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IMDb: 8.3
43 min

A shipwrecked pregnant woman named Claudia comes to the island and is rescued by an older woman and immediately after she delivers two babies: Jacob and another boy; then, the woman kills Claudia. She raises the boys as if they were their sons and one day they see three men in the island. She shows a cave with a bright light inside and she tells them that they shall protect this light. One day, Claudia appears to her other son and she shows the survivors of the shipwreck living in the other side of the island. She tells what happened to her and the boy calls Jacob to go with him to live with the other people; however Jacob decides to stay with his foster mother. Jacob secretly visits his brother to see where his people are bad or not. His brother tells that will leave the island and Jacob tells to his stepmother. She destroys all the humans and assigns Jacob to protect the light in the cave. Jacob's brother kills their stepmother and Jacob throws his brother in the cave, where he ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.1
43 min

Sawyer and his group are arrested by Widmore's group. Meanwhile Jack awakes in the Hydra Island and Sayid tells to Jack that Locke saved him. Now there are only the three against Widmore and Locke asks Jack to help him to rescue Sawyer's group from the cages. Sayid turns off the generator and the smoke monster attacks Widmore's camp; Jack opens the cages to release the group. Locke kills the guards that are protecting the plane and removes the explosives but he tells that the plane is not safe. Locke tells that they will need to use the submarine to leave the island. Jack pushes Locke into the water, but they are attacked by Widmore's group. Locke and Claire are left behind and he tells to her that she would not like to be in the submarine. Jack finds explosive in his backpack but Jack tells that nothing will happen to them. Sayid runs with the bomb to save the group; however Sun is trapped in the debris and Jin stays with her and only Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley survive. In the ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Jack and Locke talks about the real John Locke in the woods and Claire follows them. Locke tells that he was the one that pretend to be their father. Sawyer tells to Hurley that he intends to use Widmore's submarine to flee from the island. Zoe comes to Locke's camp and asks for Desmond and shows the bellicose power of Widmore. Locke asks Sawyer to bring a boat to attack Widmore and asks Sayid to kill Desmond in the well. Jack, Sun Hurley and Frank leave Locke's group but Claire follows them to meet Sawyer and Kate. Jack decides to leave the boat and stay in the island. When he reaches the island, Locke learns that Sawyer took the boat to go to the other island. Widmore bombs Locke's group. In the parallel reality, Ben goes in the ambulance with Locke to the hospital and they arrive at the same time with Sun and Jin. In LAPD, Sawyer talks to Kate and then Miles calls him to tell about the multiple murders in the restaurant and Sayid is the prime suspect. Desmond meets Claire when she ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.6
43 min

In the island, Hugo grieves at Libby's grave; out of the blue, Michael appears and advises that many people will die if they go to the other island. Ilana brings four dynamites from the Black Rock, but has an accident and blows up. The group follows Richard through the woods until the Black Rock that is blown up by Hugo. He tells that Jacob is there and asked them to talk to Locke. Richard doe not believe and tells that he will destroy the plane and Ben and Miles follow him. Later, Hugo tells to Jack that he had not seen Jacob and to talk to Locke was his idea. Meanwhile Sayid arrives at Locke's camp and shows Desmond tied up to a tree; John Locke asks why Charles Widmore brought him to the island. While they are walking through the woods, they see a boy and Locke asks Desmond to ignore him. They reach a deep well and Locke throws Desmond into the well. Then Hurley brings his group to meet Locke. In the parallel reality, Hugo is elected The Man of the Year of Los Angeles due to his ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.1
43 min

Desmond learns that he was abducted by Charles Widmore and brought back to the island. Widmore's team prepares to perform an electromagnetic test with Desmond and accidentally kills one of the men during the preparation of the experiment. Desmond is sent to the parallel reality in Los Angeles, where he meets his friend Charles Widmore. Desmond is assigned to release the addicted Drive Shaft bass player Charlie Pace from the jail to play in the charity event promoted by Widmore's wife Eloise for her son Daniel. Desmond invites Charlie to go to a five star hotel to play but Charlie pulls the steering wheel of Desmond's car and throws it into the sea. Charlie refuses to play and tells him to look for Penny. Desmond visits Mrs. Widmore to tell that Charlie will not play and he meets her son Daniel, who is a musician, and tells that he feels misfit in the world. Daniel tells Desmond where he can find his half-sister Penny. When Desmond meets her, he awakes in Widmore's camp. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.1
43 min

In the island, Locke leaves the camp and Charles Widmore's team attacks his group and kidnaps Jin. Meanwhile Sun is planting in her old garden and out of the blue, Locke appears and tells that Jin is on the other side of the island. But Sun does not believe on him and flees from Locke; however she hits her head on a tree and when she awakes, she can only speak Korean. Richard returns with Hurley to the group and he wants to destroy the plane. Locke returns to his camp and sees his group fainted. He awakes Sayid and leans that they had been attacked. Locke goes with Sayid by boat to the other island to bring Jin back since he wants to leave the island. Locke meets Charles Widmore and he says that he does not have Jin with him. Soon Charles asks Zoe to bring a package from the submarine. In the parallel reality, Jin has his US$ 25,000.00 apprehended by customs in Los Angeles. Sun and Jin go to a hotel where they have reservation and Jin explains that he should have delivered the money ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.4
48 min

Ilana recalls when Jacob asked her to protect the six candidates to replace him. Ilana asks Richard what to do next and he leaves the group telling that he has no idea. In flashback, in 1867, in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Richard, a.k.a. Ricardo travels in a stormy night to bring a doctor to help his beloved wife Isabella that is dying. However, the doctor does not accept the little money that he has and does not give the medicine for Isabella. They struggle and Ricardo accidentally kills the doctor. When he returns home, Isabella is dead and Ricardo is sent to prison to be hanged. However he is sold as slave and travels to the New World chained aboard of the Black Rock. There is a tsunami and the ship knocks in the statue in the island and stops in the woods. The smoke monster kills the survivors and the Man in Black releases Ricardo. Soon he learns that there is a fight between the Man in Black, who believes that mankind is evil, and Jacob, who believes that mankind is good. Jacon ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.1
43 min

In the island, Locke asks Sawyer to row to the smaller island to investigate the situation. Sawyer finds all the passengers of the Ajira Flight 316 dead and only one survivor, Zoe. The smart Sawyer discovers that Zoe is lying, but he is captured by an armed group and brought to the submarine of Charles Widmore that proposes him to betray Locke. In the parallel reality, Sawyer is a LAPD detective working with Miles. He is obsessed to find the man that destroyed his family. He has one night stand with Charlotte, but his obsession affects his relationship with Miles and Charlotte. Out of the blue, Sawyer arrests a fugitive. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Ben flees and meets Ilana, Sun, Miles and Frank also escaping from the attack to the temple. Ilana gives the ashes of Jacob to Miles to know how he died, and he tells that Ben killed him. Ilana forces Ben to dig his grave, but Locke offers him the chance to escape. In the parallel reality, Dr. Linus plots a Machiavellian scheme to overthrow Principal Reynolds and occupy his position. But he sacrifices his plan to help the student Alex Rousseau. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Sayid asks Dogen why he wanted to kill him and they fight; Dogen banishes Sayid from the temple. Meanwhile Locke and Claire head to the temple and Claire tells Dogen that Locke want to see him outside the temple. Sogen asks Sayid to kill Locke to prove that there is goodness in his soul. Kate returns to the temple and Miles tells her that Claire is prisoner in the temple. Kate tells to Claire that she raised Aaron in Los Angeles. Sayid stabs Locke in the chest but he does not feel anything. Locke asks Sayid to tell Dogen and his people that they have until the sundown to leave the temple. Sayid destroys the only protection of the temple. In the parallel reality, Sayid visits Nadia and her husband Omer, who tells him that he has been pressed by dangerous people from whom he borrowed money. Omer is stabbed and goes on surgery. When Sayid is abducted by the gangster Keamy, he gives the ultimate solution to the situation. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Jack tells to Sayid that the pill was poison. He does not tell that there is a darkness growing inside him like happened with Claire. Meanwhile Claire rescues Jin from the trap and he awakes in the survivors wrecked camp with a prisoner that tells that Claire will kill them both. Claire wants to know where her son is and Jin tells that Kate took him to Los Angeles. Jacob gives new instructions to Hurley about a secret tunnel and tells that he should bring Jack with him. Jack and Hurley meet Kate that is seeking out Claire and they reach a lighthouse that they have never seen before where they make a weird discovery. In a parallel reality, Jack asks his mother when he had his appendix taken out while waiting for the coffin with his father. Jack has an estranged son, David, and when his mother find's Christian's will, she asks who Claire Littleton is. When Jack returns home, he does not find David but in the admission test for the conservatory of music. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min | 50 min | 60 min

On the island, John Locke tries to convince Richard to follow him. Meanwhile Ilana asks Ben what happened to Jacob and to her friends and Ben tells that Locke turned into the smoke monster and killed all of them and burnt Jacob; Ilana takes his ashes. Locke meets Sawyer and he asks who he is since John was a frightened guy. Sawyer follows Locke and they see a boy in the woods. When Locke chases the kid, Richard warns Sawyer about Locke. But Sawyer follows him to a cave in a cliff by the sea and Locke shows the reason why they are in the island. Ilana summons Sun, Frank and Ben to go with her to the temple and they bury John Locke first. In the parallel reality, John Locke lies about a conference in Sidney that he missed and is fired by his chief, Randy. When he is leaving the company, he meets Hugo, who owns the company and offers him to call an employment agency that also belongs to him to find a new position. John has an interview with the supervisor of the agency, Rose, and asks ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

After Sayid miraculously comes back to live, Jack quarrels with Dogan, the de facto leader of the Others at the fortified Temple compound over Sayid's condition and what is happening. Sawyer escapes from the Temper and Kate and Jin volunteer to track him down. Kate finds Sawyer at the ruins of the Dharma barracks where he is mourning the loss of Juliet, while Jin has a run-in with someone familiar in the jungle. In the alternate Los Angeles 2004, Kate has escaped from the airport and has a run-in with Claire Littleton whom goes into premature labor and Kate decides to help her. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Sawyer buries Juliet with Miles while Jack, Kate, Hurley and Jin bring Sayid to the underground of the temple; out of the blue, they are attacked by mysterious natives. Hurley shows the guitar case that Jacob gave to him and save the group. Sawyer asks Miles to tell him what Juliet wanted to tell him. Sayid is drowned by the natives and dies. Sawyer and Miles are captured by the natives and Hurley is interrogated and tells that Jacob is dead, panicking the natives. John attacks Richard in front of his group. Meanwhile, in a parallel reality, Kate succeeds to escape from the Marshal Edward Mars in the airport. Jack is informed by the Oceanic representative that the coffin is missing and he talks with John Locke about the incident and offers a consult to John. Sun and Jin are apprehended by the American customs officers. Ben realizes that he was used by the monster embodied in John Locke to kill Jacob. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.9
84 min (2 parts) | 41 min (part 2)

In the aftermath of Juliet detonating the hydrogen bomb, Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Miles, Hurley and Jin find themselves still on the island in contemporary 2007 where they try to rescue Juliet in the remains of the Swan Station hatch, while Hurley has a meeting with the ghostly Jacob who tells them to take the severely wounded Sayid to a sanctuary temple. Meanwhile, Ben discovers that 'Locke' is not the same Locke who arrived and he wants to have a few words with the de facto leader Richard. In an alternate 2004, Flight 815 is shown landing at Los Angeles without incident where most of the group intermingle with the other passengers without knowledge of them ever meeting. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 9.5
42 min

Jack and Sawyer fight against each other about the fate of the island and the passengers of the Oceanic Flight 815 but Juliet ends the discussion, changing her mind. In the Swan station, Radzinsky is informed by Phil that a group is heading to the spot with a bomb. There is a shooting between Jack's group and Radzinsky's group with tragic consequences. Meanwhile, Locke, Ben, Sun, Richard and The Others head to the temple to meet Jacob. Locke and Ben enter in the temple and Ben stabs Jacob to death. Ilana reaches Richard and The Others and shows the content of the box her group has been carrying. In flashbacks, Jacob meets Jack after a surgery; Hurley when he is released from the jail; and John Locke after he had been pushed by his father from a building. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.4
42 min

Jack and Sayid proceed with their plan to detonate the hydrogen bomb to destroy the island, as well as the Dharma Initiative, hoping to change the future. Meanwhile, Juliet convinces Sawyer that they must return to the island to prevent the destruction which could change their future. In the future, Locke tells Ben that he must kill Jacob, as they and Sun trek with the Richard and the Others into the jungle to look for the mysterious Jacob. Elsewhere the shady Flight 316 survivors trek across the island with a strange package. Written by

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IMDb: 8.9
43 min

Kate and Jack are captured by Charles Widmore but Eloise decides to listen to Jack and take them to the place where the hydrogen bomb is hidden. Jack, Sayid, Richard and Eloise swim beneath the camping and reach the bomb. Meanwhile Sawyer and Juliet are interrogated by the violent Radzinsky and Sawyer tells that they should stop drilling the Swan and leave the island. Hurley, Jin and Miles are found by Chang and they disclose that they are from the future. Locke, Richard, Sun and Ben go to the camp of The Others and Locke tells that he will meet Jacob and invite The Others to join him in his quest. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.0
43 min

In 1977, Faraday returns to the island where he tells Jack that his mother, Eloise Hawking, was wrong - that they don't belong on the island. At least not in this time. Faraday confides in Jack, Kate, Hurley and Miles about a radical plan to get them back home and arrange time as it should. Faraday also confides in Dr. Chang about his true origins. More of Faraday's background story shows his upbringing by Eloise, his tenure at Oxford University and his work. Back in Los Angeles in the present day, Desmond is recovering in the hospital from Ben's attack where Eloise pays him and Penny a visit. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

When Miles receives instructions from Dr. Chang to dispose of a dead Dharma worker's body, Miles and Hurley learn more about what the Dharma Initiative is constructing in a remote part of the jungle, and what Miles' connection is to Dr. Chang. More of Miles' background story is shown about his upbringing and ability to communicate with the dead. Meanwhile, Kate arouses Roger's suspicion to his son's disappearance, and Phil discovers that Sawyer/Phil was responsible for abducting Ben and delivering him to the Others/Hostiles. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 9.0
43 min

Locke travels with Ben to the ruins of the Dharma barracks where they reunite with Sun and Frank Lapidus in which Ben hopes to face the consequences of his past actions in a fateful meeting with the black smoke monster that resides beneath an old temple. Frequent flashbacks show Ben's indoctrination with the Others, his ouster of Charles Witmore as well as how he came to have gotten beaten up on his way back to the island after having a run-in with Desmond and Penny at the Marina del Ray when they thought he was coming to kill them. Elsewhere, the Flight 316 survivors, Ilana and Caesar, are revealed to have a sinister agenda for the survivors of the crash. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

In the aftermath of Sayid's escape and his shooting of the young Ben Linus, Jack refuses to help the wounded Ben, so Kate and Sawyer decide to take Ben to the Others/Hostles leader, Richard Alpert, to help. Meanwhile, Kate flashes back to what Sawyer told her on the helicopter is revealed when following her return to the world, Kate pays a visit to Sawyer's old girlfriend, Cassidy. Kate is also revealed to giving young Aaron to Claire's mother, Caroline, to raise back in Australia before boarding the return flight back to the island. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.7
42 min

Having been captured by the Dharma Initiative on the island in 1977 after being mistaken for a hostile, Sayid meets a young Ben Linus who offers to help him escape, while Sawyer and the Dharma members try to interrogate him for information. Sayid flashes back to his days as an assassin for Ben who releases him from his contract, and how Sayid later met the manipulative adult Ben in Dominica who persuaded him persuade him to return to the island, and how Sayid met Ilana, a private investigator/contract killer, who abducted him to return to Australia for his past crimes. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Jack, Kate, and Hurley find themselves back on the island, in the year 1977 when the Dharma Insitiaive was still in existence, with Sawyer, Jin, Juliet, and Miles working as employees who try to keep the truth about their return a secret from the rest. Sayid, meanwhile, is captured after he is mistaken for a Hostile. 30 years in the future in the year 2007, Sun, Ben, the pilot Frank Lapitus, Caesar, Ilana, and other survivors of Ajira Flight 316 try to survive on the island while Sun travels with Ben and Frank to the main island to search for Jin and they find Christian Shepherd, Jack's father, in the ruins of the old Dharma village who tells them when their friends are. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 9.1
43 min

Thanks to Locke correctly moving the island, the time jumps finally stop to the survivors left on the island, in which Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, Jin, and Faraday find themselves now stranded on the island in the 1970s when they are forced to kill a small group of Others who try to abduct a young woman and are now forced to establish themselves as allies of the Dharma Initiative by trying to defuse a conflict between the Otheres (called 'Hostles' by the Dharma members) and the research group. Three years later in 1977, Sawyer (under his new alias Jim LaFleur) is now the foreman of the Dharma Initiative living with Juliet whom try to adjust to life and deal with their fellow members whom include the drunkard Horace Goodspeed and his pregnant wife Amy. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 9.1
46 min

In the aftermath of Alija Flight 316 crashing on the island, John Locke inexplicably appears, back from the dead, and tries to bring the survivors together, two of whom include the shady Ilana (who was with Sayid on the flight) as well as a fellow man, named Caesar, who try to make sense of what is going on. Locke flashes back to the time months earlier when he moved the island and was transported to the deserts of North Africa, and was found by Charles Widmore who asked Locke to convince the Oceanic 6 to return to the island. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Ben takes Jack, Sun, and Desmond to meet with Faraday's mother, scientist Eloise Hawking, (whom Desmond remembers years earlier leading him on the path to the island). Eloise tells them when and where the island will appear in time and the window to reach it, as well as the circumstances that brought them there in the first place. Jack decides to return with the corpse of Locke despite his doubts as to what may lie head for them, while Kate, Sayid, and Hurley need more convincing. Jack also visits his grandfather, residing in a nursing home, which leads him to do a little soul searching to seek his path. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.9
43 min

When he is confronted by a vengeful Sun, Ben promises to offer her proof that Jin is alive and on the island in exchange for her not to kill him, while Kate is angry at Jack for trying to persuade her to return to the island. Back on the island, Jin teams up with the young pregnant Danielle Rouseau and her team in 1988 where they have an encounter with the black smoke monster, while Locke, Charlotte, Faraday, Miles, Juliet, and Sawyer later meet up with Jin where Locke tries to lead them to the Dharma Orchid station where he hopes to turn the underground wheel to move the island in the hopes of stopping the time jumps they are going through while Charlotte's physical condition worsens with each time jump. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Kate discovers that someone knows the secret of Aaron's true parental lineage and she tries to stay one step ahead of the sinister lawyers hounding her. Sun (while assisting Kate) plots to kill Ben whom she blames for the death of Jin. Sayid tries to find out who is targeting him and is wary about trusting Jack and Ben, who plans to break Hurley out of jail. Back on the island, the dramatic shifts through time are placing the lives of the remaining island survivors in extreme peril. Charlotte is sick with a mystery illness forcing Locke, Juliet, Miles, Sawyer, and Faraday to hike to the Orchid Dharma Station to try find a way to offset the time hopping pattern. Elsewhere, Jin is revealed to have survived the freighter explosion, and washes up on the island where he is found... by a young Danielle Rousseau in 1988 who struggles to survive with her shipwrecked companions. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Following a past memory about Faraday, Desmond travels to Oxford University in England where he tries to find Faraday's mother, to find a way to return to the island in which the search leads him back to Charles Whidmore. Back on the island, Miles, Faraday, Locke, Juliet, Sawyer and Charlotte continue to skip through time and they have an encounter with a group of Others in the 1950s where they meet the then-leader Richard Alpert, whom is still the same age, and whom have in their possession a stolen nuclear bomb. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Jack teams up with Ben to try to find the other Oceanic 6 to get them to return to the island with Locke's body. Hurley has an encounter with Ana-Luicia's ghost, and later seeks refuge at the home of his estranged father to help the unconscious Sayid. Meanwhile, Kate goes to visit Sun at a hotel to discuss their plans over Kate's predicament. Back on the island, Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, Charlotte and the plane crash survivors are continuing to skip through time as they come under attack from unseen attackers wielding flaming arrows. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.9
43 min

As a result of Ben moving the island, time displacements begin to happen to those left behind, whom include Faraday, Miles, Charlotte, Locke, Juliet, Sawyer, Bernard and Rose, among others begins to skip through time as they appear and disappear at various times and encounters with various Others in various time periods as well as Dharma Initivive members. Back in Los Angeles, Ben tries to convince Jack to return to the island with the dead Locke to correct things. Kate deals with strange men who appear at her house wanting to know the origins of her baby. Sun has an encounter with Charles Widmore who warns her about returning to the island and about dealing with Ben Linus. Also, Sayid breaks Hurley out of the mental hospital as they go on the run from unknown assassins out to get them where Sayid is wounded and Hurley gets arrested. Written by matt-282

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