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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
43 min

Swampers find their communities under attack from rogue predators. One team heads deep into the woods to capture a gator that has overtaken a local fishing hole. A second team goes after a gator that is terrorizing a camp, while a third team takes on the daunting task of hunting three different swamps for three monster gators. Written by History Channel

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
43 min

When hunting territories go bust, swampers are forced to quickly repo to new areas in order to salvage their day. One team must hunt with an old-fashioned motorbike and sidecar. A second team acts on a tip from some local crab fishermen while a third team does battle with a bait-stealing monster. Written by History Channel

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
43 min

When questions of integrity come into play, Swampers choose to put their season on hold to do the honorable thing. One swamper reunites with another to help a family friend rid their marsh area of a rogue gator. A second team serves double duty by running their lines and searching for a gator they sniped but failed to retrieve, while a third team does battle with an indestructible monster. Written by History Channel

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
43 min

The $10,000 bounty deadline has arrived. One swamper returns from an injury in an attempt to win the bounty on the last day. Another hunter ventures to an area he has been saving all season while another team is in a mad dash to get their gator across state lines before the bounty deadline.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
43 min

With the final hours of the Bounty on the Bayou looming, two teams cross state lines in search of a prize-winning monster-hunting through the night in dangerous areas of Mississippi. A third team gets a second chance at success as the day comes to a close. Written by History Channel

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
44 min

One team hunts a legendary cursed monster that has been wreaking havoc on a local crawfisherman. A second team struggles to day after a series of injuries, while another hunter forgets his bullet clip and sprays his deckhand with shrapnel during a gator catch. Written by History Channel

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
44 min

One hunter battles poachers by setting lines with no locator ribbons and relies on the Swamp GPS in his head to find them. Another team has a tense stand off with a hunter in the swamp and salvage their day with some risky open water hunting, while a final team must take out a vicious bull gator that has been devastating the gator population on a land owner's property.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
44 min

Hunters journey into unknown, hostile areas of the swamp. One team, acting on a tip from a local buyer, heads to an area believed to be cursed. Another team visits a hazardous storm-altered marsh to fight numerous dangerous gators on dry ground, while another hunter is hell bent on hauling in 32 gators in one day.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
43 min

Hunters are forced to track down some extra shrewd gators--and trusted deckhands step up to save the day. One team has to outsmart a big gator by using an old fashioned boat decoy strategy. Another team tries uses an old floating bait technique, while another recruits another deckhand to help him get caught up after falling behind pace.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
43 min

Hunters are forced to outthink crafty gators that are too smart to take their bait. One team seeks out some local crabbers to give them some indigenous bait. Another team uses a primitive alternative to the modern hook, while another team decides to use cannibalized gator as bait to lure in a vicious gator-eating monster.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
43 min

Rising water levels cause big gators to head into newly flooded areas seeking prey. One team heads into a dangerous canal only accessible by canoe in hopes of catching a bounty winning gator. Another team is forced to use an ancient swamp technique called a Swamp Cooler to keep their boat from running aground, while another team ventures down a hidden passageway to access one of their toughest hunting spots.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
43 min

Hunters are forced to rely on life-long intuitions to take on Mother Nature. To avoid floodwaters, one team makes a life threatening decision to head deep into the swamp. Another team is forced to open water hunt after their territory is choked off by unexplainable swamp grass, while another hunter goes after a rogue gator that is threatening his children's lives. While running lines, Troy finds several hooks with the bait twisted off of them. He realizes that this is the work of a gator he calls Twister that he and his brother have been after for years.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
43 min

When boat traffic makes it impossible to run lines, hunters must adjust tactics and abandon plans in order to fill their tags. One team returns after a two-year hiatus and decides to hunt a remote area that forces them to cross the dangerous shipping lanes of the mighty Mississippi River. Another team avoids bounty hunters and boat traffic by travelling to a new and remote area called Boudreaux's Run, while another team hunts a waterway riddled with swells from tugboats and barges.

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
44 min

Veteran hunters race to fill their tags and a generational changing of the guard is looming. One team gambles on a hunting area that's nearly impossible to access by boat. A second team hunts a nostalgic family honey hole with a pirogue, while another is forced to finish the season in dangerous territory on ATV's. A final team hunts a hog for their end of the season celebration. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
44 min

Determined to take care of some unfinished business, one team returns to a remote hunting spot in hopes of tagging out and redeeming their disastrous start to their season. A second team goes after an indestructible gator named Metalhead. And another team must have their best day of the season to tag out. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
44 min

A hunting team gets support from family when their boys unexpectedly show up to help them tag out. Another hunter gets some help from his son on a hunt deep in the woods on ATV. Time is running out on a third team who is after a state record alligator and a swamper cuts his season short to be by his ailing mother's side. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
43 min

Deckhands come to the rescue when their captains falter. One hunter is unexpectedly placed in the captain's seat, while another team must make it through the day when their skipper suffers a gruesome injury. Another deckhand insists on changing hunting grounds and leads them to one of their best days of the season. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
44 min

Swampers are forced to hunt problematic areas to bring in high dollar gators. One team risks their lives hunting in an electrical storm to land some monsters. A second team must fight through a clogged canal to fill tags, while another team ventures into cattle country in search of a state record alligator. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
43 min

Swampers lose focus when they passionately go after individual predators. One hunter is determined to break a streak of small catches by going after a crafty bull gator. Another team is forced to hunt from a tiny skiff in hopes of catching a monster gator, while another team travels to a state park to catch a dangerous threat to public safety. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
43 min

With the season winding down, Swampers look to tag out certain properties before it's too late. One team must travel through huge lochs in search of deeper waters. Two brothers go after two monster brother gators, while another team travels deep into the woods on an ATV in search of a record setting gator. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
43 min

Swampers push into the outer limits of their territories to fill tags. One team hangs maggot-ridden bait on his property line to coax neighboring gators to his lines. A second team travels deep into their territory to stop a gator that has been destroying a local fisherman's nets-while another loses half their day fixing their airboat and must race daylight to salvage their day. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
43 min

Swampers are in danger of losing their businesses until family and friends come to their aid. One hunter gets some needed help from their spouse and a friend. A second hunter is reunited with his partner-while another team relies on their airboat to lead them to success deep in the Texas marsh. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
42 min

Swampers go on personal quests to settle scores. One team goes after a legendary gator they have hunted for years. A second hunter goes after a ruthless cannibal gator. While another team starts their season determined to break a state record. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
42 min

Swampers take on big risks in trying to fill some high priced tags. One family must maintain an eight foot average in order to fill some expensive tags. A second team lets the pressure of the season get the best of them, while another team searches for new territory to bypass some rogue hunters. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
42 min

Mysterious forces blanket the swamp pushing hunters to their limits. One hunter risks his life by venturing into a cursed area. Another hunter encounters an unexpected fish kill. A team's season is on the brink after their boat engine mysteriously breaks down, while another hunter must capture a wild raccoon that has invaded his family's hunting camp. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
60 min

Swampers push the limits of their property lines in order to salvage their day. One team accidently crosses boundaries with an angry landowner. One hunter avoids a crowded swamp by venturing into a remote hunting area. Two brothers are united and fish an old family hunting area, while another team ventures into a forbidden area to go after a monster bull gator. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
42 min

Hunters drop everything in order to deal with life threatening gators and unexpected setbacks. One team sacrifices their day to go after a gator that is terrorizing kids at a local camp. One hunter ventures out alone to catch a nuisance gator. A team relies on a secret baiting strategy to salvage their day, while another hunter's season is in jeopardy after he injures his back. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
60 min

The younger swampers take things too far in an effort to prove themselves. Tensions between one team leads to a terrible accident. One hunter defies his father's wishes in making a new treble hook that he feels will be the secret to his success. Another hunter sacrifices his day to go after a monster gator in hopes of making his deckhand's last day a memorable one. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
60 min

With the seasonal pressure increasing, emotional and physical injuries put hunters seasons at risk. One hunter is forced to hunt alone after his deckhand falls deathly ill. A hunting team goes after a rogue dog eating gator, while another team must hunt down a vicious cannibal gator. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
60 min

Unexpected adversity forces swampers to change their tactics. One hunter must get used to his new quirky deckhand. One team goes on the hunt for a rogue gator that has been attacking livestock. Another hunter must go at it alone without his deckhand and faithful hunting dog. Written by History Channel [us]

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
60 min

With competition out of control, several teams find that thieves have stolen gators off their lines. After finding their lines poached, one team, accidentally, crosses property lines and become poachers themselves. A hunter ventures out on his own and finds that being a solo captain is easier said than done. While another team's luck runs out--forcing them to forfeit a prime hunting spot in order to stay on pace for the season. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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HD Swamp People

Swamp People


Swamp People

IMDb: 0
60 min

With competition on the swamp greater than ever, hunters must venture into uncharted and dangerous areas in order to get a strong start. One hunting team recons in a helicopter on an aerial scout to determine if a remote area of the swamp will be the secret to their success this season. Another hunter ventures out on his own for the first time and finds that being a solo captain is easier said than done. Two hunters go on a road trip and must catch a menacing gator in order to get tags from a local landowner. Meanwhile, a veteran hunter faces the start of the season without his deck hand and must rely on a local swamper to fill in. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Reality-TV,
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