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HD The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

As Leonard is feeling sleep deprived because of Sheldon, Leonard is in no mood to have to drive Sheldon to the dentist's office as per the roommate agreement. As such, Leonard willingly invokes what Sheldon tells him is clause 209 in the agreement, namely that the agreement be dissolved, that they no longer be friends, and that their only formal responsibilities to each other be payment of rent, payment of utilities and the perfunctory 'sup as they pass each other in the hallway. Sheldon is equally as willing. However, Sheldon may change his mind when no one in his social circle, even Amy, seems willing to take on the duties that used to be performed by Leonard. Sheldon tries to show Leonard that he needs him as a friend, while Leonard really doesn't mind doing these little favors for Sheldon but wants them not to be a mandatory part of their relationship. Meanwhile, Raj has noticed that all Howard's astronaut colleagues have cool nicknames, while Howard doesn't. As Howard states ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.4
21 min

Leonard and Penny have decided to start dating each other again, but Penny is worried that any little glitch in their second time around will stall or halt them getting back together. As such, Leonard proposes that they follow a computer software development process model, where each party directly involved in the development process provides constructive comments on the product i.e their relationship, so that they collectively can fix the problems before the product goes into the next phase of external testing. Penny agrees. However, the comments that each provides in and of themselves end up being viewed hypercritically by the person being criticized, and thus may halt the process in its tracks unless the critic can delve deeper into the psyche of the criticized, which in turn may have its own unintentional consequence. Meanwhile, Raj has started dating Siri, the voice of his new smart phone's voice recognition system. And Sheldon, with Amy's assistance, decides to host a once a... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.3
21 min

After thinking about it long and hard, Leonard decides to ask Penny out on a real date again, which not only garners a shocked reaction from Penny, but the same from the rest of their mutual friends. Penny accepts Leonard's date request. While Bernadette and Amy give Penny their two cents worth of advice, Howard and Raj give Leonard theirs. After what can be described as a disastrous date, Leonard and Penny make a decision on what to do about whether or not to get back together again. Much of their decision is based on Penny's assertion that Leonard over-thinks everything. An action by Leonard shows just how much he over-thinks everything. Meanwhile, Sheldon contemplates whether or not to keep the Zachary Quinto life-sized cardboard cutout of Spock he received, when he really ordered the Leonard Nimoy Spock. And a clueless Sheldon, while playing a game with Howard and Raj, has no idea his comments are laced with sexual innuendo. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

On Sheldon and Amy's scheduled monthly date night, Amy becomes obviously upset with Sheldon. Penny, who witnessed the incident, tells Sheldon that Amy's anger is due to his indifference to news that she shared that was important to her, specifically that her article was published in a prestigious scientific journal. Sheldon is uncertain if he can feign interest in something he doesn't find interesting. Leonard convinces him that he can make it up to her by buying her a romantic gift, such as jewelry. But will Amy, who also has her own unconventional sensibilities, be swayed by pressurized carbon i.e. diamonds? Meanwhile, Bernadette reluctantly agrees to be Howard's assistant in his magic act at his little cousin's birthday party. What she is required to do as his assistant brings up the issue that she hates children and doesn't want any of her own, which ends up being a possible deal breaker in their relationship. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.5
20 min

Out of the blue, Leonard receives a message through his Facebook page from Jimmy Speckerman, a high school acquaintance who bullied him all throughout school. Jimmy wants to get together with Leonard for drinks. Leonard, who has always hated Jimmy because of that torment through high school, is at a loss of what to do. Finally he decides to face his demons and agree to meet Jimmy to confront him and make him apologize for all the bad things he did. Sheldon, Howard and Raj go along for support, but will four nerds be able able to stand up to a physically big bully? Or does Jimmy have a truly admirable reason for wanting to meet? In discussing Leonard's issue, Penny and Bernadette come to the conclusion that Penny was a bully in high school. Although they all agree that Penny is a nice person now, they make Penny come to the realization that she has to do something significant to atone for her past mean acts. Has the years since high school made either Jimmy or Penny really come to an ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

When Stuart meets Amy as she accompanies Sheldon to the comic book store, Stuart feels they had a moment. As such, Stuart wants to ask her out on a date. Not knowing what Amy's relationship status with Sheldon is, Stuart asks Leonard to ask Sheldon if it's OK for him to ask her out. Sheldon's ultimate response is that Amy is not his possession, so she is free to do whatever she wants. In reality, Sheldon's indirect allowance for Amy to date Stuart is only in the belief that Amy has no interest in Stuart. Sheldon's wrong as Amy does agree to go out with Stuart. Sheldon has to figure out what his true feelings for Amy are, and if they are in the realm of boyfriend/girlfriend, he has to figure out what to do to get her back. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.3
21 min

A blue jay perched on his apartment window ledge is too much for ornithophobic Sheldon to handle. As no one - even the authorities (gasp) - seems to want to help him shoo away the bird, a scared Sheldon does whatever he can to get rid of the bird in any way he can. He turns to his two biologist friends, Amy and Bernadette, who try to help him get him over his fear. Their attempts have unexpected results. Meanwhile, Penny asks Leonard if he wants to go see a movie with her. He realizes that Penny's invitation is not a date, despite he deep down wanting it to be. But once he gets over the notion that this event is not a date, Leonard is able to relax and enjoy his time out, even more than when they were actually dating. As Leonard makes it abundantly clear to Penny that it not being a date has its own consequences, Penny decides to take her own actions to prove to Leonard that it is indeed not a date. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.9
21 min

While Amy and the guys are eating lunch in the cafeteria, Howard receives a text message from Bernadette about how her wedding and bridesmaids dress shopping is going with Penny. This news hurts Amy, who feels like she has through most of her life as the shunned person by who she thought were her friends. She turns to Sheldon for support, he who is not well equipped to handle Amy's request for support. As such, he turns to Howard and Leonard to get their women in line. Howard and Leonard find out that Bernadette and Penny did have a specific reason for not inviting Amy. Feeling like they did betray their new girlfriend, Bernadette and Penny have to come up with a way to make it up to Amy in a meaningful way, otherwise they may face the continued wrath of Sheldon. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.7
20 min

Leonard is nonplussed when he is approached by a beautiful woman named Alice while they're both in the comic book store. He figures that her interest in him is purely on that comic book level, especially when he finds out that she is a comic book artist herself. But he soon finds out that her interest in him also extends to the carnal. Leonard doesn't know what to do about the situation. For him, Alice may be that perfect and rare woman - both a nerd and beautiful - but he doesn't want to risk ruining his relationship with Priya, who he sees could one day be his wife and despite their current long distance relationship not being totally satisfying. He turns to the only one of his friends who has any relationship experience, Penny, for advice. He realistically wants her to tell him that he can have his cake and eat it too. Meanwhile, Sheldon is trying to get back at Leonard, Howard and Raj for a Halloween prank they pulled on him which made him both faint and relieve himself of some ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.7
22 min

Sheldon's mother, Mary Cooper, stops by for a visit before embarking on a Christian based cruise. Sheldon is excited about her visit if only to have his Mommy do Mommy things for him, like cook and clean. His expectations are even higher as he wants specific foods and wants to do specific things with her. But Mary seems to spend as much of her energies helping Sheldon's friends as she does Sheldon, if not more. She even refuses to hang out with him doing the things he wants to do - specifically go to a lecture given by a Nobel laureate just so that he can debunk his theories publicly - instead doing what she wants to do, such as typical Mary Cooper styled Hollywood sightseeing. Amy provides some insight into what Sheldon is going through, which doesn't make him very happy. But he unwittingly gets what he wants by being common. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

Since they are in the comic book store when he stops in, Leonard and Sheldon are invited by Wil Wheaton to a party at his house. Leonard has every intention of going, which may place his and Sheldon's friendship on shaky ground as Wil is still on Sheldon's arch enemy list. Can anything convince Sheldon to attend the party himself? If so, he may end up meeting more arch enemies. Meanwhile, Howard, whose project has been chosen by NASA for the International Space Station, has been asked by them to go on a three week mission to the station. He believes that all his friends will be as happy for him as he is excited about it. But one person who isn't excited at all is Bernadette, who doesn't want him to go. Bernadette uses a tactic to convince Howard not to go, but that tactic may actually paint Bernadette as the bad guy. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.0
20 min

Especially with Howard and Bernadette's impending marriage, everyone, including Raj himself, is feeling sorry for Raj not having a girlfriend. The problem of Raj finding a girlfriend or one of his friends finding him a girlfriend is his inability to speak to women unless intoxicated. Penny, however, thinks she's come up with the perfect girl who at least gets around that talking issue. Emily, who Penny knows solely from her spin class, is deaf. Despite initially needing Howard to translate since Howard knows ASL - Howard who feels he needs to take poetic license in translating what Raj wants to say - Raj and Emily seem to hit it off. Raj quickly falls head over heals in love with her, and the gang believes Emily has fallen head over heels in love with Raj. However, they soon change their minds about Emily's feelings, believing that she has only one selfish interest in Raj, which makes them see Raj in a slightly different light. As the one who got Raj into the relationship, Penny feels... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.9
20 min

After a group dinner at Leonard and Sheldon's apartment, Leonard and Amy are the unlikely pair left alone at the apartment as everyone else goes off for the evening. Despite it being a somewhat uncomfortable evening for Leonard, he agrees to accompany Amy to an upcoming wedding, she who refuses to take Sheldon based on a past incident. At the reception, Amy, who whored herself up to meet her perception of social convention, is the one of the two who tries to enjoy their time together in this social setting. Leonard ultimately appreciates Amy's attempts. But both Amy and Sheldon misinterpret Leonard's appreciation. Meanwhile, Howard tells a disbelieving Bernadette that he expects them to live with his mother in her house after they're married. After an argument, Bernadette at least agrees to go through a trial weekend at the Wolowitz house. And Sheldon is off in his own literally little world as he plays with his new HO model train set. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.2
20 min

With Priya having moved back to India, she and Leonard decide to try having a long distance relationship, which includes Skyping each other on a regular basis. Howard suggests that they take that communication one step further by having high speed on-line sex with each other. When conventional on-line sex between the two of them fails, Howard has some equipment that he thinks will enhance their on-line experience, which he demonstrates with Raj while an comfortable Leonard looks on. While Leonard and Priya are talking on-line, Sheldon takes refuge in Penny's apartment. Sheldon is in love with how comfortable Penny's new chair is, until he finds out that it is a used chair that she found discarded on the street. A freaked out Sheldon is certain that he has contracted some nasty bug from sitting in the chair, and does whatever he can to make Penny get rid of it. None of Sheldon's tactics works. Something else may make Penny think twice about keeping the chair. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.2
22 min

In the aftermath of Raj and Penny's night together from which Raj believes he's in love with her, everyone seems to be mad at Raj. Although he has no intention of getting back together with Penny despite Priya having moved back to India, Leonard is mad at Raj for sleeping with his old girlfriend. Leonard turns to an unlikely source for advice about his feelings. Howard is mad at Raj for taking his supposed place as second in line (after Leonard) in Penny's loins. Howard is also mad at Raj when it comes to light that Raj fantasized about Bernadette. And Bernadette is mad a Raj for making Howard think that there was something going on between them. While Penny takes refuge away from the guys at Amy's, she contemplates her future, which includes thoughts of moving back to Nebraska since her acting career is no career at all. Ultimately, Penny and Raj need to discuss what happened, which Penny finds out is not quite what she thought. Through it all, Sheldon can only think about his ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.7
22 min

Bernadette has just announced that her dissertation has been accepted, meaning that she will soon get her Ph.D. On top of that, she has received a lucrative job offer with a pharmaceutical company. Although Howard states that he is happy for her, the fact that everyone else in their group, who also have their Ph.D.'s, may cause a bit of problem for his ego, especially as they all kid him about being the inferior one in their relationship. Meanwhile, Leonard and Priya doing some Star Trek (1966) sex role playing in the Koothrappali apartment is a bit much for Raj to handle. Tired and needing a place to sleep, he eventually ends up asking Sheldon if he can sleep in Leonard's bed. After Leonard finds out, he suggests this move be a longer term one until Priya gets her own apartment. Having Penny as a next door neighbor may have some benefits for Raj. And Leonard accidentally learns some information about Priya's future. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.2
20 min

Howard and Bernadette have started planning their wedding, but they have failed either to tell Bernadette's parents or Mrs. Wolowitz that they are even engaged. To ingratiate Bernadette to Mrs. Wolowitz, Howard thinks that the two primary women in his life need to have some quality alone time at a deli lunch. After the fact, Bernadette believes the lunch went well, and that her future mother-in-law actually likes her. So Howard, in a moment of bravery - while Mrs. Wolowitz is behind a locked bathroom door doing nature's business - tells his mother about being engaged to Bernadette. Immediately after the announcement, Howard hears a thud on the bathroom floor. Howard believes his mother has had a heart attack over the news. After getting her to the hospital, Howard has to decide if he will tell Bernadette that Mrs. Wolowitz's hospitalization is due to her. Meanwhile, Penny and Priya come to a somewhat new understanding in their non-relationship all based on their common knowledge of ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

Priya and Leonard ask Howard and Bernadette to join them for a couples only dinner at the Koothrappalis' apartment. Amy sees the invitation as Priya's way of conquering and dividing Bernadette especially from Penny. But Amy also sees it as an opportunity for Bernadette to be a mole to feed false information about how great Penny's life is to Priya and Leonard, while gathering intel about Priya and Leonard to feed back to Penny. Bernadette, who doesn't like to lie and doesn't do it very well, doesn't like the idea, but she agrees, with Amy to coach her via text messaging throughout the evening. Will Bernadette be able to hold up the ruse for the entire evening? Meanwhile, Raj is thinking about testing a new drug to help with his social anxiety disorder. And Sheldon develops a new game: three-man chess. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.4
21 min

When Sheldon formally charges Leonard with breaching the roommate agreement by taking a shower with Priya in the apartment bathroom when Sheldon had a call of nature (constituting what Sheldon considers an emergency), Priya, a lawyer, decides to intervene on Leonard's behalf on the case. When Priya (and thus Leonard) win this round, they decide to test other sections of the agreement in actual practice. When Sheldon can't handle what's going on with Priya and Leonard openly mocking the sanctity of the agreement, he turns to Penny, who in turn invites Sheldon on her girls night out with Bernadette and Amy. Sheldon accepts Penny's invitation only on the promise by Penny that some Priya bashing will occur on their outing. Their outing takes them to a ballroom dance club, where Sheldon starts to see a different side of Amy, one being influenced by Penny and alcohol consumption. But through her drunken stupor, Amy still provides Sheldon with some advice on how he should handle Priya and ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.4
21 min

Starting with Penny to Amy, a rumor quickly spreads amongst Leonard, Sheldon, Raj and Priya that Bernadette is planning on breaking up with Howard. This rumor is especially of interest to Raj since despite being Howard's best friend, he has always been in love with Bernadette himself. Additional news comes to light directly from Howard, who is planning on asking Bernadette to marry him. Based on the rumor, the rest of gang believe that Howard is in for a major let-down, much to Raj's excitement. But will Howard go through with his plan and if he does, will the rumor prove to be true? Meanwhile, Amy and Sheldon, watching the speed with which the rumor has spread, propose another social science experiment of starting two rumors - one of a salacious nature, and one more mundane - to see how quickly both spread amongst the group. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.2
23 min

Sheldon is totally distraught - even to the point of calling in the police and trying to call in the FBI - after someone has hacked into his World of Warcraft (2004) account and stolen all his information and his virtual possessions. With Howard, Leonard and Raj on the case with Sheldon trolling though the game with made up new characters, Howard is able to determine that the thief is someone by the name of Todd Zarnecki who lives in nearby Carlsbad. Sheldon convinces the guys to drive to Carlsbad to confront the thief. But without a plan upon arrival, will they manage to get Sheldon's things back? Meanwhile, the primary topic of conversation between Penny, Bernadette and Amy is how Penny groomed Leonard to be a cool boyfriend for some other woman - Priya - who now refuses to even let her see Leonard. Bernadette and Amy try to convince Penny that she needs to take some sort of action against Priya in return. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.3
21 min

Priya and Leonard's relationship has gotten to a serious stage where Leonard is wearing the clothes that she picks out for him and is trying to wear contact lenses on her suggestion, even though he can't see with them on. As his serious girlfriend, Priya asks him for a big favor: to stop being friends with Penny. She feels uncomfortable having one of his ex-girlfriends be such a big part of his life. So later, when Priya asks him if he's talked to Penny, he doesn't tell the complete truth. How long can Leonard get away with this little white lie before he really has to make a decision between Priya and Penny, especially as Priya is thinking about relocating to southern California for good? Meanwhile, Howard performs a card trick which confounds his friends. Sheldon states that he doesn't care about the trick, but it's obvious that not knowing how the trick is done is killing him. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.1
22 min

It's Thursday night, which in Sheldon's world means that the guys are coming over for pizza. However, Leonard informs him that he's going over to Raj's to hang out with Priya, with Howard most-likely being there as well, so Sheldon is more than welcome to come along. Sheldon does go, but it's just not the same. But what bothers him more is what Amy tells him the night signifies: that Leonard is the nucleus of their group, not him. To prove Amy wrong, Sheldon, on the next night that Leonard says he's hanging out with Priya, Raj and Howard at Raj's place, plans a gathering of his own at their apartment with his new group of mismatched friends: Stuart from the comic book store, Penny's old boyfriend Zack, and Barry Kripke (with LeVar Burton a probable no show, although Sheldon did tweet him about the gathering). Will either the group at Raj's or the group at Sheldon's have a good time? Meanwhile, Amy and Bernadette take Penny out for a night on the town to make her forget that Priya ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.1
21 min

Bernadette and Howard discuss where their relationship is heading when Howard once again can't stay the night since he has to look after his mother. When Bernadette broaches the topic of them moving in together, Bernadette ultimately gives Howard an ultimatum: her or his mother. When she asked him this question, she didn't anticipate what Howard wants in a house-mate, sexual partner or not. Meanwhile, Raj's sister Priya is back in town on business. Knowing that Leonard and Priya had casual sex last time she was in town with Leonard wanting their relationship to progress further, Raj refuses to let Leonard see or speak to Priya. But Priya and Leonard do speak, and much to Raj's anger, they decide to start seeing each other. But one other person may be affected by Leonard and Priya dating: Penny. Although Penny outwardly says she is happy for Leonard, Amy, as her new BFF, wants to provide some comfort to Penny, all the while gathering some scientific data. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.9
20 min

The university's President Siebert orders the guys to attend a fundraising party. Leonard, Howard and Raj are more than happy to go for the free food and drinks and the promise of a few pretty girls in attendance. Sheldon, however, refuses, believing such fundraising practices demeaning. Amy makes Sheldon reconsider by telling him that his future research funding is dependent upon others, such as Leonard and Raj, making a credible argument to the donors on his behalf. At the party, the guys come across wealthy Mrs. Latham, a formidable older woman who they later learn enjoys making smart people feel ill at ease - which she did with Leonard, Howard and Raj - just for the fun of it. Believing he made a terrible impression, Leonard is surprised to learn that Mrs. Latham wants to speak to him further about his research. But that's not all Mrs. Latham wants from Leonard. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.0
21 min

Raj laments the fact of his single status. An admission by Bernadette totally preoccupies Raj's thoughts in his fragile state. Meanwhile, Sheldon has just conducted a guest lecture to the university's brightest doctoral candidates. He believes the lecture was an overwhelming success, but messages posted on various social networking sites show that Sheldon's perception and reality are polar opposites. A less than happy Sheldon decides to take some advice from Amy. As teaching is a performance art, she suggests that he take acting lessons. Despite or in part because he thinks she an acting failure, Sheldon asks Penny to be his teacher, his thoughts along the lines of the old adage, those who can't do, teach. As Penny and Sheldon go through their antagonistic teacher/student relationship, Penny manages to get through to Sheldon in a way she couldn't have even imagined. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.4
21 min

Penny initially declines an invitation from Amy Farrah Fowler, who considers Penny her best friend, to accompany her, Sheldon, Leonard, Howard, Raj and Bernadette to a weekend long science conference at which they'll all be speaking. Penny changes her mind when she learns that the conference is all expenses paid at a four star spa resort in Big Sur. Penny wishes she could change her mind once again when the drive to Big Sur with Leonard, Sheldon and Amy ends up being a nerd's version of a road trip. She probably wouldn't appreciate being in Bernadette, Howard and Raj's car either, the former two who are too happy in love and who demonstrate it in the drive to Big Sur. That love may be in jeopardy when at the conference, Howard meets Bernadette's handsome and 6'7 tall ex-boyfriend Glenn. An unfortunate comment from Howard to Bernadette about her former relationship with Glenn sets off a series of musical beds and musical bedrooms between the seven which culminates in a no holds barred... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.8
21 min

Leonard comes up with an idea to develop a smart phone app that would use handwriting recognition software to help in solving their differential equations problems. Although the app's use would be limited to about a hundred people worldwide, he wants to go ahead, and asks Sheldon, Howard and Raj to join him in the project. They all agree. Leonard, as the one who came up with the idea, has a relatively clear vision of how he wants to proceed. However, Sheldon believes his way is best and wants to be among things CEO and CFO of the project, and to have it named after him. When Sheldon's controlling ways become too much for Leonard to handle, Leonard fires him from the project team. Sheldon tries whatever he can to make life difficult for the other three to complete the project, and even believes he may have lost Leonard as a friend for good. Penny takes pity on a moping Sheldon, but comes to regret it. She has to figure out a way to foist Sheldon back onto Leonard. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.8
20 min

Penny starts dating Zack again. Used to being the target of bullying, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard and Raj instead bully Zack through their implications to him that he's stupid. Not fully realizing what they're doing until Penny points it out to them, the guys decide to apologize to Zack in the only way they can. Accepting their apology, Zack decides to start hanging out with them, much to Penny's chagrin. This hanging out leads to the idea that Zack should replace Leonard as Superman in their group Justice League of America costume for the New Year's Eve party at the comic book store, with Penny the sixth wheel as Wonder Woman. These actions lead to questions from Leonard to Penny about why she's back together with Zack. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 7.8
20 min

Amy experiences strange symptoms, which she believes are signs of a flu. They include an elevated heart rate, sweaty palms, dry mouth, and localized vascular throbbing. As Penny and Bernadette were present when the symptoms began, they know that Amy doesn't have the flu: she is in lust with Penny's ex-boyfriend, Zack Johnson. As Amy and Sheldon finally come to the conclusion that Amy is feeling womanly urges for the first time in her life, Sheldon has to come to terms with what his feelings for Amy are. They also have to decide how best to satisfy Amy's new biological urges. Meanwhile, Howard and Raj get into an argument: if they were to acquire super powers, who would be the superhero and who would be the sidekick. They have to come up with a way to settle the argument. Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.6
21 min

Penny's father, Wyatt, is in Pasadena for a visit. Leonard learns that Penny told her father that she and Leonard got back together again, as Leonard is the one and only of her boyfriends of who he has ever approved. Leonard agrees to go along with the ruse, but much against Penny's chagrin, he does so on his terms and not hers. But what would happen if Wyatt found out the truth? Sheldon, believing that Leonard and Penny have indeed gotten back together, decides to amend their roommate agreement to compensate for the Penny factor. Meanwhile, Raj has finally been allocated time to monitor a high powered telescope for twelve hours, and he invites Howard along, who in turn invites Bernadette. Raj is initially peeved at Bernadette's presence since he doesn't feel like he can drink (to be able to speak to her) and monitor the telescope at the same time. Raj makes the decision to consume alcohol, and his arc of drunkenness over the course of the evening ends with a close encounter with ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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The Big Bang Theory


The Big Bang Theory

IMDb: 8.3
19 min

Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, Raj and Amy are planning to go a see a special screening of Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) with 21-seconds of previously unseen footage which, from what Leonard hears, solves some major controversies about the 21-second shorter version. Penny - after just having watched the movie for the first time in her life - has no interest in seeing it again with the 21-seconds, so she and Bernadette decide to have a girls night. Since she's a girl, Amy decides to crash the girls' party instead of going with the guys, which places the girls night in a whole different dimension, until they decide to play Truth or Dare. Meanwhile, Sheldon wants to leave to get to the cinema at five o'clock for the midnight screening, instead of have a leisurely dinner beforehand at the Cheesecake Factory. When they arrive at the cinema when Leonard, Howard and Raj want to get there, Sheldon gives them a big I told you so when they find the line-up is enormous. Sheldon does whatever he ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy, Romance,
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