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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

Wally starts to have visions of him being Kid Flash so Barry tells him the truth about his powers in Flashpoint. Meanwhile, the rest of the group find out about Caitlin's Killer Frost powers.

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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 7.9
42 min

Desperate to understand what is happening to her, Caitlin visits her mother, Dr. Tannhauser, a renowned biomedical researcher, in the hopes that her mother can provide some answers about Caitlin's growing meta-human powers. However, when Dr. Tannhauser treats her daughter like a test subject, Caitlin grows cold and brings up past wounds causing the two to have a major blowout. Meanwhile, after a mysterious new meta-human attacks Central City, Barry tries to convince Julian to let him assist on the case.

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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.5
42 min

Barry lets Jesse tag along when a new meta human known as Mirror Master shows up and teams with his old partner Top to find Snart and settle a score. Jesse disobeys one of Barry's orders during the pursuit, resulting in disastrous consequences. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.1
42 min

Barry and Team Flash are thrilled to reunite with Earth-2 Wells and Jesse. Wells confides to Barry and Caitlin that Jesse has all the powers of a speedster and has been saving people on his Earth. He is concerned about her safety and wants them to talk her out of using her powers. Meanwhile, Magenta, a new meta who can control metal, terrorizes the city.

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

After restoring the time-line Barry returns hoping that everything is back to normal but he finds things are not as he remember them. He also find himself working with a new guy who doesn't like him. He tries to fix things but it only makes things worse. Someone shows up to help him. He then discovers Rival, the speedster he encountered in the previous time-line is back. Someone made him discover his abilities. And he goes after the Flash. Written by

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

We pick up on Barry three months after he changed the timeline. He has trapped Reverse Flash in a cage, his parents are alive, but love interest Iris West does not know who he is. Neither do his friends at S.T.A.R. Labs. With these changes come new enemies, new speedsters and a whole world in Flashpoint.

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.2
40 min

With the all out war on Central City ended, Zoom's true intention against the multiverse becomes known. Now that it's finally time for The Flash to take down Zoom once and for all, Barry finds his team turned against him for his own moral sake. The identity of the man in the iron mask finally becomes known. Written by JeVonni King/revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.1
42 min

After Zoom unleashes an army of Earth-2 meta-humans on Central City, Barry is shaken when he sees their leader is the Black Canary's Earth-2 doppelganger, the Black Siren. Meanwhile, Wally takes to the streets to help The Flash stop the meta-humans, which worries Joe. Iris and Henry are concerned about Barry taking on Zoom.

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.9
42 min

In trying to get Barry's speed back, team Flash unintentionally creates a zombie - Girder. With Barry/Flash no longer there to help retrieve him, Iris comes up with a plan to use herself as bait to lure zombie-Girder back to S.T.A.R Labs, which Joe thinks is too dangerous to allow. With Henry shaken by the fact of seeing his son dissolved away, and Harry distracted by the blast putting his daughter in a coma, the team needs these fathers to concentrate their efforts on each other's behalf in order to address their immediate dilemmas. Written by tomislav bitunjac/revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.1
42 min

Zoom returns to Earth-1 intent on taking over Central City. Wells come up with a plan to stop him, but it's extremely dangerous. Unsure if he should take the risk, Barry reaches out to both fathers for advice. Henry adamantly opposes Barry risking his life again but Joe thinks he can handle it, which puts the two men at odds with each other. Meanwhile, Cisco misinterprets his vibe on the Earth-2 villain Rupture, who happens to be his brother Dante's doppelganger, when Rupture comes to Earth-1 seeking justice for Reverb's death. As Barry struggles to reach a critical decision, Iris decides she's finally ready to open up to Barry about her feelings for him. Written by Anonymous/edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 7.7
42 min

Griffin Grey, a meta-human with super strength, mistakes Harry for Earth-1 Harrison Wells and kidnaps him, demanding that Wells cure him of his current condition. Realizing another brilliant Wells could track Griffin's location, Barry asks Jesse to help. Meanwhile, Wally corners Joe about The Flash. Written by maxmulholland

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Equipped with the tachyon device, Barry believes he is fast enough to stop Zoom and wants to open the breaches to catch him. Harry strongly advises against the plan. The team also figures that Cisco has the power to re-open the breach. Also, Hunter Zolomon's painful backstory is revealed.

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.2
42 min

After the shocking revelation of Zoom's real identity, Barry is more determined than ever to get back to Earth-2 to stop Zoom forever. Desperate to find a way to increase his speed, Barry decides to travel back in time and masquerade as his earlier self in order to get his arch-nemesis, Dr. Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne, to teach him how to run faster; however, things do not go as planned and Barry is stunned to face familiar foe Hartley Rathaway, as well as old friend Eddie Thawne. Iris makes peace with her past in order to embrace her future. Written by michaelkellylol

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Trajectory arrives in town intent on creating maximum chaos. Trajectory's antics are misinterpreted as having been perpetrated by The Flash himself. Barry must thus act quickly to uncover the mystery of who is causing damage, so others do not think it is him, and what may be driving her mad desire for speed and destruction. Written by CDM

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.7
42 min

King Shark from Earth-2 is still alive and held in an A.R.G.U.S holding tank. He escapes and seeks to kill The Flash and be sent home. As Diggle and Lyla bring warning and join team Flash to try to figure out how to track him and bring about his recapture, King Shark pays a surprise call on the West home (which gives Wally a poor impression of Barry). Meanwhile, everyone at S.T.A.R. Labs also tries to cope with either the resent incidents of Earth-2, with Jay's untimely death, or both. Back on Earth-2, Zoom finally removes his mask. Written by anonymous/revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.2
41 min

With Barry Zoom's prisoner, Wells and Cisco need to find him, so they turn to Barry's counterpart and, along with Iris, try to find him by asking Killer Frost. In Zoom's prison, Barry meets Wells' daughter, Jesse, and they try to work together to get out. Back on Earth-1, Caitlin tries to perfect the Velocity formula so she can restore Jay's speed. When the Geomancer returns, they try to deal with him. Written by

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.4
42 min

Barry, Harry, and Cisco travel to Earth-2 to rescue Jesse from Zoom but encounter Killer Frost, Deathstorm and Reverb (Caitlin, Ronnie and Cisco's evil Earth-2 doppelgangers, respectively). Despite Harrison's warning, Barry and Cisco do indeed get emotionally caught up and emotionally invested in seeing themselves and others they've known living alternate lives, which threatens their mission. Back on Earth-1, Jay takes on Barry's responsibility of defending Central City when a quake-inducing meta-human called Geomancer comes looking for a rumble with The Flash. Written by Andrey Gaganov/revised by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Barry and Wells team up to figure out a way to close the breaches, but their plan stalls because of a new meta-human named Tar Pit. Iris worries for Wally's safety after she discovers his involvement in drag racing and puts herself in danger after he refuses to stop. Written by TheArrowMan/edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 9.0
42 min

Harry deduces the key to triggering Cisco's ability to vibe. The Reverse Flash has returned and kidnaps Tina McGee to help him return to the future. Iris learns that her mother doesn't have long to live. Barry must choose between vengeance and the life of one of Team Flash. Written by pgdownload

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Cisco's idea on how to make Barry faster than Zoom involves a meta-human criminal known as The Turtle who can steal kinetic energy. The team tries to catch Turtle, but when unsuccessful, he retaliates by kidnapping Patty. Meanwhile, Barry's recurrent nightmares feature Zoom threatening Patty's life; while Iris encourages Barry to tell Patty the truth about his identity, Dr. Wells tells him it would be a mistake. And Wally's bitterness blocks Joe from knowing him better. Written by Andreea D/edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD The Flash

The Flash


The Flash

IMDb: 8.8
42 min

When Mark Mardon/The Weather Wizard returns to break Leonard Snart/Captain Cold and James Jesse/The Trickster out of Iron Heights Prison, Barry must stop these rogues from making a horror out of Christmas in Central City. Meanwhile, Iris makes the difficult decision to tell Joe about the son he never knew he had, and Dr. Wells finds himself pressured into joining a unsavory coalition with Zoom. Written by mini_jake19/edited by statmanjeff

Country: USA
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HD Supergirl




IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Eliza comes to town to celebrate Thanksgiving with her daughters. Alex decides it's time to come out to her mother; Kara is shocked when Eliza suggests Mon-El has feelings for her, and Winn and James consider telling Kara the truth about the Guardian. Meanwhile, CADMUS unleashes a virus that instantly kills any alien in the vicinity so Kara enlists an unexpected ally - Lena Luthor. The epic superhero crossover kicks off tonight when Barry Allen and Cisco Ramon seek Kara's help with an alien invasion on their Earth.

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HD Fringe




IMDb: 7.8
57 min

When a group of college age animal activists raid a laboratory to release animals, they unwittingly unleash a genetically altered monster, which goes on a killing rampage. Walter feels responsible since he experimented with combining the DNA of different species in the past, and works hard to come up with a way to trap the new animal before it can breed uncontrollably. Written by Ron Kerrigan

Country: USA
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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.5
48 min

Soviet agents use a former lover of MacGyver's, who he thought to be dead, as a pawn to steal a valuable Chinese jade dragon statue.

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HD MacGyver




IMDb: 7.1
49 min

In Santa Monica, a sunny paradise for the Minnesota boy, Mac accepts to get his martial arts sparring partner Lisa's 14 year-old brother Paul Chan. Only a Macgyverism gets him access to the Chinatown establishment where scientist Dr. Shen Wei is authenticating the teenager as the legendary Wish Child, so Shen can advise the Hong Kong magnate Lee Wenying that Paul is the real one; Lee pays crime baron Ston's finder's fee. Mac is knocked down and can barely escape from Lee's cargo freighter, before learning from petty crook Sam and Dr. Shen enough to go after the boy, whose presence would allow the aging Lee to survive his life-span, reason to keep the kid captured, but Mac is determined to rescue him... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

The team investigates the death of a Naval Lieutenant. They learn the man is gay, so they wonder if it could have been a hate crime. When Gibbs goes back, Vance calls him and sees that Hollis Mann who was an Army CID officer who is now working at the DOD, is there too. It seems like the Lieutenant was being considered for the Medal of Honor. She's there to find out if his murder will affect his chances of getting it. Written by

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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

After investigating the murder of a retired Master Sergeant, the NCIS team uncovers a fraudulent charity that preys on those searching for missing military personnel. Meanwhile, Bishop agonizes over the results of her probation evaluation, and Tony contemplates adopting stray cat that followed him home.

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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.4
43 min

Backstage at the Convention Center, Washington, DC, during preparations for a fund-raising concert to benefit the Hero Comfort Foundation, an explosion kills two men: a janitor and a volunteer worker, who was also a Navy petty officer first-class; Gibbs and company investigate; the fire chief said that the source of the detonation is a part of the warhead of a WW2-era torpedo. McGee and Ellie speak with Mannheim Gold, the apparent target of the explosion; during questioning his agent shows up and starts running his mouth. Mannheim goes home with Tony, then to a sudden gig. The concert takes place at a different venue. Abby deduces who planted the bomb, McGee digs up that man's past, and Gibbs and the gang put the pieces together; they figure out the reason for the bomb and the change of venue, then Gibbs and Ellie find the bad guys and a bunch of loot. Palmer experiences some good ups and a disappointing down. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.8
43 min

After a hiatus of three years, two more young women die by homicide according to the same MO as in the previous series; Gibbs's barber confides in him that he wonders whether the killer might be the barber's son; Gibbs quietly asks around. Meanwhile the gang investigate the disappearance of $120K of Navy money from the Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Virginia; they suspect a Marine lance corporal and an accomplice and girlfriend; Tony and Dorneget go to Freeport on the island of Grand Bahama to intercept them. Another young woman dies; interagency jurisdictional squabbles arise; Vance handles them, and the NCIS looks at the old evidence. Tony and Dorny meet and greet their new friends; they return with their man and most of the cash. Abby identifies the first killer, who has died; Dorny lends a hand, then Gibbs and a Metro detective obtain and execute a search warrant and soon bust the surprising copycat killer. Gibbs helps the barber and his son to reconcile. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.2
60 min | 60 min

A married couple check into the Navy Lodge near the Naval Amphibious Base, Little Creek, Norfolk, Virginia; when they enter their room, they find bloody human body parts slung all over the room and its furnishings; Gibbs and company investigate. Ducky says that the stuff consists of fibrous connective tissues from three different bodies, skillfully extracted by a trained medical practitioner. Gibbs and Ducky agree that the crime scene was a setup. An imbalanced former boyfriend stalks Abby, so she goes home with McGee for a night. Abby spends time on an elevator while the gang chase the clues and figure them out, Abby gains an upper hand, and they catch the bad guys. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 8.3
45 min

An unknown person or group kidnaps the wife and the young blind daughter of a Navy captain, who, via his computer, receives word of the action, along with a demand for $2M of Navy money. A distorted voice on his computer also requires that he rig a webcam on his computer and remain in his office; he gives a day off to his secretary, but he first slips her a note, and she, following instructions from him, goes to the NCIS. Gibbs and company swing into action. Gibbs visits the Pentagon, and Tony delivers Chinese food. Kate and Tony work well together, as do Abby and McGee, who hack into the captain's computer and as well trace the money around the world and back. The NCIS gains a new special agent, and the gang find the hostages, the kidnapper, the cash, and the mastermind. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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HD NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service


NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service

IMDb: 7.6

During a night training jump a Marine dies when his main chute fails to open, and he fails to pull his reserve chute. Kate, formerly of the Secret Service, joins the NCIS gang; they investigate, and they soon find evidence of sabotage of the defective chute. The investigators run into a wall of silence. The victim was on painkillers for a recent injury, so his reaction time was slow, but that made no difference anyway. To get help with a legal matter, Gibbs calls in Lt. Bud Roberts from the headquarters of the JAG Corps of the US Navy. The gang identify not only the murderer and his method but also a drug connection. Gibbs and Tony take a ride, and Tony unintentionally makes a jump. Written by DocRushing

Country: USA
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