe of his horse. Hershey and Herman are invited to ride with the train, though it becomes apparent that Herman is not able to travel very fast and may hold back the entire group. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 3.8
60 min

Coop and Charlie looking for supplies for the wagon train find a town totally deserted except for one old Indian, and four white residents who later return. They learn that the town was deserted because of a plague of bats unleashed from a cave nearby, where a professor, now missing, went searching for a treasure left behind by Spanish priests. The Indian Isaiah Quickfox had led the professor to the cave that was used by the Indians in their rituals for boys becoming men. The rumor is that the bats are all blood eating bats and therefore dangerous. The seven people decide to all go back to the cave to search again for the professor and the treasure, despite the bats, their fear of the bats, and the distrust one of the men has for the old Indian guiding them. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 3.8
60 min

Coop and Charlie looking for supplies for the wagon train find a town totally deserted except for one old Indian, and four white residents who later return. They learn that the town was deserted because of a plague of bats unleashed from a cave nearby, where a professor, now missing, went searching for a treasure left behind by Spanish priests. The Indian Isaiah Quickfox had led the professor to the cave that was used by the Indians in their rituals for boys becoming men. The rumor is that the bats are all blood eating bats and therefore dangerous. The seven people decide to all go back to the cave to search again for the professor and the treasure, despite the bats, their fear of the bats, and the distrust one of the men has for the old Indian guiding them. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.6
60 min

Wanda Snow has several times seen events before they have happened, causing several people on the wagon train to accuse her of being a witch. A medicine show peddler/magician gets the idea to use her in his act, but this creates friction between him and his devious partner. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.6
60 min

Wanda Snow has several times seen events before they have happened, causing several people on the wagon train to accuse her of being a witch. A medicine show peddler/magician gets the idea to use her in his act, but this creates friction between him and his devious partner. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 9.0
60 min

Hale finds his old flame Chottsie Gubenheimer (played by John McIntire's real-life wife Jeanette Nolan) working in a gambling house and in an argument with the owner, so he asks her to come with him and join the wagon train. He comes to realize that he's getting more problems than he bargained for. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 9.0
60 min

Hale finds his old flame Chottsie Gubenheimer (played by John McIntire's real-life wife Jeanette Nolan) working in a gambling house and in an argument with the owner, so he asks her to come with him and join the wagon train. He comes to realize that he's getting more problems than he bargained for. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 9.0
60 min

While out looking for water Coop and Charlie are stopped by a gang of five, including two women, who are on the run after robbing a bank and killing three lawmen. The leader of the gang shoots Charlie after tying him up, and they take Coop to lead them through a mountain pass to get to California. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 9.0
60 min

While out looking for water Coop and Charlie are stopped by a gang of five, including two women, who are on the run after robbing a bank and killing three lawmen. The leader of the gang shoots Charlie after tying him up, and they take Coop to lead them through a mountain pass to get to California. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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