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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Peter tells Greg that he's his brother, and brings Sylvia to meet him. Laura thinks Peter is up to something, and is frustrated that Greg seems unconcerned. Abby overhears Laura telling this to Karen, and she asks Peter out for a drink. Gary decides to go into racing. Karen finds Jill's hotel key in Mac's pocket and confronts him with it. He tries to explain that he would never use it, but it made him feel younger, more alive, like life wasn't passing him by, and he hopes Karen will understand. Crying, she says no. Mac's upset that Jill went through his Westfall file without permission. Sonny accidentally drops a tape marked Cathy #3. Val plays the tape, and hears Sonny's notes about his articles. Meanwhile, Sonny is out to dinner with Cathy. She tells him how Joshua tried to throw her off of the roof, and that Lilimae saved her life. Sonny says he's sorry for what Joshua did to her. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Peter tells Greg that he's his brother, and brings Sylvia to meet him. Laura thinks Peter is up to something, and is frustrated that Greg seems unconcerned. Abby overhears Laura telling this to Karen, and she asks Peter out for a drink. Gary decides to go into racing. Karen finds Jill's hotel key in Mac's pocket and confronts him with it. He tries to explain that he would never use it, but it made him feel younger, more alive, like life wasn't passing him by, and he hopes Karen will understand. Crying, she says no. Mac's upset that Jill went through his Westfall file without permission. Sonny accidentally drops a tape marked Cathy #3. Val plays the tape, and hears Sonny's notes about his articles. Meanwhile, Sonny is out to dinner with Cathy. She tells him how Joshua tried to throw her off of the roof, and that Lilimae saved her life. Sonny says he's sorry for what Joshua did to her. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

The police decide not to prosecute Lilimae and Cathy, however a story about what happened is in the tabloid that Sonny works at. Peter and his mother discuss her relationship with Galveston, and how Peter is Greg's half brother. Jill tells Mack that the Governor wants her to work with him, and she'll be moving into the office next to his. She gives him the key to her room at the Bryant Hotel. Mack drives by the hotel, but decides not to go in. Greg calls Abby, and Olivia picks up an extension. She hears Greg threaten to tell Gary that Abby knew all along that he was the father of the twins, and that she knew they were alive. Upset, Olivia asks the Mackenzies if she can live with them, though she won't say why. Abby and Gary go to get her, and she tells Abby that if she doesn't let her live there, she will tell Gary about the twins. Olivia asks her how she could do something like that, and Abby leaves, very upset. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

The police decide not to prosecute Lilimae and Cathy, however a story about what happened is in the tabloid that Sonny works at. Peter and his mother discuss her relationship with Galveston, and how Peter is Greg's half brother. Jill tells Mack that the Governor wants her to work with him, and she'll be moving into the office next to his. She gives him the key to her room at the Bryant Hotel. Mack drives by the hotel, but decides not to go in. Greg calls Abby, and Olivia picks up an extension. She hears Greg threaten to tell Gary that Abby knew all along that he was the father of the twins, and that she knew they were alive. Upset, Olivia asks the Mackenzies if she can live with them, though she won't say why. Abby and Gary go to get her, and she tells Abby that if she doesn't let her live there, she will tell Gary about the twins. Olivia asks her how she could do something like that, and Abby leaves, very upset. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Jill tells Karen that someone spoke to the Governor on Abby's behalf, but she'll do all she can to help her. Abby tells Karen that they won't choose her because of her drug problem. Karen tells them about her drug problem, but it's too late - the Governor already chosen Abby. Peter lets Greg know he went to law school. He then visits his mother and they talk about how they'll have a lot of money soon. Cathy and Lilimae are grilled by police. The police tell Mac that they may be charged with murder - after all, Cathy was in prison for murder, and Lilimae had run over Chip. Cathy has a new saxophone player on her show, Sonny Harkins. He befriends Cathy and says he'll be there if she needs to talk. Unbeknownst to her, he tapes their conversations. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Jill tells Karen that someone spoke to the Governor on Abby's behalf, but she'll do all she can to help her. Abby tells Karen that they won't choose her because of her drug problem. Karen tells them about her drug problem, but it's too late - the Governor already chosen Abby. Peter lets Greg know he went to law school. He then visits his mother and they talk about how they'll have a lot of money soon. Cathy and Lilimae are grilled by police. The police tell Mac that they may be charged with murder - after all, Cathy was in prison for murder, and Lilimae had run over Chip. Cathy has a new saxophone player on her show, Sonny Harkins. He befriends Cathy and says he'll be there if she needs to talk. Unbeknownst to her, he tapes their conversations. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

When Abby hears that Karen is being considered for the planning commission, she tells Greg that she wants the seat. Abby tries to talk to Gary, but he says it's over, and he invites Jill for a drink. Ben is angry that Gary knows about the twins, but Val swears she didn't tell him. Greg sends Laura a note that says I Love You Very Much and takes her out for a romantic evening. Laura asks Mack how she can get divorced, since she can't find Richard. Cathy still wants to tell the truth, and is depressed over the situation. Ben tries to cheer her up. Cathy finally tells Mack the truth, and Mack tells Val to talk to Lilimae. Val tries, but Lilimae says it would tarnish Joshua's memory. Finally Val gets through to her by saying that Kenny has a mother too. Lilimae goes to the police station. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

When Abby hears that Karen is being considered for the planning commission, she tells Greg that she wants the seat. Abby tries to talk to Gary, but he says it's over, and he invites Jill for a drink. Ben is angry that Gary knows about the twins, but Val swears she didn't tell him. Greg sends Laura a note that says I Love You Very Much and takes her out for a romantic evening. Laura asks Mack how she can get divorced, since she can't find Richard. Cathy still wants to tell the truth, and is depressed over the situation. Ben tries to cheer her up. Cathy finally tells Mack the truth, and Mack tells Val to talk to Lilimae. Val tries, but Lilimae says it would tarnish Joshua's memory. Finally Val gets through to her by saying that Kenny has a mother too. Lilimae goes to the police station. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Peter tells Laura that Greg needs her, so she invites him to dinner. Gary tells Val that he know the twins are his. She tells him that he needs to respect that she, Ben and the twins are a family. Gary continues to hang around the twins, so Ben tells Gary it has to stop. Abby gets mad when Gary sides with Karen on a Lotus Point issue. He says that he trusts Karen, and doesn't trust her, so he will always side with Karen, and she'd better get used to it. Gary also sleeps with another woman. Jill is in town and tells Karen the Governor wants to know if she'd be interested in being on the State Planning Commission. Karen says yes. Jill is very cool towards Mack, who introduces her to Gary. Kenny is arrested for Joshua's murder. Cathy wants to tell the truth, but Lilimae says they will release him if they keep quiet. However, Kenny is charged with the murder. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Peter tells Laura that Greg needs her, so she invites him to dinner. Gary tells Val that he know the twins are his. She tells him that he needs to respect that she, Ben and the twins are a family. Gary continues to hang around the twins, so Ben tells Gary it has to stop. Abby gets mad when Gary sides with Karen on a Lotus Point issue. He says that he trusts Karen, and doesn't trust her, so he will always side with Karen, and she'd better get used to it. Gary also sleeps with another woman. Jill is in town and tells Karen the Governor wants to know if she'd be interested in being on the State Planning Commission. Karen says yes. Jill is very cool towards Mack, who introduces her to Gary. Kenny is arrested for Joshua's murder. Cathy wants to tell the truth, but Lilimae says they will release him if they keep quiet. However, Kenny is charged with the murder. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Linda goes to the police and says she thinks her boyfriend Kenny murdered Joshua. Lilimae wants to move back in with Val, but Val isn't sure, as she's always so mean to Ben. Ben teasingly says If she gets out of line, I'll rap her up side the head! Gary ignores Abby and stays at Lotus Point. Greg gives a press conference saying that Gary blew up Empire Valley because of structural damages. Greg speaks to a portrait of Galveston about how he let him reach back from the grave and manipulate him. Greg says that Coblenz gained control because he was weak, and not mean, hard or cruel enough to hold them off, because he was not a barbarian like his father. He says, Congratulations, you've hatched a new breed of barbarian, and he then vows to go even further than Galveston in creating his own empire, and will let nobody and nothing stand in his way. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Linda goes to the police and says she thinks her boyfriend Kenny murdered Joshua. Lilimae wants to move back in with Val, but Val isn't sure, as she's always so mean to Ben. Ben teasingly says If she gets out of line, I'll rap her up side the head! Gary ignores Abby and stays at Lotus Point. Greg gives a press conference saying that Gary blew up Empire Valley because of structural damages. Greg speaks to a portrait of Galveston about how he let him reach back from the grave and manipulate him. Greg says that Coblenz gained control because he was weak, and not mean, hard or cruel enough to hold them off, because he was not a barbarian like his father. He says, Congratulations, you've hatched a new breed of barbarian, and he then vows to go even further than Galveston in creating his own empire, and will let nobody and nothing stand in his way. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Ben lets Cathy move into his beach house. Lilimae blames Ben for Joshua's death, and decides to move in with Cathy. Kenny, Linda's boyfriend, tells her that he was there when Joshua died. Gary tells Greg he'll sell Empire Valley, and to call off the hit man. He says if anything happens to him, he's left Empire Valley to Mac. Greg tells Coblentz that Gary will sell, but Coblentz tells the hit man to kill them anyway. Gary sends the kids away, and makes Abby dress in coveralls and help him to carry things into the buildings at Empire Valley. Gary has the security guard call Greg. Greg rushes to Empire Valley, and so do Mac and Karen. The hit man is about to shoot Gary, but just then everyone drives up and yells to Gary to watch out. Gary activates a remote control, and all of the structures in Empire Valley blow up. Greg and Abby are furious, but Gary whoops with joy. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Ben lets Cathy move into his beach house. Lilimae blames Ben for Joshua's death, and decides to move in with Cathy. Kenny, Linda's boyfriend, tells her that he was there when Joshua died. Gary tells Greg he'll sell Empire Valley, and to call off the hit man. He says if anything happens to him, he's left Empire Valley to Mac. Greg tells Coblentz that Gary will sell, but Coblentz tells the hit man to kill them anyway. Gary sends the kids away, and makes Abby dress in coveralls and help him to carry things into the buildings at Empire Valley. Gary has the security guard call Greg. Greg rushes to Empire Valley, and so do Mac and Karen. The hit man is about to shoot Gary, but just then everyone drives up and yells to Gary to watch out. Gary activates a remote control, and all of the structures in Empire Valley blow up. Greg and Abby are furious, but Gary whoops with joy. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Cathy wants to tell the police what happened, but Lilimae tells the police that Joshua and Cathy were getting back together, and that he called her to meet him, but was dead when she arrived. Jonathan comes to town to perform Joshua's funeral. Gary confronts the surveyor, who tells him that Greg and Abby paid him off. Gary confronts Abby, and want to know what is really going on at Lotus Point. He shakes his head at Abby and says, God, we're different. Coblenz wants Gary out of Empire Valley and hires a hit man to kill Gary and Abby. The hitman tries to run Gary off the road. Gary snoops around and finds the underground chamber. He goes into a room that is filled with technical equipment and white coated technicians. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Cathy wants to tell the police what happened, but Lilimae tells the police that Joshua and Cathy were getting back together, and that he called her to meet him, but was dead when she arrived. Jonathan comes to town to perform Joshua's funeral. Gary confronts the surveyor, who tells him that Greg and Abby paid him off. Gary confronts Abby, and want to know what is really going on at Lotus Point. He shakes his head at Abby and says, God, we're different. Coblenz wants Gary out of Empire Valley and hires a hit man to kill Gary and Abby. The hitman tries to run Gary off the road. Gary snoops around and finds the underground chamber. He goes into a room that is filled with technical equipment and white coated technicians. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Elliot's widow tells that Gary Elliot was there because he was dissatisfied with how things were going at Empire Valley. Gary tells Mack. Val and Lilimae are really worried about Joshua. They find him preaching in the mission district. Val offers to take him to a psychiatrist. Joshua tells Lilimae he's come up with a plan for he and Cathy to be together forever. As Cathy drives home from the station, Joshua pops up from the backseat. Holding a knife to her neck, he instructs her to drive to the mission district. He takes her to the roof of a building. He tells her he's going to throw her over and kill himself, so they'll always be together. Laura calls Val's, worried that Cathy isn't home. Lilimae drives to the mission district where she saw Josh preach, and seeing Cathy's car, follows them to the building. Lilimae reaches the roof and yells at Joshua to let Cathy go. She screams that Joshua is cruel and a liar. Joshua puts Cathy down, and starts backing up as Lilimae yells that he's ... Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Elliot's widow tells that Gary Elliot was there because he was dissatisfied with how things were going at Empire Valley. Gary tells Mack. Val and Lilimae are really worried about Joshua. They find him preaching in the mission district. Val offers to take him to a psychiatrist. Joshua tells Lilimae he's come up with a plan for he and Cathy to be together forever. As Cathy drives home from the station, Joshua pops up from the backseat. Holding a knife to her neck, he instructs her to drive to the mission district. He takes her to the roof of a building. He tells her he's going to throw her over and kill himself, so they'll always be together. Laura calls Val's, worried that Cathy isn't home. Lilimae drives to the mission district where she saw Josh preach, and seeing Cathy's car, follows them to the building. Lilimae reaches the roof and yells at Joshua to let Cathy go. She screams that Joshua is cruel and a liar. Joshua puts Cathy down, and starts backing up as Lilimae yells that he's ... Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Ben and Val get married and go on their honeymoon, where they act really silly. Abby tells Elliot that all the men need physicals on Monday for insurance purposes. Elliot goes to the site and snoops in the underground chamber. On vacation, Abby gets a call that Elliot is dead, so they come home. Abby asks Greg why Elliot had to die, and surprised, he says he thought she had him killed. Cathy's apartment is filled with flowers from Joshua, and she is scared because he got in. She moves back in with Laura. Jason lets Josh in, and he begs Cathy to take him back. Laura orders him out of the house. They fight, and he knocks Laura over. Mac says he's filing a complaint and that Josh better stay out of the neighborhood. Joshua tells them he only hit Cathy to keep her off of drugs. He goes to Lilimae's and talks to her about how Jonathan physically abused him. Joshua is staying with Linda, and he tells her not to worry, that Cathy won't be in their way much longer. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Ben and Val get married and go on their honeymoon, where they act really silly. Abby tells Elliot that all the men need physicals on Monday for insurance purposes. Elliot goes to the site and snoops in the underground chamber. On vacation, Abby gets a call that Elliot is dead, so they come home. Abby asks Greg why Elliot had to die, and surprised, he says he thought she had him killed. Cathy's apartment is filled with flowers from Joshua, and she is scared because he got in. She moves back in with Laura. Jason lets Josh in, and he begs Cathy to take him back. Laura orders him out of the house. They fight, and he knocks Laura over. Mac says he's filing a complaint and that Josh better stay out of the neighborhood. Joshua tells them he only hit Cathy to keep her off of drugs. He goes to Lilimae's and talks to her about how Jonathan physically abused him. Joshua is staying with Linda, and he tells her not to worry, that Cathy won't be in their way much longer. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Gary is sure the twins are his. Joshua tries to break into Cathy's apartment, and then trashes Val's house. Val kicks him out and Lilimae is upset. At the station Joshua finds out that Ben gave his show to Cathy, and he and Ben fight. Cathy tells Ben that Josh is upset because Lilimae is dying. Ben talks with her Doctor, who says Lilimae only has bursitis. Cathy is upset that Joshua would lie to her like that. Greg thinks Peter is snooping too much, but Peter says Greg is sloppy with information. Equipment convoys for the underground communication center are coming to Empire Valley on Monday, so Abby asks Gary to go away with her to get him out of town.Val and Ben ask the Mackenzies to stand up for them at their wedding, and to go along with them that Ben is the twins' father. On the day of the wedding, Val and Lilimae make up. Gary decides to drop Olivia off before going out of town and stops to talk to Val. Ben sees this and isn't happy. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Gary is sure the twins are his. Joshua tries to break into Cathy's apartment, and then trashes Val's house. Val kicks him out and Lilimae is upset. At the station Joshua finds out that Ben gave his show to Cathy, and he and Ben fight. Cathy tells Ben that Josh is upset because Lilimae is dying. Ben talks with her Doctor, who says Lilimae only has bursitis. Cathy is upset that Joshua would lie to her like that. Greg thinks Peter is snooping too much, but Peter says Greg is sloppy with information. Equipment convoys for the underground communication center are coming to Empire Valley on Monday, so Abby asks Gary to go away with her to get him out of town.Val and Ben ask the Mackenzies to stand up for them at their wedding, and to go along with them that Ben is the twins' father. On the day of the wedding, Val and Lilimae make up. Gary decides to drop Olivia off before going out of town and stops to talk to Val. Ben sees this and isn't happy. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Jill tells Mack that she loves him. Peter listens in as Abby tells Greg that Gary called the surveyor to come into town. Peter has a man call Gary pretending to be the surveyor and rectifies the situation. Karen offers Laura a job overseeing the next phase at Lotus Point. Joshua doesn't show up for a taping, so Ben has Cathy sing for the whole show. Josh sees it, and is really upset. He meets a waitress, Linda, and makes out with her. Joshua has Cathy meet him and he beats her up. She runs to Ben's. They have a heart to heart talk, and Ben tells her to leave Joshua. Cathy points out that he doesn't leave Val. Val tells Ben she loves him and is ready to get married. He says that's not a solution, but she convinces him. He says he will, but that he wants to be the twins' father - their only father, and Val agrees. Gary stops by to see the twins, and begins to suspect that he may be their father. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Jill tells Mack that she loves him. Peter listens in as Abby tells Greg that Gary called the surveyor to come into town. Peter has a man call Gary pretending to be the surveyor and rectifies the situation. Karen offers Laura a job overseeing the next phase at Lotus Point. Joshua doesn't show up for a taping, so Ben has Cathy sing for the whole show. Josh sees it, and is really upset. He meets a waitress, Linda, and makes out with her. Joshua has Cathy meet him and he beats her up. She runs to Ben's. They have a heart to heart talk, and Ben tells her to leave Joshua. Cathy points out that he doesn't leave Val. Val tells Ben she loves him and is ready to get married. He says that's not a solution, but she convinces him. He says he will, but that he wants to be the twins' father - their only father, and Val agrees. Gary stops by to see the twins, and begins to suspect that he may be their father. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Joshua is upset that Cathy gets more fan mail than he does. Ben shows Cathy how much the ratings rise when she is on. Cathy asks if Joshua knows that and Ben says yes. Gary's upset that the TV station was built on the wrong site. Greg tells Abby that she'd better get Elliot to back up their phony report (as Peter listens in on the phone). Abby tells Elliot that she found out his son was once arrested on a drug charge. He's graduating from law school and Abby threatens to tell his employers, so Elliot lies to Gary about the phony report. Karen's jealous of Mac working with Jill, and tells Val that the way they argue reminds her of she and Mac when they first met. Jill tells Mac she is going back to Sacramento, but he says he'd like her to stay. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Joshua is upset that Cathy gets more fan mail than he does. Ben shows Cathy how much the ratings rise when she is on. Cathy asks if Joshua knows that and Ben says yes. Gary's upset that the TV station was built on the wrong site. Greg tells Abby that she'd better get Elliot to back up their phony report (as Peter listens in on the phone). Abby tells Elliot that she found out his son was once arrested on a drug charge. He's graduating from law school and Abby threatens to tell his employers, so Elliot lies to Gary about the phony report. Karen's jealous of Mac working with Jill, and tells Val that the way they argue reminds her of she and Mac when they first met. Jill tells Mac she is going back to Sacramento, but he says he'd like her to stay. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Greg has an underground chamber built at Empire Valley for the communications center. Ben is depressed over whether he and Val will ever get married. Ben tells Joshua he'd better do something to get his ratings up, or he'll cancel his show. Joshua asks Cathy to sing again, but she doesn't want to and they argue. The next day Cathy has a big bruise. Val thinks Joshua hit her.The governor decides to keep Jill at Mac;'s office. He's angry and he and Jill continually argue. Greg decides to hire an assistant. A man comes in and says to the other applicants that the position was filled, so they all leave. Abby is there, and he says Didn't you hear me? I said it was filled! Abby tells Greg she likes him. He is Peter Hollister and says Greg needs him to run his office properly and that he wants to learn from Greg. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 0

Greg has an underground chamber built at Empire Valley for the communications center. Ben is depressed over whether he and Val will ever get married. Ben tells Joshua he'd better do something to get his ratings up, or he'll cancel his show. Joshua asks Cathy to sing again, but she doesn't want to and they argue. The next day Cathy has a big bruise. Val thinks Joshua hit her.The governor decides to keep Jill at Mac;'s office. He's angry and he and Jill continually argue. Greg decides to hire an assistant. A man comes in and says to the other applicants that the position was filled, so they all leave. Abby is there, and he says Didn't you hear me? I said it was filled! Abby tells Greg she likes him. He is Peter Hollister and says Greg needs him to run his office properly and that he wants to learn from Greg. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 9.0

Mack decides to investigate adoptions and asks the governor to send him someone to help him with the red tape. He sends Jill Bennett. She and Mack flirt and they kiss. Greg sees Laura with a co-worker and is jealous. Greg gives Abby a phony report that says the site for the TV station is better then where Gary wanted it. Ben tells Joshua that his ratings are slipping. Josh apologizes to Cathy and asks her to sing on his show again. Val plans the babies' christening. She asks Mack and Karen to be the godparents. Val decides to name her daughter Elizabeth (Betsy) after Ben's mother. Lilimae's shoulder hurts, and so she goes to a few doctors' appointments, but it's nothing serious. Joshua tells Cathy that Lilimae's dying, so he can't move out. Sheila Fisher follows Val and the babies around. Harry's worried about her. They go to Val's and tell her they're moving, but will always love the babies. Val lets them say goodbye to the twins. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 9.0

Mack decides to investigate adoptions and asks the governor to send him someone to help him with the red tape. He sends Jill Bennett. She and Mack flirt and they kiss. Greg sees Laura with a co-worker and is jealous. Greg gives Abby a phony report that says the site for the TV station is better then where Gary wanted it. Ben tells Joshua that his ratings are slipping. Josh apologizes to Cathy and asks her to sing on his show again. Val plans the babies' christening. She asks Mack and Karen to be the godparents. Val decides to name her daughter Elizabeth (Betsy) after Ben's mother. Lilimae's shoulder hurts, and so she goes to a few doctors' appointments, but it's nothing serious. Joshua tells Cathy that Lilimae's dying, so he can't move out. Sheila Fisher follows Val and the babies around. Harry's worried about her. They go to Val's and tell her they're moving, but will always love the babies. Val lets them say goodbye to the twins. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 7.6

Greg and Abby make sure the detonation area at Empire Valley goes ahead, despite it being in the place Gary didn't want it. Val gets used to being a mother to the twins as Ben feels left out. Abby hands running of the TV station over to Ben. Joshua is furious when Cathy agrees to buy a house without consulting him and tells her to move into it by herself. Gary grieves for Bobby. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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HD Knots Landing

Knots Landing


Knots Landing

IMDb: 7.6

Greg and Abby make sure the detonation area at Empire Valley goes ahead, despite it being in the place Gary didn't want it. Val gets used to being a mother to the twins as Ben feels left out. Abby hands running of the TV station over to Ben. Joshua is furious when Cathy agrees to buy a house without consulting him and tells her to move into it by herself. Gary grieves for Bobby. Written by GusF

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Romance,
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