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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Eddy is due to appear on the Richard and Judy morning chat show and Patsy has just the thing to get rid of her wrinkles - Parallox,a Do-It-Yourself Botox treatment. Whilst Eddy is asleep Patsy injects her face with it but rather overdoes it so that next morning she is paralysed above the neck and has to watch Katy Grin,Bubble's smug cousin,being interviewed in her absence. This is bad news too for Saffy who nearly gets a job working for New Labour until the interviewer decides she should stay at home and feed her invalid mother. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.4

Mother's very hip friends turn up and stay in a camper van in the street but extract electricity from the house. Eddy is unusually supportive of Saffy as the wedding draws near,largely because Paolo's parents are extremely wealthy. When Kalishia,the groom's mother,turns her nose up at Saffy as being not good enough for her son,Patsy changes her mind for her by reminding her that they were once co-stars in a porn film. However,just as the bride and groom are about to exchange vows Eddy has another vision of God,who indicates that the marriage should not take place,and so she calls it off. After Paolo has gone off with the bridesmaid Eddy and Patsy console Saffy but still use her honeymoon trip airline tickets for their own holiday. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.5

Whilst Paolo,Saffy's sexy but self-centred boyfriend,proposes to her, Eddy and Patsy go on a skiing holiday where they row over the lack of glamorous facilities and their constant dependency on each other - even in a past life they were conjoined twins in a circus. Eddy goes skiing and has a near death experience but God appears to her and tells her that it is not yet her time. Meanwhile Mother goes to the airport with a sign to welcome her visiting friends -'It's Me,Dears' - but in her confusion gets mistaken for a terrorist and is rescued by Bo in a burkha. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.5
27 min

Eddy is living in a commune but failing to fit in,whilst Mother has moved into her empty house and is buying things from the shopping channel with Eddy's credit card. Patsy is having artistic difficulties in New York and sets out to sleep with the publisher but he is elderly and infirm and dies after marrying Bo,Marshall's girlfriend,now his nurse. Whilst Patsy is drinking alone on a roof-top Eddy turns up in a helicopter and they return home. A flash forward twenty five years shows Saffy as a housewife and mother whilst Eddy and Patsy are growing old disgracefully - of course. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.2
29 min

Despite their frequent conflicts Eddy feels lost when Saffy moves out to live in college and drinks herself unconscious. When she wakes up she finds Patsy and her colleagues in her kitchen as their magazine has gone bust and Patsy is considering a move to New York for another job offer. Despite the inevitable set-to between Patsy and Saffy when the latter returns for her things, Eddy ends up arguing with Patsy for abandoning her and decides to sell the house. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.4
28 min

At a dinner to award the prize to the best P.R. consultant Eddy is not happy when she loses out to rival Claudia Bing,despite having bribed the judging panel,though Bubble pairs up with Claudia's male assistant,Squeak. On returning home Eddy finds Saffy in an amorous situation with Gerard,her tutor,though on discovery that he is married Eddy hits him. At a P.R. meeting Claudia scoffs at Eddy,who has lost her speech,which has been thrown out with the trash. in their efforts to regain it Eddy and Patsy end up on a refuge barge. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.8
29 min

Eddy has not had sex in an age and Patsy decides to remedy the situation by holding an orgy with male escorts but they are not especially enthusiastic so,to get them going,Patsy plays a video of an orgy she and Eddy attended in their youth. Unfortunately it turns out to be the video Saffy had made for her science presentation at the university so Eddy and Patsy rush off to try and prevent her from showing the orgy tape,which has accidentally been switched. They are too late but the film shows that,even when young,Eddy had little appetite for sex and fell asleep with a packet of crisps. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.7
30 min

Eddy and patsy are about to go out for a New year party when Patsy's older sister Jackie arrives,claiming to be homeless and asking to stay at Eddy's until she can get the money together to start a shelter for stray animals. patsy raids Eddy's belongings in order to get things that Jackie can sell to raise money but,by the time she has finished and shown Jackie out,it is too late to go to the party. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.5
29 min

To Saffy's annoyance not only has Eddy forgotten her birthday but has failed to redecorate the kitchen after the fire. Eddy agrees to start work but ends up flying to New York with Patsy on the Concorde in pursuit of a suitable door knob she once saw there. In the event she photographs it but spends the day sight-seeing and getting her navel pierced. On arrival home she fails to notice that Saffy has had the kitchen renovated in her absence. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.5
29 min

After Patsy burns down Eddy's kitchen with a cigarette, Eddy has to get the workmen in to redecorate in a Japanese style and cause everybody to use the lounge as their main living room. Saffy, expecting a boyfriend, and Eddy and Patsy are accidentally locked in the room by Mother, and, in anticipation of Saffy's date, Eddy decides to tell her the facts of life, leading to the three women exchanging stories of their births. Eventually the door is unlocked and Eddy finds Saffy's date waiting outside. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.8
28 min

In an effort to get Eddy to economise Saffy conspires with the family accountant to lead her to believe she is poor,so she instantly buys a smaller car - an expensive Alpha Romeo. Supermarket shopping for the first time with Patsy she gets tired of waiting and steals a crate of champagne and is later arrested for drunk driving. She and Patsy are arrested and taken to court where they are sentenced to community service in an old people's home. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.3
29 min

Eddy is preparing to host old friend Bettina,a notorious minimalist,and her husband Max, and clears everything out of the house,including Saffy. Patsy is also excluded but when the couple turn up,with their new baby,they fill the house with clutter,annoying Eddy who leaves them and goes into town. When she sees Patsy in a restaurant she cajoles celebrities into pretending they are her friends so Patsy will be jealous but,after Eddy has slept with Max and he and his wife left in a huff,order is restored between the two friends. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

Patsy and Eddy go to Marrakesh in Morocco,accompanied by Saffy,who is on a college project,staying with lecherous 'Uncle' Humphrey,whose advances Saffy rejects. After Eddy has revealed that Patsy once had an unsuccessful sex change here they get robbed and Patsy sells Saffy to white slavers for money. The two older women travel into the desert for the shoot,meeting Saffy whom Eddy convinces they were looking for. Back at the villa Patsy and Eddy get stoned whilst Saffy has a sexual adventure with Humphrey's young local servant. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

When Eddy's father dies she is pretty apathetic until it makes her realise her own mortality,so she sets about buying some works of art that she can leave to the nation when she passes on. After Saffy bans her from the funeral she gets drunk with Patsy and the pair of them arrive at the churchyard where they fall into open graves,leaving Mother to explain their behaviour. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

Eddy is in hospital with a sore foot and Patsy has booked in for facial surgery in readiness for a gossip magazine interview about a recent indiscretion. They are both very demanding patients. Whilst under anaesthetic Eddy dreams she is dying and surrounded by a glamorous version of her real family. When she wakes up she finds the pain was caused by an acupuncture needle which went astray whilst Patsy's treatment is a disaster. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Patsy has moved in with the Monsoons whilst her flat is being fumigated and Saffy does not find her a welcome guest though Patsy herself is jealous when Eddy gets a date. Patsy finally goes to work but needs a map to find the office where she edits her magazine and on arrival alienates all her models. So she comes up with a plan to give Saffy and Mother make-overs on television but,since Saffy is her natural enemy,she has to win over her with a sob-story about how she was neglected by her own mother,never knew her father and relied on Eddy's mother to give her those little humanising qualities. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.5
30 min

On Eddy's fortieth birthday, which she is dreading, Saffy cooks her a special meal but the guests are not the celebrities Eddy had wanted but her mother, her ex-husbands Justin and his boyfriend Oliver and Marshall with his American girlfriend Mo, plus Patsy. Eddy is an ungracious birthday girl, alienating her guests and finally retreating upstairs from the basement kitchen to get stoned with Patsy while her ex-husbands plan to cut off her alimony. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.4
27 min

Eddy feels redundant when Bubble takes over the running of the office and asks Saffy if she can come to her college Open Day presentation. When Saffy at first refuses, Eddy threatens to adopt a Romanian baby and rings the adoption agency but forgets to cancel the deal after Saffy has relented. Consequently the Open Day is inundated by women offering babies to Eddy -- or was it all a dream she had whilst in her isolation tank? Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.5
29 min

Eddy and Patsy are off to France but find themselves staying, not in the expected chateau but a tiny cottage where they feel threatened by an old Frenchman whose language they cannot understand. When Saffy and Bubble arrive, usual air-head Bubble surprises with her perfect French, explaining that he was inviting them to move into the chateau further up the road. A pleasant holiday results though. On the return home, Customs find a white powder in Patsy's luggage, which turns out to be perfectly harmless - to her annoyance. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 8.1
28 min

Edina has put on weight and has trouble getting into her clothes so she is horrified when her secretary Bubble informs her of a forthcoming visit by pencil slim Penny Caspar-Morse,who once teased her about her weight. She is not keen on Saffy's idea that she takes exercise,the doctor will not give her slimming pills and,after a nightmare,decides against Patsy's suggestion of liposuction. However,when Penny arrives,it seems she has been temporarily blinded,so Eddy will get away with it - or will she? Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Absolutely Fabulous

Absolutely Fabulous


Absolutely Fabulous

IMDb: 7.9
30 min

P.R. consultant Edina - Eddy - Monsoon wakes up with a hangover - again - but gets no sympathy from sensible student daughter Saffy as she had promised Saffy she would book into a clinic. Eddy is organizing a fashion show later in the day but the celebrities keep dropping out and finally,encouraged by her equally alcoholic friend magazine editor Patsy Stone, Eddy pulls off a successful show by blackmailing stars into taking part. In the evening she gets Patsy to phone Saffy pretending to be from the clinic awaiting Eddy's admission. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: UK
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Tales from the Crypt

Tales from the Crypt


Tales from the Crypt

IMDb: 5.0
25 min

A young man takes in a pregnant woman and falls in love with her but becomes jealous when her baby is born so he sets out to get rid of the kid forever.

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