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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.0
43 min

Claire goes into labor while a helpless Charlie goes into panic mode, leading to Kate and Jin to assist with the delivery. Meanwhile, Locke goes missing after he returns with a critically wounded Boone after his fall from the Cessna plane. Jack tends to the wounded Boone as more of Jack's background story reveals his troubled engagement with his fiancée Sarah. Also, Sayid presents Shannon with a romantic surprise getaway down the beach. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.2
43 min

Locke and Boone build a trebuchet in an attempt to open the hatch, but Locke is injured when the trebuchet fails. Literally following a hallucination, Locke and Boone discover a small plane crashed high in a tree. Sawyer, suffering from severe headaches, is forced to turn to Jack for help. Written by Lynne Boris Johnston

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.2
43 min

When Hurley becomes obsessed with the mysterious French woman, he heads into the jungle to find her. Jack, Sayid and Charlie have no choice but to follow. Hurley's background story is revealed how he won a multi-million dollar lottery, which brought nothing but back luck to everyone around him, leading to why he ventured to Australia to search for the source of a series of numbers which led him to win the lottery. Meanwhile, Locke asks Claire to help build a mysterious item. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.6
43 min

When Jin Kwon is having a serious quarrel with his wife Sun Kwon, Michael Dawson defends her. Later, when Michael's raft is set afire and Jin has his arms injured by heat, Michael and Sawyer blame him for the incident. Sun finally reveals her secret when she speaks in English to defend her husband and he feels ashamed leaving her. Jin recalls how his love for Sun was destroyed by her evil and unscrupulous father. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.8
43 min

James Sawyer Ford wakes up from a nightmare with a boar inside his tent. He finds his canvas in the woods, but is attacked by the animal. He decides to chase the boar with Kate Austen following its track in the forest. Along their hunting, Sawyer recalls his dark past since he was a child until his final revenge against the con man that destroyed his family. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.6
41 min

After the missing Claire returns with no recollection of what has happened since before the doomed flight of Oceanic 815, Jack and Locke formulate a plan of defense against her kidnapper, the mysterious Ethan Rom, who threatens to kill off the other survivors unless Claire is returned to him. Meanwhile, the disappointment Charlie feels when Claire does not remember him triggers recollections of Lucy, a woman he had let down in the past back in England where Charlie ruined their engagement so he could steal money from her to fuel his escalating heroin addition. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

John Locke is teaching Walt Lloyd to throw knives, and Michael Dawson feels jealous with the situation. He forbids Walt to meet Locke, and recalls his romance with Walt's mother Susan Lloyd (Tamara Taylor), an overachieving executive who took the infant Walt away, and having an awkward reunion 10 years later with the uncertain and spoiled Walt in Australia. Walt becomes upset with the situation and decides to hike with his dog Vincent into the woods. At the end, Locke and Boone Carlyle find Claire Littleton wandering in the forest. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Boone Carlyle is jealous of Sayid Jarrah, because he becomes close to his half-sister Shannon Rutherford. Boone tells John Locke that he wants to reveal the secret about the hatch in the woods to Shannon. Locke hits Boone, heals his head with a medicine and fastens him with a rope in a tree, living him alone in the forest. Boone's background story reveals his complicated relationship with the irresponsible Shannon, and about why he ventured to Australia to rescue her from a bad relationship, while in the present he tries to save her from the unseen forest creature. Meanwhile, Kate questions Sun's behavior and learns that she can speak English, while Hurley faces the language barrier to repay Jin for teaching him how to fish. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.3
43 min

Jack, Kate and Sawyer fight over possession of a newly discovered locked metal briefcase which might contain insights into Kate's mysterious past. More of fugitive Kate's background story is revealed, showing her participating in a bank robbery in New Mexico just to uncover something hidden in one of the safety deposit boxes. Meanwhile, Sayid asks a reluctant Shannon to translate notes he took from the French woman. A rising tide threatens to engulf the fuselage and the entire beach encampment, and Rose and a grieving Charlie tentatively bond over Claire's baffling disappearance. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.0
42 min

Claire Littleton and Charlie Pace are abducted by the mysterious Ethan Rom, and Dr. Jack Shephard, Kate Austen, John Locke and Boone Carlyle go after them. When the leads divide, the group split in two. Jack follows with Kate and recalls his sad past with his father. He struggles against Ethan who reveals himself not an ordinary man revealing to have super speed, agility, and near-superhuman strength. Kate and Jack later they find a near-death Charlie hanged in a tree. Things take another mysterious turn when Locke and Boone find a mysterious hatch in the jungle. Meanwhile, the nasty Sawyer confronts Sayid about torturing him, and is skeptic to Sayid's claim about other people hiding on the island. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Claire begins to have reoccurring nightmares which one night result in her turning up with bloody hands, which leads Charlie to find out what is really going on. However, Jack isn't sure that anything really happened. Meanwhile, Hurley finds the flight manifest and discovers something shocking about a certain passenger. Written by Patience_Is_A_Virtue

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Ashamed with his behavior torturing Sawyer, Sayid Jarrah decides to leave the group of survivors and travel alone through the island, trying to find the source of transmission and map the place. He is arrested and tortured by the French survivor Danielle Rousseau and recalls his beloved Nadia back to his days years earlier in Iraq as part of the interrogation/torturer for the Republican Guard. Meanwhile, Hurley decides to get the survivors spirits up by getting up a golf course in a sunny field. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.9
43 min

When the asthma medicine of Shannon Rutherford finishes, she has a chronic respiratory attack. Her brother Boone Carlyle convinces the survivors that James Sawyer Ford has stolen her spare medication, and Sayid Jarrah tortures Sawyer trying to find the drugs. Sawyer discloses an innermost secret to Kate Austen. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.6
43 min

Trying to kick his drug habit with encouragement from Locke, Charlie starts to go through heroin withdrawl, struggling with his resolve. Jack is trapped in a cave-in, and Charlie becomes trapped with him when the first rescue tunnel collapses as well. Kate, Sayid, and Sawyer attempt to triangulate the position of the distress signal coming from the island. Charlie has flashbacks of his rock band, and his decent into drug abuse. Written by Lynne Boris Johnston

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Jin jumps Michael and tries to beat him to death for no apparent reason, which gets him handcuffed to the wreckage until why can be figured out. While gathering water, Jack starts to talk about moving the survivors to the near-by cave for safety and practicality, but is met with resistance and reluctance. The survivors are torn between having a better, safer place to camp, or staying on the beach to watch for a possible rescue. Flashbacks by Sun, reveal pieces of her life with her husband, Jin, before the plane crash, and she reveals a secret to Michael that even her own husband is unaware of - she speaks English. Locke confronts Charlie about his drug use. Written by Lynne Boris Johnston

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.6
42 min

Dr. Jack Shephard is not able to save a survivor drowning in the sea and he becomes affected by the incident and the pressure of the community pointing him as a leader. Jack has visions of his father in the island and tries to chase him. Jack's background story is revealed showing the relationship he had with his difficult and unscrupulous surgeon father, and the reason why Jack ventured to Australia. Meanwhile, the finishing water supply is stolen, and everyone suspects the nasty and selfish Sawyer. But Jack resolves his inner problems with his past and finds a source of water for the survivors. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.2
42 min

Flashback to Locke's life before Flight 815: his job, time in Australia, the crash...and a major secret is revealed. The camp is invaded and Sawyer's scavenging falls under scrutiny. Food runs out and Locke comes up with a solution. Jack organizes the handling of the dead and a memorial service is arranged. Rose has everyone concerned. When Boone and Shannon end up at odds, Shannon enlists Charlie's help just to spite Boone. Shannon strikes up a friendship with Walt. Michael and Kate escape something in the jungle. Written by IMTammyP

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 8.7
43 min

The U.S. marshal's assignment is revealed. Later, there is a difference of opinion between Jack and Sawyer as to how to help the critically injured marshal. Flashback to what Kate was doing in Australia. Scenes of the crash from Kate's POV. A small group sets off with a transceiver in an effort to send a mayday signal. Michael forbids Walt to speak to Locke. Locke later extends an act of kindness toward Michael that may help the father-son relationship. Sayid makes a bid to organize some island committees. Written by IMTammyP

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.3
40 min

Jack, Kate and Charlie return to the group, but the transceiver is broken. Sayid Jarrah fixes the apparatus and organizes an expedition with Kate, Charlie, Shannon Rutherford and her brother Boone Carlyle and the dangerous James Sawyer Ford to hike and climb a mountain to transmit a SOS. The group receives a sixteen years old distress call from a French woman in the island instead and kills a polar bear. They return to the survivor's base and decide to hide the information to preserve the hope of the group. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
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HD Lost




IMDb: 9.4
42 min

Following a horrific plane crash, 48 survivors of Oceanic Flight 815 from Sydney, Australia to Los Angeles, California, USA, find themselves on an uncharted tropical island in the South Pacific Ocean that is full of secrets, as they come to learn. The first day on the island is full of monsters, countdowns, screams, stories of the past and an unfolding love story between the quick-thinking Jack Shepherd, a doctor, and the level-headed Kate Austen, a mysterious young woman. Jack, Kate and Charlie, a former British rock music player and heroin junkie, venture into the jungle to locate the pilot cockpit to find the transciever and come up against a mysterious and unseen island beast. Other survivors with mysterious pasts are introduced: The Iraqi with personal demons Sayid; the bumblingly awkward Hurley; the determined John Locke; the unpleasant and unfriendly self-serving swindler and sociopath Sawyer who tests everyone's patience; the very pregnant Australian teenager Claire ... Written by JohnnyDtheLost

Country: USA
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HD Scorpion




IMDb: 8.1
39 min

Dubious psychologist Dr. Cecil P. Rizzuto's 'couple therapy' helps Walter discover Toby's infatuation for Hpapy, so the team boss sets the lovers a priorities ultimatum. The team is hired to help DEA Agent Sanchez, who lost his daughter to heroin, and a Mexican Federales Ministeriales elite team counter a drug cartel setting up a smuggle route by drone which might increase penetration from 15 to 100%. Sly built a device to sabotage the drones, but it doesn't work without him on site, ultimately leading to him, Happy and wounded Sanchez getting. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Action, Drama,
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HD Motive




IMDb: 8.0
43 min

The killer: Torontonian Barry Ketchum, who recently celebrated his one year sobriety at his AA meeting. The victim: Eric Chase, a mortgage broker, who was killed one evening outside his office by strangulation. Homicide lucks out when Betty discovers the killer's DNA under Eric's fingernails. Homicide looks at Eric's family life - including his new marriage to Ronnie Chase, and being awarded sole custody of his son Chad Chase over his ex-wife, Claudia Powell, an activist who lost custody largely because of her chronic unemployment - and his professional life, where potential clients may have despised him for turning down their mortgage requests. Eric was a seemingly well liked man, so Homicide believes that the tension between Claudia and Ronnie played some role in Eric's death, especially as Claudia has open hatred for the police, although they also know that both women are physically incapable of the killing. Partly through eyewitness accounts, Homicide is led to a low level Toronto... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Phoebe asks Piper to find a spell to protect the human Cole. When the sisters meet the Halliwell's muse Melody, they become aware that the powerful warlock Devlin has stolen the ring of inspiration and is kidnapping the muses to increase his powers and create an evil faction to take the power of The Source. Inspired by their muse, the Halliwell sisters plot a plan to vanquish Devlin and save the muses. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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HD Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives


Desperate Housewives

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

Tom is taking his life in his own hands now. Lynette begins spying on him through a tablet given to Penny. Renee's biased bad influence soon convinces Lynette that he is having an affair, supposedly with a foxy aerobics instructor Andre Zeller. Bree has a hard time controlling her 'I told you so' when Danielle moves back home with her son Benjamin, after a six month ill-considered marriage. The real confrontation comes when Bree discovers the starting capital she put up for 'fitness equipment' is for a 'love swing'. Gaby bluntly keeps taking on the tyrannical PTA president over parking privileges, ending in a surprise switch. Susan fakes her artistic personality to get into famous rebel painter Andre Zeller's open college class. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives


Desperate Housewives

IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Susan is horrified when she discovers that she has become the face of the provocative internet company she's been secretly working for and is now the cover model for their outdoor billboard ads; Gabrielle tells her coveted secret to the ladies; Renee finds out that Bree is a grandmother and uses it to her advantage in an attempt to steal Keith away and have him for herself; Lynette takes advantage of daughter Penny's generous offer to help look after the baby; and Paul purchases the home he shared with Mary Alice, against wife Beth's wishes. Written by ABC Publicity

Country: USA
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HD Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives


Desperate Housewives

IMDb: 8.9
43 min

In the season final, several residents of Wisteria Lane are faced with deadly threats; Adam is held captive by the deranged Wayne who physically tortures him for information as to Dylan's origins... and what happened to the real Dylan Davis. Ellie, now a fugitive, contacts Gabrielle to help her retrieve a teddy bear from their house. Tom and Lee finally have their commitment ceremony in the form of a block party on Wisteria Lane. Lynette is forced to cater to the party while Tom refuses to help out because of the Kayla case. Meanwhile, Susan realizes she will soon lose someone she loves when Julie is accepted into Princeston University early and will be leaving town soon. Also, Katherine Mayfair's secret about her past and of what happened to Dylan is finally revealed after Wayne takes her and Bree hostage in her house. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives


Desperate Housewives

IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Susan finally gives birth to her new baby, and all of her friends on Wisteria Lane welcome the new addition to Susan and Mike's family. But Susan and Mike both begin to squabble about what to name their newborn son when Mike insists on naming him 'Maynerd' after his late grandfather, and Susan wants to name him 'Connor'. Meanwhile, Bree and Katherine do some self-defense shooting as the increasingly erratic Wayne escalated his stalking of her when he begins to suspect that Dylan is not their biological daughter. Gabrielle forms a strong bond with Ellie, who becomes suspicious that they know about her drug selling operation and that she may turn her into the police. Tom and Lee ask Katherine and Bree to cater to their 'commitment ceremony' for the upcoming weekend. Elsewhere, Orson continues hounding Bree, who regrets flirting with Reverend Green to keep Orson away. The evil Kayla pushes her plan to destroy the Scavo family into full force when she fabricates a story that Lynette is ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives


Desperate Housewives

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Gabrielle and Carlos finally learn the truth about Ellie's work, and they also discover the police are already onto Ellie and her drug-selling ring, and have been staking out the Solis home for some time and want to use the Solis' to arrest Ellie in a sting operation. Meanwhile, Bree declares an all-out war against Edie after learning that she's now after Orson for her latest man conquest. But when Edie does something shocking involving Orson who makes the mistake of revealing the origins of Bree's baby Benjamin, Bree is forced to come clean to the rest of the housewives the secret about her baby, and this leads to a the end of Edie's time on Wisteria Lane. Adele Delfino, Susan's overbearing and meddlesome Southern Belle mother-in-law, arrives for a visit. Elsewhere, Katherine continues to try to persuade Dylan that her ex-husband, Wayne, is not who he claims to be, and she reveals a surprising twist to him about Dylan. Also, Tom tries to persuade Lynette to give Kayla another ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives


Desperate Housewives

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Lynette finds out that the twins, Preston and Porter, are responsible for starting the fire at Rick's restaurant. But the true culprit is the crafty Kayla who finally begins escalating her twisted quest to destroy the Scavo family by trickery and intimidation. While Lynette sees through the charming, but very sociopath, Kayla's nefarious plans, the naive and immature Tom, blinded by his own denial, refuses to believe that Kayla is responsible for everything bad that is happening to the family. Meanwhile, Bree gives Orson an ultimatum to turn himself in after finding out that he was the one who attempted to kill Mike. Orson refuses, and is forced to move out of the house. But as always, the man-hungry Edie appears and offers her house for Orson to stay in while he looks for a new place. Susan reconnects with her ex-husband, Karl, whom she meets at a Lamaze class with his new young wife. Carlos and Gabrielle rent out their spare bedroom to Ellie, a young artist, whom Gabrielle suspects ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives


Desperate Housewives

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Lynette begins to doubt Tom's claims that he did not start the arson that burned down Rick's new restaurant and it leads to both him and Rick coming to blows over Lynette. Meanwhile, Dylan has a run-in with her long lost father, Wayne Davis, a local cop who plans to use her in some nefarious plan for revenge against Katherine for walking out on him over 10 years earlier. Gabrielle resents a seeing-eye dog that Carlos got to help him around the house and the neighborhood. Mike finally comes home from rehab where Julie tells him and Susan about Orson's sleepwalking confession to running over Mike the previous year. Also, Katherine makes an offer to Bree to become business partners in their own catering business. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives


Desperate Housewives

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Gabrielle struggles with the reality of having a blind husband, and being superficial and narcissistic as always takes advantage of his blindness to get better parking spaces. Meanwhile, Susan is puzzled by Orson's sleepwalking habit which is stemming from repressed guilt over attempting to kill Mike. Lynette is surprised when Rick shows up at Scavo pizzeria planing to open up his own pizza parlor down the street which strikes up both jealousy and resentment in Tom. Elsewhere, Bree and Katherine join forces to plan the Founders Day Ball. But Bree feels threatened when Katherine takes over the whole panning stage. Also, Julie asks Dylan to accompany her for the Founders Day Ball, and Julie later overhears Orson mumbling about running Mike over. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Desperate Housewives

Desperate Housewives


Desperate Housewives

IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Two weeks after the tornado that destroyed Wisteria Lane, Mike is about to finish rehab. Meanwhile, Gabrielle learns that Carlos's blindness is permanent after the crafty Edie finds out and tips her off about it. Susan's hunky young male cousin, Tim, arrives for a visit, and reveals more than expected when he takes an interest in Katherine's daughter, Dylan... and then Katherine herself. Lynette tries to persuade Tom to attend Bree's church despite her own lack of faith from her unhappy childhood. Katherine continues to hide a terrible secret about her first husband, while Dylan finds part of the burned note and thinks that Katherine might have murdered her father. But Katherine goes to Adam first to persuade him to lie to Dylan about the true facts. A surprise wedding ceremony between Gabarielle and Carlos has its share of secrets. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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