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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 7.5
45 min

The death of two women, both obsessed with being young, leads Nick and Catherine to a 'spa' belonging to a doctor. There, Catherine is more self-conscious than ever about her aging. Another death happened in a house recently fumigated to kill insects. Written by Ploy P.

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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 8.6
44 min

A very large man is beaten to death by a smaller man with enormous strength. During interrogation, the suspect jumps on Grissom and is subdued by police officers in the room. He ends up dead, not from being beaten, but from cardiac arrest. The findings in his stuffed car, which includes a waitress uniform, leads Grissom to investigate the dead man's motel. The result shocks the team when a skeleton of a woman is found buried in his property. Written by Ploy P.

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HD CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

CSI: Crime Scene Investigation


CSI: Crime Scene Investigation

IMDb: 8.8
45 min

A nurse is found dead in her house by her friend, who's also a nurse. The victim died in her spacious bathroom, posed with her head facing the door. According to the friend, she was to have dinner with her new boyfriend, Dr. Michael Clark, who works at the same hospital. Processing the crime scene reveals very little evidence because the killer has thoroughly cleaned the place and used bleach to denature any DNA. Dr. Clark, initially a prime suspect, is later found, albeit in pieces, in garbage bins behind the house. The precision of various cuts suggests that medical personnel is the killer. Meanwhile, this case prompts Grissom to contemplate his workaholic life and whether it is worth the life he may be missing out on. Written by Ploy P.

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IMDb: 7.1
24 min

There is still a lull in the conflict... until Col. Potter announces good news. Corporal Howser, former 4077 patient, is recovering nicely at Walter Reed after the intricate plumbing reroute done by BJ and Chuckles. The U.S. medical community is abuzz and The American College of Surgeons wants the two surgeons to write a paper for publication on the mobilization and exteriorization of the descending colon performed on Howser. Hawkeye is happy to see Jack Scully (Joshua Bryant) roll into his favorite party town but Scully is there to see Margaret. As egos and tempers flare in The Swamp, Margaret learns Scully has been busted to Private. But, Scully is a bit of a chauvinist and expects her to be his demure subordinate. The Major has grown: she is comfortable with her rank. She wants a man who is 10% her father, 10% Hawkeye, 3% Frank Burns and 1% her ex-husband, Donald. She never finishes her math: but she and Hawkeye agree they are each looking for a custom fit in an off-the-rack ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.3
24 min

Klinger, you may be a boob, but you are no mongoose. Such is the gratitude Max can expect to receive for good deeds from the Stiff Upper Nose. Max scours, wheels, deals and commits minor felonies to find Napoleon brandy and he even delivers it to The Swamp. Scully appears in triage; Margaret and the Swamp Rats are happy to see him, but Margaret is the flustered kind of happy. South Korean Lt. Park and his frightening MPs bring a North Korean prisoner to 4077. Lt. Park claims she is a dangerous guerrilla; she becomes one of Hawkeye's patients. Chuckles keeps Park minimally occupied by offering chess; the inscrutable Lt. Park places Chuckles in check with the same merciless cunning The Swamp Rats worry he will use on the female prisoner. Hawkeye and BJ are outraged G-2 will not save this young woman... until they witness blind hatred that rocks them to their liberal cores. Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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IMDb: 7.9
24 min

August 9: Hawkeye changes wars; now, it is The War Between the States and the tired surgeon wants to secede from the Army. He goes to Rosie's for breakfast after 2 full days in surgery. Sgt. Jack Scully (Joshua Bryant) enters, AWOL, he avows never to return to the fighting. This strikes a chord in Hawkeye. BJ is sucked into the cozy bamboo security blanket. As the trio drinks and sings, BJ mentions secession and a new, sovereign country is formed: Rosieland. The motto is life, liberty and the pursuit of happy hour. Klinger enters: Col. Potter is looking for his runaways, but Klinger brought knee pads for the duration of the Wang Ho crap games. The 4077 trickles into Rosieland; a few salute their new flag. Father Mulcahy enters, at mid-debauch, to ask BJ to return to 4077. Chuckles is the first POW, gagged and hog-tied to a chair. Soon, Fr. Mulcahy is shooting craps with Klinger and Cho Kim (Keye Luke). Radar is trying to wake the unconscious Maj. Frank Dorsett. Scully romances ... Written by LA-Lawyer

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama, War,
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HD Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders


Peaky Blinders

IMDb: 9.6
59 min

Thomas cons Solomons into giving a share of his export business as well as getting the murder charge against Arthur withdrawn, freeing his brother As Derby day arrives he writes a letter to be opened in the event of his death - stating that Campbell has forced him to kill Field Marshal Russell, so that the culprits appear to be the IRA, undermining Home Rule. With his gypsy allies he plans to take over Sabini's race track licences, explaining that he will be creating a diversion to distract the police. At Epsom he bids a cryptic goodbye to May though somewhat incongruously Grace arrives, pregnant by and claiming to love him. Helped by his secretary, ex-prostitute Lizzie, Thomas kills Russell whilst the Blinders destroy Sabini's gaming licences in the knowledge that, thanks to May, they will revert to Shelby. Polly gets her revenge on Campbell but Thomas is abducted by members of the Ulster Voluntary Force on Campbell's orders and taken away to be shot. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD 12 Monkeys

12 Monkeys


12 Monkeys

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

In 2011 Jennifer Goines is introduced to the dark room where her father's most secret experiments are taking place. In 2015, she is again in the hands of her kidnappers. Cole and Cassie manage to get into the Night Room facility only to find that that the pallid man has beaten him to it. Cassie learns that Cole killed Henri while in Haiti. In 2048, Ramse learns the lengths to which Dr. Jones went to so as to get the time transporter working properly Written by garykmcd

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HD Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

IMDb: 8.7
43 min

JT throws Vincent a surprise bachelor party. Unfortunately, it is interrupted by a mysterious sniper with his sights set on putting a stop to Vincent and Cat's interference with the super human experiments. Cat's family comes to town for a bridal shower arranged by Heather but Cat is distracted by having to visit her imprisoned father to ask for his help.

Country: USA
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HD Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

IMDb: 8.7
41 min

After Gabe's staged funeral Tess follows Sam in an attempt to figure out what he is planning to do next. Vincent decides to play 'beast' cold turkey and choose his human side in order to prove to Catherine that he is worthy of her. Meanwhile, Cat is trying to make her relationship with Gabe work. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD Beauty and the Beast

Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast

IMDb: 8.9
41 min

Cat told Vincent that she wouldn't be second choice after Alex and so on St.Valentine's day Vincent is desperate to win Cat over. JT offers advice on how to woo Cat, (taken from the internet and which he is using for his own girlfriend). Vincent sends Cat cut flowers which she gives to Tess,then chocolates followed by street dancers who surround Cat as he watches her online, none of which impresses Cat. Meanwhile Cat contacts Alex and warns her that she is now on Muirfields radar and they will use her to get to Vincent so she must disappear. Evan is suspicious of girlfriend, Claire, as she was the only one to have opportunity to contaminate his DNA sample in the lab. Heather starts a new job and meets Joe's brother, Darius. The case of a journalist's apparent suicide lands on Tess and Cat's desk and Cat finds a mobile phone at the scene which links to Alex. Vincent rushes to Alex when she calls him for help only to be drugged by her. Cat visits evidence locker and is caught by Tess ... Written by ascotthpu

Country: USA | Canada
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.5
18 min

Penny has been asked to appear at the Van Nuys Comic-Con for starring in the Serial Ape-ist movies. Leonard is able to convince her to make the appearance despite her hesitation, which is largely due to the small and insignificant nature of the event in the global scheme of Comic-Cons. Penny isn't sure if the admiration she receives at the event is the type of admiration she really wants, while her sidekick Leonard seems to be enjoying the event more than her as he seems to have his own surprised admirers. Meanwhile, Howard feeling the baby kick - it happening while Bernadette is deep in sleep - is the first tangible proof for him that there truly is a baby inside her and that they will soon be parents. Howard, with Raj but not Bernadette by his side, goes overboard in being the prepared parent, much to Bernadette's chagrin, she who doesn't want to be that typical first time parent, but still wants to be involved in decisions for their baby. And now that she and Sheldon are living ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.4
19 min

Howard passes along the fact that Colonel Williams wants to meet to discuss the guidance system to Leonard and Sheldon, the three and Raj who discuss amongst themselves their continued concern about the system being used for military purposes. They do agree at least to meet with him, but believe they have to get some legal advice beforehand. What happens in that meeting may depend largely on the wild card in the equation, namely something named Sheldon. Meanwhile, Bernadette discovers that her coworkers know that she is pregnant, something that she hasn't yet told anyone at work and something she didn't want her coworkers yet to know, fearing that her superiors will use the information against her in assigning a coveted research project to another scientist. Bernadette wants to get back at whoever blabbed, she who will go to extreme lengths for revenge. Penny has to decide if she will confess to the reality of being the source, and in the process possibly face the wrath of ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.7
21 min

Following her recent acting disappointment, Penny decides she needs to take decisive action to make her career happen by devoting her time one hundred percent into the endeavor, which means quitting her waitressing job. Although he wants to support Penny outwardly in whatever she decides, Leonard does not support this move. He has to decide whether he will tell her the truth or lie about his feelings. Sheldon, who is affected by the goings-on between Leonard and Penny, is however more perturbed by a mandatory request by the college: that he take his vacation time. Meanwhile, Amy, with a little help from Howard and Raj, comes to the realization that one of her colleagues, Bert from the Geology Department, has a crush on her. Regardless of her dating status, she isn't interested in Bert, but she doesn't know how to show or tell him that she's not interested without hurting his feelings. And Bernadette is trying to find a replacement for a rare comic book of Howard's that she ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

Leonard, Penny, Howard and Bernadette go out to dinner on Valentine's Day where Penny sees a couple she despises and the woman is being proposed to. Leonard decides to do the same to Penny. Sheldon sends Alex out to buy a gift for Amy who is trying to find the perfect gift for Sheldon. Raj and Stuart host a singles' only Valentine's Day party at the comic book store where Raj meets Lucy. Written by orginial work by laird-3

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

With Professor Rothman's retirement - or what could be considered him being forced out due to mental instability - there is a battle in the physics department between Sheldon and Barry Kripke for his lucrative office space. Each feels entitled to the office, Sheldon because he has a longer tenure and is smarter, Kripke because he said dibs and was actually in the office first. Their department head will not deal with the matter and President Siebert wants them to figure it out themselves, he who doesn't really care who gets it. So Leonard, Howard and Raj try to determine a fair duel to see who should get the office, the activity not one that they are equally adept at, but rather one that they are equally bad at. Meanwhile, Amy gives her bestie Penny a gift to show her how much she appreciates Penny in her life. Unfortunately for Penny, she hates it and doesn't know what to do with it, especially due to its large size and Amy noticing if it went missing. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.8
22 min

Much to Sheldon's chagrin, President Siebert orders him to take his mandatory vacation time immediately. Sheldon does whatever he can to pretend to take his vacation but still go to work. Since that doesn't work, he decides to do what he considers the next best thing: invade someone else's laboratory, namely Amy's. Amy welcomes him, but will Sheldon, who believes he's superior to everyone else regardless of the field of endeavor, be able to take a subservient role in his girlfriend's laboratory work? Meanwhile, Bernadette is worried that Howard won't take the news well that her father wants him to sign a prenuptial agreement since she makes more money than he does. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

When Stuart meets Amy as she accompanies Sheldon to the comic book store, Stuart feels they had a moment. As such, Stuart wants to ask her out on a date. Not knowing what Amy's relationship status with Sheldon is, Stuart asks Leonard to ask Sheldon if it's OK for him to ask her out. Sheldon's ultimate response is that Amy is not his possession, so she is free to do whatever she wants. In reality, Sheldon's indirect allowance for Amy to date Stuart is only in the belief that Amy has no interest in Stuart. Sheldon's wrong as Amy does agree to go out with Stuart. Sheldon has to figure out what his true feelings for Amy are, and if they are in the realm of boyfriend/girlfriend, he has to figure out what to do to get her back. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.9
20 min

The university's President Siebert orders the guys to attend a fundraising party. Leonard, Howard and Raj are more than happy to go for the free food and drinks and the promise of a few pretty girls in attendance. Sheldon, however, refuses, believing such fundraising practices demeaning. Amy makes Sheldon reconsider by telling him that his future research funding is dependent upon others, such as Leonard and Raj, making a credible argument to the donors on his behalf. At the party, the guys come across wealthy Mrs. Latham, a formidable older woman who they later learn enjoys making smart people feel ill at ease - which she did with Leonard, Howard and Raj - just for the fun of it. Believing he made a terrible impression, Leonard is surprised to learn that Mrs. Latham wants to speak to him further about his research. But that's not all Mrs. Latham wants from Leonard. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD Teen Wolf

Teen Wolf


Teen Wolf

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Kira's parents tell Scott's party, after they discover her part in summoning ninja ghosts, how mother Noshiko fell in love with kind Californian detention camp for Japanese US citizens Corporal Rhys, but after they unmask criminal camp officials tragically ended up turning him into the metal mouth Nogitsune during a fire and bloodbath. Meanwhile Derek, Chris the sheriff and Allison track him down in Stiles' body . Written by KGF Vissers

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HD Little House on the Prairie

Little House on the Prairie


Little House on the Prairie

IMDb: 8.2
49 min

Walnut Grove's obsessive new football coach pressures his players to win at any cost, locking horns with Laura over homework assignments, ignoring dangerous injuries and alienating his family.

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HD Little House on the Prairie

Little House on the Prairie


Little House on the Prairie

IMDb: 8.7
60 min

An misinterpreted remark from husband Charles plants a seed of worry in newly pregnant Caroline Ingalls that he will be disappointed if the baby isn't a boy.

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HD Little House on the Prairie

Little House on the Prairie


Little House on the Prairie

IMDb: 9.1
49 min

Adam and Luke Simms move to Walnut Grove. Luke falls in love with Nellie. Nellie likes him but he doesn't like to wear shoes and he wears overalls without a shirt over his long underwear, so Harriet thinks he is beneath her and demands that Nellie stop seeing them. Luke gets Mary to help him pick out a ring for Nellie's birthday and Nellie thinks Luke was playing with her affections. Nellie cries to Miss Beadle and Miss Beadle goes to Mr. Simms to tell him that she won't have that kind of treatment in her school. Mr. Simms explains the situation and Miss Beadle starts to fall in love with Adam Simms. Luke and Nellie decide that they are going to elope. They get married and go to the hotel. That is where Harriet, Nels, Adam, and Ms. Beadle find them. They take them back to the Justice of the Peace and have him un-marry Luke and Nellie, but while they are there, Adam Simms and Eva Beadle get married. Written by Anonymous

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HD Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

IMDb: 9.2
44 min

Dark secrets are revealed as Coulson and his team put everything on the line to stop Garrett and the forces of HYDRA.

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HD Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

IMDb: 8.8
41 min

Just when there's no one left to trust, Agent Maria Hill returns to team up with Coulson as S.H.I.E.L.D. is being destroyed around them.

Country: USA
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HD Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

IMDb: 7.5
41 min

The agents investigate the strange occurrences of a woman who, they believe, has telekinetic powers.

Country: USA
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HD Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

IMDb: 7.9
40 min

Ward becomes exposed to a piece of an Asgardian staff, which causes his worst memory to resurface.

Country: USA
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HD Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

IMDb: 7.5

Dr. Franklin Hall has been kidnapped. Coulson and his team are assigned to rescue him.

Country: USA
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HD Arrow




IMDb: 9.8
42 min

The battle between Oliver and Adrian Chase culminates in a final epic battle on Lian Yu. After recent events, Oliver decides to recruit a group of unlikely allies - Slade, Nyssa, Merlyn and Digger Harkness - to defeat Chase. However, Chase has his own army - Black Siren, Evelyn Sharp and Talia al Ghul - and the forces collide. Written by sarah_l91

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HD Arrow




IMDb: 9.3
42 min

Black Siren returns to give Chase help; Felicity plans a birthday party for Oliver; Lance is angry with Rene for missing the custody hearing about his daughter.

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HD Arrow




IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Oliver returns to the mayor's office and faces one of his most pressing issues yet - the forced release of dozens of violent criminals prosecuted by Adrian Chase. Meanwhile, a crate is delivered to Oliver's office containing a mysterious corpse encased in concrete. Written by sarah_l91

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HD Arrow




IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Oliver and Felicity get trapped in the bunker together, while Diggle and Lyla deal with marital issues.

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