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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.4
54 min

Johnny Sack is in jail and the Feds seem to have a pretty strong case against him. His lawyer is trying to get the best deal possible but he's definitely going to get a long jail sentence and lose most of his assets. In the end, he agrees to 15 years and his his wife gets to keep the house and her pension account. He also has to admit in open court that he was a member of La Cosa Nostra, something that doesn't sit well with some of his fellow mobsters. Johnny turns to Tony to get cash from some of the investments the Feds don't know about. Tony takes his cut, as expected. Tony recounts to Dr. Melfi the difficulty he had growing up with his sister Janice. Despite all of that, he still arranges a great deal for her on a house. Vito is still living in New Hampshire with his friend Jim. He finally admits to Jim that he's not a writer but doesn't quite come clean about his past. He tries working at a regular job but that's not quite his style and in the end, he packs it in and returns to ... Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.4
55 min

Tony is approached by an attractive real estate agent with an offer to buy a building he owns in the old neighborhood. The building is leased to an old established business and Tony hesitates to sell them out. Both Tony and Carmela are frustrated with AJ who has dropped out of college and is working a few hours a day at Blockbuster. Unknown to his parents he's also out clubbing and spending money he doesn't really have. He visits his Uncle Junior - but the call is anything but social. Phil Leotardo is inquiring about Vito's whereabouts. Tony tells him to mind his own business but Vito's wife is Phil's cousin and he has no intention of dropping it. Vito is still in hiding and afraid to return knowing what wiseguys think of gays. He's interested in a short order cook from a nearby diner but has a bit of trouble dealing with it all. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.6
58 min

The news about Vito's extracurricular activities at a gay bar in New York is spreading quickly. Christopher hears it from an acquaintance at an AA meeting and soon passes it on to the other members of the family. Most are disgusted with him but Tony isn't about to rush to judgment where a man's reputation is at stake. It all seems like it's true when Benny Fazio approaches him and Vito takes off in his car. When Meadow overhears her mother and Rosalie Aprile talking about it, she tells them - and eventually her father - what Finn saw the morning he got to work early. As for Vito, he is in hiding in a small New Hampshire town hoping to track down his cousin who lives somewhere in the state. Vito begins to notice that there are obviously other gay men living in the town. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.7
53 min

Johnny Sack's daughter Allegra is getting married and he gets released for 6 hours under the supervision of two Federal Marshall's to attend. It's a happy day for himself and his wife though he still has time to get a little work done. Johnny wants Tony to eliminate someone for him and Tony reluctantly agrees. He tells Christopher to bring in two men from Sicily to do the job. The Marshall's are pretty strict with Johnny about leaving on time and when they drag him away before his daughter and her new husband leave the reception he breaks down and cries. Phil Leotardo describes him as a weakling. Tony has been worrying about how his own men perceive him and decides it's time to remind them that his recent surgery hasn't made him any less of a man. Two hoods making a collection in a gay bar see Vito dancing with another man and wearing his leathers. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

Tony has regained consciousness but is not yet feeling like himself. The owner of Barone sanitation has died and his son Jason wants to sell the company but Tony advises against it. The potential buyer is affiliated with Johnny Sack and Tony wants to make sure he gets the cut he thinks he deserves. Johnny Sack doesn't quite agree with the amounts requested. Tony makes it clear that Jason Barone is responsible for coming with the cash he expects. Paulie is shocked when his Aunt Dotty, a nun, tells him that she gave birth to him when she was a novitiate and that the woman he thought was his mother is actually his aunt. He feel that he's been lied to and somehow cheated of ever knowing his real mother. Bobby Baccala meanwhile enters into a strange pact with a rapper. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.6
57 min

Tony is still comatose and if anything, his condition is deteriorating. The doctor's are trying to control a fever-causing infection and Carmela is increasingly worried, if that's possible. The strain of leading the family and constantly settling disputes among the captains is affecting Syl whose asthma is acting up. He orders Paulie and Vito to each give Carmela $100,000 as Tony's share of a recent big score. They both hold off waiting to see if Tony lives or dies. Vito sees himself as Tony natural successor and starts to prepare the way. Bobby Bacala and Christopher learn what AJ has been planning. As for Tony, his dream continues where he is mistaken for someone by the name of Finnerty. When he sees a poster announcing a Finnerty family reunion, he drops by only to find a familiar face as the doorman who urges him to go inside the brightly lit house where everyone is waiting for him. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.6
54 min

Tony is in a coma in hospital after being shot by Uncle Junior who, with his deteriorating dementia, thought he was an intruder. Doctors are pessimistic and have told Carmela to prepare for the worse. Syl takes temporary charge of the family and with Tony's poor prognosis, sees himself as his natural heir. Carmela, Meadow, a somewhat reluctant AJ and several captains maintain a 24 hour vigil. As for Tony, he dreams he is a businessman on a trip to California. Unfortunately, he seems to have taken someones briefcase and wallet by mistake. He has no identification and only a small amount of cash on him. As a result of the mix-up everyone thinks he someone by the name of Finnerty, including two Tibetan monks who are dissatisfied with the heating and cooling system he sold them. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.8
58 min

Tony is thrown for a loop when the crooked cop on his payroll, Vin Makazian, tells him that Big Pussy has made a deal with the Feds and is wearing a wire. Pussy, Jimmy Altieri and others were recently arrested and Tony knows how much Pussy worries about money and the cost of his son's college education. Tony confides in Paulie but tells him to do nothing until they have absolute proof. A good thing since someone else is the rat. Livia meanwhile continues to moan about Tony's treatment of her and manipulates Junior into thinking Tony is conspiring against him. He tells her he has no choice but to eliminate him and Livia tells him she has no objections. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD The Sopranos

The Sopranos


The Sopranos

IMDb: 8.6
52 min

When AJ gets into trouble at school - he and two other boys steal sacramental wine from the church - Tony and Carmela are told he my have ADD. He's suspended from school for three days and is told to visit his grandmother where he lets it slip that Tony is seeing a psychiatrist. The situation causes Tony to reflect on his own times at that age. It was in 1967 that he learned something about his father when he sees his Dad and his brother Uncle Junior beat someone up to collect a debt. As a child, Tony thought his father also showed favoritism to his sister Janice by taking her to a fun fair every Sunday. He decided to find out what exactly they were doing. In fact, his father was conducting business with other mobsters who were also taking their daughters with them as a cover. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 8.2
44 min

Dr. Brendan Gall, one of the scientists on Atlantis, discovers a Lagrangian point satellite and Sheppard, McKay, Gall and another scientist, Dr. Abrams are sent to investigate. It was used by the Ancients as a last line of defense before Atlantis during the war with the Wraith 10.000 years ago, but it seems to be out of commission. Not long after the team picks up a distress call from a planet nearby. It's coming from a Wraith ship that crashed during the war and the team takes a look. McKay is absolutely convinced no living thing could survive that long, but the team discovers signs of Wraith cannibalism and a storage compartment for humans. McKay begins to doubt his assumption. Written by Arnoud Tiele (

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Stargate: Atlantis

Stargate: Atlantis


Stargate: Atlantis

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

A Jumper gets stuck in a Stargate when it was carrying Sheppard, Teyla, Ford and Rodney, making it impossible to pass through it. The fact that Major Sheppard is deadly injured and the Stargate will get closed in thirty eight minutes (which would mean their death) makes necessary to find out quickly a way to fit in the Stargate and escape. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA | Canada
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HD Airwolf




IMDb: 7.3
60 min

Hawke must save an old girlfriend from evil government agents.

Country: USA
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HD Airwolf




IMDb: 7.3
60 min

Hawke must save an old girlfriend from evil government agents.

Country: USA
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HD Airwolf




IMDb: 7.1

A European terrorist cell takes refuge in a spiritualist community in the U.S. that shuns all exposure to technology. Using the community as a front, they plan to destroy a new southwestern U.S. hydro-electric facility and for exposure, they invite a prominent TV journalist, Kelly Dayton, to witness the event. When Kelly and her escort pilot, String, are captured by the terrorists, some quick thinking on the part of the ace pilot results in their escaping their captors, but String and Airwolf must stop the terrorists before they complete their plan of destruction and flood the valley settled by the spiritualists. Written by R. Bernard Ment

Country: USA
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HD Airwolf




IMDb: 7.1

A young hotshot helicopter pilot named Kevin takes a job sweeping the hanger at Santini Air after his guardian uncle is killed by some past associates. Those associates wanted his uncle to go back into the drug smuggling business with them. Now Kevin is on the lookout for them and uses his position at Santini Air to try to garner some revenge. Unfortunately, he costs Santini a commercial contract in the process and almost loses the trust of his newfound friends. Written by R. Bernard Ment

Country: USA
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HD Airwolf




IMDb: 6.8
60 min

A revolutionary breaks her father, former dictator Marios Guzman, out of a military prison. Because her father received no medical treatment in prison, she has her followers kidnap Doc who is on a fishing trip with String. String vows to follow Doc, but is advised not to get himself or Airwolf involved in anything political. As it turns out, a former comrade-in-arms of Guzman's learns that he is dying and plans to use his final address to the people as a rallying point to retake the government. Written by R. Bernard Ment

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HD Airwolf




IMDb: 7.2

Dom uses Airwolf to transport a heart to Chicago and responds to a mayday along the way for a downed private plane. The plane belongs to billionaire Carl Barron who was on his way to a board meeting when his plane developed engine difficulties. Barron attempts to bribe Santini into dropping him off first, then the heart. Dom refuses and gives Barron a piece of his mind, instead. Shortly thereafter, Barron is killed in a mysterious explosion at his company and everyone at the funeral is shocked to learn that he altered his will just before he died. Dominic Santini is named as the recipient of a substantial piece of the Barron fortune and several of Barron's employees are not happy about it. Written by R. Bernard Ment

Country: USA
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HD Airwolf




IMDb: 7.4
60 min

A rich corporate industrialist, Carter Anderson III, hires Santini and Hawke to ensure his safe transportation needs when it becomes evident that he might be targeted for a hit. Anderson is aware of the existence of Airwolf and Hawke agrees to use the supercopter to help protect Anderson if necessary. Caitlin agrees to fly one of the helicopters for the mission, but there's a twist that she's unaware of; her new boyfriend just might be in on the assassination plan. Written by R. Bernard Ment

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HD Airwolf




IMDb: 7.2

When Eddie, a chronically drunk friend of Dom's, spouts off about UFO-type lights he's been seeing near his desert trailer, everyone writes him off as a crackpot until one night while taking Eddie home, Dom spots them, too. He and String investigate and discover a military compound nearby headed by a renegade general who is planning a preemptive nuclear strike against the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, while escaping, Dom is shot and it's up to Eddie to ride shotgun aboard Airwolf with String even though he doesn't believe he can do what may be asked of him. Written by R. Bernard Ment

Country: USA
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HD 24: Live Another Day

24: Live Another Day


24: Live Another Day

IMDb: 8.9
44 min

Jack Bauer is captured by CIA agents in London. The White House have reason to think Jack might want to harm president Heller. Kate realizes that Jack chose to get caught by her agency so he may have a hidden agenda. No one believes her though and Jack gets what he wants. Written by Andreea D

Country: USA | UK
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HD The Unit

The Unit


The Unit

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Grey goes undercover because of his previous relationship with a suspect whose gang is dealing in dangerous explosive, and a CID's interference may derail the whole operation.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller, War,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.3

Samantha's announcement she's giving Richard another chance after his unfaithfulness, as nobody's perfect and it was 'only sex', is such a bomb-shell that even Charlotte makes an obscene gesture. Although Miranda is atheist, she can't deny Steve's entire Catholic family having the baby baptized. Just when Carrie felt down having to write about relationships without having one herself, she gets invited by a publisher to select some of her columns as a book. Eternally positive Charlotte drags Carrie along to the Fountain of Faith, but stands up to say faith didn't suffice for her. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.6

Charlotte panics about her 'bed-manner' when her lover Dr. Bram Walker dozes off in bed once after a grueling day of surgery, so she takes a tantric sex class given in a very hands-on demonstration by a psychologist couple. Sam not only proclaims the dawn of pan-sexuality, but actually agrees to have a threesome with gay couple David and David, who lose interest in the idea just when she was running hot. Carrie bumps into (the cigarette of) very cute film composer Patrick Casey. She is puzzled how reluctantly he takes further steps until he confesses to be a recovering alcoholic, but when she is the one hitting the breaks... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.5

Carrie ponders the theory that all Manhattan men are freaks. After Samantha found out an eligible lawyer has a masochistic closet, she decides too cheer up herself by scheduling having her fanny's fat injected in her facial cheeks. When Carrie meets charming journalist Ben, she doubled-dates with his mate Luke and Miranda - a total misfit because she abhors his position that nothing outside is worth leaving Manhattan even for a holiday. Charlotte meets the legendary Mitch(ell) 'pussy' and experiences he never disappoints in bed, but can she really be satisfied without an actual relationship? Meanwhile Carrie gets freaked out by her failing to find Ben's freaky side, so she takes drastic action at his place. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.7

After weeks sharing a bed, Carrie feels comfortable actually sleeping with M. Big, yet mortified when she farts in bed, but really worried when he stops to want sex every night. It really hits her when he prefers to watch a boxing match to kissing, so she paints her apartment. Miranda tells Carrie to be herself and feels she's worse off not having had anyone for three months, but how often is normal? Samantha is horny for her hunky yoga instructor Siddharta, who claims to practice Bhramacharya, Tantric celibacy, since three years, yet still gets hard-ons. Charlotte tells Carrie to be happy her boyfriend Kevin didn't even kiss in three weeks, takes it as an aphrodisiac that he's Carrie's ex from three years ago and a sex maniac, but then learns he has given up sex to cure his former bad temper by Prozac, indeed even a hand-job has no result. Carrie's neighbors, who frequently have amazingly long, naked sex in front of the open window, are a spectacle for the envious quartet- and ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD Sex and the City

Sex and the City


Sex and the City

IMDb: 7.4

Architect and amazing lover Jack, an ideal catch for princess Charlotte, whom she met at many disease benefits, strongly suggest a trio with another woman- the friends are divided if or how. Samantha does it with married 37-year old wine importer Ken Shear; when he tells his wife Ruth, she insists Sam participates in his fantasy, a threesome, to save her marriage. Carrie is surprised nearly everybody has trios, and startled Mr. Big is divorced, from publisher Barbara, who proves a great lady and even interested professionally in Carrie's on the spot invented novel theme -intolerable, as if she were in bed with her and Big- and tells he was the cheater! Irritated to be the only one not asked for a trio by a friend, Miranda answers a couple's threesome ad. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance,
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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 8.1
50 min

Having failed to eliminate the Borgias, Caterina Sforza moves on to a new plan - uniting several warring families into a confederacy of hatred directed to removing the Borgia Pope. Pope Alexander knows who his enemies are - Cardinals from the same families that Caterina Sforza is approaching - and he decides to purge the Vatican's nest of vipers - the College of Cardinals. Cardinal De Luca, fearing he will find himself on the torturer's rack, accuses the heads of those same great families of plotting against the Pope. One among them however has a plan to get rid of him. As Alexander recovers from the attempt on his life, he decides that his mistress should go away. Written by garykmcd

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HD The Borgias

The Borgias


The Borgias

IMDb: 7.9
53 min

Cardinal Della Rovere travels to Naples in the hope of gaining allies against the Borgia Pope. He finds the Neapolitan Prince Alfonso to be quite ruthless. The Pope and his son Cesare, now a Cardinal in his own right, plot their own future and Cesare dispatches his assassin to get rid of Della Rovere. The Pope decides to offer a home to the Jews who have recently been expelled from Spain. His price will be high, however. He also allows diplomatic relations with Islamic Constantinople - again for a princely sum, 40,000 ducats. Lucretia's parents agree that the girl must be married but the Pope decides that the marriage should be such as to protect them all. A marriage to the prince of Naples would be ideal but there are many suitors all with their own proposals. The Pope is concerned with Lucretia's more than passing interest in a young Muslim boy. Cesare and his younger brother Juan are tasked to resolve those concerns. Written by garykmcd

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HD Unforgettable




IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Following her nose helps Carrie link the murders of a deli employee and a computer hacker to a seductively handsome securities dealer.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Unforgettable




IMDb: 7.9
42 min

The search for a pair of drug couriers uncovers an assassination plot and a surprising secret that Carrie thought she had put behind her.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Unforgettable




IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Carrie and Al investigate when Elliot's old friend is found dead after a charity event they had all attended. Elliot has trouble in his marriage, and old secrets come out about his 3 amigos days as a young employee of the mayor's office.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Unforgettable




IMDb: 7.9
44 min

When Carrie recognizes a murdered city official as someone she played poker with at an underground casino, she puts her career on the line by admitting her illegal activities and volunteers to go back to the tables undercover.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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