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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 9.0
22 min

Thanksgiving 2007 is a special one for Lily as the first with Marshall and Lily as Mr. and Mrs. It is also the first with the five friends spending it together, which they hope will become a tradition, except that Robin has invited Bob, the 41-year old she has just started dating. The potential tradition may seem a little different for Robin and Ted as after six months of no longer being a couple, they still haven't gotten to a stage of feeling comfortable with each other in a friends situation. They can't even spend time alone together without that awkward feeling. After they break that awkwardness with an unforeseen act the night before Thanksgiving, they have to come to an understanding about whether they truly are friends or if spending time together now is just a matter of convenience. And Marshall has something extra to be thankful for this Thanksgiving Day. He he renamed this particular Thanksgiving Slapsgiving. He previously won a bet with Barney allowing him to slap Barney ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 9.1
22 min

Ted has just started dating a woman named Cathy, who he really, really likes. But at the first dinner she has with the gang, it is obvious to Ted that none of the others like her. They refuse to tell him why, he needing to figure out himself her obvious flaw. The reason he may not be able to see her flaw is that he is still trying to sleep with her, that fact which places blind spots in people's perception. When Ted finally finds out the reason, he can't understand why he couldn't see it in the first place and why it didn't bother him before. But in knowing Cathy's flaw, the gang come to the realization that these blinders can also apply to friends. Meanwhile, the results of the bar exam have just been released. But Marshall can't access his exam results online since he lost his password. Can Marshall wait the probable six weeks until the results arrive in the snail mail? Barney thinks he has a way to find out... if Marshall is willing to do something extremely illegal. Marshall's ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.1
22 min

Marshall and Lily think that it's time they got their own place. Lily automatically thinks they should rent, but Marshall gets it into his mind that he wants to buy, not knowing yet about Lily's massive credit card debt. What's worse is that the first place they look at, Marshall loves without the real estate agent even needing to do a sell job to them. It's in a neighborhood real estate agents coin Dowisetrepla, of which they've never heard. Marshall finally finds out about their financial issues once they try to secure a mortgage. Beyond the argument Lily and Marshall have the size of their debt, Lily comes up with an unconventional solution to their problem. But will they ever find out what Dowisetrepla means? Meanwhile, Barney secures a key to the condominium that Marshall and Lily want to buy. His purpose?: to pretend that the place is his own so that he can sleep with a woman there for a one time only purpose, leave and never have to see her again. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Marshall has just been offered his dream job, albeit low paying, working for the non-profit Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), which works toward environmental goals. Out of courtesy to his father who got him the opportunity, Marshall is still planning on going to the job interview with the law firm Nicholson, Hewitt and West, which represents some of the worst corporate citizens when it comes to the environment. The partner interviewing him, Jeff Coatsworth, ends up being not quite the old monster that Marshall was expecting, but rather a young, hip guy who offers what seems to be the world to Marshall, including wads of money. Despite knowing deep in their hearts that Jeff and his partners are evil personified, Lily seems to be nudging Marshall toward taking the law firm job. Besides Lily, only Robin knows why. Meanwhile, Barney learns that there is a porn star named Ted Mosby, which makes Ted Mosby the architect somewhat uncomfortable. Ted tries to find out if it's mere ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 9.0
22 min

Ted is relating to his kids the story of a woman he met over the Internet in 2007 whose name he no longer remembers, so refers to her only as Blahblah. Before meeting her, Barney believes Blahblah is probably crazy as are all women prowling the Internet for a hook-up, but that she is probably hot to overcome that craziness. After the gang meets Blahblah, Barney's assertions are strengthened. But in getting to know Blahblah and Blahblah getting to know everyone else, the gang discuss the first time each met the other. Lily and Marshall have told their story so often that they have it down to a fine art. But everyone else's story may have the same basic structure from both parties involved, but it's the subtleties that seem to differ. The story of Ted and Lily's first meeting is especially troublesome, and the true details which may never be totally known unless an impartial third party who may have been more lucid at the event comes forward. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.9
22 min

Lily thinks that a guy she knows named George is perfect for Robin, but he's a single father (his son, Doug, is in Lily's class), which is usually a deal breaker for kid hating Robin. Robin decides to give George a try and she does fall for him, even strong enough in her feelings and confident enough to tell him that she has a problem with kids. But when Robin inadvertently meets Doug in a morning after situation, Robin ends up having a slightly different reaction to Doug, which brings up a situation Robin has never faced. Meanwhile, Ted and Barney make a bet on who can sleep with the next beautiful woman they see at MacLaren's, that woman whose name is Stacey. As Ted's luck would have it, Stacey ends up being an old conquest of Barney's who she hates. Ted seems to have the bet in the bag, until his conscience gets the better of him. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

While by himself at MacLaren's, Ted runs into Trudy, a wild woman with who he once went out. Trudy's old sorority sister Rachel shows up, the two who seem to be competitive with each other. Ted isn't sure if either is into him, so via cell phone, he asks for Marshall, Lily and Barney's advice, they who are at his apartment. It doesn't matter as Ted figures out what they really want is a threesome. Ted brings Trudy and Rachel up to his apartment, where Marshall, Ted and Barney - hiding out in Ted's bedroom - give him advice on how to proceed. Up front with his motivations, Barney has ulterior motives in the advice he gives in his and Ted's quest for what they have coined the championship belt. Meanwhile, Robin has a new dating rule, where she hides her non-shaven legs underneath knee-high boots for three dates with the same guy, so that she will behave i.e. not sleep with him until the fourth date. However, she cries out for help when she changes her mind with her current date, a sexy,... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Marshall and Lily are doing many of their post-wedding tasks, such as writing thank you notes and preparing their individual death folder, which is a package of information for the other in case of their untimely death. Lily implies that the folder should contain a personal letter, of which Marshall was not aware. He quickly writes a heartfelt letter to the love of his life. Unable to resist the urge, he opens Lily's letter which isn't quite what he was expecting. Robin, who had a good time in Argentina, can't seem to capture that joie de vivre she had while in Argentina, even though Gael is still doing those things he did in Argentina which made her so carefree. A move by Gael may show Robin if she really is cut out to be the Argentina Robin. And impressed by how Gael attracts the women, Barney and Ted decide to take on that attribute they believe is attracting the women: being a foreigner who can only have a short term fling before heading home. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.4
22 min

Ted is going through his usual mourning process after his break-up with Robin. Barney encourages Ted to get out of mourning and become his wing man once again, but Ted isn't sure when he'll be ready to date. He decides the time has come when Robin, who went away to Argentina for her mourning phase, comes back to New York with a new boyfriend, an exotic Argentinean masseur named Gael. Ted wants to show Robin that she is not winning the break-up. So while going out with Barney to pick up women, Ted hooks up with Amy, a woman not generally Ted's type as she's a bit wild and lives on the edge. Meanwhile, Marshall and Lily have a double date with Robin and Gael, but Marshall and Lily, as Ted's best friends, vow it's only so they can learn to hate Gael, which ends up being a difficult thing for them to do. As Gael may become a permanent fixture in their lives, Ted comes to the realization that he needs to have some closure to his and Robin's break-up. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.8
23 min

Marshall and Lily are having problems at their wedding reception. Whether they want to or not, they become so caught up in their roles as the center of attention of the event, that they have no opportunity to eat. Since they chose the meal, they are even more perturbed that they don't seem to be able to enjoy any of the food. As the reception progresses, the want to taste the food changes to the need to eat or else die of hunger. Meanwhile, Barney overhears Ted and Robin say that they have something important happening in their lives that they haven't wanted to talk about until after the wedding as not to overshadow the event. As Barney won't let it go, Ted and Robin are forced to tell him. The story relates to their one year anniversary dinner two weeks earlier, the day when they rushed into the apartment with their clothes covered with food. As Ted and Robin progress with the story, which has something to do with them being at a crossroads in their relationship, Barney comes to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.8
22 min

The closer and closer it gets to Marshall and Lily's wedding ceremony, the less and less it looks like the intimate outdoor wedding with only a small number of family and friends (and an acoustic guitarist) in attendance that they had originally envisioned. In addition, one problem after another seems to be rearing its ugly head, including: Lily's veil being destroyed; their pregnant harp player being overdue; their photographer being injured; the flowers not scheduled to arrive until half way through the ceremony; Lily's high school boyfriend Scooter being there, he who still professes his love for her; and Marshall having an even worse than bad hair day. Lily doesn't want to be the type of bride who complains about the ceremony since all that should matter is her and Marshall's love for each other, but does she really care about having the perfect wedding? It may be a moot point as Ted thinks he's got the solution to make it a perfect day for his friends. Meanwhile, Barney figures ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 9.0
30 min

In the two weeks before Marshall and Lily's wedding, the gang believe the two of them have become co-dependent on each other. To prove that they aren't, Marshall and Lily decide to go ahead with their original plan of not sleeping with each other until their wedding night. Can they hold out that long? Ted and Lily are facing two other issues regarding the wedding, Ted's being that Marshall is continually censoring Ted's toast, and Lily's being that she needs to gain about five pounds to fit into her wedding dress properly, or else pay the $300 to get the dress altered. Both problems seem insurmountable as the wedding gets closer. Meanwhile, Barney is preparing for his upcoming appearance on the game show The Price Is Right (1972). Although Barney is certain he can win all the prizes he wants (with the exception of not mastering how to spin to the $1 space on the big wheel), he confesses that he has an ulterior motive to be on the show: to meet his biological father, Bob Barker. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.5
23 min

Ted and Marshall have agreed that there will be no strippers at Marshall's bachelor party which they plan on holding in Atlantic City with their friends Stuart and Brad also invited. Barney plans on hiring a stripper anyway. But when Ted tells Barney on the way that they are not going to Atlantic City but to Foxwoods instead (since Ted knew Barney would have a stripper waiting in Atlantic City), Ted thinks he's pulled one over on Barney. In turn, Barney pulls a maneuver which he thinks has outfoxed the fox, although Barney's new plan doesn't come off quite the way he or anyone else quite expects. Meanwhile, Lily is having her bridal shower. Barney talks Robin into buying Lily a vibrator as a gift. When Robin arrives at the shower, she sees that it is not the vibrator type crowd. Feeling embarrassed if anyone at the shower sees what she's bought, Robin does whatever she can throughout the evening to retrieve her gift from the gift table without anyone seeing what she's done or worse ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.2
23 min

Ted is getting ready to move into Robin's apartment. Marshall and Lily don't look at it like they're losing a roommate, but gaining their we can do whatever we want freedom. But as they spend more time alone without Ted, they come to realize what Ted actually brought into their household. Barney on the other hand is trying to prevent Ted from doing what he considers the worst mistake in his life by moving in with Robin. As such, Barney hijacks Ted's moving van with all of Ted's possessions inside. Barney is holding Ted's possession hostage unless Ted does whatever he tells him to do on what was supposed to be Ted and Robin's first night as roommates together. As Ted and Robin are not together for the evening, they both have time to think about what moving in together really means. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

Marshall loves his car, a Fiero, which he got when he was sixteen. The car represents his youth, which he is slowly losing to being a suit wearing corporate lawyer. So he plans on celebrating when the Fiero hits its 200,000th mile. With less than a mile to go with Ted already breaking out the cigars, the car dies. While the gang waits at the mechanic's shop to see if the Fiero will survive, they reminisce about memorable incidents that have happened in the car, in particular ones that bonded certain friendships. When Marshall learns that the car is repairable but will cost more than it's really worth, Marshall has to decide if the money is worth holding onto his past. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.5
23 min

Robin comes to the realization that many of Ted's possessions are gifts from old girlfriends, which makes her feel uncomfortable since now when she looks at them, all she can picture are his old girlfriends and them mocking her for what they may have had with Ted that she doesn't. Based on the vote of the majority of their friends, Ted agrees to get rid of those possessions to please Robin. But Ted feels cheated when he learns that Robin, who had previously stated that she has kept nothing from her old boyfriends, has indeed kept very important possessions from them: all her dogs. Like Robin, all Ted can now see when he looks at the dogs are all Robin's old boyfriends. Will Ted ask her to get rid of the dogs and if so, will she? Meanwhile, Barney doesn't appreciate that Lily expects her friends to attend her performance in an amateur play. After watching it, Barney tells her exactly what he thinks: he hates it. Lily is angered since friends are supposed to provide support. So Barney ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

Ted has an interview in Chicago for what he considers his dream job. But he and Robin have just missed their flight and are trying whatever they can to catch another flight to get to Chicago in time for his interview. As they go on their quest, they reminisce about the events that led up to them missing the flight. The story started six months earlier, the story elements which involve the two of them, Barney, Marshall and Lily, and which include a court date that morning, a subway ride gone wrong and jumping the turnstile, training for and running the New York City Marathon, a wedding dress sale, a never ending car alarm, a hot dog dinner and a found 1939 penny. Ultimately, who will Ted trace the missing flight back to? But as Ted recounts this story to his children in 2030, he considers the penny to be his lucky penny for the destiny it brought. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.5
22 min

It's tradition for Ted, Barney, Marshall, Lily and now Robin to watch the Super Bowl together. The 2007 edition of the game is different in that they have to attend a funeral the day of the game. They expect to be home in time for the 6:00 kick off, but just in case they're not, they're Tivo-ing the game. When the funeral goes longer than they expect and they miss the game altogether, Ted proposes that they watch the game on Monday night in eighteen hours to keep the tradition alive, but also to avoid finding out who won the game before watching it. It's difficult enough for Robin to avoid knowing since she works in the media and Ted since he is tasked with buying the hot wings at a sports bar for the game, but it ends up being just as difficult a situation unexpectedly for Marshall. Barney, on the other hand, does whatever he can to find out who won since he's got a lot of money riding on the outcome. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

Although Ted is happy that the firm's client liked his design for the Spokane National Bank making him now the boss, he doesn't like a lot of what having to be the boss entails, like the fact that most of his former colleagues, who are now his employees, dislike him solely because he is the boss. The worst part is that his former boss, the arrogant and mean spirited Hammond Druthers, is now one of those employees, although he still treats Ted poorly. Brady, one of the managing partners of the firm, recommends to Ted that he fire Druthers. Ted has every intention of firing Druthers and having fun doing it, but he begins to have mixed emotions about doing it after spending some time with Druthers and finding out about his life. Meanwhile, Barney, Ted and Robin find a nude painting of Marshall that Lily painted of him while they were in college. Beyond the embarrassment that Marshall feels especially as Barney, Ted and Robin taunt him with public exposure of the painting, the painting ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.3
23 min

Robin is about ready to say I love you to Ted - the first time she would have said it to any man - but it just won't come out. These feeling coincide with a visit to New York by Robin's seventeen year old baby sister, Katie Scherbatsky. Katie doesn't arrive alone, but with her two month boyfriend, Kyle, who is also visiting family in New York. Katie plans on losing her virginity to Kyle on this trip, something that Robin tries her hardest to talk her out of. Robin requests her friends' help in convincing Katie not to lose it to Kyle, but to wait for someone special. This request makes everyone discuss their first time, which brings up some controversy between Marshall and Lily based on Robin's first time. And Barney's first time comes straight out of a movie... or several movies. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.3
23 min

It's the Christmas season 2006, and as usual, Lily, who loves the festive nature of the holidays, is the chief decorator, which everyone else in turn loves and appreciates. On Christmas Eve, Lily finds the old answering machine that was unplugged during the summer while she was gone. It was unplugged because Marshall, still despondent over his and Lily's break-up, would listen to Lily's old messages. Ted and Lily decide they can once again plug it in. However, one of the old messages that Lily hears on the machine is from Ted to Marshall, in which Ted calls Lily a bad name (using the word grinch as a euphemism when the story is later told). Ted is sorry, but he refuses to apologize to Lily, since in his mind, she really was a grinch for what she put Marshall through. Although Ted later tries to make it up to her, Lily already has taken her revenge on Ted. Again for Marshall's sake, Ted has to try to make up with Lily before Marshall comes home, he who is secretly running his own ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.3
23 min

In the cold winter of 2006, Ted and Robin and Marshall and Lily feel more like staying in in their respective coupledoms than venturing out in the cold world outside. So Barney brings in his gay black single brother James Stinson to act as his wingman as they prowl the bars for hook-ups. Besides being black and gay, James is like Barney in most other respects: confident, well dressed, always out to get laid, and always watching out for his wingman. James' arrival in town convinces the four that perhaps they should go out to a bar with James and Barney for the evening. But as Ted, Robin, Marshall and Lily watch James in action, they can't help but think that there is something strange about his behavior, almost like he's part of a couple and would rather be nesting at home with his significant other, much like the four of them wish they were doing. Indeed, they all learn that James is engaged to get married to a man named Tom. An incredulous Barney is angry as he believes this move ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 9.5
23 min

Ted is learning a few secrets about Robin: she's scared of the seven dwarfs, and she refuses to go to the mall. Although she is up front about why she fears the dwarfs, she refuses to tell Ted and the others about why she won't go to the mall. Marshall believes it's because she got married in a mall and is still married. Barney believes it has something to do with Robin having performed in a porn video. The two of them make a slap bet with each other: whoever is right gets to slap the other across the face as hard as he can. They even ask Lily to be the slap bet officiator, as long as she promises to be unbiased. Ted tries to find out Robin's secret, but she asks him to respect her privacy on this issue. When Ted does eventually pry it out of her, he wishes he didn't know as he doesn't know what to do with the information. But as time goes on, Barney actually finds out that it has to do with a video starring someone named Robin Sparkles. It is only then that Robin makes full ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.1
23 min

Now that Marshall and Lily are back together, they have to decide if that means that an imminent wedding is also part of their future. After some convincing by Marshall for Lily to woo him the right way, they do decide to get married. A perceived problem is that most of Marshall's family now hate Lily for walking out on him in the first place. To avoid the wrath of the Eriksen's at a wedding ceremony, Marshall and Lily decide to go to Atlantic City to elope, with only their three closest friends by their side. Although some do have some work issues to get around, all three of Ted, Robin and Barney head off to Atlantic City for the event. But once there, Marshall and Lily run into an obstacle that it takes three days to get a marriage license in New Jersey. Lily in particular does whatever she has to to make sure they get married on this day. Meanwhile, the guys seem more preoccupied with being tourists in Atlantic City than they are with the wedding. Ted is preoccupied with Robin's ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 9.0
23 min

One day when Ted, Barney and Marshall are hanging out at the coffee house instead of the bar, they notice that the beautiful female barista seems to be into Marshall. With Marshall now being single, Ted and Barney encourage him to go after her. Chloe, as she is named, is indeed interested in him. But later when Marshall and Chloe run into Ted and Barney, Ted and Barney encourage Marshall to not date her. The reason?: she has crazy eyes, which is indicative of a crazy personality. But Marshall doesn't heed their warning and goes out on a date with her. On their date, it's not Chloe that ends up coming off as crazy. Meanwhile, the gang are now calling Barney by a new name, a name that was written on his cup at the coffee house: Swarley. The more he says he hates the name, the more they all call him that and variations of it. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.2
23 min

Lily is still trying to find her passion in life after returning from San Francisco. In order to do that, she will have to work somewhere - anywhere - to finance it. After a failed waitressing job, Ted offers her a job as an office assistant with his company. When she arrives at the office, she meets the head architect, Hammond Druthers, who she considers an inconsiderate blowhard who treats Ted like a child, and who is not a very good architect to boot. Lily uses a technique from her kindergarten class to try and make Druthers a nicer person to work with. Meanwhile, Marshall is having a difficult time with one of his professors. She, he's guessing in her forties or fifties, just got divorced over the summer and is taking it out on the students. After learning that she is attractive, Barney makes it his mission to trap a cougar so that the cougar won't attack her students anymore. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.9
23 min

Two new couples are borne at approximately the same time. Lily has just moved into her run down and tiny new apartment. After taking a look at it, Ted and Robin know she can't live there. Robin would invite her to stay at her place, but Lily is allergic to dogs. And none of the gang have ever even been to Barney's place, he who doesn't offer. But after a mishap at Lily's place, she is desperate to stay with Barney if only for a short time. After some pleading, Barney reluctantly agrees. Barney's reluctance turns to joy when he sees that Lily can be of some use in life. Barney and Lily fall into fake wedded bliss. Is a divorce imminent? Meanwhile, Marshall is lamenting not being able to do typically couple oriented activities anymore, those things such as going to concerts, to the theater or to brunch. But when he asks his old law school friend Brad, who is also going through a recent break-up himself, to use his second ticket (which was originally purchased for Lily when they were ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.9
22 min

Ted and Robin have just had their first fight. Part of the issue is that Robin believes that Ted's job is boring, and about which he rambles on and on, especially when he's had a bad day. Barney convinces Ted that his job may or may not be boring, but that he needs to be more convincing and suave in saying what he does for it to be attractive to the women. For fun, Ted tries using his job as a pick-up line to a beautiful woman - a kick-boxer named Anna - and it works. Robin hears about Ted picking up this woman, but she isn't overly concerned about what it means. But as Robin, with Lily by her side, goes on trek following Ted's movements that night, Robin becomes more concerned as it looks as if Ted is willing to go outside of his comfort zone to impress and thus sleep with Anna. Robin comes to a realization about herself as the night comes to a close. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.6
22 min

In 2030, Ted has a prominent photo in his house of him, his four friends and his parents at his parent's thirtieth wedding anniversary brunch. Ted invited his old fashioned and non-communicative parents, Alfred and Virginia Mosby, to New York for a visit for the occasion. They all look very happy in the photo. But Ted tells his children the not so happy back stories behind the happy faces in the photo. Marshall and Lily were still trying to figure out their relationship following their break-up. Their measures to one up the other in a sexual manner ended up with a few unusual results. The evening before the photo was taken, Barney and Alfred went out for drinks. Barney's stories to Ted later about what happened that evening made Ted's relationship with his father on tender hooks. And before Robin met Ted's parents, Ted told her that Virginia would imply incessantly that she wanted whoever Ted's wife to be to start a family soon. But as Virginia seemed to imply the opposite to Robin, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

Barney feels that its time for Marshall to get out in the dating scene once again. He likens Marshall being single to a kid in a candy store, with any candy ready for his picking. Barney tells him that he'll be Marshall's wing man in picking up girls. Their nights out don't quite work out that way, but when the opportunity finally arrives for Marshall and a potential date, Marshall doesn't seem to know what to do. Meanwhile, Robin receives a surprise visit: from Lily. Lily implies that she had the best summer in San Francisco, not only with the art fellowship, but with life overall. Robin tells Ted about Lily's return, the two who argue about whether they should tell Marshall. But when Ted finally sees Lily, he has a different point of view. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.3
22 min

At the beginning of the summer of 2006, Ted and Marshall embark on two extreme journeys. Ted and Robin are at the beginning of their romantic relationship and Ted cannot be happier. Marshall, on the hand, cannot get over his break-up with Lily despite he giving her the ultimatum of him or the summer long art fellowship in San Francisco. He wants to call and talk to her, but Ted tries to convince him that that is not the right thing to do. Ted and Barney try unsuccessfully to get Marshall out of his deep depression, but it's Robin who provides at least a short reprieve from that depression. However, Barney gives Marshall the idea that he can follow Lily's whereabouts by tracking her credit card use, Barney not actually realizing that Marshall has her on-line account password. When there is evidence from her recent hotel room purchase that Lily is back in New York, Marshall, still hurt that she didn't at least try to contact him first, has to decide if he will try and make contact with ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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How I Met Your Mother


How I Met Your Mother

IMDb: 8.9
23 min

Ted, feeling once again that Robin is the girl for him, decides to make one last ditch attempt to win her heart by performing a grand gesture. His plan entails waiting for her in her apartment, which he can only do by borrowing Lily's spare key. With one small glitch, Ted is able to pull off his grand gesture. Overwhelmed, Robin, doesn't know how to respond. Her answer - with Ted only accepting a yes or no with no in-between - takes into consideration a work issue. To help Robin make up her mind, Ted feels like he has to produce an act of God... with a little help from one of Barney's old girlfriends who would rather see Barney dead than help him. Meanwhile, Marshall finds out that Lily applied for a summer long art fellowship in San Francisco when he listens to a voice message left on their answering machine that offers her the position. As the two argue over what it means for their relationship and their upcoming wedding, neither has the heart to finish the argument for fear of ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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