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IMDb: 8.0
60 min | 54 min

The residents of Phoenix are in a panic when a gang of home invaders strike at two homes killing all of the residents, including children. They apparently steal nothing. Allison has a dream about them, but the real source of information is daughter Bridgette, who sees the killers in the form of a cartoon where the three killers are monkeys. When both Allison and Bridgette dream of a mother and son who are run off the road, Allison wonders if there is a connection. As if there isn't enough going on in the Dubois household, the spirit of Allison's high school boyfriend takes up residence. DA Devalos is feeling unwell and his wife is quite worried. Det. Scanlon thinks his relationship with Deputy Mayor Lynn DiNovi is going well enough to go to the next level Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Allison dreams of a alternate life, one where she marries someone other than Joe - who happens to be quite handsome - and where she successfully completes law school becoming a high profile attorney. In her waking life at work, she is assisting DA Devalos who is trying to convict Sean Redburn who lured a pretty young woman to the US and proceeded to abuse and kill her. The DA hasn't been able to find the victim's body however and the defense has - in the form of the 'victim' herself, alive and well. As a result, Devalos feels he and Allison can no longer work together. As her dreams continue, Allison finds herself acting as Redburn's attorney and Joe is a potential expert witness in the case. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Allison is dreaming about Det. Scanlon, seeing him a on his wedding day high on crack. Subsequent dreams show him as an addict and with a beautiful woman who is his lover. At work, they are investigating the murder of three young women found in a dumpster with their eyes gouged out. They suspect the young women were drug mules and for several days pursue that theory. When the coroner's report reveals a number of anomalies - one of the young women had undergone cosmetic surgery, for example - they realize that the women did not fit the profile of your average drug mule. As Allison's dreams continue, it becomes evident that Scanlon has a dark past and his life is clearly in danger. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 8.0
43 min

Allison's dreams all point in the direction of a serial killer though the evidence doesn't support that theory. The killings are random and the victims have nothing in common. They were also killed in remote locations - one was rock climbing while another had her car breakdown on the road - and there is no way the killer could have known they would be there or just have stumbled upon them by chance. When she dreams of the killer's next victim, she manages to contact the woman and warn her but when it all becomes public, her explanation leads the killer to contact her directly. Meanwhile, Bridgette is preparing a class presentation on her Mom's occupation and somehow it's all coming across as a little too much to tell. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Allison is feeling very blue and is dreaming about the child, Brian, she and Joe lost some 15 years ago. Initially, her dreams are pleasant with David sitting at the family breakfast table with them and the girls and then dropping him off at school. It all takes a more sinister turn however when after a sleepless night she goes to a coffee shop and finds the manager dead and lying in a pool of blood in the kitchen. Her next dream shows Brian, entering the house with his shirt covered in blood. They eventually arrest a young man, Jessie Andrews, who had once worked at the coffee shop but had since been fired. Jessie is the spitting image of the Brian she dreams about and Allison is having some difficulty separating the facts before her and the dreams she's been having. Jessie confesses but Allison can't help but feel that he's innocent. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.6
42 min

Allison dreams of a teenager who enter his high school and starts shooting his teachers and classmates. Soon after, she and Detective Scanlon are investigating the kidnapping of 6 year-old Tyler Downey . There's been no ransom note and there is no evidence of violence in the Downey home. Allison starts to dream about Tyler and they manage to find him, shot but still alive, in a garbage dump. As the dreams continue, she learns the identity of the kidnapper/killer but also something else that is quite frightening: 6 year old Tyler will grow up to be the teenager on the shooting spree as a teenager. When she dreams of Tyler graduating as his class valedictorian, she finally realizes what is happening and what the dreams really mean. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Medium




IMDb: 7.9
44 min

For Allison, works of art are suddenly coming to life. The paintings all point to the artist, Jason Morrow, as a killer. Allison sees a woman in all of them either being attacked or about to be buried. Det. Scanlon identifies the woman but when they find the body, tests reveal that the woman and a young boy were buried over 20 years ago. The identity of the child is key to solving the case. Joe's boss meanwhile tells him that he's leaving the company and would like Joe to join him as a partner in his new venture. The ghost of Joe's father keeps dropping in on Allison to make sure his son doesn't join the new company. Written by garykmcd

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HD Medium




IMDb: 7.8
44 min

District Attorney Manuel Devalos is up against his old nemesis Larry Watt who is defending a well-known college athlete against a charge that he drugged, raped and killed a college student. Devalos is certain the accused is guilty but Watt seems to be pulling information out of thin air and the Mayor has let it be known that while he wants Devalos on the ticket for the forthcoming election, there's no place for someone who is constantly being upstaged. Allison is puzzled by a woman seated directly behind the defense table and learns that Watt may have found his own psychic. At his own work meanwhile, Joe begins to wonder what a new microchip will be used for. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Allison has taken to sleep walking and actually puts her life in danger when Joe finds her in her nightgown standing in the middle of the freeway. She can't explain what is happening but is clearly taking on a new persona when she is in her sleep state. At work, Allison is working with District Attorney Devalos on the case of a multi-millionaire who seems to have disappeared with his four-year old son. The boys mother - estranged from her husband - is convinced he has run off with the boy. Allisons's sleepwalking is helpful in solving the case. At home meanwhile, 12 year-old Ariel would like to start walking home from school with her friend Hannah. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Three months have passed since the serial killer last struck. Captain Push of the Texas Rangers has been unconscious all of that time and Allison hasn't had a dream either. They know the victims all had the same father who was a sperm donor but the clinics he used have now closed and they're having trouble tracing the medical records. There's only one victim left and she's been put into protective custody but when Allison starts dreaming again, she realizes that it's not the sperm donor who is the killer. With Push out of his coma, the police set a trap for the killer. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Medium




IMDb: 7.7
44 min

An old murder case in which both Scanlon and Devalos were involved is re-opened. Allison is confused when she finds out that the convict did not commit the crime and her colleagues may have tampered with the evidence. She also has dreams of another murder whose connection to the case she does not understand first. At the same time, Joe's mother visits Allison and Joe, and Joe's father also appears to Allison. Written by lil

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IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Allison accompanies D.A. Manuel Devalos to the State prison to witness the execution of a man he personally prosecuted. Several hours later, the supposedly dead man's girlfriend is killed and he is seen in their house. The newspapers are soon filled with stories of a revenge-seeking ghost but Allison finds a far more Earthly solution to the puzzle. Ariel meanwhile develops a crush on her science project partner Sean Bertoni. Allison feels there is something terribly wrong however and when she has a vision of the full story, offers the boys mother Sarah her help. Written by garykmcd

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HD Medium




IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Allison hasn't slept in days, always having the same recurring dream. She sees two young boys running along a dirt path racing to get across a railroad track in advance of an oncoming train. One makes it across the tracks in time but the other trips and falls. Her lack of sleep makes it impossible for her to function at the office and she seeks the advice of Professor Leonard Caldwell, someone she's met through a mutual friend and who studies psychic phenomena. When she tells him of her dream, he concludes she is a charlatan as the story of the two boys is his own, which he had told in a book he had published some years before. Her level of detail eventually convinces him that she's the real deal. When Allison sees a book in a bookstore with the same story, her dreams begin to make sense. At the office meanwhile, DA Develos seems to have an open and shut case when a 14 year-old boy confesses to murdering a pillar of the community. It's all too easy however. Written by garykmcd

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HD Medium




IMDb: 8.1
45 min

When Allison Dubois sorts crime scene photos of a shooting, she is convinced that she actually knows what has happened. She's a prospective law student working as an intern in the office District Attorney Manuel Devalos. She's convinced her dreams are visions - and she sees dead people standing around her bed. Her engineer husband Joe suggests that she send the various scenarios to the relevant law enforcement agencies to see if anything comes of it. Joe is confident that nothing will - until Allison gets a call from Captain Kenneth Push of the Texas Rangers. Push is skeptical to say the least but she manages to convince him by identifying a crime scene and her knowledge of Push's medical condition. Written by garykmcd

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HD Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman


Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Calling on Hank Lawson's dying former harlot Missy, Doc discovers what all town knew: her son Zack was growing up wild, without an education. Doc's family takes him in, starts teaching him manners and send shim to school. Brian really takes to him, discovers his drawing talent but is mistaken by teacher Olive for the artistic talent, who rather arranges for bullied Zac to work at Hank's saloon. Doc finds a specialized Denver boarding school and finally gets Hank to owe up as Zac's father. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Family, Western,
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HD Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones


Game of Thrones

IMDb: 9.5
51 min

Jon and Samwell are on duty on top of the Wall. Ygritte wants to be the one who kills Jon Snow. A petrified Gilly returns with her baby to Castle Rock, reporting about the wildling attack at Mole's Town. The Nights Watch prepare for battle. The wildling army attack the wall in the night, with giants riding mammoths. Jon sets out on a dangerous journey to help set things right. Written by Shuvam Nandi

Country: USA
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HD Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer

IMDb: 7.3
45 min

The circus arrives in town and brings with it the spirit of a man who thinks his brother murdered him. Melinda must help this ghost come to terms with his death and his brother.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Ghost Whisperer

Ghost Whisperer


Ghost Whisperer

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

Melinda sees the son of an acquaintance playing with a boy called Kenny near to a railroad crossing and she discovers that the Kenny is a ghost. With the support of her partner in their antique business Andrea Moreno and her husband Jim, Melinda contacts Kenny's family, avoids another tragedy and resolving their issues, helping Kenny to cross to the other side. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 8.2
55 min

Molly returns to Abuddin with a hardened resolve to pursue her daughter's killer. Mahdiya is entrusted with a critical job. Leila and Cogswell relish in a brief escape from the world -- only to find that escape is impossible. Barry is thrown by Molly's cold determination and haunted by images of the daughter he failed.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 7.9
51 min

Abdullah's tactic of letting Al-Qadi go is having its intended effect of neutralizing both him and Barry, the latter who has declared Al-Qadi ineligible to run in the election because of his tie to the Caliphate. The Caliphate are facing their own internal struggles as many of those in the top echelon accuse Rashid of wanting to get back into Abuddin solely as revenge against Samira's death, as opposed to forwarding Caliphate ideals. Abdullah believes Rashid can overcome this objection with one decisive action. Barry is feeling increasingly frustrated, which is not helped by having nightmares and hallucinations of Emma, those hallucinations which accuse him of not doing enough to avenge her murder. With only two months until the election, he feels he is running out of time to achieve his primary goal of killing Rashid. Now that Leila has resigned from the government, she takes a calculated risk by joining forces with an enemy to strengthen her campaign. She and Cogswell also have to... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 8.0
55 min

Fauzi comes clean to Daliyah about his feelings for her. An incident that happens at the Truth and Dignity commission leads to several decisions, including from Daliyah about Fauzi's admission and a subsequent question. Others include: Barry wanting to take harder action against those who are contemplating killing for the Caliphate in the name of Islam, whether it be organized under the Caliphate or individually initiated; Al-Qadi feeling the need that it is finally time to talk to Ihab; and Leila taking a calculated chance with regard to the request made to her from Daliyah to appear in front of the commission and with regard to her current role in Barry's government, especially in light of her relationship with Cogswell. Also in light of the incident, the vetting process at the refugee camp becomes more stringent, placing the lives of the innocent in limbo, not being able to move on, and not wanting to go back to Syria to face probable death. El-Amin comes into the radar of the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 7.8
55 min

Barry's tough policies put Daliyah in grave danger. Al-Qadi enacts a risky plan to broach peace. Fauzi puts his feelings on the line, leaving Daliyah conflicted. As the elections reel out of control, Barry cracks down on the political process. Leila's relationship with Cogswell creates a wedge between her and her sister.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 8.0
53 min

Barry and Molly are reeling over Emma's murder. Molly, in particular, is not functioning well, as she can't get over the fact that Emma's last words were to call out Mommy. As such, she can only think of retaining whatever memories she has of Emma, those memories which require as much physical evidence as possible, and seeing Ihab dead in an eye for an eye. Barry too wants to see Ihab dead, but has to take a measured response which is seen as being Presidential, even in light of the personal tragedy. Barry in particular has to decide how much conclusive evidence he will need from Cogswell and Maloof as to Ihab's whereabouts and potential collateral damage before pulling the trigger. Unable to turn to his parents, Sammy continues to turn to Professor El-Amin, who in turn wants to lay a groundwork of a relationship that is more than just sex. Jamal's death leads to turning points for both Leila and Ahmed, the latter who still cannot get over the fact of being the offspring of a man ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Tyrant




IMDb: 8.6
40 min

The army of the Caliphate take control of Tal Jiza, with Daliyah and her colleagues among their hostages, who may be executed to be made an example of everything wrong according to the Caliphate. The Caliphate conscript the men of the town in their march further into Abuddin, most specifically to Ma'an. Barry knows he can't stay in Tal Jiza as he is not only an enemy of the state but also an enemy of the Caliphate. However, he still feels he can't divulge his secrets to Ahmos despite Ahmos' unconditional assistance. In Barry's escape from Tal Jiza, he gets unexpected company. Jamal and Tariq learn of the Caliphate being in Tal Jiza, Ihab being among their ranks, and their plans to go to Ma'an, which places the Chinese nationals working there at risk. Although he leaves the planning of the mission against the Caliphate to Tariq, Jamal can't help but think that Tariq's heavy handedness in the past has led to all the problems they are currently facing. And Molly, Sammy and Jimmy arrive ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.5
44 min

Reese is leading the surveillance on the latest number, 24-hour locksmith Terry Easton. When Reese sees Terry clandestinely breaking into an investment firm, he finds an obviously scared Terry inside with a bomb strapped to his wrist, which Reese is able to dismantle. Reese will learn that Terry's wife Carla is being held hostage by whoever forced Terry to do the break-in by strapping that bomb to his wrist, that person vowing to kill Carla if Terry doesn't comply. Based on voice recognition of the messages left by that person to Terry's cell phone, Finch knows that the person behind what is happening is a mastermind criminal nicknamed The Voice, his identity still unknown. Because of The Voice's deep criminal history, Finch believes he has to call in specialized assistance to find out who The Voice is and what his end game with Terry is. While Reese brings Terry into the precinct for safe keeping, he finds that the precinct is abuzz with activity, including a Hispanic gang called the... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.1
44 min

The next number from the Machine that Reese is tasked with tracking is Frankie Wells, who just arrived in the city four days ago from Florida. Her new job as a hostess at an illegal gambling club masks her true mission as a bounty hunter of nabbing Ray Pratt, the club's operator. Ray skipped bail three months ago on charges of conspiracy to commit several crimes in conjunction with gambling and prostitution mogul, Carlton Worthy. A familiar face pops up into Ray's life, she who adds a level of complexity to Frankie capturing Ray, and to Reese fully discovering why Frankie's number came up. A second number the Machine dispenses is for Beth Bridges, the woman that Finch met in Hong Kong. Finch has long been working on a secret project which involves Beth, as she gets unwittingly involved with Greer and Samaritan. As Beth's number came up immediately as he sat down with her in their latest meeting, Finch, initially believing that her life is in danger because of her involvement with ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.8
43 min

Having taken over the power system causing a blackout, Collier and Vigilance have managed to capture all the people they feel need to be brought to justice for creating and/or operating the ever knowing surveillance system, the only one of which he knows by name being the government's Northern Lights project. Among those they have captured and have placed on trial, with a live video feed going out to the entire world, are Finch, Control, Senator Garrison and Greer. Those on trial seem to be standing in solidarity against Collier's judgment even before the facts come to light. However, that solidarity may break down based on insider information one of the accused has. Meanwhile, Reese has an unlikely ally in the form of Hersh, both of who are looking for the secret location of the trial to free their respective bosses. And Shaw is assisting Root in trying to locate and shut down Samaritan, needing to pose as Decima to do so. But Shaw only has a small part of the picture as Root does ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.4
44 min

Decima has completed its beta test of Samaritan and has now shut it down temporarily as Greer has to get the politicos, namely Garrison, to buy into the need to purchase it in the name of national security. Greer needs this to happen as they require the government feeds for Samaritan to operate properly. With Finch now being held by Greer and Decima, Reese believes that their first priority should be to retrieve him. However, Root, in her continuing contact with the Machine, convinces Reese and Shaw that the Machine is telling her that Finch, for the time being, is safe, and that they have to deal with the next number. As the Machine does not have an overall picture of what will happen, it provides five numbers for the team to investigate on its behalf. Some of those numbers are for people familiar to the team, which gives them a good idea if these numbers are the targets or the perpetrators. The fifth number is one who they have to do some digging to discover the person's identity. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.5
44 min

2010. Finch has just received the latest number from the Machine, on which he will work with his operative, Rick Dillinger. The two have an uneasy relationship. Dillinger doesn't fully trust Finch as Finch tells him nothing beyond what he needs to know for the number in question, while Finch believes Dillinger is too self-interested and takes too many risks, both which may be liabilities for the work in general. That number belongs to Daniel Casey, who works as a freelance computer hacker, hired by companies to try and break into their systems. Two months earlier, he seemed to go underground, which leads to Finch and Dillinger believing that he may have found some information in his computer hacking that someone wants or that his clients want hidden. That does end up being the case, as he seems to want to turn that information over to someone in authority who can protect him. Finch and Dillinger will find out that more than one group is after him, one group that wants the information,... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.0
43 min

While Finch still keeps Root hostage, he who can't understand why the Machine is in contact with her, he is the first to make contact with their latest number, that of hypnotherapist Hayden Price. The fact that his credentials seem made up, and that the therapy session in which Finch has with him seems more like a fishing exercise to obtain answers to secret website questions, lead Finch to quickly come to the conclusion that Price is a con man, out to bilk his patients. However, he still believes that Price is the intended target. In following Price's world, Reese, Shaw and Finch unexpectedly intersect with Carter, who, with Laskey by her side, is still trying to find out the head of HR to bring them down. One of Price's clients is antiques dealer Sven Vanger, who they learn has been laundering money for HR in a somewhat creative manner. They have to find why Price's life may be in danger because of his connection to Sven and indirectly to HR. But Price's true profession begs the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Person of Interest

Person of Interest


Person of Interest

IMDb: 9.4
44 min

In his typically quiet way, Finch tries to tell Shaw that she needs to soften her approach and be more caring toward those they are helping. When that tact doesn't work, he has what he believes is a private discussion with Reese about the issue, which also doesn't yield any tangible results. However, Shaw is tasked with direct contact with their latest number, that encounter which may require Shaw to be more caring to achieve their end goal. That number, an alien registration number rather than a social security number, is for Genrika Zhirova from Russia, she who has virtually no electronic footprint. When Shaw meets her, she understands why: Gen is only ten years old. She originally came to live with her now-deceased grandfather a few years back, and now lives virtually uncared for under the official guardianship of a distant junkie cousin. She also sees herself not as a spy in training, but an actual spy as she tries to uncover information on illegal activities in her drug-infested ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Charmed




IMDb: 7.4
42 min

After Piper has doubts about the future, Paige and Phoebe conjure up Mr. Right as Piper's birthday present.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery,
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