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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.8
20 min

Bernadette is excited to be asked to be included in a magazine photo shoot featuring the fifty sexiest female scientists. The topic places a wedge between her and Amy, who doesn't believe that strutting one's sex appeal advances the scientific profession... or does Amy have ulterior motives in her stance? Meanwhile, Dr. Lorvis, one of Penny's clients who has done an Internet search looking for her, stops by her apartment unannounced with flowers hoping to initiate a romantic relationship with her, because she seemed single (i.e. she was not wearing her engagement ring, at least not on her left ring finger), she touched his arm for two Mississippis, and she winked at him. Leonard is able to intercept him before he gets to Penny, who ultimately does admit she flirts to make sales. But Dr. Lorvis ends up making a bigger impression on the entire gang than he did on Penny. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.3
21 min

As Sheldon's work is still relatively new in dark matter and as Raj hears about some ground breaking work in mines that may have major implications in both theoretical physics in dark matter as well as astrophysics, Raj suggests that he and Sheldon may want to get involved in this work, which would mean spending time in underground mines at twelve hours at a time. The environment would play upon most of Sheldon's darkest fears. But Raj is able to convince him that they should simulate what working in such as environment together would be like before they make a definitive decision. Being alone together may give Sheldon and Raj time to think about more than just being in a dark, hot, humid and enclosed environment with no toilet. Meanwhile, Penny has sold the car that Leonard bought her since the pharmaceutical company has given her a car for work. She wants to give the money from the car sale back to Leonard. This gesture brings up issues primarily around Penny's new financial ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.5
19 min

Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj all come to the conclusion that they have been so distracted ever since the arrival of the girls in their lives that they have not been able to focus their minds on the matter of just brainstorming on issues scientific. So they decide to have a boys weekend in to do that brainstorming. They encounter many problems along the way, the two biggest being what to focus their scientific priorities on, and how to stay focused on the task at hand and not get sidetracked by other distractions. While the boys are in, Penny, Amy and Bernadette decide to have a girls weekend away in Las Vegas. Once they arrive in Vegas, a situation with Penny leads to a role reversal where Penny ends up being the studious one, and Amy and Bernadette end up being the drunken party girls. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.3
19 min

Emily joins the gang for the first time for one of their regular dinners at Leonard and Sheldon's apartment, she never yet having met either Leonard or Penny. As Emily is a physician, more specifically a dermatologist, Bernadette suggests that Penny try out her pharmaceutical sales techniques on Emily, to which Emily agrees. After the dinner, Penny believes that Emily, for whatever reason, didn't like her on first sight, but she doesn't know what she would have done in such short a period to make Emily dislike her so. At the sales pitch, Penny decides to confront Emily on the issue. Penny finds out that her perception was not incorrect and she finds out the reason for Emily's dislike of her. Penny has to figure out if she can overcome Emily's preconceived notion based on the reason. Meanwhile, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj are at a rival comic book store, they discussing among other things the fact that Stuart has not yet been able to rebuild his since his insurance moneys are ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.0
19 min

Although not their first choice, NASA asks Howard to throw the first pitch for a Los Angeles Angels game on Space Day. Non-athletic Howard is worried that he will make a fool of himself. Bernadette and Raj help him practice, while Mike Massimo provides him with some sage advice. In the end, Howard will see if he is as good a pitcher as he is a scientist. Meanwhile, Leonard and Penny have agreed to go on a double date with Sheldon and Amy. On that date, Sheldon tries to convince Leonard and Penny that his and Amy's relationship is far superior to theirs, and he has the scientific proof to back up his claim. Based on Sheldon's argument about the method of evaluation, Penny fears he may be right, which in turn places fears in her about being the future Mrs. Leonard Hofstadter. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.6
20 min

Sheldon learns from Mrs. Davis in Human Resources that the university has come up with a solution to change his area of research from string theory to dark matter. They will promote him to junior professor, which has no strings to funding whatever area of research, but that it will require him to teach a graduate level class. After speaking to his friends, Sheldon agrees. However, his reputation precedes him as no one signs up for the class. As such, Howard, who has been thinking about working toward his doctorate, decides to enroll in the class as Sheldon's only student. While Howard truly wants to learn from Sheldon, Sheldon in turn only has one contrary goal in mind in being Howard's professor. Meanwhile, Bernadette and Penny are having a quiet feud over Penny seemingly not taking her new job as a sales rep at the pharmaceutical company where Bernadette works seriously. They both turn to Amy, who, for the first time in her life, feels like the popular kid in high school. As such, ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.2
21 min

Forty-five days after leaving Pasadena to regroup after a series of unwanted changes in his life, Sheldon telephones Leonard to come pick him up in Kingman, Arizona, where he is currently stranded as all his possession were stolen. Leonard decides to ask Amy to come along on the twelve hour round trip drive. Beyond explaining what he did on his time away and if it achieved its goal of redefining his life, Sheldon has some more precise explaining to Amy about one specific more immediate matter. Penny didn't go along on the trip as Bernadette got her a job interview as a pharmaceutical salesgirl with her company. Penny is apprehensive and not confident about the interview, doubting her own abilities. The result of the interview doesn't go quite as she expects. And now that Mrs. Wolowitz's cast has come off, Howard expects Stuart to move out of her house, which he doesn't. Howard, who has no idea the nature of his mother and Stuart's relationship, still feels uncomfortable about it and ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

Leonard and Penny's good news that they are engaged and Raj's that he has had sex with Emily are tempered by Howard and Bernadette's problem of not being able to keep any professional help to take care of his mother, and Sheldon's that the university will not let him change his area of research from string theory to inflationary cosmology, as string theory was the reason they hired him and the area for which he has received all his grants. What's worse for Sheldon, who cannot handle change that is not initiated by him, is that Leonard and Penny contemplate a living situation that may not include him, while Amy tries to capitalize on that fact for her own benefit. And a place that Sheldon considers a sanctuary is temporarily out of commission, which may be indirectly a benefit for Howard and Bernadette. With all these changes in his life, Sheldon may have some tough choices to make, all of which, in his mind, are less desirable that what had been his life up to this point. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.0
19 min

Penny has decided not to complain about the gorilla movie she's filming anymore. But an incident on the set makes Penny reevaluate the decisions she made in her life. Mrs. Wolowitz gets into an accident, which leads to her being bedridden for six to eight weeks. After arguing about who will take care of her, Howard and Bernadette ultimately decide that they will be her caregivers instead hiring a professional. This experience ends up being their trial as parents. And while Raj and Sheldon are out at the cinema, they run into Emily, who seemingly is on a date with someone else. With Sheldon's help, Raj critically examines how he enters into all of his relationships. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

The guys are organizing Star Wars (1977) day, which is on May the 4th, the date so chosen because..., and as such the date cannot be changed. They run into a conundrum when they learn that Arthur Jeffries, Leonard and Sheldon's friend and childhood idol as Professor Proton, has just passed away, his funeral service to be held that day. While Penny plans to accompany Leonard to the funeral, Sheldon plans to partake in Star Wars day with Howard and Raj, since he believes mourning is a wasted emotion, and funerals a superstitious ritual. While Amy and Bernadette are helping with the Star Wars preparations, Sheldon, Howard and Raj start watching the marathon of six movies. But Arthur's death may be hitting Sheldon harder than he realizes, as witnessed by the break he takes from watching the movies. At the funeral, Penny makes an admission about funerals in general, while Leonard contemplates his mortality. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.7
19 min

Howard and Raj have a boys' night in together as Raj wants to watch a horror movie - such movies which he doesn't like or understand why anyone would like - as Emily wants to watch it with him. He wants to take a test run so that he can both understand what Emily sees in them, and not be embarrassed by whatever shocks may occur during his viewing with Emily. Meanwhile, to get Sheldon's mind off of what he will now do with his professional life since giving up on the idea of string theory, Leonard suggests they re-institute Anything Can Happen Thursdays, and have a spontaneous evening out. With Howard and Raj already preoccupied, Bernadette needing to work late, and Amy under the weather, this first Thursday out will only be comprised of Leonard, Sheldon and Penny. What happens on this first night out may threaten Penny's friendship with Bernadette and Amy, and her relationship with Leonard, while strengthening her bond with Sheldon. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.2
21 min

Leonard, Howard and Raj are all excited by what the primordial gravity wave discovery means for the scientific community. Sheldon, on the other hand, is not excited. Leonard figures out the reason for Sheldon's indifference: he's jealous, especially as his own life work in trying to prove string theory is no closer to being accomplished than when he started twenty years ago. After a comment by Kripke, Sheldon begins to wonder if string theory can ever be proved, and thus if he is wasting his time working on it. Sheldon decides to take Penny's advice on the matter, with a little help from Cosmopolitan magazine thrown in. Meanwhile, Raj is now exclusively dating Emily after a comment he makes to Lucy. Howard and Bernadette, and Raj and Emily decide to go on a double date. When Howard sees who Emily is at that double date, he is hoping she will not remember their one and only former disastrous meeting. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.3
19 min

Penny returns from what she believes was a promising audition for a role she actually wants. Her anticipation turns to disappointment when the telephone call she receives is the offer once again for the cheesy horror movie role she was earlier offered but turned down since she thought it was beneath her. Although she asks Leonard for advice about whether to take the horror movie role, Penny may get the most useful advice from someone's who been there: Wil Wheaton. Meanwhile, Raj runs into Emily, the woman he met online, with Amy being the intermediary in their one and only face-to-face encounter. Despite that first date being a disaster, Raj is able to convince Emily to give him another chance. Immediately following, Raj receives a message from Lucy, asking to meet. Raj has to figure out what to do about his upcoming date with Emily considering Lucy's message. Sheldon is having a major conundrum about whether to purchase a Xbox One or PS4 as his next gaming system. This dilemma by ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

Howard and Sheldon have had a successful trip to NASA in Houston, both getting along with the other. Their next stop is to visit Sheldon's mother, who he has not told he is coming. Sheldon ends up getting a bit of a surprise upon his arrival at his mother's house, a surprise which he wishes he didn't get. Sheldon has to figure out how he will deal with this surprise, both outwardly and internally. Meanwhile, back in Pasadena, Leonard, Penny, Raj, Amy and Bernadette are trying to figure out what to do for the evening when Stuart arrives unexpectedly. Within a few minutes, Stuart collapses on the ground and dies. Or at least he does in Raj's scenario of his murder-mystery night. The other four aren't too thrilled about Raj's unmentioned plan for their evening. As they progress through the game, a hypothetical in the game turns into a deeper discussion about their future. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.6
20 min

Bernadette is tired of Sheldon always putting Howard down. Sheldon, in response, says that Howard started it ten years ago when they first met, those insults which still haunt him to this day in tangible ways. As such, Howard decides to try and bury the hatchet with Sheldon by extending a peace offering. Howard has to go to NASA in Houston, and invites Sheldon along as his guest. Sheldon ultimately accepts. However, Howard may regret doing so when Sheldon continues to degrade Howard in ways he isn't even aware he is doing. Is there any way that Sheldon and Howard can truly stop their insulting the other? Meanwhile, Penny has decided to decline a movie role that she believes is beneath her, a move with which Leonard does not agree, as he believes Penny's first priority should be to make money. Penny comes to a crossroads in the decision of her current career path, with which Leonard tries to be supportive in any way he can. And Raj returns to the online dating world, with a little help... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.8
20 min

Penny sitting on the floor during dinner makes everyone in the gang think that Leonard and Sheldon should invest in a dining room table, that is except for Sheldon, despite they having unused space for one and only because it is change which Sheldon does not like. Despite Sheldon being against getting one, Leonard, on Penny's urging to stand up for his rights, decides to buy one anyway, although he does keep in the back of his mind what he thinks Sheldon would or would not like, if he was to like anything. The resulting dining room table in the apartment ends up being a metaphor for Sheldon's current life. Meanwhile, Howard gets a call from NASA asking him to go back to the Space Station, about which he is thrilled. Bernadette is less than excited by the news, if only because of her remembrance of how miserable Howard was during his last space experience. Will the thought of the thrill of space travel trump Howard's memory? Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.4
20 min

Amy and Sheldon's annual relationship status discussion takes place in the lead up to Valentine's Day. Amy is able to convince Sheldon to go away for Valentine's to a bed and breakfast in Napa as what Amy hopes will be a romantic weekend will include some familiar faces in Howard and Bernadette going as well but more importantly something specifically for Sheldon, namely a trip on a vintage train to Napa. The question becomes whether both Amy and Sheldon will get out of the trip what they want, which on the surface may be incompatible, and especially as Sheldon's gift of the train trip comes first. Meanwhile, Leonard and Penny have decided to have a romantic stay-at-home Valentine's. As such, they agree to dog-sit Cinnamon while Raj has his own solo romantic Valentine's Day star gazing. Their collective Valentine's Day takes a roller coast ride of emotions because of an incident initiated by Cinnamon. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

Despite doing whatever humanly and technically possible, the guys are unable to obtain tickets to this year's Comic-Con through legitimate means as the tickets are all sold out. Leonard, Howard and Raj decide that they will get tickets from a scalper, which Sheldon refuses to do as if they are caught, they will be banned from Comic-Con for life. Leonard, Howard and Raj have to decide if this little seed of information is enough to scare them off from doing what bad boys would do and proceed to buy the tickets through a scalper. Sheldon's plan is instead to start his own comic book convention. He goes on a search for at least one science fiction celebrity who would appear as a headliner at his convention, barring those who have restraining orders against him already. Sheldon's celebrity stalking doesn't turn out quite the way he expected. Meanwhile, Penny, Amy and Bernadette go on a quest to do something that makes them feel grown-up that they would like and not just something that ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.7
21 min

Following her recent acting disappointment, Penny decides she needs to take decisive action to make her career happen by devoting her time one hundred percent into the endeavor, which means quitting her waitressing job. Although he wants to support Penny outwardly in whatever she decides, Leonard does not support this move. He has to decide whether he will tell her the truth or lie about his feelings. Sheldon, who is affected by the goings-on between Leonard and Penny, is however more perturbed by a mandatory request by the college: that he take his vacation time. Meanwhile, Amy, with a little help from Howard and Raj, comes to the realization that one of her colleagues, Bert from the Geology Department, has a crush on her. Regardless of her dating status, she isn't interested in Bert, but she doesn't know how to show or tell him that she's not interested without hurting his feelings. And Bernadette is trying to find a replacement for a rare comic book of Howard's that she ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.6
21 min

An excited Penny gets a small part on the latest episode of NCIS: Naval Criminal Investigative Service (2003). She not only tells everyone she knows about it, but she believes this part is her big break. The gang decide to watch the show along with her. But Penny and her friends' excited anticipation turns to disappointment when she sees that her one and only scene was cut. Trying to be the supportive boyfriend, Leonard may inadvertently destroy his and Penny's relationship instead. Meanwhile, Raj and Stuart have come to the conclusion that they don't know how to talk to pretty girls. So they decide to go to the mall to practice by talking to not so pretty girls. And Sheldon, who believes he is funny, tries to discover the science behind comedy. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.3
21 min

Just as he is about to head to the airport, Sheldon decides to tell his friends that he is going to Texas to fill in for his brother-in-law at his sister's at home baby delivery. With Sheldon away, his friends decide to have a Christmas tree decorating party at Sheldon and Leonard's place. The fact of Sheldon not being there and having a discussion about the movie It's a Wonderful Life (1946), the gang hypothesizes about what their collective lives would have been like if they didn't know Sheldon, most specifically if Leonard didn't move in to Sheldon's apartment. Beyond the fact that many of them wouldn't have ended up even knowing each other let alone those that ended up as couples, each person interjects a little of what they like to think would have happened to each person as each story progresses. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.8
20 min

Ever since Sheldon made the major scientific discovery of how to stabilize a new, stable super heavy element, Sheldon has been miserable promoting his discovery since he and the world knows he came across the discovery solely by an error on his part. Even being touted as possibly winning a Nobel Prize, albeit in Chemistry, makes the situation worse. Competing actions by Leonard and Wil Wheaton make Sheldon come to a different perspective on the matter. Meanwhile, Bernadette is upset with Howard for lying to her about Raj and Cinnamon's stay with them, which she thought was only going to be for one night, but which she learns is going to be a for a week. Raj ends up having a profound effect on the Wolowitz/Rostenkowski household. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.9
20 min

Howard invites all his friends over to his mother's house for Thanksgiving. He does have ulterior motives: his father-in-law, Mike Rostenkowski, with ho he has nothing in common, is alone for the holidays, has also been invited and Howard doesn't want to spend time with him without others to buffer him from Mike. Despite Sheldon's want not to go, they all accept Howard's invitation. The dinner does not end up the way anyone would have thought. Mrs. Wolowitz has suffered a gout attack and thus can't prepare dinner, leaving that task primarily to Raj with the assistance of his two sous chefs, Amy and Bernadette. Mike ends up bonding with an unexpected guest, which places Howard in an awkward position. And earlier in the day, Penny learns some surprising news about her life which requires some decisive and immediate action. Beyond the slight strain that this issue places between Penny and Leonard, Penny decides to invite another guest to dinner which ends up being another major focus of ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.7
21 min

Out of circumstance, Leonard admits to Sheldon that he still has in his possession a DVD rental from seven years ago that was under Sheldon's name, and that Leonard was supposed to return. After a good amount of time passed, Leonard figured to keep the DVD since nothing bad had happened. Leonard never told Sheldon about it as he knew Sheldon would overreact. On the contrary, Sheldon outwardly remains relatively calm, but he figures that Leonard needs figuratively to walk a mile in his shoes to understand how upset he really is about what Leonard did. He makes Leonard do something that he knows will bother him until he returns the DVD, namely wear an ugly wool sweater against his bare skin, the sweater to which Leonard is probably allergic. To prove a point, Leonard agrees to Sheldon's payback. But Sheldon has in his possession some information that he knows will make it a little more difficult for Leonard to endure what Leonard believes will be an easy task. Still, Amy tries to ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.9
20 min

Leonard, Sheldon and Amy run into Leonard and Sheldon's childhood hero Arthur Jeffries, aka Professor Proton, the scientist host of their favorite childhood television program. Because of this re-acquaintance, Arthur, who always wanted to be a true scientist as opposed to a kid's show host, asks Leonard to read and review a paper he is writing, but he doesn't ask Sheldon, which Sheldon can't understand. With some innuendo from Amy, Sheldon finally realizes that it's because he annoys Arthur. Sheldon tries unsuccessfully to make amends with Arthur so that he can collaborate on the paper. Without the friendship of his childhood hero, Sheldon decides to get a replacement model. Arthur makes Leonard truly examine his friendship with Sheldon, and in turn Leonard ends up getting Arthur to see Sheldon in a slightly different light. Meanwhile, Raj has been invited to girls' night with Penny, Amy and Bernadette. Raj's night with the girls ends up being taken over by an unexpected fifth. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.5
21 min

The anniversary of Howard and Bernadette's first date is approaching, and Howard wants to do something special and romantic for the occasion, namely write a song for her which he wants to perform for her with the help of their friends. This gesture makes Penny come to the realization that with the exception of having sex with him, she does nothing romantic for Leonard ever, while he does romantic things for her all the time. She tries to come up with her first ever romantic gesture to make Leonard feel good. But what she ends up doing doesn't quite have the effect she wants, while romance has been sitting in her closet all along. Meanwhile, Sheldon has been zoned out of all his friends' goings-on while he works on something. That something ends up being a breakthrough, namely the discovery of how to synthesize a new, stable super heavy element. This discovery takes the scientific world by storm. After receiving all this well deserved attention, Sheldon discovers that the attention is ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.9
19 min

Amy has the opportunity to work on a project at Cal Tech for a couple of months, which means that she and Sheldon would be at the same workplace. To her surprise, Sheldon is all right with her accepting the contract. But after Sheldon talks to his friends about the situation, he heeds Howard's advice about working with one's significant other not being a good idea because of too much togetherness. As such, Sheldon tells Amy that she can no longer accept the contract. A hurt Amy, who has already accepted the contract, vows to Sheldon that she will respect his space at Cal Tech. It ends up that Sheldon may be the one who will not be able to leave Amy alone at their joint work situation. Meanwhile, Howard's comments get back to Bernadette, who decides that if they can't work together, they may as well not live together either. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

For her Psychology class, Penny has on the recommended reading list one of Leonard's mother's books. Leonard doesn't want Penny to read it, and all about his troubled childhood. Penny does whatever she can, including having sex, to help Leonard overcome his feelings about her reading the book. Although Leonard's depressed feeling about Penny reading the book and about his childhood are short lived, Leonard decides to continue the ruse to get favors out of Penny. Meanwhile, Amy is indulging Sheldon's latest want, that to watch one of his favorite movies with him, namely Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981). Although she does not intend to do so, Amy ends up ruining the movie for Sheldon by pointing out that the character of Indiana Jones really is incidental to the movie's outcome, i.e. that the outcome would have happened with or without Indy. Sheldon goes to great lengths to ruin one of Amy's favorite arts/entertainment titles for her, which isn't as easy as he would like. And Raj and ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.8
21 min

The gang, after rebuking Raj's attempt of a social gathering in the form of a murder mystery dinner party, are surprised that they actually like Raj's latest idea: an intellectual scavenger hunt based on those held at post-secondary institutions. Even Penny likes the idea, but no one, including Leonard, seems to like the idea of being partnered with her, who they see as the liability among the group. Randomly drawing names, Sheldon and Penny are partnered, Leonard and Bernadette are partnered, and Howard and Amy are partnered. In their hunt, Sheldon and Penny continue their intellectual versus gut instinct approaches to deciphering the clues. Leonard remains focused on how he will make it up to Penny for not wanting to be her partner, while Bernadette shows her killer instinct in game playing. And Howard and Amy, who have not spent much time alone together, try to find if there is anything to their friendship beyond their indirect association through the others in the group. ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.2
21 min

Leonard has come home a few days early, surprising Penny. The one person who isn't surprised is Sheldon, as Leonard hasn't told him and doesn't want him to know so that he and Penny can have a few days alone together. However, when Sheldon sees what he considers unusual activity in Penny's apartment, he thinks that Penny is having an affair. Meanwhile, Howard has been putting on a few pounds of late, and is being really cranky about it. Bernadette, the scientist, figures out why. There is nothing they can do about Howard's problem in the short term, and will have to endure a couple of weeks of bloating and moodiness. Howard, however, gets some unexpected support with what he considers his primary problem. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

Bernadette and Amy are attending a conference together. Despite being without their regular third, they end up not talking about science but boys like they would usually do with Penny. This discussion takes a bit of a turn that threatens the fun they were having. Raj is still pining over Lucy. As Raj can now at least talk to women, Howard suggests that he go to a graduate student mixer. Since Bernadette is away, Howard even offers to accompany him to be his wing man. At the mixer, Raj makes a connection with an unexpected person. And Penny and Sheldon both miss Leonard, although Sheldon does his best not to admit it. An impromptu telephone call to Leonard makes Penny reevaluate how she is feeling about Leonard being away. As such, the focus of Penny and Sheldon's time together turns from Leonard to each other. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.9
20 min

Howard thinks that Leonard has a good shot at one of the positions working for Stephen Hawking on a four month long expedition on a ship in the North Sea. Leonard is excited to learn the job is his if he wants it. Sheldon is both jealous of Leonard and sad if Leonard goes if only because of Leonard's role as his primary gopher. In trying to convince Leonard not to go, Sheldon ultimately brings up the one item that may stop him from going: Penny. However, Penny, supporting Leonard in his dream, wants him to go. Both Penny and Sheldon have to come to terms about what losing Leonard for four months will mean to their lives. Meanwhile, Raj convinces Lucy to meet at least one of his friends, as meeting the entire group is too frightening a thought. The encounter with who ends up being the surprise choice of that friend doesn't go quite the way Raj wants, but it does lead to Raj further convincing Lucy to meet all his friends at Leonard's farewell party. Can Lucy handle the pressure of this... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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