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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Cowboy Lonnie Fallon is in love with Kathy Jennings---but her strict father forbids the relationship.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

The wagon train comes upon a terrified young boy wandering on the trail who has just seen his father murdered by a bandit gang. Bill and Flint take him under their wing and try to help him recover. The boy in shock is unable to talk but through other means they find his father and bury him but given what was left behind it is unclear why the father was killed. Embittered Confederate Civil War vet Ed Beaufort tells the boy that taking vengeance on the men who killed his father is the best way to recover which does not help the situation. Later, a traveling musician, Dr. Denker, joins the wagon train. He says he is carrying a load of precious instruments for San Francisco. He and the kids on the train including Billy hit it off as he teaches them to play various instruments. However, it soon becomes evident that Billy's situation is connected to the doctor wishing to join the wagon train which causes Billy to run away from the doctor and the wagon train. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.3
60 min

Chris has sent Duke to scout a new pass through rough territory. When duke breaks the cinch on his saddle, he is grateful when he comes across the campfire of Malachi Hobart who feeds him and repairs his saddle the next morning. Hobart sounds like a preacher who has his faith in the Lord so he has few cares other than helping his fellow man. Duke continues on to a nearby town where he looks up the older couple George and Martha Gresham who he knows. Martha is home but tells Duke that George is assumed to have drowned in a flash flood while fishing as only his boat was found. She was thankful Malachi Hobart wondered into the area at that time. He was a great comfort to her and preformed a service for her since they had no funeral as there was no body. Not only did she give Hobart the $300 life savings her and George collected so that Hobart would pray George, who had a less than sterling reputation, into heaven. Hobart also raised over $1000 in town during a service. As Martha and Duke... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.6
60 min

Due to a water shortage Chris cannot afford to wait any longer for the three Andrews wagons that are to join the wagon train. Duke is sent to guide the wagons by a dangerous route to join the train further down the line. Chris feels Andrews may be unwilling to take the alternate route due to his past experience in the area.. When Duke finds them, he encounters resistance from the three men in the group. One, Clyde Montgomery, refuses to relieve his burden by giving up his goods he plans on selling. Another man, Hobie Redman has turned to drink after losing his family on the same trail. He is driving the wagon for a woman, Ruth Carlson, and her two young daughters. The third man,Glen Andrews, does not want to face up to his role in the tragedy that resulted in Redman losing his family on the same trail Duke wants them to follow. Turing back is not an option due to a lack of water. Duke is able to persuade them to follow his orders but when their first water hole comes up dry he faces ... Written by anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

Given the rough period the wagon train has been having, Chris decides it is time for a hoedown to pick up everyone's spirits. However, he notices young Janey Cutler and Dick Pederson are not at the dance so he checks on them. Janey with a smudged face is busy handling the chores at the wagon she shares with her pregnant mother who is close to full-term and five younger sisters. Mrs. Cutler's husband has passed away so Janey has tried to pick up the slack created by her father's death. Chris tries to persuade her to attend the dance but she is busy with the chores and a mother who can't due much due to her condition. Meanwhile, Dick is off playing with Janey's younger sisters which seems suspicious to Janey. Why would a nearly adult man want to play young girl's games. Janey wants Dick to stay away from her and especially her sisters. When Janey's sisters start falling sick one by one with diphtheria, Dick volunteers to drive their isolated wagon even though he has no immunity. Mrs. ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.4
60 min

As Martin Onyx, a famous guide and scout, bends over to fill his canteen at a water hole in the desert, a single shot kills him fired by two men waiting for him. They leave the body where it fell. Later, a man on foot finds the body and takes an interest in his hat. When he rolls the body over he discovers he looks almost identical to the dead man. A telegram on the body says that the mayor of Purgatory Wells is waiting for Martin to fill a job the town has. The man takes the dead man's clothes as he has decided to take his name since there may be money to be had. The man stumbles on Flint and Duke's camp at a small water source. They are scouting for water for the train. The fake Martin Oynx takes their cooked rabbit at gun point but passes out. Flint stays with the sick man while Duke goes back to the wagon train to guide it to Purgatory Wells. Flint soon realizes Martin isn't who he says he is but decides to keep it to himself as Purgatory Wells is hoping Martin will save their ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Hungry for meat Bill and Duke go buffalo hunting without Charlie who decides to show them up by going alone. Duke and Bill strike out but Charlie finds a lone buffalo bull trapped in some logs with an arrow in his shoulder. Soft hearted Charlie can't bring himself to shoot the wounded animal so he pulls the arrow and frees the animal. He tries to shoo the animal away but the buffalo takes a liking to Charlie and follows him back to camp where Charlie surprises Bill, Duke, and Chris with his find still alive. He decides to adopt Clyde as his pet and trains him to let Charlie ride him with a saddle. Of course almost immediately Clyde creates trouble. First he and Charlie knock down Mrs. Seidell's laundry and then he interferes with John Sherman's attempt to breed his prize cows and bull. However, the breaking point occurs when a starving Arapahoe hunting party comes into camp. Chris is forced to give them most of their food to save Clyde. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 9.4
60 min

Christopher Hale uses the Bettina May family as an example of how wagon train life is often affected by the families that make up the wagon train and the lives they lead. Bettina is a widow of an Army officer who is traveling west with her two sons, Arthur and Nathan, their wives and kids and daughter Ginny who ix expecting her first child along with husband Gene. Her kids are all tied to her apron strings which is causing friction between Bettina and the two daughter-in-laws and Ginny and Gene. An incident between two of the grandsons in which one boy is injured by a thrown rock brings things to a boil when Bettina pushes the mothers out to comfort the injured grandson. The problems are visible to the wagon train staff who try to avoid the conflict until a fight between Rose and Arthur causes him to runoff. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Flint and Charlie are bringing horses they had bought at Fort Henderson from Major Hansen back when they see a poster offering a $10,000 reward for Angel de Muerte (angel of death). Muerte has been a problem for everyone including the Army and wagon trains some of whom have been wiped out by him. Flint raising his arm sends a signal to a group of masked men who approach the pair and steal the horses. Before leaving the men the leader of the group hands Flint a package. The reluctant Charlie takes Flint as a prisoner to the wagon train where he tells Christopher Hale what happened. Flint admits to helping steal the horses so when Major Hansen arrives from Fort Henderson a trial is held in which Hale sentences Flint to 20 lashes with a bull whip and banishment from the wagon train. After Sgt. Oakes completes the sentence, Flint in deep pain rides off. Later, Bill, Chris and Major Hansen ride out for a secret meeting - with Flint. Bill learns the Major helped fake the robbery as Flint ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Charlie Wooster and Bill Hawks stop in a nearby town to pick up supplies. When they go to load the supplies in the wagon, they find a beautiful woman, Lizabeth Ann Calhoun, sitting in it waiting to talk to them. She tells Bill that a young man is chasing her thinking he is in love with her so she would like to join their wagon train to escape him. She can afford the fee to join. The next day she is to join the train but is late. Bill rides to locate her finding her wagon stuck in a hole but unharmed as is she. They join the train where Chris assigns Charlie as her driver. She takes an interest in Bill inviting him to her wagon for dinner alone until she learns he fought for the union. She then sets her sights on Duke which pits the two men against each other. Meanwhile, the wagon train is visited by Major Hanley and his Army troop who are the lookout for counterfeit money printed by ex-Confederates. They have found the plates but not the money. Later, Lon Harper is found stranded and ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Flint is ahead of the wagon train scouting one of the more difficult and high passes late in the year when snow has already made a showing. The Shoshones are in the area looking for food before winter sets in and they are hostile. Flint spots a woman with a man who is taking aim at an elk but suddenly appears to change his aim to another man on a hill. All are dressed in European safari gear. Flint yells out causing the man to fire into the air. The man on the hill is Lord Bruce Saybrook from England, the woman is his wife Diana, and the man shooting is his brother Tommy. Back in camp is an employee of Saybrook's newspapers, Bevan Alston, who is an artist. Saybrook has paid off their guides and forced the four of them to stay there. Flint tries to tell him they need to leave because of the Shoshones but he refuses to listen although the other three want to leave. There is definite tension among the group that bubbles up when someone takes a shot at Flint and Saybrook while they are ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.8
60 min

Mark Miner and his younger brother Matthew join the wagon train after making it appear their own wagon has broken down. The passengers of the train enjoy Mark's guitar and singing, but soon items and money begin disappearing. What they don't realize is that the two brothers want to frame Duke Shannon for the thievery, because they blame him for the imprisonment of their father and want revenge for it. Written by anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

While out scouting Duke finds Angie Matthewson, Flint's foster mother, near death. After staying with her overnight, Duke running late returns to the train to get Flint. Before she dies, she asks Flint to find her son Artie, with whom Flint has never gotten along. Angie tells Flint Artie is in the boom town of Richfield Diggings. Flint arrives to find the sheriff's posse returning with a dead body and he receives a very cold reception from everyone. Eventually a bartender lets Artie know a stranger is looking for him. Artie is busy with his girlfriend Melanie Sanders who is concerned about Artie's safety and the conflict between him and her foreman, Nick Fears. Artie sends the sheriff to bring Flint to him. Flint crosses paths with Melanie before meeting Artie and learning he has been elected mayor. Flint tells Artie that their mother has died while asking for Artie. It becomes apparent that he is up to his old ways hiring gunmen to enforce his rule but the businessmen and people of ... Written by anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.7
60 min

Chris and Duke along with Ed Linders are out looking for scavengers when they spot Jenna Douglas by herself. Linders notices a strait jacket nearby but doesn't mention it to the others. They take Jenna back to the train where she is attended to by Dr. David Miller. He has above average skills as he trained for years in Europe with several doctors who were trying new methods with mental patients. Jenna is a widow who husband was in the Civil War but has panic attacks especially related to fires. After she rebuffs a pass by Linders, he reveals the strait jacket which indicates she escaped from a mental hospital. It causes most of the members of the train to shy away from her but Dr. Miller who she is riding with tells her he can help her if she will cooperate. Slowly she opens up to him eventually revealing the truth about her and her husband but at the same time she becomes involved with the doctor. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Chris Hale and Bill Hawks ride into the small town of Cinnabar for some minor supplies. Chris does not have fond memories of the town as an accident happens to him every time he visits. As Chris goes to the bank for cash, he passes a large gather at the stagecoach office where the Cinnabar Purity League is gathered to force Clementine Jones, a very pretty saloon girl, to leave town on the next stage. Chris asking about the bank reminds her she has over $17 in the bank she wants to withdraw before leaving. As the entire group moves to the bank they interrupt two men holding up the bank and Chris while a third man Willie Pettigrew holds the horses. They force the robbers to flee as Chris shoots at one but instead hits Clementine in the rear leaving her with a sore scratch. The robbers split up planning to meet in Saunders. Willie finds a boy Homer burying his father and left alone with a wagon headed for California. He forms a partnership with Homer. They head back through Cinnabar ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Hearing gunfire over the hill from the wagon train Flint and Bill find a lone man in a wagon being attacked by three men. They run off the attackers and approach the wagon. The man, Jason Powers, introduces himself and eventually reveals he is not alone. His partner is the beautiful Selena Hartnell for whom Jason works. They say they were left behind by another wagon train as they couldn't keep up but Bill is skeptical as their team and wagon appear to be top notch. The attackers appear to be wagon train scavengers so Chris has the men start taking additional care during the night watches. Bill suspicions increase when he finds Selena carries a derringer in her purse. Later, Bill and the crew learn Selena and her helper Jason are bounty hunters when they find one of the wagon train members is on an outdated wanted poster. Their real goal is to find William Barrett who is wanted for a murder in the east. He turns out to be Will Cottrell who leads a group of men who eschew weapons as ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Maud Frazer and her husband Isaac who is wagon master is leading a small wagon train west. Maud has convinced Isaac to lead the train through dangerous Indian territory where the Shoshone and Sioux led by Red Cloud are on the war path. She wants to go to South Pass where gold has been found. The other members of the train are unaware of their plans to stop there. Chris Hale aware of the Frazer wagon train sends Flint to warn them but at the urging of Maud Isaac ignores the warning. Later, as they go through a narrow pass the Indians attack. They circle the wagons but all the men including Isaac are killed before the Indians break off the attack. Maud decides to continue leading the women to South Pass and the gold until Flint and Chris return. The women override her but she still plots to leave the Hale train with Flint helping her but he won't cooperate. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.8
60 min

Flint finds a stagecoach destroyed and the driver and shotgun dead. Suddenly he is shot in the arm creating a minor flesh wound. The shooter is Kitty Allbright who was a passenger and thought Flint was an attacker. He disarms her and tells her who he is. She asks if the wagon train has horses as she wants one to ride to her nearby hometown so her parents won't worry. She tells Flint she is returning from England where she became a registered nurse at the Florence Nightingale School of Nursing while her parents thought she was in France attending a music school. Nursing has a bad reputation in the United States so she asks Flint to let her join the wagon train to prove her training works. He agrees but she runs into strong resistance especially among the women who see her as a man chaser. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Wagon Train

Wagon Train


Wagon Train

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

Thirty years earlier Rocky Mountain Dan Brady killed the Sioux Chief Red Cloud. He has taken Red Cloud's son, John Grey Cloud, under his wing and the two have become quite wealthy doing Wild West shows recreating the incident. Brady has promised to take the Americanized John Grey Cloud back home so he has wired Chris Hale that he will be his chief scout on his new wagon train as it is the only going near his destination. Hale has won an Army freighting contract and is using the money to expand by buying supplies and twenty-five new wagons to lease to settlers who don't have the proper equipment. He ignores the wire thinking it is a prank as he already has Flint McCullough back who he trusts. When he rejects Brady's offer who is highly regarded as he is famous in the East, John Grey Cloud suggests Brady use his influence with the Army to break Hale's contract to force him to hire Brady which he reluctantly does. Hearing Hale has hired Brady, Flint decides to quit as Hale along with ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Western,
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HD Night Court

Night Court


Night Court

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

Dan's extremely rustic parents come to visit him in Manhattan, embarrassing him all night until he disowns them.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone


The Twilight Zone

IMDb: 7.1
25 min

Roger Shackleforth is madly in love with a beautiful young woman, Leila, who wants nothing to do with him. Monopolizing the pay phone in a diner, someone waiting to make a call refers him to Professor A. Daemon, a seller of books and various potions. When Roger learns that he can buy a love potion for $1, he jumps at the opportunity. The Professor tries to subtly warn him off but he happily buys the potion anyways. It certainly works on Leila but after six months, Roger is back to the Professor to find a solution to his new life. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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