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IMDb: 8.2
30 min

A strange man has been in the bar all day and is giving everyone, especially Carla, the creeps. He just sits there, drinks coffee, scribbles some notes every once in a while, and watches the gang. Increasingly, they all get paranoid. Could he be a spy? Could he be a detective? Could he be a detective spying on one of them? Everyone thinks he is a detective but that he is spying on anyone else but him/herself. Finally Sam is about to confront the guy and throw him out of the bar, when Diane confesses that Irving is a friend and classmate of hers, in the bar to conduct an experiment for her on paranoia - introduce a foreign element into an established secure setting and see what happens. The gang don't take too kindly to Diane's experiment and imply that they will get even with her. It's a few days later and they haven't struck yet. Diane is jumpy, thinking the most innocent gestures are the act of revenge, which affects everyone around her negatively. Diane becomes not only paranoid ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Frasier is taking stock of his relationship, or ex-relationship with Diane, and although he wants to move on, he isn't dealing with it very well. He and Diane get into several words, none of them kind. Frasier tries to take some solace - very little solace at that - by hanging out with the guys who are watching football on this typical Sunday. Woody is having the best time as this week will be the third in a row that he will have won the bar's football pool. Norm offhandedly muses about how much money Woody would have won through real betting. Woody feels mentally ready to do so, and asks Sam, who knows a bookie, to place a $1,000 bet for him, that amount his life savings. Sam is reluctant to do so, even more so when he sees that many of Woody's picks are underdogs, but does agree when Woody seems determined to find anyone to do it for him. The next week, everyone is surprised that Woody actually won his bet, netting him $10,000. But an act by Sam may threaten those winnings, which ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.0
30 min

It was a dark and stormy night. These are the types of nightmares that Diane has been having since she found out that Andy 'Andy' Schroeder, the ex-con murderer who tried to strangle her once, has been released from the mental institution. Behind her back, Frasier has been counseling Andy just to make sure that Diane's fears are unfounded, which he assures her they are. Frasier suggests that she just talk to Andy to confront her fears. But she doesn't have a choice as Andy comes to the bar unannounced. In part, Andy has come to ask for Diane's forgiveness, which she reluctantly albeit not quite sincerely gives. But he also wants everyone's help. He has met a wonderful woman who knows nothing about his past, and he has made up a background that consists of everyone at Cheers. Sam agrees to go along with Andy's ruse, but Diane is not too sure she should trust him. They all do go along with it, however his stories revolve primarily around Andy owning the bar. They all, but especially Sam... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.6
30 min

The gang at Cheers flies Woody's old girlfriend in from Indiana to visit, and it becomes obvious that when they're together they use binge eating to curb their sexual urges. Meanwhile, Frasier takes a job at Cheers to make Diane feel guilty. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.9
30 min

Sam couldn't stop the wedding, but Frasier tells him that Diane left him at the altar and is now working at a convent. So Sam visits Diane to ask her to come back to Cheers. Meanwhile, Woody replaces Coach and become Cheers's new bartender. Written by

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.0

On what turns out to be a less than romantic dinner date for Frasier and Diane due to some unfortunate circumstances concerning the renowned restaurant's longtime chef/owner, Frasier, regardless, decides to go ahead with his plan to ask Diane to marry him. He has made arrangements for the ceremony to take place the following day at a romantic Florentine estate. Caught off guard by the question, Diane, who still has feelings for Sam, tries one last ditch attempt to get some sort of commitment from him by calling him at Cheers. Without directly asking for that commitment, Diane tells Sam of Frasier's proposal. Sam is unable to give Diane that commitment since he believes she called just to gloat about her happiness. So Diane accepts Frasier's proposal. In the sober realization of the post telephone call, Sam thinks that he made a big mistake by not telling Diane not to marry Frasier. He impulsively decides to fly to Florence to stop the wedding. However, a piece of new technology in ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.2
30 min

In light of Diane's move to Europe with Frasier, Sam is looking for a new waitress. His criteria: someone with who he can have sex. Carla, who he has given approval power, is looking for someone a little more substantial as a waitress. After interviewing a few bimbos who Carla has exerted her veto, they come across Lillian Huxley, a matronly British career tavern waitress. She fits Carla's criteria to a T, even more so in the fact that she poses no sexual complication for Sam. Sam hires her, and admits after her one week probation that he made the right choice: she's a great waitress and the customers love her. He's even slightly relieved that no romantic complications will screw up this arrangement. Just at that moment, a beautiful woman walks into the bar: it's Lillian's daughter Carolyn. Carla threatens to quit if he goes out with Carolyn as she knows that will result in Lillian quitting. Sam begs Carla to let him go out with Carolyn. Carla agrees, only if he tells Lillian and gets... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Frasier has been asked to be the visiting scholar at the University of Bologna in Italy for a 6-month tenure, and he asks Diane to come along. Although she implies that she will, she is less than enthusiastic. Frasier obviously picks up on this. She mentions Sam's fragility about the last time she left as one excuse, but she reassures Frasier that she really does want to go. In private with Sam though, she accuses him of thinking that this incident will lead to the end of hers and Frasier's relationship for a variety of reasons. Sam however is sincere in his want to see Diane and Frasier happy. So Diane plans to leave Cheers forever. After Diane's bon voyage party at the bar, Sam and Diane have a private moment together to clear the air, but it leads to a passionate kiss and embrace. However things don't continue to bed as an on-going conflict between the two rises to the surface. So Diane leaves, but before she does, Sam gives her the option of coming back to him if the one day at a... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Loretta has left Nick to pursue a singing career. What's worse for Nick is that Loretta gets everything in a divorce based on their prenuptial agreement. As soon as Carla sees him, she knows that Loretta's dumped him. Nick asks Carla for a second chance, not only for herself but also for the kids. Carla rebukes him, as does everyone else in the bar... that is, except Sam. Nick begs Sam for a job doing odd jobs around the bar, and Sam ultimately relents. After three weeks of working at the bar, everyone thinks that Nick is making a real effort to turn his life around, everyone but Carla. Sam and Diane suggest to her that he may be worth giving another chance, but Carla's not too sure. Even after Carla witnesses Nick's harsh reaction to Loretta when she comes into the bar, she's not too sure. Even after she and Nick go off and do family things together, she's not too sure. She just doesn't believe he'd stay with her if Loretta wanted him back. She tests him by calling him pretending to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Frasier comes into the bar a little down. Work is getting to him. Diane suggests to Sam that he ask Frasier to tag along on the guy's fishing trip with Norm, Cliff, Tim and Alan. Sam doesn't want to ask the depressed, outdoor inexperienced and boring Dr. Crane, but does so when he feels like he can't avoid it. Frasier, thinking that it'll do him some good to get away and do some male bonding, agrees. But the trip ends up being slightly different than what both Sam and Frasier first envision. The gang decide to go snipe hunting instead, initiating Frasier into the ritual as being the one who actually holds the gunny sack in the bagger's position and does the snipe call while the others go off and search the snipe out. The catch: there is no such thing as a snipe, so there is no reason for the others to search out something that doesn't exist. In other words, they left Frasier out in the woods by himself holding a gunny sack purely as a gag. Diane is furious with them. Just as Diane ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.7
30 min

Frasier and Diane bring Dr. Bennett Ludlow, Frasier's mentor, to the bar for a drink. Both Frasier and Diane are in awe of the man. Two weeks after that night, Carla has been getting expensive flowers from a secret admirer, and Dr. Ludlow has been canceling plans with Frasier and Diane. Frasier and Diane think that Dr. Ludlow doesn't want them as social companions. However, Sam believes that the coincidence between Carla's flowers, the nights she wants off and the nights where Dr. Ludlow cancels plans with Frasier and Diane is just a little too much. Could Dr. Ludlow be Carla's secret admirer? Frasier and Diane think the idea ludicrous. They learn that night by witnessing Dr. Ludlow and Carla's embrace that Sam is indeed right, much to Diane and Frasier's horror. Frasier implies to Dr. Ludlow that he would be better to return to his own social circle after this walk on the wild side, but they all, including Frasier and Diane, come to accept and support the relationship once Dr. Ludlow... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Nervous because they think he still has feelings for her, Diane and Frasier tell Sam that they are moving in together. Sam is happy for them, as happy as he can be for Diane and Frasier. But in a private discussion between Sam and Diane, each has an underlying but unspoken air of apprehension about this move. After Diane moves in with Frasier, she develops a constant tickle in her throat and sneezing fits which she attributes to being allergic to Frasier's dog, Pavlov. Sam thinks her symptoms are psychosomatic, masking a reality of not wanting to live with Frasier. When Sam agrees to take Pavlov after Frasier offers to give her up for Diane, Diane seems somewhat annoyed. After Pavlov leaves the Crane-Chambers household, Diane develops another symptom in addition to the tickle and the sneezing, that of a voice change. This added symptom is also despite the house being fumigated, the upholstery changed, and the wallpaper stripped. Finally Frasier is fed up, and faces the reality that ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Frasier, his mother - Dr. Hester Crane - and Diane are having dinner together at Melville's. Diane is nervous enough meeting her for the first time because she's his mother and could be her future mother-in-law, but Dr. Crane senior is also an eminent psychiatrist who may analyze every minute detail of Diane's behavior. When they meet, everything is rosy as both women seem to like each other. However, the first moment Hester gets Diane alone, she threatens to kill her if she continues dating Frasier. Diane is shocked and stunned, and Hester continues the threat through what seem to be harmless innuendos to the uninformed. Diane, not knowing if Hester is serious or kidding, decides to take action which places Frasier in a precarious position. Elsewhere in the bar, it's Norm's 36th birthday, and he drops hints to everyone as such. Although his words say that he wants no special treatment, the tone of his words, on which everyone picks up, is that he wants special attention. He does get ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.1

Everyone at the bar is in costume, which means it's Halloween. Late arrival Cliff is dressed as Ponce de Leon, who is still going on about his trip to Florida. The gang get into an argument about Cliff and women, specifically that he never seems to have been on a date. Then, as Cliff is boring a bar patron about Florida, a woman dressed as Tinkerbell shows some interest in him. They have a good time that evening as Ponce and Tinkerbell, and decide to meet the following night as their real selves at the bar, which means that Cliff will be going on an actual date. Will Cliff actually go through with meeting the woman underneath the Tinkerbell façade? Meanwhile, Diane, with an extra ticket and no Frasier available, takes Sam to the Boston Pops with Frasier's blessing. Diane isn't nervous about being on a date with Sam until they're ready to go home. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.0
30 min

Three people say things that they perhaps should not have. First, Cliff anonymously tells his supervisor that his colleague and former bodyguard, Lewis, has been pilfering fragrance samples from magazines to be delivered. Lewis is fired and asks Cliff to find out who squealed on him. Cliff is scared of Lewis, but will that ultimately stop him from telling Lewis the truth? Second, Frasier tells Sam a story about himself and Diane through the old a patient of mine... scenario. What he mentions is something that third, Diane said in the heat of passion when she and Frasier were making love: she yelled out her old boyfriend's name. That old boyfriend obviously is Sam. Next he sees Diane, Sam drops strong hints that he knows that she said his name while she was making love to Frasier. She is humiliated, and also furious with Frasier for telling Sam. In the light of reality, Sam and Diane reassure Frasier that they feel nothing at all for each other. However when Frasier leaves the room, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.0
30 min

After 10 days of therapy with Dr. Crane and AA meetings, Sam realizes the destructive ways of his recent drunken carousing behavior. Diane comes back to the bar wanting to talk to Sam. Each is afraid that the other is still in love with the other, but they simultaneously tell each other that they are over the other. However Diane goes further and tells Sam that she and Frasier are going together. Sam passes this news along to everyone else in the bar. As Julie, the latest waitress quits because of Sam's cheating ways, Sam needs a new waitress and suggests Diane come back to work there. Both Diane and Frasier are individually reluctant for her to do so, but the Coach, acting as the psychologist, may be able to convince all concerned that it's a good idea. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD Cheers




IMDb: 8.0
30 min

It's been six months since Diane walked out/Sam kicked her out of the bar, and it hasn't been a good six months for either. Sam has gone back to his carousing drunken ways, none of which he attributes to the break-up with Diane. Diane has spent the last three months as a voluntary patient at Goldenbrook Sanitarium. Upon her release, she seems happy but she is still jumpy and nervous and can't even say Sam's name. The break-up and Sam's behavior has had an affect on others in the bar. Sam has continually slept with the replacement waitresses, who have in turn quit when things went sour with Sam. This instability has taken its toll on overworked Carla. However, the one positive thing for Carla is that at least Diane is gone, and Carla has stipulated that no one is allowed to even mention Diane's name in the bar. But hardest hit is Coach, who lived through Sam's previous life as a drunk. Coach takes matters into his own hands and goes and sees a just released Diane. Coach tries to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.2
22 min

The children of Springfield fight to the death, Hunger Games style; Lisa's imaginary friend kills her real friends; Moe recruits Bart into his group of covert barfly agents.

Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.6
21 min

When Bart brings home folk singer Hettie Mae Boggs, who has fallen on hard times, an impressed Lisa decides to relaunch Hettie's career with a come-back concert but Hettie is unreliable and Bart fears she will let Lisa down,. Meanwhile Homer's attempts at DIY lead to his having to rescue the cat, whom he has accidentally walled up. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.8
21 min

After killing Bart, Sideshow Bob doesn't know what to do with himself; Homer wakes up with short-term memory loss; Because of radiation, Lisa, Bart and Milhouse gain super-powers.

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.9
22 min

When Edne Krabapple's (Marcia Wallace) replacement, a sadistic temporary teacher Jack Lassen (Willem Dafoe) gives Bart a humiliating haircut, Bart plans revenge. His opportunity comes when he discovers that Lassen is about to light the Blazing Guy (an apparent parody of burning man) effigy at a hippie camp-site. He contrives to get the family on holiday there and to wreck Lassen's big moment. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 5.8
20 min

Upset by stinging remarks at a comedy roast Krusty the clown turns for comfort to his father who promptly dies on him but there is little sympathy for him in the cut and thrust world of show biz and, after a dream in which he meets his father in Jewish heaven, he decides to retire and open an animal sanctuary. Fortunately the ever loyal Bart has a way of showing him that his father respected him and loved his jokes whilst Lisa's over-concern for Homer's safety pays off. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.7

To her surprise Lisa finds herself championing GM foods and more surprisingly working alongside chief scientist Sideshow Bob, released from prison to research into the subject. However when Bob takes Lisa to a museum she learns that he is genetically modifying himself to become stronger in order to carry on with his nefarious activities. When Bart tries to rescue Lisa Bob takes them both to the Springfield dam, where Lisa has to appeal to Bob's sense of reason to avoid a watery grave. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.5

Lisa tries to cheer up a down-in-the-dumps Homer by winning him a MyPad at the school auction. But he falls back into a funk when he breaks the magical tablet device - until Ned Flanders discovers a miracle tree in the Simpsons' backyard with bark that spells the word HOPE. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.0

The entire town votes to kick the Simpsons out of Springfield, so they decide to move to The Outlands.

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.2

Bart becomes convinced that his new neighbor, Walt, is his archenemy, Sideshow Bob, disguised and back for revenge. But when Marge tries to convince Bart otherwise by taking him to visit the state penitentiary, a disturbing truth is revealed. Written by Fox Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 6.8

Homer is kidnapped moments before he and Marge are supposed to re-renew their vows. However, Marge comes to the conclusion that Homer left her at the altar.

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.1
30 min

Bart is responsible for Sideshow Bob's death after his latest attempt at revenge is foiled, but is his death actually part of the plan?

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.0
30 min

In Italy to collect a new car for Burns the Simpsons find themselves in a village whose mayor is none other than Sideshow Bob,now respectably married to a local girl and with a son.Unfortunately at a celebration feast Lisa gets drunk and reveals Bob's murderous past,leading to a vendetta and a pursuit to Rome where the family gets rescued by Krusty,in town to perform 'I Pagliacchi'. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.2
30 min

A mystery assassin is out to kill Homer and,after several attempts,he consults Sideshow Bob who,as a would-be killer,understands the mind of a murderer and comes to stay with the Simpsons to expose the killer. After Homer is named Mardi Gras King and rides on a float his would-be murderer is exposed,as Junior,the son of Frank Grimes,the nuclear power plant employee for whose death Junior blames Homer. After Junior's arrest Bob resists the opportunity to kill a sleeping Bart as he is now so accustomed to him. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 7.2

Out of prison again and working at the school Sideshow Bob hypnotizes Bart into embracing Krusty the Klown on stage,while strapped to sticks of dynamite,with which he will kill them both. As Bart steps robotically on to the stage Bob is touched to hear Krusty say how much he missed him and wants to abort the plan but it is too late. Fortunately,Krusty's chimpanzee Mr. Teeny,knows how to save the situation. Written by don @ minifie-1

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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HD The Simpsons

The Simpsons


The Simpsons

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

Sideshow Bob is released from prison into the custody of his younger brother Cecil (voiced by David Hyde Pierce), Springfield's Chief Hydrological Engineer. He works as the foreman on a new hydroelectric dam. Bart is convinced that Bob is up to something shady again, and follows him everywhere. Written by crouchbk

Country: USA
Genre: Animation, Comedy,
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