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IMDb: 8.3
60 min | 49 min

Ariel has hopes to attend the big spring dance at school an has a particular dress in mind. When she and Allison go to the dress shop how they find that the shop owner and her teenage daughter have both been shot dead. Subsequently, both Ariel and Allison start having dreams; Ariel from the teenager's point of view and Allison from the mother's point of view. We learn that the mother had recently ended her relationship with a married man and that her daughter was receiving nasty e-mails from someone unknown. As the dreams follow their day to day life in the shop - including having to deal with irate customers - the solution to the murder can only be found when Ariel and Allison combine the information they have. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

It's election time and Allison isn't too keen on her dreams as they seem to suggest that district Attorney Manuel Devalos will lose to his opponent, Nathan Bradley. She also dreams that one of Devalos' old cases comes back to haunt him when Clyde Morton, a juvenile he refused to convict as an adult, is released from prison and kills a young woman with a knife. When Allison and Det. Lee Scanlon investigate, they seem to make matters worse. Allison is also worried about the young woman she sees killed and tries to stop that. Meanwhile, Joe runs into an old flame from graduate school, much to Allison's annoyance, and the woman soon asks him out for lunch. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

After Allison dreams about an old high school friend, Lyla Gallagher, she asks Det. Scanlon if he can track her down. She had last seen her in 1987 when Lyla left Phoenix for California right after they all all graduated from high school. Unfortunately, Scanlon reports that she died in 1989. Meanwhile, a local Councilor, Stuart McCallister, is concerned that his 19 year-old daughter Cynthia has gone missing. He tells Devalos that he and Cynthia have always had a difficult relationship and that this isn't the first time she's gone off. When Allison sees her old friend Lyla on a TV news report alive and well, although living under a different name, she also has the beginning of a solution to the Cynthia McCallister case. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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IMDb: 8.1
44 min

Allison has difficulties balancing her work and private life. In her work, Captain Push tries to help her to find a serial killer, who leaves a Biblical citation at the scene of murder. The two are trying to find the link between the victims, while Allison's family life and Captain Push's health are at risk. Written by lil

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IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Allison accompanies D.A. Manuel Devalos to the State prison to witness the execution of a man he personally prosecuted. Several hours later, the supposedly dead man's girlfriend is killed and he is seen in their house. The newspapers are soon filled with stories of a revenge-seeking ghost but Allison finds a far more Earthly solution to the puzzle. Ariel meanwhile develops a crush on her science project partner Sean Bertoni. Allison feels there is something terribly wrong however and when she has a vision of the full story, offers the boys mother Sarah her help. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.7
42 min

At home sick with the flu, Allison stumbles across an old TV show she always liked, I Married a Mind Reader whose stars Henry Stoller and Abigail Marsh were married in real life. Allison is soon dreaming about the production of the program where she is the the stars' assistant, Dorothy. As Dorothy, she's also having an affair with Henry. She puts her weird dream down to the medication she's taking. When she dreams that Dorothy kills Abigail - Henry can't bring himself to do it - she thinks there may have been real murder. She learns that Henry is in jail for murdering Abigail but fears there may have been a miscarriage of justice. Henry tells her that he did it but there is an explanation for it all. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.9
43 min

Allison hasn't slept in days, always having the same recurring dream. She sees two young boys running along a dirt path racing to get across a railroad track in advance of an oncoming train. One makes it across the tracks in time but the other trips and falls. Her lack of sleep makes it impossible for her to function at the office and she seeks the advice of Professor Leonard Caldwell, someone she's met through a mutual friend and who studies psychic phenomena. When she tells him of her dream, he concludes she is a charlatan as the story of the two boys is his own, which he had told in a book he had published some years before. Her level of detail eventually convinces him that she's the real deal. When Allison sees a book in a bookstore with the same story, her dreams begin to make sense. At the office meanwhile, DA Develos seems to have an open and shut case when a 14 year-old boy confesses to murdering a pillar of the community. It's all too easy however. Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.8
44 min

Allison knows there's more than mere suicide to the story of a girl who jumps off a cliff. The girl's boyfriend is the son of a powerful lawyer, who is as bellicose with the district attorney as the son is cooperative. When the son's car proves to have been on the scene during the girl's death, Allison proves her mettle as an assistant to the DA by finding clues to this difficult mystery. Meanwhile, she predicts that her husband Joe's longtime co-worker is going to have a fatal heart attack. Should she tell her husband or not? If so, should Joe tell his co-worker? Written by J. Spurlin

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IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Allison has a psychic dream about a man who seems to be threatening her daughter Ariel: someone who introduces himself as a Golem, a devil, a monster. Later dreams show that Ariel is standing in for a red-haired college-aged student named Sherona. And the Golem? Allison meets the man from her dream, but her boss, the district attorney, introduces him as a Good Samaritan: a man who reports a burglary he witnessed and makes himself available to appear in court. Allison knows he's evil and believes he's raped and murdered this Sherona, whom she's never met. Meanwhile, Allison may be pregnant. She's ambivalent about the possibility, but her husband Joe is happy and secretly hopes for a boy. He's even happier when Ariel seems to be a math genius, which would mean she is taking after him. Written by J. Spurlin

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IMDb: 8.1
60 min

Allison's dreams of a young man shooting his wife become all too real when the next day she finds herself at the scene of the crime. Also there is Det. Lee Scanlon, a police officer with a less than stellar reputation who has a personal interest in this type of killing and for good reason: his sister and her husband were also killed in what was ruled a murder suicide. He doesn't buy it however. He is sarcastic and dismissive when told about Allison's special abilities but she soon sets him straight. At home meanwhile, Joe pretends to be planning a birthday party hoping to surprise Allison with a special birthday gift. But can he fool someone who is always one step ahead of everyone? Written by garykmcd

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IMDb: 7.7
41 min

After some time has passed, Allison finally gets a call from DA Devalos who needs help with jury selection. His most recent jury advisor struck out on a major case when the judge declared a mistrial after the jury could not agree on a verdict. He admits that he doesn't understand what or how Allison does it but he wants her to look through the jury questionnaires on a case he has coming up. Allison is already familiar with the case of Ivan Kinetko - she dreamed about him - who is charged with killing women and then having sex with their corpses. Devalos invites her to court and gets the sentence he wanted - death by lethal injection. Allison continues dreaming however and she now fears that the wrong man may have convicted. Written by garykmcd

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HD Dallas




IMDb: 8.5
42 min

As Ewing Global goes public, twists and turns abound while everyone scrambles to claim ownership. Pamela struggles with what to do now that she knows Cliff didn't really kill J.R., and Bobby seeks the aide of old flame Tracey McKay to help get back control of the company. Meanwhile, Judith and Harris work to fix their own problems with the cartel, which ends up putting lives in the balance and aligning the Rylands and Ewings in a way no one ever expected. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Dallas




IMDb: 8.9
42 min

In a thrilling showdown, Elena finally confronts the Ewings for what J.R. did to her father and for framing Cliff. Sue Ellen, Pamela and Ann are shocked over the truths Elena exposes, realigning relationships and forcing Bobby to re-examine the steps he took to implement J.R.'s master plan. Meanwhile, Nicolas' plan to steal Ewing Global for the cartel moves forward, setting the stage for a new battle. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Dallas




IMDb: 8.7
42 min

The honeymoon is over for John Ross, as Bobby and Sue Ellen try to use the Governor to stop John Ross from becoming just like his father, J.R. - a move that could divide the family forever. Meanwhile, Christopher discovers surprising details about Heather's past; Cliff persuades Elena to try a new tact in her quest for justice; and Judith Ryland and Ann try, with varying degrees of success, to get Emma under control. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Dallas




IMDb: 8.1
42 min

The race to secure capital for the impending Arctic Lease auction has Bobby scrambling to outmaneuver John Ross' efforts to frack on Southfork. While Nicolas and Elena's partnership heats up, Christopher makes a startling discovery about Nicolas' past, and Emma's games put John Ross and Pamela's upcoming wedding in jeopardy. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Dallas




IMDb: 8.3
42 min

The third season premiere kicks off with the Ewings on top, having vanquished Cliff Barnes and taken over his company. The Ewings are united, with Sue Ellen planning a wedding for John Ross and Pamela. But solidarity among them can only last for so long. John Ross quickly gets into conflict with Bobby over their joint ownership of Southfork Ranch, while also putting his marriage at risk as he enters into an illicit liaison with Emma. Meanwhile, Christopher's relationship with Elena seems irreparable as Elena returns to Dallas with her own secret agenda for justice. As the betrayals mount, the arrival of a mysterious stranger puts everyone's plans at risk. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Dallas




IMDb: 8.5
42 min

John Ross is startled when Pam proudly announces she successfully asked from Cliff full partnership, with an aunt's third of the shares. He questions her loyalty, given their past, and seals their alliance for vengeance by marriage. Bobby divulges JR's master-plan. Christopher is told his mother may be alive and spotted in Switzerland, but the video isn't conclusive. Drew confesses to Elena how he was blackmailed into making the bomb and goes in hiding, yet swears to find Harris's murderous henchman Roy Vickers, who is charged for Mexican drug connections but flees. Emma is out of control, addicted to drugs so Anne decides not to simply bail her out but demand proper rehab. Cliff forecloses the Ewing' loan and gets the HQ keys. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Dallas




IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Governor Sam McConaughey expropriates part of Southfork for a pipeline built by Barnes Global, thus disabling Ewing's oil production, needed urgently to pay the state-imposed fine. The bank sells Ewing's now highly dubious debts to Cliff, who calls foreclosure in 24 hours. Christopher asks U.S. Attorney Ellis to have his mother declared legally dead, so he can cash her Barnes shares, but is shown evidence she almost certainly survived under a fake name. John Ross couldn't convince Pamela junior that her father killed his own grandchildren, but triumphant Cliff's own sneer it's for the best to cut unbreakable ties with a Ewing drives her in John Ross's arms. Harris's henchman Roy Vickers successfully sets a false trail. Emma is too frightened to accept seeing Drew again, even less run away together, so she seeks consolation in pills from seduced rodeo boy Bo McCabe. Written by KGF Vissers

Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Dallas




IMDb: 8.3
42 min

Despite hot sex, John Ross and Pamela Barnes watch each-other like hawks. He takes JR's advice to convince Sue Ellen Elena broke their son's heart by marrying Christopher, so she'll call the loan for the Henderson drilling, clearing the way to demand her Ewing Oil shares as contractual security. Christopher proves to Rebecca that Pam lied to them and her brother, who was probably murdered in Pam's old apartment. Instead of actually testifying in court, she demands a million hush money from Pamela. Elena's unruly brother Drew is back to carry out their father's dream, striking oil. JR tempts Frank to defect, as his Barnes loyalty is poorly rewarded now Pamela takes his place as Cliff's right hand. Bobby gets Ryland's mother to admit they abducted Emma to England and poisoned her mind against Anne. She overhears them, goes visit Harris, who smugly confirms, and shoots him, while unsuspecting Bobby gets JR to promise a masterpiece of revenge as the statutory limitation has expired. Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Dallas




IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Christopher's annulment is denied when Tommy's sister retracts in court her statement that Pamela kept up the pretense to be just Rebecca, not Barnes's daughter, so a bitter custody fight is to follow. Pamela pays her to disappear, but Christopher gets a recording which he can use against her and Tommy and proof that Pamela meant to screw them all. After Elena strikes a brilliant offshore deal, John Ross proposes to reward her with an equal share, beyond what Bobby and Christopher planned, the secret agenda being her existing debts make all her assets vulnerable for him and JR to snap up. John Ross, who sabotaged Christopher's case, concludes a deal with bed benefits: most of Barnes' Ewing Oil shares for all methane interest. JR blackmails the DA to spare Sue Ellen a jail conviction. A Frisian race horse sets Bobby on the track of the truth: Harlan and his wife née Brown raised his and Abe's daughter as Emma Brown, but she believes her mother was abusive. Frank Ashkani won't accept ... Written by KGF Vissers

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Dallas




IMDb: 8.5
43 min

The battle for Ewing Energies heats up as Christopher and John Ross clash over opposing visions for the company. As Christopher seeks to gain the upper hand in his divorce from Rebecca Sutter, a game-changing revelation turns everything on its head. Written by Phoenix

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Dallas




IMDb: 8.8
46 min

Family bonds bring the Ewings together as a loved one faces a medical crisis. Christopher and Elena begin to learn that not everyone is who they appear to be, including the people closest to them. Long buried secrets are revealed as the past rears its ugly head. Written by TNT Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Dallas




IMDb: 8.1
42 min

John Ross seeks to gain an upper hand on a family member and resorts to blackmail, but J.R. decides to handle the situation his own way. Meanwhile, Christopher opens up to Bobby about his difficulty in choosing between the two women he loves. Written by TNT Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Dallas




IMDb: 8.2
42 min

Just as John Ross sets out to claim his birthright and make his father proud, J.R. decides to move back to Southfork, much to Ann's dismay. Bitter Ewing family enemy Cliff Barnes returns and tries to reconnect with his nephew, Christopher. A startling family announcement offers an opportunity to heal old wounds. Written by TNT Publicity

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man

IMDb: 8.0

Spider-Man, Doc Oc, and Scarlet Spider travel to the sunken hydra heli-carrier in search of Scarlet Spiders past

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HD Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man

IMDb: 8.0

After getting caught off guard by an artificial Spider-Man look alike, Spider-Man teams up with an unlikely ally, in order to get to the bottom of who is trying to create an army of Spider-Men

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HD Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man

IMDb: 7.2

Spider-Man and Kid Arachnid head to a Wild West Timeline, to find a piece from the Siege Perilous, where they run into Sherrif Doc Oc, who will stop at nothing to put them behind bars.

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HD Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man

IMDb: 8.1

Michael Morbius steals a sample of the Venom symbiote off of Agent Venom as Crossbones orders him and a restrained Doctor Octopus to experiment with it. As Spider-Man and Agent Venom work to reclaim the Venom sample, the experiment enables the revival of the Carnage symbiote. Doctor Octopus uses a serum with vampire bat DNA in it to transforms Morbius into a white humanoid vampire bat as Doctor Octopus is infected by Carnage. Written by anonymous

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HD Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man

IMDb: 8.4

Now that Doctor Octopus knows Peter Parker's identity and revealed how he had taken in Scarlet Spider following the defeat of Kraven the Hunter, Ultimate Green Goblin, Rhino, and Electro, he prepares for his next plan of action which involved getting the key to Dr. Curt Connors' latest invention. As Spider-Man works to keep Aunt May safe, he also enlists Sandman to deal with Hydro-Man. Written by Divyesh Patel

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HD Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man

IMDb: 8.2

After defeating Shriek, Spider-Man joins Flash Thompson, Amadeus Cho, Miles Morales, and Ben Reilly for Aunt May's birthday party. Things get worse when Doctor Octopus completes his Sinister Six upon assembling Kraven the Hunter, Ultimate Green Goblin, Rhino, Hydro-Man, and Electro where they attack the Triskelion. Even when most of the Sinister Six is defeated by the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy students, Spider-Man is caught off guard when it turns out that there is a seventh member of Doctor Octopus' group that Spider-Man least suspects. Written by Divyesh Patel

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HD Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man

IMDb: 7.8

Spider-Man and Agent Venom have been cracking down at defeating possible Sinister Six recruits like Shocker, Grizzly, and Beetle. When Doctor Octopus (now paired up with Dr. Michael Morbius) has made an entirely new symbiotic that's corrosive to the original one, it takes control of Harry Osborn after he and and his team intervenes. The Anti-Venom symbiotic controls Harry into destroying Spider-Man and Agent Venom as the new Anti-Venom. Now Spider-Man and Agent Venom must work with Iron Patriot to free Harry from the Anti-Venom symbiotic.

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HD Ultimate Spider-Man

Ultimate Spider-Man


Ultimate Spider-Man

IMDb: 7.0

As Spider-Man and Iron Spider pursue Vulture, their pursuit brings them to a nearby island where they discovered that Doctor Octopus has captured Sandman and has cloned him from his sand samples in order to find the Ultimate Sandman that would join his Sinister Six.

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