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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 0
44 min

Wolfgang and Norman continue their investigation into the handling of the supposed jihadi bomb threat that led to the death of Khalil Mustafa, the young Muslim man carrying the explosive. Norman is certain Wolfgang's mugging has something to do with they investigating the case, something Wolfgang doesn't believe. But as they talk to people involved, many inconsistencies in the stories arise, some which they know are outright lies. Beyond wading through the stories to catch the lies that are said on purpose, they have find the holes in the stories to discover what some may believe to be the truth but aren't. In the end, Wolfgang may come a little closer to Norman's belief that there was a deep conspiracy orchestrated at the highest levels of authority. Meanwhile, Rufus has to take some control of the distribution of the drugs with Bennie's death. Some of Bennie's operatives, most specifically Shorts, don't fully trust Rufus, while Lana has to decide if she believes Rufus is telling the... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 0
44 min

An old colleague working unofficially for the current government asks Wolfgang to work on a case. The previous government had peddled the notion of combining all border and customs services under one umbrella agency, something that the current government has quashed. However, some of those forces from the previous government are trying to resurrect the idea, the agent now tasked with gathering ammunition to battle the idea. The previous government had used a bomb threat at the local baseball stadium eighteen months ago as a case to support the umbrella agency, the bomb threat billed as a terrorist threat. However, the current government believes that the former government may have been complicit in that threat to support the umbrella agency. Wolfgang decides to call in an old asset to work the file for him, that asset being a man named Norman. Beyond briefing Norman on the case, Wolfgang may have to hold his hands in more ways than one as Norman has a weakness for flamboyant young men... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

With Vince's murder, Rufus and Wing Lei plot their next move in shipping the drugs across the border. They require Dee's help, she who may have her own ideas of how best to protect herself in light of the murder. Rufus may also be unaware that Rick Frost's murder may come back to haunt him, even if he had nothing to do with it besides dispose of the body which was planted on him. As Lily knows that Wolfgang knows about her, and as Wolfgang knows that Lily knows about him, they have to decide if they will come totally clean and above board with each other. Wolfgang may burn some bridges in the process. General Wu manages to get his hands in all the above. Wolfgang also wants to meet with a released Martha Gascoyne, which may be more difficult than he would like. And Miguel agrees to a a trade of him for Eva, only on the condition that he have a chance to talk to her before they part ways. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 7.3
44 min

Now that Rufus and his gang have managed to get the drugs out of the container, the maneuvering of the players involved ratchets up a notch. Vince, who knows he's between a rock and a hard place, has to figure out how best to deal with Rufus and Wing Lei on one side and the DEA on the other. In Rufus being able to pull off this task, he feels abandoned by Wolfgang, who can't offer him protection, and as such Rufus contemplates breaking ties with him. Dee has her own thoughts about what to do. A surprise visit from a person from her recent past may complicate matters. Lily decides on the surface to follow Wolfgang's advice to meet with underground officials. As Lily continues to play Wolfgang, he in turn gets Helen's advice on Lily's usefulness. Fred continues to hold Eva hostage, trying to convince her to work for him which would give her access to Miguel. Miguel, still in contact with Wolfgang, may now have reason to come in to talk to Fred. General Wu continues his plans to escape... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

With further confirmed information about Vince and the DEA, Wolfgang and Rufus continue to disagree about if Rufus should abandon the mission to get the drugs from the container, Rufus who believes he and his team can still get in and out before Vince has any idea what's going on. Wolfgang knows he cannot stop Rufus if he is determined to proceed, with Rufus aware that Wolfgang cannot protect him if things go south. For Rufus' plan to work, there can be no surprises, and he needs Dee's support to keep Vince occupied, which is still iffy seeing that she has just voluntarily concluded her stint in rehab. Meanwhile, Foy has Eva hostage, she who he is willing to exchange for a still missing Miguel. If Wolfgang is able to locate Miguel who still trusts him, he has to decide how to proceed if he has to give up one of Miguel or Eva. And Lily visits her father for the first time in a long time. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

With Wolfgang and Rufus' belief that Vince is working as an informer for the DEA, they each have their own thoughts of how best to proceed for their own interest. On Rufus' side, his plan includes both Wing Lei and Dee, the latter who may be truly clean and ready to leave rehab. Wolfgang and Lily continue to play each other. One of the two may have the upper hand in their manoeuvrings. Miguel and Dee continue to hole up in Wolfgang's cabin hideout while they await word from Wolfgang on when to proceed on whatever the next step. In the meantime, Wolfgang has a chat with Fred to discuss what the swap of Miguel for the Gascoynes actually means in a practical sense, Wolfgang who is concerned for Miguel's safety once he's out of his hands. And General Wu has been transferred to the hospital, where he slowly puts together the pieces of his plan. Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

Because of the attempt on his life which he believes was orchestrated by the Mexican drug cartel, Miguel is on the run with Eva, he who also believes he will not make it out of this situation in Canada alive. He is now willing to speak to Wolfgang, which Eva is able to arrange. Where to meet where they will be safe becomes an issue, especially after Wolfgang learns that Al has made a deal with Foy to trade the Gascoynes for Miguel. Through this situation, Eva's role become less important. While Miguel and Wolfgang may want to see Eva leave if only for her own safety, she may have thoughts of her own on the matter. Rufus feels more and more like he is being pushed in directions he doesn't want, and never signed up for when he agreed to work for Wolfgang. With dissent within the ranks, those rank and file want him to take out and replace Vince. And he always gets the feeling that Wing Lei has a more dangerous side he has not yet seen, that dangerous side which could mean his life. Rufus... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Getting him out of detention, Wolfgang places Tony Zhao on a short leash in trying to find out more information on the goings-on of the Red Mountain triad locally. In spending more time with Lily, Wolfgang learns more about the benefits of her becoming one of his assets, but may also discover in the process that Helen's assertion is correct in that Lily did not enter his life accidentally. Wolfgang also pressures Eva into setting up a meeting with Miguel. This places Eva in a difficult spot as she is torn between her paid duties to Wolfgang and her feelings for what is best for Miguel. Miguel learns from Ortelli the status of his sanctuary request with the church. Al learns just how important Miguel is to some in a deal offered to him. Dee has settled uncomfortably into rehab, where she tries to get a message to the outside world despite being denied telephone privileges for the first week. With Dee in rehab, Rufus is feeling the weight of the world lifted from his shoulders if only ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Wolfgang tries to find out more about the whereabouts of General Wu from a wannabe big time player, who may face negative consequences if he can't deliver for Wolfgang. Wolfgang places more pressure of Eva for information on Miguel as they have to make a decision quickly if he is worth their time and effort. He also confides in Helen that his association with Lily is not just personal. Helen reminds him of Martha Gascoyne's current tenuous situation, and warns him that Lily may not have come into his life as accidentally as he may believe. A shipment is coming into port which in Wing Lei and Vince's new partnership Rufus plays a key role in ensuring that they have a port worker in their back pocket just in case. But there may be some other unforeseen issues. Rufus also asks Wolfgang for advice on how he and Vince should deal with the increasingly problematic issue of Dee. Rufus has to be careful for his own safety if the plan does does come off accordingly with Wolfgang unable to help... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

Wolfgang is peeved at Al for not protecting him against their highers-up, as Al tells him it is ill advised not to attend an interview with one of those highers-up, probably about what Wolfgang knows about the Gascoynes and if he did indeed meet with Martha on his recent trip to Hong Kong. That meeting in Hong Kong is something that Wolfgang has vehemently denied up to this point, that denial which may be increasingly difficult to maintain as a story. Wolfgang provides Eva with greater direction on her surveillance at the church, that direction which may be increasingly more dangerous, especially if Eva's assertion that the organ lady being suspicious is indeed fact. In the process, Eva and Miguel to begin to form a bond. Conversely, Wolfgang comes down on Rufus for not providing enough information. Something that Rufus has not divulged to Wolfgang is the dead body, which is more difficult to dispose of than he would like. On this file, Dee steps up her actions in ensuring that ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

When Wolfgang learns that Daniel and Martha Gascoyne have been arrested in Asia on charges of espionage, his previous thought that he is being targeted as the leak within the secret service to push him out is strengthened, especially as he clandestinely met with Martha on his most recent trip to Hong Kong. Wolfgang, who knows his livelihood is on the line as it involves payment both to him and his assets, has to figure out a way to deal with this target on his back. Wolfgang's further belief that the mythical (in Al's eyes) General Wu is ill is indeed true, as Wing Lei is being groomed to take over the Red Mountain triad. On the Miguel file, Wolfgang, who did notice her and notice her being ever watchful, makes a proposition to Eva to be his eyes and ears in the church, which she may have trouble turning down if only because of her economic situation. Wolfgang also learns that Rufus, on his directive, has at least gone along with Dee's request to kill Vince in principle. Rufus may ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD The Romeo Section

The Romeo Section


The Romeo Section

IMDb: 8.3
44 min

Wolfgang has just returned to Vancouver after a stint in Hong Kong, where he covertly passed along some information to one of his operatives, and learned that there may be a regime change in the Red Mountain triad. The whereabouts of the current head, General Wu, is unknown, Wolfgang believing that he has long been hiding in Vancouver. Wolfgang passes some of this information in a debrief to Al, who in turn tells Wolfgang of a new person of interest, a Mexican prosecutor who is seeking sanctuary at a local church. They do not know why he is a person of interest. They are also unaware that a young woman named Eva, who is court mandated doing community service at the church, could play an importation part of what happens in this file. Without her knowledge of the reason, Wolfgang gets Kelly to help him in this matter, she who is desperate for any research that she could add to her list of publications, which have been few and far between of late. In their discussion, Al doesn't divulge ... Written by Huggo

Country: Canada
Genre: Drama,
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 8.2
43 min

A Cuban spy who's in custody is about to be exchanged for an American. He's in the custody of Marshalls and is taken to a safe house. He grabs a syringe stashed and injects the Marshall then escapes. The team is tasked with finding him. They start by wondering how the syringe got there. They check on people who had access to the house and they discover one of the maintenance crew is actually Anna Kolchek. They talk to her father, Arkady who claims to not know where she is. Kensi and Deeks look over the man's file and find a lot of inconsistencies. They talk to the prosecutor who admits she was told to process the man as quickly as possible even if it means making stuff up. Callen and Sam find Anna who was wounded by the spy. She says she was hired to get the man away from the Marshalls why she doesn't know. She tells them that she has a meeting with the man, who wants papers to leave the country. She needs Callen to come with her to pose as a Russian official. At the meeting something... Written by

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Los Angeles

NCIS: Los Angeles


NCIS: Los Angeles

IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Granger sends the team to investigate the murder of a homeless man whom Granger says is a former marine and CIA operative who is known as the The Gray man because he doesn't exist. When they ask him why was he homeless Granger says he may have been suffering from PTSD. So they check him out but they discover he was not homeless. That's when they deduce that Granger was not telling them the truth. They track him down and discover he's meeting with another spook. The man tries to run but they grab him and tell Granger it's time for the truth. Granger says the man's boss said he dropped out of sight a month ago and didn't know what he was up to. They later learn the man was keeping an eye on certain people who may have ties to a Mexican drug cartel. Written by

Country: USA
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HD The White Princess

The White Princess


The White Princess

IMDb: 8.0

King Henry VII and Lizzie travel to Spain in an attempt to secure their son's betrothal. Meanwhile, unrest has been growing in Burgundy and spills over into an English battle.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Famous in Love

Famous in Love


Famous in Love

IMDb: 9.0
42 min

Paige and Cassie's fight is impacting Paige's performance, and when Jake is too busy to help, Rainer offers his own advice. Later, Jake's career takes an unexpected turn. Meanwhile, when Alan and Rainer spend some time together, Nina grows concerned. On top of her worries, she's facing a possible lawsuit, and she agrees to help Jordan with his mother's issues. Rainer surprises Nina with a helpful solution, but her happiness is short-lived when her worst fears about Alan and Rainer are confirmed.

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Superstore




IMDb: 8.0
21 min

Glenn announces that all employees will receive a $100 bonus if the store reaches a sales goal by the end of the day; Ben has an encounter with Amy's husband; Dina and Glenn plan a celebration.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Rosewood




IMDb: 8.0
44 min

Rosewood and Villa investigate the murder of a telenovela star, holding a mirror up to their own relationship as they explore a world of off-screen soap and intrigue. Meanwhile, Erica strong-arms her way into Rosewood's life, much to Donna's chagrin. Then, Rosewood's precious GTO is stolen, and Villa reconnects with her mother, Daisie.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD Black-ish




IMDb: 8.0
22 min

Dre organizes an amazing vow renewal for their 15th anniversary. But when Bow's hippie-dippy parents, Alicia and the white Paul show up unannounced bombshells drop and old disagreements between the two families.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD NCIS: New Orleans

NCIS: New Orleans


NCIS: New Orleans

IMDb: 7.8
41 min

When a plane with some navy sailors on board crashes, the team investigates. They find several other agencies are also investigating and Gregorio's boss, is also interested thinking it might have something to do with the Cartel since the plane originated from Brazil. When Loretta examines the pilots, she learns that both men were shot. When Sebastian goes over the evidence, he deduces that a Naval Petty Officer who was recently busted for anger and insubordination was the one who shot them. When they talk to the man's daughter who wasn't close to him, she doesn't know anything other than he wants to make it all up to her. And when someone leaks the story of her father being the one who brought the plane down, they try to find the truth. But Sebastian goes through it again and says he was wrong. They later learn that someone was interested in the plane and what it is, they need to find out. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD K.C. Undercover

K.C. Undercover


K.C. Undercover

IMDb: 7.8
23 min

K.C. and Craig tell Ernie that he's in charge of the next mission to try and boost his self-esteem; really, K.C. is the one running things.

Genre: Action, Comedy, Family,
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HD Atlanta




IMDb: 8.6
27 min

Earn wakes up from a night of partying and goes on a quest to find his navy blue bomber jacket.

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Queer as Folk

Queer as Folk


Queer as Folk

IMDb: 8.3

Michael has trouble dealing with the news that his new boyfriend Ben once slept with his best friend Brian. Debbie needs to do something about the dead boy found behind her diner. She impresses Detective Horvath with her sleuthing. Ted gets a shot at being accepted by the elite A-Gays of Pittsburgh. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Adam Ruins Everything

Adam Ruins Everything


Adam Ruins Everything

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

Adam illustrates how: a border wall wouldn't keep out legal immigrants who overstay their visas, racist mass deportations have historically led to disaster, and immigration courts are a huge mess.

Genre: Comedy,
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HD The Haves and the Have Nots

The Haves and the Have Nots


The Haves and the Have Nots

IMDb: 8.0

Jim has repeatedly requested that Candace leave the family's home, but she continues to disobey him by staying with Amanda. Hanna, the Cryer's new housekeeper, is startled when she stumbles upon Candace shuffling through Katheryn's bedroom. Jim has a candid conversation with his best friend David about Candace's deceiving ways. Wyatt wonders about Jeffrey's sexuality.

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HD 19-2




IMDb: 8.7
44 min

Nick and Ben deal with the aftermath of a tragedy. Nick's lies threaten to drive them apart.

Genre: Crime, Drama,
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HD Angie Tribeca

Angie Tribeca


Angie Tribeca

IMDb: 8.3
21 min

In the season premiere, Angie Tribeca retires to become a stay at home mom. Show's over, right? Wrong. A trophy hunter goes missing and she's back on the case, which will definitely take nine more episodes to solve.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery,
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HD American Dad!

American Dad!


American Dad!

IMDb: 7.2
22 min

Stan devises a plan to make Steve more popular at school, but the plan backfires when the side effects make him a little too popular.

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD Private Eyes

Private Eyes


Private Eyes

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

A high-profile murder in the sizzling-hot Toronto restaurant scene shows Shade and Angie how volatile partnerships and rivalries can get, just as they embark on creating a new one of their own.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Top Gear

Top Gear


Top Gear

IMDb: 7.7
62 min

Richard travels to Texas to learn about NASCAR racing, where he interviews several and rides with a NASCAR racing driver. Jeremy reviews the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG Roadster. Jeremy and James travel to Beijing, China to look at their expanding copy-car-industry. The Star in Reasonably Priced Car is Matt LeBlanc. Written by Hypocr1sy

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy, Talk-Show,
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HD Royal Pains

Royal Pains


Royal Pains

IMDb: 7.7
42 min

Tucker Bryant drops by HankMed for fatherly advice and additionally gets brotherly from Evan, whose envious admiration for the nice brat's luxury car fleet earns a recommendation for a good deal. Hank calls on Ms. Newberg, who wants to prevent any staff health troubles messing with her spoiled-rotten lapdog's bark mitzvah, but discovers a worrying number of mysterious respiratory problem cases. Evan's sympathy for haughty Divya's strategic marriage (i.e. arranged betrothal) still earns him only more abuse. Tucker follows Evan's advice with lover Libby, whose initial fury Evan turns around. After the brothers save the day with some help from Jill to handle the authorities, the host sends them a car too flashy for Hank's taste, so Evan gets his dream on wheels. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit


Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

Sixteen year-old Avery Capshaw's (guest star Fiona Robert) parents report her kidnapped, and the SVU finds signs of a party turned violent. Her boyfriend, Manny Montero (Juan Castano), is a scholarship student from the Projects, and though his family swears he's on the right track, Amaro (Danny Pino) suspects he's involved with a dangerous gang. When Manny refuses to talk, the cops are forced to arrest him, but the violence only escalates. Meanwhile, Benson (Mariska Hargitay) is sworn in as the SVU's new sergeant. Written by Anonymous

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