With his career on the line and lies piling up, Capitani races to uncover the truth of what happened to Jenny and Tanja on that fateful night.
After guns are drawn and shots fired, Capitani faces increasing pressure to close the case and move on, despite his many unanswered questions.
As the police track the drug operation, Capitani forces Manon's hand, the soldiers hit a delivery snag, Mick betrays his feelings for Jenny.
Leaked information leads to an act of vengeance, and incident from Capitani's past causes trouble, Elisa's inquiries hit close to home.
Capitani and Elsa pursue two promising suspects, Tanja's friends grow concerned about her behavior, Mick pushes for details on the investigation.
As rumors about the latest developments fly around the village; Capitani sifts through shaky alibis, lies, and political drama.
Capitani searches for clues near the crime scene, Elisa hatches a plan to retrieve evidence from Jenny's school.
The village launches a search party for Tanja as suspicion lands on someone close to the Engels. Capitani encounters a friend he hasn't seen in years.
The corpse of Jenny Engel, a 15-year-old girl from a neighbouring village, is found in the woods in Oesling.
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