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HD Relic Hunter

Relic Hunter


Relic Hunter

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

Despite terrible weather, Sidney drags Nigel along to an Arctic base where an ancient Indian mummy has been found. It turns out to be an Anasazi, from warmer hunting ground, but also connected with the numerous deaths on the small base - will they ever get back alive? Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Goliath




IMDb: 8.2
54 min

The beginning of discovery unearths a startling new piece of evidence that threatens to unravel Billy's entire theory of the case.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Goliath




IMDb: 8.9
54 min

Billy scrambles to get his wrongful death lawsuit into court by any means necessary.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD Goliath




IMDb: 8.2
54 min

A burned-out attorney gets a second chance for redemption when he agrees to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit against the biggest client of his former law firm.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Wild Thornberrys

The Wild Thornberrys


The Wild Thornberrys

IMDb: 8.0
24 min

As the family prepares to film the Day of the Dead ceremony in a small town, Eliza meets a little girl who tells her about the spirits returning.

Country: USA
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HD Divorce




IMDb: 7.7
28 min

Frances learns that Robert had been misleading about their finances; Robert tries to start dating again.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Divorce




IMDb: 7.7
29 min

Robert and Frances attend couples therapy to see if their marriage is salvageable; Frances gets advice from Dallas; Robert vents at work; tensions mount as Frances and Robert try to maintain a facade of normalcy for their children.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Divorce




IMDb: 7.2
25 min

Frances rushes to intercept Robert before he tells the children that she is divorcing him; Diane waits for news on Nick's condition; Frances considers signing a lease to open her art gallery.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 0
44 min

Norman is determined to kill Michael Gary largely to avenge Sonya's murder. He figures it should be an easy enough task as Gary is a highly routinized man, most days playing golf alone first thing in the morning on a largely secluded course. Despite Wolfgang trying to persuade him even not to entertain the idea of murder, Norman takes some personal risks to pursue this thought, one such measure he believing to be poetic justice. Beyond the law catching up with Norman, Wolfgang believes a better tact is a frontal assault, albeit a slightly covert one, especially as Al's new bosses are considering Gary for the full-time role in Al's new job. As such, Wolfgang is trusting that Al is still an ally. Jimmy Wah's appearance poses more problems than Tony was anticipating. Tony places Rufus between a rock and a hard place with regard to this matter. In his business relationship with Frank Cosmo, Rufus tries to convince Lana to play a key role in the new organization, that role which is ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 0
44 min

Norman is tenacious in his pursuit of discovering what happened to Sonya, not only for the professional reason of discovering the entire plot behind the attempted bombing but because he cared for her as the innocent victim in everything that happened to her. Wolfgang knows however that taking a lighter approach may serve their needs better. Regardless, Norman makes one move after another in proving the tie of Michael Gary to the use of the drug to silence people like Kent, Sonya and Candy, most of those moves which don't sit well with Wolfgang but with which he may just have to go with Norman's flow. Wolfgang also learns from Harry his belief in Gary's end game, which wasn't even on Wolfgang's radar. Meanwhile, Sproule's dead body is discovered by a cleaning woman in the safe house. Sproule's death seems to be working in Al's plans as he is the obvious next in line for what was supposed to be Sproule's job in Ottawa. Al just has to be concerned that Detective Green, the lead ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 0
44 min

Wolfgang believes he has Michael Gary's role in the attempted bombing figured out, and how he has been able to keep witnesses, such as Sonya, at bay. Through it all, Sonya goes missing, of which Norman is most concerned. He realizes that the effects of the drugs may have caused her initial reaction of running from him, but he does fear for her safety in every way from those who have been controlling her. Meanwhile, Rufus and Cosmo enter into negotiations now that both Andre and Shorts are out of the picture. Rufus doesn't tell Lana the full nature of those discussions, most specifically the drug side of things and his role in what happened between Andre and Shorts, but he does bring her into the fold of the plan. Both Rufus and Cosmo know that Alonzo may be a problem as Andre's heir apparent and someone who was loyal to him. Sproule, Lily and Al each make their next moves in their personal/professional maneuverings, with some of those moves meant to be the last ones in their short ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 0
44 min

Norman and Wolfgang believe they may have finally gotten some pertinent information from who seems to be a semi-lucid Sonya. As such, they step up their surveillance on Michael Gary. In their pursuit of more specific information on Gary, Norman and Wolfgang may get themselves into a tight predicament. Rufus places a plan in motion to deal with two problems with one stone, and in the process begin a new business arrangement with Cosmo. And Sproule begins working on overcoming the obstacles in his career advancement. His actions may affect Lily, who has noticed of late that he has been cool toward her, and as such may have discovered her connections to China. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 0
44 min

With Fergie's help, Wolfgang believes he's discovered the identity of one of the major players behind the attempted stadium bombing, and with his identity a credible story as to what is going on. However, Wolfgang finds that Harry needs more concrete evidence than Wolfgang's current hearsay. Wolfgang will also discover that he must be getting closer to the truth as at least one higher-up in Ottawa is aware of what he's doing and, going through a third party is quietly pressuring Wolfgang to desist in his investigation. Separately, Norman still is spending time with Sonya both to help her personally, but also to find out if she truly does know something substantive about the day of the attempted bombing. He also figures that she must have seen something that day as mysteriously a cousin she didn't know she had has contacted her wanting to reconnect. Meanwhile, Sproule's life in its entirety is slowly unraveling as he learns some information about Lily, information which was ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 0
44 min

The further Wolfgang and Norman get into their investigation - the latest discussion being a heart to heart with Detective Tanaka - the more they believe that the attempted bombing was orchestrated from within Canadian political institutions, with the end goal truly being for the bomb to be detonated. The only other explanation is that Khalil Mustafa truly was a jihadi whose plot was being monitored which led to he not being able to blow up the stadium. Norman decides to focus his attention on Sonya, which he does for more than professional reasons, the extent to which does not sit well with Wolfgang. Meanwhile, Rufus finds that getting Andre out of his life is not as easy as paying him off. He may also find that there are other unknown forces who want to see a drug war between the two of them. Rufus looks for some assurances as to Fergie's trustworthiness if he is forced to replace Bennie as his snitch. And Rufus also learns that some problems may be arising with respect to the movie... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 0
44 min

Norman starts piecing together all the connections in the puzzle which he and Wolfgang know is a conspiracy of some sort, as Khalil Mustafa was not just a young jihadi intent on detonating an explosive in a public place. Beyond Wolfgang wanting Norman to continue to work on Sonya who he believes will ultimately provide some useful information whenever she is in a more continual lucid state, they begin to look into Mustafa as a person, an area which they have largely left unexplored so far, such as speaking with his mother. In the process of their talks with people, Wolfgang and Norman may have stumbled onto a major lead when one of the players admits to knowing that they are not the insurance people as they are portraying themselves to be and knowing more than what appears on the surface, those specifics which the person will not divulge until a deal is made for immunity. Meanwhile, Fergie makes his initial contact with Rufus, who outwardly does not take too favorably to being a ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 0
44 min

Wolfgang and Norman continue their investigation into the handling of the supposed jihadi bomb threat that led to the death of Khalil Mustafa, the young Muslim man carrying the explosive. Norman is certain Wolfgang's mugging has something to do with they investigating the case, something Wolfgang doesn't believe. But as they talk to people involved, many inconsistencies in the stories arise, some which they know are outright lies. Beyond wading through the stories to catch the lies that are said on purpose, they have find the holes in the stories to discover what some may believe to be the truth but aren't. In the end, Wolfgang may come a little closer to Norman's belief that there was a deep conspiracy orchestrated at the highest levels of authority. Meanwhile, Rufus has to take some control of the distribution of the drugs with Bennie's death. Some of Bennie's operatives, most specifically Shorts, don't fully trust Rufus, while Lana has to decide if she believes Rufus is telling the... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 0
44 min

An old colleague working unofficially for the current government asks Wolfgang to work on a case. The previous government had peddled the notion of combining all border and customs services under one umbrella agency, something that the current government has quashed. However, some of those forces from the previous government are trying to resurrect the idea, the agent now tasked with gathering ammunition to battle the idea. The previous government had used a bomb threat at the local baseball stadium eighteen months ago as a case to support the umbrella agency, the bomb threat billed as a terrorist threat. However, the current government believes that the former government may have been complicit in that threat to support the umbrella agency. Wolfgang decides to call in an old asset to work the file for him, that asset being a man named Norman. Beyond briefing Norman on the case, Wolfgang may have to hold his hands in more ways than one as Norman has a weakness for flamboyant young men... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 8.9
43 min

When there's an explosion, the FBI asks NCIS to assist them. So Callen and Sam go to where the blast occurred while the rest look at a video before the blast occurred. And they see two boys who appear to be twins running, being followed by some men. The men are identified as terrorists. They think that the boys were the source of the explosion. Callen and Sam arrive and are met by FBI agent Rand who tells them she called them because the explosive used was the same one they helped get a few months ago. Eventually, they identify the boy as the son of an Israeli. They call him and tell them about what happened but he tells them his son is with them and he shows them. So they wonder who are the two boys on the video and why do they look like the Israeli's son. Callen and Sam find the other boy in a water tank, apparently he's hoping the water can deactivate the bomb but he still has the trigger. Callen goes in to talk to him and he believes that he and his brother were deserted by his ... Written by

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

In a rail yard in Los Angeles a security guard dies after trespassers place him in the path of a moving train; Hetty expresses concern about an involvement with terrorism; G and Sam check out the site, but a public-relations guy tries to impede their work; Eric and Nell find the names of two suspects, including a recently fired brakeman; Kensi and Deeks meet a PI, find railway stuff and bomb components, then go undercover as investigators for the Federal Railroad Agency and create a diversion; G and Sam visit a motel and trip a bomb; Eric and Nell learn about a hijacked train, and they recognize the man aboard the locomotive; Kensi and Deeks grab one suspect, who, with persuasion, eventually provides a helpful fact; Sam finds a bomb on the track ahead of the speeding train; the team finally solve the puzzle, then they deal with the problem of stopping the train; Sam prevents a huge disaster; afterward Kensi and Deeks nab the man behind the plan. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.9
60 min

In Hollywood two men ambush a limousine and shoot the occupants to death; Hetty says that the target, Renner, was a Swiss antiques dealer and black marketeer; she persuades the LAPD to allow her to take over the investigation because of the nature of a little black book, which she believes is the object of the activity. While Hetty visits a man in an assisted-living place, G and Sam visit Renner's pad, which someone has tossed; Eric identifies a man, Lee, who appears in a number of photographs around Renner's house; G and Callen visit Lee's office and break up a meeting; Eric says that Lee's two visitors are German agricultural attachés (that is, spies); G and Sam question a retired operative, and Kensi and Deeks also search Renner's pad, where they meet two foreigners with alternate identities; Hetty visits the Hollywood Bowl, and the four musketeers rescue her. Hetty again calls on her elderly friend, whom she finds dead, executed by gunfire. [To be continued.] Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD The Good Place

The Good Place


The Good Place

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

On the revelation that Eleanor probably ended up in the good place by mistake, Chidi has not yet decided if he will help her become good so that she can stay. It is especially important to her after she gets just a small glimpse of what the alternative of the bad place is like. Eleanor also believes that the situation can't be as black and white as it appears on the surface if someone like overly chatty and vain Tahani could have made it into the good place. What Chidi decides to do may be affected by what Eleanor chooses with regard to helping Tahani and Jianyu clean up after the mini-apocalypse - which probably occurred because of Eleanor's presence in the good place - or going to the flying lesson, which all new arrivals at the good place are taught to do. Meanwhile, Michael is slowly having a meltdown in trying to figure out what he did wrong in creating the neighborhood, unaware that all the problems that have happened are because of Eleanor's presence. And Tahani herself is ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Better Things

Better Things


Better Things

IMDb: 7.4
25 min

Single mother Sam Fox struggles to raise three girls while trying to maintain her career as an actor.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens


Ancient Aliens

IMDb: 7.1
45 min

Mysterious legends and crumbling ruins are all that is left of our planet's lost worlds. But could there be proof of ancient alien visitors hidden among the artifacts of civilizations that have long vanished? Strange carvings suggest the Mayan city of Copan was ruled by the descendants of otherworldly beings. Written by Anonymous

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HD Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens


Ancient Aliens

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

From The History Channel : If ancient aliens visited Earth, can evidence of their existence be found in the mysterious structures that still stand throughout the world? Inexplicably, megalithic structures found on different continents are strikingly similar, and the cutting and moving of the massive stones used to build these magnificent feats would be a struggle for modern day machinery, let alone ancient man. Ancient astronaut theorists suggest that the standing stones in Carnac, France were used as an ancient GPS system for ancient flying machines. The recently discovered Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, which has been dated back 12,000 years, has finely chiseled pillars that experts describe as a Noah's Ark in stone. Is it possible that extraterrestrials assisted primitive man in constructing these unexplained structures? If so, what was the purpose of these grand projects? Written by slostenracing

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HD Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens


Ancient Aliens

IMDb: 8.0
44 min

From The History Channel : Ancient underwater cities can be found around the globe, but could these aquatic worlds be the ruins of unknown civilizations--or even proof of extraterrestrial visitations? The infamous tale of the long lost city of Atlantis may be a preserved memory of an ancient alien metropolis. Beneath Lake Titicaca in Peru, the ruins of recently discovered temples support local legends of an underwater UFO base. Ancient Indian texts, known as Sangams, describe sunken cities where aliens and humans intermingled thousands of years ago. Who could have built the 600-foot stepped stone structure off the coast of Japan--a site that may predate the Egyptian pyramids by thousands of years? Could evidence of ancient alien contact lie buried in Earth's deepest oceans? Written by slostenracing

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HD Ancient Aliens

Ancient Aliens


Ancient Aliens

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

From The History Channel : Mysterious places can be found around the Earth, and, inexplicably, UFOs are often sited near these mystical areas. Planes and ships unaccountably disappear in the infamous Bermuda Triangle. Strange magnetic anomalies in Mexico's Zone of Silence have not only drawn missiles off their course, but seem to pull meteorites out of the sky. An ancient doorway carved into a sheer rock wall in Peru's Puerta de Hayu Marka is said to be a portal to other worlds. Markawasi's plateau is filled with strange rock formations allegedly left behind by an ancient advanced civilization. What connections do these and other hot spots share? Is it possible that ancient extraterrestrials also knew about these mysterious places? Written by slostenracing

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HD Bachelor in Paradise

Bachelor in Paradise


Bachelor in Paradise

IMDb: 0
44 min

A panicked bachelor voices his concerns, and a vulnerable bachelorette worries that her reserved guy may not reciprocate her feelings. Who will leave their time in Paradise engaged and ready to start their next chapter and who will leave with their heart broken?

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HD Bachelor in Paradise

Bachelor in Paradise


Bachelor in Paradise

IMDb: 8.2
41 min

With heavy hearts and uncertain minds, which couples will commit to a life beyond Paradise? Don't miss the season finale!

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HD BoJack Horseman

BoJack Horseman


BoJack Horseman

IMDb: 8.0

It's 2007, and Princess Carolyn works tirelessly to get Bojack to stop basking in the light of the glory days and start working again. Diane and Mr. Peanutbutter meet, and Todd kisses a girl.

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HD Elena of Avalor

Elena of Avalor


Elena of Avalor

IMDb: 8.9
22 min

When Naomi's mom gets a new job in their old kingdom, Naomi and Elena try to convince her not to move the family away from Avalor.

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HD Elena of Avalor

Elena of Avalor


Elena of Avalor

IMDb: 7.6
22 min

Determined to prove that she's good enough to compete, Elena enters an annual fencing tournament disguised as Knight Elezar.

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HD Elena of Avalor

Elena of Avalor


Elena of Avalor

IMDb: 8.4

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