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IMDb: 9.5
42 min

Jack and Sawyer fight against each other about the fate of the island and the passengers of the Oceanic Flight 815 but Juliet ends the discussion, changing her mind. In the Swan station, Radzinsky is informed by Phil that a group is heading to the spot with a bomb. There is a shooting between Jack's group and Radzinsky's group with tragic consequences. Meanwhile, Locke, Ben, Sun, Richard and The Others head to the temple to meet Jacob. Locke and Ben enter in the temple and Ben stabs Jacob to death. Ilana reaches Richard and The Others and shows the content of the box her group has been carrying. In flashbacks, Jacob meets Jack after a surgery; Hurley when he is released from the jail; and John Locke after he had been pushed by his father from a building. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.4
42 min

Jack and Sayid proceed with their plan to detonate the hydrogen bomb to destroy the island, as well as the Dharma Initiative, hoping to change the future. Meanwhile, Juliet convinces Sawyer that they must return to the island to prevent the destruction which could change their future. In the future, Locke tells Ben that he must kill Jacob, as they and Sun trek with the Richard and the Others into the jungle to look for the mysterious Jacob. Elsewhere the shady Flight 316 survivors trek across the island with a strange package. Written by

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IMDb: 8.9
43 min

Kate and Jack are captured by Charles Widmore but Eloise decides to listen to Jack and take them to the place where the hydrogen bomb is hidden. Jack, Sayid, Richard and Eloise swim beneath the camping and reach the bomb. Meanwhile Sawyer and Juliet are interrogated by the violent Radzinsky and Sawyer tells that they should stop drilling the Swan and leave the island. Hurley, Jin and Miles are found by Chang and they disclose that they are from the future. Locke, Richard, Sun and Ben go to the camp of The Others and Locke tells that he will meet Jacob and invite The Others to join him in his quest. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.0
43 min

In 1977, Faraday returns to the island where he tells Jack that his mother, Eloise Hawking, was wrong - that they don't belong on the island. At least not in this time. Faraday confides in Jack, Kate, Hurley and Miles about a radical plan to get them back home and arrange time as it should. Faraday also confides in Dr. Chang about his true origins. More of Faraday's background story shows his upbringing by Eloise, his tenure at Oxford University and his work. Back in Los Angeles in the present day, Desmond is recovering in the hospital from Ben's attack where Eloise pays him and Penny a visit. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

When Miles receives instructions from Dr. Chang to dispose of a dead Dharma worker's body, Miles and Hurley learn more about what the Dharma Initiative is constructing in a remote part of the jungle, and what Miles' connection is to Dr. Chang. More of Miles' background story is shown about his upbringing and ability to communicate with the dead. Meanwhile, Kate arouses Roger's suspicion to his son's disappearance, and Phil discovers that Sawyer/Phil was responsible for abducting Ben and delivering him to the Others/Hostiles. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 9.0
43 min

Locke travels with Ben to the ruins of the Dharma barracks where they reunite with Sun and Frank Lapidus in which Ben hopes to face the consequences of his past actions in a fateful meeting with the black smoke monster that resides beneath an old temple. Frequent flashbacks show Ben's indoctrination with the Others, his ouster of Charles Witmore as well as how he came to have gotten beaten up on his way back to the island after having a run-in with Desmond and Penny at the Marina del Ray when they thought he was coming to kill them. Elsewhere, the Flight 316 survivors, Ilana and Caesar, are revealed to have a sinister agenda for the survivors of the crash. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

In the aftermath of Sayid's escape and his shooting of the young Ben Linus, Jack refuses to help the wounded Ben, so Kate and Sawyer decide to take Ben to the Others/Hostles leader, Richard Alpert, to help. Meanwhile, Kate flashes back to what Sawyer told her on the helicopter is revealed when following her return to the world, Kate pays a visit to Sawyer's old girlfriend, Cassidy. Kate is also revealed to giving young Aaron to Claire's mother, Caroline, to raise back in Australia before boarding the return flight back to the island. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.7
42 min

Having been captured by the Dharma Initiative on the island in 1977 after being mistaken for a hostile, Sayid meets a young Ben Linus who offers to help him escape, while Sawyer and the Dharma members try to interrogate him for information. Sayid flashes back to his days as an assassin for Ben who releases him from his contract, and how Sayid later met the manipulative adult Ben in Dominica who persuaded him persuade him to return to the island, and how Sayid met Ilana, a private investigator/contract killer, who abducted him to return to Australia for his past crimes. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Jack, Kate, and Hurley find themselves back on the island, in the year 1977 when the Dharma Insitiaive was still in existence, with Sawyer, Jin, Juliet, and Miles working as employees who try to keep the truth about their return a secret from the rest. Sayid, meanwhile, is captured after he is mistaken for a Hostile. 30 years in the future in the year 2007, Sun, Ben, the pilot Frank Lapitus, Caesar, Ilana, and other survivors of Ajira Flight 316 try to survive on the island while Sun travels with Ben and Frank to the main island to search for Jin and they find Christian Shepherd, Jack's father, in the ruins of the old Dharma village who tells them when their friends are. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 9.1
43 min

Thanks to Locke correctly moving the island, the time jumps finally stop to the survivors left on the island, in which Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, Jin, and Faraday find themselves now stranded on the island in the 1970s when they are forced to kill a small group of Others who try to abduct a young woman and are now forced to establish themselves as allies of the Dharma Initiative by trying to defuse a conflict between the Otheres (called 'Hostles' by the Dharma members) and the research group. Three years later in 1977, Sawyer (under his new alias Jim LaFleur) is now the foreman of the Dharma Initiative living with Juliet whom try to adjust to life and deal with their fellow members whom include the drunkard Horace Goodspeed and his pregnant wife Amy. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 9.1
46 min

In the aftermath of Alija Flight 316 crashing on the island, John Locke inexplicably appears, back from the dead, and tries to bring the survivors together, two of whom include the shady Ilana (who was with Sayid on the flight) as well as a fellow man, named Caesar, who try to make sense of what is going on. Locke flashes back to the time months earlier when he moved the island and was transported to the deserts of North Africa, and was found by Charles Widmore who asked Locke to convince the Oceanic 6 to return to the island. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Ben takes Jack, Sun, and Desmond to meet with Faraday's mother, scientist Eloise Hawking, (whom Desmond remembers years earlier leading him on the path to the island). Eloise tells them when and where the island will appear in time and the window to reach it, as well as the circumstances that brought them there in the first place. Jack decides to return with the corpse of Locke despite his doubts as to what may lie head for them, while Kate, Sayid, and Hurley need more convincing. Jack also visits his grandfather, residing in a nursing home, which leads him to do a little soul searching to seek his path. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.9
43 min

When he is confronted by a vengeful Sun, Ben promises to offer her proof that Jin is alive and on the island in exchange for her not to kill him, while Kate is angry at Jack for trying to persuade her to return to the island. Back on the island, Jin teams up with the young pregnant Danielle Rouseau and her team in 1988 where they have an encounter with the black smoke monster, while Locke, Charlotte, Faraday, Miles, Juliet, and Sawyer later meet up with Jin where Locke tries to lead them to the Dharma Orchid station where he hopes to turn the underground wheel to move the island in the hopes of stopping the time jumps they are going through while Charlotte's physical condition worsens with each time jump. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.4
43 min

Kate discovers that someone knows the secret of Aaron's true parental lineage and she tries to stay one step ahead of the sinister lawyers hounding her. Sun (while assisting Kate) plots to kill Ben whom she blames for the death of Jin. Sayid tries to find out who is targeting him and is wary about trusting Jack and Ben, who plans to break Hurley out of jail. Back on the island, the dramatic shifts through time are placing the lives of the remaining island survivors in extreme peril. Charlotte is sick with a mystery illness forcing Locke, Juliet, Miles, Sawyer, and Faraday to hike to the Orchid Dharma Station to try find a way to offset the time hopping pattern. Elsewhere, Jin is revealed to have survived the freighter explosion, and washes up on the island where he is found... by a young Danielle Rousseau in 1988 who struggles to survive with her shipwrecked companions. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.8
43 min

Following a past memory about Faraday, Desmond travels to Oxford University in England where he tries to find Faraday's mother, to find a way to return to the island in which the search leads him back to Charles Whidmore. Back on the island, Miles, Faraday, Locke, Juliet, Sawyer and Charlotte continue to skip through time and they have an encounter with a group of Others in the 1950s where they meet the then-leader Richard Alpert, whom is still the same age, and whom have in their possession a stolen nuclear bomb. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Jack teams up with Ben to try to find the other Oceanic 6 to get them to return to the island with Locke's body. Hurley has an encounter with Ana-Luicia's ghost, and later seeks refuge at the home of his estranged father to help the unconscious Sayid. Meanwhile, Kate goes to visit Sun at a hotel to discuss their plans over Kate's predicament. Back on the island, Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, Charlotte and the plane crash survivors are continuing to skip through time as they come under attack from unseen attackers wielding flaming arrows. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 8.9
43 min

As a result of Ben moving the island, time displacements begin to happen to those left behind, whom include Faraday, Miles, Charlotte, Locke, Juliet, Sawyer, Bernard and Rose, among others begins to skip through time as they appear and disappear at various times and encounters with various Others in various time periods as well as Dharma Initivive members. Back in Los Angeles, Ben tries to convince Jack to return to the island with the dead Locke to correct things. Kate deals with strange men who appear at her house wanting to know the origins of her baby. Sun has an encounter with Charles Widmore who warns her about returning to the island and about dealing with Ben Linus. Also, Sayid breaks Hurley out of the mental hospital as they go on the run from unknown assassins out to get them where Sayid is wounded and Hurley gets arrested. Written by matt-282

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IMDb: 9.3
44 min

In the season finale, the Oceanic Six find themselves closer to rescue.

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IMDb: 9.5
40 min

Jack and Sawyer find Hurley outside the Orchid, and Locke asks Jack to stay on the island or lie if he leaves the place in order to protect the island. Meanwhile, Kate, Sayid and The Others rescue Ben from Keamy, killing his men, but Keamy escapes from the ambush. Ben agrees to leave Kate and Sayid go to the helicopter, where they meet Jack, Sawyer and Hurley, and they fly to the supply vessel with Frank. Meanwhile, Daniel brings the survivors to the vessel in the Zodiac, but Michael, Desmond and Jin try to disarm the powerful bomb, using nitrogen to hold the battery activation. When Keamy reaches the Orchid, he tells Ben that if he dies, the ship would explode, but Ben kills the killer of his daughter, arming the bomb on board. Then Ben provokes an explosion in the Orchid and opens an access to a refrigerated spot where he spins a device, moving the island. Three years in the future, Jack tries to convince Kate to return to the island to save the survivors. Walt visits Hurley in a ... Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.1
43 min

Jack and Kate head off into the jungle to search for the helicopter landing site, just as Sawyer, Miles, and baby Aaron run into them to update them on the facts, including Claire's mysterious disappearance. Meanwhile, Sayid also returns to the island on the motor raft hoping to take a few people to the freighter offshore while Desmond, still aboard, learns what Michael intends to do. In a flash-forward, Jack, Kate, Sayid, Sun, Hurley, and Claire's baby son Aaron arrive safely back in Hawaii from their ordeal where they set about trying to keep the true facts of what happened on the island to protect the ones left behind... and themselves. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.8
44 min

Locke, Ben and Hurley trek into the jungle looking for the cabin housing the mysterious Jacob. More of Locke's past is shown about his birth, and childhood of meeting people who will change his life. Offshore, tensions aboard the freighter reach new heights as Frank Lapidus returns from the island with the murderous Keamy and his hit squad where they try to force Michael to repair the ship's damaged engine, and continue to keep Sayid and Desmond in check, leading to Captain Gault to help Sayid escape on a raft back to the island to warn the rest of the castaways. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 8.2
43 min

Jack is not feeling well, believing that it was fruit poisoning; however Juliet finds that he needs an emergency appendectomy, otherwise he would die. Meanwhile in a flashforward, Jack is living with Kate and Aaron and he proposes to her. However, the deranged Hurley questions Jack as to whether they are not dead and in Heaven, and later Jack sees his father, Dr. Christian Shephard. While heading to Jack's camp, Sawyer, Claire with baby Aaron and Miles meet the helicopter pilot, Frank Lapidus, who advises them to hide from Keamy and his men whom are there to kill all of them. In the morning, Claire has vanished and Miles tells them that she had woken up in the middle of the night calling for her father. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 9.2
43 min

Bernard finds the body of a man on the beach and Daniel identifies that he is the doctor of their ship. Meanwhile, Alex is captured and forced to shutdown the defense system of the housing compound, releasing a warning code. Ben organizes the defense of house and when Alex is executed by her captors, he releases the smoke monster to destroy the enemies. Meanwhile, in the future, Ben escapes from Tunisia to Iraq where he helps Sayid in the funeral of his wife Nadia; later Ben has an unexpected meeting with Charles Widmore in his suite late night in London. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.6
43 min

In the freighter, Sayid presses Michael to tell him what happened to him since he left the island. In a long flashback, Michael is in despair in Manhattan, since Walt refuses to talk to him after discovering the truth about the deaths of Ana Lucia and Libby. When Michael decides to commit suicide in an alley, he is saved by Tom Friendly who convinces him to work for his people by infiltrating the Kahana freighter to save the lives of the survivors in the island. Michael commits sabotage in the radio room and in the engine of the vessel following direct orders of Ben. After the explanations, Sayid delivers the traitor to Captain Gault. Meanwhile on the island, Ben is released by Locke and convinces Alex, Karl, and Rousseau to leave the camp and move to a hidden sanctuary. But they are ambushed by unseen killers. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.5
43 min

Sun tells Jin that she does not trust Daniel and Charlotte and she decides to move to Locke's camp. Juliet discovers her intention and tries to stop Sun telling Jin about her affair in Korea years earlier. In a flash forward, Sun, now back in South Korea, goes into labor and delivers the baby girl, Ji Yeon, while Sun insistently seeks a Panda for the newborn. Meanwhile on the freighter 'Kahana' near the island, Sayid and Desmond are introduced to Captain Gault immediately after the suicide of Regina, one of the crew-persons. Frank Lapidus begins to suspect something suspicious and tells Sayid and Desmond that the freighter their on is owned by Charles Widmore... Desmons recognizes this name. When Sayid and Desmond are sent to their new accommodations on the ship, they meet the janitor, Kevin Johnson, responsible for the cleaning of their cabin... and are shocked to see who it is. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.1
43 min

Charlotte and Faraday head for a Dharma Station, called The Tempest. Thinking they're going there to kill everyone on the island, Juliet, on a tip from Others therapist Harper, leads Jack to the station to stop them. Meanwhile, Ben tells Locke he will give him some answers as long as Locke frees him afterward. More of Juliet's past on the island is revealed, including her secret romance with Goodwin, and the reason why Ben won't let her leave the island. Written by Chris Green

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IMDb: 9.7
43 min

During the helicopter ride to the ship, Desmond's consciousness begins jumping back and forth between present day 2004 and 1996. He is forced to find Daniel Faraday in 1996 in order to get answers and stop the jumps.

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IMDb: 8.3
43 min

In the 'Others' village, Kate is living with Claire and she secretly contacts Miles, held captive in a pump shack, in order to discover what he knows about her past as a fugitive. Miles proposes to Kate to arrange a brief meeting with Ben, in return he would tell her the information she requested. Kate asks Sawyer to help her and she lures Locke, getting what she wanted. But Locke finds out and expels Kate from the camp. Meanwhile, in a flash-forward, Kate is back in Los Angeles where she goes on trial for murder of her stepfather where the main witness is her own mother. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.7
43 min

Jack deals with Frank and proposes to bring Charlotte back; in return, Frank would take Sayid to the ship. Frank accepts and Sayid seeks Locke with Kate and Miles, and when they meet each other, Sayid exchanges Miles per Charlotte. Meanwhile, in a flash-forward, Sayid becomes a hit-man and travels to Berlin, where he meets Elsa and has a brief affair with her. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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IMDb: 8.9
43 min

Four members of a supposed rescue team arrive on the island and are forced to bail out. They include scientist Daniel Faraday whom is found by Jack and Kate's group as well Miles Straume, a spirit talker and they try to find their grounded helicopter and their pilot, Frank Lapidus. Research specialist Charlotte Lewis is found by Locke, Claire, and their group where Ben knows Charlotte and that they are not here on the island to rescue them. At the beach camp, Sayid is also wary about the rescue people whom he suspects are there to mean them harm. Also, backgrounds are shown of the four rescue party members, Faraday, Charlotte, Miles, Frank, and Naomi and how they were recruited by a shady third party to find the mysterious island. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 9.0
43 min

Desmond returns to the castaways' camp on the beach where he relays Charlie's message which casts suspicion and doubt about the rescuers that are approaching the island on a freighter 80 miles away. Meanwhile, Jack and Locke argue about Jack wanting to leave the island, while Locke wants to stay and build a new life for them. Meanwhile, flash forward into three years in the future show a mentally disturbed Hurley having visions of the dead Charlie telling him to return to the island. Written by Anonymous

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IMDb: 9.7
84 min

Charlie and Desmond try to carry out the plan to knock out the transmission-blocking signal in the Looking Glass station. But Charlie gets captured by two women, named Greta and Bonnie, whom are Others manning the underwater Looking Glass station on Ben's orders. Meanwhile, Jack leads the Flight 815 survivors from the beach to the radio tower several miles inland to try and signal Naomi's freighter which is somewhere off the coast. Elsehwere, John Locke recovers from his wound after being shot and left for dead by Ben, to have a vision of Walt tell him a clue about the people coming for them. Back at the beach, Sayid, Bernard, and Jin await the arrival of a team of Others with an explosive trap. Sawyer and Juliet decides to return to the beach camp to help out Sayid, Bernard, and Jin after they are captured, and Hurley tags along to help. In the future, Jack is back in Los Angeles, living though a meaningless existence as a drunkard and revealed to have somehow escaped from the island. Written by Good2Go

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