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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

A man is seen falling from an apartment building, yet the corps found there is not his but Michael Johnson, a resident, who was deeply wounded by an unidentified round object. First subject is junkie Doug Ramsey, who is arrested by Horatio for probably abseiling to break in and steal the $100,000 heirloom ring of the condo owner, Edward Mathis, who is however found taking it back after its sale, insurance fraud. The wounding object is found, a CD recording kinky sex scenes of missing Donna Scott and reputedly strict criminal judge Isaac Greenhill, whose former court clerk is Mathis, who apparently blackmails him. Ramsay claims police abuse, IAB Sergeant Rick Stetler investigates Horatio, but Ramsay's X-rays... Speculating on a link with the judge's major cases, the team finds Donna's corps in a strangler's peat swamp dumping ground, with vomit which allows a DNA trace to Mathis, but Horatio now considers him a mere pawn... Written by KGF Vissers

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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 6.9
45 min

Five corpses are found tied to a stolen yacht's anchor, the crew. Three passengers are found in raft, two survivors claiming the third was killed by a shark, but the bite marks are human. The owner's excuse for not reporting the theft is soon seen through. The precious cargo comprised illegal rocket launchers, one of which was used for blowing up a Cuban former boat refugee's shop. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.2
60 min

Eric and Tim work out that Willie Stango, who seems to have combusted spontaneously and drunk masses of milk, made enemies by selling diluted high octane fuel to jet-ski racers and how that ultimately killed him. Horatio's kinky forensics trace silver spoon Dara Winters's swamp-dumped, leech-drained corps to a boot camp for trouble kids, where nobody even admits knowing her, yet comes up with several surprising suspects and motives. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Miami

CSI: Miami


CSI: Miami

IMDb: 7.3
43 min

A mother loses sight of her daughter Ruthie for a few seconds only later to find that her little girl is now dead at the hand of a pedophile. As the investigation continues, the detectives realize that they are dealing with a serial pedophile. Written by Ploy P.

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HD Vikings




IMDb: 8.6
51 min

Ragnar's plan comes to fruition; the Viking army lands on the coast of Northumbria.

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HD South Park

South Park


South Park

IMDb: 6.7
21 min

Eric, Stan, Kyle, and Kenny go ziplining but find it's incredibly boring and the fellow ziplining tourists drive them crazy. Now they must do all that they can to escape from the group and get off the mountain back to normal life.

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD South Park

South Park


South Park

IMDb: 6.8
21 min

During the televised Canadian royal wedding, the bride-to-be is kidnapped by an unknown entity. After a call to arms is issued to Canadians, Ike travels to Canada, abandoning his role in Mr. Mackey's kindergarten play about dental hygiene.

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 5.6
43 min

Jack McKay suddenly shows up at Dylan's front door of his hotel room where he makes him an offer to be a part of his life in which he will leave the witness protection program that he is in. But Dylan is approached by Christine Pettit who warns Dylan about a rash decision that his father is making since he is still a marked man by his former mob partners. So, Dylan tells Jack to go back to his new life in Arizona while he deals with his own. Meanwhile, Steve lobbies for Ryan's return to college who falls under the influence of Noah in bar-tending at the After Dark. David interviews for a radio job in New York City while Donna and Camille worry about this turn of events. Also, Matt reopens his practice after his suspension and his first client is a stand-up comic named Stuart Patton who's jokes are funny only to Matt. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 6.3
44 min

Matt and Kelly aid Dylan in trying to help him find his father in which the search leads them to Arizona where they find Dylan's father, who lives under the alias Eddie Waitkus, and has a wife and young son. Meanwhile, Donna brings Noah at the beach apartment to convalesce for his injuries where he begins to take advantage her loneliness to make the moves on her. Janet becomes worried when Steve reverts to his old partying form when his stepbrother Ryan visits. Also, Camille tells David that she's beginning to resent Donna's constant phone calls to him for support which intrudes on their evenings out. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 6.5
43 min

Dylan becomes intrigued with his past after he and Steve see a live news report showing a group of plane crash survivors, one of whom is the dead-splitting image of his long death father Jack McKay. Dylan tries looking into his family storage locker, but finds it broken into and ransacked. Dylan then goes to see Christine Pettie, the FBI agent who was involved in protecting his father many years ago, but she is not very helpful and advises Dylan to leave this alone. Meanwhile, Noah's return to drinking gets worse when he intrudes on Donna's newest date Eli. Kelly compromises her personal feelings for her new profession when her first PR assignment is to cover gay teen groups in schools. Also, David ponders his further relationship with Camille when the issue of how to satisfy her arises during their first night together, while Donna hires Camille to work at the boutique. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 6.8
45 min

Brandon runs for vice president along side Josh and does great when he steps in and gives a speech in Josh's place. Their campaign is threatened, however, when Alex Diaz, their opponents campaign manager, uncovers the unpublished article that Josh wrote about Brandon the previous year, which details Brandon's tutoring of D'Shawn and ledges allegations of him taking tests for D'shawn. Donna asks Claire (now attending C.U. as a sophomore) to move into the beach apartment in David's place, but Clare brings a bad snoring habit with her. Meanwhile, Valerie secretly decides to pursue Dylan after finding Brenda's mementos of him in the Walsh's garage and hides her connection to the Walshes from him. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 6.7
45 min

Donna announces to the gang that she has decided to move to Houston to be a débutante. But Kelly eventually learns that Donna still emotionally fragile since her breakup with David and she's hiding behind her mother just to avoid running into him. Dylan also finds out that his entire bank account is cleaned out by Kevin and Suzanne's scam, but alienated with life and embarrassed and ashamed at himself for what happened, Dylan keeps his financial problem to himself. Meanwhile, Brandon decides to tell Dylan about him and Kelly, but chickens out after seeing him drinking again. Later, at a banquet for Donna's, Dylan crashes the party and creates an ugly scene after being inadvertently tipped off by Nat about Brandon and Kelly. Dylan then goes to a nightclub where Jesse is bar-tending and tries to get a drink, but Jesse turns him away, and Dylan also picks up a prostitute at the bar. When Kelly comes over to Dylan's out to talk to him, she finds him with the scantly clad prostitute. When ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 6.5
45 min

Brenda calls Dylan from jail in the hopes of keeping her arrest a secret, but he is forced to tell her parents. Brenda's friends avoid her out of fear of being accessories after the fact and Kelly acts especially bitchy because she is tired of Dylan coming to Brenda's rescue. Brenda faces felony charges, as her crime was a federal offense. An FBI agent who had gone undercover with the activists offers her immunity in exchange for her testimony. Kelly apologizes for shunning Brenda. Andrea gives Donna a healthy puppy (Rocky II) to take her mind off Rocky's death. Steve and his overbearing father, Rush, take on a baseball star and his dad in a father/son golf tournament. Steve catches his father cheating and forces him to complete the game honestly. Lucinda receives a grant for her movie and leaves the university. Josh threatens to expose Brandon's affair with Lucinda unless he endorses his campaign for student president. Brandon calls his bluff and Josh eventually has second thoughts. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 6.4
44 min

Brenda and Donna attend an animal rights rally, and are crestfallen when the university refuses to suspend animal testing. After Rocky dies of cancer, Brenda becomes involved with a small group of radicals. She serves as lookout when the group breaks into the university research building and tries in vain to save Andrea's lab (which does not harm animals in its testing). Brenda is arrested. Kelly and Brandon are furious when Dylan refuses to fund Lucinda's film. He finally tells Kelly that Lucinda came on to him. Brandon breaks up with Lucinda and Kelly confesses her kiss with Brandon. Dylan races over to the Walsh house to fight Brandon, but the tension is defused when he accidentally punches Steve. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

Lucinda temporally loses interest in Brandon when she flirts with Dylan to ask him to finance her documentary film. Meanwhile, Kelly and Brandon spend the weekend together at a task force retreat where they meet the university Chancellor, Milton Arnold, Dean Trimble and the Chancellor's teenage daughter Clare, where Brandon and Kelly become more attracted to each other and brush off Josh who's still hounding them. Brenda and Donna befriend a stray dog that escapes from the university's lab, whom they name Rocky. Also, Andrea discovers that Steve is allowing Muntz and his frat buddies to use her dorm room for nooners. Andrea protests, but changes her mind when Steve begins to date her dorm resident advisor, Kathy Fisher. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 6.9
44 min

Brandon uses Kelly as his date at a university social event to shield his affair with Lucinda from Josh Richland, a snooping student reporter from the Condor determined to dig up any dirt on Brandon. Meanwhile, Brenda and Stewart travel to Palm Springs where they find big complications from a small mistake Brenda makes which leaves them stranded in the desert, where Stuart fumes over and it resulting in her finally breaking off their engagement for good. David rents a piano as a new hobby while Kelly moves back in with him and Donna. Also, Andrea lets Steve use her dorm room after he can't stand living at the KEG house. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 6.6
42 min

During Rush Week, the girls attempt to pledge the Alpha Omega sorority and the result bores Brenda; reunites Kelly with an old flame, John Sears, whom she can't stand and shake off; exhausts Donna who tries to boost ratings for her and David's radio show; and stereotypes Andrea when she suspects the sorority president of being anti-Semetic. Meanwhile, Brandon is asked to run for student senate, but Steve won't accept his involvement with the senates politics which are unpopular with the fraternity. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 7.0
45 min

Brenda returns to Beverly Hills to find her bedroom taken over by Brandon and her parents angry that she dropped out. College registration is too much for Dylan who has a kindred spirit, so he and Brenda pair for a fishing trip to talk about their future. David and Donna try to audition for the DJ's on the California University's radio show, while Andrea tries to get in with the university's newspaper, The Condor, and soon clashes with the egotistical student editor Josh Richland. But Andrea has a more friendly meeting of minds with Dan Ruben, her dorm faculty advisor. Meanwhile, Steve tries to get Brandon in on the fraternity life on the CU campus by pledging the Kappa Epsilon Gamma (K.E.G.) fraternity. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 7.8
93 min (two parts)

On the day of graduation, the gang thinks back about their most memorable moments from the past three years. Andrea delivers her commencement address and everyone celebrates. Dylan also has a mysterious encounter with his late father who advices him that he doesn't need to go to college to prove himself. Dylan instead asks Kelly to take a trip through Europe with him for the summer. Steve also decides to go to California University to be near his friends, while Brenda decides to to back to college in Minnesota. The night of graduation, they all meet in the Hollywood Hills near the big Hollywood sign to create their logo on the sign for the whole city to see to remember them for the years they had at West Beverly High School. Written by Coolchange22669

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 7.2
46 min

After dissolving the trust fund, Dylan, Jack and Christine enjoy the good life together on a friend's yacht at Marina del Rey. But they are all under observation by unidentified men. Meanwhile, finances force Kelly's mother to put their house up for sale. Brenda, Donna and Cindy take a class in self-defense. Brandon continues gambling and starts losing money totaling $500 which makes Duke rather angry, but lets Brandon slide his losses. Andrea get invited on a date with Jordan. Also, David meets with Serge Menkin, his new recording manager, who insists that David record some different rhythm tracks.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 6.8
45 min

Dylan's estranged mother, Iris, returns to Los Angles which resurrects old family hostilities for she doesn't trust Jack with handling Dylan's trust fund, as does Jim. Brandon continues gambling and splurges his winnings on skis and a new car stereo. Meanwhile, David and Steve meet with the eccentric Icon Records Company president Curtis Bray, who tells David that he will give him a recording deal only if he fires his personal manager Steve. Brenda spends the entire weekend in her bedroom moping about her lost relationship with Dylan, while dreaming evil dreams on doing physical harm to Kelly whom she unfairly blames for her and Dylan's breakup. Also, Andrea goes to a luncheon for Yale acceptances where meets her old friend Jordan Bonner. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 6.4
46 min

A rainy Thanksgiving brings uneasy get togetherness when Brandon brings over Jack Canner, the homeless man he tried to help out the previous summer, after Nikki leaves town to visit her parents in San Francisco. Meanwhile, Steve, now expelled from school, joins his mother for a TV shoot in Santa Barbara to some time break his bad news to her. But Samantha Sanders actually sticks up for Steve and gets him conditionally readmitted to West Beverly. Also, Dylan brings his father home for Thanksgiving and must cope with his presence and his new girlfriend Christine. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 6.7
46 min

During SATs week, Brenda tries desperately to quit the smoking habit she picked up while in Paris. At the same time, she talks a little too openly to Beth Nielson, a tabloid-TV reporter, about life in Beverly Hills, who twists her story and her friendships. Meanwhile, Nikki turns her sights on Brandon and tries to win his affections. An academic shortcut tempts Steve when a West Beverly alumni, B.J. Harrison, offers him the master key to the school. Also, Dylan visits his father in prison again who gives him some advice on his future. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 6.8
46 min

Brandon becomes jealous of Andrea's new boyfriend, Jay, who invites her to Houston with him for a Republican convention, while she tries to get Cameron, to join on her day care group outings. Dylan's father, Jack, asks to put in a good word for him at his parole hearing, and Kelly keeps Dylan some company while mending her broken heart over leaving Jake Hanson (see Melrose Place). Meanwhile, Brenda and Donna arrive in Paris and they get a less than dazzling welcome to the City of Light after meeting brash students, as well as eating at a local restaurant. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Beverly Hills, 90210

Beverly Hills, 90210


Beverly Hills, 90210

IMDb: 7.3
68 min

Steve arrives in Albuquerque, New Mexico and tracks down his grandfather, Al Brown, a diner owner. Al explains that his daughter gave up Steve because she was very young and wanted him to have a good home. He sadly reveals that Karen Brown died in a car accident many years ago. Steve leaves flowers at her grave, and convinces an eccentric Santa-like charter pilot to fly him home for Christmas. Back in California, Cindy is depressed about her first Christmas in Beverly Hills. She invites the kids' friends and their families for Christmas Eve dinner, but everyone has other plans. Brandon visits Emily in a psychiatric hospital, where she is doing very well. Meanwhile, Brenda begins work at an upscale clothing store. A mysterious old man steals a Santa Claus suit from Nat at the Peach Pit, and later shows up at the boutique store where Brenda works. She feels bad when her brass boss throws out the cheerful old man. After work, Brenda stops the police from harassing the old derelict ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 7.0
42 min

Fatally struck Marcie Cody's corpse is found near the rented stretch limo hired from Marty 'The Cat' Kirch by nostalgic would be-rock band Kiss as part of a star experience package, including Kiss rock star Gene Simmons. Angela 'Tangerine' Ward, the other girl hired as 'groupie' by the wealthy professionals, is missing, but has a criminal record and fitting partner, who turns up murdered. The team finds possibly motives among band members as well as star experience cast. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 7.7
43 min

A private jet crashes near a casino. The pilot-co-owner was supposed to be alone, yet there are four passengers, as the corpse in the cockpit isn't him, his was ejected earlier by an explosion. It wasn't ignited but the result of masterly sabotage with the mechanic's tools. Possible motives emerge for passengers when each is identified, as well as for the pilot's gay partner in both senses, who was leaving him for a male exotic dancer. Yet the visiting genealogist helps stumble onto an even more convoluted plot. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 7.4
43 min

The task of figuring out who shot and killed a pediatrician in a casino becomes more difficult when the team discovers that the killer is one of three identical triplets.

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

Nick isn't killed by a booby trap because of a call he gets from Jason McCann, whose beloved big brother he got convicted for murder. However the knave was watching and his cult leader is murdered, but that crime site proves a minefield even bomb squad expert Kip Woodman finds impossible to defuse safely. Army-trained accomplice Timothy Johnson enters the field. Serial killer Nate Haskell is finally on trial and fires his appointed attorney to plead his own defense, a controversial genetic defect, ignoring Langston has the same mutation. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Vegas's extremely popular university football coach Jimmy Miller, a childless widower who lived to make a third rate team state champion, wakes up and goes trough breakfast routine until he collapses besides the paper in front of the campus security agent on account of fatal blows to the head. Nick identifies the weapon later as one of only two stolen trophies from many. In Archie's absence, Hodges finds a communications lead to quarterback Calvin Crook, the team star who wants to cash in by going pro. Greg's team works on two corpses, recently arrived prostitute Paige Hammer drowned in a car sunk in a lake, Alejandro Jiminez also wet but shot and dumped nearby. Working out there was a third man involved and the BMW being from the Mustangs' sponsoring car dealer Buddy 'Pal' Arnold links the cases, yet different culprits are found. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 7.4

A husband accused of killing his wife and injuring his daughter maintains that he is innocent, Stokes and Hodges discover that a fatal car accident was connected to a game of mailbox baseball, and Grissom meets with the Miniature Killer. Written by

Country: USA
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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 8.5
45 min

A UFO cult commits mass suicide in an underground complex shortly after apparently dumping a body in a garden. When the CSI team discover their bodies, they suspect two members are still alive and go looking for them.

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