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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Bill Hawks and Charlie Wooster discover a broken down wagon and an injured man, a sea captain named Abel Weatherly. Hawks and Wooster help the captain, but when Hawks is nearly killed by the captain during a violent nightmare Weatherly decides it is time to tell the men his story. He tells how a young man named Michelangelo Fratelli joined his crew. A talented artist who believed all men were brothers. How the two became friends. How his ship wrecked and the two became stranded on a lonely island. And how, finally, tragically, he killed his friend when he believed Fratelli was trying to kill him, only to discover Fratelli may have been trying to save him. Now, driven by the desire to know the truth, Weatherly is following a clue to a nearby town, a clue which hints Fratelli may not have died on that lonely island. Written by Christopher D.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Bill Hawks and Charlie Wooster discover a broken down wagon and an injured man, a sea captain named Abel Weatherly. Hawks and Wooster help the captain, but when Hawks is nearly killed by the captain during a violent nightmare Weatherly decides it is time to tell the men his story. He tells how a young man named Michelangelo Fratelli joined his crew. A talented artist who believed all men were brothers. How the two became friends. How his ship wrecked and the two became stranded on a lonely island. And how, finally, tragically, he killed his friend when he believed Fratelli was trying to kill him, only to discover Fratelli may have been trying to save him. Now, driven by the desire to know the truth, Weatherly is following a clue to a nearby town, a clue which hints Fratelli may not have died on that lonely island. Written by Christopher D.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

As the Hale wagon train makes progress it eventually moves into Indian territory owned by Red Cloud who is not friendly with whites unlike his father. Before they leave his territory they come across a single wagon that was attacked by the Indians recently. When they stop for the evening, Chris and Charlie decide to visit a nearby ghost town. As they approach it, they find smoke coming from it. They find a group of young boys running a blacksmith shop and several others helping to deepen a well. Sam Darland and several orphan boys are trying to setup residence in the town. They have no food other than beans and their well has run out of water. Chris tries to explain that the town was abandoned due to lack of water and the new Chief is not friendly toward whites. Sam and the boys return to the train to earn supplies. The members of the train try to convince them to join the train but with no success.Seeing Sam and the boy have food, Red Cloud decides to take it and orders them off his ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
Watch Episode
HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

As the Hale wagon train makes progress it eventually moves into Indian territory owned by Red Cloud who is not friendly with whites unlike his father. Before they leave his territory they come across a single wagon that was attacked by the Indians recently. When they stop for the evening, Chris and Charlie decide to visit a nearby ghost town. As they approach it, they find smoke coming from it. They find a group of young boys running a blacksmith shop and several others helping to deepen a well. Sam Darland and several orphan boys are trying to setup residence in the town. They have no food other than beans and their well has run out of water. Chris tries to explain that the town was abandoned due to lack of water and the new Chief is not friendly toward whites. Sam and the boys return to the train to earn supplies. The members of the train try to convince them to join the train but with no success.Seeing Sam and the boy have food, Red Cloud decides to take it and orders them off his ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
Watch Episode
HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 6.7
60 min

Four women led by Donna Fuller have started a Westward Temperance Movement. After destroying a saloon in a town they leave via a wagon. On a downward slope the horses run away and Donna cannot control them. Charlie and Alonzo Galezio, a winemaker on the wagon train, spot them while on a grape picking trip. After they stop the horses, Alonzo and Donna spot each other with a strong attraction between them. He decides to propose to her which she is nearly ready to accept when Alonzo says he does not drink distilled spirits. However, when she overhears Alonzo and Charlie talk about making wine (fermented not distilled) she decides to reject him but refuses to say why. The women decide to put on a temperance rally which gets out of control resulting in the destruction of Alonzo's barrels of wine. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
Watch Episode
HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 6.7
60 min

Four women led by Donna Fuller have started a Westward Temperance Movement. After destroying a saloon in a town they leave via a wagon. On a downward slope the horses run away and Donna cannot control them. Charlie and Alonzo Galezio, a winemaker on the wagon train, spot them while on a grape picking trip. After they stop the horses, Alonzo and Donna spot each other with a strong attraction between them. He decides to propose to her which she is nearly ready to accept when Alonzo says he does not drink distilled spirits. However, when she overhears Alonzo and Charlie talk about making wine (fermented not distilled) she decides to reject him but refuses to say why. The women decide to put on a temperance rally which gets out of control resulting in the destruction of Alonzo's barrels of wine. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

As Marshal Jason Hartman unsaddles his horse he hears a gun cock behind him. Out loud he suggests it is Orly French, an outlaw he has been tracking. Orly tells him to drop the saddle but Hartman drops to the ground at the same time and shoots Orly in the stomach. Orly wakes up to find himself chained to a tree as Hartman returns with four turkey eggs for breakfast. They both hear Duke ride up to introduce himself and ask if they need help. Hartman and Duke have each heard of each other so Duke joins them for breakfast. Hartman decides he and Orly will join the wagon train allowing Orly to further heal. Hartman is taking him back to Dubuque for trial but he is trying to convince Orly to return the $50,000 he stole and hid to ease his sentence plus go straight. At the train Orly is seen by Dr. Wilson and his daughter Judy who are traveling with it. Orly softens as he gets to know the attractive Judy who he falls in love with. He is ready to return the money until Judy tells him she ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
Watch Episode
HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.6
60 min

As Marshal Jason Hartman unsaddles his horse he hears a gun cock behind him. Out loud he suggests it is Orly French, an outlaw he has been tracking. Orly tells him to drop the saddle but Hartman drops to the ground at the same time and shoots Orly in the stomach. Orly wakes up to find himself chained to a tree as Hartman returns with four turkey eggs for breakfast. They both hear Duke ride up to introduce himself and ask if they need help. Hartman and Duke have each heard of each other so Duke joins them for breakfast. Hartman decides he and Orly will join the wagon train allowing Orly to further heal. Hartman is taking him back to Dubuque for trial but he is trying to convince Orly to return the $50,000 he stole and hid to ease his sentence plus go straight. At the train Orly is seen by Dr. Wilson and his daughter Judy who are traveling with it. Orly softens as he gets to know the attractive Judy who he falls in love with. He is ready to return the money until Judy tells him she ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Patrick O'Shaughnessey has come from the old country to visit his daughter who he has not seen for twelve years on his way to his brother's place in California where he plans to live. He has received periodic bank drafts from a bank in Fort Cameron from her so he, Charlie and Duke went there looking for her. The bank told Charlie and Patrick they did not know who she was. However, Duke later talked to the bank manager who had an idea who she was. She is really Eve Newhope who owns a saloon in the mining camp/town Bitter Springs and the only woman there. She is single and very popular as she is the person who keeps everyone under control. Bill and Charlie deliver a package she ordered and tell her about her father. She doesn't want to disappoint him so Bill and Charlie along with her patrons decide to repair a house for her and Dan Ryan is picked to pose as her husband. Eve is not sold on the idea but goes along. Although she doesn't like deceiving her father, things are working out ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
Watch Episode
HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Patrick O'Shaughnessey has come from the old country to visit his daughter who he has not seen for twelve years on his way to his brother's place in California where he plans to live. He has received periodic bank drafts from a bank in Fort Cameron from her so he, Charlie and Duke went there looking for her. The bank told Charlie and Patrick they did not know who she was. However, Duke later talked to the bank manager who had an idea who she was. She is really Eve Newhope who owns a saloon in the mining camp/town Bitter Springs and the only woman there. She is single and very popular as she is the person who keeps everyone under control. Bill and Charlie deliver a package she ordered and tell her about her father. She doesn't want to disappoint him so Bill and Charlie along with her patrons decide to repair a house for her and Dan Ryan is picked to pose as her husband. Eve is not sold on the idea but goes along. Although she doesn't like deceiving her father, things are working out ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Kurt Devos is an immigrant blacksmith traveling alone except for his dog, Gretchen. After he finishes fixing a clip for another member of the train, Gretchen pops up out of Devos' wagon with cottage cheese on her face. It causes Florence Hastings to yell mad dog, grab Bill Hawks' pistol, start firing at Gretchen and then faint. She is very shy and deathly afraid of dogs so she cannot stand to be near Gretchen. While fetching water, a wild cow starts chasing her. Kurt and Gretchen who are nearby step in to rescue her. Kurt grabbing the cow by the horns holds on until Bill Hawks on a horse scares the cow away. Even after this Florence is too shy to thank Kurt although she wants to. Later, Florence accidentally knocks the brake off as they prepare the wagon to go down a very steep incline. The horses and wagon runaway with only her on the wagon. Kurt and Bill chase her on horseback. Kurt hits the ground severely hurting him while Bill stops the wagon. Kurt taken to a nearby town and ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Kurt Devos is an immigrant blacksmith traveling alone except for his dog, Gretchen. After he finishes fixing a clip for another member of the train, Gretchen pops up out of Devos' wagon with cottage cheese on her face. It causes Florence Hastings to yell mad dog, grab Bill Hawks' pistol, start firing at Gretchen and then faint. She is very shy and deathly afraid of dogs so she cannot stand to be near Gretchen. While fetching water, a wild cow starts chasing her. Kurt and Gretchen who are nearby step in to rescue her. Kurt grabbing the cow by the horns holds on until Bill Hawks on a horse scares the cow away. Even after this Florence is too shy to thank Kurt although she wants to. Later, Florence accidentally knocks the brake off as they prepare the wagon to go down a very steep incline. The horses and wagon runaway with only her on the wagon. Kurt and Bill chase her on horseback. Kurt hits the ground severely hurting him while Bill stops the wagon. Kurt taken to a nearby town and ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

An elderly woman, Mary Budgeon, on the wagon train is kidnapped by Indians during the night. The next day Bill Hawks and a priest, Father John Bernard, ride out to talk to the Indians who arrive with Mary who is unharmed. She says they will only return her when the chief's seriously ill son is taken by the wagon train to the doctor in Wayne and cured. But some travelers led by Ben Gill returning to Wayne don't want to do anything for the young Indian regardless of whether it costs the woman her life. The Indians attacked Wayne a couple of years earlier resulting in many people killed in Wayne. The priest, who is going through doubts of whether he is worthy of his calling, tries to help the Indian. Duke returns with Dr. Porter by telling him they have a sick woman. At first he refuses to look at the Indian but relents. After he checks the boy, he tells Bill what is wrong with the boy. They cannot take the boy with them nor can he return to his tribe. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
Watch Episode
HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

An elderly woman, Mary Budgeon, on the wagon train is kidnapped by Indians during the night. The next day Bill Hawks and a priest, Father John Bernard, ride out to talk to the Indians who arrive with Mary who is unharmed. She says they will only return her when the chief's seriously ill son is taken by the wagon train to the doctor in Wayne and cured. But some travelers led by Ben Gill returning to Wayne don't want to do anything for the young Indian regardless of whether it costs the woman her life. The Indians attacked Wayne a couple of years earlier resulting in many people killed in Wayne. The priest, who is going through doubts of whether he is worthy of his calling, tries to help the Indian. Duke returns with Dr. Porter by telling him they have a sick woman. At first he refuses to look at the Indian but relents. After he checks the boy, he tells Bill what is wrong with the boy. They cannot take the boy with them nor can he return to his tribe. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Patrick McGowan is not educated but an accomplished checker player beating everyone on the wagon train. Simon Levy, a Jew and educated man, with his daughter Rachel and young son David have come from the Old World to join the train and settle in California. Simon Levy and Patrick McGowan both consider themselves unbeatable at checkers, and when each loses to the other over several games their pride is hurt. Compounding things is that Patrick's son Sean and Simon's daughter Rachel are falling for each other despite their different faiths. Sean has been driving the Levy wagon since Simon cannot find a driver. Their young sons David and Tommy are constantly fighting although they are friends. A more dangerous situation develops when a rancher refuses to let the wagon train cross land on the way to the closest mountain pass unless each member of the train pays him a large amount of money. Levy and McGowan both prove themselves during the confrontation. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
Watch Episode
HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Patrick McGowan is not educated but an accomplished checker player beating everyone on the wagon train. Simon Levy, a Jew and educated man, with his daughter Rachel and young son David have come from the Old World to join the train and settle in California. Simon Levy and Patrick McGowan both consider themselves unbeatable at checkers, and when each loses to the other over several games their pride is hurt. Compounding things is that Patrick's son Sean and Simon's daughter Rachel are falling for each other despite their different faiths. Sean has been driving the Levy wagon since Simon cannot find a driver. Their young sons David and Tommy are constantly fighting although they are friends. A more dangerous situation develops when a rancher refuses to let the wagon train cross land on the way to the closest mountain pass unless each member of the train pays him a large amount of money. Levy and McGowan both prove themselves during the confrontation. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
Watch Episode
HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Chris Hale finds a gravely wounded Army officer, Major Dan Marriott, near the wagon train, whom he knew very well and stood up at his wedding. The officer is delirious and severely wounded from an Indian battle, but before he dies he says things which if true could seriously tarnish the image of a national hero, Shiloh Degnan. Chris takes the body back to Fort Bannerman himself to find the truth of the matter. There he finds Sgt. Pat Galloway who has been court-martialed and refuses to tell the full story even though it could save his Army career. Chris informs Dan's wife Louise about his death but questions her about what happened to her and Dan. However, she refuses to tell Chris the truth. At Dan's funeral Chris reads a bible passage that reveals the truth. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
Watch Episode
HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Chris Hale finds a gravely wounded Army officer, Major Dan Marriott, near the wagon train, whom he knew very well and stood up at his wedding. The officer is delirious and severely wounded from an Indian battle, but before he dies he says things which if true could seriously tarnish the image of a national hero, Shiloh Degnan. Chris takes the body back to Fort Bannerman himself to find the truth of the matter. There he finds Sgt. Pat Galloway who has been court-martialed and refuses to tell the full story even though it could save his Army career. Chris informs Dan's wife Louise about his death but questions her about what happened to her and Dan. However, she refuses to tell Chris the truth. At Dan's funeral Chris reads a bible passage that reveals the truth. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 6.7
60 min

The Chief of an Indian tribe has died with gifts of furs piled by the burial for his use. Afterwards, three white men who watched the burial ceremony steal the sacred items and wander into Bill Hawks camp, Hawks is shot and taken prisoner by the Indians, who assume he was acting with them. The Indians are led by the beautiful Princess Lisa Raincloud, daughter of the Chief, who hates whites bitterly because her white mother was savagely murdered by a white gang after marrying her Indian father. She orders that Hawks be put to death after he is well enough. But before he recuperates fully, Lisa and Hawks find themselves falling in love with each other, much to the displeasure of her lead warrior, Grey Wolf. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
Watch Episode
HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 6.7
60 min

The Chief of an Indian tribe has died with gifts of furs piled by the burial for his use. Afterwards, three white men who watched the burial ceremony steal the sacred items and wander into Bill Hawks camp, Hawks is shot and taken prisoner by the Indians, who assume he was acting with them. The Indians are led by the beautiful Princess Lisa Raincloud, daughter of the Chief, who hates whites bitterly because her white mother was savagely murdered by a white gang after marrying her Indian father. She orders that Hawks be put to death after he is well enough. But before he recuperates fully, Lisa and Hawks find themselves falling in love with each other, much to the displeasure of her lead warrior, Grey Wolf. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

The wagon train is in an arid section of the west and has been finding the water holes dry or poisoned leaving it short of water. Chris has sent Duke ahead to scout for water but he has not returned and the notes he has left say no water. Chris knows he can stop at Mavis Grant's outpost where she has a deep well that always has water. However, he has heard that she sells the water at prices meant to strip her customers of everything she can get. Complicating the situation is a member of the wagon train, John Maitland, a merchant. Chris asks the members of the train to follow his lead in making it appear they are not hurting for water. However, Maitland doesn't agree and upon entering the outpost yells out that the well is their savior telling Grant that they are hurting. With Duke not back yet Chris is in a quandary. The people are willing to pay $5 a barrel but Mavis wants $25. Chris decides to go on half rations to save money but Mavis' scout returns saying there is no water ahead. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

The wagon train is in an arid section of the west and has been finding the water holes dry or poisoned leaving it short of water. Chris has sent Duke ahead to scout for water but he has not returned and the notes he has left say no water. Chris knows he can stop at Mavis Grant's outpost where she has a deep well that always has water. However, he has heard that she sells the water at prices meant to strip her customers of everything she can get. Complicating the situation is a member of the wagon train, John Maitland, a merchant. Chris asks the members of the train to follow his lead in making it appear they are not hurting for water. However, Maitland doesn't agree and upon entering the outpost yells out that the well is their savior telling Grant that they are hurting. With Duke not back yet Chris is in a quandary. The people are willing to pay $5 a barrel but Mavis wants $25. Chris decides to go on half rations to save money but Mavis' scout returns saying there is no water ahead. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Bill along with Charlie and Duke are sent to town to pick up supplies. After they finish loading them, they head to the saloon for a quick drink where they find the crowd watching a poker game between John Augustus and a local Chinese merchant, Din Pau Yee. Yee runs out of funds but says he received a beautiful treasure that day which he would like to bet against Augustus for the pot which John accepts. Augustus wins the hand with three kings over Yee's three queens. Yee sends his assistant, Ceong Wai Kok, for the treasure. Augustus who had signed on with the Hale wagon train that day recognizes Charlie. For two bottles of whiskey Bill and Charlie agree to wait and take the treasure he won to the wagon train as he needs to leave. After consuming half of the bottles, the treasure, a beautiful Chinese girl, is left with them at the saloon. She is a surprise to Augustus as well when they return to the train. They don't tell Chris who is mad at them for being late and drunk. The people ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
Watch Episode
HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Bill along with Charlie and Duke are sent to town to pick up supplies. After they finish loading them, they head to the saloon for a quick drink where they find the crowd watching a poker game between John Augustus and a local Chinese merchant, Din Pau Yee. Yee runs out of funds but says he received a beautiful treasure that day which he would like to bet against Augustus for the pot which John accepts. Augustus wins the hand with three kings over Yee's three queens. Yee sends his assistant, Ceong Wai Kok, for the treasure. Augustus who had signed on with the Hale wagon train that day recognizes Charlie. For two bottles of whiskey Bill and Charlie agree to wait and take the treasure he won to the wagon train as he needs to leave. After consuming half of the bottles, the treasure, a beautiful Chinese girl, is left with them at the saloon. She is a surprise to Augustus as well when they return to the train. They don't tell Chris who is mad at them for being late and drunk. The people ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

With every new Chris Hale wagon train there is a probationary period everyone agrees to. If they or their gear do not meet muster, they can be dropped from the wagon train at Hanover. This time Caleb Lefton is having trouble. Bill has been helping him practice driving his team. He is slowing learning but the delays are straining the patience of businessman Martin Gatsby who wants to get west to open a new business. He is traveling with his wife and two hands: Jeb Colton, ex-wagon master and a Mexican cook named Arizona. Martin is complaining to Chris about the delays and Chris' own rules of the train which may force Chris to leave the Leftons behind. Chris reminds Martin that he too is violating the rules due to an overloaded wagon with an expensive dresser and wood stove along with unneeded camping accessories. Tragedy hits the Leftons while Gatsby and his wife must face their own issues as well the advice of Colton who hates Chris. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

With every new Chris Hale wagon train there is a probationary period everyone agrees to. If they or their gear do not meet muster, they can be dropped from the wagon train at Hanover. This time Caleb Lefton is having trouble. Bill has been helping him practice driving his team. He is slowing learning but the delays are straining the patience of businessman Martin Gatsby who wants to get west to open a new business. He is traveling with his wife and two hands: Jeb Colton, ex-wagon master and a Mexican cook named Arizona. Martin is complaining to Chris about the delays and Chris' own rules of the train which may force Chris to leave the Leftons behind. Chris reminds Martin that he too is violating the rules due to an overloaded wagon with an expensive dresser and wood stove along with unneeded camping accessories. Tragedy hits the Leftons while Gatsby and his wife must face their own issues as well the advice of Colton who hates Chris. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

The entire wagon train crew waits outside Beaver City for a woman who calls herself Delphine who wants to join the wagon train. She shows up in a patent medicine wagon escorted by several men led by Mayor Hadden from Beaver City who tells the crew Delphine is a con woman who leaves with them or spends six months in the Beaver City jail. All but Charlie vote for taking her on to liven up the wagon train. Madame Sagittarius, a fortune teller and psychic, is suspected of being a con woman by the rest of the passengers on the wagon train who take to ignoring her. Particularly hostile is the father of a young woman who wants to keep his daughter from a young man of whom he disapproves. Charlie softening toward Delphine begins bringing her food and sewing clothes for her. When Charlie brings the young couple to Delphine, she takes them in and shelters the young couple. Wooster's takes a liking to the Madame, and soon the two develop a romance and plans to wed. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

The entire wagon train crew waits outside Beaver City for a woman who calls herself Delphine who wants to join the wagon train. She shows up in a patent medicine wagon escorted by several men led by Mayor Hadden from Beaver City who tells the crew Delphine is a con woman who leaves with them or spends six months in the Beaver City jail. All but Charlie vote for taking her on to liven up the wagon train. Madame Sagittarius, a fortune teller and psychic, is suspected of being a con woman by the rest of the passengers on the wagon train who take to ignoring her. Particularly hostile is the father of a young woman who wants to keep his daughter from a young man of whom he disapproves. Charlie softening toward Delphine begins bringing her food and sewing clothes for her. When Charlie brings the young couple to Delphine, she takes them in and shelters the young couple. Wooster's takes a liking to the Madame, and soon the two develop a romance and plans to wed. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Traveling trader Samuel Schofield breaking up a fight between Ute women notices that one woman is blonde and white. As she asks him for help, he notices a locket she is wearing. He asks her if she knows the name Caroline Casteel to which she nods yes. He strikes a deal to buy her from the Ute brave who owns her and takes her to the wagon train for protection. Duke meets him while scouting the Ute hunting party. Duke returns to the wagon train with the news that Caroline Casteel has been found. Chris sends Duke to Lincoln Center for her husband Frank who has offered a sizable reward for her return and is one of the wealthiest men in the region. The crew of the wagon train along with several women work to make Caroline welcome. However, many of the men and especially the women show their hostility toward Caroline for living with the Indians and their hatred of Indians. Frank Casteel and his son Jamie return with Duke to the wagon train. Frank thinking his wife was dead finds it hard to ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Traveling trader Samuel Schofield breaking up a fight between Ute women notices that one woman is blonde and white. As she asks him for help, he notices a locket she is wearing. He asks her if she knows the name Caroline Casteel to which she nods yes. He strikes a deal to buy her from the Ute brave who owns her and takes her to the wagon train for protection. Duke meets him while scouting the Ute hunting party. Duke returns to the wagon train with the news that Caroline Casteel has been found. Chris sends Duke to Lincoln Center for her husband Frank who has offered a sizable reward for her return and is one of the wealthiest men in the region. The crew of the wagon train along with several women work to make Caroline welcome. However, many of the men and especially the women show their hostility toward Caroline for living with the Indians and their hatred of Indians. Frank Casteel and his son Jamie return with Duke to the wagon train. Frank thinking his wife was dead finds it hard to ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.2

When gunfire is heard, Hale circles the wagons and sends Bill and Duke to determine the cause. They see Comancheros leaving the site of the wreckage of another small wagon train that was attacked. The only person they find alive is a young Comanchero who warns Hale that his group is planning to attack Hale's wagon train as well, and tells them how and when. He says the Comancheros are split into two groups with one group three days away. Though Hale is inclined to believe the young man, Hawks is skeptical, believing his story may be a trap. Many of the train's passengers believe this as well, and are angry when Hale recruits some of the men to come with him to wipe out the local Comancheros. When some of the men are killed, anger turns particularly against Hale and the young Comanchero, and a mutiny develops. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.2

When gunfire is heard, Hale circles the wagons and sends Bill and Duke to determine the cause. They see Comancheros leaving the site of the wreckage of another small wagon train that was attacked. The only person they find alive is a young Comanchero who warns Hale that his group is planning to attack Hale's wagon train as well, and tells them how and when. He says the Comancheros are split into two groups with one group three days away. Though Hale is inclined to believe the young man, Hawks is skeptical, believing his story may be a trap. Many of the train's passengers believe this as well, and are angry when Hale recruits some of the men to come with him to wipe out the local Comancheros. When some of the men are killed, anger turns particularly against Hale and the young Comanchero, and a mutiny develops. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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