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HD The Untouchables

The Untouchables


The Untouchables

IMDb: 8.1
52 min

Narcotics smuggler Dino Patrone returns to the United States after visiting the old country for several months. He brings his younger sister Carla with him as she plans on studying in the U.S. Little does Dino know that his boss Victor Bardo has ordered his best friend Willie Asher to kill him. Traveling on the train to Chicago, Dino meets an acquaintance, print and radio journalist Loren Hall. Dino soon meets his end and it falls to Hall, who reluctantly agrees to work with Eliot Ness, to help Carla Patrone after she is kidnapped by the mobsters. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama,
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HD The Untouchables

The Untouchables


The Untouchables

IMDb: 8.1
52 min

Narcotics smuggler Dino Patrone returns to the United States after visiting the old country for several months. He brings his younger sister Carla with him as she plans on studying in the U.S. Little does Dino know that his boss Victor Bardo has ordered his best friend Willie Asher to kill him. Traveling on the train to Chicago, Dino meets an acquaintance, print and radio journalist Loren Hall. Dino soon meets his end and it falls to Hall, who reluctantly agrees to work with Eliot Ness, to help Carla Patrone after she is kidnapped by the mobsters. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama,
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HD Peter Gunn

Peter Gunn


Peter Gunn

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

An alcoholic hires Gunn to keep him off the sauce for 12 hours so he can sober up and put on a good appearance for his daughter, who is arriving on a plane the next day.

Country: USA
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HD Peter Gunn

Peter Gunn


Peter Gunn

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

An alcoholic hires Gunn to keep him off the sauce for 12 hours so he can sober up and put on a good appearance for his daughter, who is arriving on a plane the next day.

Country: USA
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HD Quincy M.E.

Quincy M.E.


Quincy M.E.

IMDb: 6.1
60 min

Quincy develops anxiety when his wife-to-be pressures him to sell his boat in preparation for their pending nuptials. At work, Quincy rechecks the results regarding an apparently natural death from old age when the man's wife claims she killed the old guy.

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HD Quincy M.E.

Quincy M.E.


Quincy M.E.

IMDb: 6.1
60 min

Quincy develops anxiety when his wife-to-be pressures him to sell his boat in preparation for their pending nuptials. At work, Quincy rechecks the results regarding an apparently natural death from old age when the man's wife claims she killed the old guy.

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HD The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk


The Incredible Hulk

IMDb: 7.5
48 min

David 'Braynard' is arrested for carrying explosives for his little old landlady and employer, Lucy Cash. Then, via blackmail, he is forced by Lucy's jilted ex-boyfriend Agent DeKalb to help the FBI catch her. The old lady, however, finds out about his other secret and guilts him into helping with the heist.

Country: USA
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HD The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk


The Incredible Hulk

IMDb: 7.5
48 min

David 'Braynard' is arrested for carrying explosives for his little old landlady and employer, Lucy Cash. Then, via blackmail, he is forced by Lucy's jilted ex-boyfriend Agent DeKalb to help the FBI catch her. The old lady, however, finds out about his other secret and guilts him into helping with the heist.

Country: USA
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HD Daniel Boone

Daniel Boone


Daniel Boone

IMDb: 7.2
60 min

With Daniel and Jericho away and Choctaw chief Gabriel and his warriors on the warpath, a happy and peaceful Thanksgiving is in doubt. Then Rebecca's Irish father Timothy Patrick Bryan shows up and, in order not to disappoint his grandson Israel, who believes his yarns, invites the Indians to Thanksgiving dinner. Written by bobbymaxwell

Country: USA
Genre: Adventure, Western,
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HD Daniel Boone

Daniel Boone


Daniel Boone

IMDb: 7.3

While out hunting, Daniel and Cincinnatus come upon Timothy the peddler just after he has scared off a group of Shawnee. In Boonesborough they learn he's looking for his daughter Becky, Daniel's wife, whom he abandoned when he walked out on her mother many years earlier in Ireland. Their reunion is not a happy one. Written by bobbymaxwell

Country: USA
Genre: Adventure, Western,
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HD Diff\'rent Strokes

Diff\'rent Strokes


Diff\'rent Strokes

IMDb: 7.1
24 min

As part of his cub scout project, Sam must go to a retirement home and adopt a grandparent to work on a model airplane. However, when his adopted grandparent storms out on him, Sam is left feeling down in the dumps.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

After coming upon the apparent remains of a stagecoach, Coop tells Hawks the story of the Earp brothers and The Silver Lady, a woman who died in a fiery stagecoach wreck with $20,000 in silver coins melted around her. First assuming her to be singer Anne Reed, a townsman in gave her an elaborate burial service, but then Anne Reed arrived very much alive, and revealed that the real Silver Lady was a saloon girl. The Earps and Doc Holliday investigate who attempted to hold up the stage and caused the accident. And yes, it's not a misprint, Michael Burns is really playing Morgan Earp in this episode rather than his regular role as Barnaby. Written by rbecker28

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.5
75 min

As the train nears Sacramento it prepares to disband. The wagon train has survived births, deaths, marriages, and seven Indian attacks. Many friends and rivalries have been created. The families are from different cultures and backgrounds but they have meshed to make it this far but there are always last minute issues that crop up such as Heather Browne who needs a C-section but the only doctor is afraid to perform it and an old dying man who wants Chris to ensure his last wishes are followed. Lastly, the crew is waiting for their pay so they can celebrate but are not anxious to sign up for another year. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

The staff has been noticing a camp fire behind the wagon train for a while so Bill goes out to investigate. He is greeted by a large growling dog and then a person behind him with a rifle. The person turns out to be thirteen year Barnaby West Jr. who is traveling from Virginia on foot to Sacramento to find his dad. He and Bill have supper together so when Bill doesn't return Duke comes looking for him and is clubbed over the head by the over zealous boy trying to protect himself. The boy regales Bill and others with stories about his dad as one of the greatest frontiersmen of all time. The boy is a loner but he takes to Bill who is the first father figure he has known. Barnaby and the dog, Rusty, decide to stay by themselves but Rusty's lack of friendliness toward anyone other than Barnaby and Bill cause him to get into trouble. Bill and some boys pick up the fact Barnaby is reading a dime novel which is leading to the stories about his father. What will they find, when they reach ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.1
60 min

As the wagon train stops outside Sacramento, California, its destination, the members of the train give Chris an engraved gold watch to express their appreciation. Later, Chris seeing a carriage with two women and a runaway team stops the horses. Mrs. Heather Mahoney is quite thankful in contrast to her mother, Mrs. O'Hara. Heather, a widow, finds Chris interesting and asks him to stop by for dinner in appreciation to which he agrees. Chris asks the crew to stop by her house to tell her when he is available. Duke, upon meeting her realizes she is quite beautiful and wealthy. He along with Bill and Charlie decide she might influence Chris to quit the wagon train business. After Chris' dinner with Heather he learns he has competition for Heather and the crew tries to breakup the relationship between Chris and Heather. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Chris has picked Duke to escort Hiram Winthrop and his wife to San Marcos where he is taking over as the new Indian Agent for the Apache reservation. He has offered Duke a job as his Deputy Indian Agent given Duke's experience. Hiram is an Easterner with his own ideas of how the Apache should be treated. Duke accepts the job and tells Chris he will not be returning to the train as he wants a steady job where he can put down roots. Chris grudgingly accepts his resignation but Bill tries to warn Duke about Hiram which Duke does not take kindly to. After they reach San Marcos, Hiram and Duke learn the Army has abandoned the local fort, the main rancher Riatt hates the Apache, and the Apache are starving as they have not received the beef that was bought for them from Riatt. Hiram's ideas on the Apache becoming farmers are rebuffed by the Apache Chief Two Arrows. Duke and Hiram find themselves in the middle of a budding Indian War. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Bill and Charlie have been sent to a small town near an Ute reservation. They tried dealing with T.J. Gingle who is a major player in the town but he wanted twice the price for wore out horses. They spot three men beating up a lone man in an alley. After breaking up the fight, they help the man, an Ute, with his wounds who Bill suddenly recognizes. Bill caught him as a young Ute brave and turned him over to the Army. He now goes by the name John Turnbull and graduated from Columbia Law School back East. He is now trying to represent his Ute tribe against Gingle and others who want to grab their land for development. John's partner, Jacob Solomon, is helping by being the lawyer of record due to the local judge, Judge Burkhardt, keeping John from practicing. Bill decides to buy the horses they need from the Utes which gives them the money they need to file their lawsuit. This puts Bill and Charlie in the middle of the land fight which turns nasty when hired gun, Jack Thorne, kills ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Duke rides onto the Casper farm looking for water where Mrs. Casper greets him by calling him Jason. While Duke waters his horse, Mrs. Casper tells her husband Joe that Jason Carter is back. Joe saddles a horse to ride over to the Carter farm to tell them. He tells Frank Carter Jason is back. Frank is a step-brother to Jason and step-son of Mary Carter who owns the Carter farm. Meanwhile, Duke rides into the local town where people stare at him. Cyrus Bolton seeing him from his office window, goes outside and tells Duke to come into his office - at gunpoint. Once inside, Duke pulls his gun but Cyrus tells him he just wanted him off the street. Duke is a slighter older version of Jason Carter who everyone believes ran off but only Cyrus knows he is dead after stealing money from Cyrus. His disappearance caused Mary Carter to freeze time believing Jason will be back any moment. Cyrus wants to use Duke to awaken her from her frozen view of time but someone else takes a shot at Duke and ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Flint along with Bill and Charlie stop in a empty saloon for a beer. Charlie asks the bartender if he would cut high card for the beers. The bartender tells them that is up to Lace Andrews instead of him. The name causes Flint to ask where Andrews is and when the bartender is slow to respond Flint nearly chokes him to death until Bill steps in to stop him and sends Charlie for Chris. Flint lapses into his memory where he recalls that eight years ago three men robbed his fiancé, Nancy Lee Davis, of their silver wedding gifts. During the robbery she is shot in a struggle and dies later in Flint's arms. He sets out on their trail. He is eventually wounded and nearly dies from an infection but is nursed back to health by Loretta, a saloon girl who falls in love with Flint. The wound causes him to lose the trail of the third man, Lace Andrews, until now.. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

Alex Lamont is a womanizing gambler on the wagon train. He persuaded the old maid Martha Lane to loan him $500 which he promised to pay back. Her brother, Frank, dislikes him. However, Alex lost $2000 so he needs another $1500 which he owes Robert Waring who wants his money - fast. Martha is distraught as she watches Alex fawn over the young Ginny Becket and her equally beautiful mother Mary who is a widowed school teacher. Mary has tried to warn Ginny about Alex but to no avail. As Waring increases the pressure on Alex due to Waring wanting to leave the wagon train, Alex has to speed up his move on Mary who has $3000 saved. He allows Ginny to see him passionately kiss Mary while the wagon train is having a dance. Ginny, upset, is mad at her mother and is taken in by the Lanes. When Alex is found dead, stabbed with Mary's knife Ginny is the prime suspect. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

A posse is pursuing two men who have hid due to winded horses. The posse misses them but the men know they need fresh horses as the posse will be back. They come upon Charlie using a horse to collect firewood but he refuses to trade and is backed up by Bill Hawks. The men decide to spend the night with the wagon train so their horses can recover. Bill and Duke recognize the leader as Jud Steele who is a wanted gunfighter. That night Bill catches them trying to steal two fresh horses. He confronts Steele who for some reason doesn't cock and pull the trigger letting Bill kill him. They bury the body and Bill decides to ride to the nearest town to report the shooting. Upon riding into town he finds a monument and gravestone for the man he killed. The sheriff and the town say Steele was killed five years earlier while sheriff during a payroll robbery but Bill isn't convinced and knows they are hiding something. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Sheriff Signor and several men escort Ben Morrell and his son Terry to the passing wagon train to see if Ben and Terry can join. They are met by Duke who tells them they can join. Ben is a surly man with a hairy eyebrow and a mole that makes him look evil along with the attitude. He and Terry don't mix with the others including the wagon train staff. Rumors develop based on the Sheriff's escort that they may have been run out of town. In addition, Letty Morse who has been unable to conceive a child but wants one takes a strong interest in Terry who claims Ben is not his father. At the same time Charlie has a severe toothache that forces Bill to send him and Duke back to the town to see a dentist. When they return, they have the full story on Ben and Terry but all is not as it seems plus the Morrells have left the train after being confronted about their status. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

Chris took a wagon to the nearby Wyoming Territorial Prison to pick up his brother, Levi, who was imprisoned there ten years ago. Chris assumed Levi was pardoned but learns instead that Levi is paroled to Chris. Once Levi leaves Wyoming he can never return or he will be hanged. Levi is older than Chris and the time in prison has taken its toll on him. From Levi's appearance and the comments of the warden it is apparent Levi is being released so he won't die in prison. The two rejoin the wagon train which is two to three days from Utah. Bill and Charlie know Levi's past but Duke only knows some details about his early days as Jim Bridger's scout and as a U.S. Marshall from Duke's grandfather. When the train receives a visit from Sheriff Rudge and his deputies, Levi's past comes back to haunt him. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

The wagon train is crossing the Shag Dorty ranch which is massive and the area they are in is a bog when it rains which could stop the wagons. Young newlyweds, Cole and Helen Crawford have joined the wagon train and it is obvious that Helen is a stranger to being a wife and cook. She is quite beautiful which draws the attention of the men but the ire of the wives. The Dorty foreman, Frank, visits the train and spots Helen which he reports to Blake, Shag's son, at the ranch house where Shag is praising him for running off and burning out squatters. Upon hearing about Helen, Blake decides to take Frank and go after her. At the wagon train he belittles them as their wagon is falling apart and tells Helen she is soon to be a widow. He eventually tells the train she was a saloon girl who entertained men. Blake eventually drags Cole into a fight but Helen shoots and kills him. Only Chris is willing to stand up with them when Shag returns with his men. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

A small party must split off from the wagon train to cross a lowlands that turns into a swamp when it rains. Chris assigns Flint along with Bill and Charlie to lead the small group. They are early for the wet season as rains can turn the area into an impassible swamp. Flint led a similar group the year before but only he and Chris know the details. A local Indian tribe warns the group not to cross the lowlands because of a swamp creature they have heard but not seen. As they enter the lowlands a rain storm breaks out causing Flint to order the people unload anything they don't absolutely need in order to get through. This angers the group but they reluctantly follow his orders. As they move forward Flint comes across part of a wagon that previously tried to cross. They soon start to hear noises that sound like music from an organ or piano. When Flint doesn't return from checking on the sounds, Bill and Charlie go looking for him followed by the others the next morning. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.3
60 min

Duke Shannon comes across the Ute medicine man Running Bear who was staked out to die by his tribe. He knows Chris and asks to be taken to the wagon train. Chris is willing to let him travel with the train. He knows that the Utes have a custom of killing their medicine men when they let more than five people die. George B. Hanrahan who is an old political shyster from back east decides to take Running Bear in with him and his nephew Tim Hogan who went to prison for George and is bossed around by George under threat of being taken out of his will. When George learns Running Bear can tell fortunes with a set of bones, he has Running Bear entertain people with them. However, when Running Bear tosses the bones for George, he refuses to tell what they say. Eventually he informs George they say he will die in five days. After that George becomes increasingly nervous and drives Running Bear away thinking he is trying to kill him. When all the facts come out the crew and even Chris have no ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

On a stormy night a single wagon with Jethro Creech and his daughter Ruth approaches the wagon train. Creech demands to see the wagon master. As Chris approaches Creech's team of horses runs away scared by lightening dragging Creech. Creech is able to hold on to the reins and stop the horses. His white horse is part Arabian and very high strung. Later, Baylor Crofoot, the wagon train school teacher, spots the daughter Ruth getting water so he offers to help. This raises the ire of her father who tells Baylor to stay away from Ruth. He only respects those with the courage to stand up to him but so far no one meets the criteria. Jethro sits in on Baylor's class and leaves telling the students book learning is not what they need. Things come to a head when Jethro puts on his medicine man show with his patent elixir that evening and reveals a secret about Ruth. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Flint is scouting ahead when he comes on buzzards and an apparent Indian massacre of a wagon. He spots Gabe Billings in the rocks with a gun on him as Gabe's father Amos Billings comes out. They eventually back down and each disarm. Amos is sporting a Union blue hat with a Confederate gray coat. He admits to being a galvanized Yankee - a Confederate POW who agreed to join the Union Army on the frontier against the Indians for his freedom. He says he has opened a trading post and a new road that would save the wagon train a week or more and is safer in terms of Indians. Flint is against it but agrees to take them back to the train to talk to Chris. Chris despite pleas from members of the train agrees with Flint. However, he agrees to send Flint to scout the supposed new route while the train waits for three days. Flint finds things are not as they seem after he runs into a woman trying to escape her husband. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

The wagon train is approaching the area where the Donner party was lost. The military has warned them that the Bannock tribe is causing problems and bad weather is possible so Chris decides they should stop the wagon train until there is clear weather so they can cross the pass safely. However, one family lead by John Muskie objects because they must reach California before January 15 to claim a gold mine they are to inherit. Duke is growing close to pretty Marie Muskie. Flint refuses to take the family across alone so Chris decides he and Duke will take them. Early in the trip a wagon wheel rolls over Dukes foot injuring him. They decide to leave him at a deserted cabin nearby with plenty of food until Chris can return to pick him up. Chris and the family have a hard time with Marie dying but Chris gets them to the top of the pass. Meanwhile, Duke out for wood comes back to find a group of the Bannock stealing all his supplies. Later, he wounds a single brave in his cabin but who ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Sgt. Kile and Cpl. Ben Rawlings are on a mountain peak when they see two men riding on a mountain trail in the distance. Kile takes a shot at the men wounding one of them which happens to be Chris riding with Duke. The Sgt. is part of a patrol under rookie Lt. Burton who is on his first assignment after arriving from West Point two weeks ago. Chris and Duke take cover thinking they are under attack from scavengers when the patrol arrives lead by Lt. Burton who apologizes for Kiles. The patrol is looking for two young men who deserted from Kiles' company. Lt. Burton tells Chris and Duke who realize Sgt. Kiles is running things how he would be lost without Sgt. Kiles who knows it since Lt. Burton is so new. The patrol moves on while Chris and Duke return to the wagon train. There they learn the two deserters were with the train for a couple days working to obtain supplies. They have left with instructions from Flint. The troop tracking the deserters ends up at the wagon train where ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Judge Clay along with his family is being transferred - again - to a new frontier town. Known for his strict and usually harsh interpretation of the law his send off is less than friendly when the locals hang a scarecrow on his wagon. His wife and teenage son are affected by the bullying more than the Judge. Charlie prepares a lavish meal of his stew to welcome them but afterwards the Judge is confronted by members of the train led by John Cole about the harsh sentences given in some of his trials. The Judge's son, Ethan, has been reading the law with his father but begins to neglect it when John Cole's sister, Frances. shows an interest in him and he in her. John and Frances have already raised questions about being siblings as they don't look alike or act like siblings. Chris sees a problem developing between Cole and Clay but has no success in preventing Judge Clay from having to face trying his own son. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

Charlie becomes concerned when three boys are all complaining about a bad day when he offers then blackberry pie on what to him seems a good day. Against Chris's normal rules he decides to snoop. The two younger boys are worried about their parents actions. Steve Brewster damaged his dad's pocket watch which he tries to hide and Davey Adams was accused by his mother of trying to kill his new baby sister which was not true. Sixteen year old Jeff Hartfield has the biggest issue. His dad is about hang for a robbery and his step-sister's boyfriend Dallas is threatening him with being put in an orphanage. Link Hartfield stole $30,000 which Dallas and JennyHartfield want to keep if they can find it. Wooster learns the three boys are going to runoff together so he and Chris decide to stage a fight so Charlie can runoff as well and follow them rather than tell the parents the truth. Things don't go well for Charlie or the boys when a storm comes up plus Dallas learns the truth and follows ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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