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IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Woody, Norm and Cliff come bounding into the bar after a drunken evening of watching The Magnificent Seven (1960), and are feeling all macho. They talk about the lack of danger in everyday life, and crave for such. Another patron in the bar, Bob Speakes, is a skydiving instructor and suggests that they give skydiving a try. The three are all talk and no action, but finally agree to do it after Carla goads them into it. The next day, the three are up in a plane ready for the jump. They all chicken out, the first men ever in Bob's history of teaching that have ever done so. However, the three make a pact that they will say to the gang at the bar that they did it, keeping the story nice and simple: they jumped, the chutes opened, they landed. The two problems are Cliff, who needs to embellish the story to pump up his own so-called extraordinary achievements, and Woody, who has never told a lie in his life. Carla doesn't believe that they did it, until Woody, who is nervous in the lie, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.2
30 min

The Cranes are going on a driving vacation, and Lilith admits to Sam that she doesn't know how to drive and would like him to teach her. He soon regrets saying yes as she becomes an aggressive, maniacal driving machine, with Sam taking the brunt of other drivers' wrath against her. Meanwhile, Rebecca gets her photo taken for a newspaper article. However her photo gets printed in the wrong and unfortunate section of the newspaper. And Cliff is going into the hospital for an appendectomy. He's making a big deal about the life and death nature of the surgery. While in the hospital, he gets no visitors as everyone at the bar assumed that someone else had gone to visit him. Frasier volunteers only since he has to make rounds at the hospital anyway. When he arrives at Cliff's room, he finds out that Cliff has already been discharged. Frasier makes some disparaging remarks about Cliff which Cliff overhears. Cliff is hurt that no one came to visit, Frasier leveling with him that perhaps it is... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.2
30 min

The Cranes are having their apartment redone and have called in renowned designer, Ivan. They've also got Norm doing the prep work and painting. However, Ivan's ideas are all form and no function. On top of that, he's snobbish and dictatorial. So they fire him. Inadvertently, Norm, by just moving a chair in their living room so that he can spackle a wall, causes Lilith and Frasier to gush about the great placement of the chair in its new location. Norm really does show his talent for what he calls color and where to place the ottoman, and he is hired to design the Crane's apartment, which he wants kept secret from everyone at the bar. The design turns out to be exactly what Lilith and Frasier want. The Cranes recommend Norm to their yuppie friends of friends, Kim and Robert Cooperman, who also want their place redone. Norm's initial meeting with the Coopermans doesn't start off well. It's because, as Frasier tells him, the Coopermans are snobs who expect their designers, to use ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.3
30 min

Eddie is back in Boston with the ice show, and with the show comes beautiful East German skater Franzi Schrempf, who is notorious for dating her male partners. Franzi finds Sam rude and crude. She likes simpler men. Could that be Eddie? Does Carla have anything about which to worry? Carla suspects that Franzi and Eddie are having an affair but has no proof whatsoever. However the gang at the bar do find out that Franzi has fallen for some guy in the ice show. Sam tells Carla that if Eddie has strayed, perhaps she pushed him into it by not being nicer to him and by not being more feminine. Carla is repulsed by the idea by being a frilly woman, so she confronts Eddie in her usual way. That doesn't work, so she does try being frilly and subservient at a poker night at the house. Could this be the new Carla in an effort to hold on to her man? Meanwhile, Rebecca gets two corporate tickets for Woody to a Patriots game. Norm, Cliff and Frasier compete to see who will be his date. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Rebecca is still in a quandary over what to do about the marriage proposal from Martin Teal. In her own words, Martin, her boss, is a weaselly little twerp, but she doesn't want to jeopardize her career by saying no. She talks Sam into rekindling their fake relationship to the point of being in a fake engagement to throw Martin off her trail. Martin however makes a preemptive move by sending Sam down to Cancun on a bartender exchange for a month, Sam who is thrilled by this opportunity. While away, Sam thinks nothing about Cheers or Rebecca. When Sam misses the corporate jet back to Boston, Martin takes that as a sign that Sam has forgotten about Rebecca and his job in Boston. Once again, Martin hits on Rebecca. Rebecca manages to hold Martin off in the short term while she works on her supposed grief. She heads down to Cancun herself to plead with Sam to come back. Will Sam give up his new carefree life to help Rebecca? If he does, he may take the ultimate advantage of her if given... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Woody has some honey bees delivered to the bar and keeps them in the office for safekeeping. Luckily he does keep them safe as they do get loose and they seem rather angry. Rebecca has another pest with whom to deal, namely her new boss, Martin Teal. Greg Stone has been fired from the company, and Teal has taken his place at corporate. He wants to meet with Rebecca. In the elevator at corporate, she is hit on by a vertically-challenged man-child in a suit, to whom she basically tells to go back to his mommy. Later, she is horrified to learn that the man-child is Martin Teal. He takes an instant like to her in more ways than one. He not only reinstates her as the sole manager at Cheers, but he wants to date her. To get him off her back, she lies and tells him that she is already romantically involved with someone, namely Sam. But Martin Teal is a man-child who is used to getting what he wants at any and all cost. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Sam is in the middle of picking up an attractive woman named Suzanne in the bar, when he's telephoned by another former lover named Denise who wants to see him as soon as possible. So many women, so little time. He chooses to see Denise, while he puts current prey, Suzanne, on hold. However, Denise doesn't quite want a liaison: she tells Sam that he is one of two possible men who fathered her newborn child. Sam is shaken at the news, and swears to God that he will forgo sex forever if the child isn't his. He decides to change that to three months, which is like a lifetime for Sam. He quickly finds out that he is not the father, and is relieved. He is just about ready to head off for an evening of debauchery with Suzanne when Carla reminds him of his vow to God. Because of Carla's strong Catholic background, she convinces Sam, with a little unwitting help from Woody, that a vow to God is something one should not take lightly. Sam asks for advice from Father Barry and Frasier, the ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Rebecca is still smarting from Evan Drake's departure to Japan. So instead of men, she focuses her energies on furthering her career - she figures that Evan Drake took all the key players from the company to Japan with him, and thus all those that knew she is a washout are now all gone - and buying a Mercedes. But realistically, her defenses are weakened, so when Sam asks her out again, she accepts, albeit without much enthusiasm. Just as Rebecca and Sam are about to go on their first date, Rebecca's new boss, Greg Stone, comes to the bar. Rebecca, having a boss fixation, drops Sam at the sight of Mr. Stone. For her, it is love at first sight all over again. He bursts her bubble though. He figures the bar did better under Sam's direction, so he appoints Sam as the new manager and fires Rebecca. This news sends Rebecca into a deep shock, but also makes Sam miserable as he hates managing a bar in a corporate style. Sam tries to get Rebecca her job back all the while hoping that ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Evan Drake wants to speak to Rebecca about something important. She thinks it is finally to tell her that he loves her. In her mind, all the signs are there: since his divorce, he has had many of his business meals at Melville's so that he can be close to her, and he is currently in her office using her phone with his mouth inches away from where her own mouth is so often. He however tells her that he has accepted a job to take over the corporation's Japanese division and is off to Japan for good that evening. She is devastated. Sam feels that she needs to tell Drake how she feels before he takes off, or else she'll be in romantic limbo for the rest of her life. Sam even plans a party for Drake to give her such an opportunity. Opportunity after opportunity fails that evening for Rebecca to tell him what she wants, but as she finagles her way to drive him to the airport... What Rebecca does end up saying places a kibosh on Sam's own plans with Rebecca. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.3
30 min

Sam out to prove that he is STILL hot and Woody out to prove that he IS hot compete to see which one of them can kiss Rebecca first before midnight. While Woody asks Rebecca to help him rehearse a romantic scene Sam comes into the bar in Uniform because he has inlisted. Rebecca becomes suspicious over what's going on asks Carla who is happy to do something that will embarrase both Sam and Woody tells Rebecca who decides to set up the guys and in the end they both get a liplock, from each other. Written by Dagny

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.1

The gang is celebrating its second anniversary of beating Gary's Olde Towne Tavern in bowling, their one and only victory in the bar wars. But they are also on a winning streak. The act of Gary stealing and breaking the bowling trophy reignites their war, of which Rebecca is unfamiliar. She refuses to participate, until the war starts to affect her. The pranks are generally mild but juvenile, but Rebecca agrees to Gary's offer of a truce. The cease fire quickly ends when Gary pulls another prank. Beyond the pranks, the gang at Cheers become paranoid about every stranger that comes into the bar, including someone who claims to be Red Sox power hitter Wade Boggs, who says he was sent by Gary to sign autographs. He looks like Wade Boggs, sounds like Wade Boggs, but does that make him Wade Boggs? The resulting end of this war is in the words of the wise pretty weeny. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.4
30 min

In Sam's unfortunate presence (unfortunate for Sam in more ways than one), Anthony and Annie tell Carla and Eddie that they're expecting - meaning Carla will become a grandmother - and that they plan on continuing to live at her house after the arrival of the baby. Carla is angry and goes into a deep depression. Carla implies that her issue is that she has gone from being a child herself to being a grandmother, missing out on her own growing up, including her adolescence and middle age. Being a grandmother means her life is almost over. This news in turn affects Rebecca as Carla is in hibernation while she awaits the angel of death, so Rebecca is short staffed at the bar. Rebecca, who herself has to schlep drinks to the customers, is a reluctant and lousy waitress. The gang think that something that Carla referred to - a slumber party - might get her out of her funk, as in the words of Lilith, recreating a childhood ritual often helps in getting one out of depression around aging. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.8
30 min

One by one, Woody, Sam and Carla go into Rebecca's office asking for a raise. All three come out of her office only with superficial new titles. In other words, Rebecca has duped them. However she confesses first to Sam then to everyone in the bar that she cannot afford to give anyone a raise since the bar has been losing money for the past three months and the corporation is threatening to close the bar and take its losses. After brainstorming, the gang at the bar come up with an idea for a raffle for a Caribbean cruise to raise money and bring customers into the bar. Despite thinking it's futile, Rebecca goes along with it. The bar ends up being packed for the duration of the contest and the idea is a success. But an incident regarding the raffle may threaten the bar regardless. Sam, however, comes up with a solution that has an unwitting and absent Frasier and his one month anniversary with Lilith at its core. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.6

Rebecca is upset that Evan Drake has promoted Sam to an executive position at corporate, the position of Eastern Regional Sales Manager to be more precise. Rebecca thinks something is fishy about the promotion. Despite having nothing to do even after asking Drake about his job responsibilities, Sam is oblivious to any ulterior motives for his promotion. Even after playing in the corporate league's first playoff game for the company, Sam is still oblivious but Rebecca catches on: Sam is the company's softball ringer, and once the playoffs are over, Sam will be let go from his executive position. Rebecca relishes the opportunity to rub Sam's smug nose in it, but a story by Sam make may her change her mind in telling him. Regardless, Sam uses any opportunity to reach his ultimate goal with Rebecca. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.3
30 min

After being cut by the Bruins, Eddie finally gets a job as a penguin, not of the Pittsburgh variety, but rather a dressed-up penguin in The World of Ice ice show. The first stop on the show's tour is Seattle. Carla is reluctant to visit Eddie on the extended Seattle stop as everyone finally finds out she is afraid to fly, or to be more precise she is afraid to crash. After the gang discuss ways to help Carla, Frasier decides that he could hold a week long pteromerhanophobia workshop ending with an actual flight on a plane. Carla agrees to participate. Frasier's workshop ends up doing the trick but not quite in the way he had anticipated. Meanwhile, Murray Treadwell, a local restaurant critic, is doing a series of reviews of bars. When Cheers was managed by Sam, Treadwell gave the bar a rotten review, so Rebecca will do anything to rectify that. Treadwell implies to Rebecca that he will give the bar a good review if she goes out with him. Will Rebecca's personal relationship, or ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Evan Drake is in Europe and has hired Norm to paint his house, Norm tells Rebecca that she can come over and look around the bedroom, which is what he is up to. While Rebecca is up there Mr. Drake comes home early and so Rebecca has to hide. Mr. Drake, a very light sleeper is tired as hell and just wants to sleep. Norm can't think of anything and so has to leave her there, after telling the gang at the bar he is sent back there to bail her out. After many failed attempts Norm finally succeeds in two things one getting Rebecca out, and two convincing Mr. Drake that he(Norm) is crazy. Fraiser tells the gang about a patient he saw that morning who is REALLY hot for dancers or anything having to do with dancing, after Fraiser leaves a beautiful girl comes to the bar looking for Fraiser because she had a session with him that morning and left a package in his office Sam likes her and decides to dance his way into her pants. Sam is dancing his brains out and nothing so he asks Fraiser about... Written by Dagny

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.8
30 min

Frasier and Lilith's wedding is nearing, and their best man and maid of honor, Sam and a very surprised Rebecca, are throwing them each a bachelor/bachelorette party. However Lilith is annoyed at Frasier's increased frequency of snide remarks about marriage and sees it possibly as a sign he is having second thoughts. So she says to him directly that she will give him his freedom if he so desires, and will await a telephone call from him after the party to tell her if he still wants to get married. An unexpected guest at the bachelor party makes Frasier really contemplate into what he's about to enter. Frasier calls Rebecca's, where the bachelorette party is being held, to talk to Lilith. That call makes Frasier think even more about the wedding. Lilith has made a decision of her own, one induced by alcohol, a male stripper and a missed telephone call. By the end of the evening, Sam comes to some conclusions of his own about the joys of single life. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Evan Drake invites Sam and a date onto his yacht for the weekend, Evan implying that it should be Rebecca since Sam and Rebecca are supposedly dating. Sam has someone else in mind - Julie, perhaps the most superficial person in the world - instead. Rebecca finds out about the invitation and of course insists that Sam bring her so that she can get closer to her unrequited love, Evan Drake. Sam reluctantly agrees, but brings along his sister Julie as well. Sam and Rebecca are hoping that this trip ends up being their conquest of Julie and Evan respectively, but Evan and Julie and Lorenzo the cabin steward may have other things on their minds. That may leave Sam and Rebecca to find their own fun together. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Carla has given birth to her twins, which results in some short term waitressing issues at the bar. Sam decides to hire Annie Tortelli, Carla's daughter-in-law, since the Tortelli's are facing some financial hardships. However, Evan Drake would like Rebecca to hire his friend, Laurie. Having already hired Annie, Sam and Rebecca let Annie work solely for tips. Sam and Rebecca's waitressing problems don't end there. Annie is falling for Sam, especially since Anthony is unemployed and a bum by Annie's standards, and since Sam made an offhanded comment about Annie being beautiful. Sam tries to solve both his and the Tortelli's problems with one maneuver. With Laurie, Rebecca suspects that she is Evan Drake's young lover, to which Rebecca is devastated. Rebecca has open animosity toward Laurie, and uses words like slut, harlot and tramp to describe Laurie behind her back. Rebecca needs to find out for sure if Laurie is indeed Evan Drake's lover. When Rebecca thinks she has her answer, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.1

Cliff goes into the mail order shoe business. At only $19.99 a pop, all the guys in the bar decide to get a pair. When the shoes arrive, the guys are all amazed at how comfortable and good looking the shoes are, but... Meanwhile, Rebecca thinks that she finally has her ticket out of the bar. Daniel T. Collier, the Chairman of the Board of the corporation - which by the way is called Lillian - asks her to organize a cocktail party at his house. Against Rebecca's better judgment, she agrees to hire Sam and Woody to tend bar at the party. The party is going well until Woody empties some garbage into what he thinks is a garbage can, but is really a priceless antique vase. What's worse is that Rebecca accidentally breaks the vase while she's emptying it out. Admissions to Mr. Collier aka Pinky as to who did what to the vase has an unexpected short to medium term result, despite Woody and Sam's best efforts to be the martyrs. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.9

While discussing exciting things in their lives, Woody tells the gang that he was just an extra on the TV show Spenser: For Hire (1985), and that he had rubbed elbows with its star, Robert Urich. Everyone is excited for Woody until they see the episode on TV, where Woody claims that the ubiquitous white shirt on the screen is him. After that, everyone in the bar is skeptical of his story, until... Meanwhile, Norm is painting Cliff's apartment. Norm is expecting to get paid, while Cliff is expecting it to be a freebie, especially in light of the fact that Norm painted Ma Clavin's house for free - when Norm was not a professional painter - and that Cliff regards painting as menial work that even a trained monkey could do. This disagreement causes a rift between friends. A tit for tat may either resolve the rift or make it worse. Elsewhere in the bar, Rebecca has booked the pool room to a woman's book club every Sunday night to add a little class to the establishment. The book club ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Cliff has bought himself a new condo in a singles building. He starts dating Sally from the building. The guys at the bar are anxious to meet Sally, but Cliff says that Sally wants Cliff all to herself and would rather stay in all the time. In reality, Sally is a shy, Plain Jane who would really love to go out with Cliff, but Cliff is embarrassed by her looks. Based on advice from Rebecca, Cliff decides to become Sally's Henry Higgins. Meanwhile, Rebecca has started smoking again to relieve some stress in her life. However she quickly realizes that it was a mistake and wants to quit, a task more difficult than she anticipates. Frasier suggests that she associate smoking with the most vile act she can imagine. As such, she tells Sam that if she smokes another cigarette, she will sleep with him. So Sam does whatever he can to catch her smoking. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Frasier is not having a good day. First his latest paper is attacked by a noted colleague, then second he comes down with an uncontrollable case of the hiccups. But his troubles are nothing compared to Rebecca's. Evan Drake, her boss and unrequited love, comes by the bar at a time when she is a physical mess from changing a tire. That and the fact that she has turned down every date from men in the company has led Mr. Drake to suspect that she is a lesbian, which Rebecca is horrified to learn. Mr. Drake invites Rebecca and whomever she chooses to be her date - perhaps a woman? - to a black-tie function. Since Rebecca has not had a date in the two years she's been lusting after Mr. Drake, she doesn't have a man upon who she call to bring. Sam volunteers, and based on circumstances, Rebecca takes him up on his offer. At the party, she, in her mind, needs to convince Mr. Drake that she is not only a heterosexual but that she is attracted to him. Her bold but unexpected actions evoke a ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.6
30 min

The Drs. Cranes are a little stressed at each of their respective practices, and Sam suggests they take a vacation. They immediately go on vacation mode in preparation for their impending Caribbean cruise. Will it relieve their stress? Meanwhile, Woody has joined a local theater group. He tries out for the company's original 4-hour play called Authors in Hell; he ends up being the understudy for the Mark Twain role. He wears his costume into the bar each night in the hope that he will go on, and at work he spouts Mark Twainisms to everyone. Into the bar walks a new customer named Mary, an older woman who is a bit nearsighted and who has recently become a widow. Mary and Woody as Mark Twain hit it off. It seems as if Mary really believes Woody is a well spoken older gentleman. The problem becomes how kindly old gentleman Woody can break the news to Mary that he isn't who he appears to be. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.3

Rebecca is planning a bachelor auction at the bar to raise money for Children's Hospital. Despite Rebecca's nonchalance toward his participation, Sam ends up being one of the bachelors, as is Woody (who she actually asked). Both Sam and Woody end up regretting it because of who purchases them. Meanwhile, Lilith and Frasier are in pre-wedding mode. Frasier suggests something that is totally off the radar for Lilith, namely a pre-nuptial agreement. Lilith is shocked and hurt by Frasier's request. This act by Frasier could jeopardize the wedding, as is a resulting $2,000 act by Lilith unless Sam can come up with a plan to get the two back together again. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Frasier finds out some juicy information about Rebecca from her college days, specifically that she was the party girl on campus and that her nickname was Backseat Becky. Although embarrassed by the information albeit one where how the nickname arose not divulged, Rebecca ultimately uses the nickname to her advantage. Meanwhile, Cliff and Ma Clavin, who is just like Cliff in the know-it-all department, are on a roller-coaster of emotions regarding the possible selling of their house to commercial developers. Cliff wants to sell in the name of progress, whereas Ma Clavin wants to preserve the memories of their lives in that house and not sell. Cliff and his Ma have to come to a consensus, but someone else or something else may beat them to the punch. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Rebecca cuts off unemployed Norm for being unable to pay his hefty bar tab. To pay off Norm's bar tab, Sam convinces Rebecca to give Norm a job at the bar, ultimately deciding on painting her unneeded to be painted office. Based partly on a telephone call that Rebecca receives from her boss and unrequited love Evan Drake, Norm and Rebecca begin to bond, this being the first human emotion Rebecca has shown anyone at Cheers. Based on this new bond, Rebecca asks Norm to paint her apartment. Since Norm tells Sam and Carla a bit about what happened between him and Rebecca, Sam sees this new painting job as his next in into Rebecca's personal life. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Frasier is feeling pressured by Lilith to get married, and he doesn't like it. He wants to be the man in the relationship and make the decisions. But this relationship is the first one he's ever had where he does feel sexually desirable in an animalistic sense, and wants to know what that may feel like with another woman. Norm, Cliff, Tim and Alan convince him that Rebecca has the hots for him, and Cliff even manages to get Rebecca to inadvertently give Frasier that impression. The questions become whether Frasier will decide to pursue Rebecca, which means dumping Lilith, and if he does what both Rebecca and Lilith's reactions will be. Meanwhile, the power struggle between Sam and Rebecca at the bar continues, the biggest bone of contention being who's photograph should hang in the bar: the ex-bar owner and pseudo-celebrity Sam or the current bar manager Rebecca. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.1
30 min

Eddie and Carla's wedding is off because Mama LeBec doesn't approve of her intended daughter-in-law. Eddie can't go against Mama, and Carla is pissed off at Eddie for not doing so. But the person who seems most upset is Rebecca because it will look badly upon her if Evan Drake, her boss and unrequited love, shows up to a wedding reception with no bride and groom. Sam assures Rebecca he can get the wedding back on track so that the reception will happen, but will do so only on the condition that they lose the uniforms. Rebecca reluctantly agrees. Sam does a juggling act, maneuvering all the players back into place, hoping to convince Eddie that he loves Carla, and hoping to make Carla forget about being mad at Eddie. Those are not the only obstacles, another being the church backlog and the need to get married by 4:00 for their superstitious planets to be in alignment. At the end of the day, Carla receives what she believes is a sign regarding whether their superstitions are the cause ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.3
30 min

A week after Carla tells Eddie that she's pregnant with his child, Eddie does ask her to marry him. She's excited beyond words. She's even more excited in the fact that Eddie tells her that she no longer has to work since he can support them both. Being the two most superstitious people in the world, they have a lot of superstition obstacles to overcome. With all these superstitions to consider, they figure they have to marry in exactly eight days, or postpone the wedding until 2042. Sam plans on having a reception for them at the bar, Rebecca initially indignant that Sam does so without her authorization, until he suggests she invite her unrequited love and boss, Evan Drake, who is a sports fan, to meet famous goalie Eddie. With seemingly this last hurdle overcome, the wedding seems like it will be a blessed event, that is until Carla and Eddie inadvertently break the biggest superstition of them all: he sees her on their wedding day before the wedding. Carla thinks they're doomed. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Dave Richards is looking for a replacement television sportscaster to fill his position and thinks Sam would be the perfect person: he knows sports and he looks good. Although initially apprehensive about his abilities to do it, Sam agrees to fill in for the week. If he does well, this stint could lead to a whole new career in front of the camera. With Woody's help, Sam makes up a lie to Rebecca to get out of working at the bar for that time. Although Rebecca eventually finds out the real reason for Sam's absence, she allows him time off as she sees it as a win-win situation for her. If he fails, he's humiliated. If he succeeds, he's out of her life. Reading the actual sportscasts is one issue, but the sports commentaries, where he has to write his own material and come up with a point of view, is a whole different matter. Like his earlier lie to Rebecca, Sam needs Woody's help with regard to the result of his sportscasts. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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IMDb: 8.1
30 min

Things at Cheers have changed. Sam has sold the bar to a large corporation and with the proceeds of the sale, bought a boat and is sailing around the world. As employees, Woody and Carla are forced to wear corporate uniforms. The new manager, Rebecca Howe, is a beautiful but tough as nails boss who has worked her way to this position from a business school background. Norm and Cliff no longer frequent the bar, as don't many of the old regulars, except Frasier. Norm gave the new Cheers a shot, but as a new crowd started populating the bar, the old refrain, Norm! as he enters, has left their vernacular. Diane's book deal didn't work out, and is in Hollywood writing for television. And Carla and Eddie have broken up. But the one constant: Carla is again pregnant, this time with Eddie's child. Into this new world, Sam throws everybody for a loop and returns to Cheers; apparently, he sank his boat when he hit a reef in the Caribbean. He came back to the bar, not in an effort to buy it ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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