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IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Ash begins his fourth gym battle against water type gym leader Crasher Wake.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

Ash begins his fourth gym battle against water type gym leader Crasher Wake.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.8
22 min

Ash and friends have arrived in Pastoria City, and they immediately come upon Crasher Wake, the Pastoria City Gym Leader! Ash immediately challenges Crasher to a Gym Battle, but Wake cryptically says he has urgent business to attend to at that moment. However, Wake invites our Heroes to come along with him, and they find themselves first frantically following Wake onto a train, and then surrounded by a mammoth crowd of Croagunk! It turns out that the night of the annual Pastoria Great Marsh Croagunk Festival is upon them. This is when the townspeople honor the Croagunk they have raised with a competition - capped off with the winning Croagunk receiving a Diamond and Pearl - studded crown! Brock decides to enter HIS Croagunk, as does Team Rocket - using a Croagunk - disguised Meowth for their entry. They also discover that the finalist will go up against the previous year's winner - a Croagunk named Craig, along with Craig's proud trainer Hamilton. Hamilton, who has been trying to ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.8
22 min

Ash and friends have arrived in Pastoria City, and they immediately come upon Crasher Wake, the Pastoria City Gym Leader! Ash immediately challenges Crasher to a Gym Battle, but Wake cryptically says he has urgent business to attend to at that moment. However, Wake invites our Heroes to come along with him, and they find themselves first frantically following Wake onto a train, and then surrounded by a mammoth crowd of Croagunk! It turns out that the night of the annual Pastoria Great Marsh Croagunk Festival is upon them. This is when the townspeople honor the Croagunk they have raised with a competition - capped off with the winning Croagunk receiving a Diamond and Pearl - studded crown! Brock decides to enter HIS Croagunk, as does Team Rocket - using a Croagunk - disguised Meowth for their entry. They also discover that the finalist will go up against the previous year's winner - a Croagunk named Craig, along with Craig's proud trainer Hamilton. Hamilton, who has been trying to ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

As our Heroes continue on their Sinnoh region journey with Pastoria City as their next stop, it becomes obvious that Ash's Gligar can't WAIT to have its first battle. But Ash insists Gligar's not ready yet, and to practice more first. That's when Brock offers to do just that with Gligar. A battle begins, when suddenly Gligar is carried away on a strong wind, landing right in front of none other than Paul! When Ash finally finds Paul and Gligar, the fighting between the two rivaling trainers starts all over again, culminating in Ash challenging Paul to a battle right then and there. At first there is no response from Paul, until Chimchar (who of course Paul once trained) insists they battle. Intrigued, Paul agrees, and Ash's choice for his first Pokémon battle partner is the highly motivated but inexperienced Gligar, who is defeated after one hit from Paul's powerful Gliscor. Next up is Paul's Ursaring, and Chimchar's insistence brings it up to be Ash's next battle partner. But ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

As our Heroes continue on their Sinnoh region journey with Pastoria City as their next stop, it becomes obvious that Ash's Gligar can't WAIT to have its first battle. But Ash insists Gligar's not ready yet, and to practice more first. That's when Brock offers to do just that with Gligar. A battle begins, when suddenly Gligar is carried away on a strong wind, landing right in front of none other than Paul! When Ash finally finds Paul and Gligar, the fighting between the two rivaling trainers starts all over again, culminating in Ash challenging Paul to a battle right then and there. At first there is no response from Paul, until Chimchar (who of course Paul once trained) insists they battle. Intrigued, Paul agrees, and Ash's choice for his first Pokémon battle partner is the highly motivated but inexperienced Gligar, who is defeated after one hit from Paul's powerful Gliscor. Next up is Paul's Ursaring, and Chimchar's insistence brings it up to be Ash's next battle partner. But ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

As our Heroes make their way to Pastoria City, and while Dawn continues to marvel at her 2nd Pokémon Contest victory, they suddenly come across a Yanma, pursued by a beginning trainer named Tyler. Along with his Piplup named Pippy, Tyler has been trying to secure his first Pokémon catch for three days, but to no avail. Remembering what it was like to catch their 1st Pokémon, our Heroes volunteer to help Tyler in his quest. But just as he's 1 step away from being successful, who should step in and grab the Yanma but Jessie, and Team Rocket! Thrilled with their success, they decide right away to send it to the Boss, thinking that will secure Giovanni's admiration. But Giovanni sends the Yanma BACK to T.R., although they think it's because the Boss is just being generous. Soon Tyler and our Heroes decide the only thing to do is for Tyler to capture a different Pokémon, and right away another Yanma appears! But as they close in on another capture, Team Rocket appears yet again, as they've...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

As our Heroes make their way to Pastoria City, and while Dawn continues to marvel at her 2nd Pokémon Contest victory, they suddenly come across a Yanma, pursued by a beginning trainer named Tyler. Along with his Piplup named Pippy, Tyler has been trying to secure his first Pokémon catch for three days, but to no avail. Remembering what it was like to catch their 1st Pokémon, our Heroes volunteer to help Tyler in his quest. But just as he's 1 step away from being successful, who should step in and grab the Yanma but Jessie, and Team Rocket! Thrilled with their success, they decide right away to send it to the Boss, thinking that will secure Giovanni's admiration. But Giovanni sends the Yanma BACK to T.R., although they think it's because the Boss is just being generous. Soon Tyler and our Heroes decide the only thing to do is for Tyler to capture a different Pokémon, and right away another Yanma appears! But as they close in on another capture, Team Rocket appears yet again, as they've...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

After Kyle and Lanturn defeat Ash and Buizel, we find Kyle teamed up with his Crawdaunt and facing off against Dawn and Piplup, to see who will move on to the semifinals - while May and Zoey wait for their semifinal battle. When Dawn is ultimately successful, she finds herself facing May for the finals, after May defeats Zoey in a real point squeaker, determined by the clock. Vowing to have 'no hard feelings no matter who wins', Dawn once again teams up with Piplup, while May calls upon her powerful Glaceon to battle. The fierce attacks fly back and forth, while Ash, Brock and Zoey marvel at the abilities of both Coordinators to use moves that are powerful, yet truly show off their Pokémon - while at the same time May and Dawn marvel at each other's work admiringly. With points almost equal, the battling chases down the clock, until time is up. But who should end up winning the prestigious Aqua Ribbon in a super - close finish, but DAWN! Happy to have seen everyone once again, May ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

After Kyle and Lanturn defeat Ash and Buizel, we find Kyle teamed up with his Crawdaunt and facing off against Dawn and Piplup, to see who will move on to the semifinals - while May and Zoey wait for their semifinal battle. When Dawn is ultimately successful, she finds herself facing May for the finals, after May defeats Zoey in a real point squeaker, determined by the clock. Vowing to have 'no hard feelings no matter who wins', Dawn once again teams up with Piplup, while May calls upon her powerful Glaceon to battle. The fierce attacks fly back and forth, while Ash, Brock and Zoey marvel at the abilities of both Coordinators to use moves that are powerful, yet truly show off their Pokémon - while at the same time May and Dawn marvel at each other's work admiringly. With points almost equal, the battling chases down the clock, until time is up. But who should end up winning the prestigious Aqua Ribbon in a super - close finish, but DAWN! Happy to have seen everyone once again, May ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

While Dawn, May, Ash and Zoey head into the second stage at the Wallace Cup, Dawn is up first, as she begins to regain some of the confidence she had struggled with for awhile now. Which obviously is working, because along with her Buneary she WINS! Next up is Ash, again partnering with his Buizel. But, although launching an unusual and powerful Ice Aqua Jet (invented by Dawn), Kyle and his amazing Lanturn prove too much and Ash is defeated, while that Ice Aqua Jet becomes the talk of the Contest! As the second round continues, Zoey and May both get their victories as well, leaving Dawn with the daunting prospect that should she win and go on to the finals, she will be facing one of her two dear friends! Laughter and good - natured ribbing abounds at the thought of it, but - as Dawn faces Kyle, the question remains: who will Dawn face for the finals, should she defeat Kyle? May...or Zoey?!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.6
22 min

While Dawn, May, Ash and Zoey head into the second stage at the Wallace Cup, Dawn is up first, as she begins to regain some of the confidence she had struggled with for awhile now. Which obviously is working, because along with her Buneary she WINS! Next up is Ash, again partnering with his Buizel. But, although launching an unusual and powerful Ice Aqua Jet (invented by Dawn), Kyle and his amazing Lanturn prove too much and Ash is defeated, while that Ice Aqua Jet becomes the talk of the Contest! As the second round continues, Zoey and May both get their victories as well, leaving Dawn with the daunting prospect that should she win and go on to the finals, she will be facing one of her two dear friends! Laughter and good - natured ribbing abounds at the thought of it, but - as Dawn faces Kyle, the question remains: who will Dawn face for the finals, should she defeat Kyle? May...or Zoey?!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

The moment of the Wallace Cup has finally arrived, and the entrants include more than a couple of our Heroes - Dawn, May, Ash, and Zoey! With Wallace himself as one of the judges, the competition kicks off with May, who puts on a dazzling performance with her Wartortle, who everyone remembers was her Squirtle before it evolved. Next up is Jessie, disguised as Jessilina and feeling CONFIDENT! Surprisingly, she uses the same flying trick as in her previous Contest appearance, much to everyone's disappointment and her eventual disqualification. Up next is Zoey, who puts on a fabulous performance with her Finneon, followed by a snappily dressed Ash, who teams up with his Buizel for an aggressive yet appealing show. All the while Dawn has been watching everything with growing worry and apprehension, until an angry Piplup snaps her out of it with some not - so - gentle Bubble Beam coaxing. Gratefully, Dawn takes the stage, and puts on a magnificent performance with her Ampibom. It is then...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

The moment of the Wallace Cup has finally arrived, and the entrants include more than a couple of our Heroes - Dawn, May, Ash, and Zoey! With Wallace himself as one of the judges, the competition kicks off with May, who puts on a dazzling performance with her Wartortle, who everyone remembers was her Squirtle before it evolved. Next up is Jessie, disguised as Jessilina and feeling CONFIDENT! Surprisingly, she uses the same flying trick as in her previous Contest appearance, much to everyone's disappointment and her eventual disqualification. Up next is Zoey, who puts on a fabulous performance with her Finneon, followed by a snappily dressed Ash, who teams up with his Buizel for an aggressive yet appealing show. All the while Dawn has been watching everything with growing worry and apprehension, until an angry Piplup snaps her out of it with some not - so - gentle Bubble Beam coaxing. Gratefully, Dawn takes the stage, and puts on a magnificent performance with her Ampibom. It is then...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.9
22 min

As Ash and company prepare for the Walsh Competition, they meet up with May. May makes reservations at a restaurant for the group. The owners give their guests a gourmet meal for free, if they guests can beat them in a tag team duel. First up Ash and Brock, then May and Dawn. Written by Jesse Sanchez

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.9
22 min

As Ash and company prepare for the Walsh Competition, they meet up with May. May makes reservations at a restaurant for the group. The owners give their guests a gourmet meal for free, if they guests can beat them in a tag team duel. First up Ash and Brock, then May and Dawn. Written by Jesse Sanchez

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Stopping at a Pokémon Center for a rest on their way to Pastoria City, our Heroes, watching some T.V., learn that Pokémon Contest Master Wallace is soon to be bringing the Contest named after him, The Wallace Cup, to Lake Valor! Dawn is well - aware of Wallace and his reputation as a great Coordinator, and when they run into their old friend Rhonda from the T.V. show Sinnoh Now looking for Wallace in the forest on his one day off from a grueling publicity schedule, Dawn expresses her fervent desire to meet him too. Ash and Brock agree to help Dawn do just that, and when Piplup notices a strange fog in the forest, who should be relaxing there but Wallace and his magnificent Milotic! Greetings are exchanged, and Wallace graciously offers to watch Dawn and Ash in Contest Battle action once he's learned that Dawn is a Coordinator who plans on entering the Wallace Cup. Impressed with Ash's Buizel (who was once Dawn's Pokémon), Wallace suggests Ash and Buizel enter the Contest as well. ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

Stopping at a Pokémon Center for a rest on their way to Pastoria City, our Heroes, watching some T.V., learn that Pokémon Contest Master Wallace is soon to be bringing the Contest named after him, The Wallace Cup, to Lake Valor! Dawn is well - aware of Wallace and his reputation as a great Coordinator, and when they run into their old friend Rhonda from the T.V. show Sinnoh Now looking for Wallace in the forest on his one day off from a grueling publicity schedule, Dawn expresses her fervent desire to meet him too. Ash and Brock agree to help Dawn do just that, and when Piplup notices a strange fog in the forest, who should be relaxing there but Wallace and his magnificent Milotic! Greetings are exchanged, and Wallace graciously offers to watch Dawn and Ash in Contest Battle action once he's learned that Dawn is a Coordinator who plans on entering the Wallace Cup. Impressed with Ash's Buizel (who was once Dawn's Pokémon), Wallace suggests Ash and Buizel enter the Contest as well. ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

Ash and Pikachu encounter a trainer who wants to have all the evolutionary forms of a pikachu. He challenges them to a battle. Pikachu's no match for the trainer richu. Ash and Pikachu want a re-match. Ash breaks out the Thunderstone he got back in the Indigo league, will Pikachu evolve for the re-match? Written by Jesse Sanchez

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.4
22 min

Ash and Pikachu encounter a trainer who wants to have all the evolutionary forms of a pikachu. He challenges them to a battle. Pikachu's no match for the trainer richu. Ash and Pikachu want a re-match. Ash breaks out the Thunderstone he got back in the Indigo league, will Pikachu evolve for the re-match? Written by Jesse Sanchez

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.9
22 min

Jessie's Dustox falls in love with another.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.9
22 min

Jessie's Dustox falls in love with another.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

We rejoin our story just as the evil Pokémon Hunter J has stolen Riolu, in order to sell it to her latest client. However, Top Pokémon Ranger Kellyn has captured 3 Blastoise, and their combined Rain Dance moves put out a raging forest wildfire, saving the numerous scared resident Pokémon. Meanwhile, Hunter J has delivered the frozen Riolu to her client, although our Heroes are hot on their trail and ambush them just as the transaction takes place. Some fierce battling ensues, but since Hunter J has already been paid by her client, she and her henchmen escape, leaving Riolu's new owner to deal with our Heroes and Kellyn as well. The client and his assistants have some powerful Pokémon indeed, but at the end of the day they are no match for Ash and friends, and Riolu is rescued and safely returned to its kingdom and its grateful citizens.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

We rejoin our story just as the evil Pokémon Hunter J has stolen Riolu, in order to sell it to her latest client. However, Top Pokémon Ranger Kellyn has captured 3 Blastoise, and their combined Rain Dance moves put out a raging forest wildfire, saving the numerous scared resident Pokémon. Meanwhile, Hunter J has delivered the frozen Riolu to her client, although our Heroes are hot on their trail and ambush them just as the transaction takes place. Some fierce battling ensues, but since Hunter J has already been paid by her client, she and her henchmen escape, leaving Riolu's new owner to deal with our Heroes and Kellyn as well. The client and his assistants have some powerful Pokémon indeed, but at the end of the day they are no match for Ash and friends, and Riolu is rescued and safely returned to its kingdom and its grateful citizens.

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.3
24 min | 24 min (200 episodes) | 23 min (Per Episode) | 25 min (192 episodes)

Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 7.3
24 min | 24 min (200 episodes) | 23 min (Per Episode) | 25 min (192 episodes)

Ten-year-old Ash aspires to be the greatest Pokémon (pocket monster) trainer in the world. To do this, he enlists the help of many friends, and his own Pokémon, Pikachu. Together, they must search their world for new Pokémon, while avoiding the likes of Team Rocket, as well as other evil organizations, as well as battling rivals, and meeting legendary Pokémon. Written by ZeroG1

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.4
22 min

Continuing toward Pastoria City and Ash's next Gym Battle challenge, our Heroes come across a friendly but spoiled Chingling, who it turns out belongs to a Pokémon Magician named Francesca. This cute but immature Chingling is part of a singing Chingling trio, an integral part of Francesca's act. But the spoiled Chingling always seems to mess up their performances. Ash then suggests Pokémon battling to help the young Chingling mature, and Ash and Dawn have a Battle to demonstrate. Meanwhile, not only are Ash and friends impressed with the singing Chingling trio, but Team Rocket as well, who craft a fiendish plot to steal the Chingling by using a robot Chingling to infiltrate the group. There's one small problem - the mecha Chingling can't sing! Everyone soon realizes what Team Rocket is up to, and a fierce battle ensues. But Francesca's young and spoiled Chingling surprises everyone by showing it has matured by launching some amazing and powerful attacks, and Team Rocket is sent ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 5.4
22 min

Continuing toward Pastoria City and Ash's next Gym Battle challenge, our Heroes come across a friendly but spoiled Chingling, who it turns out belongs to a Pokémon Magician named Francesca. This cute but immature Chingling is part of a singing Chingling trio, an integral part of Francesca's act. But the spoiled Chingling always seems to mess up their performances. Ash then suggests Pokémon battling to help the young Chingling mature, and Ash and Dawn have a Battle to demonstrate. Meanwhile, not only are Ash and friends impressed with the singing Chingling trio, but Team Rocket as well, who craft a fiendish plot to steal the Chingling by using a robot Chingling to infiltrate the group. There's one small problem - the mecha Chingling can't sing! Everyone soon realizes what Team Rocket is up to, and a fierce battle ensues. But Francesca's young and spoiled Chingling surprises everyone by showing it has matured by launching some amazing and powerful attacks, and Team Rocket is sent ...

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

The night before our Heroes are to leave Veilstone City for Ash's next Gym battle challenge which is to be in Pastoria City, who should appear but the evil Team Galactic, continuing to pursue what they describe as their plan for the new world. It involves stealing the many meteorites surrounding Veilstone City, which is exactly what Ash and friends witness! With the arrival of Officer Jenny, everyone springs into action - Reggie and his brother Paul's Electabuzz, our Heroes and their Pokémon, and Maylene and Lucario. Combining their attacks, they are able to sever the cables that have attached the meteorites to Team Galactica's helicopters, thwarting their fiendish thieving attempts, although Saturn and company manage to get away. With the meteorites safely returned to their spots, our Heroes bid a fond farewell to Reggie, Maylene and their Pokémon, as they set their sights on Pastoria City!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.3
22 min

The night before our Heroes are to leave Veilstone City for Ash's next Gym battle challenge which is to be in Pastoria City, who should appear but the evil Team Galactic, continuing to pursue what they describe as their plan for the new world. It involves stealing the many meteorites surrounding Veilstone City, which is exactly what Ash and friends witness! With the arrival of Officer Jenny, everyone springs into action - Reggie and his brother Paul's Electabuzz, our Heroes and their Pokémon, and Maylene and Lucario. Combining their attacks, they are able to sever the cables that have attached the meteorites to Team Galactica's helicopters, thwarting their fiendish thieving attempts, although Saturn and company manage to get away. With the meteorites safely returned to their spots, our Heroes bid a fond farewell to Reggie, Maylene and their Pokémon, as they set their sights on Pastoria City!

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

After both Dawn and Maylene regain their confidences, it is time for Ash's third gym battle. Ash battles with Staravia, Chimchar, and Buizel while Maylene uses Machoke, Meditite, and Lucario. Staravia took down Machoke with Aerial Ace and Meditite with Brave Bird. Lucario takes both Staravia and Chimchar down. Lucario and Buizel battle in the final round. Seeing that both Pokemon are giving it their all, who will emerge victorious? Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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HD Pokemon




IMDb: 6.5
22 min

After both Dawn and Maylene regain their confidences, it is time for Ash's third gym battle. Ash battles with Staravia, Chimchar, and Buizel while Maylene uses Machoke, Meditite, and Lucario. Staravia took down Machoke with Aerial Ace and Meditite with Brave Bird. Lucario takes both Staravia and Chimchar down. Lucario and Buizel battle in the final round. Seeing that both Pokemon are giving it their all, who will emerge victorious? Written by Anonymous

Country: Japan
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