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HD Frasier




IMDb: 8.0

Frasier hears an office rumor that Bulldog is going to be fired; while he is repeating it to someone, Bulldog overhears, flies off the handle and quits his job, insulting the station manager. When it turns out the rumor wasn't true, Frasier must plead with the manager on Bulldog's behalf. Written by crouchbk

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Frasier




IMDb: 8.0
22 min (DVD)

Frasier signs with Bulldog Briscoe's agent, Bebe Glaser, who convinces him to do commercial endorsements.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Frasier




IMDb: 8.1
23 min (DVD)

After seeing an emotional meeting between Martin and an old family friend, Frasier and Niles begin to suspect that their father had an affair when they were boys.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Frasier




IMDb: 8.0
23 min (DVD)

After Frasier advises an unfaithful man to break off with his girlfriend, the girlfriend herself angrily confronts Frasier at the station. They start dating, but Niles insists that Frasier is ethically barred from getting involved with his patient's girlfriend. Written by crouchbk

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Frasier




IMDb: 7.7
23 min (DVD)

Frasier throws a cocktail party to exhibit a new painting he has bought, but is humiliated when the artist shows up and declares it a forgery.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 8.0
23 min (DVD)

Frasier buys Martin a telescope as a gift, leading to a long-distance relationship with a woman named Irene.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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IMDb: 7.9
23 min (DVD)

Frasier gets drawn into a war of words with columnist Derek Mann, leading to Mann challenging Frasier to a fight.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Frasier




IMDb: 8.2
23 min (DVD)

Frasier and Niles's plan to improve their father's tastes by taking him to a fancy restaurant rebounds on them when he takes them to his favorite place, a rustic steakhouse.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Frasier




IMDb: 8.1
23 min (DVD)

Frasier and Martin aren't getting along very well but what he really misses the most is a little solitude where he can just read and be by himself. No matter how hard he tries however, he just can't get any peace and quiet. Frasier is set in his ways and even when Martin tries to make him breakfast, he complains. Convinced that Martin doesn't even appreciate the sacrifice he's made, he tells his dad it's not working out. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Frasier




IMDb: 8.6
24 min

Having returned to his native Seattle after living for many years in Boston, psychiatrist Frasier Crane is still settling in. He now hosts a radio call-in show, something his psychiatrist brother Niles frowns upon, but all in all is quite happy. Niles has bad news for him however about their father Martin, a retired policeman who has a dodgy hip after being shot on duty. Martin had a bad fall in his bathroom and it's obvious he can no longer live alone. A reluctant Frasier agrees that his somewhat cantankerous dad can move in with him. Martin's dog Eddie is part of the package as well. Niles offers to help out by sharing the cost of a physical therapist and Martin decides he want to hire Daphne Moon, a slightly wacky Brit who claims to be somewhat psychic. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Wings




IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Frasier Crane comes to the island to conduct a workshop. And it's while conducting his workshop that Helen sees him and says he's the man who ruined her life. it seems that he advised her to leave the island and go to New York. Frasier brings her on stage to talk and while he fails to convince her, it was not his fault, he passes the buck to Joe. Who then stands up and says he did nothing. Written by

Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD The Last Tycoon

The Last Tycoon


The Last Tycoon

IMDb: 8.1
61 min

From F. Scott Fitzgerald's last work, The Last Tycoon follows Monroe Stahr, Hollywood's Golden Boy as he battles father figure and boss Pat Brady for the soul of their studio. In a world darkened by the Depression and the growing influence of Hitler's Germany, The Last Tycoon illuminates the passions, violence and towering ambition of 1930s Hollywood.

Genre: Drama,
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HD Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver


Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

IMDb: 8.3

John explains why mandatory minimum sentences, especially for drug-related crimes, are in desperate need of reform.

Genre: Comedy, News, Talk-Show,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.6
70 min | 98 min

Woody embarks on his new life as City Councilman. Norm embarks on his new life as civil servant as Woody pulled some strings to get him an accounting job at City Hall. And Rebecca and Sam embark on their new relationships... possibly. Don asks Rebecca to marry him. Will her regular I've got to marry a rich man impulse makes her say no? And after seeing her win an ACE Cable Award on television, Sam makes the decision to get in touch with Diane. Sam lies to her about how happy he is in his life, and he suspects that she too is lying about how happy her married life is. But only a visit by Diane to Boston may make both realize what they want in life, which specifically for Sam can be summed up by a comment from Norm: You can never be unfaithful to your one true love. Cheers. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.7

Don Santry walks into the bar and into Rebecca's life. He's the repairman called into fix the bar tap. Although Don is not Rebecca's usual type, Frasier talks her into taking a chance when she states that someone like a Don is what she should be going after. Quickly, she falls head over heals, but Sam thinks she's settling for second best. He wants Rebecca to be his fall-back if in a couple of years he has not found Mrs. Malone. Rebecca shoots back that he is an aging Lothario way past his prime. Frasier suggests to Sam, who is hurt by Rebecca's comments, that perhaps there is some truth to Rebecca's assertion about him and that he would benefit by group therapy for sexual compulsives. Sam does go to the meeting, and after a rough start, he does admit that perhaps he is no longer happy with his life. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.8
46 min

Rebecca is having her rich man obsession again, the object of her affection this time being Mr. Gaines. Although she has never really had any interest in him before, their shared knowledge of classical music - for her, it's more of a loathing due to her forced classical music upbringing - brings them together. He invites her over to his house for an evening of classical music. This evening is not quite what either expects, which in turn makes Rebecca do some things she probably would like to forget. Rebecca ultimately comes to a realization about her rich man obsession in general, but she has to translate that realization into action. Meanwhile, Cliff and Ma Clavin are feuding. By Cliff's words, the tone of his voice, his actions and absence of any trace of Mrs. Clavin when Carla, Norm and Paul break into Cliff's apartment, the threesome are convinced that he has murdered her. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.4
23 min

Because of Woody's civic election win, Sam needs another bartender, a job he gives to Carla. To celebrate, Carla, whips up a batch of one of her powerhouse drinks for the guys. The day after, everyone has a hangover. What's worse, Carla, who imbibed and got drunk herself, has a sneaking suspicion that she took someone home and slept with him, that person she believes being one of the Cheers regulars. She confides in Sam alone, and after he tells her it wasn't him, she panics and they both ponder who it could have been, with her worse nightmare having it be Cliff. When her bed-mate ultimately reveals himself, Carla and Sam have to decide how best to handle the information. Two other revelations come to light in the aftermath of the drunken spree. And Sam makes an admission of his own to Carla to make her feel better about her own further revelation. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.2

When City Councilman Kevin Fogarty comes to Cheers on his re-election campaign spouting a whole lot of political nothings that nonetheless woos the crowd, Frasier bets the gang that he can even get a trained monkey on the ballot and garner 10% of the vote. Without a trained monkey in sight, Frasier chooses Woody as a good surrogate. Frasier does indeed get enough signatures to get Woody on the ballot. Woody helps his own political cause when Holly Matheson, a local reporter covering the City Hall beat, mistakes Woody's farm talk as an analogy for the problems of City politics. In an early poll, Woody garners 8% popular support, enough for the gang to concede defeat to Frasier. However, when Fogarty is caught in a public drunkenness spree, the gang figures that Woody can actually win the election and they go full force on his campaign. Frasier takes this task on as his own personal mission, that is until he has a nightmare of Woody as a career politician in the White House inciting a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.9

Since Sam's apartment is being fumigated after he has a sleepless night killing silverfish, Rebecca offers her pull-out sofa to him as a place to sleep. With some snide remarks about her love life, Sam declines her offer since he has a place to sleep with Julie, one of his stewardess bimbos. However Julie comes by the bar to tell Sam that their plans are off since she has a change in work schedule due to a Shiner's convention in Boston in turn resulting in extra flights in and out of Boston. After Julie leaves, Sam promptly locks himself out of the bar, not only without keys but also without his wallet and therefore without money and thus nowhere to sleep. Even if he had money to pay, there are no hotel rooms in Boston to be had due to the convention. Feeling he can't turn to Rebecca because of his earlier remarks to her, he tries all his other friends, but one after one, those attempts either for a key to get into the bar or for a place to sleep fall through. Sam has to decide if he ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.5
30 min

It's the annual St. Patrick's Day battle of sales between Cheers and Gary's Olde Towne Tavern. Not only does Cheers lose the battle of the hi-jinx with an unsuspecting Woody taking the brunt of the battle, Cheers also loses the sales bet. Sam has finally had as much as he can take not only with the loss once again to Gary's but performing the most humiliating task he and the guys have had to endure due to the loss. Sam threatens Gary and decides to pull out one of the biggest guns he knows: Harry the Hat. Sam asks Harry to devise and execute the ultimate plan to beat Gary. Harry refuses. Despite Carla's assertion to take matters into her own hands, Sam finally gives up permanently to Gary. When Sam goes over to Gary's to wave the final white flag, he witnesses in horror what he believes is Carla's master plan. But what he witnesses is part of a deal Gary made with Rutherford Cunningham, who Sam knows better by another name. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Cliff and Norm mourn the closing of the Twi-Lite Drive-In Theater and its associated memories of simpler times. In Ma Clavin's classic convertible, Cliff, Norm, Woody and newbie drive-inner Frasier - who ends up being trunk boy - head off to watch a Gojira (1954) triple-header on the theater's last night. The foursome have a mixed evening at the theater, which includes enduring Cliff and Ma's rules of car etiquette and several run-ins with an angry car neighbor. But it's Ma's convertible that takes the brunt of the evening's battles. While the foursome are at the drive-in, Gus O'Malley, the previous owner of Cheers, stops by the bar. Sam offers Gus the opportunity to relive old times not only by tending bar, but managing the bar for the evening. Gus resorts to his old tactics of yelling and intimidation to get the staff to get working. Despite Carla and Rebecca's protests against Gus' tactics, Sam, who doesn't agree with how Gus is running things, figures that he can make an old man ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.2
30 min

It was Lilith that walked in on Frasier and Rebecca as they were about to make love for the first time. All three are shocked at their situation and Lilith, the most confused, runs off to Cheers to get some answers from Sam as to what's been going on with her husband. Sam and the gang at the bar are as equally shocked by Lilith's news as Lilith was to see it. However it's not quite as simple for Frasier, who refuses to take Lilith back as easily as she wants. There is still the issue of the Dear John letter she wrote him. Apparently the letter was written by Dr. Pascal in an attempt to solidify his relationship with Lilith. Dr. Pascal thinks that he will have some say in what happens between himself and Lilith and between Frasier and Lilith. And as the fourth party, Rebecca will also have a say in what happens between herself and Frasier and between Lilith and Frasier. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Frasier gets a Dear John letter from Lilith, who is still in the eco-pod. She wants a divorce since she and Dr. Pascal aka Googie have committed to their love. A flood of negative emotions flow out of him. Rebecca suggests to the gang that they throw Frasier a divorce party to cheer him up, complete with stripper. Frasier is touched by the gesture, but is still depressed and a bit drunk at the end of the evening, so Rebecca offers to drive him home. After he invites her in for coffee, one thing leads to another which leads to the bedroom. Before they can really get hot and heavy, the gang from the bar, one by one, come over to cheer Frasier up. As hard as he tries to get rid of them, they won't leave. After a long evening of the gang's company, Frasier finally gets rid of them and finds Rebecca in his bed asleep. Both thinking that the moment has passed between the two of them, they reiterate to each other that they still want to continue what was interrupted. Just as they start their... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Eighteen year old Serafina, Carla's daughter, announces that she is pregnant and wants to marry the father, a retired police officer living off disability who she loves. After discussing the issue, Carla gives Serafina her blessing and her financial support for the wedding. With her connection to Hill, Carla manages to arrange for the ceremony at Melville's - she's afraid of the bad wedding karma history at Cheers - and the reception at Cheers. Despite Carla's meticulous planning to avoid any problems, a last minute Star Trek (1966) theme and some surprise guests may ruin the day for Carla. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.5

Robin returns to Cheers, destitute. He has renounced his previous greedy ways, gave away the $6 million he had hidden in Rebecca's desk drawer and has decided to live a life of simple poverty. But admittedly, he still has feelings for Rebecca. Rebecca still has feelings for Robin, or at least for the $6 million she thinks he has. She thinks he's just testing her and that he still is rich. In the intervening time, Robin implied to the gang in an indirect way that he has hid another money belt filled with $6 million somewhere in the bar. Sam, Carla, Frasier, Norm and Cliff tear the bar apart, probe Robin and turn on each other trying to find the money belt. They then think that it was burned in the fire. But when they discover that Fire Captain Dobbins on duty the day of the fire is now retired with a sizable sum of money, they assume he stole the money. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.6

The gang decide to watch an old Red Sox game on a classic sports channel, a game in which Sam played. As this game took place during one of his drunk years, Sam is unsure if he played well or made a fool of himself in the game. Since he finds out he pitched three innings in the game, he assumes he played well. After Sam makes a big deal about watching the game, Carla reminds him that that game was indeed not one of his finest moments. Sam does whatever he can to prevent the gang from watching it. Meanwhile, Norm is being audited. The auditor is Dot Carroll, a gravelly-voiced, chain-smoking, no-nonsense, scary tough broad. Norm, the ex-accountant, knows he can fudge his way through the audit even without legitimate receipts, but when his tricks don't work, he resorts to a tactic suggested by Carla: flirt. It works, much to Norm's dismay, as Dot invites Norm back to her hotel room. But a faithful Norm now doesn't know what to do as Dot expects a sexual evening. Norm learns that what may... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.0

With new video camera in hand, Cliff, with assistant Norm, is hired by a man named Peter to videotape his parent's fiftieth wedding anniversary celebration to be held at the bar. Half way through the proceedings, the battery in the camera dies and Cliff has no alternate power supply. Rather than tell Peter as Norm would like Cliff to do, Cliff decides to continue filming anyway. Beyond Peter's want for the tape after all is said and done, Cliff probably wishes he had filmed the proceedings. Meanwhile, Frasier has a new temporary secretary, twenty-one year old Shauna, who directly and unabashedly hits on Frasier. On Sam's urging, Frasier decides to take Shauna up on her offer of Sunday dinner at her house. Frasier is nervous about what seems like a sure thing with Shauna. The evening doesn't end up quite the way Frasier had imagined. However, Frasier, who is forced to stay until the end of the dinner, ultimately makes the most of his evening. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Woody's parents get a gift for Kelly and Woody: small pet pig named Snuffles. Pet is somewhat of a misnomer as the Boyds, from a farming background, see Snuffles as Christmas dinner. Rebecca has an immediate connection with Snuffles as an animal. She wants to buy Snuffles after she hears about its ultimate fate. When Woody won't sell, Rebecca sets Snuffles free in the country. When Rebecca hears who ends up finding Snuffles, she sees the story as a Christmas miracle, until... Meanwhile, Sam starts dating Susan Metheny, the widow of Kirby, the man who bought Sam's Corvette. Sam is only doing so as he wants his Corvette back at a reduced rate. Susan, a kindergarten teacher, is a nice, sweet, innocent, shy woman who is vulnerable at the best of times, let alone at this grieving point in her life. But Sam only has his Corvette on the brain and doesn't even consider Susan's feelings. Susan ultimately decides that she won't be a pushover this time around when it comes to her feelings, a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.6

Woody and Kelly argue once again about the difference in their monetary status. Kelly wants to live in a house purchased by her father. Woody, not wanting any Gaines money, wants them to live in his old apartment as that's all he can afford. They compromise, which shows them that one side might be more correct in their outlook than the other. Meanwhile, Rebecca's father, Navy Captain Franklin E. Howe, comes to Boston for a visit. A tough as nails man and father, he demands that Rebecca, who has screwed up her life in Boston, move back to San Diego into her old room at their house. Apparently, he has controlled her her entire life, including providing her with an allowance. He expects that Rebecca will put up a fight and demand to live her life in Boston as she sees fit. Captain Howe has an ulterior motive for his visit to Boston of which Rebecca is unaware. If she knew her father's true motive, it would change the entire nature of their disagreement. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Cliff is convinced that his new neighbor is Adolf Hitler. If not for Ma standing up for him, Cliff would be evicted from the building for harassment. But Cliff's still not convinced as to his neighbor's true identity. Meanwhile, Carla and John Allen Hill continue their love-hate relationship. However it has gone to a new level, to a love-hate-heart attack stage. Hill had a heart attack while they were making love. Seemingly indifferent to the heart attack since Hill is just a romp in the hay, Carla eventually breaks down in tears since her boyfriend had a heart attack. She suspects that the reason he did have a heart attack is she spurted out the words I love you to Hill. She doesn't know what to do since their relationship is built on hate. She finally goes to see him in the hospital, and based on events and the fact that Hill is out of commission for eight weeks, they decide to try and move their relationship to the next phase of true boyfriend-girlfriend. This eight weeks, or ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.9
30 min

It's Thanksgiving, and all the orphaned regulars of the bar have decided to have dinner together at Cheers. These include a recently separated Frasier and his son Frederick, Carla and three of her fatherless kids (Lucinda, Jesse and Elvis), a Vera-less for the holidays and somewhat confused Norm with his barcalounger, a Ma-less for the holidays Cliff, host and hostess Sam and Rebecca, and for a short but unexpected time John Allen Hill, whose kitchen, silverware, plates and candlesticks the gang are using. One not there is Woody, who is having dinner with the Gaines family. Mr. Gaines recently made Woody sign a power of attorney document, and Sam thinks that the Gaines family is taking advantage of naive Woody. Sam suggests to Woody that he stand up to Mr. Gaines, to say that he's disappointed in him, that he should be ashamed of himself, and that he should give Woody the respect he deserves. Woody does so, but not before Woody walks in on Mr. Gaines having an affair with his ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Frasier is still wallowing in Lilith's announcement that she is leaving him for her colleague, Dr. Louis Pascal. What's worse, she has decided to let Frasier have sole custody of Frederick - or in Frasier's mind, abandoning her only child - and live in an underground bubble in the desert, an eco-pod with Dr. Pascal. The eco-pod is Dr. Pascal's primary scientific experiment. She wants a trial separation for the time she's gone to live in the eco-pod. She's sees her act as the first and only time she's let loose in her life. Frasier's response is to get on the ledge of a third floor window above the bar threatening to jump. Lilith comes to the scene to try and talk him off the ledge, telling him in all sincerity that she will go back to him if he doesn't kill himself. With that announcement, Frasier, still in love with Lilith, has some words for Dr. Pascal as he commits his final act in the matter. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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