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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Sawyer discovers just how far his captors will go to thwart any plans of escape he and Kate might have when they forcibly and surgically implant a pacemaker in his heart which will detonate if he tries to escape again. Jack is called upon to scrub up in order to save the life of one of The Others,, a team leader, named Colleen, who was shot by Sun during the theft of the sailboat. Meanwhile, Desmond's behavior begins to perplex Charlie, Hurley, and the rest of the survivors when he starts construction on an unknown device outside Claire's tent. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.2
42 min

The fates of Locke, Eko and Desmond are revealed after the implosion of the hatch, while Hurley returns to the beach camp to tell the tale of what happened when he, Jack, Kate and Sawyer encountered The Others. A mute Locke makes a sweat-lodge and talks to the spirit of Boone who persuades him to rescue Mr. Eko from a polar bear cave with Charlie's help. Desmond also survived the implosion, but not quite the same. More of Locke's background is revealed how his life took a turn when he, living with a group of farmers picked up a lonely youth who was not who he appeared to be. Meanwhile, Claire is shocked to find fellow survivors, Nikki and Paulo, in Jack's tent. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.2
43 min

On the sailboat, Sayid lies to Jin, and convinces Sun to sail to a dock to make a fire camp on the beach and signal to Jack, Kate, and Sawyer but actually he wants to attract and ambush a group of The Others. Sun recalls her childhood in South Korea, when she broke a glass ballerina and lied to her domineering and brutal gangster father, blaming the maid. Later as an adult, she cheated Jin with Jae Lee. Her father found out and he ordered Jin to murder Jae Lee, while lying about the reasons. Jin also reveals that he lied when he said that he cannot understand any English. Meanwhile, Kate and Sawyer are sent to a field for labor work where they try to escape, but are thwarted by Juliet. Also, the Others leader, Ben Linus, offers a deal with Jack that he will send him back home if he cooperates with him and his people. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Jack, Kate and Sawyer are kidnapped by The Others and put in different environments. Kate has a shower, gets a dress and is invited to have breakfast on the beach with the leader Henry Gale (who identifies himself under his real name of Ben Linus); Sawyer is locked in a cage for wild animals and without food or water, being awarded when he hits a lever as if he were an animal; and Jack is locked in a sort of aquarium, being interrogated and controlled by his handler and the Others doctor, Juliet, who has a complete report about his life. Meanwhile, Jack recalls his divorce process with Sarah and how his desperation and rapid meltdown affected everyone around him, including his father. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.5
87 min

Jack, Sawyer and Sayid swim to the boat and find a completely wasted Desmond. His traumatic past experience before sailing to the island is disclosed through flashbacks. Sayid plots a plan with Jack to surprise The Others in case Michael is double-crossing the group. John Locke convinces Desmond to invade the hatch, which is protected by Mr. Eko, and not press the button of the computer to see what will happen. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.7
45 min

Michael requests Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley to go with him to the camp site of The Others to bring Walt back. Meanwhile, his experience and captivity during the last 13 days with The Others is disclosed, when he saw Walt and made a deal with their leader Mr. Friendly, and the matron base camp leader Ms. Clue to return to his camp, release Henry, and betray Jack, Kate, Sawyer, and Hurley by leading them to their camp. Now completely insane and desperate to be reunited with his son at any cost, Michael willingly agrees to betray his friends. Michael is welcomed back by the survivors, but Sayid advises Jack that he strongly suspects that Michael is a traitor. After the burial of Ana Lucia and Libby, the survivors see a boat sailing near the beach. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.0
46 min

Locke and Eko set out to find the ? on the hatch diagram. Mr.Eko-centric Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 9.0
43 min

Jake and Kate find an exhausted Michael in the jungle and bring him back to the hatch for dehydration and medical treatment. Henry tries to kill Ana Lucia, but she is saved by John Locke in the last moment. Ana Lucia tries to convince Sawyer to give a weapon to her for killing Henry, and she has sex with him. She recalls her troubled relationship with her mother leading to the end of her career in the L.A. police force and her short connection with Jake's father Dr. Christian Shephard, who took her to Australia for his own agenda. Meanwhile, Hurley invites Libby for a picnic in a secret spot. When Ana Lucia is unable to shoot Henry, Michael offers himself for the assignment... but instead executes her in a stunning betrayal. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Bernard tries to convince the survivors to build a S.O.S. signal with rocks on the sand, hoping to be seen by a satellite or an airplane. His first encounter with Rose, who was terminal, and their romance, are disclosed through flashbacks. Bernard never gives up searching for the cure of Rose before crashing the island. Meanwhile, Jack invites Kate to join him in the woods to propose to The Others a trade between Henry and Walt. John Locke is intrigued with the words of Henry about the unnecessary use of the computer. Is Henry playing him for a fool? Elsewhere, Charlie assists Mr. Eko in building a proposed church for the rest of the survivors. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.4
46 min

Hurley celebrates victory over his gluttony as he and Libby destroy all that remains of his stash of food he saved from the hatch. Sayid and Anna Lucia continue to interrogate Henry Gale, attempting to learn his true identity. Hurley begins to have hallucinations, seeing a bald man in a bathrobe and slippers walking throughout the jungle. Through a series of flashbacks, we learn this man's name is Dave and he was with Hurley in the mental institution. Hurley begins to relapse into his old ways as Dave leads him back to darker days... Written by Ty Williams

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IMDb: 9.2
43 min

While alone in the hatch with Henry Gale, all the openings shutdown and John Locke becomes trapped in a room with him. He releases Henry to help him to open the hydraulic door, and he supports it with a tool box. When John tries to passes below the door, the box collapses and his legs are secured by the guillotine door. Locke recalls his former relationship with Helen and how his estranged con-artist father Anthony Cooper, returned to ask Locke for a favor. In the mist of all this, Henry tries to reach the computer through the ventilation duct. Meanwhile, Jack faces off against Sawyer in a card game on the beach over some food supplies. Also, Ana Lucia, Sayid and Charlie find the truth about Henry in the jungle and return to the camp. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Sun wrestles with the thought of telling Jin a newfound secret that she might be pregnant which threatens to upset the entire balance of the survivors' community. Sun recalls her time in South Korea how she couldn't tell Jin that she may not be able to bear children, while carrying on a possible tryst with her English-language tutor. Meanwhile, Locke enlists Ana Lucia to interrogate the prisoner, Henry Gale, in order to extract more information than he, Jack or Sayid could. Whe Henry draws Ana Lucia a map to the location deep in the jungle about a hot-air balloon he arrived in, she, Sayid, and Charlie venture into the jungle to find the balloon. But is Henry Gale telling them the truth? Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.6
46 min

A desperate Claire, along with Kate and the French woman, Danielle Rousseau, trek into the jungle to attempt a return to the scene of Claire's kidnapping where she believes she might find the cure for Baby Aaron's mysterious illness. Claire begins to recall her captivity with the Others of being drugged and living in a mysterious underground bunker complex where Ethan Rom, the Others leader Mr. Friendly, are there as well as meeting a mysterious teenage girl who helped her escape. Meanwhile, Jack and Locke must keep their prisoner a secret from the rest of the survivors. But Mr Ako finds out about Henry Gale, and has a private talk with the captive concerning his recent actions with the Others. Written by Nick

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IMDb: 8.8
44 min

After Sun's failed kidnapping attempt, some of the survivors begin to think that one of the other survivors might not have done it. When French woman Danielle Rousseau leads Sayid to a mysterious captive in the jungle, he becomes determined to find out if he is one of the Others. Sawyer discovers Hurley's potentially devastating breach of the survivors' trust and blackmails him into helping track an elusive island creature that annoys Sawyer. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.8
44 min

Locke shares with Jack the combination of the locker of the weapons. While Jack and Ana Lucia are trying to gather people to form a defense army, the survivors believe that they are safe and have no interest to join them. When Sun is attacked apparently by The Others, Jack decides to get the guns for protection of the group. However, Locke is informed by Sawyer of Jack's intention, and moves the armament to a hidden place with serious and surprising consequences when Sawyer finds out and plots something of his own. Meanwhile, Sawyer recalls his former long con against a former girlfriend Cassidy. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 7.4
43 min

Charlie has surreal daydreams with Aaron, and he believes that the baby is in danger. However, Locke believes he is using heroine again. Charlie clumsily advises Claire to baptize Aaron with Mr. Eko, while he recalls his past with his addicted brother. Hurley is attracted by Libby, who seems to correspond his affection and attention. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.6
43 min

The deranged Michael locks Jack and Locke in the ammunition storage room and leaves the shelter to go looking for Walt. Sawyer joins to Jack and Locke in an expedition to find Michael, but Jack asks Kate to stay with the computer at the hatch. While hiking in the jungle, Jack remembers the death of a patient, his comforting of the patient's daughter Gabriela, and how Sarah left him because work was always taking him away from the house, and her. The group is surrounded by The Others where their emissary, known as Mr. Friendly tells them that they must return to their beach camp without their guns, otherwise Kate, whom the others now have captive, will be executed before them. Meanwhile at the hatch, Hurley and Charlie pass the time playing old records, while Sun argues with Jin about wanting to help out Jack and the rest of the search party. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.9
43 min

When Claire comments to Mr. Eko about the Virgin Mary statue which belongs to Charlie, he asks to see it, breaks it open, and exposes Charlie's secret to Claire. Mr. Eko makes Charlie show him the place where he found the crashed plane, while his past in Nigeria is presented in flashback. John Locke teaches Michael how to shoot a rifle, and Michael uses the computer to contact someone he believes to be Walt. Claire does not want Charlie to live close to her and her son any longer. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.5
46 min

As dawn ushers in another day on the island we see Jin and Sun sharing an intimate moment that is long overdue. Meanwhile, Kate is up in a tree picking fruit from the tall branches. As she slides back down the trunk, she slips, almost falling and spilling several mangoes to the jungle floor. As she crouches to collect them, she hears something behind her and turns to see a magnificent black horse standing in the morning mist. In a flashback, a young Kate waits on the stairs of her modest house when a pickup truck swerves down the dirt road and stops in front we get our first look at her stepfather and her mother's choice for a father: Wayne. He's happy to let Kate help him to bed, as long as it affords him another chance to lay his drunken hands on her. So when Kate tells him goodnight, she really means it. We see her go outside and ride off on her motorcycle as the house behind her explodes into a giant fireball. In the hatch, Sawyer is still delirious with fever as a result of his ... Written by MCane

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IMDb: 8.8
42 min

In the aftermath of the killing of Shannon, Ana Lucia takes the pistol from Sayid and ties him to a tree. Completely deranged, she threatens the whole group, and later she releases Michael demanding guns and ammunition for Sayid. Mr. Eko takes the unconscious Sawyer back to Jack at the hatch bunker, who tries to save him with Kate's help. Meanwhile, Ana Lucia recalls her past in the police force... in the months after she was shot by a scum thief. In the mist of all this, the other survivors, Jin, Bernard, and Libby, decide to leave Ana Lucia behind and move to meet the other group for a joyful reunion. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.0
46 min

The harrowing first 48 days in the lives of the 23 tail section survivors are revealed, formally introducing Ana Lucia, Mr. Eko, Libby, Cindy, Bernard, and Goodwin, and detailing the first terrifying days and battling the dreaded others, leading to their numbers dwindling, their hikes though the jungle, and meeting with Jun, Michael and Sawyer. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Sawyer's wound becomes life-threatening as he, Michael and Jin make their way through the interior of the island with the tail section survivors, Ana-Lucia, Mr. Eko, Bernard, Libby, and flight attendant Cindy. Meanwhile, Shannon is once again haunted by visions of Walt, but she cannot convince a skeptic Sayid that her visions are real. More of Shannon's background story shows her difficult relationship with her late half-brother Boone and further detailing how her step-mother financially cut her off after the death of their father. Also, Charlie becomes jealous of Locke's interest in Claire, while Locke learns that Charlie took a heroin stuffed porcelain statue from the Beechwood plane wreck. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.1
42 min

A desperate and growingly insane Michael sets off into the jungle by himself determined to find Walt, but discovers that he is not alone. Meanwhile, Sawyer and Jin are ordered by their captors, the tail crash survivors, to take them to their camp. But they are delayed when Jin and the hulking Mr. Eko are forced to go into the jungle to look for Michael before the dreaded others find him first. Back at the beach camp, Sun frantically searches for her missing wedding ring which triggers flashbacks to Sun and Jin's past showing how they met for the first time in early 1990s Seoul, when Jin was working as a doorman of a fancy hotel where Sun was staying at for a courtship engagement set up by her mother. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Disturbing memories from Hurley's past cause him to struggle with a task he's assigned inside the hatch to watch over the food storage locker. Meanwhile Sawyer, Michael and Jin discover the identities of their captors whom are what's left of a group of two dozen Flight 815 survivors from the tail end of the plane led by the tough minded Ana-Lucia Cortez who insists they walk to a more secure location. Claire uncovers a shocking piece of information about the fate of the raft when the message bottled washes ashore. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.9
43 min

Jack, Locke and Kate learn more secrets about the hatch when Desmond tells them why he is there and to punch in the number code every 108 minutes or a reaction will occur. More of Locke's background story shows a young John Locke becoming acquainted with Helen whom he meets at an AA meeting. Meanwhile, after being beaten and taken captive, Sawyer, Michael and Jin wonder if their captors are fellow survivors or the dreaded Others. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Michael is drowning and Sawyer saves him, while Jin is missing. Michael recalls his fight against Susan for Walt in the justice and the reasons for Michael's desperate obsession for his son. They drift on a wreckage of the raft, with the menace of a shark. Michael blames Sawyer for the abduction of Walt and promises to bring his son back. Meanwhile, Kate releases herself from Desmond's captivity and escapes through a ventilation duct, while Locke tries asking Desmond questions about the underground facility they are in and about the use of the mysterious numbers. At the end, Michael and Sawyer reach the beach, and they see Jin escaping from The Others. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.3
43 min

After blowing the hatch open, Jack recalls the accident of Sarah, as well as a meeting with a guy called Desmond and how successful the surgery was. Kate shows the word Quarentine in the hatch door. While looking for the dog Vincent, Shannon has a vision of Walt telling her to beware of the others. Jack returns to the caves and gives hope to the other survivors. Kate descends in the shelter and vanishes, and Locke tries to find her when she is captured. Jack comes back to the shelter trying to find Kate and Locke and finds a familiar face: Desmond. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.6

A visitor to the encampment could be a threat to Claire's son.

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IMDb: 9.5
85 min

The four castaways on the raft are surprised at sea by something unexpected: the appearance of four of the others from the island who abduct Walt. Meanwhile, Jack, Kate, Hurley and Locke attempt to blow open the mysterious hatch. The French woman, Rousseau, abducts Claire's infant, forcing Charlie and Sayid to chase after her in the jungle. Also, more background stories of the survivors final hours before boarding their doomed flight which led them to the island are shown. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 9.3
43 min

Danielle Rousseau arrives in the camp of survivors at the beach and advises that The Others are coming. There is black smoke in the sky, and they have three choices: run, hide, or die. Jack recalls his meeting with Ana-Lucia Cortez in the airport. Meanwhile, the group is about to launch the raft. Sawyer tells Jack the conversation he had with his father in a bar in Australia. Jack, Kate, Locke, Hurley and Leslie Arzt go on an expedition to bring explosives from the Black Rock to blow the hatch. There they can shelter the survivors against The Others. Meanwhile, Jin and Sun make peace and there are farewells to Michael, Walt, Sawyer and Jin as they finally set sail on their makeshift raft to find help and safety. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Jack suspects foul play when Michael becomes violently ill while building the raft and the suspects include both Kate and Sawyer. Meanwhile, more of Kate's background story is revealed involving her continuing fugitive status and her old school friend and the events leading up to his death. The mysterious hatch is shown by Locke to Jack and Sayid, and Walt gives Locke a warning not to open it. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

After the death of Boone, tempers flare as the castaways' suspicions of each other grow, while an unlikely survivor (Shannon) vows revenge against Locke, unfairly blaming him for Boone's death leading her to steal the keys to the late marshal's briefcase containing the guns. Meanwhile, Claire and Charlie struggle to calm her newborn baby boy. Sayid meets with Locke in the jungle and learns of the existence of the mysterious hatch, leading to more of Sayid's background story about why he came to Australia and was blackmailed by the CIA to nab an old friend whom was a terrorist suspect. Written by Anonymous

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